Cream for removing cuticles. Review of gels for the procedure of other manufacturers. Pompidu Domix Green Professional Gel

The cuticle is an important component of a competent manicure. As a rule, few people really care for her and are interested in information on such care. The presence of burrs, torn cuticles, dirty or exfoliating - the first sign that you are not caring for your nails.

What it is?

The cuticle is a seal in the lower part of the nail, the so-called leathery roller. It is located at a certain distance under the skin, and it is impossible to see it completely. Only the edge of the cuticle is visible, already dried up, and, in fact, dead - it is from it that the burrs begin. In medical language, it is called pterygium and is located directly on the nail. The rest of the cuticle (eponychium) is the tissue part of the matrix that surrounds the nail from the inside.

Why is it needed?

First of all, the cuticle performs protective functions - it does not allow bacteria and various dirt to get under the nail into the growth zone. It is airtight, isolates the nail itself, its bed and matrix from the penetration of air and moisture.

The matrix is ​​the root of the nail, the part where it begins to grow. It is easy to understand that if the matrix is ​​damaged, then this will negatively affect the health of the entire nail. It will begin to peel off, break, and grow more slowly. All this can lead to diseases of the nail and to the fact that the matrix will stop producing the substances necessary for the growth and normal functioning of the bed.

The cuticle is located close to the matrix, it protects it from any troubles and physical or chemical influences.

By the way, the matrix has a continuation on the nail plate in the form of a lunula - the same crescent, which clearly stands out from the rest of the nail and has a more milky color. This part of the matrix is ​​not protected by the cuticle, is more sensitive and consists of living cells, so it also needs to be looked after.

It depends on the matrix whether your nails are long or short, dense or brittle. This is a completely genetic moment, but a little improvement in the condition of the nails and cuticles will help. proper care. If initially your nails were strong, the cuticles were healthy, and then they began to break and burrs appeared, then the problem is inside.


Of course, the nail plate requires special care. But you should never deprive the attention of the cuticle and the nail bed, which is responsible for their normal condition and growth.

Despite the fact that the nail bed and the upper part of the cuticle are keratinized, they require some care. Yes, a nail can stand the test of a cleanser or hard red polish, but it's best not to risk it. If you're going to be washing dishes, doing housework, or handling chemicals, it's best to wear gloves. The action is light, but will help keep your hands well-groomed.

As for special products, there are many of them - wax, pencil, creams, oils ... All of them are aimed at moisturizing and softening the cuticle, but they act in different ways. The step by step procedure looks like this:

  • Nail polish or shellac is carefully removed from the nail using a solvent or special wipes.
  • Overgrown cuticle is removed upon request., and by any of their methods, care will still be approximately the same.

  • One of the selected care products is applied to the nail plate - oil, wax or cream. The oil can be either purchased cosmetic (special mixtures in jars) or pharmacy - pay attention to grape seed oil, jojoba and avocado. They have high moisturizing properties and deeply nourish the cuticle and nail bed. If you need to whiten your nails, look at citrus oils - especially lemon. If you strengthen and accelerate growth - almond and bonfire, an oil solution of vitamin E or A, as well as shea and coconut. Wax has rather polishing and sealing properties, it is effective in the fight against burrs and gives the cuticle elasticity, and the nails themselves - a healthy shine. Its use together with a polishing nail file is effective.

It is desirable to treat the entire surface of the hands with a cream, just massage the fingers in the matrix area a little more carefully.

Periodically, you can use peeling or scrub for nails and hands. It hides peeling, reduces the risk of inflammation and growth of the cuticle. It can be both a peeling roll and a regular one, pay special attention to those peels that contain vitamins and fruit acids, which are responsible for removing only dead skin parts without touching the healthy ones.

How to delete?

There are several ways to remove the cuticle. Each is selected based on your personal preferences, as well as the condition of the cuticle and nail. Remember that it is impossible to permanently remove the cuticle, but careful care and periodic removal procedures will significantly improve its appearance.

  • Hardware. The main tool is a grinder that works like a soft polishing file. It acts very gently, does not touch the living cuticle, removes only the keratinized one. Thus, this is the safest and most popular way, although it has its own subtleties. So, for example, you can’t trust your hands to an amateur who can damage both the nail, the protective layer, and the living cuticle. Hardware cuticle removal is a salon procedure and cannot be done at home.

