Anti-cellulite massagers. Choosing the best and most effective cellulite massager for home use Vacuum cellulite roller massager

To date, the industry of cosmetology and aesthetic medicine has invented many ways to deal with the eternal enemy of the female figure - cellulite.

Vacuum massagers have become one of the most convenient ways for patients to get rid of the hated “crust”.

General idea and principle of operation

A vacuum massager is a device for getting rid of cellulite. Such devices have many different configurations, side effects and other differences, which is why their cost may be different, however, they all have general principle work.

The vacuum massager has a container in which an area of ​​negative pressure (vacuum) is created. Due to this, it draws in areas of the skin along with subcutaneous fat, where the impact is made.

The stay of a part of the body in such conditions causes blood flow to the area of ​​negative pressure - blood circulation at the site of exposure increases up to 140 times, unlike the normal state.

Due to this, at the point of impact metabolism increases, which allows you to break down adipose tissue, smoothing its surface relief, and thereby relieving the patient of cellulite.

In addition to the aesthetic purpose, vacuum massagers are used by athletes during intensive training. The forced increase in blood flow allows you to saturate the muscles and tissues with the necessary trace elements. which allows you to restore the state of the body after an intense load.

Let's figure it out together, quickly and forever.

Come in if you are interested in objective reviews of cellulite honey massage at home.

At this address, we will consider contraindications for pressotherapy, find out reviews, evaluate photos before and after the procedure.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for exposure to an anti-cellulite vacuum massager is the improvement of the aesthetic qualities of the body area to which the impact is directed.

The massager allows you to visually tighten the muscles, smooth the skin texture and improve its color. In addition, the procedure can be used as part of complex therapy to improve the patient's well-being after active physical work, acclimatization or stress.

However, this device also has negative sides. Vacuum massage is not recommended for people with diseases of the gallbladder, bladder, kidney disease, diabetes.

The vacuum provokes an abundant release of toxins from the organisms, and such exposure can cause a sharp deterioration in the condition of people with an insufficiency of the excretory system.

It is forbidden to massage people with any neoplasms, because blood flow provokes the growth and degeneration of tumor tissue. In addition, it is impossible to influence the device on damaged skin, fresh scars, age spots.

Women during menstruation should also not use a vacuum massager, since a change in blood supply can adversely affect the state of the reproductive system (in particular, cause internal bleeding).

For the same reason, the device is contraindicated in people with hypertension - at high blood pressure high risk of hematomas and bleeding.


There are many different modifications of vacuum massagers. All of them are divided into 3 main categories, which differ in the cost and complexity of the equipment (in use, maintenance and service).

The following groups are distinguished:

  • Home. These are small devices that create relatively little traction and are only suitable for mild cases of cellulite disease.

    They do not take up much space and have a small area of ​​​​impact. Most often, home appliances are produced to affect the face - vacuum lifting and basic skin care.

  • Professional. These are rather bulky installations that are used in medical institutions and various beauty salons.

    They act only due to vacuum, however, they have powerful traction, and due to the size of the nozzles, they are able to cover significant areas of the body at a time.

  • Electric anti-cellulite. These devices differ from all others in that, in addition to intense vacuum exposure, they also provide additional types of stimulation.

    In particular, the devices are equipped with infrared radiation and temperature effects. In terms of efficiency, such installations can be equated to sports loads.

Thus, at home it is possible to get only a small part of the effect that a full-size vacuum massager is capable of.

It is best to find an institution in which a specialist will provide the services of a professional apparatus to undergo such procedures.

Secrets of choice and popular brands

If the device is nevertheless purchased for home use, you should pay attention to some nuances.

First of all, decide on which zone the main impact will be directed, and, based on this, choose the traction power, the size of the nozzles and the very principle of operation.

For example, the face and décolleté require much less pull than the buttocks and thighs. Based on the requests made, you can choose a device that will suit you in terms of price category and the effect produced.

Cellules MD

Cellules MD is a French-made device, a hand-held home anti-cellulite massager designed to facilitate the fight against excess weight and body shaping.

Operating principle - roller-vacuum, i.e., in addition to negative pressure, the device acts on the skin mechanically, using installed rollers with small protruding fragments.

This enhances blood flow and somewhat compensates for the low power of the device. One way or another, like all other home appliances, the device will not cope with significant body fat.

The video presents detailed description vacuum massager Celluless (Cellules).


Manual vacuum device, which is equipped with nozzles of various sizes. The device is very compact, you can install an additional roller nozzle on it, and due to the regulation of power, it can act on various zones - from the face to the hips.

Anti-cellulite Pro

Very simple and relatively inexpensive device. In addition to vacuum exposure, it comes with rollers and two intensity modes.

Not suitable for delicate areas of the skin, but it is quite suitable for massaging most parts of the body.

Significantly improves skin condition and promotes better absorption of cosmetics.


The cheapest option, which allows you to target different parts of the body.

They operate on the same principle as a vacuum massager, however, getting rid of cellulite with them is not to be expected, because they often do not create a sufficient difference in pressure.

But banks are effective in the symptomatic treatment of other diseases - for example, sciatica.

Application rules

To prepare for the procedure, you must first warm up the body. To do this, it is advisable to take a hot shower or bath (or carry out the procedure immediately after exercise). It is advisable to treat the skin with a scrub to increase blood flow. If the skin is too sensitive, you should choose a scrub composition without large particles.

Procedure steps:

  • The nozzle of the massager and the skin at the affected area must be treated with salt water or a disinfectant solution (not alcohol).
  • On cleansed skin, apply an anti-cellulite gel or any other composition that will not dry on the skin during the procedure and will provide sufficient glide.
  • After that, you should install the nozzle on the place of exposure and turn on the device. The nozzle must be consistently gradually moved, covering the entire area of ​​impact.
  • The duration of work on one zone should be no more than 15-20 minutes.

It is important to remember that massage movements should be carried out strictly in the direction of the lymph flow.

When exposed to the legs, you should move from the bottom up, on the buttocks perform circular motions, as well as straight lines (from bottom to top), and when working on the abdomen, you should move clockwise.

