Haircuts and hairstyles of Angelina Jolie. Criteria for choosing a hair color like that of fashionable celebrities What color is angelina jolie dyeing

Many girls dream of being like celebrities. For this, some go to the salon with photos of their favorite singer or actress, others try to repeat the shade at home. In any case, you should not blindly follow the fashion - before staining, you must first determine the condition of the curls, their structure and tone. It is necessary to lighten or color strands in the manner of Jennifer Aniston, Ani Lorak or Beyoncé only from a trusted master.

Recently, many Russian celebrities and Hollywood stars prefer to choose natural shades of curls when highlighting or coloring. World stylists consider natural strands and their healthy shine to be the most popular trend. This style is called NUDE. The term means naturalness and natural beauty. This style is always chosen by Vera Brezhneva, Jennifer Aniston, Megan Fox and other famous owners of luxurious hairstyles.

To get such a beautiful color, like Tyra Banks, Ani Lorak, Angelina Jolie or Beyoncé, you need to have thick healthy curls that are not spoiled by curls or long-term chemistry. Only the use of high-quality coloring compositions with a tinting agent will make it possible to acquire such tonal transitions as those of the singer Nyusha, Nina Dobrev and Victoria Boni.

Stars use the following staining technologies:

  • Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer Aniston and Vera Brezhneva make smooth blonding, achieving the effect of burnt strands on blond hair. At Victoria Boni, Tyra Banks, blonding is done on dark blond strands, which creates the effect of a silvery glow.
  • Jessica Alba, Beyonce and Ani Lorak prefer ombre technology with a smooth transition from dark to light strands. A similar ombre staining was done by the singer Nyusha. On long curls, such a transition looks spectacular, very stylish.
  • The curls of Nina Dobrev, Megan Fox or Angelina Jolie have a pronounced natural dark color. These chocolate brunettes captivate everyone with shiny brownish brown hair with a spectacular healthy glow.

Blond blonde hair

The most fashionable among Hollywood stars is the hair color of Jennifer Lopez. Many girls wonder what her natural shade is, not understanding the coloring technology. The secret is simple - beauty Lopez uses blonding to highlight lighter strands and give them. The same staining technique is used by singer Vera Brezhneva, Hollywood celebrity Jennifer Aniston.

Victoria Boni and Tyra Banks have light blonding done on natural. Thanks to this, multiple overflows of color are obtained, shining shades of graphite, dark blond tint and light blond. The dark skin of fashion model Tyra Banks adds sophisticated shine, spectacular shine and layering of tones to curls.

Jennifer Aniston, like Vera Brezhneva, chooses a natural blond with the effect of fading strands due to fair skin, gray-blue eyes.

This is what Vera Brezhneva looks like with loose natural hair:

In this photo, Vera Brezhneva demonstrates the radiance of iridescent strands in the blond style:

The radiance of Jennifer Aniston's curls is also emphasized by spectacular blonding:

The shade of Victoria Boni's strands does not look dull due to multifaceted blonding:

Tyra Banks' strong image sets her apart from many celebrities with highlights:

To maintain the effect of blonding for a long time, Vera Brezhneva and Jennifer Aniston lighten their blond hair once a week with tinting agents. The stylists of Tyra Banks use the same method, giving her dark strands an exquisite play of blond with graphite.

Ombre coloring

Jessica Alba, Beyoncé and Ani Lorak opt for trendy ombre color transitions with natural dark tones. This coloring option allows celebrities to emphasize the density of curls, dark skin tone with a beautiful face shape. Singer Beyoncé is used to experimenting with her hairstyles, but the ombre technique suits her best. Dark-haired Ani Lorak was able to revive the strict style, lightening the tips in lighter tones.

Celebrities prefer the following ombre options:

  • Jessica Alba chooses coloring with subtle transitions of tones that give her hair a spectacular shine.
  • The singer Nyusha's ombre on her curls is noticeably stronger, emphasizing the youth and freshness of her skin. Light overflows at the ends look stylish and natural.
  • Beyoncé chooses sharp color transitions from dark to light yellow. This gives her face a mysterious, youthful look.
  • Singer Ani Lorak focused on the tips, painting them in light colors. This transition option allowed the girl to emphasize her refined style.