  • Edged. The most dangerous and oldest method. The fact is that the cuticle is naturally trimmed with special devices - nippers, which are called "tweezers", trimmers or scissors, thereby having a rather rough and aggressive effect on the skin around, the matrix and the living part of the cuticle. Moreover, the procedure is thankless - the skin, trying to compensate for the losses, begins to regenerate faster and the cuticle grows rougher and denser, as a result of which it has to be removed more often. In addition, during the procedure, there is a high risk of damaging the nail bed and infecting the growth zone. If you still decide on a trimmed manicure, then remember that the master must first thoroughly steam the skin rollers, moisturize or nourish them with special products, and then treat them with an antiseptic and healing cream.

  • Unedged (European). The safest and longest. In principle, it depends on the correct and constant care of the cuticle. You must massage the nails in the growth zone, moisturize and nourish, soften the cuticle with a remover (oil or cream). Next, an orange stick is taken and with it the cuticle is gently shifted to the base of the nail. This should be done already when the remover works and dries - the skin should be completely dry. After that, the hands and especially the cuticle area need to be moistened.

Removal tools

If in the salon a competent master himself is able to choose a cuticle remover, then at home you should buy everything at once. To begin with, it is worth saying that at home it is recommended to use only the European unedged method. It is the most secure.

For it, you will need an orange stick - a tool ranging in size from 9 to 18 centimeters and a width of 3 to 5, having one beveled edge and the other pointed. Sticks are sold in packages and cost from fifty to three hundred rubles. An orange stick is a disposable tool, it absorbs moisture very well, and you need to store it in a clean and dry place.

An additional plus of this tool is that it is suitable for removing dirt under the protruding part of the nail.

As an alternative, you can consider Europumice. This is a soft and smooth ceramic file that does not damage the cuticle and nail. It is also used for its polishing. There are several types of pumice depending on the color. Gray pumice is the most gentle, yellow is hard, and pink is the golden mean between them.

You will also need to purchase a special cuticle remover - a cuticle softener. It is sold as an oil or cream and acts on the cuticle in such a way that it can be easily picked up with an orange stick and separated from nail plate. Can also be used as a remover Castor oil, and homemade baths with sea salt and essential oils.

Directly for the care of the cuticle after its removal, you will need a good antiseptic without alcohol or a basic fatty oil.

What means to choose?

When choosing cuticle care products, you should focus on your preferences and desires. If you want hydration and nourishment for every day, take a closer look at carrier oils. If you need to polish the nail and smooth out the burrs - go to waxes. A quality cream should be in your care in any case.

Remember that high-quality cuticle removers do not have to be expensive, but don’t be fooled by very low prices - be sure to check the expiration date and the composition of the product. A little life hack - read the reviews about the product you want to buy and see its rating. According to advanced readers, you can definitely determine the remedy for yourself.

How to move?

To push back the cuticle, an orange stick or euro pumice is used. They and only they are able to competently and without damage push the cuticle under the skin. No toothpicks or cotton swabs out of the question.

The action itself goes like this:

  • A special softening agent is applied to the cuticle - a remover. It can be a liquid, solution, gel, oil or something else - it depends on the manufacturer.
  • Next, you need to wait for it to dry completely. When your hands are completely dry, grab an orange stick or euro pumice and, moving from the tip of the nail, pry the cuticle with shearing movements. It should come off the nail without pain and move away with a solid roller.
  • After that, treat your nails with an antiseptic and apply a moisturizer or a product that can slow down the growth of the cuticle.

How to soften?

A cuticle remover is traditionally used to soften the cuticle. This is a special softener or cuticle remover - a keratolytic that does not affect the living part of the cuticle, but actively works with the dead one. Keratolytics break down keratin, the protein that makes up nails, and can therefore soften the cuticle.

Professional softeners may contain fruit acids or the artificial form of urea, ammonia and carbon dioxide.

Removers not only soften the cuticle and contribute to its competent removal, but also have moisturizing, antiseptic and healing properties.

Removers are available in the form of oil mixtures, liquids, gels, creams. However, you can also soften the cuticles with regular base oil or special baths with a field.

How to clean at home?

The procedure for removing the cuticle at home should be performed according to all the rules of hygiene. That is why it is recommended to use the unedged method - so the likelihood of infection is the smallest. Properly selected materials - a remover and an orange stick - are exactly half the success when removing the cuticle. In the case of a European manicure, the actions are performed in the following sequence:

  • The cuticle and the area around it are disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.
  • A remover is applied to the cuticle, aged for several minutes according to the instructions until completely absorbed.
  • With an orange stick, the cuticle is gently shifted, and nourishing oil or cream is applied to the nail.

Why is he wiggling?

