Congratulations to the Governor of the Vladimir Region Nikolai Vladimirovich Vinogradov. Official congratulations on the anniversary of a colleague Happy birthday to an employee of the administration

Happy birthday, dear colleague! Let your professionalism, which has long become the standard for our team, be a source of stable financial well-being. And for sincerity, love of life, openness and kindness, fate will reward you with good health, love and happiness.

Colleague! I wish all the steps of your ascent to be successful, your goals to be lofty, your victories to be brilliant!
And your noble heart, may it always be warmed by love!

An irreplaceable worker, our dear colleague, we congratulate you with all our hearts on your birthday. We wish you to remain as cheerful, cheerful, optimistic. May all your hopes and dreams come true in the future. Respect, growth and recognition at work. Happy holiday!

Dear colleague! Your erudition and outlook are unique, and help in different situations is priceless! May happiness, love and luck always help you enjoy life! Happy holiday to you!

On your birthday, I wish you more of the following problems - how to spend a million, which sea is heated in winter, which convertible to choose (red or white). After all, without difficulties, it is so uninteresting to live. Congratulations!

Dear colleague! I wish you always strive for fulfillment cherished desires, never lose heart over trifles, be a kind and sympathetic friend, enjoy life and smile. Happy birthday!

Congratulations on your birthday, our adored colleague! Working with you is a pleasure! And any task is possible! Thank you for being in our team! On this significant day, we wish you to always be at your best: to be the most beautiful, the most beloved, in a word, the very best!

You are the soul of our team, a great friend and a sweet person! Communication with you brings us joy and a wonderful mood! Happy Birthday to You!

Colleague, let every day be joyful
and happy! A contagious smile appears on the face more often, small joys and big holidays in life bring pleasure again!

Accept, our dear colleague, congratulations on your birthday from the whole team, which respects you immensely and loves your beautiful and radiant smile! Be always as responsive and kind, sweet and wonderful, young and happy as we see you every day!

Happy birthday to an excellent colleague, good friend and responsible worker. You are incredibly smart, beautiful and hardworking. You combine many qualities in yourself and bloom like a woman. I wish you to always remain as beautiful and talented and find your happiness in life.

Happy birthday to you!
You are the best member of our team!
Therefore, we wish you good health, self-confidence and opportunities, creative solutions! And also - to receive moral and material satisfaction from the work done!
Be always on top!

Today, on this significant day, please accept my congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you loyalty to your ideas, talented solutions, the ability to emerge victorious from any, even the most difficult, situation!
Let your life be full of new impressions, exciting events and joy!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you today, colleague!
I wish you strength and confidence, creative enthusiasm, and after fruitful work - a great rest! Happiness to the fullness of life to you!
Let them be near faithful friends, the closest and beloved people! After all, it is so important for every person.

Today, work is going more fun, because we have a wonderful holiday in the team! Your day, birthday, let it fulfill the best dreams for you. The salary is growing day by day, career steps will be easy, and the heart will be light and fun!

On your birthday, I wish you to always be a support for those who are dear to you, believe in yourself and your strengths, inspire others with your example, change this world for the better and always find the bright side, even in the most difficult situations.

Happy birthday to a faithful colleague and professional colleague! I wish you good health and patience. to our boss. Let your working days bring not only salary, bonuses and vacation pay, but also a positive mood and positive emotions. To work like a holiday!

Happy Birthday! I wish you good health, a sea of ​​​​positiveness, true friends, may comfort and harmony always reign in your home! And also the fulfillment of all dreams, joyful moments, big earnings, and of course career growth and success in all endeavors!

Dear colleague! Let me warmly congratulate you on this wonderful holiday! You are the soul of our team, so always remain as cheerful and optimistic! We wish you quick career growth, excellent health, vigorous energy and successful completion of all undertakings!

Dear colleague, please accept my warmest congratulations on your birthday! I want to wish you to climb the career ladder to heaven. So that in your work you are always accompanied by good luck, luck and success! Never give up and go forward, you will succeed!

Dear _______________! On this wonderful Anniversary, we wish you good health, happiness, mutual understanding of loved ones, warmth of the family hearth! May good luck accompany every day of your life, and the soul remains young for many, many years!
Peace and blessings to you and your home!

Anniversary glorious day -
Life is a new stage!
May good luck await
Wisdom and experience help
Achieve new goals
Implement all plans!
Longevity! Luck!
Festive mood!

With all my heart, with great excitement,
With which I can't find words
We congratulate you on your birthday
Happy 50th birthday to you!
Years run, they have no account,
But there are so many years ahead
That is why we give advice:
Live to be a hundred years old!
Live, bloom and be young
Don't regret the past life
About what will happen, do not guess
Don't forget what you have!

Of course, if you have a fairly close relationship or have known each other for many years, the text can be drawn up in a fairly free form. And if not, it is better to avoid familiarity and, in order to avoid delicate situations, congratulate in full accordance with business etiquette.

Accept congratulations on this day, it is only yours,
We wish, without a doubt, that there is courage in life,
Always and let everything work out, but there are a lot of plans,
What is conceived - comes true, we wish you good luck, only her!
Let there be steel in the mood, the family pleases,
A smile - so in the morning. In general, - the mountain of joys!

Happy birthday to you,
We wish you with all our heart today
Enthusiasm, ideas, inspiration,
And reaching high peaks.
So that always at work and at home
Things were in perfect order!
Happiness, good luck, success in everything,
Life stable in full abundance.

Like you - cheerful, smart, energetic,
Nice to admire, admire!
Let everything be perfect
Always, not only on this bright holiday!
Let life become even more beautiful and brighter,
Surprises more often surprises
Let wonderful gifts please
And everything that helps to be happy!

When the birthday comes
Everyone remembers - relatives, friends.
Colleagues in the bustle of excitement,
After all, we are a family in the profession!
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you all the best!
Let happiness, fluttering like a butterfly,
It flies to your palm in silence!

A special day for you - birth into the world,
We solemnly congratulate him!
How old are you - not a secret at all,
We want to look the same!
You are attractive, you are wise,
And the ladies cast their glances languidly,
For success and glory you were born,
And for that you are all respected!

You can’t get away from anniversaries in life,
They will overtake everyone like birds,
But the main thing is to carry through the years
The warmth of the soul, the cordiality of the particle.

We want to wish you now
Good health and good luck,
Joy and devoted friends,
Let the work argue in addition.

Your Anniversary is quite a bit,
But the years have not been spent in vain.
Great road traveled
Big things are done.
May life always be like this:
So that the years go by, and you do not count them,
Never grow old in soul
And they would never sigh bitterly.

Long life and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
Let it always - not only on your birthday
Cherished dreams come true.

We wish you bright and joyful days,
Success, health, reliable friends,
Always love and be happy
And may you never grow old!

Happy birthday to you!
May life smile positively at you
And what saddens in the end
Let profit, joy suddenly turn around!

______ (name!) Happy Birthday! On behalf of our entire team, we wish you a festive mood, good luck, happiness and luck. May success and prosperity always accompany you in work and in life.

