Makeup for a thin face: tips and tricks. Elongated face shape: haircuts and hairstyles, makeup and glasses How to make a narrow face visually wider

Most girls tend to make a full face thin. Elongated, refined, with protruding cheekbones - this type is typical for Hollywood beauties, so it is not surprising that it is he who is the ideal for many. But there is an opposite appearance - too sunken cheeks look repulsive. Sometimes this is due to lack of weight, soreness, or simply individual feature. One way or another, but I want to fix such a flaw as quickly as possible - and this is where makeup for a thin face comes in handy.

The main goal pursued by such a make-up is to visually increase the width of the face and, accordingly, reduce the length. Makeup artists advise doing the following for this:

  • Use dark shades on the forehead and chin.
  • Don't highlight dark colors hollows under the cheekbone and lateral parts.
  • Highlighter is needed only for the center: eyes, cheekbones, back of the nose. It should not touch the forehead and chin.
  • Blush is applied to the cheek apples and blended horizontally.
  • Eyebrows must be emphasized. If they are dark and thick, comb and fix with special wax. If light and thin, shadows or a pencil will do to outline the shape and give them the necessary saturation.
  • The eyes need to be elongated. To do this, be sure to use a bright eyeliner, draw clear, apply additional layers of mascara to the outer corners of the eyelashes.
  • Additional horizontal on the face can be achieved with the help of clear lip contouring (especially the corners) and saturated color.
  • Choose matte lipsticks. Glossy ones give highlights at the bottom, which will make sculpting useless.
  • You can make accents both on the eyes and on the lips.

This should be the correction of a thin face with the help of makeup - these basics are used in practice by professional makeup artists. But if you understand their essence and work out the technique, you can learn this on your own.

In addition. To enhance the effect of makeup, use other ways to make a thin face look fuller: voluminous short hairstyles with curls, round glasses, hats with wide and flat brim, large and catchy earrings.

Correction technique

To make up a thin, elongated face, from tools, you will need a sponge and, and from the main corrective means - a two-tone concealer, primer (foundation), blush and shimmering powder.

  1. Apply a light concealer with a soft small brush along the entire length of the bridge of the nose, in the middle of the chin and under the eyes.
  2. With a dark concealer, mark the line of the cheekbones with a smaller brush. We begin to draw the contour from the temples to the outer corners of the lips with horizontal wide stripes.
  3. The next important task is to visually reduce the forehead area. To do this, you need a dark primer or foundation. It needs to be shaded along the hairline above the temples.
  4. They also draw, with a thin brush, 2 clear lines from the inner corners of the eyebrows to the tip of the nose and shade the bottom of the chin.
  5. Next, carefully blend all the applied products with a sponge.
  6. Powder and apply a small amount of peach-colored blush (delicate, barely perceptible) on the cheekbones.

This is usually done by professionals for thin faces, but as you can see, there is nothing complicated in it. Everyone can master it at home. Already after the main cosmetics comes and. But here everything will depend solely on its style.

A little about eyebrows. well defined, wide eyebrows create a horizontal line on a thin face for its visual expansion. Make them long, with minimal kink (straight is even better). Compare the distance between them with the length of the eye.

Style Options

Depending on where you are going - to work or solemn event, - choose and make-up style. When correcting a thin face with cosmetics, lighting must be taken into account. Usually evening make-up is created in brighter colors, daytime - in more restrained. Step by step technique doing both will help you navigate these nuances.

Both options should start with the correction described above.


  1. Mark the moving eyelid with light sand shadows.
  2. Draw his crease and growth line of the upper eyelashes with a brown pencil. Blend with horizontal movements. The ultra-thin arrow should only extend slightly beyond the eyelid, but should run parallel to the line of the eyebrows.
  3. brown mascara with the effect of additional volume can be applied to the eyelashes in 2-3 layers to focus on the eyes.
  4. Be sure to correct the shape of the eyebrows and color them in accordance with the color of the hair.
  5. Lips can be highlighted with a peach-colored lipstick and give them a little shine.