The cuticle can grow "burrs" for several reasons. The first and most common is the lack of moisture and nutrients. In this state, the cuticle begins to dry, grow, and it needs to be either thoroughly moisturized with oils and creams or removed.

By the way, about the removal. An incorrectly performed cuticle removal procedure can lead to its rapid overgrowth due to the body's need to recover faster. Most often, this is the edging method.

Also, sometimes the cuticle is frizzy, because the skin of the hands itself is dry - she has such a type, and the cuticle is rough and hard. In this case, you need to thoroughly rethink your hand and nail care and purchase more nutrients. In case of removal, it is better to contact the master unedged manicure or hardware according to the European method. This is a rather superficial way, but it will definitely save you from “fringe” and burrs.

Inflammation and treatment

If the cuticle is cut incorrectly, it can become inflamed.

First of all, you need to identify the causes of inflammation. It can be caused by improper care, infections, physical damage, the use of aggressive household chemicals, the use of low-quality nail polishes, improper manicure procedures, improper processing, poor hygiene, hypovitaminosis - and this is only part of the most banal and most common causes. There is also a complication after hormonal diseases. Remember that nails are indicators of changes taking place in the body, and sometimes seemingly normal redness or flaking can be the beginning of some serious illness.

Symptoms of cuticle disease are as follows - thickening of the nail, the appearance of grooves or notches on the nail bed itself, increased fragility. Also, the nails exfoliate due to damage to the cuticle.

Special attention should be paid to inflammation. This is indeed a common phenomenon caused by improper circumcision or care. The most common fungal and infectious diseases, manifested by inflammation and peeling in the cuticle area. It can swell, turn red, burrs can begin to cause significant discomfort and begin to peel off. If you do not take up treatment in time, such an unpleasant moment as a purulent abscess may appear. There will be itching and pain. In this case, treatment at home is also possible, but if you are not sure of yourself, contact a specialist in a salon or hospital.

Do I need to remove the cuticle? How to do it right?

The services of a professional manicurist require both time and money. Not everyone has the opportunity to receive salon care for their hands and nails as often as they would like.

Women and men often do hygienic manicure at home, while they do not always know how to properly perform certain manipulations. So, the issue of caring for the cuticle is difficult. Should it be removed? If yes, how to do it.

Cuticle care at home

The term "cuticle" in biology can mean several concepts at the same time. If we talk about human nails, the cuticle is called a film of epithelial tissue, which at the bottom of the nail plate covers part of it. The nail skin grows in the shape of a semicircle.

The cuticle performs the following functions:

  1. It protects the nail bed and matrix from water and air, and accordingly, from dirt, bacteria, and other foreign bodies.
  2. The nail is nourished through the nail skin

Doctors and manicurists argue endlessly about whether it is necessary to remove the cuticle during a hygienic manicure. After all, this skin is alive, and, on the one hand, its removal is fraught with:

  • damage to the growth zone of the nail
  • weakening of the nail
  • penetration into the growth zone of infection

IMPORTANT: To prevent this from happening, many experts recommend special care for the nail skin. It consists in moisturizing and strengthening the cuticle, gently pushing it away from the nail plate.

On the other hand, part of the cuticle becomes horny over time:

  1. It doesn't look aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Hangnails may form, the skin around the nail becomes inflamed
  3. Inflamed skin leads to incitement of the infectious process in the nail area
  4. The nutrition of the nail worsens, which leads to its weakening and growth retardation

The conclusion suggests itself: if the cuticle is cared for regularly, it can not be removed. If it has grown too much, burrs have appeared, the issue should be resolved radically.

There are certain rules for caring for cuticles at home:

  1. It should be carried out regularly, every 5 to 7 days, depending on the growth rate of the nail skin
  2. Manipulations begin with a massage, in which you can use a special vitamin oil. Massage improves blood flow in the nail area, accelerates metabolism in epithelial cells. The process of keratinization of the cuticle is slower
  3. Need to apply special agent to soften the nail skin. It can be purchased or handmade.
  4. From time to time it is necessary to do baths for hands. If you use essential oils, decoctions of herbs, clay, bee products, other folk remedies, or special cosmetics, the condition of not only the cuticle will improve, but also the nails themselves and the skin on the hands
  5. The cuticle should be pushed back with a special stick. Better not metal, but orange wood

IMPORTANT: You can carry out caring procedures only with a healthy cuticle. If it is inflamed, all that needs to be done is to apply wound healing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents.

Gnawing the cuticle is a harmful and dangerous habit.