In this photo, Jessica Alba shows fans her luxurious curls:

Ombre coloring on the hair of young Nyusha looks beautiful:

Beyonce with a bright ombre looks stylish, unusually feminine:

Ani Lorak carefully experiments with coloring strands, lightening only the tips of thick hair:

Choosing this technology, you must first emphasize the radiance of dark hair color. The masters in the salon first perform tone-on-tone staining, adding a little saturation to the natural shade. After that, with the help of a clarifier, it is produced. Overflows can be soft, contrasting or barely noticeable, depending on the natural color.

Variety of chocolate chestnut shades

Many girls dream of becoming bright brunettes, like many Hollywood actresses. This color can be seen on the hair of Angelina Jolie, Nina Dobrev or Megan Fox. These Hollywood beauties opt for shimmer with hints of browns or chestnut tones.

Angelina Jolie's hair almost always remains fluffy, which allows you to examine in detail their healthy look and spectacular radiance. Jolie very rarely changed the color of her strands, doing this only because of some roles. The actress has remained faithful to her style for many years. Megan Fox also shows off chic hairstyles, featuring bouncy curls despite her age.

The shades of curls in Hollywood divas are distinguished by their overflows:

  • Angelina Jolie's curls have a dark brown tint with a bright chestnut sheen;
  • Megan Fox's hair is more saturated, has a dark copper sheen;
  • Nina Dobrev's hairstyle shimmers with chocolate brown tones, casts a dark coffee reflection.

Angelina Jolie's curls always look spectacular:

The shade of Megan Fox's hair is rich, bright chestnut tint:

A photo of the extremely stylish Nina Dobrev demonstrates the bright color of her beautiful hair:

Stylists Dobrev and Megan Fox set off the natural tone of the lock with juicy, give them shine with the help of tint balms. This allows you to add shine to the curls for a long time, make the hairstyle shiny and healthy looking.

Which fashionable shade to choose depends on the type of hair, its structure and appearance. To get the color like famous celebrities, you should experiment with paints or tint shampoos. It is advisable to contact professional masters for complex coloring of strands, blonding of blond hair.

Very often you can see photos of Angelina Jolie under information about a particular color type. Her photo is indicated both as the Winter color type, and as the Autumn color type. But all this is not true, since the first studio photographs or heavily processed ones are taken as illustrations, which does not correspond to reality and leads to a misunderstanding of the color typing system and does not help to use this knowledge for oneself at all. After all, it is intuitively felt that the image does not correspond to the specified color type. For example, then we see the heroine in the film and do not understand why this or that color suits her so much, although it is not included in the palette (remembering that we read about her within a certain color type).

That is why I try to select all the photographs that are used, having studied the specific person as a whole as much as possible. as far as possible through the screen (nothing can replace personal analysis). First of all, it is necessary to consider photographs from childhood, adolescence and without makeup and in different lighting conditions.

Angelina joey in childhood and adolescence

It can be seen that Angelina has blond hair, her eyes seem grayish. The photo is not of very good quality, but this does not prevent you from seeing the general muffled tones.

In the Mild Summer color type, sun-bleached strands acquire a golden hue. At the roots, the hair color is always darker and colder.

eye color of angelina jolie and all representatives of the soft summer color type

In a detailed article about the Soft Summer color type, we have already talked about how the palette manifests itself and what colors are more present in the appearance of representatives of this type. Notice how the eye color matches the background color. A high content of gray pigment in appearance and complex shades sometimes do not give a clear color. For example, the color of the eyes in a photo appears gray, as the gray tone of the background seems to react with the color of the eyes. If we had a Mild Autumn or a winter subtype in front of us, this would not have happened. We would clearly see the greenish or hazel eyes of Mild Autumn and the dark eyes of Winter. This is possible only in summer subtypes, especially in the Mild Summer. The eyes, like a chameleon, sensitively react to the environment (color of clothing, lighting ...) and give out various interesting shades. In fact, of course, there are quite specific tones in the iris, but they are difficult to identify. About how to do it right in a special article.

Many who were interested in color types could see a photo of Angelina Jolie in the autumn season simply because the photo came up.
The photo on the right is heavily processed. The color of the eyes is enhanced and is not reliable, so it is impossible to judge from one photo. This gives rise to a misunderstanding of coloring. The photo on the left was taken in daylight with a flash. Notice how the eye color is ambiguous. Smoky ... This is another distinctive feature of the Soft Summer color type.