Dear beloved husband! Be who you are! I wish you good friends, happiness, joy! At work - only success, but at home - love and harmony! And I ask you not to forget that someone needs you in life! I congratulate you on your birthday!

Today on this solemn day, Birthday, I want to wish you good health and live without aging. May troubles never knock on your happy home. Be always cheerful and a great optimist, and with such a mood I wish you to live up to a hundred years.

Let everything be as you want! Good luck, happiness and luck to you! And most importantly, love! Love the one with whom the heart breathes and with whom thoughts are always occupied! Be happy!

Happy birthday to you! I would like to mark in one phrase all the wishes that can make you happier. Therefore, I will simply say: be loved like Cleopatra, ambitious like Alexander the Great, freedom-loving like an Amazon and unfadingly beautiful like Jennifer Lopez!

Colleague, you are an irreplaceable worker! We wish you to remain as cheerful and self-confident on your birthday, may all your dreams come true! May all your undertakings be crowned with success, and may new ideas never leave your bright mind. Career growth to you and prosperity, happiness and good luck!

Happy birthday, dear colleague! The whole team would like to express our gratitude to you for your high contribution to the development of our common cause. You are a goal-oriented person, a successful person and a talented employee. Let your house be a full bowl, and success, like a star, illuminates your life path.

Our dear colleague, happy birthday! May every day bring you happiness and give positive, may the love of loved ones and friends warm your soul sunshine attention and kindness. And may your every wish come true with lightning speed! Love to you, kindness, success and prosperity!

Dear colleague! Thank you for your excellent work and support in difficult times. May your birthday bring you lots positive emotions, and only the most dear and close to the heart people will be nearby. Let the work bring you joy, and let your smile become the talisman of your life luck!

On the name day, I hasten to congratulate the girl and colleague. I want to wish that the work brings you satisfaction. May you draw inspiration and be successful. I wish you love in your personal life and success at work. May the authorities be kind. I wish to develop my talent and abilities.

Happy birthday, colleague! May your beauty never fade. I wish you an extraordinary mind, beauty and charm. let all the bosses be crazy about you. I wish you a good salary, many days off and holidays, and a quick rise up the career ladder. Let everythnig will be alright!

My dear colleague! Happy birthday! I congratulate you on this joyful and wonderful holiday! I wish you to be surrounded only by understanding, sensitive, kind, sympathetic and generous people with warmth! And you always stay the same! May there be as much joy and light in your life as possible!

My glorious colleague, I congratulate you today on your wonderful birthday! Let not only this day, but the whole life be filled with light, warmth and kindness of those around you, manifestations of their attention and love! Let every new morning start with your smile! Prosperity to you, love and prosperity!

On a wonderful and bright name day, I congratulate my dear colleague on his appearance in the world. Once you were born on this day. May it be especially happy and fabulous for you. May fate bring many gifts and good news. I wish you never be sad and only strives forward.

Happy birthday, golden colleague. You are not only a great employee, but also faithful friend, a kind mother, an exemplary wife and just beautiful woman. I wish you great and bright love, success in all your endeavors, enthusiasm, creative ideas and the realization of all dreams and desires.

Let only positive people surround a colleague, let luck accompany everything, let the joy be endless, and the mood is always on top. May all dreams come true at the behest of the pike, and life every day adds bright and memorable events. Be happy, happy birthday!

Let me sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Happy Birthday! I wish you good health, happiness, health and success. May your work prosper and develop in the right direction. May you always be surrounded by only the closest and dearest to your heart people. Let today's holiday bring together your friends. Love and always be loved! May good luck always accompany you in all your affairs. I wish that mutual understanding, harmony, prosperity always reigned in your family, good mood and love. Happiness to you and your loved ones! Be always healthy and happy and may all adversity bypass you and your family. Once again from pure heart I congratulate you on your birthday!

From the bottom of our hearts, accept congratulations from our entire team. We congratulate you on your birthday! We want to wish you the most important and necessary: ​​happiness, good health, success in everything and great luck. We are sincerely grateful to you for your attention to us, for your patience and help. Under your leadership, our company has reached a completely new level. We sincerely wish you and your family well-being, good luck and mutual understanding. Let all adversity bypass you. Be happy and healthy! We wish you to achieve even greater results. Once again we congratulate you on your birthday! And we want to spend this day with the closest and dearest people. And may all your dreams and desires come true. Happy Holidays!

Our dear and respected boss, our team wants to congratulate you on your holiday from the bottom of our hearts! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you good health, family happiness, mutual love and good luck. Let the work bring you only pleasure, and all adversity bypass you. We are very proud to have the opportunity to work under the guidance of such a wonderful person with great life experience. Thank you for your patience, support and criticism. You help us become true professionals, which you yourself are. Be always lucky, happy and healthy. May every day bring you joy and save you from adversity. Happiness to you and your family.

Our dear and respected colleague, we sincerely congratulate you on your Anniversary! On this special day for you, our team wants to wish you happiness, good health, long life and patience. You are a very responsible person, hardworking and purposeful, who is a real role model for many of us. Thank you for the advice that you often give us, for your patience, for the instant resolution of all issues and for your criticism. We wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, the realization of all your plans and ideas, good luck and success in all your endeavors. Happiness, prosperity and love to you and your loved ones. Let work bring you only pleasure. Once again, from the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on your birthday!

On this festive day, our team wants to sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! You are a talented leader, a reliable partner and an excellent boss. It is a great honor for us to work under your competent leadership! We would like to wish you happiness, long life, prosperity to your work, realization of all ideas and plans, great luck and luck. You share your experience with us every day and pass on important knowledge. We want to sincerely thank you for your patience, criticism and trust. We hope that our cooperation will continue for many years to come. We are confident that under your leadership, our company will reach the podium and gain the respect of colleagues. Once again we congratulate you on your birthday!

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! On this beautiful day, our team wants to wish you long life, good health and success in all your endeavors. You are a role model for us. In one person, firmness of character and attentiveness to employees, exactingness and kindness, intelligence and a sense of humor are uniquely combined. It is a great honor for us to work under your leadership. We want to wish you and your family harmony and understanding. Thank you for your patience, understanding and criticism. May good luck always knock on your house, and adversity bypass it. Remain the same attentive, but at the same time demanding person who helps us develop in the right direction. Happy Holidays!

Dear boss, on behalf of our entire team, let me congratulate you on your upcoming birthday. We want to wish you all the very best from the bottom of our hearts. Let the work bring you only pleasure, and relatives and friends give strength to solve any issues and problems. We wish you long life and leadership. May all hardships and troubles bypass you and your family, and good luck will always pursue you. We are confident that under the leadership of a person like you, our company will prosper and develop for many years to come. We wish you patience in this difficult task, good luck and success. Be always happy and healthy! And thank you for such a wonderful atmosphere in our team!