But what you should never do is gnaw at the cuticle, pick it with your nails, try to cut it off with nail scissors. After this, the fingers will look untidy, in addition, the risk of infection of the nail and the skin around it is very high.

How to strengthen the cuticle?

To strengthen the cuticle at home, you can do:

  • massage
  • special baths
  • paraffin wraps

IMPORTANT: During all these caring procedures, it is possible to nourish the cuticle, the nail itself and the skin on the fingers with a lot of useful substances. As a rule, they are contained in sufficient quantities in folk and used for procedures. cosmetics. It is also recommended to buy liquid vitamins A and E in the store.

  1. Massage is best done with special oil. Liquid vitamins are also dripping there. You can gently rub the cuticles with a terry cloth soaked in oil, a special brush or a soft toothbrush. Massage of the nail skin is done with gentle circular movements.
  2. Caring baths for the nail skin and nails are done every 5-7 days all the time. Therapeutic - every day a course of 10-15 procedures. To strengthen the cuticle, decoctions of herbs, vegetable, essential and cosmetic oils, sea salt, mud, honey, plant juices, other high-nutrient products
  3. A small piece of paraffin is heated in a water bath. After using the oily cream, the fingertips are dipped into the paraffin bath 3-4 times, polyethylene gloves and warm mittens are put on. In 15 minutes of the procedure, the nail plates and the skin around them will receive the necessary nutrition.

Baths are one way to strengthen the cuticles.


How to cut the cuticle with scissors?

It so happened that a significant part of the cuticle became keratinized and began to bully. It needs to be removed. Or rather, not the entire nail skin, but only the dead part of it. After all, the living still performs its more important functions.

You can remove the keratinized part with special scissors, the tips of which are thin and sharp. Experienced manicurists say that, unlike tweezers, such scissors do not cling to living tissue; after their use, there are no cuts left.

  1. Using a remedy - a remover or a folk remedy, you should soften the nail skin
  2. With the tips of manicure scissors or an orange stick, gently lift the part of the cuticle that has grown to the nail plate
  3. The keratinized part of the cuticle is carefully trimmed
  4. If it is difficult to remove the nail skin at the corners of the plate with scissors, forceps are additionally used

IMPORTANT: Good cuticle scissors have the following parameters: the presence of a bolt (then the blades do not loosen), the length of the cutting part is about 2 cm, lateral bite (provides less traumatic procedure), curved tips

Cuticle file

The cuticle can not be cut, but gently filed with a special file. This method is preferred by opponents of edged manicure.

There are several benefits to using a cuticle file:

  1. After cutting with scissors or forceps, the nail skin grows faster. Traumatic procedure becomes necessary more and more often. Sawing, on the contrary, slows down the growth of the cuticle.
  2. When using a file, the risk of scratching, sore, cut the living part of the cuticle and the skin around the nail is minimized
  3. If you use a cuticle file in combination with special products based on fruit acids, over time, the cuticle will completely stop growing on the nail plate

IMPORTANT: You can remove the nail skin not with the first nail file that comes across, but with a special one. Its surface resembles a honeycomb, and there are plastic fuses on the sides. The nail file effectively polishes the skin, while not damaging the growth zone of the nail and the nail plate.

Cream and gel for removing cuticles

Almost all brands of cosmetics for manicure have creams and gels for removing cuticles. Their price range is quite wide. If we talk about quality products, all of them have the following properties:

  • effectively softens cuticles
  • slows down its growth
  • moisturizes and nourishes the nail plate and living skin around the nail
  • does not damage the nail
  • minimizes the risk of infection

As a rule, on the tool itself there is an instruction for its use. The generalized algorithm is as follows:

  1. Cream or gel is applied to the skin from below and on the sides of the nail plate
  2. Waiting 1 to 10 minutes
  3. The cuticle is gently moved with an orange stick. If its keratinized edge sticks out, it is cut with scissors
  4. The remains of the gel or cream are removed from the nail with a cotton pad, hands are washed

IMPORTANT: Unfortunately, many people are allergic to gels and cuticle creams. Also, they dry out the skin. Therefore, experts advise applying the product not to all fingers at the same time, but to 2-3 at a time.

How to use a cuticle remover?

Pencil for removing the nail skin is very easy to use. It looks like a felt-tip pen, the core of which is impregnated with:

  • oils
  • fruit acids
  • alkalis
  • other biologically active substances

It softens the skin around the nail, inhibits the growth of the cuticle on the nail plate and its keratinization.

