Congratulations on March 8 to business women

It is especially difficult for men before March 8, because it is known that with great difficulty they manage to express their feelings in words, somehow formulate. There are exceptions, of course, but they only confirm the general trend noticed by psychologists. To ease the pre-holiday torment, we offer several options for congratulations on March 8 in prose ( official colleagues). The main difference between official congratulations and personal congratulations lies in their more restrained content and brevity, however, the holiday itself requires some warm note and complimentary to be added to the official tone.

Examples of congratulations in prose to colleagues from superiors.

At the beginning of each congratulation, the name of the woman to whom this congratulation is intended is entered. At the end, an appropriate signature should be put from the one or those who present this congratulation.

If you wish, you can take our advice not to write congratulations to your employees all the same, this approach turns any congratulation into an empty, meaningless formality and can only cause a sarcastic smile, instead of a warm reciprocal feeling of gratitude.

Congratulations on the bright holiday of March 8! We highly appreciate your business qualities and professional capabilities, multiplied by creative ingenuity and hard work. We wish you to maintain your inherent ability to combine career growth with femininity and attractiveness. Spring mood, smiles and a sea of ​​flowers!

Please accept a huge spring bouquet of our (my) sincere congratulations and wishes to you on the occasion of the March 8 holiday! Among them, I especially want to highlight such wishes that will warm your heart, as well as give strength for even greater improvement and striving for beauty. We appreciate your purely feminine grace, with which you solve even purely professional issues, intuition, ingenuity and modesty. Health, happiness, good luck!
When compiling official congratulations on March 8 ( short colleagues), you should not put much emphasis on purely feminine qualities of character, just as unacceptable and playful - a playful tone, all this is perceived as an inappropriate manifestation of feelings.

Congratulations on the 8th of March! May this next holiday of the triumph of beauty and kindness bring the changes you desire for the better into your life, may success in work and in your personal life be easy for you, as a gift of fate for high spiritual qualities and modesty. Prosperity, love, health!

Examples of congratulations in prose to colleagues from male colleagues.

These congratulations can already be somewhat warmer and contain elements of playfulness and admiration for feminine qualities.

We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of March 8! The opportunity to work next to such a purposeful person as you is perceived by us (me) as a real blessing, stimulating and inspiring. Always remain as active, collected and incredibly feminine, with a rare combination of fortitude and outward fragility. We wish you a reliable life partner and good luck in everything.

With the rich emotional state souls, on the occasion of the wonderful holiday of March 8, and with a feeling of sincere admiration for such a workmate as you are, we congratulate you and wish you all the brightest and best in life. Failures and disappointments will surely bypass you, because you have reliable shoulder your life partner and the support of work colleagues. Health, spring mood and a sea of ​​flowers!

It should be noted that even official congratulations on March 8 to women colleagues in prose are perceived with more joy than in poetry, even if they are the most beautiful. This is due to the fact that more warmth is felt in prose, and it also seems that congratulations are written not for the whole world, but for you.

Examples of congratulations in prose to colleagues from a woman.

It would be quite appropriate if a congratulation from a woman to female colleagues can be more personal, even with its official status.

- I sincerely congratulate you on our common holiday on March 8! Let not only on this day you be surrounded by the warmth and attention of loved ones, filling your life with the highest meaning and striving for even greater perfection. Your style and active position in everything are admirable, but sometimes you should relax, demonstrating your fragility and defenselessness, which is so lacking in our “strong” half. I wish you absolute, carefree and endless happiness with your loved one, health and good luck in everything!

Take a break from work, look around, forget about worries and problems, you are the highest creation of nature - a woman! It is today that it is worth once again remembering this, with the holiday of March 8 to you! On this day I wish you to try to start new life in which the business woman inside you will be defeated by a slightly frivolous glamorous coquette. This will not interfere with your high business qualities in the least, but will only add charm even more. Health, feeling of absolute happiness and love!


Congratulations on March 8 in prose (official colleagues) from a woman are best written by hand without using a printer, so it will have a more trusting look and it will be appreciated.

Examples of congratulations in prose to fellow teachers.

Given the specifics of the work, this category of women should be considered separately and in congratulations it is imperative to focus on the feat they perform daily.

We congratulate you on the holiday of March 8, which is a holiday of spring and the victory of women in the struggle for equality! Who better than a teacher can appreciate how strong a female character can be, while being loving, caring and sympathetic! Giving the warmth of your heart to children every day, let it be filled with peace and a feeling of absolute happiness. We wish you eternal youth, children's enthusiasm and a joyful gleam in your eyes for many years to come!