It is strictly forbidden to touch the inner surface of the thigh, popliteal fossa and inguinal region with the massager. Large vessels lie in these places, which are located close to the skin, and massage can provoke their rupture.

Immediately after the massage, to ensure maximum efficiency, you can perform various wraps, or apply body masks - the skin after vacuum exposure is most susceptible to various compositions.

After the procedure, the patient must wrap up warmly, because vacuum massage still disrupts the normal blood flow, and due to increased blood circulation, the body becomes more vulnerable to drafts.

It should be remembered that only one massager will not be able to cope with the problem. To get rid of cellulite, you need to follow a set of measures, which includes both physical activity and a special diet.

If necessary, do not avoid the implementation of other recommendations, which in each case should be given by a medical specialist.


The Cellules MD manual massager will cost the buyer about 1500-1700 rubles, Jezaton - 2200-2600, Anti-cellulite Pro - from 1100 rubles.

The most economical option is to buy "Miracle Cans" - one jar will cost only 100 rubles.

We should not forget about additional costs, such as anti-cellulite oil, gels and other cosmetic attributes for the procedure.

In one of the ancient Chinese medical treatises that have survived to this day, an amazing healing technique is described. A hollow bamboo or clay stick was applied to the problematic place on the patient's body and, drawing air out of it with the mouth, caused increased blood flow. It was believed that half of all diseases could be cured this way. Oriental healers, without knowing it themselves, laid the foundation for the vacuum massage technique. Now it has received full scientific confirmation, in practice it has proved its effectiveness and has become extremely popular. Elementary devices have been replaced by modern devices for vacuum massage, created taking into account new achievements in medical science and technology.

It has been scientifically proven that exposure to vacuum triggers a whole chain of global changes in the work of the circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body. A rarefied medium is needed for the treatment of many diseases, even ophthalmic ones. To eliminate the risk of complications and get a guaranteed result, the procedure is recommended to be carried out in a salon or clinic with good specialists. At their disposal today are powerful devices with sophisticated software and a wide range of functions.

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This stationary device for vacuum massage is the brainchild of Russian developers of medical equipment. The kit includes 32 suction cups of different shapes and sizes with long hoses that are attached to the base with special taps. Controlled by a monitor built into the front panel of the device, a specially designed application displays the program on the computer screen. Several operating modes adjust the intensity of the vacuum exposure to work on any part of the body, including the face, without pain and bruising.

Massaging is performed by a static method: the nozzle is left on the problem area for a few seconds, and then moved along the lymph. In the area of ​​​​attachment of the vacuum suction cup, a pressure drop is created, causing a rush of blood and accelerating the flow of lymph. As a result, dormant vessels open, begin to work, improving tissue nutrition and metabolic processes in them. Muscle fibers relax, foci of tension are eliminated, pain is relieved, fat cells burst due to excess internal pressure.

Given this favorable effect, hardware therapy is prescribed:

  • athletes to relieve tension, build muscle mass or increase its performance;
  • women who want to lose weight, remove signs of cellulite, model a figure, correct facial contours, improve skin condition;
  • everyone who leads a sedentary lifestyle, suffers from periodic or constant back pain of various origins.

Of the capabilities of the AVM-28E, it is worth noting in particular:

  • adjustment of the mode of installation of suction cups;
  • automatic smooth increase in vacuum during the procedure;
  • exposure time control;
  • overheating protection.

Despite external bulkiness, the device is mobile and weighs only 12 kg.

NV-13 for RF lifting

This compact portable device of the Chinese company New Face performs 4 main functions:

  • RF-lifting - under the influence of radio waves of a certain frequency, the deep layers of the skin and fatty tissue are heated, blood circulation is accelerated, the fibers containing collagen are dehydrated, compressed, losing their ability to stretch. The skin becomes elastic - this is how the instant lifting effect manifests itself. Moreover, the body activates the synthesis of its own collagen, which restores skin elasticity and tightens the oval of the face even some time after the procedure.
  • Cavitation - purposeful penetration of caverns (voids) in fat capsules by ultrasound in order to destroy the latter. As a result of such an impact, pressure inside the cell rises, the shell bursts, and the liquid content is excreted from the body naturally.
  • Lymphatic drainage - under the influence of vacuum, lymph is activated, removing toxins, toxins and decay products.
  • Infrared radiation- thermal electromagnetic waves warm up tissues, disinfect, relieve inflammation, accelerate metabolic processes.

These functions can be combined in various combinations and modes. The impact on the body is produced using 4 convenient nozzles (maniples). The programming of the massager is done using a touch screen with a bright and understandable menu.

Of the main technical characteristics, it is worth noting:

  • 5 cavitation programs with a frequency of 40.5 kHz;
  • 3 modes of radio wave lifting;
  • power 100 W;
  • work from a network of 220 V;
  • red IR light;
  • LCD display touchscreen;
  • warranty period of operation is 3 years.

NV-I3 allows you to correct the figure, tighten the skin of the face and body, improve its appearance, remove stretch marks, scars, reduce local fat deposits, eliminate cellulite even at the most advanced stage, speed up metabolic processes and significantly increase the overall tone of the body.

You can buy NV-I3 in medical equipment stores. It costs about 80,000 rubles.

Nova NV600

The device is manufactured by New Face Beauty Instrument Technology Co., Ltd. Thanks to a large number functions, this device is considered a champion in its class.

With its help, perform different types massage:

  • general;
  • vibration;
  • vacuum roller;
  • aimed at breast enlargement;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • vacuum cleaning of the face;
  • local lipolysis.

At the same time, working with Nova is a pleasure. It comes with 19 plastic or glass massage nozzles for different parts of the body. A wide range of programs allows you to influence such sensitive areas as the neck, chin or mammary glands. Adjustment of frequency and power of absorption facilitates work even with the heaviest patients.

As a result of the procedure:

  • there is a good lifting effect;
  • the blurred oval of the face is corrected;
  • breast enlarges;
  • toxins and slags are removed;
  • blood circulation improves;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • wrinkles, puffiness, bags under the eyes disappear;
  • pain is relieved.

Although the device belongs to the category of salon, it can not be called cumbersome. Its packed dimensions are only 40x39x38 cm, and the weight does not exceed 5 kg. And the price is not high at all - in Moscow NV600 can be bought for 18,800 rubles.