On behalf of our entire large team, we hasten to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - your birthday! We warmly congratulate you and wish you all the best: happiness, good health, long life, love and success in everything. We would like to wish your family, your relatives and friends well-being, mutual understanding and harmony. May good luck settle in your home and at your work, and adversity will bypass. We wish you that the next year will bring you only joy and good luck. Be sure that your team loves you very much, appreciates and is proud of you. We are immensely glad that we have the opportunity to work under the guidance of a person like you. Once again, please accept our heartfelt congratulations! Happy Holidays!

On this joyful day, I hasten to congratulate my esteemed colleague on his birthday. My dear colleague, today is a special day for you - Anniversary. In this regard, I would like to sincerely wish you long life and work, good health and success. You are a wonderful specialist who perfectly copes with all the duties entrusted to you. It is a great honor for me to work with you and learn from the knowledge that you share. Thank you for your support, help and responsiveness. I wish you to achieve the highest results and rise to the highest level. You command the respect of all colleagues and management, because you are a very reliable partner and a fair person. Congratulations on your Anniversary!

Our esteemed boss, please accept sincere words congratulations on behalf of our entire team. We warmly and cordially congratulate you on your upcoming birthday and want to wish you never stop there. You are a person of business who takes full responsibility for the fulfillment of all assigned tasks. We are immensely grateful to you for the experience that we got while working side by side with you. We wish you long life, long years of work, health and success in all activities. We wish good luck to accompany you throughout your fruitful life, and to avoid troubles. Be healthy and happy! Once again, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!

Dear and deeply revered boss, on behalf of the entire staff of your factory, we hasten to sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! You are a role model for us, an exemplary worker who is very strict in the performance of his duties. We are immensely grateful to you for the experience that we have gained within the walls of this factory. We want to wish you many more years of life and fruitful work. We wish you good health, good luck and success in all spheres of life. It is a great honor for us to work with you and receive advice and guidance from such a competent and purposeful person as you. Our team appreciates you very much and is proud of all your achievements. Happy Holidays, dear boss!

Our dear and respected colleague, on this festive day, on behalf of all employees and management of our company, let me congratulate you on your birthday! Over the long years of working in this company, you have shown yourself to be a very responsible person, hardworking and competent. Over the years, you have been able to gain the trust of the company's management. We would like to wish you from the bottom of our hearts long and productive years of life, good health and success in all your endeavors. May good luck always accompany you, and may troubles bypass you and your family. Be happy, healthy and loved! May all your wishes come true, all your plans and ideas come true. Once again, please accept our sincere congratulations!

Congratulations official to the head

Accept the most my sincere congratulations from our entire team! We believe that under your leadership, our company is able to withstand any crisis! We sincerely wish you
well-being and good health. May you always have reliable friends by your side, and may the love and support of your family and friends give you strength for new achievements and success in all areas of your life.
activities. May good luck, love and happiness always accompany you!

Official congratulations

Please accept my most sincere and heartfelt congratulations. I join all the kind words that are addressed to you today. Your professionalism, purposefulness, attentive attitude to any emerging problems distinguish you as a talented organizer and authoritative leader. Happiness, kindness and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Official congratulations on the birthday of employees

Happy birthday to you,
We wish you with all our heart today
Enthusiasm, ideas, inspiration,
And the achievements of high peaks.
So that always at work and at home
Things were in perfect order!
Happiness, good luck, success in everything,
Life is stable and in full abundance.

Official congratulations on the anniversary

You are our hope, you are our support
And a glorious example of wisdom!
Health to you - the sea, and money to you - mountains,
Love to you without an account and measures!
Let the sun shine even on rainy days
And always warms your soul!
May happiness answer your smile,
And joy will fill the years!
Any wish will come true today
You guess them soon!
Smiles, flowers, admiration, recognition
Accept from us on the anniversary!

Official New Year greetings

Dear friends! A new year is a new start for many. Many will want to live differently from January 1 - without resentment, mistakes or defeats. May these good beginnings come true. I wish you this with all my heart! Happy New Year!

Official birthday greetings to a man

Today is an unusual day - your birthday,
Accept modest flowers and our congratulations.
Congratulating you on this day, we wish you many years,
We love you with all our hearts and respect you very much.
Let the sun warm you with pleasant rays,
And if the clouds run up, then with warm rains.
May happiness, joy and kindness not forget about you,
After all, there is never enough happiness in life.

Official congratulations on the Russian Press Day

No wonder the term about the fourth power of journalism is widespread, which gives way only to the legislative, executive and judicial! Indeed, the Russian press has enormous power in society, shaping public opinion, helping to comprehend political and other events not only in a single area, region, country; but also in the global community as a whole. I sincerely wish you success in the journalistic field, the trust of the reader and faith in the power of the word! Let your skill, professionalism and talent multiply, and well-being grow! Good luck interesting ideas and good luck in all your endeavors!

Dear colleague. On your birthday, I want to wish you the realization of creative ideas. Let an endless stream boil in you creative ideas and great opportunities for their successful implementation. Great success to you in business!

Official congratulations on your birthday

On this day, I want to start my congratulations by wishing well-being to you and your company, because this is your main life. May confidence in the future never leave you. I wish you good spirits and a wonderful holiday mood. Happy Birthday to You!

Happy New Year greetings official

At midnight, only the chimes solemnly strike -
Let them take all the best with them instantly!
So that good things come true in the coming year,
All plans, all conceived - definitely succeeded!
Let your dreams come true under a peaceful sky!
Home country! Happy holiday! Happy New Year!

Official birthday greetings to the boss

When the birthday comes
Everyone remembers - relatives, friends.
Colleagues in the bustle of excitement,
After all, we are a family in the profession!
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you all the best from the bottom of our hearts!
Let happiness, fluttering like a butterfly,
It flies to your palm in silence!

Dear comrades. I cordially congratulate you on the holiday of May 1, which one part of the inhabitants continues to traditionally call the Day International Solidarity workers, and the other - considers the holiday of Spring and Labor! May every year with the onset of Spring you have new reasonable hopes for changes for the better!

Official congratulations on the Day of the gasman and oilman

This holiday in September for the Naftogaz system,
Will be on the first day off in accordance with the Decree.
You supply regularly, year after year, day after day,
All Russia and Europe with gas, light and heat.
Let the Naftogaz system grow stronger every year,
A wish from us - from all the people.
We honor and respect you for your hard work,
And sincerely on this day we congratulate you all.

It will be better than all the previous ones!

Official congratulations to colleagues

Dear colleagues,
What a delightful hour.
On a day so beautiful for us
I am happy to congratulate you!
With you I'm always sure
May it always be so.
I know that any difficulty
There is no problem with you at all.
I wish you success
A sea of ​​happiness and love!
Well, the main desire
Stay close, you are yours!

Official New Year and Merry Christmas greetings

With respect to you all people
Happy New Year,
Happy wonderful Christmas day!
And we wish you the best of luck.
Let the new year and the coming one come to us
It will be better than all the previous ones!

Official congratulations on the Mother Heroine medal

Dear (). You proved with your feat and diligence that motherhood is a great mission for a woman. A low bow to you for your hard work in the upbringing of children. Wear with pride this medal, which you have earned with your selfless work.