  1. Golden shadows are applied to the entire space of the eyelid (under the eyebrow too). Flickering particles will come in handy here.
  2. The next layer of shadows (already only on the moving eyelid) is emerald. The lower eyelids are highlighted in the same color.
  3. The shadows fade.
  4. With a coal-black pencil, clear, well-marked arrows are drawn along the lower and upper eyelids. They are brought out of their limits, but do not connect, but run parallel to each other in order to visually expand a thin face.
  5. In several layers, eyelashes are stained with black mascara with the effect of lengthening or volume. You can even use overhead accessories.
  6. Outline the lips with a burgundy pencil. Lipstick can take cyclamen.
  7. Using a brush, apply glitter to the chin, cheekbones and lips.

Skillful makeup for a thin face can hide imperfections such as sharply protruding cheekbones, uneven skin, sunken cheeks, dark circles around the eyes, and a wide forehead. Learn in detail where to apply corrector and where to blend blush to mask all these flaws. Consider your color type when choosing tint palette and do not forget about the stylistic orientation of the make-up.

Only by observing these nuances will you be able to correct all your imperfections and, finally, stop complexing because of them.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Cosmetologists and makeup artists have taken the face as the standard of beauty oval shape. The oval type of face can not be corrected, daytime and will look perfect if you follow some rules regarding the correction of eyebrows, eyes, lips.

Depending on the type of skin, the color of the iris of the eyes, the shade of the hair, you need to choose the right palette of shadows, blush, tonal foundation. The ideal features of the oval can be spoiled by the wrong color scheme of decorative cosmetics.

It consists primarily in healthy facial skin, without visual defects, age spots, mimic wrinkles. In ancient times, women covered the surface of the skin with a thick layer of whitening powder and only then used cosmetics.

If all conditions perfect makeup for an oval face shape, one thing must be taken into account: for any type of make-up, it is recommended to focus on the upper or lower part of the face. You can not select the eyes and lips at the same time. Appearance may look vulgar, not aesthetically pleasing.

Oval face shape: how to determine

In order to find out your face type, there are two methods. To begin with, it is recommended to prepare a measuring ruler and a mirror. For measurements to be accurate, you must follow the rules:

  • Measurements are taken in daylight.
  • The face, shoulders, chest should be reflected in the mirror.
  • For accurate measurements, it is recommended to remove clothing from the upper half of the torso.
  • Collect long curls in a ponytail, fasten at the back of the head.

Option number 1

Before measuring, place a mirror in front of you or sit on a chair in front of a large dressing table.

  1. Set the ruler to a vertical position. Points of contact: the lower central part of the chin, the central point of the forehead in the root zone of the hair.
  2. Make a calculation. Divide the length from the chin to the frontal zone by three. For example: the distance is 21 cm. This number must be divided by three. It turns out the number 7.
  3. Measure the second parameter: set the ruler vertically from the lower center point of the chin to the center point between the wings of the sinuses.
  4. Compare two parameters.
  5. If the data of two measurements coincide or differ by 1 cm, then the face takes on an oval shape.
  6. If the second value is 2-3 cm larger than the first, then this is a long oval face.
  7. If the second value is significantly less than the first digits, this is a full face.

Option number 2

For the second method, it will be necessary to measure four parameters:

  1. Horizontal forehead line.
  2. The value of the horizontal line between the temporal regions.
  3. The length of the horizontal line passing along the upper points of the cheekbones (the center point is in the middle of the bridge of the nose).
  4. The lower central point of the chin zone and the central point of the frontal part in the root zone of the hair.

After receiving four values, we can conclude:

  • Oval shape of the face - the length values ​​between the temporal zones are less than the value of the vertical line from the chin to the forehead by half.
  • - the distance between the temples and the line of the chin to the forehead is almost the same.
  • Long rectangle - the distance between the temporal zones is much less than the value of the vertical line of the chin.
  • Square face - all horizontal values ​​are equal to each other.
  • - the width of the forehead significantly exceeds the width of the temporal regions and the width of the face along the cheekbones.