In the photo, the color of the eyes of Angelina Jolie in different lighting conditions. All colors are united by a high content of gray and olive. Hazel and nut inclusions are the absolute norm for a Mild summer. At the same time, it is clear that the blotches have a cold tint, and not warm like in the autumn subtypes. Such a complex, heterogeneous, soft eye color, built on nuances, is one of the first evidence in favor of the Soft Summer color type.

Gray color for soft summer color type

Soft summer, like all summer subtypes, goes with shades of gray of different depths. Here is an example of how Mild Summer reacts to gray clothing. The image remains harmonious and does not cause pallor, fatigue. For Soft Autumn, such a color would be too cold.

the secret of the soft summer color type. complexity of definition

For summer types, the important criteria for choosing a color are the muted and cool shades. Here is a green color that meets these criteria, plus it is exactly the depth (darkness / lightness, so to speak for a better understanding) that matches Angelina's appearance. For the Light Summer color type, it would be dark.
You can see how harmoniously the tone of the dress matches the skin tone, the hair has a slightly ashen tone, and the eyes seem gray. But what if you wear a more olive, warm shade of green?

Angelina Jolie in a green dress with a warmer yet sophisticated tone. And we see harmony again. How does it work? Everything is simple! The Soft Summer color type contains so many cold and warm tones at the same time in its palette that their SMOOTH collision gives rise to a surprisingly harmonious and soft subtype that can, like a chameleon, demonstrate either one gamut or another without harming harmony, depending on the environment (clothing , accessories, hair tone, interior) This is the highlight of the Soft Summer, which does not allow you to unequivocally classify yourself as a certain subtype until you get to know this amazing and beautiful subtype.

Let's see. what will happen if the Mild Summer color type gives preference to autumn colors. The autumn palette is too heavy for the Mild Summer. Even with warm notes in its natural palette, Soft Summer cannot withstand such thick, warm colors. Cold Summer and Light Color are not even worth talking about, since their case is an obvious disaster. The colors of autumn age the summer, clog and make the skin grayish.

black color for soft summer color type

Those who consider Angelina Jolie a winter type are most likely guided by 4 seasons, where everyone with slightly darker hair is clearly defined as a winter type. This is fundamentally wrong, which is why it is necessary to consider 12 subtypes (3 in each season) with their own unique features. It even happens that a person is at a collision of two subtypes, so a personal consultation is always needed with the compilation of an individual palette. So, consider the photo where Angelina is in black. Black color is harmonious for winter types. It is worth noting that the black color is not equally good for all subtypes!
You can see it on the photo. that the makeup is done, brightly emphasizing the eyes. What is it for? Imagine that the emphasis is only on the lips or even Angelina Jolie without makeup ... She would all merge. Black pales summer types, emphasizing all wrinkles, nasolabial folds ... Soft summer with expressive makeup can afford black, but not a total look and preferably not in the portrait zone. Representatives of winter in black would look very harmonious, black would paint them. In the photo below, the singer Zara is in black.

Singer Zara, a representative of the Dark Winter color type, is gorgeous in black, even a total look.

And here is Angelina Jolie in soft colors typical of the Soft Summer palette. No winter subtype and Soft Autumn would look so beautiful and organic in these shades.

If you watched the movie "The Tourist", you saw how beautiful Angelina Jolie is in calm beige and medium-deep gray. Only Mild Summer can wear these two tones in an absolutely gorgeous way. Cold summer in beige would seem tired, skin reddish and pale. Soft autumn in gray would lose its charm, since there is not so much gray in its palette to harmonize. And Winter would just "disappear" in these colors, since both of them are among the worst for winter subtypes.

hair color for color type soft summer

The Mild Summer has an average contrast. (contrast is measured between protein and iris, hair color and skin). This means that you should maintain a natural balance in appearance. Too low contrast and light colors will make the appearance pale, sickly. Too much contrast and dark tones will simply drown out the appearance and prevent the natural softness from revealing.

An example of how important each subtype has its own tone and level of contrast Everything is in its place, except for the black dress. which "made friends" with the appearance thanks to makeup. But this is not so critical.