Official congratulations on the wedding

Your special day
An hour of rapprochement of two hearts.
Beat together in unison -
Here is a simple law of love.
On the wedding day
All as one desire -
Health, happiness, joy.
Live 200 years without old age!
May this wedding be bright
The star shines hot!
love breath always
Keeps you warm in the cold.

Official congratulations on the Day of Road Transport

Starts from the wheel
Auto transport honorable, noble day
And there are a lot of good people here.
Works, forgetting peace and laziness.
And today we say thank you to them,
There is something to ride, and there is someone to carry,
And you have an honest worker VIVA!
Good in life, and the industry - to grow!

Official congratulations - strict congratulations, congratulations on holidays for business people and true professionals in their field. In order to compose official congratulations, you do not need to put in a lot of effort - just the desire to please a person, congratulate him on the holiday, wish him happiness, prosperity, be glad that this particular person works with you. Don't be afraid to congratulate your colleagues officially! Indeed, even in the usual official congratulations, you can add a touch of zest and freshness. Feel free to write and congratulate your colleagues with official congratulations.

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We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary birthday!

Your socio-political activities are widely known not only in the Vladimir region, but throughout Russia. You started your career in the construction industry, for the last 16 years you have been the head of the Vladimir region as a governor. The successes and development of the region testify that you have succeeded as a leader, earned the respect of fellow countrymen as a competent manager and a wise politician. We wish you new successes, inexhaustible creative energy, good health and all the best. Let your leadership experience, high professionalism, knowledge of life and people continue to serve Russia and the Vladimir region.

Sincerely, the team of LLC NPO VOYAGE.

Congratulations to the Governor of the Vladimir Region Nikolai Vladimirovich Vinogradov on his 65th birthday! Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

For many years, you have been successfully solving the problems of the comprehensive development of the Vladimir Region in your post, working for its prosperity and improving the well-being of residents. Under your leadership, major infrastructure projects are being implemented for the benefit of our region. Today you are at the most fruitful life stage - when rich experience is harmoniously combined with wisdom and knowledge of life, when a lot has already been done, and the future is filled with new plans. So let all your plans come true in the best possible way! We wish you long life, strength of mind and new achievements, health, happiness, prosperity to you and your family! May true friends surround you and good luck always accompanies you!

The team of the company "Signal-Service" LLC.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich, Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your 65th birthday!

Your life is a vivid example of how mind, initiative and diligence bring success and well-deserved respect to a person. You have gone from a foreman and engineer in the construction industry to a governor. You are the initiator of many transformations that are taking place in the socio-economic sphere of the Vladimir region, the guarantor of a business approach and cooperation in solving current and future problems. Compatriots highly appreciate your inherent professionalism and responsibility, the ability to foresee long-term effects decisions made. Joining the words that will be addressed to you on this day, I wish you good health, prosperity, peace and kindness, inexhaustible vitality, and success. Let your efficiency and high business qualities also help you in the subsequent years of your activity in the implementation of plans, ideas and undertakings. Let friendly ties remain unchanged and strong, let your relatives and friends give you care, attention and love. Persistence and patience in solving important problems for the benefit of the Vladimir region and its inhabitants!

Sergey Yuryevich NIKONOV, General Director of LLC NPO Transpolymer.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich, Please accept my sincere congratulations on your 65th birthday!

Over the years of responsible work as governor, you have achieved great success in realizing the potential of the region, solving urgent problems aimed at its development, and have earned high prestige and respect for your many years of activity, professionalism, active life position, and hard work. A talented leader and insightful politician, today you are implementing new projects aimed at the prosperity of the Vladimir region. On this significant day, I wish you with all my heart inexhaustible optimism, wisdom and patience, the right decisions and promising projects, reliable assistants and loving loved ones! Peace and cloudless skies! May luck, success and recognition accompany you throughout your life! Happy anniversary!

Director of Beryozka LLC (Pokrov) Igor Alexandrovich PAKHOMOV.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich! Congratulations on your 65th birthday!

You enjoy well-deserved prestige as a competent leader who has done a lot for the development of the Vladimir Region. Rich professional and life experience, deep knowledge of the problems of your native land, many years of work as a high official, significant personal contribution to the development of the region have earned you the respect of fellow countrymen. I am confident that your activities for the benefit of the region will continue to contribute to strengthening its socio-economic potential and improving the quality of life of people. On this significant day, we wish you inexhaustible optimism, energy and promising undertakings, success in solving the tasks you face today. Let the support of the inhabitants of the region entrusted to you, rich practical experience, active life position and real concern for the well-being of the Vladimir Region be a sure guarantee of this. Happiness, kindness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Viktor Alekseevich Klochkov, General Director of OAO NPP Zvukotekhnika.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich! We heartily congratulate you on your 65th anniversary!

For many years you have been an experienced figure, who has always been distinguished by professionalism, deep knowledge and inexhaustible energy. Over the years of fruitful work, you have gained great prestige and earned the sincere respect of your countrymen. You are known as a high-level leader, an energetic and responsible person who is able to successfully implement the most ambitious plans, new decisions for the sake of the region's prosperity and the achievement of positive changes in life.

Please accept my most heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of your holiday and sincere wishes of well-being and success, the implementation of all plans and undertakings, understanding and support of people close and dear to you. We sincerely wish you effective work in your responsible post, great success in solving the urgent problems of the Vladimir Region, new victories and achievements!

Happiness to you and your loved ones, health and long years of active life! Happy anniversary!

Management and staff of JSC "Murom Instrument-Making Plant".

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

Over the long years of active work as governor of the Vladimir Region, you have earned sincere respect as a competent leader, a talented and successful politician who has assumed full responsibility for the comprehensive development of the region. We express special gratitude for the great contribution to the development of our company!

On the day of your 65th anniversary, we sincerely wish you further success and achievements, well-being, the implementation of new ideas and plans, good health and great personal happiness!

Timofei Mikhailovich BAKUROV, head of the Vladimir Air Base.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich, Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday!

All my labor activity You dedicated to the Vladimir region. Years of hard work given by you native land brought invaluable benefits to the region and its inhabitants. Your political will, initiative, energy are rightfully highly appreciated by the population and local government leaders. There is no doubt that your high professionalism and competence, knowledge of the problems of the region will contribute to the development and prosperity of the Vladimir Region, and improve the living standards of its inhabitants.

On the day of your anniversary, please accept the warmest congratulations and wishes of good health, long life, great success in your complex and interesting work for the benefit of the development and prosperity of the Vladimir Region and all of Russia from the residents of the Sudogodsky District. May your rich practical experience, inexhaustible energy and human optimism contribute to the realization of all your good undertakings. May joy and understanding always reign in your home. Happiness and prosperity to you, your family and friends.

Sincerely yours, Alexander Sergeevich STARODUBTSEV, Head of the Administration of the Municipal Formation "Sudogodsky District".