Visual parameters of an oval face

What does an oval face look like? The widest part of the face is the cheekbones; slightly smaller frontal zone; the parameters of the chin are smaller than the forehead. When applying a day or evening make-up, makeup artists try to bring the forms closer to the oval.

Women are successful in the modeling business, appear on the covers of magazines, and have leading roles in films. If the actress or model does not have a proportional size, makeup artists sculpt the appearance with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Eyebrow shape for an oval face

Correct eyebrow lines give the oval face harmony and proportion. too thin or long eyebrow able to distort the true oval of the face, spoil appearance, professional makeup will not look expressive.

The width and height of the eyebrows affects the natural size of the eyes. If you pluck the eyebrows at the bend too high, the eyes take on a surprised look. If the brow arches are straight and fall low on the upper eyelid, the look will be unkind, evil.

The classic shape of the eyebrows: the heads are rounded to the bridge of the nose, the thin tips are parallel to the line of the cheekbones or slightly raised to the top.

Eyebrows in the form of gull wings are considered the best option for women with perfect face. A beautiful bend in the middle point of the brow arch gives the face softness, elegance, openness.

Eyebrow Correction Rules

  1. it is recommended to lubricate the hairs with a greasy cream.
  2. You need to pluck the hairs as they grow. If you remove vegetation against growth, the procedure will be painful.
  3. After the procedure, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.
  4. You can not remove the hairs on top of the brow arches.
  5. The head of the eyebrow for an oval face type should also have an oval shape.

Oriental eyebrow correction technique

Modern cosmetologists offer. In the Far East, girls are taught the oriental plucking technique with young years. You can adjust the shape of your eyebrows on your own at home.


  • Oriental eyebrow shaping technique is ideal for women with an oval face type.
  • The technique is simple to perform.
  • The procedure is faster than when removing hairs with tweezers.
  • Not only the hair is removed, but also the fluff.
  • During the procedure, the epidermis is cleansed of dead scales, which makes the skin under the eyebrow smooth and silky.


  1. Take a cotton thread 30 cm long.
  2. Tie the ends of the thread so that you get a knot.
  3. Loop unwanted hairs.
  4. Tighten the ends of the thread, pull the thread sharply.

It is enough to carry out a couple of procedures on your own, and oriental technique removing vegetation will not seem complicated. Oriental method allows without fear of injury to the skin.

Oval face: stages of a classic make-up

After the eyebrow correction is carried out, you can start doing makeup. The classic make-up takes place in several stages, each of which is not recommended to skip for a perfect make-up.

Stage #1: perfect skin

Applying decorative cosmetics to uncleaned skin can lead to dullness of makeup, rolling of cosmetics, which does not look aesthetically pleasing, spoils the appearance, and the woman's efforts become in vain. Cosmetologists recommend to carry out deep peeling face every 7 days with natural exfoliating scrubs.

Peelings based on natural ingredients remove keratinized particles of the epithelium, the skin acquires a healthy color, shine and silkiness. Decorative cosmetics on such skin lasts as long as possible, does not crumble and does not roll.

A homemade scrub will prep your skin just as well as expensive store-bought products. For example, you can take kefir as the basis of a cleanser, add a handful of salt to it. Mix the mixture, apply on the face, excluding the eyelid area. Cleanse the skin with massaging movements, rinse with cool water. After such a peeling, the skin looks perfect.

After cleansing procedures, you need to lubricate your face with a cream suitable for your skin type. Before makeup, you can apply a protein mask:

  1. Separate the protein from the yolk.
  2. Whisk the egg white with a fork.
  3. Apply the mass on the face in several layers. You can not apply a mask on the eyebrows, eyelid area.
  4. After 15 minutes, wash off the remnants of the product with cool water without soap.

After a protein mask, cosmetics lie perfectly on the skin, do not clog into mimic wrinkles. The mask is suitable for all skin types.

