Find how to ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday. Forgiveness Sunday - poems and postcards. Papa in verse

This date is in church calendar before the start of Lent and changes every year.

AT modern world most information is not transmitted personally, but through means of communication.

Therefore, we offer you a collection of texts for SMS on Forgiveness Sunday.

It’s probably not worth talking about congratulations about them, because you ask for forgiveness, and do not congratulate them on the holiday.

You need to answer them: "God will forgive and I forgive."

Poems for Forgiveness Sunday:

Sorry and goodbye!
Have fun, relax!
If you ask for forgiveness
Your sins will be forgiven
If suddenly not asked,
Sin is still in force!

Forgiveness today is Sunday.
Today we forgive each other!
Taking care of your soul's salvation,
We cleanse our souls before the Lord.

This Sunday morning
I ask your forgiveness - for insults,

With forgiveness Sunday to you.

Forgiveness Sunday
I ask your forgiveness.
After all, even malicious intrigues
It's never too late to forgive.

pancake on sunday
There is an old belief -
To be happy all year
Forgiveness must be asked!

With all my heart and soul
Today I ask everyone's forgiveness
And sometimes you need to hurry
After all, everyone makes mistakes.
Happy Sunday!

I ask you to forgive me
Release all my sins!
Believe me, I'm in debt
I can't stay!!!

I want you to sit at the table
Eat pancakes with caviar.
Burn the woman, spend the winter!
I ask you to forgive me for everything!

You need to forgive each other on this day,
After all, Sunday is good.
And from past grievances, even a shadow
So that from now on I won’t get anyone.

SMS with greetings
And I ask you to forgive me
If I offended you
And once offended.

This Sunday morning
I ask your forgiveness - for insults,
For doubts and for misunderstandings!
Happy Sunday to you!

"Sorry!". "The Lord will forgive you!" —
Sounds from all sides and from phones.
Say sorry. able to heal
On Sunday, from spiritual wounds, a word.

I ask your forgiveness
If you did something wrong
If offended by word or deed
Let me take a step towards you.
Happy Sunday!

Forgiveness Sunday breathes the world,
Words forgiven sound around.
And the symbol of Shrovetide - a fragrant pancake -
A bright circle prepares the sun for spring.

Asking for forgiveness on Sunday
That's the way it is in Russia.
Forgive us if we have sinned
And we have forgiven you for a long time.

Let all grievances burn, as with winter
The scarecrow will burn merrily.
And on Sunday spring sometimes
Light time comes to forgive!

Flowers in the soul
Pancakes for a treat
And I'm for everything
I apologize for everything!

On the holiday of bright Sunday
I beg your pardon.
Let the resentment go away
Peace, rest the soul finds.

SMS with Forgiveness Sunday to mom:

I ask for forgiveness today
At the best on earth
My beloved mother
Forgive me my dear
For all the insults and sorrows
Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

Mom, I am often rude to you, and then I myself feel ashamed. Please don't be offended! Forgiveness Sunday, after all, is what you need to put up with. In fact, I love you very much.

SMS on Forgiveness Sunday to your girlfriend, boyfriend:

I ask you to me
I sincerely forgave
And with love in my heart,
I forgot about the bad.

I'm texting you now
Hear me, please, please!
Because today is such a special day,
Forgive me, my hare!

Today, on Sunday,
I am texting.
Repentant, with hope
Please forgive me everything!
I'll get better, I'll get better.
Seriously! I'm not kidding.

My beloved girl has forgiveness
I want to ask today
So that you, beloved, oblivion
I was able to give grievances to everyone.

And you, baby, I forgive you for everything,
And I want to promise you
Live without hurting you at all
To have nothing to forgive!

I wish you all the past
Forget without regrets.
The soul will be filled with love
Feel free to forgive me for everything.

Sorry for false doubts
Sorry for the timid "I love you".
I am to you this Sunday
I will also give you forgiveness.

We are all sinners - and everyone knows it -
In front of others and in front of yourself.
Forgive me for everything, my dear!
I promise to be always with you!

It seems that he did not sin much -
I still apologize!
Everyone deserves it
This day is Sunday!

I ask you today
So that you sincerely forgive me.
Honey I love you
And I want you to forget about the bad
Happy Sunday!

Let's forgive insults
Forget all doubts
Let's hug and kiss
Forgiveness Sunday today!

Forgive me for everything, my love! I behaved impossibly stupid. Today is Forgiveness Sunday - a good day to start over. Let's never fight again!

SMS in prose for Forgiveness Sunday (in your own words):

On Forgiveness Sunday, I apologize to all honest people. Do not be angry, and you, forgive me for Christ's sake, if you are guilty of anything.