This multifunctional device is widely used in cosmetology clinics. The impact on the patient's body is carried out using:

  • five modes of constant or pulsating vacuum;
  • four-speed vibration;
  • light radiation;
  • electrical low-frequency pulses of complex shape;
  • vacuum roller massage.

Such a variety of techniques, the possibility of combining them, as well as a set of nozzles make the device universal and indispensable in the fight against:

  1. overweight;
  2. cellulite;
  3. muscle spasms;
  4. diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  5. acne;
  6. acne;
  7. swelling of the eyelids;
  8. metabolic and blood flow disorders;
  9. inflammation and sagging skin.

The special features of the IB-8080 (modes of electromagnetic waves, pulsating vacuum, photon exposure, vibration) allow you to take care of the breast: increase its size, restore tissue elasticity, and correct the shape of the nipples.

A convenient control panel in the top panel of the device allows you to clearly configure all the parameters and control them during the procedure. The power of the device reaches 68 W, the operating frequency is 50-60 Hz. You can buy the IB-8080 for 29990 rubles, without the cost of the rack.


Cosmetology, health and rehabilitation centers willingly use this South Korean-made device for vacuum-roller massage procedures. The operation of the GT-600 is based on the principles of creating local decompression and vibration exposure, combinations of which are presented in 6 different programs.

15 special working maniples and three pairs of bust applicators help to carefully work out problem areas. An automatic controller maintains a constant or pulsed vacuum of a given power in them, and built-in rollers allow you to penetrate into the deepest structures of the body. Nozzles and removable filters help to carry out vacuum cleaning of the face, effectively remove pustules, blackheads and blackheads.

As a result:

  • blood circulation is stimulated;
  • lymph flow is activated;
  • edema is eliminated;
  • fat deposits are broken;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • open pores;
  • sweat and sebaceous ducts are cleaned;
  • the structure of the skin is leveled, its elasticity and elasticity increase.

This action determines the versatility of the device. Massage with it relieves:

  • obesity;
  • cellulite of any, even advanced stage;
  • restless leg syndrome;
  • pain in the back and limbs;
  • scars and scars;
  • circulatory disorders.

Particularly popular are special breast care procedures, including after lactation, detox programs aimed at cleansing the body of toxins, toxins and decay products, rehabilitation courses after plastic surgery, injuries or bruises.

You can buy the GT-600 at a warehouse in Moscow for 38,430 rubles.

Slimming D-528

Another professional device for vacuum-roller massage is presented by NeoEsthetic from China.

In its configuration:

  • silent compressor;
  • a convenient control panel with a built-in vacuum gauge and a touch screen, on which, thanks to a clear menu, the main exposure parameters are easily set;
  • three working maniples of large, medium and small sizes, allowing you to work out even delicate and sensitive areas of the body.

The area preheated by manual massage is affected by a maniple of the appropriate size. A medium is created inside the nozzle, the pressure of which is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure, from 0.1 to 0.9 atm. It draws the area of ​​skin inward, and six rollers arranged in a circle roll it. Such a double effect is detrimental to fat cells: as a result of a pressure drop, their membranes burst, vibration dilutes the leaked contents, and promotes its removal from the body with the lymph flow.

Chromotherapy helps to enhance the effect - treatment with light and color. At the same time, each color has its own function: red improves blood circulation, green heals the skin, removing inflammation, purple relaxes and soothes.

Slimming D-528 allows you to solve problems that have arisen due to excess weight, decreased muscle tone, disorders of blood and lymph microcirculation, slowing down metabolic processes, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system and skin.

Another advantage of the device is that anti-cellulite procedures do not require a special suit. D-528 costs about 114,000 rubles. But because of its economy and efficiency, it quickly pays for itself.


Another massager from Chinese manufacturers will be able to solve many aesthetic problems of visitors to beauty salons:

  • re-create the contours of the body;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • improve the shape, increase the size of the bust;
  • get rid of " orange peel»;
  • will detoxify the body;
  • restores skin elasticity.

The action is based on the same healing properties of vacuum and roller massage, which we have already talked about in the article: "".

Sophisticated electronics allows you to choose any of the 6 proposed programs, and also controls the supply of vacuum.

A feature of the device is the possibility of acupuncture exposure using pulsed rarefaction.

All manipulations are carried out with glass jars and three plastic nozzles with rollers. The operating mode is set on a simple control panel. On the side surface of the housing there is a filter that makes it easy to clean dirt, and a stand for maniples. The warranty period of the device is 18 months, the price is 24,000 rubles.


An analogue of the expensive French devices LPG System and Starvac, created by the Belarusian company "B-flexy - West", made a splash in the medical equipment market.

This device combines:

  • high quality and reliability of the design;
  • a modern principle of action based on LPG endermological massage, using vacuum and vibration, aimed at working out the deep structures of the epidermis and destroying adipose tissue;
  • ease of operation.
  • availability: B-flexy costs about 300,000 rubles, which is 5 times cheaper than the famous LPG.

Although he has only one maniple, the effect is impressive: judging by the reviews, after the first session, the waist circumference is reduced by 1 centimeter. This is because the built-in high-performance turbine with cross-sectional blades allows you to increase the unprecedented power of the vacuum, and, moreover, without increasing the level of energy consumption.

One procedure solves many problems at once:

  • reduces the volume of the body;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • tightens muscles;
  • removes puffiness;
  • restores skin elasticity and firmness.

Even a novice massage therapist can perform it, especially since the package includes a technical passport with a detailed description of the functions of the device and a training disk with step-by-step instructions.


It is intended for professional use in cosmetology and health-improving centers. Combines impact:

  • vacuum roller massager;
  • infrared laser;
  • radio wave RF-lifting.

Taken in combination, these technologies allow you to work out deep-lying connective tissue structures, resulting in:

  • removal of bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • face oval modeling;
  • weight loss;
  • restoration of energy after significant physical exertion;
  • elimination of stretch marks and "orange peel";
  • improvement in general well-being.