Stage number 2: elimination of visual defects

Even with an ideal oval face shape, a woman may experience inconvenience, worries about visible skin defects: birthmarks and dark spots, red scars after acne, vascular network, blackheads, signs of fatigue under the eyes. You can not apply the base under makeup without correcting visual imperfections. The red or brown shade of the spots will be noticeable within half an hour after application foundation.

To mask the flaws of the skin, you need a color corrector. Masking skin imperfections is recommended before applying the base makeup base. What colors does the corrector have and what are they for:

  • The greenish tint corrector perfectly masks red spots from the skin.
  • Ocher color pencil removes blue circles under the eyes.
  • Beige corrector of light shades masks age spots.
  • The orange color corrector removes scar marks, bruises.
  • White spots are painted over with a coffee-colored pencil.

Stage number 3: makeup base

Make-up artists usually do not correct the ideal features of the oval face. With the help of a tonal foundation, it is enough to create a platform for future makeup or for a nude make-up.

The base foundation should be selected to match the natural skin tone or a tone lighter than the natural shade.

Too dark base will narrow the facial features, give the oval an elongated look, which in the future will affect the appearance as a whole.

For example, to create an evening look, the girl chose a certain hairstyle for the oval of her face. When applying the base with a dark shade, the oval proportion was violated. As a result, the girl will have to wash off her makeup or change her hair style.

What can be corrected with bronzer?

  1. Nose length: apply bronzer to the tip of the nose and the extreme part of the sinuses.
  2. Nose width: with a dark corrector, draw two straight strips along the sides of the bridge of the nose; shade the borders of the transition with the applicator; on top, powder the nose with compact powder to match the skin tone.
  3. Chin length: apply bronzer to the central zone of the chin; blend the borders with a round brush.

With help dark tonal base you can hide the second chin: a dark bronzer is applied to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe excess crease, and the main tone is applied to the chin itself. Top on basic framework both chins are applied powder in natural tones.

Stage number 4: expressive look

Makeup Tips:

  • Shadows are recommended to choose depending on the color of the pigment in the iris.
  • For a "live" make-up, you need to choose three shades from the shadow palette.
  • First, light shadows are applied, then the eyelid is corrected with dark shades.
  • It is not recommended to choose : the effect of "blurring" of the look is created.

  • Pearlescent shadows and shades of pastel colors are applied to the inner corners of the eyes, under the tails of the eyebrows; dark shades are applied to the movable fold of the upper eyelid, the outer corners of the eyes.
  • Not recommended for blondes daytime makeup circle the eyes completely: just draw the classic arrows on the upper eyelid. The outline around the eyes visually reduces the eyes.
  • Brunettes are recommended to use an eyeliner or contour one and a half shades darker than the color of the eyes, as well as a classic black contour.
  • The contour on the lower eyelid is not used for daytime makeup.
  • For the density of eyelashes, you must first powder the hairs, then paint with mascara in two layers.
  • The second layer of ink is recommended to be painted after the first layer has dried.

Stage number 5: applying blush

If the owner of an oval-shaped face does not complain about prominent cheekbones, or vice versa, their absence, you can slightly give your cheeks a healthy blush.

Remove unwanted swelling of the cheeks:

  • in the form of a strip of dark brown color under the cheekbones.

Expand the visually elongated oval of the face:

  • Apply peach or soft pink blush in a horizontal line from the beginning of the cheekbones to the middle point of the ear.
  • Blend the borders of blush with a brush.

Stage number 6: lip correction

If makeup involves an emphasis on the lips, you need to approach this issue with special care. Too thin and long lips visually distort oval facial features. In order to balance the proportions, it is recommended before applying lipstick, draw a contour line on the lips.

Lip liner should be purchased a tone darker than lipstick

In order for the decorative gloss to last longer, not to spread, it is recommended to apply a gel-based base on the lips, carefully driving it into each wrinkle on the surface. After the gel base dries, you need to lightly powder your lips.