Under my gaze was one of my favorite actresses and just an active person - Angelina Jolie.

But I will not write about her services to humanity and great love for children, but about her style and appearance.
So, first things first. Angie was originally a rebellious child, and since her school years she had unusual hobbies and passions, for example, she loves knives. It seems to me that this rebellious spirit was with her for quite a long time (up to 30 years), which was quite noticeably reflected in her appearance:

- plastic after "Hackers". For commercial purposes, Angelina changed the shape of her nose.

Unfortunate discoloration: Angelina belongs to a mixed winter-summer color type, so her red hair made her deathly pale and highlighted her eyes in a not the best way.

inappropriate cut of the dress, the belly is emphasized. Plus, the hair and dress merge into one and the color of the hair is too contrasting for her color type (although winter is not contrasting enough for a radical hair color).

now the discoloration is complete, a movie look and extended nails, the same effect: the hair is too white, the face has become pale and bright features have disappeared.

- the period of relations with Billy Bob Thornton, Angie then "came off to the fullest" and, by the way, starred in Lara Croft. Basically, Angelina's wardrobe then consisted of leather pants and T-shirts, even for official events. It should be noted that not all trousers were equally useful for the type of apple figure that Jolie has. Let's say these low-waisted ones created an ugly accent on the widest part of the hips (yes, even a skinny girl can dress incorrectly).

then and now: maxi skirt in leather and midi skirt in wool. striking change. The only thing that hasn't changed with Angie is her love of black and grey.

leather items also did not completely leave the wardrobe of the actress, but acquired a more “smoothed” form. On the right is a Michael Kors dress with a laconic shape that fits Jolie's figure perfectly. On the left, the dress is more like a Halloween costume or a gothic dress.

The right brown shade, and favorite cuts - the right emphasis on the virtues that girls with an apple figure have.

There was no trace of leather things left, now her wardrobe has simple lines, muted colors and exquisite materials (silk, wool). Angelina Jolie is a mother of six children, a goodwill ambassador and just an elegant woman.

So, through sometimes very desperate experiments, you can find exactly what you want to stay with for a long time, therefore, I think, sometimes it is simply necessary: ​​to change the color of your hair, succumbing to an impulse, to buy or just try on a dress that you would not have looked at before. The main thing is that such experiments lead to something, and not be just an experiment for the sake of an experiment. The result is important.

14 chose

Do you still think that the light range of shades is more extensive? Take a look at these gorgeous brunettes and think again. Hollywood colorist Marie Robinson, using examples of star beauties, will tell you which shade of brown to choose for you and why.

caramel brown

Everyone knows that the best stylists and colorists work with Jennifer Lopez. "Jennifer Lopez's hair color is very complex, it was done by a real professional," says Robinson. The hair looks natural, although it is dyed about three shades lighter than Jennifer's natural hair color. To achieve the same hair color, ask your hairdresser to take a light brown tone as a base and dilute it with lighter caramel shades, paying special attention to the strands at the face and ends.

honey brown

Angelina Jolie has a hair color that is as close to natural as possible. To some, it may seem unnecessarily flat and boring. But for the bright appearance of the star, it fits perfectly. If you like Angelina Jolie's hair color, ask your hairdresser to mix golden blonde and classic brown. Ideally, the ends should be slightly lightened to give the strands the effect of sun-bleached hair.

golden brown

"This sunny, golden brown really brings out Natalie Portman's eye color," says Robinson. Barely noticeable honey-caramel strands favorably set off the complexion of the actress. "An important point: bleached strands should look as natural as possible, without the effect of highlighting," says Robinson. The colorist also recommends this shade for women with tan skin tones ranging from golden to olive.

chestnut brown

Chestnut brown is a versatile brown that suits just about everyone," says Robinson. The warm chocolate tone accentuates Victoria's brown eyes and makes her skin look smoother. To achieve this shade, you need to take the natural brown color and add some golden strands, one or two shades lighter. However, the colorist warns: "Don't get carried away with too cold and ashy shades - they can give the face an earthy, unhealthy color, while reds and golds will make the color richer and more saturated.

The Red tree

Salma Hayek is a naturally burning brunette. All dark shades of brown are ideally combined with her type of appearance - from rich chocolate to deep black. However, a solid color can get boring, and therefore the colorist recommends adding some contrasting strands of warm color. It is better to start lightening hair from the middle of the length. The highlighting technique "shatush" is ideal for this. Hair roots should be solid, and contrasting strands should differ by two or three tones - no more.