Massage is carried out through a special suit. Four nozzle options allow you to choose the most suitable exposure mode and treat different problem areas, including the area around the eyes and the nasolabial triangle.

Among the technical parameters of MBT-V8 it is worth noting:

  1. Vacuum force from 20 to 90 kPa.
  2. Roller rotation speed up to 36 rpm.
  3. The maximum laser power is 20W.

All settings are stored on the flash drive included in the kit. You can buy the device in a warehouse in Moscow for 294,000 rubles.

Apparatus for vacuum massage used at home

Thanks to valuable healing properties and high efficiency, vacuum massage has ceased to be only professional procedure. Today, you can easily do it yourself at home by buying one of the table-type massagers offered by manufacturers. Inexpensive, compact, lightweight, they make the procedure accessible and simple.

Gezatone Vacuum Beauty System

This device was created by the French company Gezatone I.T.C. to combat cellulite, excess weight, stretch marks and sagging, toned skin. Its action is based on endermological lipomassage, named after its discoverer Louis Paul Guitel (LPG).

The nozzle installed on the patient's body by vacuum aspiration captures and lifts the skin fold, and the rollers located at the end of the maniple work through it with vibration massage. Thus, it is possible to penetrate into the deeper layers and act on fatty tissue.

The seven nozzles of the Gezatone Vacuum Beauty System differ in diameter and distance between the vibrating rollers, which allows them to be used to massage different parts of the body: back, buttocks, thighs, shoulders, even neck and face.

Four exposure programs and three adjustable power levels allow you to:

  1. Remove body fat.
  2. Adjust weight.
  3. Model a silhouette.
  4. Get rid of stretch marks, swelling, spasms.
  5. Increase muscle tone.
  6. Improve the appearance and condition of the skin.

Vacuum Beauty System dimensions (310x200x130 mm), light weight (3 kg), battery operation, resistance to high temperatures up to +35 0 C, allow it to be used even on the road.

Among the shortcomings, users note a wide range of contraindications, which necessitates a preliminary consultation with a doctor, and a rather high price - in Moscow stores the device costs 13,200 rubles.

VM-50-01 "Micro-V"

This device is a hardware version of cupping massage. The procedure is carried out using a universal silicone suction cup. classical form, which automatically creates a reduced pressure. The vacuum power range is regulated by a digital display built into the Micro-B panel and ranges from 0 to 50 kPa. There is also a built-in timer that controls the exposure time.

The device is economical - it works from a 220 V network with a power consumption of 10 W. Despite its miniature size and simplicity of design, this vacuum apparatus helps a lot with:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • myositis;
  • paralysis;
  • overweight;
  • cellulite;
  • diseases of the lungs and bronchi;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • injuries;
  • muscle fatigue.

Procedures are quick and painless, do not have age restrictions. You can buy VM-50-01 in medical equipment stores or directly from the manufacturer at the Moscow MEL plant for 10,500 rubles.

Thematic material:


It is this model, produced by the Russian company MedInTech (MIT), judging by the reviews, that is especially popular. The program incorporated in MVT-01 and its technical capabilities allow professionally performing not only vacuum, but also magnetic-roller massage at home. The kit includes 10 nozzles of different diameters and designs, which work through all parts of the body. Store them in a capacious container built into the body of the device.

Under the local influence of vacuum, blood circulation improves, lymph flow is activated, fat capsules are destroyed, metabolic processes are stimulated, and cell regeneration is accelerated. The use of magnetic roller massage increases the fluidity of fluids, relieves swelling, and increases the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. Such changes allow you to deal with:

  • overweight;
  • cellulite;
  • diseases of the nervous system: neuroses, paralysis;
  • pathologies of the digestive organs;
  • pneumonia;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • muscle spasms;
  • depression
  • hangover
  • neuroses.

In the salons of Moscow, MIT-MVT-01 costs about 12,000 rubles.

Attachments with 1-, 2- or 3-roller magnets are available for an additional fee.


The device is designed for massage using vacuum, which is created in a special nozzle due to a significant reduction in pressure. The masseur himself chooses the appropriate vacuum value and fixes it on the display. The vacuum gauge monitors the set parameters and maintains the set values ​​even if the tightness of the attachment to the body is weakened.

The device has an electronic vacuum calibration function. It is carried out immediately upon switching on by a built-in pressure sensor, which provides a high degree of control over the power of the vacuum. Therefore, "Matrix VM" refers to medical equipment of increased reliability and is used for:

  • silhouette formation;
  • stimulation of blood circulation;
  • activation of lymph flow;
  • anti-stress treatment;
  • improving the structure of the skin;
  • increase in muscle performance;
  • recovery after injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Such vacuum procedures are used even in dentistry to massage the gums by putting on the appropriate nozzle. Often, "Matrix" is used with the "Milta" apparatus, which performs laser exposure, which greatly enhances the therapeutic effect of the procedure.

Specialists are also attracted by other technical parameters of the device:

  • low power consumption (no more than 10 W);
  • maximum vacuum force up to 50 kPa;
  • clear preservation of the set parameters.
  • light weight - only one and a half kilograms;
  • compact dimensions (275x196x105 mm).

Not so long ago, a two-channel "Matrix-VM" appeared, which makes it possible to massage two patients at the same time. The price of such a device reaches 20,000 rubles.

When purchasing a vacuum apparatus, give preference only to branded manufacturers and proven, reliable trading companies. Remember that the quality of the goods is a guarantee of your health and good mood.

Feature articles

Cellulite is a problem that even girls aged 18-20 face today, not to mention more mature women.

The main reason is a sedentary lifestyle, an excess of stressful situations and malnutrition.

The best prevention is an active lifestyle, daily jogging and a well-thought-out diet.

But what if the problem has already taken by surprise, and you urgently need to put yourself in order? One solution is to use a vacuum cellulite massager.

Consider the following questions below:

  • How effective is a vacuum trainer?
  • What types are there?
  • How to use it?
  • Are there contraindications?
  • Which models deserve the most attention?

Vacuum massager - help or "money down the drain"?

Favorite places for cellulite to appear are in the buttocks, back of the legs, abdomen and even arms.

It is at these points that the blood supply and the process of lymph outflow are most often disturbed. You can recognize the problem by the appearance of bumps on the skin.