How to draw the contour evenly:

  1. Give the elbow a stable position.
  2. With a pencil, draw a line from the highest point of the lip to the inner corner of the mouth.
  3. Draw a contour along the other side of the upper lip.
  4. Connect the lines at the center point, draw a "tick".
  5. With a continuous movement, draw a contour along the lower lip. If it is not possible to draw a solid line, you can draw a contour with strokes without pressing the pencil.
  6. Upon completion of the contour guidance, shade the lines with the applicator.

To reduce full lips, draw a contour less than a millimeter from the main line.

After applying the contour, lipstick is applied. It is recommended to choose the tone of the decorative agent according to the color type of the skin, the iris of the eyes, and the color of the hair.

January 11, 2014, 14:53

Makeup for an elongated face should draw attention to its center, skillfully hide a high forehead and an oblong jawline. To do this, makeup artists successfully apply correction methods, which we will tell you about in our article.

How to apply makeup on a thin and elongated face: basic rules

The long oblong face has a vertical development of three main segments:

  • high and narrow forehead;
  • cheekbones are not very pronounced;
  • the nose is long and the chin is elongated.

When a face has similar features, it is best to try to emphasize opposite directions and then visually stretch the shape horizontally. To achieve this goal, there are certain rules:

  • The purpose of makeup on an oblong face is to create the appearance of a perfect oval shape. This will visually shorten the face and make it wider. Use a darker concealer or matte bronzer along the hairline on the top of the forehead, moving it downwards.
  • Draw a line with dark blush or corrector along the bottom of the chin - this will make the face appear shorter. If, on the contrary, you want to make your face elongated with makeup, then this item should be omitted.
  • Make your lashes look fuller and your eyes fuller with a double curl (before and after using mascara) or experiment with false lashes.
  • In order to stretch the face with makeup, experts recommend darkening the sides of the nose, but for a long form, you need to go from the opposite principle. Let the nose be covered with the main tone, and matte bronzer should be applied to the bridge of the nose.

shadows and lipstick are selected to match the skin tone based on the color of the eyes and hair, as well as in accordance with the time of day. Makeup artists recommend giving preference to pastel shades, mother-of-pearl, purple and pale pink colors.

Read also:

Elongated face: makeup in a photo tutorial

Contour makeup for an elongated oval face will be a very useful skill. But for many, the very idea of ​​applying several shades of foundation at the same time seems terrible. It's actually much easier than you think! With a little practice, any oblong-shaped face can easily be turned into an oval. Try to repeat all the steps in our master class.

Necessary cosmetics:

  • bronzer 2-3 shades darker than complexion;
  • skin tone base
  • makeup brushes;
  • powder and blush.

How to apply makeup:

  • Features of contouring for girls with an elongated face
  • Eyebrow and eye makeup for a long face
  • Perfect makeup for an elongated face: instructions with photos

It is generally accepted that makeup is easy for girls with an oval face, because this type, as a rule, does not need strong correction. But today it is possible to “correct” the contours without much difficulty, so that with any other face shape, you can easily bring your appearance closer to the reference one.

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In this material, we will tell you how to do makeup for an elongated face according to all the rules in order to transform into the very good sense this word.

Features of contouring in makeup for girls with an elongated face

For any type of face, you should remember the basic principles of contouring. Darkening helps to reduce volumes and thereby divert attention from details that you want to make less noticeable. Highlights and highlights, on the contrary, create accents and bring individual features to the fore.

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Based on these principles, most girls with an elongated face try to make their faces visually a little wider. They darken the hairline from above with sculptor powder, as well as the lower border of the chin. This allows you to optically make the face more rounded.

You also need to work out the cheekbones in a special way: it is better to “put” the shadow not directly under the cheekbone, but a little lower, in order to sort of raise the cheeks, thereby visually changing the proportions of the face.

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When correcting an elongated face with makeup, you can’t do without highlighting. Here, too, there are subtleties: light shimmering powder should be applied to the apples of the cheeks, and then “stretch” the product to the sides, towards the ears. Radiance, distributed in this way, will help to slightly "expand" the face.