  1. Apply the pencil on clean, dry hands
  2. The pencil rod should be drawn over the skin around the nail
    After using this convenient tool, the cuticle is either pushed back or removed mechanically.
  3. After the procedure, hands should be washed thoroughly.

VIDEO: Cuticle care pencil

Natural cuticle removers. How does essential oil remove and strengthen cuticles?

You can take care of the nail skin, remove its dead part with the help of folk remedies.

  1. Grapefruit peel. Citrus fruits contain a lot useful tools, especially a lot of them in the zest. Essential oils and organic acids contained in the white part of the grapefruit skin are essential for cuticle care. It is enough to take a small piece of peel, attach the white part to the skin near the nail and massage so that the fingers look well-groomed and healthy
  2. Cream with calendula. A natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and vitaminizing agent, calendula, in the form of a decoction of dried flowers, is added to a regular hand and nail care cream. Otar is prepared from 0.5 cups of flowers per 0.5 liters of water, filtered. Add 10 drops of decoction to a serving of cream
  3. Apricot kernels. 4-5 pcs. dried bones are placed in a plastic bag, covered with a towel and crushed with a hammer. Small fragments are mixed with a greasy hand cream and used to exfoliate the keratinized part of the cuticle.

But the most effective oils for caring for cuticles, nails and hand skin are:

  • castor
  • almond
  • burdock
  • germinated wheat
  • jojoba
  • apricot kernels

To care for the nail skin, it is enough to heat a small amount of oil in a water bath, put 1 drop on the skin near the nail and rub it well. An even better effect will be if these oils are enriched with vitamins A and E, essential oils (2 drops per 1 tablespoon of base oil).

RECIPE: healthy cuticle oil

  • oil - base, for example, rose - 1 tbsp. a spoon
  • essential oils (cedar, tea tree, ylang-ylang) - 3 drops each
  • Aevit - 1 capsule
  • propolis oil extract - 4 drops
  1. Oil - the base is heated in a water bath
  2. Add additional components to it
  3. Wetted in useful oil cotton pads, alternately wipe the nails and the skin around them
  4. Repeat the procedure every time during a hygienic manicure

VIDEO: How to soften cuticles: nail care, manicure

Damage and inflammation of the cuticle: treatment

The cuticle can become inflamed due to severe growth, mechanical damage, or infection. Inflammation manifests itself:

  1. redness and hyperemia of the skin around the nail
  2. peeling skin around the nail
  3. itching
  4. pain

IMPORTANT: cut, grind, remove damaged cuticle in any other way

First you need to take treatment:

  1. An antiseptic drug. The skin around the nail plate is treated with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or iodine
  2. Creams and ointments. Effective for various kinds of infections, Vishnevsky and Lokoid ointments
  3. Folk means. These include baths with sea salt and iodine, with a decoction of chamomile, calendula and celandine, honey wraps, rubbing with onion juice, etc.

Especially dangerous is the situation when an abscess is formed between the cuticle and the nail plate, in other words, an abscess. With such a problem, it is better to contact the surgeon.

Help yourself is to open the abscess.

  1. It is necessary to prepare sterile tweezers and nail scissors (they are heated on fire and treated with alcohol)
  2. A finger with an abscess is also treated with alcohol
  3. With tweezers, gently push back the cuticle so that the abscess opens
  4. With the finger of the other hand, wrapped in a bandage moistened with alcohol, they press the abscess and release the pus
  5. The wound is thoroughly washed with hydrogen peroxide until it stops bubbling (this means that the bacteria are killed)
  6. The wound is treated with iodine and bandaged with a sterile bandage
  7. If necessary, the procedure is repeated several times.

IMPORTANT: If after a few days the inflammation of the cuticle does not go away completely, a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided

When cuticle fungus appears, how to treat?

Fungus on the fingers appears less frequently than on the feet. One of its symptoms is the "manicure effect" in which pathogens destroy the cuticle. Moreover, not its stratum corneum, but also living epithelial tissue. The protective barrier that prevents the infection from penetrating deeper into the body, through the nail bed, is collapsing.

The fungus appears:

  1. Redness and peeling of the skin on the fingers, the appearance of the so-called fungal gloves and deep cracks between the fingers
  2. Changing the color of the nail, its thickening, brittleness and delamination
  3. Bad smell
  4. Lagging behind the nail from the nail bed until it falls off

Treat the disease with antifungal agents inside and out. About the treatment of onychomycosis.

VIDEO: Get rid of cuticles forever

European, or unedged, manicure is gaining more and more popularity. After all, this is the most safe way nail care. But in order to properly make an unedged manicure, you need to know the technology of the procedure, understand its advantages and disadvantages. We will also look at a variety of cuticle removers, tell you in detail how to choose, use and store them.