Vacuum massager is a device that affects muscle and adipose tissue, improves metabolic processes, normalizes the process of respiration and cell nutrition.

Its regular use allows you to lift the tone of the skin and improve its appearance.

A similar principle of action has, which has been used by women for several decades.

But the modern device has a number of advantages - ease of use, the ability to adjust the intensity of exposure to the skin and minimal risk of damage to the integument.

If you believe the reviews, the vacuum massager perfectly copes with the task - it removes puffiness, smoothes the subcutaneous layer and massages the muscles well.

The greatest results can be achieved with regular use of the device, as well as combining procedures with physical activity.

Special attention should be paid to nutrition, which directly affects the speed of achieving results in the fight against cellulite.

Types and features

Today, there are three types of vacuum simulators on sale:

How does a vacuum massager work, the principle of operation

The task of the apparatus for combating cellulite is to relieve muscle tension, as well as to eliminate the formation of "orange peel" on the surface of the skin.

Simultaneously with the use of the device, it is worth adhering to the correct diet and giving the body physical activity.

The principle of action is based on a deep effect on the subcutaneous layers, normalization of blood circulation and renewal of skin cells.

The result of using a vacuum massager is the destruction of fat cells, followed by the removal of toxins from the body.

Vacuum devices to combat cellulite have a number of additional effects:

  • Accelerate the saturation of skin cells with oxygen;
  • Relax muscles;
  • Increase the flow of lymph, and also accelerate the removal of foreign fluid;
  • Strengthen the immune system;
  • Activate fibroblasts, which stimulate the production of elastin and collagen;
  • Improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Overview of vacuum massagers

To simplify the choice, consider the most popular and functional devices to combat cellulite:

The working principle of Cellules is similar to the well-known cupping massage. In the process of application, a vacuum is created, which accelerates the flow of blood and lymph.

Regular exposure to a vacuum massager contributes to the restoration of metabolic processes, the production of collagen, as well as a decrease in the external manifestations of the "orange peel". Stretch marks become almost invisible or are completely eliminated.

The working pressure on the skin is 50 kPa, which is enough to effectively combat the "orange peel".

The vacuum massager is safe and adjusted to the sensitivity of the skin.

There are three modes in total, which are switched by pressing the buttons.

Cellular Benefits:

  • Effective impact on problem areas, help in burning fat and getting rid of extra pounds;
  • Accelerated removal of toxins and slags;
  • Improvement appearance skin and giving it elasticity;
  • Battery operation;
  • Ease of use and compactness;
  • Elimination of cellulite.

The vacuum massager can be used for various areas - hips, abdomen, arms, sides, back and neck.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting the presence of contraindications and low functionality.

The package includes the vacuum massager itself, an adapter, a bowl and instructions for use.

Cellu 5000 vacuum trainer is known to cosmetologists and many women who have already had to deal with the problem of cellulite.

The principle of operation is based on creating a vacuum and activating important processes in the subcutaneous layer.

As a result of the action of Cellu 5000, tissue oxygenation improves, skin is restored, stretch marks are eliminated.

Already after a few sessions, the elasticity of the skin increases, the fat layer decreases, the work of the lymphatic drainage system improves.

The Cellu 5000 vacuum trainer can be used at home or in specialized salons.

Using the device involves installing the nozzle and moving it over the surface of the skin.


  • Compactness;
  • Possibility of application at home;
  • Get rid of fat and cellulite quickly;
  • Efficiency guaranteed.

The use of the device will be useful for overweight, increased physical activity, cellulite and during the rehabilitation period after surgery.


  • It is forbidden to use during pregnancy, poor blood clotting and a number of other health problems (see contraindications);
  • The need to combine with anti-cellulite cream;
  • High price;
  • Production - China.

The kit includes a vacuum massager, a small bowl, a 220-volt adapter, body gel and instructions in Russian.

The purpose of this model is to perform two types of massage - magnetic roller and vacuum.

Before use, a special nozzle is put on the device, in the cavity of which a vacuum is created.

The result of using the device is the improvement of blood and lymph flow, the acceleration of metabolic processes in tissues, the removal of cellulite.

Included with the device is a nozzle with a roller-type magnet that performs two functions (massage and magnetotherapy).


  • High vacuum level (0.8 A.D.);
  • Rich equipment;
  • Work from a household network of 220 Volts.

Disadvantages - the lack of a battery, which allows the device to be used only when tied to an outlet.

The kit includes an electronic unit, a voltage regulator, ten massage overlays, a manual for use and a silicone tube.

Cellules with two nozzles.

The peculiarity of the vacuum massager is the presence of two cans at once and the possibility of using it at home.

The nozzles have different sizes, which allows you to speed up the massage process and increase the volume of the treated area.

Regular use of the device guarantees the creation perfect figure, eliminating the effect of "orange peel", as well as burning weight.

The device is powered by a battery, which allows you to take it with you anywhere.

The use of a massager is relevant for muscle pain, cellulite treatment and the initial stage varicose veins veins.

Also, a 2-jar vacuum massager is used to rejuvenate the skin, accelerate the resorption of scars and fight fat.

Of the shortcomings - the presence of a large number of contraindications and the prohibition of use in some areas (kidneys, heart and chest).

The package includes the device itself, a charger, as well as two dome-shaped vessels (sizes - small and large).

Maniquick MQ 720.

Vacuum massager MQ 720 - a device that provides cupping and anti-cellulite massage at home.


  • Possibility of work from the accumulator and from a household network;
  • Power up to 53 kPa. It is worth noting that only professional devices have an indicator above 50 kPa;
  • The presence of four modes of intensity, which allows you to choose the best option for yourself;
  • Three nozzles in a set with different diameters. For the chest and body (95 mm), for the body (65 mm) and for the face (30 mm);
  • Careful impact even on the most sensitive areas;
  • Swiss quality;
  • Effective fight against cellulite.

Of the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting only the high price, which not all housewives can pull.

The kit includes a bag for transportation and storage, a vacuum massager, three nozzles and instructions.

The Cellules MD is an optimized version of the previously reviewed Cellules device.