The choice of shades in makeup for an elongated face

The choice of shades should be subject, rather, to skin tone, eye and hair color. And at the same time, doing, for example, eye makeup, it is better to do without intensive application of dark shadows. The fact is that contouring, as a rule, makes the image heavier, and smoky eyes this effect will only increase. Light shades will look much more harmonious.

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But in lip makeup, you can not limit yourself in the choice of shades - light, and bright, and dark in the style of a vamp will do.

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If you are focusing on the lips, the eyes need to be “highlighted” so as not to overload the makeup again.

Eyebrow and eye makeup for a long face

Not only contouring helps to balance the proportions of the face, but also well-executed eye and eyebrow makeup. The main thing here is not to make a make-up that visually rounds the eyes. The desired result will help to achieve horizontal lines, as well as horizontal shading.

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Correcting the eyebrows, try to stick to the golden mean: they should not be too wide or too thin. Pay attention to the "tails" of the eyebrows - try to achieve narrowing and sharpening closer to the tips. Eyebrows that have the same width at the ends as at the bases do not suit girls with an elongated face.

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We told and showed more about how to give the eyebrows the desired shape in this video tutorial.

In eye makeup, use long arrows (separately or as part of a make-up), a haze of shadows with shading to the temples, smoky eyes, again with an emphasis on the outer corners of the eyes.

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It would be useful to use bunches of false eyelashes closer to the outer corners.

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Do not "stretch" the color in an upward direction - from the moving eyelid to the eyebrows. Avoid makeup that accentuates the crease.

Perfect makeup for an elongated face: instructions with photos

To create a make-up that will gently correct the elongated shape of the face, in addition to the basic tools: foundation, powder, blush, mascara, you will need a sculpting kit, an eye shadow palette, a pencil or eyebrow shadow, and eyeliner. In lip makeup, you can use products and shades to your taste, choosing the right ones depending on the image.

Do you know what else there are rules for creating makeup for girls with an elongated face? Write a comment.

A wide face is a problem that worries not only ordinary people.

Expert comment:

Probably one of the most famous attempts to narrow the face was made by the singer Cher. According to rumors, she removed several chewing teeth to correct her broad facial features.

We don't know if this is true or not, but current approaches won't require you to sacrifice your digestion.

Optical illusions, or why relative facial proportions are often more important than absolute ones

Do you perceive your face as wide? To narrow it down, it is not at all necessary to go to South Korea and undergo a complex operation to cut off excess bone tissue. In most cases, it is enough to change the "weight distribution" of features on the face.

Expert comment:

Lindsey Wixson

For example, there is the rule of three thirds, which was formulated by Leonardo da Vinci.

According to the rule, the face can be conditionally divided into 3 parts by two horizontal lines. One of them runs along the line of the eyebrows, the second - at the level of the base of the nose. To make the face look beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary that 3 parts - from the base of the hair to the line of the eyebrows, from the line of the eyebrows to the base of the nose and from the base of the nose to the chin are equal.

In a harmoniously beautiful face, the distance from hair growth to the eyebrow line, from the eyebrow line to the base of the nose, and from the base of the nose to the chin is approximately the same.

If in the background round face measurements show a lack of the chin area, to narrow the face you do not have to remove the cheeks - it will be enough . This simple manipulation will significantly stretch and narrow the face. That is why before each procedure we carry out a series of measurements and mathematical calculations.

To change the "weight distribution" of traits, there are different methods. From the play of light and shadow when applying cosmetics to permanent methods of plastic surgery.

We will not talk about the most obvious reason for the fullness of the face associated with excess weight. If after losing weight you did not get the desired effect, then you need to look for other ways to make a wide face narrow.

We will start our story with home remedies, then we will talk about the latest low-traumatic developments in the field of cosmetology and plastic surgery.

To make a narrow face, you first need to visit a dentist

But not at all about the reason Cher did it.

One of the common causes of a wide face is a low bite and worn teeth. As a rule, the problem in this case is accompanied by a crunch and pain in the jaw joint, headaches.

