How can a woman keep a mystery in a long relationship. How to be mysterious. Stealth and mystery are one and the same

Every woman should have her own madness ...

Good day or night, lovely girls and women!

“Everything is so simple, monotonous and predictable ...” Most breakups occur precisely after this phrase (or thought). And this reason for the gap is indicated mainly by us, men. Dear girls, women, remember, we are attracted by unpredictability and mystery. In young ladies, a man is attracted to riddles, which, like Sherlock Holmes, he will never get tired of solving.

Why it is necessary to remain a mystery to a man

In order for interest in your person not to fade, you need to become mysterious, unpredictable.

“There is something about her,” we talk about such women, guys and men, “something special.”

But what about in question The man will never be able to answer. This is what is called female mystery.

It's important to understand. The mysterious woman is not that strange person who, like the superspy from Men in Black, now cooks and knits, then disappears in an unknown direction with a gun in her hand. The mysterious woman is interesting, deep and difficult for a man to understand..

Women's qualities that need to be mastered in order to be unpredictable for a man

Do what you want!
But your life will still smell like my perfume.

Always a woman of mystery:

  • . Appreciate yourself, and others will be interested in you.
  • . Too emotional women easy to read. All their experiences are visible to the naked eye. Emotions should be shown, but in moderation.
  • Polite and welcoming. And nothing else. Otherwise, coldness may be considered rude or indifferent. The shadow of a smile on his face will prompt a man to find out what is happening at that moment in the head of his interlocutor.
  • Not afraid to look ridiculous. Allow yourself to do sometimes strange and illogical things.

"Sometimes" in the last paragraph is an important word. It’s better not to overdo it with unusual behavior, otherwise you risk turning into an eccentric, from which men will shy away in different directions.

How to be unpredictable for a man and always remain a mystery on the first and subsequent dates

Already on the first date, people decide whether it will be interesting for them to be together. It can be the beginning of a relationship, or remain a pleasant memory. If you made an appointment, it means that there is already sympathy between you, so do not worry, but you need to pull yourself together and prepare.

I will tell you a few secrets that will help to interest the man you like (after all, you didn’t just dress up, did your makeup and hair, right?).

  • Don't go into too much detail about yourself. I'm not asking you to be silent all evening. And the phrase: “I don’t even know what to tell,” will completely discourage your gentleman from wanting to communicate further. Of course, you need to speak. But! Talk about yourself, omitting details, and ask questions more often. Be concise and to the point.
  • Do not start communication with negative information. All stories about yourself - only in a positive way.
  • Try not to touch your personal life.
  • It is very important to master such a quality as to shut up in time. Alas, many girls do not own it. Secretly around the world, they are ready to give out 1000 words per minute. But understatement is a way to interest a man. Relive your favorite TV series when the end of each series intrigues you, making you wait for the next one.

The most famous example of mystery is James Bond, with his ability to joke seriously. Here is such a James Bond, only in a skirt, I propose to become you.

A woman is such an instrument on which a virtuoso will play his best work, and an idiot will only break the strings.

An unpredictable scenario is what is needed for a first date.

  • Sometimes take the conversation in an unexpected direction. For example, with the phrase: “Look, what a strange couple. Don't you think they're going to quarrel now?"
  • Or shut up for a few seconds, smile mysteriously and, as if nothing happened, keep talking. And if you have questions about what to talk about with a man, then on this site you will find the corresponding article.
  • End the date a little early, don't accept offers to take a little walk or continue the evening elsewhere.
  • Another option is to disappear unexpectedly, but there is a nuance. Before flying away in an unknown direction, you need to leave a pleasant and exciting memory of yourself. For example, unexpectedly touch his cheek, smile mysteriously. Or leave a note (sms). Write that you went to save chipmunks in trouble (don't forget to put a smiley!). Well, or something similar.

How to be a mysterious girl

If the first date went well and a man or a guy fills up with SMS and calls, do not rush to rejoice. Like Mr. Bond, you must always be busy with something, but you cannot say what specific. Some girls call this process “marinating” (well, why is everything related to food?). That is, it is necessary to keep time each time before answering a call, a message, or agreeing to a date.