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! Anniversary is a time for summing up, building plans for the future. On this day, I want to say a lot to you kind words which you certainly deserve. You are a real statesman, a person who sincerely loves his small homeland - the Vladimir Territory. Thank you for being active!

We wish you further creative work for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Vladimir region, good health, well-being, good luck in all your endeavors!

May reliable friends and colleagues always be with you.

Head of the Vyaznikovsky district Vladimir LOPUKHOV.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

On this glorious day, please accept our most sincere congratulations and best wishes Happy Anniversary!

You are rightfully considered one of the most experienced and authoritative senior executives, an educated and creatively gifted person. Energy, life experience, versatile knowledge, organizational talent allow you to successfully carry out transformations aimed at solving the problems facing the Vladimir Region, in practice to implement projects that open up new development prospects.

Nikolai Vladimirovich, on this significant day, we sincerely wish that your inherent energy, determination and optimism never leave you and always be a component of your success. May true friends always be with you, colleagues who understand and share the ideas, loving relatives and close people! Happiness to you, good health, family well-being!

Director General of CJSC "LEKKO" Yuri Lvovich KHOKHRYAKOV.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich, I congratulate you on your 65th birthday!

Your business qualities, responsibility, determination are in full demand for the benefit of the Vladimir region. Thanks to your experience and talent as a politician and leader, competence and professionalism, specific issues of the social sphere and the economy of the Vladimir land are successfully resolved. Your ability to see the future, build an effective strategy allows you to make plans for the future, successfully continue your current policy, maintain the pace of development of the Vladimir Region. On this significant day, I wish you success in implementing your plans, prosperity, longevity, well-being! Good health and happiness to you and your loved ones!

Viktor Vasilievich DEMIDOV, Regional Director of the Operational Office "Vladimirsky" of the Yaroslavl branch of OJSC "Promsvyazbank".

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

On behalf of the Council of Municipalities of the Vladimir Region, please accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday!

Your fruitful work as a person of a national scale, with colossal managerial experience, able to make wise decisions and take responsibility for the implementation of the strategic plans for the development of the region, causes great respect.

Today you are at the most fruitful life stage - when rich experience is harmoniously combined with wisdom and knowledge of life, when a lot has already been done, and there are still a lot of goals and tasks ahead.

We are confident that perseverance in achieving your goals, excellent knowledge of the region, and most importantly - the well-deserved support of the region's residents, will help you to successfully solve the problems of the comprehensive development of the Vladimir region for the sake of its prosperity and improvement of the well-being of residents.

On your birthday, we sincerely wish you long life, health, great happiness, prosperity and good luck to you and your family!

Chairman of the Association "Council of Municipalities of the Vladimir Region" S.A. Naidukhov.

I heartily congratulate Nikolai Vladimirovich Vinogradov on his 65th birthday!

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

Over the years of fruitful work as governor, you have shown yourself to be a wise politician, a competent leader, a person with indomitable energy, strong principles and convictions! Your confident leadership has multiplied the wealth and development of our region. The ability to act purposefully and make the right decisions in any situation deservedly earned you high prestige.

I sincerely wish you, Nikolai Vladimirovich, great success in the implementation of all your plans, correct decisions, great achievements and reliable friends! I wish you family well-being, good health, warmth and comfort in your home!

Director of JSC KPZ "Novlyansky" Alexander Vasilyevich KOZLOV.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

Your life is an example of creative diligence, tireless creative energy, purposefulness and perseverance in achieving your goal. Being in a high state post, you give all your strength, knowledge, and rich experience to solving the most important tasks of the region. We believe that wisdom and a firm civic position will allow you to continue to overcome all the hardships and difficulties of our difficult time. We know you as a person who is rooting for the cause with all his heart. You have retained the main quality that always helps in life - devotion to the Vladimir region, love and respect for its people.

On behalf of the Academic Council, the rector of VlGU V.V. Morozov.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

On behalf of the staff of the Russian Communal Systems OJSC group of companies and on my own behalf, I heartily congratulate you on your anniversary!

It is no secret that success and achievements in the region directly depend on the personality of the leader. For a number of years, you have been the unchanging leader of the region, with your daily work and life position determining not only the priorities of the regional administration, but, moreover, the economic and political climate in the territory. Devotion to the cause, service to the interests of people, indifference to problems provide you with the trust and respect of the residents of the Vladimir region, colleagues, and business partners. This is the most important achievement of man and statesman.

It is pleasant that it is in the Vladimir region that the joint project of the administration of the region and JSC "RKS" on the modernization of the communal infrastructure is being successfully implemented. In terms of investment in housing and communal services, the Vladimir Region is significantly ahead of many regions of Russia.

We sincerely wish you happiness, fulfillment of your plans and hopes, multiplication of strength!

Sincerely yours, Igor Nikolaevich Dibtsev, President of JSC RKS.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

On behalf of the staff of the Vladimir branch of OAO Rostelecom and on my own behalf, I congratulate you on your anniversary.

A worthy combination of deep knowledge, experience in the managerial and economic spheres of activity, high personal responsibility, the ability to concentrate strength and will on solving the most complex tasks have earned well-deserved authority and respect. Your work and life path is an example of integrity, honesty and professional, tireless service for the benefit of the Vladimir region. Thanks to the timely adoption of the right decisions, the telecommunications infrastructure of our region is constantly developing and improving. Under your leadership, our region is making a significant contribution to the strengthening of Russian statehood, Russian culture, and the socio-economic development of our country.

On this day, please accept sincere wishes for good health, well-being, inexhaustible energy and further success in your activities!

Director of the Vladimir branch of OJSC Rostelecom Ivan Aleksandrovich TRUNOV.

Dear Nikolay Vladimirovich

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary!

You started your activity as governor in 1996. These were not easy years - serious social and economic changes were taking place in the country, people's consciousness was changing. For 16 years of work in the high position of the head of the region, you have done and are doing a lot to ensure that the Vladimir Region takes its rightful place among the subjects Russian Federation to improve the level and quality of life of Vladimir residents. This progressive development is ensured by the systematic and painstaking work of the administration of the Vladimir region, headed by you. Your knowledge, professionalism, experience and personal qualities help you to work effectively for the benefit of your native region, to do everything necessary for the development of the economy and the social sphere.

I wish you health, strength and energy for the successful implementation of all your plans, perseverance and patience in solving everyday problems. May you have many more happy, fruitful years ahead of you, may good luck continue to accompany you in your life. hard work, and the warmth of the hearth gives strength for new deeds for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Vladimir region.

Pavel Vladimirovich MARKELOV, General Director of JSC "Vladimir Chemical Plant".

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on your 65th birthday!

Your adherence to principles and state approach to solving many strategic issues of socio-economic development have allowed the Vladimir Region to take its rightful place among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation today. It is pleasant to realize the fact that for 16 years the Vladimir region has been led by a caring person who loves the Vladimir region, knows from the inside its needs and problems, is infinitely devoted to it, sincerely cares about spiritual development its inhabitants and the preservation of its great cultural and historical heritage. You have always treated the issues of heat and gas supply to consumers in the Vladimir Region, the implementation of the Gasification Program, and the development of the heat and power complex as a whole with understanding and knowledge.