To solve the problem, the dentist overestimates the bite with crowns, removes excess stress from the jaw joint and returns the correct shape to the face. The face becomes narrower.

This is how faces with a low (left) and normal bite (right) look.

Does exercise help to narrow the face with wide cheekbones

To narrow the face, facebuilding instructors recommend training the muscles of the cheek-zygomatic region, and in theory, exercises can give a good effect.

Facial fitness or a new stray for facial gymnastics.

We will not dissuade you from gymnastics, because keeping the muscles of the face in good shape is useful in any case.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to “pump up” only one or a couple of muscles in isolation. To one degree or another, all groups of facial muscles will be loaded, including those areas that expand the face.

How to apply blush to narrow your face

If you apply makeup correctly, then the face visually narrows and slims.

To narrow the face with blush, you need to make the skin under the cheekbones a tone darker. For this, dark blush, dark shades of foundation or matte bronzer, which makes the skin tanned, are suitable.

How to apply these funds?

    With the mouth closed, we lower the lower jaw and retract the cheeks. The line of the cheekbones is clearly drawn on the face.

    On the area under the cheekbones, in the direction from the center of the cheek to the ear, we apply a dark shade.

    We apply a highlighter to the upper point of the cheekbones to emphasize: everything light seems visually larger.

by all cosmetics should be used without fanaticism and shade the line of transition from one tone to another so that the face does not lose its naturalness.

The second way is to focus on the eyes and eyebrows in order to distract the gaze of the beholder from the cheeks. We paint over the eyelashes in two layers, give a neat shape to the eyebrows.

The main advantage of this method is that you can narrow your face with makeup in a few minutes, on your own and almost for free.

The ability to pose and accessories will make a wide face visually narrower.

What to do if you need to make a narrow face "here and now", urgently? For example, you have a photo session. Remember how celebrities pose.

The mouth is slightly open, the teeth are open. In this position, the chin drops, the face visually stretches, the cheeks sink a little, the cheekbones stand out and, in general, the face seems narrower - that's the whole secret. It is worth lowering the lower part of the face a little - and voila, great photo secured!

See, for example, how Jennifer Lopez poses:

And here is the result:

Jennifer Lopez

To make the face visually narrower, you can use rimmed glasses. square shape. This accessory works in two directions at once. On the one hand, it makes the temple area more massive, and thus hides a wide face in the cheek area. On the other hand, it distracts the eye from the massive line of the lower jaw.

The same effect gives oblique bangs or voluminous hairstyle.

If temporary measures are not to your liking and you want to narrow down round face for a long time, pay attention to cosmetic methods.

How to make a face with cosmetic methods

  1. With a general fullness of the face, lipopolitics are recognized as the most effective and INNO-TDS Draining ppc. These drugs safely “burn” and remove excess subcutaneous fat.

    Their effect is comparable to liposuction, so do not trust the procedure to a beautician. The drug should not fall outside the fat areas. The procedure should be performed only by a doctor who is thoroughly familiar with the anatomy of the face.

    "Before" and 10 days "after" rhinoplasty (surgeon) and removal of Bish's lumps (surgeon). The lower third of the face stretched out, the heaviness of the cheeks went away. The face looks lighter and more harmonious.

    It is important to understand that for the operation, the doctor must have a well-developed sense of proportion. There is a risk, after removing Bish's lumps, to get excessive retraction of the cheeks. Then the face takes on a tired, haggard look. At Platinental, we remove just enough to keep the face fresh, natural and attractive.

  2. laser face liposuction. The destruction of fat cells in this case is carried out by a laser. A cannula with a laser nozzle is inserted through punctures in the anatomical folds in the ear area.
  3. After the fat is removed, the cannula is switched to the collagen stimulation mode, so the skin recovers and tightens faster after the procedure.

    The procedure allows you to get rid of fat deposits and narrow the face without scars - two-millimeter punctures heal without a trace.

  4. With the initial age-related sagging of the skin - - helps to cope with thread lifting. The threads are pulling up soft tissues up, make the face noticeably narrower and slimmer.

Photos "before" and "after"