A patch for jeans between the legs. Repair jeans if worn between the legs. Methods for repairing trousers between the legs

Hello dear craftswomen!

Today, I propose to talk about jeans and learn how to sew jeans between your legs discreetly. Jeans has become so firmly established in our lives that we can’t even imagine how we can do without it.

The only difference is that if before he was one of the most durable materials, (I remind you that denim was created for work clothes), now it’s completely weak.

Why weak? It is dyed, bleached, lycra is added ... All these manipulations make the denim thread weak, it is rubbed and torn.

Now, of course, it is fashionable to go with ripped jeans, but not in all places)))) Therefore, people are forced to repair. Strengthen places that are quickly wiped, they sew up holes, put patches, darn, sew, repair jeans between the legs ... All this can be done with your own hands, both manually, without a machine, or using a sewing machine.

In our piggy bank of master classes, we learned how to close holes and decorate them. Today, I want to show the method that I use when denim is rubbed.

If the product was not brought in, then it is possible to repair and strengthen the jeans between the legs in such a way that it will not be visible at all. If there is a hole and the place is very worn, this method is also suitable for this option, only making it completely invisible is unlikely to work out, but that it will strengthen is unequivocal.

Let's start our restoration work!

What we need:

  • Interlining (fabric)
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine threads No. 50−60
  • Sewing machine
  • Machine needle No. 90

As you can see in photo 1, a hole is visible on one half, and a strong wear is visible on the second. What are we doing?


  • We turn the product on the wrong side, take two pieces of non-woven fabric, put it on the hole and the rubbed with the adhesive side and douse it with steam or sprinkle with water (depending on what kind of iron you have) and glue it, photo 2.

In this way we strengthen this place. You can also put a fabric on top of the interlining, baste it. This option will strengthen the problem area even more, but it can rub when worn and you will be uncomfortable. You decide.

  • We turn the product on front side. With soap or chalk, we outline the boundaries of our patch. An important part of the work is the selection of threads by color, focusing on the color of wear.

We take several coils of suitable color, fold the thread several times and put it on the “sore spot”))).

Look at photo 3, the threads from a small spool are not visible at all, but from a large spool they are much more noticeable. Which one we choose is already clear, of course, a small coil.

  • We fill the sewing machine with selected threads, set the machine step to the designation 2, less often 3.

It is important to choose the right direction for the stitching - this is an oblique hem on denim. If the line falls into it, the patch will not be visible at all, picture 4.

  • We scribble forward - backward (we use the reverse gear of the machine). We lay a line near the line and so on the whole piece. We try to get into the scar on the fabric, picture 4-5.

  • We iron the restored place with an iron. All! The work is done.

As you can see, the line is almost invisible.

Write how you did it. If you have any questions, write and ask in the comments.

Use the information collected in the sections Fashion, Beauty and Health. There, you will find answers to many of your questions.

Hello dear craftswomen!

Today I propose to pay attention to jeans. I think that there are a small number of people who do not have them in their wardrobe. Modern fashion offers us jeans with trim, decorations, with lycra, as well as with scuffs, holes in different places. These are the ones I want to talk about today.

I agree, scuffs on denim look nice, but when they are small, they are neat and there are not many of them. As soon as they start tearing further, since the material in these places is weak, they look ugly and cheap.

Apparently, for this reason, we are often approached by clients whose scuffs begin to spread, tear in different directions. They ask us the same question: “How to fix a hole in jeans? Is it possible to patch it up beautifully, to close the knee?” Yes, of course you can.

Today, at the request of many readers, I bring to your attention a master class, after which you can mend the tear on the knee, pope, in any place you need. And you can continue to wear your favorite jeans.

How to sew up a hole in jeans. Master Class

Our task:

  1. Strengthen the material on the knee
  2. Hide the hole
  3. Patch the torn part

For work we need:

  • interlining;
  • denim;
  • iron;
  • scissors;
  • sewing thread of a suitable color;
  • sewing machine;
  • pins;
  • basting needle.