We are always ready for close cooperation with you in solving any issues that contribute to the prosperity of the Vladimir land. Accept, dear Nikolai Vladimirovich, the wishes of health, family well-being, restlessness in big and small matters, the implementation of everything planned!

Sincerely yours, Director General of OOO Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Vladimir S.N. Filippov.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

We sincerely congratulate you on a significant event - your birthday!

Your merits cannot be overestimated. Your path, full of affairs of national importance, great capacity for work, high professionalism and purely human qualities help you successfully solve the problems of economic and social development of the Vladimir region. We wish you, Nikolai Vladimirovich, health, well-being and new successes on the path of conservation positive image Vladimir region as an investment-attractive region! May your creative work bring joy and moral satisfaction, and ardent conviction in the rightness of the cause give strength and determination in the implementation of your plans.

Council and Board of the Vladimir Regional Union of Consumer Societies.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich! Please accept my warmest congratulations on your 65th birthday!

A talented, experienced and authoritative leader, you are doing a lot to realize the potential of the Vladimir Region. The strategic course you have taken for innovative development creates favorable conditions for improving the welfare of our region. Your organizational talent, professionalism, sense of civic duty, the ability to make informed decisions and attentive attitude towards people have earned you a well-deserved authority among colleagues and residents of our region. We appreciate you for your tireless creative energy, creative enthusiasm and ability to rally talented like-minded people around you.

On your birthday, I sincerely wish you good health, many years of life, success in all good deeds and undertakings, happiness and prosperity!

Evgenia Ivanovna Poverinova, General Director of OOO "ROZHDESTVO"

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich! Congratulations on your anniversary, which you can rightly be proud of.

For many years you have held the responsible post of Governor of the Vladimir Region and have earned high prestige for your ability to find solutions to the most difficult issues, your responsibility and dedication to your work. Your knowledge, experience, energy materialized today into visible achievements. In many ways, they are determined by your high professionalism, competence and purposefulness. Under your leadership, the Vladimir Region is strengthening its economic and cultural potential and continues to develop. On your 65th birthday, I wish you happiness and health, new victories and achievements, long years and fruitful work, stability and prosperity!

May your life be filled with understanding and support of like-minded people, love of relatives and friends!

Yury Viktorovich Chepela, General Director of Rubmaster Company LLC.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

Please accept our sincere congratulations on your 65th birthday!

For many years you have occupied a worthy place among the most famous and respected politicians and leaders. In such a responsible position as Governor of the Vladimir Region, you show sincere devotion to native land, high business qualities, effectively solve the urgent problems of the region.

On the day of your anniversary, I wish you, dear Nikolai Vladimirovich, well-being, fulfillment of plans and ideas, success in business and undertakings! I wish you happiness and health, long life and fruitful work!

General Director of "Inprokom" Vladimir Albertovich KULIKOV.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary!

Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you reach new heights!

May your innermost desires and aspirations come true, all the good that is in your life will be preserved, and moments of joy, love and optimism will multiply.

We wish Luck, Success and Inspiration to be faithful companions in all your endeavors, and health and well-being in your daily life.

We wish you further success in implementing urgent healthcare management problems at the level of modern global IT solutions!

Perseverance and patience in solving everyday problems!

I wish you good health, longevity, success, cheerfulness and optimism!

Director of the Medical Information and Analytical Center Maria Ivanovna Degtereva.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your birthday!

Working as a governor requires competence and professionalism, organizational skills, the ability to see the future and resolve specific issues on a daily basis. All these advantages and qualities you possess in full measure. Your work and life path is an example of tireless service for the benefit of the people of the Vladimir region. Thanks to your competence, far-sightedness and balance, political stability and a benevolent atmosphere of cooperation are preserved in the Vladimir Region.

We rightly consider you as a colleague. Your career history began in the construction industry, where you went through all the steps professional growth- from the master to the chief engineer of a large construction company, and quite deservedly awarded the badge "Honorary Builder of Russia".

We wish you health, peace, kindness and well-being, new achievements in the noble cause of serving the Fatherland. May the new year of your life be marked by professional achievements and personal success.

President of the Association "Union of Builders of the Vladimir Region" Kuzma Vasilievich SAIGAK,

Chairman of the Council of NP SRO "OSVO" Yuri Alexandrovich FEDOROV,

Chairman of the Council of the Non-Commercial Partnership SRO "OPVO" Natalya Anatolyevna BOGATYREVA.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

We sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary birthday! Your great personal contribution to the development of the Vladimir region has already been inscribed in history under the sign of appreciation and gratitude from your contemporaries. We are confident that you will do a lot more for the benefit of our native land.

Let creative energy and inspiration always remain your constant companions! Good luck in all your endeavors! May your life be filled with bright and joyful events!

Health, happiness, prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Yury Petrovich KOVYAROV, General Director of OAO Kolchuginobeton.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

I heartily congratulate you on significant date in your life!

You are a strong and competent leader who directs all his knowledge and talent as an organizer to boost the economy of the Vladimir land, improve the living standards and social security of his fellow countrymen. Everyone who communicates with you invariably notes your responsiveness and ability to help others.

On the day of your anniversary, accept the most good wishes long life, health, well-being and good luck in everything you do, successful implementation of all ideas and plans! I am confident that your professional qualities, competence and rich experience will continue to be in demand.

Director of the branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Protection" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Sergey Vladimirovich RYABOV.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

You are celebrating your 65th anniversary as a recognized leader, under whose leadership a program of reforms and renewal of the Vladimir Territory has been implemented over the past years. Your professionalism, experience, talent as a leader are the key to solving issues of socio-economic development of the region. On this significant day, we sincerely wish you new successes in all your endeavors, personal happiness, prosperity! I wish you good health, energy, reliable friends and understanding of loved ones!

Head of the city of Karabanovo Alexander Fedorovich Isakov.

Congratulations to the Governor of the Vladimir Region Nikolai Vladimirovich Vinogradov on his jubilee!

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

Your professionalism, experience and knowledge allow you to solve complex state problems, find the right solutions and conduct creative activities to develop the economy and social sphere of our region. We wish you energy and success in your hard work, good health, prosperity, family happiness! Good, prosperity and good mood to you and your loved ones!

The staff of the State Unitary Enterprise "Vladimirsky Bus Station".

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

The work of the governor is very difficult, although very large resources are concentrated in his hands - this applies to industry, science, education, and health care. The head of the region has to work hard and hard to confidently lead the region to the intended goal - improving the well-being of our population.

We know that there are still many unresolved tasks, and only with the active work of a strong united team can the pace of further integrated development of the Vladimir Region be maintained for the benefit of all of Russia.

Every day for this you need wisdom, you need spiritual and physical strength.

Today, congratulating you on your anniversary, we wish you success, health, dear Nikolai Vladimirovich, well-being, optimism, and the realization of all your plans.

May peace and harmony, love and care always live in your home!

May faith and hope never leave you!