Try not to answer questions directly.

He writes: "What are you doing?"

Wait a bit, and then answer something vague like:

- This is a very intimate question! Tell me better...

- What do you think?

- I can't answer, I signed a non-disclosure agreement (joke).

- I'm a little embarrassed to answer such questions ...

Now the man is trying to build an image in his head, adding some details to it on his own.

Add a touch of spice to communication, and he is already eager to get your attention.

When asked how you spent your time (weekend, day, etc.), answer briefly: “Good.” Everyone has their own idea of ​​what "good" is. This seems to be the answer, but nothing is clear. Let him think.

And if you want to create intrigue (well, or so that he is tormented by guesses), then answer: “Well, I had fun!”, “I had a great time!”. And immediately change the topic of conversation.

What does a woman want?
When scientists thought of it, it turned out that she had already changed her mind.

You can warm up interest in yourself with a phrase, after which there will be a mountain of questions. For example, call and say: “I wanted to offer you something interesting, but then I changed my mind.” What an interesting case, why did you change your mind? What did she want to offer? The man had a bunch of questions, which, by the way, you can not answer (you changed your mind).

How to remain a mystery to a man if you are not the first year together

You need to interest a man not only at the beginning of a relationship. Even if the relationship is many years old, for a partner you should not be a read book.

Secrets and mysteries in a relationship are good, but in moderation. After all, in love the main thing is trust.

So that a man’s desire to recognize you does not fade away, it is necessary:

  • Develop. Self-development is a useful thing. A man is attracted not only by the appearance of a woman. If you have nothing to talk about, most likely, his interest will fade over time.
  • News interesting life. Work, hobbies, friends, entertainment, visiting different places and cultural events - you should have many exciting things to do in addition to romantic relationships.
  • Change. Remember the old joke about plucked eyebrows. It's definitely not worth it to start the situation before this. Change your hairstyle, hair color, clothing style. Prepare dishes from different cuisines. Surprise a man from time to time with a change in external image and behavior.

Never say "I was wrong"
better say "Wow, how interesting it turned out."

It is important to follow all the points, not for some desired object, but for yourself! Everything you do should be for yourself only. Self-esteem plays a very important role.

Conclusion, draw conclusions.

It's easy to be mysterious. But for this it is not enough to read the article and say: “Now I will play the role of a mysterious stranger!” No, it takes practice. If you have little contact with the opposite sex, train on your girlfriends. If they are not there, try these methods on cats or male colleagues (just be careful, otherwise you will fall in love again).

I hope now you understand how to be unpredictable for a man and always remain a mystery to him, not only on the first, but also on subsequent dates. Everyone loves to solve mysteries, regardless of gender and age, so go for it.

All the best in achieving your unpredictability!

“There must be some mystery in a woman!” - Poets write. “... And also a clue and a clue,” specify the men who fell victim to too mysterious women, lost in labyrinths of inept or overexposed intrigues. We know for sure that men, by virtue of their “hunting” nature, are greedy for women who need to be unraveled, achieved and conquered. Nobody cares about easy prey! A man needs adrenaline and excitement in an attempt to tame an obstinate, rebellious and inaccessible woman. In this game, he revels in his victory, and loves himself in it. This means that he will also fall in love with a woman who gives rise to this storm of emotions in him. How to become mysterious, inaccessible and desirable for a man, without turning into a puzzle about which he will break his head?