The principle of operation is based on the effect of vacuum pulses on the skin, which accelerates the breakdown of fat cells.

An additional effect is provided by special rollers that create pressure on the problem area and accelerate the process of collagen restoration.

As a result of the use of Cellules MD, it is possible to eliminate cellulite, improve skin tone and soften the skin.

Advantages of a vacuum massager:

  • Ease of use and compactness;
  • Possibility of replacement of nozzles;
  • Vacuum system control to provide deeper massage;
  • Improving muscle tone;
  • Get rid of cellulite and sagging skin quickly;
  • Functionality (the device is suitable for various parts of the body - legs, hips, buttocks and others).

Disadvantages - long charging time (about 8 hours and high price).

It is recommended to use the device to combat cellulite daily until you achieve your goal.

Time of influence on one site - not less than 10 minutes.

The package includes a vacuum massager, a nozzle with one and two rollers, charging, an adapter stand and an instruction manual.

S'one is a portable roller system.

Another device deserves no less attention - a compact vacuum-roller-type massager for combating cellulite.

Its feature is a wide scope and ease of use.

Vacuum massager Starvac S'One is useful in cosmetology, sports medicine, rheumatology, physiotherapy and other fields.

The device can be used at home and in special clinics.


  • vacuum massage. It is carried out in the area of ​​​​the pectoral muscles and face. With its help, it is possible to improve skin tone, eliminate acne and blackheads, even out the corners of the lips and remove bags under the eyes.
  • Vacuum-roller - a type of massage that eliminates cellulite, excess fat, body shaping and normalization of blood circulation.

The advantages of the device are due to the triple effect on the problem area - vacuum, rolling and massage.


  • Efficiency due to the presence of a triple action.
  • Wide range of indications. In addition to fighting fat and cellulite, Starvac S'One effectively relieves fatigue, stress and helps with rheumatism.

Disadvantages - high weight (8.6 kg) and high cost.

The package includes:

  • System unit;
  • A set of transparent bowls - round, oval, as well as 4.6, 8 and 10 cm in diameter;
  • Two roller maniples (large and small);
  • Case;
  • Filter (two) and network cable;
  • User guide.

The Nozomi MH-103 device is made in Taiwan. Purpose - improvement of blood circulation in muscle tissues and subcutaneous integument, stress relief, elimination of cellulite.

With the help of the device, it is possible to quickly overcome fatigue, stress and rheumatism.

A feature of Nozomi MH-103 is the presence of two intensity modes, as well as a special ion lamp.


  • Possibility of application at home;
  • The presence of a long handle, which simplifies the processing of all areas (for example, hips, back and shoulders);
  • Heavier head, which acts better on the massaged area;
  • An ion radiation lamp that has a beneficial effect on the body. Ionic radiation slows down cell aging, accelerates metabolic processes, and increases the overall efficiency of the vacuum massager in the fight against cellulite. Ionization can be disabled.

Disadvantages - the ability to power only from a household network, the presence of only two modes, a lot of weight (1.7 kg).

The package includes a warranty card, instructions and the massager itself. The manual for the device provides detailed recommendations for use and scope.

How to do vacuum massage: detailed instructions

Before using the device, you should first prepare the skin. To do this, the use of various techniques is allowed - rubbing, pinching or patting.

After preheating, you can start the action of a vacuum massager on the skin in problem areas. Movement should be light, from top to bottom.

Gradually, the pressure must be increased to achieve a greater effect. A big plus if the massage will be done by an assistant.

In this case, you can completely relax and get the maximum effect from the procedure.

To achieve the greatest results, you should follow simple rules:

  • Session time is from half an hour to an hour. Otherwise, serious success in the fight against cellulite cannot be achieved;
  • Hands must be clean and dry;
  • It is advisable to apply vegetable (olive) oil or anti-cellulite cream to the treated area. This will provide better glide;
  • The optimal frequency of massage is at least once a week.
  • Massage in the abdomen should be more gentle, because this area has more delicate skin;
  • It is better not to use a vacuum massager on the inner thigh area (near the groin) and near the popliteal cavities;
  • Before using the device, it is important to carefully read the contraindications, and then proceed to use the device.


The operating instructions for each vacuum simulator for cellulite stipulate recommendations for use, as well as contraindications.

  • Pregnancy and in the first two months after the birth of a child;
  • Poor blood clotting;
  • Exacerbation of hygienic diseases;
  • Acute infectious diseases accompanied by high fever;
  • Skin problems (psoriasis, eczema);
  • Phlebeurysm;
  • The presence of tumors;
  • Open blisters or abrasions;
  • Problems of the cardiovascular system and other diseases.

Other types of anti-cellulite massagers

A vacuum massager is not the only means of combating cellulite. He has competitors.

Here are just a few of them:

A vacuum massager is considered one of the best devices for cellulite. The main thing is to carefully approach the choice, take into account the indications and contraindications, as well as perform additional activities (normalize the diet and go in for sports).

The beach season is the most anticipated time for any girl. The end of the winter season does not pass without a trace. One of the most common and undesirable effects is cellulite. In most cases, to get rid of such a problem, the fair sex use special gels, creams, masks and scrubs. All these tools give a good result, but their use should be long enough.

If you want to get the desired result faster, then you can use a vacuum cellulite massager. The principle of this device is very similar to the well-known method of cupping massage. But massage with cans often leads to negative consequences, such as bruising at the site of the procedure.

Another well-known method of affectively getting rid of orange peel on the body is anti-cellulite massage. But even it does not pass without a trace for the skin and is almost always accompanied by small, albeit quite painful hematomas.

The principle of operation of the anti-cellulite massager

The peculiarity of this device is that, during operation, the nozzle sucks the skin and fat layer using a vacuum, without injuring the epidermis. This contributes to the uniform splitting of the fat layer. The device also massages the muscles well and accelerates blood circulation. The massager can be used if there are swelling in problem areas. The main task of the work is to remove excess fluid, harmful toxins and slags from the body.

Before you buy a vacuum massage device for cellulite, you need to think carefully about which of the proposed options is best to stop. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the number of nozzles. The more varied they are, the better. Each such device has its own effect on cellulite. different size nozzles absorb the skin and destroy fat in different ways. For a good result, the nozzles need to be changed constantly.