Ash brown

Apparently, Mila has a natural hair color, which is only slightly shaded with the help of bleached strands. The degrade technique is ideal for this purpose. It allows you to change the color of the hair, give the hairstyle freshness, while not injuring the hair. To make the hair look natural, the strands are lightened strictly along the contour of the face and no more than one tone.

The appearance of Angelina Jolie is considered the world standard of beauty and sexuality. Enthusiastic men want an actress, annoyed women envy her. You can dislike her, but it is impossible to deny her magical attraction of the stronger sex and stellar success. In order to be at least a little like the fatal Angelina, fans spend long hours in front of a mirror with an arsenal of cosmetics, endure pain in a tattoo parlor, or even simply go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. NameWoman will share accessible and pleasant secrets of an attractive appearance from a sexy actress, and will also tell you what Jolie clearly should not follow an example of.

Early period: Angelina Jolie as the ugly duckling

It's hard to imagine, but as a teenager, Angelina Jolie was teased in acting class. She was then fourteen years old, she wore glasses and braces. Subsequently, her complexes only intensified after unsuccessful attempts to “break through” in the modeling business.

Around this difficult period, Jolie began to cut herself. The actress herself says that this ritual was a kind of "liberation" for her, and "had a therapeutic effect." Angelina was a very gloomy girl: she dreamed of being a director of a funeral home, went in all black and dyed her hair purple.

Passion for pain and the tragedy of the image led to love for tattoos, which the actress now calls her own chronicle. The content of the “records” on Angelina’s body is very “motley”: from the Latin phrase “Quod me netrit me destruit” (“What feeds me, destroys me”), to the image of a Bengal tiger on the wrist of her right hand and the geographical coordinates of the birth of her children. The largest tattoo on Angelina Jolie's body is a spectacular dragon almost the entire back wide.

Star Angelina Jolie: the flip side

Children's complexes did not let go of Angelina for a long time, it seems to many of her entourage that even now it is quite difficult to call the actress completely self-confident and loving herself. But few fans think about what lies behind the image of a brilliant beauty and socialite. Not so long ago, Angelina Jolie herself admitted that there was a long period in her life when she not only did not love, but really hated her body. Her statement may seem strange, given the brilliant career in Hollywood. But, as it turns out in practice, even star status has its downsides. Brad Pitt noted: "Angie had complexes, and every time she went out in public she was afraid to disappoint people who always expected from her only perfection and impeccable style."

Perfectionism led Jolie to the fact that she began to train like an obsessive 5-6 hours a day and exhaust herself with absurdly rigid and unjustified diets. As a result, Angelina Jolie was included in the rating of the "most anorexic" stars.

Her thinness became so noticeable that rumors spread that Angie had hepatitis C and could die. In fact, journalists and fans really had reason to sound the alarm: after all, Angelina Jolie lost too much weight, the weight of the actress reached 44 kg in a fairly short period of time. Such a body weight for Angelina's height is critically small. The celebrity herself denied all the rumors about her incurable diseases, as well as the constant desire to lose weight, explaining that she only works very hard and eats very little, simply forgetting about this natural need of the human body. On the day Angelina allowed herself then a handful of nuts and some raw vegetables, only the star herself would dare to call it a real diet.

Angelina Jolie parameters: height, weight

Relatively comfortable and at the same time very effective parameters of Angelina Jolie: height 173 cm and weight 54 kg .

- Regular high physical activity. Working out in the gym helps you discipline yourself. And yoga is a great way to deal with stress, while also increasing the flexibility of the body and developing grace. It is worth noting Angelina's passion for such a male sport as kickboxing, he attracted the actress during the filming of the role of Lara Croft.

Angelina Jolie's choice is a variety of diets with a high percentage of carbohydrates and proteins and at the same time low with a low percentage of fat intake. Carbohydrates provide energy, and proteins help build muscle tissue, but such a diet will certainly require the physical activity already indicated above.

- Five meals a day with small portions, the possibility of a snack when you feel hungry with fresh fruit, a protein shake or a glass of skim milk.

Fresh drinking water without restrictions.