Before us is not a small hole on the knee, which has already begun to tear down.
Photo 1 - 2.

  • The first thing to do is to strengthen the fabric around it so that this place does not tear with further wear of the product.
    As in doing, in the same way in this case, we rip the side of the leg.

This is done for convenience in the repair process. If the hole is in the butt area, this is not necessary, since the approach to it will be convenient through the top of the jeans.

Now, iron the torn place with an iron. We put interlining around it, with the adhesive side to the fabric, (photo 3). Using the function "pairs" we fix. Photo 4.

  • We turn the product on the front side. From denim material, cut out a rectangle or oval of the desired size. If possible, we overcast the edges with an overlock or zigzag on a sewing machine. But this is optional. Snapshot 5.

  • I put the prepared patch (using the ripped seam along the inner seam of the leg), closing the hole, pin it with pins. Snapshot 6. I sweep in a circle.

  • We select threads suitable for darning, folding them several times and comparing them with the main fabric. Snapshot 7.

  • We sit down at the sewing machine, fill it with selected threads and sew on the torn part, then we go in a circle.

We use the main line and the function of the machine forward - backward. We scribble, taking into account the twill weave of the fabric, which is distinguished by a characteristic rib running diagonally.

Attention! We sew, laying a line in the direction of the scar. Snapshot 8

  • We take out the basting, iron the patch and sew up the inner leg seam, which we used for convenience during darning.

Hooray! Everything is ready!))) Well done! This is how our knee looks now.))) Picture 9.

Read also:

Simple ideas for decorating torn places

If your jeans are decorated with finishing fabric (plaid, guipure, fabric bright color, leather, knitted parts), you can use this material to cover the fray. Here are examples.

Attention! It is imperative to glue and reinforce the fabric around the torn place with non-woven fabric.

If the fabric for the patch is thin, we also glue it with non-woven fabric and only then hem it. If this is guipure and you want it not to tear, you can put material under it (glue it with interlining) of the desired color. It can be flesh, color ... We are engaged in Creativity)))

How to make holes in your jeans

By adding lycra (lycra) and other additives to denim, jeans became very fragile. And when it is still decorated with holes and scuffs, it breaks even faster.

To know how this happens, I propose to look at how holes are made on jeans in factory conditions.

These jeans won't last long.

In my opinion, it is better to make holes yourself where you want. After all, then the rest of the places will be strong)))

I hope my master class will help you sew up the torn places, and the suggested ideas will inspire you to decorate jeans yourself.

Submit your work. If you have questions or want advice, write in the comments. I am in touch))
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Use the collected publications in the sections Fashion, Beauty, Health. There you will find answers to many topics that concern us women. Use friends.

How often do you have to refuse to wear still quite "decent", and most importantly comfortable and beautiful jeans because of a small hole in the knee, not to mention the scuffs on the jeans between the legs. Is it possible to sew up a hole in jeans with your own hands, without going to the atelier, without using a patch, so that the hole is almost invisible? You can, if instead of a patch on jeans, make a thing on sewing machine.

How darn a hole in jeans, as well as make other repairs to your jeans, you will learn in detail in this article.

How to replace the slider of a metal zipper in jeans without touching the seams of the codpiece of the jeans. A simple and affordable way that can save you money on repairing jeans in an atelier.

Holes on jeans most often occur in the so-called "boiled" jeans. The fact is that factory jeans are subjected to various chemical and heat treatments, which weakens the structure of the cotton fiber and contributes to the appearance of gusts. Thanks to modern fashion, such "effects" can be considered only an additional decoration, but not only young people wear jeans. Therefore, let's look at the options for repairing jeans, the first of which is the hole in the jeans.

How to mend a hole in jeans using the stitching method.

