Coloring tree without leaves in spring. Leaf templates (100 pictures and stencils). Beautiful leaf patterns

Hello everyone, today we are publishing a selection of pictures with black and white patterns of leaves. Beautiful autumn leaf stencils will help you create crafts on the theme of Autumn. All leaf stencils already tightened to the size of a standard A4 sheet- this will make it easier for you to prepare templates for printing. Pictures with the contours of autumn leaves will help teachers organize art classes (drawing, modeling, appliqué). Here are collected variety leaf patterns - maple, oak, birch, alder leaves. And also, along the way, I suggest to you ready-made ideas for crafts with these stencils and templates.

All pictures WILL LARGE - if you click on them.

Leaf patterns

The contours of the MAPLE leaf.

Maple leaf is the most beautiful. Its carved shape with pentagonal protrusions, its vibrant autumn coloration makes it the king of all autumn crafts. We offer you several types of maple leaves in clear and large patterns.

All pictures are presented in an enlarged format (up to A4 sheet size). You can see real size pictures if you click on it.

Sample maple leaf can serve as a stencil for the most various crafts. Here is one of the interesting ideas AUTUMN GARLAND. We take the usual white Christmas garland, white diode bulbs are wrapped with yellow transparent tape (duct tape). And from yellow plastic (sold in sheets in hardware stores), we cut out the contours of maple leaves. We fix them next to the diode bulbs.

A variety of forms of maple leaf patterns ... with even smooth edges and ragged carved.


You can print maple leaf drawings on sheets for drawing classes with children. Their task will be to glue the leaves with plasticine pellets (autumn flowers - orange, yellow, red) ... or paint the leaves with wax crayons. The colors of the crayons can be mixed by rubbing them with your fingers on the paper.

You can come up with absolutely any coloring for your maple leaf template. Let it be patterns or stripes or round spots.

Young children will love this smiling autumn leaf. This template can be painted with watercolors - the eyes and smile will show through the watercolor.

OAK leaf patterns.
with stomachs.

Oak leaves look beautiful in crafts. Here are beautiful large templates oak leaf. As well as black and white drawings of acorns with caps.

It is convenient to paint such large leaf patterns with a gouache brush. Children will love this drawing activity. The contours and veins of the leaves can later be circled with black gouache for contrast.

Based on such stencil templates with oak leaves, you can make beautiful crafts by drawing or broken appliqué.

How to make crafts with oak leaves (pictured below) I told in the article

Here are beautiful oak leaf patterns with large acorns. This coloring book is very easy to print for kids. kindergarten and use in art classes.

Leaf patterns.
Autumn leaf fall.

Here are some more beautiful leaf patterns from other trees. Clear contour silhouettes of autumn leaves will be a source of bright crafts for applications.

Chestnut leaf pattern. Beautifully color it in golden yellow with a reddish-brown border around the edges.

The contours of an ash leaf - this leaf turns bright yellow in autumn. Like a sun.

The composition looks beautiful in the form of autumn leaf fall - patterns of leaves flying in the wind. Each leaf can be made different shade autumn.

You can add patterns of other gifts of autumn to our autumn assortment of leaves - pumpkin, corn, acorns.

Here is a coloring template with small leaves. Suitable for coloring with pencils.

DIY Stencils

in engineering


The coloring of silhouettes using the CONTRAST STRIP method looks very nice. That is, we take the usual coloring with leaf patterns and draw straight lines over the picture under the ruler. And then we color all the objects on the sheet, alternating these linear zones in color.

In the example below, we see that the coloring is drawn using a compass (with round lines) - but it is not necessary that your lines can be made to fit a straight school ruler.

Here are suitable leaf patterns that you can draw in stripes (straight or arc stripes) and then color in the same style. Alternating pencils from stripe to stripe and using different colors for the background areas and different colors for the leaf areas.