The head of the city of Melenki, Valentina Fedorovna CHERNOVA.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich! I am sincerely glad to congratulate you on your anniversary!

The scale of the personality is determined by the scale of the tasks to be solved, the level of support and evaluation of the work done. All your many years of experience as the head of the region speaks of you as a true leader and professional. Over the years of your work, you have accomplished many good and significant deeds, therefore, you rightfully earned the recognition of the leaders of the country, the respect of your colleagues and the gratitude of your fellow countrymen.

Modern life poses new challenges for us. And in these conditions you have shown and are showing yourself as a wise, strong-willed leader. Your professionalism, political will, initiative and energy allow not only to maintain social and economic stability in the region, but also to implement more and more significant plans aimed at all spheres of life in the region, improving the quality of life of people.

On the day of your anniversary, I would like to wish you health, optimism, good mood, good luck and the fulfillment of all your plans. I am sure that at the new stage of your life you will still be purposeful, vitally active and focused on achieving new goals.

The head of the Melenkovsky district Viktor Ivanovich GAVRILOV.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich!

On behalf of the residents of the city of Lakinsk and on my own behalf, I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary!

You are rightfully considered one of the most experienced and authoritative regional leaders. A high-level professional whose words do not differ from deeds, you enjoy well-deserved prestige both among colleagues and associates, and among the inhabitants of the region. You are respected for your determination, ability to solve tasks and maintain stability in the region. You are an energetic and purposeful person who has done a lot for the dynamic development of the Vladimir Region. May you continue to be a constant source of your energy nice words thanks to the people who entrusted you with their fate, the joy and satisfaction from the realization of the goals set for the benefit of the native region and its inhabitants. I am sure that your activities will continue to contribute to strengthening the socio-economic potential of the Vladimir Region and improving the quality of people's lives.

I wish you fruitful work as governor, prosperity, peace and kindness, success in all your endeavors. I wish you good health, happiness, unflagging fortitude and a wealth of ideas. May the full support of colleagues and friends and the trust of fellow countrymen always be with you!

Mayor Boris Petrovich KUPRIYANOV.

Head of the city administration Vyacheslav Viktorovich IODKO.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich! We sincerely congratulate you on your 65th birthday!

For many years you have been leading our region, being not only a competent and competent leader, but also the initiator of the transformations that are taking place in the socio-economic sphere, the guarantor of a business approach and cooperation in solving current and future problems.

Difficulties that arise on this path, you adequately overcome thanks to your experience, organizational skills, far-sightedness and purposefulness.

On this festive day, we want to wish you good luck, success, inspiration to be faithful companions in all your endeavors, and health and well-being in your daily life. We wish you continued serious tasks, promising projects and good deeds for the benefit of the Vladimir region and all of Russia. May your deeds always be a vivid example of the ability to live and work for the benefit of people and for the prosperity of our native region!

May true friends be nearby, and loved ones always warm you with their warmth and love. From the bottom of our hearts we wish you, your family and friends optimism, a long and fruitful life.

On behalf of the staff of State Unitary Enterprise "DSU No. 3", General Director Nikolai STAROV.

I really want to congratulate Nikolai Vladimirovich Vinogradov on his birthday from the pages of Komsomolskaya Pravda.

The figure is bright, original, causing ambiguous judgments. On the eve of the anniversary, I don’t want to list his merits, there are many more of them than any of us, or misses in his career (and they were). People argue whether the region is lucky with the governor or not. How many people, so many opinions.

Nikolai Vinogradov was born in Vladimir, grew up among the local punks of the fifties. Communication with them only strengthened his character. Today he is a serious, experienced person, for whom it is a matter of honor to always be responsible for his words, deeds, and deeds.

I knew his parents well. Simple modest people, people of labor. Last years their lives were, like most of the old people of that generation, very modest. Worked as operators of gas boilers. Vladimir Alexandrovich - in SMU-6, which is in the "pit". On his shift, once there was a misfortune: the coolant temperature sensor was accidentally broken. In order not to let people down, he personally looked for this sensor, found it, installed it. How else? Maria Pavlovna graduated from the courses of gas boiler operators and was very proud of herself, because she was not inferior to the young and was able to do what they could. She worked for quite a long time as a gas boiler operator at SSK and was awarded on holidays as the best worker of the plant.

How could these wonderful people have a bad son? He never let his parents down. Nikolai Vinogradov was transferred from the Kolchuginsk city committee of the CPSU to the Central Committee of the CPSU. Returning to Vladimir is 20 years of titanic work together with like-minded people, people of the same truth, faith and hope for the future. Yes, today Nikolai Vladimirovich has a 65th birthday. A huge life path behind. Today he is the hero of the day. You can praise him, or you can blame him for various sins and shortcomings. There are a lot of us, and we have a lot of claims. But let's heartily congratulate the hero of the day today - he deserved it!

Congratulations, Nikolai Vladimirovich, good luck to you and many years of work wherever you want. You are a workaholic, and what difference does it make what you do, the main thing is to be in demand by people. You are in demand.

Boris Kazimirovich Bolbat.

On behalf of our team and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you, Nikolai Vladimirovich, on your anniversary!

We know you as a talented, competent, experienced leader. The highest professionalism, determination in achieving your goals, a sense of civic responsibility, exactingness, combined with an attentive attitude towards people, have earned you a well-deserved respect. We rejoice at your achievements, we are proud of you, we wish you prosperity and success in your good and selfless work, which is so needed today in the Vladimir region.

We wish you good health, joy, happiness, prosperity and success in everything! May good luck accompany you in all your affairs! Family well-being and good mood!

Director General of LLC "Melenkovskaya Garment Factory "Image" Lyubov Mikhailovna ASTAFIEVA.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your anniversary!

Your colossal personal experience, efficiency, human reliability and civic position always cause great respect for citizens. There is no doubt that your inherent professionalism and responsibility, the ability to foresee the long-term consequences of your decisions will continue to serve as an example for leaders at all levels and members of the public to follow. I would very much like to continue to look up to you and work with you for the benefit of my native land.

Joining the words that will be addressed to you on this day, I wish you good health, prosperity, peace and kindness, inexhaustible vitality, success in solving the tasks you face today. May the support of the inhabitants of the region entrusted to you, your sincere concern for the welfare of the inhabitants of Vladimir regions will be a sure guarantee of this. For many years I wish you family warmth, well-being and health, further fruitful work!

Member of the Central Council of the all-Russian public movement "Orthodox Russia", General Director of the Reg of the national center of cadastral engineers "Era" Tatyana Vladimirovna RYBAKOVA.

Dear Nikolai Vladimirovich, Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on a glorious date in your life!

You belong to those people who achieve significant heights in life thanks to determination and leadership qualities. Your rich professional and life experience, competence, deep knowledge of the problems of your native region have earned the respect of fellow countrymen. Vladimir residents appreciate your many years of work as the region's top official.