How to sew up a hole in jeans - the easiest way

My jeans are torn, what should I do? This is a simple question for those who are under 20 years old. It is enough to show a little imagination and any hole in jeans will turn into a stylish and original youth decoration, like the one in this photo.
For such "creativity" you can use not only buttons and contrasting fabrics, but also all kinds of accessories, ribbons. True, it is better not to repair children's jeans in this way, otherwise a small hole in the jeans can turn into a huge rush. It is better to sew an appliqué on top or duplicate the torn area with a wide strip of the same denim.
Sew the folded edges of the strip with neat parallel stitches and the jeans will look like new. Just be sure to “drive” the edges of the strip into the seams, and place the strip itself obliquely so that it looks like part of the design.

But another question arises - where to get a piece of the same denim? You won’t be able to buy the exact same shade of denim in a store, you don’t even have to try. The only option is to use the remaining residue after shortening the jeans. If you have these pieces, then "disassemble" them, iron them and try to cut out the desired strip.

In any, even easy way jeans repair, be sure to glue the torn area on the wrong side with adhesive fabrics. The double-sided gossamer holds especially well and firmly. It is with her that I recommend working.

Turn the jeans inside out and trace the area slightly wider than the hole with chalk. After that, you need to cut the patch, preferably from a soft but durable fabric. Then lay the patch on top of the hole in the jeans and "glue" it with a hot iron. The glue gossamer is placed under the patch, but make sure that it does not fall on the hot sole of the iron. You can use an iron.

In this video you will see how to install a denim metal button.

If your jeans are torn at the knee, then there are many solutions for sewing up jeans, including using appliqués and patch pockets. But, sometimes holes on jeans are in places where the hole must be "hidden" so that even traces of jeans repair are not visible. Yes, and for people of age, for men, you can’t sew an appliqué in the form of a rose on your knee.
In such cases, you need to sew up a hole in jeans with the help of a thing, in other words, by tightly laying lines on a sewing machine throughout the area, “hammering” a hole in jeans with threads. This is a rather complicated type of jeans repair, but high-quality.

First you need to glue a patch on the back of the hole, just like it is written a little higher. Do not cut the frayed edges on the front side yet. First, put a patch, only it is desirable that its shade, not to mention the color, exactly matches this section of the jeans. This will make it easier to complete the piece, since the gaps between the threads that appear will not be noticeable.

By the way, maybe not everyone knows how to make a thing on a sewing machine? The stitching is done on a sewing machine that has a good movement of the fabric in the opposite direction. The first line goes straight, after pressing the reverse lever, the machine sews in the opposite direction, and you just have to make sure that it sews the line as close as possible to the first, etc., until you have "darned" the entire area outlined in chalk. Naturally, this contour should be wider than the hole itself on the jeans.

All sewing machines have a reverse stroke, but not all sewing machines "can" sew well in reverse, without gaps and thread breaks. Therefore, for such machines as Chaika or Podolskaya, you can simply unfold jeans and sew only on yourself. However, if you do not have experience, then it will even be more convenient for you to do jeans stuffing.
After you glue the patch on the reverse side of the jeans, you can remove the excess "fringe" from the front side and be sure to iron this area with an iron, sparing no steam.

Now you already know how to plaster, I would like to add a few more tips. First, you need to pick up the threads very accurately. Even if you take jeans with you to the store and choose the shade of threads for them, the shade of the thread will most likely change when you lay the line and become lighter or darker in relation to the denim. Therefore, buy a few close shades, 2-4 coils and try it on a prototype before tinkering.
Secondly, only an experienced specialist can plaster beautifully, so do this process in several stages. Do not try to darn the entire area with threads the first time. Stitch at first, as it will, and then "hammer" the existing gaps between the threads. This is where you will understand why it is so important to put a patch in the same color as the jeans.

Video how to make shorts from old jeans.

Repairing jeans can sometimes be simply beyond your power if, for example, you do not have a good sewing machine or lack experience. And after a failed attempt to sew up jeans, you will throw them in the back drawer of the closet, or even throw them away. However, any jeans can be easily turned into shorts. It is enough just to cut the legs evenly and correctly with scissors and pull out a few transverse threads along the edges to get such original denim shorts. Buy about a hundred of these metal jewelry, and "breathe" new life into old torn jeans.