  1. Remain yourself. The first and foremost rule is to be natural. Sculpting yourself in the image and likeness of a star, girlfriend, mother means giving up your unique nature. Namely, it may contain the secret that your perfect man, or for which he already managed to fall in love. And even if these qualities seem bad or old-fashioned, do not rush to give them up. Make a revision. Perhaps among them there are those that make you charismatic and unlike other women. Men do not like boring patterns. It's better to be weird than to be like everyone else. Every woman should have her own "madness"!
  2. Keep a secret. God gave us two ears and only one mouth for a reason. Listen more and talk less! Women often find it difficult to control the urge to chat. And if a man also asks questions, then he is to blame - let him listen. So not for long and hand over the "military secret", not that personal. In a conversation with a man (especially on first dates), avoid talking about yourself, and return too frank questions, leave them unanswered or turn them into jokes. For example: "Mmm ... What good question! But for now, it's a secret! Are you good at keeping secrets? Yes? That's good ... Me too! Become an interviewer for a man. Let him tell you what he considers a mystery in a woman.

  3. Intrigue. You can always keep male interest warmed up with the help of intrigue and understatement. Men have a very developed fantasy, although they themselves do not always suspect it. So, for example, to the question “Are you free tonight?” do not answer in detail and directly. Give the man food for thought. Say cryptically: “I can’t answer. I signed a non-disclosure agreement for this secret! And in general, do not rush to answer questions. Hold a pause. She is intriguing! Although, as she said main character famous novel by Somerset Maugham, the wise Julia Lambert: “Do not pause unnecessarily, and if you took it, pull it as long as you can!” A subtly sustained pause intrigues better than a half-naked body.
  4. Be unpredictable. No matter how indignant men are, not understanding the course of women's thoughts and the logic of actions, their curiosity is always aroused by women who are difficult to predict. Be unpredictable! For example:
    • A monotonously flowing conversation that does not portend any surprises, abruptly interrupt and say something like: “Look at these lovers. They're so cute!". And as if nothing had happened, continue your languid conversation.
    • A fast-paced date ends on its own, abruptly and much sooner than expected. Do not be fooled by questions and do not agree to persuasion. Leave without further explanation, but leave an honest hope for the next meeting.
    • Disappear unexpectedly in the middle of a date, leaving a note on a napkin with text like: "Gone to save the planet from global warming!" and draw a smiley.

  5. Be completely beautiful. One of the main mysteries in a woman should always remain the procedures by which she induces her beauty: depilation, manicure, pedicure, eyebrow correction, masks, curlers, etc. Let him continue to be in holy ignorance that the evening " Butterfly” was a “caterpillar” in the morning. And let him continue to think that you were born with makeup, hair, shaved legs and lace underwear when he calls and happily says: “Get ready! I'll be there in ten minutes!"
  6. Be an actress. All women are actresses, but the true skill lies in being yourself, being different, mysterious and incomprehensible all the time. A mediocre game, insincerity and manipulation a man will feel right away. Imagine that your life is a movie, you are the main character in it. Play for an Oscar! And play, admiring yourself, your thoughts, feelings and actions. Think about how to behave in this or that situation, so that, looking at it from the outside, you can admire yourself. Get used to the role of a chic woman in a chic movie. Believe it yourself, and your man will look at you with your own loving eyes.

  7. Learn from idols. It is difficult to develop the habit of always remaining mysterious to a man if this is not in the blood, and in the family, all women were not the best example in order to sort out clever tactics or copy a ready-made behavior model. A storehouse of ideas and tips will be books, films, television. strong women, who had armies of men at their feet, share their secrets in autobiographical revelations, books and films. In their success stories there is always something to learn and find answers to questions about the incomprehensible and mysterious female soul. The main thing at the same time, remember rule number 1 - improve, but remain yourself.
  8. Don't be foolish. Do not overdo it with secrets, riddles and inaccessibility, so that it does not work out, as in a joke:
    • A woman must be a mystery...
    • Are you saying that there are no mysteries in me?!
    • One riddle, not a collection of problems in quantum physics!

Do not forget that "men are from Mars, and women are from Venus", and what you consider to be a mystery that must awaken initiative in a man can be an overwhelming puzzle even for a man with five higher educations. He will run away, rejoicing that someone else will break his head and life about this incomprehensible riddle.