Who, if not a teacher, receives the largest amount of positive emotions on this bright spring holiday on March 8! You and I know what it means to be a teacher, but this hard and responsible work cannot be compared with any other that would so generously bestow warmth on grateful and admiring children's hearts! Health, success, dreams come true and a sea of ​​flowers!

The most gentle and complementary should be congratulations on March 8 in prose (except for official colleagues) - to teachers, because it is still impossible to appreciate their work, because there is no price for it, it is simply priceless and similar to a daily accomplished feat.

May this day of March 8 invariably accompany you with good luck in everything, and the holiday itself will last as long as possible! A teacher is not a profession, it is a state of mind that yearns to do good and warm children's hearts with its warmth, being an absolute role model. May on this day, as from a cornucopia, all the blessings that you wish, both material and spiritual, fall upon you! Who else is worthy of the highest manifestation of love, if not a teacher. We wish on this happy day its maximum extension in time, as well as an endless feeling of happiness on the rest of the days at the school post. Health, patience, prosperity and good luck in everything!

International Women's Day is a wonderful occasion to congratulate the beautiful half of the working team on the holiday. After all, women, even if they are just work colleagues, bring joy, laughter and a feeling of being needed into the life of any man. Please the beautiful ladies wonderful congratulations, giving them an unforgettable feeling of spring magic, their necessity and their own irresistibility! Even if you arrange a modest holiday in the office, but say eloquent congratulations from the bottom of your heart, women will be delighted! Every woman on March 8 wants to feel elevated and hear in her address beautiful words. Surprise the female team with individual congratulations, addressing them to each individual woman. The main thing is to extol in your speeches not just a lady colleague, but a Woman with capital letter, which is beautiful, beautiful, sweet and unique in its own way!

Happy holiday, dear women!
Dear colleagues - mothers, sisters, wives, loved ones!
Accept the most my sincere congratulations with the holiday of spring, tenderness and love on March 8!
Today it is difficult to name at least one field of activity where women would not work, because it is impossible to imagine a profession without magical smiles, caring hands and caring women's hearts. Your ringing voices and kind eyes really change our life for the better, fill life with new content. An earthly bow to you for conscientious work, understanding, cordiality, mercy with which your tender souls are filled!
May your life multiply with happiness, love and be loved! Health to you, family comfort, well-being, good mood for many years to come!

lovely women
Dear women, dear _____________!
Bright for March 8, I wish you love, warmth of close hearts, peace of mind, family well-being and sincerity of feelings.
I wish you health, new professional achievements and deep respect of your male colleagues!
Let the spring sun warmly shine on you, and warm the cheerful smiles of the people around you!

Since March 8!
Every woman is unique like a flower in the garden of life. Roses and orchids, lilies of the valley and cornflowers, lilies and daisies. What a beauty, what a scent!
Just as every flower cannot live without the sun, so every woman needs warmth, affection and love. Your tender petals - I will hug you, caress you. Shining eyes will smile, longing lips will kiss.
Sincerely, __________.

Dear ours!
Congratulations on International Women's Day!
Centuries and millennia of world history, illuminated by your wisdom and tenderness, charm and beauty. And only thanks to your vitality, inspiration and long-suffering from century to century the human race continues on earth. Mother, sister, beloved - the female source accompanies us until the last breath. And if beauty will save the world, then it will be your beauty. After all, you turn it into a magical pearl, which we put at your feet.
On this festive day, we wish all women good well-being, lifelong happiness, passionate love and constant well-being. And may all dreams come true, because the desire of every woman is the law that we, men, gladly obey.

Dear (Name Patronymic)! The team of our company, especially the male part of it, wholeheartedly congratulates you on the international women's day March 8. Thank you for your selfless work, professionalism and dedication to our common cause. We wish you good health, unfading youth and inexhaustible good spirits. May everything in your life go well.
Head (name of organization)

Lovely women!
Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the wonderful spring holiday - International Women's Day on March 8!
May all your hopes and dreams come true, may your every day be illuminated with a happy smile,
and along with the aroma of spring flowers, joy and well-being will enter your life.
I wish you good health, love, support of loved ones.
May mutual understanding and harmony, peace and joy always accompany you!

For those who are dear and sweet,
To whom does love itself attract!
God give me only strength
Go crazy for once!