Not only shorts can be made from jeans. From old jeans you can sew a bag and a very original one. Pieces of denim can be used to combine with other fabrics such as leather. In the end, the remaining pieces of jeans without holes can be used to repair other jeans.
For those who like needlework and give old things the new kind, you can try to sew such a denim skirt.

In this video you will learn how to hem jeans with a sewing machine.

How to sew holes on jeans in rubbing places

Quite often, holes form on jeans in places of constant friction, especially between the legs. This brings a lot of grief to the "owners" of such legs and they are forced to constantly buy new jeans. Many do not even suspect that the holes in the jeans between the legs can be restored. True, you will definitely need pieces of denim of the same shade. Usually, for such a repair, they use the trim left when shortening jeans. Therefore, do not leave these trimmings in the workshops, take them with you, even if you yourself will not sew up holes in jeans.

If before that I told you how to sew up a hole in jeans without a patch, now we will consider exactly the option of how to put a patch on jeans correctly. And for example, let's take the most "heavy" case - holes in jeans between the legs. Why heavy? Because you have to take apart the roughest and thickest seams of the jeans - the junction of the front and back halves of the jeans, and most importantly, then put everything back together. Not every machine can sew such seams, and even a class 22 industrial sewing machine sometimes has difficulty coping with such work. Therefore, if you do not have a suitable machine, and the denim is very thick and rough, give up this idea.

You cannot sew up holes on a household sewing machine. At best, you will break the needle and not one, at worst, you will have to contact a sewing machine repairman. The only machine on which you can try to sew a hole between the legs on jeans is "grandmother's" manual or foot Podolsk sewing machine.

So, first of all, "disassemble" the inner seam between the legs, about 20-25 cm. Clear the front part of the threads and do not touch it anymore. You now need to disassemble the seam of the seat (back seam) by about 20 - 25 cm. It turned out two areas on which there are scuffs or even holes. Clear the edges of the threads and iron these areas with a steam iron, unfolding the seams. On the wrong side, install an adhesive pad on a knitted base, so that it "more than" overlaps the holes in the jeans. On the front side, on top of the hole, also put an adhesive pad, but now only slightly wider than the hole itself on the jeans. initial, preparatory work completed and now we will start making a patch.

The patch on jeans should always be as small as possible, so mark with chalk the minimum area that the patch should cover and make paper template. The template should follow the contours of the entire area. Attach the template to the jeans and make sure the patch will cover the entire hole in the jeans. You may need to tweak the template a bit.
Cut out two pieces of denim according to the pattern in a mirror image. Do not forget to add about half a centimeter to the hem along the rounded part where it will pass finishing seam patches. Iron the edge of the hem and place it on top of the right side, baste and double-stitch. Threads can be used contrasting, or you can choose exactly the same tone as the denim. Do the same on the other half of the leg.

Now the jeans need to be put back together. To make it easier for the overlocker, overcast each piece separately in advance. In factory processing, this operation is performed after grinding the parts, but your overlock is not designed for such thick sections and you can break not only the needle, but also the looper. And yet, it is desirable that the oblique direction of the threads of the jeans fabric and the patch coincide.

By the way, I advise you to read the article "Decorative stitching in a difficult area". In it, you'll find tips on how to sew denim rough edges, seam joins, and how to finish stitching jeans neatly and beautifully.

Jeans repair. How to restore the bottom hem

And finally, the most common case for men's jeans- ragged edge of the bottom of the jeans. Most often this occurs due to the fact that the jeans are a little longer than required. But since men rarely pay attention to such "little things", sooner or later, frayed areas appear along the edges of the back halves of jeans. Despite the "hopeless" look of these jeans, repairing them is quite simple, at the same time shortening the jeans as expected.

At first, simply disassemble and iron the bottom hem. With chalk or soap, draw a line along the rubbed area, and cut off the bottom section of the jeans hem with scissors. But it turns out that there will be nothing to do the hem. Will the edges of the jeans be fringed, like those shorts in the top photo? It's okay, draw another line, just half a centimeter above the formed edge and sew on a regular trouser tape, preferably the same color as the jeans.