Today is a special, difficult day. The day when you can and should remove the stone from the soul. The day when they ask for forgiveness for misdeeds, for thoughts, for even what they themselves did not know. And I'm sorry.

Forgiveness Sunday is a very memorable day. On this day, Orthodox people ask for forgiveness from each other in order to start fasting with good soul and focus on spiritual life, meet the day of Christ's Resurrection with a pure heart. It is very beneficial for the soul to ask for forgiveness. Forgiving other people is sometimes very difficult, only spiritual work on oneself can help overcome the difficulty. Prayer to God, confession, communion heal the soul, exterminate such a sin as pride. Forgiveness is required condition new life in Christ, this is the initial stage of spiritual work on oneself. Forgiving is not easy, asking for forgiveness is even more difficult - this is work and sacrifice, this is a small victory over pride, bitterness, selfishness and pride.

Beautiful poems for Forgiveness Sunday

This Sunday
I am sorry.
Let there be happiness
And bad weather fly away.
Ask and be forgiven
And don't forget anyone.


May the soul receive lightness
Future immediately clarity.
I'm sorry now
Because I offended you.

I'm sorry and I promise
That I don't do it anymore.
I will only do good
And bring you joy.


On Forgiveness Sunday
Forgive me, dear friend.
Repentance with a drop of spring
It will make our friendship stronger.


Forgiveness Sunday,
When joy is one for all!
I ask your forgiveness
For big and small sins!


We are all sinners - and everyone knows it -
In front of others and in front of yourself.
Forgive me for everything, my dear!
I promise to be always with you!


It's so hard to say sorry
plead guilty to something...
You will understand at the end of the road
What was important, what was worthless!


I burn the scarecrow of winter
And everything that got through the winter.
Tomorrow post, we will forget
For a while, butter, meat, lard.
And remembering the 40 days of Christ, -
Physical and spiritual achievement
We are in the days of Great Lent
We are half-starved.
Don't rush the arrival of spring
He will rise again, spring will return.
Christ endured and you endure
And maybe you will.
Not typical for me
Such a poem
But remembering the appointment of the day -
Forgiveness Sunday,
I apologize to everyone
I hurt a lot in my life
I myself carry a grudge in my heart,
It's time to clean up.
A baptized person will understand
No wonder he wears a pectoral cross,
And not baptized will come to the temple.
After all, tomorrow is a clean Monday.

My dear friend, forgive me
I'm sorry I wasn't nice
Forgive me for driving mentally
Once rude.

I'm sorry I didn't say
How dear to me.
And you showed a new way
When I was at the bottom

My friend, forgive me for everything
Don't be strict with me.
Well, take away from sadness
The Lord God will help.

Forgiving Morning
We will be lifted up, whatever the light.
We all need to reconcile
To get rid of troubles
To cleanse the soul
Everyone needs to be forgiven now.
Hello good morning!
Well, forgive us all!

The air smells of spring freshness -
Forgiveness, for Sunday.
And in the soul one rest -
From the divine, from the bright canopy ...

And my forgiveness flies to you,
Well, forgive and you - cleanse your soul!
Today we experienced the resurrection
And just a little bit better.

"Forgive me" is difficult to say at times,
These words lose their meaning.
It is necessary to moan about forgiveness with the soul,
Cleaned it up clean.

Forget the insults, but the pride of the wall
Doesn't let me find a cleanse.
Let's open our hearts
To each other on Forgiveness Sunday!

Forgive me people
Dear heart friends.
Maybe I offended someone.
Maybe he did something in vain.

Came and did not notice
Threw the word out of place
Didn't answer with a kind look
He acted like a psychopath.

Brothers, we are not perfect -
Everyone is on their way.
Friend, forgive my friend
And let go of resentment.

Sorry! Such a day today.
And ask others for forgiveness
And closer to God one step
You will be this Sunday!

Forget insults, quarrels, evil,
Give heartfelt compassion
Share warmth with everyone
Hope, joy and happiness.

And - of course - soul
We will become better and richer.
The big world will be more beautiful!
All earthly blessings to you, good luck!

Ask friends for forgiveness
Let the resentment shadow go away -
No wonder Forgiveness Sunday
This bright day is called.

And everyone who willingly or involuntarily
Once harmed us
We will also forgive them with love,
And the soul will be light.

Forgive insulting reproaches,
Forget bad words
Let all the squabbles go into the past,
May peace reign in our hearts!