A team without women is like a planet without flowers! Dear ladies, thank you for having us, for saturating working days with an atmosphere of kindness, beauty and comfort! Always remain as tender and delightful as the first spring snowdrops! On March 8, the sun shines just for you, the sky turns blue and the bird choir chirps merrily! May all of you, our dear employees, have a hundred reasons for happy smiles today!

March 8 unites all women, of all professions and ages, into a single whole - on this day you are equally beautiful and respected. Let the women of our office be cheerful and carefree on March 8th. We sincerely wish love and understanding in family hearths, honor and success at work, as well as warmth and peace in your hearts. Blooms every spring beautiful flowers- just for you, beautiful ladies!

Our dear ladies! We've been through more than one year together. Thank you for brightening up our working days with your lovely faces, eyes and voices! I would like to congratulate you on the most wonderful day of the year dedicated to women! Get better with age! Prosperity in your career, happiness in your personal life!

Dear women! Let this day, March 8, be the beginning of the brightest streak in your life, so that only positive emotions, only good mood, smiles, laughter and joy! And in professional terms - career growth and salary increase! Be happy, our most beautiful and gentle!

Since March 8! We wish you success in your work, new and interesting directions, financial well-being and happiness in your personal life! May success be with you in all your endeavors!

Dear women, we sincerely congratulate you on a wonderful spring day and the holiday of March 8! We wish you endless optimism, endless energy and beauty! May only good news come to you!

Congratulations dear women happy holiday. May luck and success go along with you along the roads of spring, may the most crystal wishes and dreams come true. Prosperity, kindness, love and happiness. Since March 8!

We wish you on the Day of March 8,
So that life is warmly rich,
support of loyal friends,
Happy, clear, long days.

We wish you new achievements,
Problems of simple permissions.
Many smiles, bright meetings,
And keep peace in your soul.

Please accept our congratulations
Happy International Women's Day!
Spring beautiful moments
We offer congratulations.

And March, which is raging outside the window,
Let him break into the office
Let it please you, excite you
Give joy, sun, light!

On International Women's Day, I would like to wish peace and prosperity, harmony and unity, happiness and success in all life affairs. May all desires always coincide with the available opportunities. Congratulations!

May this spring day be bright,
Congratulations to you endlessly ...
Smiles, cute gifts -
Warm tender hearts.

And be unique
And forever - with a young soul,
Cheerful and tireless
And let everything be - well!

On the day of the spring holiday, we wish you miracles, the realization of your plans, joy and love. Let everything work out today, let flowers and gifts become a pleasant addition to this day.

Congratulations on March 8 and I wish you feminine charm, confidence and determination, as well as an inexhaustible flow of strength, energy and inspiration. I wish you never have difficulties in life and rivals in the field of personal interests.

Let happiness cover with your head
Good breaks through the clouds into the house,
And life will be lucky and simple,
It will be beautiful, against the blue background!

Let there be a bright road ahead
Success, and kindness, good luck in it,
And there will be light in life little by little,
Happy International Women's Day!


Official congratulations c should begin with a respectful attitude towards the woman or the entire women's team. Sometimes they also use more touching appeals to emphasize their positive attitude to the person you are.

Official congratulations on March 8

Our lovely and charming women!

I congratulate you on the holiday of spring - March 8. We sincerely wish you good health, unfading youth and a lot of mutual love! Let wonderful feelings warm your hearts, and you always remain as unique as you are now. With all my heart I join all the congratulations that you have already received, and once again I wish the fulfillment of all your desires.

Let me tell you that today you are especially good. It is on this day that all women flourish and reach unearthly heights of perfection. You are no exception and at the same time you are exceptionally beautiful. Congratulations on Women's Day March 8. Let your thoughts be joyful, your feelings elevated and any sensations pleasant. Thank you for your exceptional intelligence, outstanding professionalism, diligence, composure and accuracy. Thank you for being with us. We wish you all the blessings of the world. May everything be fine with you.

Dear ours!

Congratulations on International Women's Day!
Centuries and millennia of world history, illuminated by your wisdom and tenderness, charm and beauty. And only thanks to your vitality, inspiration and long-suffering from century to century, the human race continues on earth. Mother, sister, beloved - the female source accompanies us until the last breath. And if beauty will save the world, then it will be your beauty. After all, you turn it into a magical pearl, which we put at your feet. On this festive day, we wish all women good well-being, lifelong happiness, passionate love and constant well-being. And may all dreams come true, because the desire of every woman is the law that we, men, gladly obey.