Lay the tape on the front side end-to-end, aligning the edge with the marked line. Sew the tape on the sewing machine, retreating from the edge of the tape 0.1-0.2 cm, no more. The tape can be pulled slightly, but not much, then appearance the hem of the jeans will be prettier and the hem of the jeans will not turn out. The tape does not need to be connected in a circle, just stitch it on top of each other and cut off the extra piece with scissors. You can melt the edge with a lighter.

That's it, now you can wrap the stitched tape inside the jeans so that the trouser tape barely peeks out (0.1-0.2). You can even sweep and be sure to fix with a hot iron before giving the finishing line. Finishing stitch you need to do not on the front, but on the wrong side of the jeans. In this way, you immediately "kill three birds with one stone." First, repair the holes in your jeans. Secondly, shorten the jeans properly, and thirdly, firmly strengthen the hem of the bottom of the jeans, because the trouser tape is not so easy to wipe.
Be sure to make sure that after shortening the legs, their length will not affect the look of the jeans, and they will not become too short before using this tip!
I hope now you know what to do when your jeans are torn and my tips will help you sew up holes in your jeans.

We repair by hand

The problem of attrition between the legs on the pants is one of the most common. It is in this place that the legs rub against each other very intensively, the fabric does not withstand, the threads spread. Scuffs and small holes can be sewn up quite neatly by hand, using a regular needle and thread.

Important! Here you need to approach the choice with all responsibility, since the thread will hold the fabric in a problematic place and must be strong. Today, special extra strong threads are sold in the departments of sewing accessories. It is necessary to stop the choice on them, choose a color that perfectly matches the shade of your trousers.

  1. Place your jeans on your knee and stick your hand inside under the rubbed area. If you snorted a little, frayed a little, there is no big hole, then this method is just right.
  2. From the inside, insert the needle into the fabric and push it to the front side to secure the knot from the inside.
  3. Now thread the needle between the threads of the fabric horizontally, forming new threads to replace the frayed ones.
  4. Do this chaotically and tightly to darn a weak spot.
  5. Thus, go through the entire scuff, catching the needle on denser whole sections of the fabric.

As a result, we will get a darned trouser leg and, as it were, recreate the fabric anew in a torn area. If the thread is picked up dense and suitable shade, it will be neat and imperceptible.

If the jeans are torn along the seam, the repair will be easier. To do this, use a particularly strong thread in the color of the thread with which the seam on your pants is laid. Lay the fabric on top of each other, as it was sewn at the factory and lay the seam with a dotted line, imitating the stitching that the legs are stitched with.

Another repair option for the case if there is a narrow and oblong hole and its edges are not very frayed:

  1. Wrap the fabric a little from each edge to the wrong side, connect the edges.
  2. Sew the joint with a hidden seam.

You can make a patch if the case is very serious and the jeans are torn quite badly:

  1. From a piece of jeans or fabric that matches the color, cut out a small rectangle or oval that is slightly larger than the hole.
  2. Cut out the exact same piece from interlining or glue.
  3. Attach non-woven fabric and a patch from the inside, iron it. Pay special attention to the edges.
  4. Sew along the edge with a hidden seam.

Advice. To hide the patch or seam, use a thread that matches the fabric.

Using a sewing machine

If you have a sewing machine at your disposal, then repairs will be easier and probably more reliable.

It will be very easy to sew up pants on a typewriter if they are torn at the seam. Place the edges on top of each other and sew. But before that, thread the thread into the machine to match the one with which the jeans are stitched and try the stitch on a piece of fabric, adjust the stitch size so that it is as similar as possible to the factory one.

If you need to make a patch, then use any piece of fabric the size of the hole and with an allowance:

  1. Attach it to the scuff on the inside and baste along the edge.
  2. Set the stitch to a large zigzag or another more suitable for darning if you have a large selection of stitches on your machine.
  3. Sew a patch on the machine over the entire area of ​​​​abrasion and go a little beyond its edges in all directions.
  4. If you use threads to match the trousers, then it will not be visible.