To maintain the desired weight, Angelina Jolie is helped by foods such as garlic and ginger. Ginger tea for weight loss, improving metabolism is a folk beauty remedy available to every woman.

How Angelina Jolie takes care of her skin

Beautiful skin, according to Jolie, first of all, requires a complete cessation of smoking. The cigarette is just a detail of the screen images of the actress and nothing more.

NameWoman invites readers to get acquainted with two more secrets of the delicate white skin of the beautiful Jolie. One of them is a folk remedy, the second is the professional participation of cosmetologists.

Anti-cellulite body scrub from Angelina Jolie

One of the typical female problems that Angelina knows well is cellulite. Yes, yes, harmony and an active lifestyle did not protect the actress from an orange peel. Moreover, NameWoman believes that it was strict diets, coupled with private stresses, that led to some imperfections in the skin of the star's body. Jolie is convinced that in the whole complex of measures, a homemade anti-cellulite body scrub is very important.

The recipe is very simple. For 4 tablespoons of olive oil, take a glass of freshly ground coffee. Apply to cleansed, moisturized skin and massage problem areas well for at least 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the product with warm water, blot the skin with a towel and moisturize with olive oil cream. The procedure is repeated 2 times a week.

Jolie's bloody secret of youth

Evil tongues claim that the actress does not disdain frequent skin tightening. However, the star herself assures that she owes her youth to the plasmolifting technique. This beauty procedure is often referred to as a Dracula lift or even a bloody cocktail. The fact is that for subcutaneous injections, specially treated blood is taken from the vein of the patient himself. Plasmolifting allows you to rejuvenate the skin of the face, décolleté and neck areas, improve complexion, emphasize the oval of the face and make contour lines clearer, smooth out fine wrinkles, get rid of acne and pimples.

Another friend of Angelina Jolie's tightened skin is the dermaroller. Device with small needles that stimulate skin renewal. Angelina has such a roller for both the skin of the face and the skin of the body.

Angelina Jolie's hair: experiments with color hairstyles in photos

With hair, the beautiful actress now prefers not to experiment. An already stable image of a sexy woman Angelina Jolie is long curls of a warm chocolate shade. Short haircuts, white, red and dark, like a raven's wing, black hair color are a thing of the past. The actress either wears her hair loose or pins it up at the back of her head in elegant, slightly careless hairstyles, sometimes with a few cascading curls, which favorably emphasizes the curve of a thin, long neck.

NameWoman magazine made a large selection of photos of Angelina Jolie's hairstyles for readers. Now Angie considers white hair to be one of the most terrible experiments on her own appearance.

And what do you think about the hair of the actress, what color do you think is the most successful and what haircut / hairstyle of Angelina Jolie in the photo is the most spectacular?

Angelina Jolie style

Although Angelina Jolie claims to be the same punk girl at heart, she now looks reserved and elegant, much more conservative than at the beginning of her career. The actress prefers to wear long evening dresses to the public, most often plain, without an emphasis on accessories. Chic appeared in her appearance, emphasized by expensive jewelry, most often emeralds. The black color of clothes remains the most favorite, another passion of the actress is vintage, relatively inexpensive (with haute-couture dresses) things.

If we trace how Angelina Jolie's style changed throughout her stellar life, it can be noted that public images were created by her under the influence of her last roles.

Favorite constant accessories are jewelry in the form of snakes (Angelina is convinced that they bring her good luck, besides, the actress herself once had a snake as a pet), as well as aviator sunglasses (not the most reliable, but still shelter from the paparazzi) .

Unimaginable hairpins - only for the carpet. Whenever possible, Jolie, as a true lady, prefers them with a steady heel of medium height, or even flat-soled shoes (sandals or their opposite - high boots).

star inspiration

The main secret of female beauty, according to the famous actress, is a smile, inner harmony, great personal, family happiness.

It is close and her charitable projects that inspire Angelina Jolie to self-improvement, life and work. In tattoos, reminiscent of the rebellious past, Angelina also draws strength, because the Arabic word "purposefulness" is stuffed on her body, which also stands for "will" and "destiny". It is interesting to note that the favorite idol of the actress is Dumbo the elephant. The moment when a baby with huge ears was able to fly once moved Jolie to tears.

Maria Nikitina