A large number of nozzles will allow you to independently make a massage as similar as possible to a salon. Thus, you will not need to allocate time to sign up for a salon, and after all, each procedure of a professional costs a lot of money.

It is better to give preference to small and ergonomic devices for anti-cellulite massage. Moreover, some models can be taken with you on the road. There are options that work from the network, there are battery-powered models, as well as devices that provide both methods. During operation, the vacuum cellulite massager vibrates a little. The rollers, which are made of soft rubber, gently suck the skin inwards.

Use the unit for no longer than 10 minutes. To understand whether or not enough time has passed for exposure, one must look at the color of the skin. As soon as a slight redness appears on it, the massage should be stopped.

An effective vacuum electric massager from chronic cellulite will allow you to correct the most difficult places. good quality the device easily works in difficult areas and brings maximum results.

What are the brands of vacuum massagers?

  • The most popular brand is Celluless. It is quite simple, but at the same time the most effective. At the same time, it has a low price. You can buy it from 1000 to 2000 rubles.
  • Gezatone Vacu Pro. This is a more professional massager model. Its cost is slightly higher. You can buy within 2490 rubles.
  • Gezatone Vacuum Beauty System. This is a more expensive brand. The price category ranges from 2000 to 20000 rubles. a piece. Its price is much higher than the previous ones, but this is understandable. This model is multifunctional. The device is used both for getting rid of cellulite and for cleansing the face.

In order to work with this device, special skills and practice are not required. The device should work on the skin in those places where there is an "orange peel". With the help of a vacuum cellulite massager, you can massage the thighs, buttocks and legs. But it can not be used to massage the abdomen.

There are some side effects but they are harmless. After several applications, small bruises may appear on the skin. In order to avoid them, massage should not be done too often and for a long time. If during the operation of the massager there are slight painful sensations, then this is within the normal range.

How to properly prepare for a massage and carry out the procedure

It is necessary to follow some rules, and then the fight against cellulite will go with the greatest degree of efficiency:

  • First you need to take a shower to thoroughly wash the skin.
  • You can use body scrubs.
  • After that, the entire skin should be well dried with a towel.
  • Next, you need to apply an anti-cellulite cream to the problem areas and you can start the massage.
  • Movements should be slow and as smooth as possible.
  • The first procedure can last from 5 to 30 minutes. It depends on the redness of the skin.

Like all medical devices, the massager has a number of restrictions on its use. They cannot be used:

The massager is a unique device for bringing the skin in order. He can easily cope with sagging skin, overweight, and also remove extra centimeters on the body. In addition, it is good to use it with constant physical exertion, when a person constantly feels muscle fatigue and muscle pain.

Massage in this way has a beneficial effect on a variety of stresses and tensions. By reducing spasms and relaxing effects, depressed mood returns to normal and well-being improves

The quality and efficiency of the device will make problem areas well-groomed in the shortest possible time. We can say that now the next beach season will be held at the highest level.

The frantic rhythm of life does not always allow a modern woman to find time to be like a course of modeling massage. But with age, the need for it progresses: in problem areas, which should be the most seductive in a female figure, in addition to body fat, an unpleasant orange peel appears. With her, you can’t put on a swimsuit, or show off in the pool, and you don’t even look like a frank outfit in front of your beloved man. In such cases, a cellulite massager, which can be purchased for home use, can be a lifesaver.

Operating principle

Anti-cellulite massagers successfully cope with the following tasks:

  • increase skin tone - it becomes more elastic and supple;
  • remove fatty subcutaneous deposits, due to the normalization of lymph flow;
  • improve metabolism;
  • eliminate cellulite, are prevention for its formation;
  • smooth and make stretch marks less noticeable;
  • relax and tone muscles, relieve fatigue;
  • accelerate blood circulation and lymph flow.

Already after 3-4 procedures, the first changes become visible, and at the end of the course, the problem will either be completely eliminated or become less noticeable.

Everything is scientifically explainable, so it is quite possible to remove cellulite with a massager even at home. The procedure is simple, the devices are compact, easy and safe to use. negative feedback about their work and efficiency is less than positive, so it's worth trying to ruin the family budget for the sake of such a useful device.


Depending on the functions performed, the principle of operation, materials, cellulite massagers can be different. Before making a purchase, try to familiarize yourself with the main types of these devices so as not to make a mistake with the choice.

  • Vacuum

At the heart of its action is the long-established canning method of combating cellulite. The nozzle of the massager is a plastic jar in which a vacuum is created. It pinpoints the skin and stimulates it. This has a positive effect on blood circulation, allowing nutrients get to the right places faster, speeds up their exchange. Fat cells also begin to move - they are excreted from the body with lymph. The structure of the skin is noticeably improved, stretch marks and manifestations of cellulite are gradually eliminated.

  • Roller

Anti-cellulite roller massager SUPRA MBS-111

Roller works differently than vacuum. It is equipped with nozzles in the form of wheels, which, sliding over the body, break up fat deposits, creating the effect of an orange peel. The rollers can be different in size, material and depth of impact. After such a device, the risk of hematomas is less than after a vacuum one.

  • Manual

One of the simplest and most budgetary devices for removing cellulite is a manual massager. When applying it, it is necessary to make certain efforts in order to put pressure on problematic skin. Usually such devices are a handle and a head with a floating roller. Among the advantages are favorable price, independence from power supply, simplicity, long term operation. Among the obvious disadvantages are lower efficiency, the risk of not calculating one's own strength, and the inaccessibility of some places for processing.

The most common models are a roller with needles (they are small and with blunt tips), a mitten (it is convenient to put on a hand and massage problem areas), a washcloth with hard bristles (used mainly during water procedures).

  • Electric

Manual body massager Beurer MG 80

It is very convenient: you connect it to the power supply - and you just drive the device over the problem area of ​​the body. Here you can adjust the speed and intensity of movements. This allows you to choose the optimal mode and get maximum results. With its help, cellulite can be eliminated in the shortest possible time.