Characteristics of European manicure

European manicure differs from edging in that it does not involve the use of cutting tools or a manicure apparatus.

The cuticle is not trimmed with scissors and is not sawn off with a cutter, it is pushed back and removed using special tools.

Benefits of European manicure

Disadvantages of European manicure

To test how your skin reacts to the remover, apply it on your wrist for a while and see the result.

European manicure: precautions and contraindications

You can not apply such a manicure if you have extended nails especially acrylic. Some European manicure products contain acetone, which is very harmful for them.

It is also worth carefully applying means for unedged manicure. during pregnancy, because they can cause allergies.

Stages of unedged manicure

To european manicure do it quickly and beautifully, take care of good lighting. A fluorescent lamp is best.

Some masters offer their own ways to remove the cuticle using removers. Watch the video for one of these professional techniques:

A Brief Overview of Removers

Saly Hansen Instant / Sally Hansen

Made in the USA and is one of the safest and most effective means. It is economical to use - you need to apply a small amount. Due to its composition, it can be used for all types of nails. The product works very quickly - 15 seconds after application.

Severina / Severina

A domestic remedy that dissolves even rough skin in 2 minutes. The components included in the composition nourish the skin around the nail and significantly slow down the growth of the cuticle.

Belweder / Belvedere

A harmless product that is suitable for all types of skin and nails. It does not require the use of additional oils and creams, as it contains moisturizing substances.

Liquid Kalyon "Ship"

Remover effectively combats the problems of burrs and excessive cuticle growth. The result is noticeable after the first procedure.

It is an alkaline cuticle and rough skin remover containing moisturizing ingredients. The composition includes aloe vera extract, which provides an anti-inflammatory effect.

Laufwunder "SALU"

A German product that effectively softens and removes even hardened cuticles.


Refers to professional tools. Contains therapeutic trace elements and slows down the growth of the cuticle.

Orly Cutique Cuticle & Stain Remover

Manufactured in the USA. This tool perfectly removes dry cuticle skin, softens and moisturizes it.

The tool is very effective and at the same time completely safe, as it contains only fruit acids.

ClinestiQ Expeel

Refers to professional products, contains alkaline active ingredients, but at the same time perfectly moisturizes the cuticle.

Be natural Cuticle Eliminator

A professional cuticle remover that removes cuticles in seconds. Able to dissolve even the roughest skin.

How cuticle removers work

A cuticle remover, or remover, has chemical composition. The remover is applied to the cuticle, softens her and dissolves to the point where it can be easily removed with an orange stick.

The remover does not harm the nail plate and skin, but you need to use it strictly according to the instructions. You can not keep it on the nails for longer than the specified period, otherwise you can get discomfort or even burns.

How to choose a cuticle remover

When choosing a remover, you must pay attention to its composition.. There are two types of cuticle removers: acid-based and alkaline. For home use more suitable alkaline. They are safer and more gentle.

Acid removers are more aggressive and due to this, the cuticle is removed faster and more thoroughly. The safest product is based on fruit acid. It will take him a little longer to remove the skin, but it is almost impossible to get burns from such a remedy.

Cuticle removers come in the form of a cream, gel, or liquid. Easier to use cream, as it does not flow and is applied more accurately. Choose bottles with a thin nose, this will also make it easier to apply the product.

Cheap cuticle removers may not completely remove the cuticle, in which case cutting off the residue with scissors will be required. Better take more quality product.

Keep the remover out of the reach of children in a dry place at room temperature. An opened bottle can be stored for no more than 8 months.

How to replace a remover at home

If you do not have a remover on hand, you can cook it yourself at home. Replace professional tool can soap or soda solution.

For a liter of water, you need to take two teaspoons of soda or six drops of liquid soap. Hold your hands in the resulting solution for 10 minutes, and then you can push back and remove the cuticle.

An excellent tool for softening a problem cuticle is hot bath with sea salt and lemon essential oil.

European manicure is becoming more and more popular as it allows you to get beautiful nails quickly and safely. In order for a manicure to always please, you need to choose the right cuticle remover - remover.

A well-groomed and neat cuticle is an integral part beautiful manicure. There are many cuticle care products, and they all differ not only in purpose, but also in composition. Cuticle removal is a procedure to eliminate the "lifeless" growing leathery roller around the nail plate, which must be carried out in compliance with certain rules.