Dear women!

I am happy to congratulate you on International Women's Day on March 8 and assure you on behalf of our entire company that you are our greatest wealth. It is your skillful hands that create the benefits for people for which we all work together. Thank you for your tireless work, for your warm smile and kind look. I wish you good health, personal well-being and the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

Congratulations on March 8 in official prose

Our dear women!

I sincerely congratulate you on March 8. A woman is the most beautiful thing in this world, so continue to make it the best, bringing goodness and love to this world. Smile more, because by doing so you cheer up everyone around you. Be always happy, satisfied, successful, and most importantly, loved!

We wish you a spring blooming mood, wonderful words and deeds, pleasant memorable surprises. Dear women - you are wonderful creatures! Ease to you, tenderness, attention, warmth, care and kindness. You - precious gems in our life. Love to you and all the best!

On behalf of our entire team, I congratulate you on the International Women's Day on March 8. I wish you professional success and personal well-being. Let no absurd accident spoil your good mood either on holidays or on a weekday. Thank you for your contribution to our common cause and for the warmth of the soul.

Dear women!

Congratulations to the beautiful half of humanity on Women's Day! Let all the aromas of flowers smell fragrant for you, give you their tenderness and beauty. May this spring day pamper you with warmth, and men with attention. May life give you only pleasant moments, warm tender meetings and loving hearts. Congratulations, colleagues!

Very soon, the winter frosts will be replaced by the bright spring sun, which will melt the whole earth from the January stupor. This means that very soon the most long-awaited holiday for all women will come - International Women's Day. Men need to prepare well in order to properly congratulate their beloved and closest representatives of the weaker sex on this wonderful day.

On the eve of the holiday, corporate parties will also be held at work, where you will have to try a little to ensure a good mood for your female colleagues. But what about your business partners if they are also women? Not to congratulate them on this day would be stupid on your part, so you should choose the right words to express your congratulations on March 8 to your partners.

It is worth noting that this will be more of a corporate greeting, which should be official, but still sweet.

Congratulations in prose

On this wonderful day, I am glad to congratulate my business partners on March 8! I am very pleased to realize that my colleagues are not only professionals in their field, but also very nice and charming women, who are a pleasure to work with. I want to wish them on this day financial and family well-being, good luck in all areas of your life and confidence in the future. Stay always the same attractive beauties. Happy holiday!


Dear and wise women! I, as your business partner, want to congratulate you on International Women's Day - the time when all the most cherished women's dreams and desires should come true. I want to say that I am very pleased that they are so cute and beautiful girls like you are the people I have to work with every day. From pure heart I wish you to always remain the same charming women who carry out work affairs with graceful ease and confidence. Happy holiday!

Lovely women! Despite the fact that I am just your business partner, let us congratulate you on March 8 and express admiration for your many skills. In addition to the fact that you are excellent professionals in your field, higher powers rewarded you with extraterrestrial beauty and tact. Therefore, always remain also attractive, good-natured, persistent in work and unshakable regarding your principles. Happy holiday!

On this bright day on March 8, I want to congratulate all my business partners on the holiday female beauty, wisdom and sensuality. I am glad that my partners are so beautiful, charming and sweet. Working with you is a pleasure, so always remain the same as you are. Happy holiday!

Congratulations in verse

Business partners in business can also prepare a poetic business congratulations from March 8 with a touch of humor that will allow them to relax and perceive you more positively.

Let in your soul and in your heart
The beauty of spring reigns.
To be warmed by its warmth
You walked through life through the years.

We heartily congratulate you
FROM international day spring,
We sincerely wish you
May your days be clear.

Your deeds to flourish
Partners made you happy
So that you do not know losses
Income multiplied every hour!


Spring quivering warmth,
Breaking all the winter shutters,
Happy International Women's Day
I congratulate you, partners.

I wish you this day
Much love and prosperity
Successful meetings, contracts, cases
And fulfillment of desires.

May this holiday bring
You only joy and good luck.
Live long without worries.
Good to you, joy and happiness.

With you we will be able to
The most difficult project
Because all over the world
There are no partners better than you!

So that the world does not happen
We want you to flourish
At the same time, try
And don't forget about us!

We congratulate our partners on this holiday,
After all, it is marked on a whole color.
Happy Women's Day, ladies, sorry, men,
Congratulate all women for that there is a reason.

We want to wish you love and health,
And there are many angels at your head,
So that the husband loves passionately, madly at night,
Well, at work you deals are reasonable.