Realizing that such an industry as agriculture needs the care of the state, the administration of the Vladimir region is trying to do everything in its power to facilitate the work of the peasant. We, people working in the agro-industrial complex, are impressed by the fact that rural development is a priority for the regional administration. We wish you good health, family well-being, creative inspiration and successful implementation of all plans, inexhaustible energy, interesting and fruitful work. Prosperity, joy, kindness to you and your loved ones. Your hard work and sincere love for your work deserve the deepest respect.

Sincerely, Valentina Aleksandrovna KIRENKOVA, Valery Sergeevich ELISTRATOV.

Nikolai Vladimirovich, please accept my sincere congratulations on the glorious date in your life - your 65th birthday!

On this day, we are especially pleased to express our respect to you, who devoted all the years of your career to serving the Fatherland, your people, and your native land.

At each stage of your working biography, you have fully devoted your strength, knowledge and experience to solving large and small tasks that you face. An integral part of your professional abilities has always been and is decency, a man's word, a special approach to people, professional diplomacy, which brought any serious decision to its logical conclusion in the interests of the case. Your high professionalism, determination, devotion to civic and official duty, creative activity and a great sense of responsibility to society serve as a vivid example of a state leader. May the sincere trust of your colleagues and the full support of your relatives and friends give you strength for further fruitful work for the benefit and prosperity of our Vladimir land!

Peace to you, the light of goodness and happiness for many years!

Viktor Ivanovich ZHARKOV, General Director of Struninsky Raipromkombinat LLC.

Happy birthday! I want every day to be like a holiday. happy days, joyful moments and successful occasions. I wish you bright victories, success in work and family well-being.

The team of our company wishes you a happy birthday! Please accept our most sincere and heartfelt wishes! Joining everyone good words that are addressed to you today. Your professionalism, purposefulness, attentive attitude to colleagues and clients, high capacity for work and creativity set you apart as a talented and authoritative leader. We wish you good health, spiritual harmony and optimism, which is so necessary in your responsible post. Good luck and good luck in all endeavors. Happiness, kindness and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, colleague! We wish you health and good luck. labor success and a decent salary. Quiet and interesting working days, pleasant, sunny and full holidays. Let the wallet be filled with money, the soul with joy, family life prosperity and love. Mutual understanding and respect for you in dealing with clients, colleagues and people around you.

Our dear and respected colleague, we sincerely congratulate you on your Anniversary! On this special day for you, our team wants to wish you happiness, good health, long life and patience. You are a very responsible person, hardworking and purposeful, who is a real role model for many of us. Thank you for the advice that you often give us, for your patience, for the instant resolution of all issues and for your criticism. We wish you the fulfillment of all your desires, the realization of all your plans and ideas, good luck and success in all your endeavors. Happiness, prosperity and love to you and your loved ones. Let work bring you only pleasure. Once again, from the bottom of our hearts, we congratulate you on your birthday!

How wonderful it is to get together with the whole team on such a wonderful occasion as the birthday of our beloved colleague! We will not wish for beauty - you are already beautiful! We wish you good health, good luck, which will accompany you in everything. And may all your dreams come true - even the smallest ones!

Formal congratulations to a colleague on his birthday

Please accept our warmest congratulations on your birthday!
Let the accumulated life experience and wisdom help you reach new heights!
May your innermost desires and aspirations come true, all the good that is in your life will be preserved and moments of joy, love and optimism will multiply.

We wish Luck, Success and Inspiration to be faithful companions in all your endeavors, and health and well-being at the highest level, in your wonderful life!

May this wonderful birthday bring the fulfillment of cherished desires, and all the intended goals will noticeably approach and be defeated by a well-aimed hit by a professional. Let the golden steps of a career not be steep and hard, but, on the contrary, submit to a quick and bold ascent to the very top! May the wonderful splendor of the bright colors of life always fill the daily palette with freshness, and may fleeting clouds boldly disperse the lightning rods of your loved ones.

Dear colleague! Today is your birthday! Our entire friendly team congratulates you and wishes you: strive for the best, achieve the impossible, overcome circumstances and succeed in everything! For us, you are an example of the best professional and human qualities!

Happy birthday, colleague. May the new day open up new horizons for success, may not a single obstacle interfere with the achievement of your goal, may work bring not only a high salary, but also joy, may every moment of life be in pleasure and sweetness.

We wish you a lot of things, so that all this is desirable and necessary, so that lunch is longer, and the authorities call less often. So that successes are noticed, and failures are missed! And so that the mood rises at one word "work"!

You know, they say if you make your most secret wish on your birthday, then until the next it will definitely come true, but there is one condition, you must believe, sincerely believe in it. In general, much of our life depends on faith. If you believe in luck, it will come. Believe in a miracle, it will come. Believe in fairy tales, they will come true. And do not believe in troubles and negativity, they will not come into your life. So on your anniversary, all of our team sincerely wish you to believe in good luck, success. In general, in everything, only good, and all this will soon come true in your life. Always listen to your heart, and it will show the right direction in which to move. May miracles be near on your birthday. After all, you are dear to us, both as a friend and as a colleague!

Our congratulations to our beloved colleagues! Let your success relate not only to work, but also to your personal life, let exactly the changes that you want occur in your destiny, and let everything else freeze for a moment, giving you the opportunity to enjoy the victory! Happy holiday!

Happy birthday to an excellent colleague, good friend and responsible employee. You are incredibly smart, beautiful and hardworking. You combine many qualities in yourself and bloom like a woman. I wish you to always remain as beautiful and talented and find your happiness in life.

Please accept sincere, kind and heartfelt congratulations on your day
birth! Our life has two obligatory and identical valuable
parties: work and home! I wish you that love, peace and
comfort, kindness and care, understanding, support and well-being. And in
May your work, as before, be accompanied by success, good luck and a passing
wind in all endeavors. May cheerfulness, purposefulness,
good spirits and positive energy never leave you.

Happy birthday greetings to a colleague in prose

Girls and boys, today our friendly company turned ___ years old! And it's very cool! I want to congratulate everyone on this wonderful date, and wish that our friendship never breaks down under various hardships, that the company always remains so cheerful and good-natured, and that we have new good impressions!

You are undoubtedly a great person, and we sincerely want to tell you that with such a good man and experienced employee is easy to work together. And how fun you know how to relax, and be the ringleader in all events. Next to you, you feel yourself needed in the team. Happy birthday!

They say: don’t have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends, so let you always have 100 reliable friends so that your life is more interesting and fun, and then all problems and work issues will be resolved very quickly, by themselves with the result you need. Happy birthday

We have been working together for more than one year, and on this day, I want to say. Let this birthday be a holiday not only of memories and experience, but also of new ideas, dreams, hopes. After all, while a person dreams and hopes - he is alive, he is always young. Let's raise a glass to youth!

Dear subordinate, Birthday is not just another date on the calendar. This is a kind of summing up and drawing up new plans for the future. This is the day when grateful relatives, friends and colleagues repeatedly confirm: you have done a lot for others, you are valued, loved and respected. I am sure that Fate will listen to numerous wishes and will reward you with enthusiasm, good luck and prosperity.