  • Professional

The highest stage in the development of hardware cosmetology is a professional anti-cellulite massager. Mainly used in salons, not recommended for home use. First, it is far from being as compact. Secondly, it is multifunctional, which requires certain skills. Thirdly, it is very expensive.

  • Silicone

This does not mean that the massager is all silicone - nozzles are made from this material. They provide a softer glide, prevent the possibility of injury and the formation of hematomas. The procedure is quite pleasant. Devices with rubber “fingers” are very similar in principle of operation.

  • Wooden

Made from environmentally friendly raw materials. Accordingly, after it on the skin there will be neither allergic reactions nor irritation. However, compared to silicone or rubber, this is a rather rough material. Yes, it works great and breaks fat globules. But at the same time, hematomas can form. For tender, thin, sensitive skin it's not the best choice.

There are also compact pneumatic massagers for legs, arms or abdomen. They are sleeves similar to blood pressure cuffs. They are put on a certain part of the body and begin to swell in the same way, creating a vacuum. This gives a serious load on blood circulation, which plays an important role in the elimination of cellulite. Not everyone tolerates such a procedure well. She has many contraindications. Therefore, experts do not recommend using such devices on their own.


Cellulite massagers should not be used in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin, inflammation, ulcers in the treated area;
  • dermatosis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • lymphadenitis, varicose veins, phlebitis in problem areas of the body;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • psycho-emotional overexcitation, neuropsychiatric disorders accompanied by convulsions;
  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • some autoimmune diseases;
  • oncology.

If in doubt, it is better not to take risks and consult a doctor.

Application rules

To achieve optimal results from massagers, you need to learn how to use them correctly. There is nothing complicated here. First of all, you should read the instructions and do everything as described in it. Almost all devices are the same in operation.

Preparatory stage

  1. Explore the direction massage lines, because the maximum effect can be achieved if you drive the device precisely along them. This will relieve hematomas and discomfort.
  2. Before the procedure, the skin should be at least slightly warmed up. To do this, apply either massage oil or anti-cellulite cream to the problem area. And then crush it.

Waist and abdomen correction

  1. Lie comfortably on your back. Hold your stomach as if you are breathing in. The back is straight, the knees are bent.
  2. Connect the device to the mains, set the minimum speed.
  3. Attach it to the navel, perform smooth, unhurried movements in different directions.
  4. Work the waist on each side for 2 minutes, the stomach - no more than 5 minutes.

Foot massage

  1. Sit down, lean back.
  2. Move the massager on the inner and outer thighs - 5 minutes each.
  3. The direction of movement is from bottom to top.
  4. They should be smooth, but at the same time clear and focused.

Buttocks treatment

  1. Lie on your right side, lean on your right hand.
  2. Left drive along the left buttock from the bottom up (from the hip to the waist).
  3. Then turn to the other side and do the same with the second half.
  4. The duration depends on the severity of cellulite. On average, the entire procedure takes about 3 minutes.


  1. Finish the massage with light stroking movements with the palm of your hand.
  2. Take a warm shower.
  3. Treat the problem area with anti-cellulite cream.

Helpful Hints

  1. As soon as excessive redness is noticed, the procedure should be stopped.
  2. Start low speed modes. Switch to higher ones no earlier than in a month - and then only if there is a need for it.
  3. After each procedure, the massager must be cleaned: disconnect from the mains, disconnect the nozzle from the body, rinse it with hot water and soap. Wipe the case with a cloth soaked in alcohol.
  4. The recommended time for the procedure is one hour after eating, 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  5. No need to use the massager several times a day. This can lead to the formation of hematomas and serious problems with blood circulation and lymph flow. Even daily use it is worth only in the most advanced cases. 2-3 treatments per week will be enough.
  6. After a month, the body should be allowed to rest for at least a week.

Experts strongly recommend not to carry out such procedures on your own. All the same, there are places on the body that can be very difficult to reach (especially if there are extra volumes). Therefore, if there is an opportunity to ask someone to do this, use it.

This is safe procedure without damaging the skin. Usually, a home cellulite massager is battery-operated and compact. It can fit in a bag so you can take it with you when you travel.

A complex approach

When deciding to get rid of cellulite with the help of a home massager, do not expect that the problem will be solved in the shortest possible time. This cosmetic defect is rooted deep into the body and is associated with metabolic disorders and excess weight (and sometimes obesity). Accordingly, external treatment of problem areas of the body cannot completely eradicate it. This requires an integrated approach. At the same time, arrange, review your diet and lifestyle. All these moments play an important role.

Rating of the best

Naturally, when a decision is made to buy a massager, a completely logical question arises, which one is the most effective - roller or vacuum, wooden or silicone, manual or electric, premium from Zepter or an ordinary budget mitt?

It is difficult to say which device is better, since the result largely depends on the source "material". With a slight cellulite, an ordinary washcloth will help, and sometimes even professional equipment can not cope with pronounced cellulite.

A small top 10 modern and popular models will guide you in prices and manufacturers.

  1. Celly Massage is a triple action vibrating massager with elastic balls and 47 micro fingers from Zepter (Zepter). $137.
  2. Casada CelluMax is a German device with 3 interchangeable nozzles. $94.8
  3. Nozomi MH-103 (Nozomi) - vacuum, with an infrared microlamp. $34.47
  4. Ultra slim from US Medica (USA) with a 3D nozzle that can work out the most inaccessible parts of the body. $50.
  5. Supra (Supra) - roller, with silicone nozzles for the hips, buttocks, abdomen and forearms. $27.56
  6. Anti-Cellulite Massage from Oriflame (Oriflame) - anti-cellulite massager with rubber "fingers". $13.79
  7. Celluless - vacuum. $11.89
  8. Applicator Lyapko. $4.65
  9. Solutions - roller with metal balls from Avon (Avon). $4.12.
  10. Anti-cellulite massage glove. $3.79

These are the best massagers on the market today. Despite the difference in price range and functionality, each of them helps to solve the problem in any part of the body. You just need to be able to use these unique devices and accustom yourself to the regularity of such procedures. Perhaps, at some point they will not replace the professional hands of a massage therapist, but, as practice shows, the final effect of them is quite good. Believe me, these devices are worth spending money on if cellulite has long been your problem and the cause of internal complexes.