Leaf patterns


Very beautiful crafts on the theme of autumn will turn out if the template autumn leaf divide into sectors and color each sector separately with close shades of the palette or vice versa with contrasting colors.

It turns out the feeling of STAINED GLASS ... as if the picture is made up of multi-colored glass. But in fact, this is an ordinary watercolor, or crayons, or a pencil (your choice).

As you can see, everything is simple. We take a sheet template - we divide it into sectors. paint over each sector with its own color (you can use smooth transitions spills of shades from one to another) And then we circle the entire contour of the sheet along the edges with a clear color.

To facilitate your work, I give TEMPLATES of leaves with ALREADY READY sector sawing.

You can simply print these pictures and give them to the children and offer to color each sector with crayons. different color. To make coloring faster, you do not need to change the crayon in your hand every time you move to a new sector. Show the children that it will be faster if you first take a red crayon and color them in 5-7 different sectors (not neighboring ones, but randomly). Then take a yellow chalk and also randomly fill in 5-7 other sectors. It will be faster, and you will meet the time frame of the activity class.

Large leaf patterns can be filled with a thin brush with watercolor or gouache (such as the stencil below).

Leaf patterns


In kindergarten, leaf templates can be used as stencils for applications on an autumn theme.
Such colored paper leaves can become a background or decor for any application (mushrooms in the leaves or a hedgehog in an autumn meadow).

It is possible to fold paper from such contours autumn wreath- collective crafts in kindergarten ( senior group she can already cut out the shapes of the leaves with scissors).

Beautiful leaf patterns

for coloring books.

In kindergarten or in an adult office, they like to color in large anti-stress coloring pages. So I found specially templates for such coloring pages from autumn leaves.

The picture is enlarged in large size if you click on it with the mouse.

Also, to help educators and teachers of elementary grades, I give bare tree patterns for crafts on the theme AUTUMN TREE.

  • You can add leaves to these trees using gouache and prints wide brush, using fingerprints, cotton swab prints.
  • You can cut small leaves from colored paper and glue them on a tree.
  • You can add bright splashes of paint to tree branches using toothbrush.
  • You can smear the crown with PVA glue and sprinkle with salt and then paint this salty crust with gouache (you get a beautiful texture of autumn foliage)

Here are some more beautiful fall-themed templates. Fly agaric mushrooms and a squirrel on a branch. Your kids will love these fall coloring pages.

And finally, I give you an AUTUMN HEART FROM LEAVES - a beautiful template for bright coloring.

Like these ones interesting ideas crafts and a variety of clear leaf patterns I have prepared for you in this autumn article. May autumn be bright and give a rich harvest of your crafts.
Olga Klishevskaya, specially for the site

Coloring a tree without leaves develop the creative thought and imagination of the child. A tree without leaves is an interesting and at the same time simple example of such a coloring.

What will be useful

Coloring tree without leaves is an outline of a tree with branches. The child, having painted the trunk and branches, decides for himself whether to draw leaves for the tree. It develops imagination and creative thinking.

He can dream up - what kind of tree it will be. What time of year does it grow? You can draw a tree with buds in spring, there will be a lot of greenery in summer, and bright colors in autumn. Perhaps the kid will want to draw winter. Then he should try to depict snowflakes and snowdrifts nearby. In this way he can learn the seasons.

Who will suit

This coloring book is suitable for both boys and girls. It will appeal to children who are starting to explore the world. It can also be offered to kids who have already learned simple coloring skills and can paint on small details.

A tree without leaves is a simple image that gives children room for creativity and imagination.

You are in the category Trees without leaves. Coloring page you are looking at is described by our visitors as follows "" Here you will find a lot of coloring pages online. You can download Trees without leaves coloring pages and also print them for free. As you know, creative activities play huge role in child development. They activate mental activity, form aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the topic Trees without leaves develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around you, introduces you to all the variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog compiled by categories will make it easier to find the right picture, and a large selection of coloring pages will allow you to find a new one every day. interesting topic for coloring.