Cuticle removal options at home

It is impossible to make a manicure, regardless of whether it will be done at home or in a salon, without cuticle removal. In addition, depending on the type of manicure, and it can be of two types - classic and European, there are also two methods for removing cuticles at home.

The classic manicure involves cutting off the dead cuticle using manicure tools, while the European one is based on the dissolution of dead cells around the nail using gentle chemical components.

That is why European manicure is easier to do at home, as it is universal and does not require special skills. And to fulfill classic manicure experience is needed, which can be developed over the years.

Preparation for the cuticle removal procedure at home

Before you begin to remove the cuticle, prepare your hands. To do this, dip your fingers, and preferably your hands, into a container of hot water. Dissolve a small amount in water sea ​​salt, which has a disinfectant and softening property.

If desired, you can add a few drops of essential oil or a teaspoon to the water. vegetable oil. Essential oil lemon has a whitening effect, tea tree oil is useful for inflamed skin or minor scratches, grapefruit oil is suitable for weak and dull nails, and almond oil or jojoba oil is recommended for dry hands and brittle, brittle nails.

Take a bath for 15-20 minutes, then blot your palms with a soft cloth and proceed with the cuticle removal procedure.

Classic manicure

First of all, if there is nail polish on the nails, remove it with an acetone-free liquid. This tool gently removes the remnants of old enamel, as a rule, it contains vitamins E, F. Acetone-free liquid is especially suitable for brittle and dry nails. To perform a classic manicure, stock up on sharp scissors or nippers, as well as a special stick to push back the cuticle.

First, gently move the cuticle with a stick, and then carefully and evenly cut. The main thing - do not rush. Due to the slightest negligence, you can get hurt and get an infection. At the end of the procedure, apply nourishing oil with a pleasant aroma to the base of the nail - jojoba oil, tea tree oil, lemon, avocado. Spread the oil and gently massage around the nail for 3-5 minutes, this will make the skin much softer and cuticle growth will slow down in the future. In addition, the oil performs protective function. It contains nutrients and vitamins C, E, F, as well as proteins. lead this procedure at least once a week, ending with a full hand massage.

Before applying the oil, you can dip your fingers in cool water acidified with fresh lemon juice for a few seconds.

Also, don't forget to disinfect the tools in an alcohol solution before removing the cuticle.

European manicure

To perform a European manicure at home, purchase a special cuticle remover, preferring a composition based on fruit acids. According to reviews, such funds are more successful and absolutely safe. As a rule, they have a gel consistency and are sold in a bottle with a brush, which is very convenient when applied.

Apply this product on the cuticle and leave for 3-5 minutes. Please note that you should not process more than three fingers at the same time. Next, use a stick to separate the cuticle. In the process, along with the remnants of the agent, the keratinized cells of the cuticle will also be removed. After completing the procedure, wash your hands with soap.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin of the nail base that protects the nail plate from physical damage is called. This skin frames the nail, its condition and appearance significantly affect the overall appearance of the nails. Therefore, cuticle care is an integral part of any manicure.

Without removing and putting in order this skin area, even the most beautiful and bright manicure will not look complete. Its simple mechanical circumcision, which was previously the only way cuticle care and often led to damage and inflammation of the skin, is long gone. Now in the cosmetology industry, all kinds of means are used to remove the skin adjacent to the nail without resorting to its physical circumcision.


Preparations intended for the care of the skin adjacent to the nail are distinguished by composition and type of production. There are so many of them that in the manicure business they got their name as removers. Before proceeding with manicure manipulations, it is better to determine the most suitable tool. The action of such drugs is carried out thanks to a special composition. He can be:

In addition to differences in chemical composition, drugs are divided according to the type in which they are produced. They are issued in the form:

  • gels;
  • liquids;
  • cream.

All products are produced in the form of bottles, tubes and pencils. Additionally, tips or brushes are applied to them for applying the product. Any form provides ease of use.

Liquids, most often, are available in small bottles like nail polishes with a brush inside. Gels and creams are supplied in tubes with a thin tip for easy application.

Preparations produced in the form of pencils are easy to use. Outwardly, they look like a thick felt-tip pen, the core of which can be either solid or in the form of a brush.

Operating principle

The cuticle is made up of living and dead cells. Chemical removal involves getting rid of dead skin particles around the nail plate and moisturizing healthy cells. Dead cells are removed by dissolving under the action of an alkaline or acidic composition.

The greatest effect is obtained when using an agent that has an alkaline character. These preparations use potassium or sodium hydroxide. They have high rate pH and are designed to destroy dead skin areas adjacent to the nail. Both components irritate the skin and dry it out, therefore, it is impossible to leave an alkaline preparation on the skin of the nail fold for a long time. In order to avoid burns, the duration of such a remedy should be from 3 to 15 minutes.