I ask you to let go of my sins
And if you can, then forgive
For being suddenly careless
I may have offended you
An unkind word or look.
After all, only those who are with us,
We offend everyone more strongly
Making the offense hurt more.
And on the Day of Forgiveness I confess
That I repent of my mistakes.

Forgiveness Sunday -
Dear heart day
Sincere and loving
And he is so kind.

We meet a lot of people
On the path of life.
But why is it so rare
Do we say "I'm sorry" to them?

How simple, without even noticing
Spread a bad word
And very near and dear
Suddenly, in anger, take and be rude.

But once a year, as God commanded,
For Christ to save us
Forgiveness must be asked
Everyone who knows you.

Forgive all offenses ourselves,
To take the weight off your heart,
And those people who offended you,
Hear and understand.

I apologize sincerely
For all the words that are noodles on the ears,
For all the actions that carried only sadness.
Wave your hand and shout: "Well, let it be!"

Let others sin, not us -
Both you and I are always full of goodness.
And so that it was over the edge,
You just forgive me from the bottom of your heart.

How much does it mean "I'm sorry", said from pure heart. Today I want to ask your forgiveness for everything that has been done and said. Let the bad be left behind, and the best will not keep you waiting.

On this holy day, I will ask your forgiveness for the words that were spoken and brought offense, for all the thoughts that were thought and for all actions in the heat of the moment. I wish you not to hold a grudge, to forget all quarrels, let your soul be clean, warm and calm. May God forgive us all sins and protect us in the future from any bad and thoughtless. Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

On this day, I apologize for any phrases, insults or sorrows. I ask you to leave all the negativity in the past so that there is a place for joy in the future. So that in life there is mutual understanding and harmony.

On Forgiveness Sunday, I want to admit my mistakes and ask you, my family, for forgiveness for what was once said to offend you and somehow offended you. I value you and infinitely appreciate your personality and your opinion, it is a true mentor for me. Forgive me for everything and may our insults and unpleasant aftertaste turn into positive directions, and may we always be united by earthly friendship and a strong family atmosphere.

On Forgiveness Sunday, I sincerely apologize for everything past and past, for possible insults and rude words. May life save you from heartache and sadness, may they always be by your side faithful friends and loving loved ones.

On this day - the day of forgiveness Sunday, I ask you to forgive me for everything. Let all mistakes, insults and anxieties go into the past, let there be no more sadness and longing. I wish life to be filled with bright and pleasant moments, kind and warm words, joyful and cheerful meetings, fair and honest deeds, happiness and love.

Congratulations on a kind, heartfelt holiday, on which it is customary to forgive each other accumulated grievances. May there be peace in your homes and hearts, may you be pleased good words and actions, let the environment be calm. Love and appreciate those who are close to you.

I ask you to forgive me for all the mistakes, insults and misunderstood words. Let everyone forgive each other on farewell Sunday, and life in the future gives only pleasant surprises.

On this Forgiveness Sunday, I ask you to forgive me for all my rude words, ugly deeds and for everything that could hurt! I know I'm not perfect, but I sincerely apologize! Let this bright day bring peace, harmony and understanding!

Happy Sunday! Please forgive me for any words or actions that could inadvertently hurt! May your heart always be clear and calm!

I'm not accidentally distracting you.

I just want to write:

Sorry. And now I forgive you for everything!

Having happiness, loving life,

I have experienced a lot with you.

I beg your pardon

For everything in our life.

You have so little to do

To save me forever.

You just be by my side

And forgive me for everything.

Can you calm me down?

Remember how you loved me

And during the forgiveness of the day

Write that you have forgiven me.

On Forgiveness Sunday,

Girlfriend, forgive me.

And I will forgive you

Well, who is related to me?

What can save a friend

From the influence of evil Satan?

You just me, ... (name), I'm sorry,

And come to me for pancakes!

This important day has come -

Here is Forgiveness Sunday.

And now I'm not too lazy either

Ask your forgiveness.

Happy Forgiveness Sunday to you!

And may the Lord help you in everything.

For everything in the world you forgive me

And I forgive you for everything too.

Friend, lover, spouse

For what you bravely endured

My absurd whims,

In response to everything, he kept saying “it doesn’t matter”,

Thank you and please forgive me.

Looking for forgiveness in your eyes

I admit that I'm wrong.

Do not betray me into oblivion

I need to know what I need.

We often quarrel with you

Even though I'm angry, I know for sure

I don't need anyone else

Forgive me and I forgive.

For my stupid jealousy,

For a sharp tone and condemnation,

(I don't know what I'm doing)

I beg your pardon.

Can I be awful mean

I can be like an angel

Forgive me for everything, my friend.

I know for sure that you will.