I hope now how to sew jeans between your legs imperceptibly, and to do it beautifully will not be a problem for you.

That's all that I have prepared for you today. I hope you find this information useful. Share it on social networks, and I say goodbye to you, until we meet again.

For many, jeans are a wardrobe staple. However regardless of their cost they wear out over time. The most vulnerable place for the appearance of a hole is the space between the legs. But it is not necessary to immediately throw away your favorite jeans, you can increase their lifespan using a special blind seam technique and sew them by hand.

Repairing worn jeans

In order not to have to sew up holes in your favorite trousers, you should treat the item with care and take care of it from the first day of purchase. But consider the situation when the jeans are already frayed.

For example, on jeans between the legs, not only scuffs appeared, but the seam itself began to spread. To prevent tissue tearing, do the following:

How to make a patch between the legs

This method is used for a relatively small area of ​​wear, that is, when there is no obvious hole yet, but the wear is already noticeable. In order for the situation not to worsen over time, the denim should be immediately strengthened. For these purposes, you will need denim patches, specialized fabric glue, or self-adhesive tape, popularly referred to as the "cobweb".

Apply thermal tape to the worn jeans fabric, covering it with a denim patch on top. The durability of this repair depends on the quality of the "cobweb". Also, do not forget that the more often you wash your jeans, the less the patch will last. However, if you stitch around its perimeter, it will last much longer.

If time permits, try to look in specialized sewing stores for ready-made denim patches, the second side of which is made of self-adhesive tape. This type of repair is performed with an iron. However, in the event that the tear is large enough, the process of wearing after this type of repair will become completely inconvenient. Since the fabric is significantly compacted, and therefore wrinkled worse, this area will be quite rough, which will bring discomfort during wear.

By yourself or by hand

mend jeans can be done in several ways:

  • darn jeans between legs on a typewriter;
  • seek help from the workshop so that the hole is properly patched by a specialist;
  • sew on your own on the knee, holding it with your elbows, which is the cheapest method, but at the same time quite painstaking.

Blind stitch patch by hand

If a hole has formed on the knee, and it is large enough, during the repair process, follow the step-by-step instructions below:

Ways to avoid scuffs

In order not to mess around with patches and repairs to your favorite jeans, you should follow some rules for wearing and washing.

Keep in mind that when buying tight jeans that are too tight for you, or, conversely, too loose, be prepared that later this will lead to holes that will have to be sealed. Low-waisted models also tend to wear on the inside of the thigh. In order to avoid trouble, you should buy jeans strictly according to their size, without making allowances for the fact that the fabric will stretch during wear, and the jeans will sit more comfortably. As practice shows, not every jeans stretch to the right size. Well, just in case, inspect the jeans for factory defects.

gentle wash

It is very important to read the label, which contains recommendations for the care of a particular item of clothing, but if you do not have such a habit, resign yourself to the fact that absolutely all jeans will sooner or later receive damage that is difficult to close - on the inside of the thigh .

Jeans should be turned inside out before washing. It is best to wash them separately or with other pairs of jeans. Don't go too often wash them. But rare cleaning also has a bad effect on the condition of the fabric, since small particles of dirt become fine abrasive, which frays the contact parts of the trousers while walking.

If you wash your jeans in cool water on a gentle cycle without using bleach, they will last for several years.

Drying in washing machine also causes damage to the denim. In order to minimize the damage from machine washing, dry your jeans naturally by hanging them on a dryer. These tips will help you extend the life of your favorite item. If your jeans are frayed, you already know how to deal with it. However, the time will come when you still have to buy new ones, despite all your efforts.

In Holland, a man, an avid denim lover, wore his favorite jeans for more than 7 years, while repairing them almost daily. After they fell into absolute disrepair, several fashion magazines became interested in the situation, which played them in the competition of a popular clothing store.

How to darn jeans by hand