Preparations based on aggressive acids are a thick liquid, because they additionally contain a large amount of nutritional components for healthy cells and are used only by professional craftsmen, they are not available for free sale. Basically, this tool is used for carrying out, because it has a very strong effect.

A convenient option for home use is preparations containing mild oils with a high content of fruit acids and mineral components. They saturate the cells of the nail fold with moisturizing and nutrients and gradually destroy the keratinized areas. These are the safest drugs that can be used for a longer time and not be afraid of skin burns and damage to the nail plate.

Rating of the best funds

All of the listed types of removers for removing cuticles are presented on the Russian market. The most common brands are:

1. (Sally Hansen) - acid-based gel with moisturizing and nourishing additives from fruit extracts: jojoba or kiwi. Produced in a tube or bottle with a volume of 29.5 ml costing from 500 rubles. USA manufacturer.

Application: The gel is applied in a thin layer on the cuticle and after 15 seconds it is carefully pushed towards the nail base with a special stick. The gel should not be kept on rough skin for more than 1 minute. Wash it off with warm soapy water, followed by wiping with a dry towel.

2. is a liquid having an alkaline base. Available in 11 ml vials. The cost is from 200 rubles. Manufacturer: American company "InGarden".

Application: The drug is applied with a brush on the skin roller and kept on it for 2-3 minutes. Then, after softening, carefully move it to the base of the nail plate with a special stick.

3. - a liquid product resembling diluted milk, intended for professional use. It has a mild effect on the skin of the cuticle without damaging the nail plate. Produced in bottles of different sizes. So, a 50 ml bottle can cost 250 rubles. Manufacturer: USA.

Application: The drug is applied to the skin roller with a pipette and kept on it for a minute. Then the softened skin is pushed away with a special stick.

4. - a new drug from Frenchi Products, containing sodium hydroxide, vitamins A and E, aloe extract and special algae. The composition also includes water, paraffin, hydrolyzed protein, zinc oxide and other components. The consistency of the drug is a diluted type of cream. "Smart Enamel" has a soft, but more effective effect on the cuticle and works well to eliminate dry skin rollers. The drug is produced in glass bottles with a volume of 15 ml, equipped with a pump with a dispenser. Depending on the medicinal components included in the composition, the price of the drug can range from 70 to 300 rubles and more.

Application: Using a dispenser, the agent is applied to a pre-prepared cuticle. To activate the action, the applied product is kept on the surface of the skin for 2–3 minutes, and then the softened cuticle is pushed back to the nail base. Hands are rinsed in warm water.

Folk remedies for removing cuticles

1. To tidy up your nails and get rid of excess skin formed around the nail plate, you can use home remedies.

A common self-prepared remedy is a composition that includes:

  • 20 ml of castor oil;
  • 10 drops of iodine.

After thoroughly mixing the components, the agent is rubbed into the nail plate and the skin around it until the composition is completely absorbed.

The procedures can be carried out daily until the normal appearance of the manicure is fully restored.

2. good remedy is also a composition based on petroleum jelly and dry calendula flowers. It is prepared as follows:

  1. dry calendula is placed in a small metal container;
  2. vaseline is added (about 10 g);
  3. the components are mixed and melted over low heat;
  4. when closed, the container with the melted composition is infused for 12 hours;
  5. the resulting condensate is drained, and the mixture is again heated and poured into a clean jar.

Ready vaseline ointment can be used daily. Calendula flowers contain substances that promote cell regeneration, and petroleum jelly successfully softens the skin roller.

3. A good home way to care for the cuticles are baths that use slightly warm apricot oil mixed with liquid soap: 1 tbsp is added to 1 bottle of oil. l. soap diluted with water

Cooking process:

  1. The oil in the bottle is heated in a water bath or under running hot water.
  2. A small amount of warm water is poured into the bath container and soap is added.
  3. Part of the heated oil is rubbed into the nail area of ​​the fingers, and the rest of the oil is added to the soapy solution.
  4. The fingers are placed in the prepared solution and steamed for 20 minutes.

Procedures can be carried out regularly.

To prepare home remedies, you can use available pharmacy products: lavender, almond, clove oil, as well as cocoa and coconut.

Also apply:

  • a decoction of chamomile with green tea in a ratio of 1: 1;
  • extract prepared on the basis of propolis (3 drops), green tea and honey, taken in two tablespoons.