For what I often forgot

You, dear, call

And you waited and did not grumble

Please forgive me now.

When you are at recess

Teased and pulled the braid,

I was in love, I was a child

Now please forgive me.

I hasten to you with greetings and ask me to forgive if I offended you, if I once offended you. I sincerely apologize, because today is Sunday.

Please forgive me, dear, if I offended you in any way. I, in turn, forgive you, for all insults, for everything that happens this year. Hopefully the new one won't.

Crazy times that I can forgive you. And I also apologize to you. If I offended you with something, or I accidentally said something to you. Forgive me, dear!

Native kitten, I'm sorry if I offended you with something. Honestly, not out of malice. And it just happened. Forgive me, sun, because today is forgiven Sunday.

I beg your pardon. After all, today is forgiveness Sunday. If I offended you, I'm sorry. And I will forgive you too. I promise I won't do it again, I hurt you so much.

Sorry if I was wrong. I'm sorry if I didn't think. Forgive me for everything that was and will be wrong. It is human nature to make mistakes. Sorry!

The lion is strong. The tiger is also full of strength. A man is weak, but he has one remarkable feature - unlike a tiger or a lion, he knows how to ask for forgiveness. Sorry!

What if today someone realizes that to forgive according to the Hamburg account means to be forgiven? Forgive me for everything, as I forgive, and without promising anything, try to forgive all the same!

On Forgiveness Sunday, it is supposed to repent not before God, but before People. Forgive me for everything, my dear man! I love you so much!

There will come a day when we have to pay our bills. I would like my account to be as small as possible. Forgive me for everything!

Today is a special, difficult day. The day when you can and should remove the stone from the soul. The day when they ask for forgiveness for misdeeds, for thoughts, for even what they themselves did not know. And I'm sorry.

It is difficult to live in order not to offend anyone at all, sometimes involuntarily, sometimes from incontinence or thoughtlessness. It is even more difficult to live with the consciousness of guilt. And today, on Forgiveness Sunday, I ask you to forgive me.

Today unusual holiday. Unusual because on this day they ask for forgiveness. A holiday because it becomes easy on the soul when you are forgiven, and especially when you forgive yourself. Let's forgive.

For sins, God expelled Adam and Eve from paradise. Darling, in order not to be expelled from your own home, I apologize for all sins. With forgiveness Sunday.

Before the great fast on Forgiveness Sunday, forgive me so that God forgives. For all grievances known and unknown, forgive me and God will forgive!

Forgive me if there was something bad between, but I forgot. Remove the visible and invisible guilt from me before Pure Monday. I didn't hold any grudge against you, and I won't.

It is good that there is Forgiveness Sunday, on which it is easier to ask for forgiveness, and to obey yourself. May forgiveness be easy, and those who forgive be sincere.

Forgive me, good people! Before the beginning of Lent and before the outgoing winter. Let the snow and resentment melt soon and without a trace. Resentment, it's unforgiven, oh, how it pricks inside!

The hardest thing to say is "I'm sorry." I congratulate you on the only day of the year when it is much easier to do this, the flood that everyone around asks for forgiveness.

May Forgiveness Sunday bring spring closer to the heart. Because when resentment leaves and forgiveness comes, the birds begin to sing in the soul.

On this God-blessed day, we hasten to you with good intentions! We want to apologize! Let all misunderstandings forever remain in the past!

On Forgiveness Sunday, we ask your forgiveness! May your souls, which always know how to forgive, be warmed with love and warmth! May God forgive you too!

On Sunday, a blessed day, we hasten to you with a request to forgive us for everything bad that has ever been done! Let good deeds fill your life!

On Forgiveness Sunday, we turn to you with love and gratitude! Forgive us if we are guilty of anything, and God will forgive you! All the best to you!

With love I turn and ask for forgiveness! May God's love always be with you, and all sorrows and failures go far! May sincerity and spiritual openness never leave you!

On this day, I forgive you all the insults at once. Forgive me if something is wrong! Know that I have always treated you with sincere respect.

Buddy, forgive me for everything that I have ever said or done wrong, on this holiday, let's forget the old strife! Believe me, I want there to be no reason for resentment between us.

Mom, I am often rude to you, and then I myself feel ashamed. Please don't be offended! Forgiveness Sunday, after all, is what you need to put up with. In fact, I love you very much.

This Sunday, take the burden off your soul: ask for forgiveness from everyone you could offend, and forgive those who offended you yourself. Most importantly, don't forget me! I've already forgiven you just in case.

Forgive me for everything, my love! I behaved impossibly stupid. Today is Forgiveness Sunday - a good day to start over. Let's never fight again!