Everyone says: men love mysterious women! And this is true, especially at the stage of flirting. That is, women do not need to try to please a man, think about him constantly, figure out how a romance can develop, savor details with girlfriends - No! Change tactics! Your task is to make him want to please you, so that he wants to fall in love with you, puzzled over how to understand you and made assumptions. The more the applicant's thoughts are on you, the better! Actually, the process of falling in love with a person is a constant concentration of thoughts on an object.

A man is essentially a researcher - he likes to learn the incomprehensible, explore new territories - so ask him a task: How and in what ways can you fall in love and make this magnificent, fascinating, incomprehensible and beautiful woman, that is you!

As soon as a man begins to understand you, to anticipate your actions and reactions, you become a read book for him. He "puts you on the shelf" and begins to mentally strive for new horizons and heights.

Being a mystery means being a real woman!

This art and its mastery lies in being different and at the same time remaining yourself, that is, in any state you can feel inner harmony!

Sometimes we get too stuck in one image. We stop changing - from this we become boring and lose our attractiveness! Each girl should harmoniously combine four states, four roles that she should use according to circumstances.

State « Playful Child! When to apply?

  • When you want to admire a man
  • When you want to ask for something
  • When you want to be taken care of and protected
  • When you want to express your true feelings in plus or minus
  • When you give thanks, you accept gifts and care
  • When you need to believe in yourself and be brave
  • When you want to "whine" to regret
  • When you want to have fun

What for?

  • To receive gifts and care
  • To act sometimes as intuition tells
  • To love yourself unconditionally
  • To be light and take flirting as a game
  • Just)))

The child does not think about the impression he makes and the consequences. Therefore, children believe! Children are adorable! Children want to be taught to put their soul into them! They want to protect, take care of them!

The state of "Caring Mom". When to apply?

  • When you need to take care of your internal and external order
  • When to Take Care of Others
  • When you need to fill the space around you with comfort
  • When you want to support others and yourself
  • When to stand up for your principles
  • When to scold someone
  • When to properly manage resources (money, time, relationships)
  • When is it necessary to
  • When to Finish a Job
  • When you need to understand and accept a man for who he is

What for?

  • To create an atmosphere of unconditional love around you
  • To create "home" traditions
  • To feel solidity, loyalty, protection in you
  • To make a man feel at home, like in a five-star all-inclusive hotel

Only next to your mother you can relax, stop fighting "for a place in the sun", relax your soul. She wants to talk about everything. She will understand and not judge. I want to snuggle up to her and feel like in childhood, calm and comfortable!

The state of "Seductive Hetaera". When to apply?

  • When to inspire action
  • When you want to look sexy
  • When you need to charm and become attractive
  • When you want to give a man a holiday
  • When you want to receive and give pleasure
  • When you need to open up to a man and fully accept his body
  • When you need to fill a man with energy

What for?

  • To make a man feel like a Hero next to you
  • To diversify your sex life
  • To make a man strive to be with you more often
  • To feel seductive and beautiful

Hetera wants to worship! For her sake, I want to conquer the whole world and throw it at her feet! She's drawn to her! She captivates with her beauty and affection! Her talents are intoxicating! Next to her, you forget about everything in the world!

Condition "Charming Queen". When to apply?

  • When you need to fill all the space around
  • When you need to believe in someone
  • When you release a man to exploits
  • When you need to be alone, not like
  • When to allocate responsibilities and rights
  • When to demand justice
  • When to Forgive
  • When to say "No!"

What for?

  • To
  • To make a man proud of you
  • To make him jealous, not you
  • To be condescending to the weaknesses of others
  • To make others seek to capture your attention
  • To feel worthy of the best in this life!

Proud of the Queen! Respect the Queen! They are afraid to lose her favor! They value her! She is consulted! She is both a friend and a partner who will never betray.

Now you are probably waiting for specific recommendations on how to bring this information to life? They won't! You have to push yourself and get creative! Think through your approach and style to each condition, based on your strengths and experience. The main thing is that you feel natural in it and feel comfortable inside.

Being a Real Woman means forgetting about patterns! Down with predictability! Be different from others! Be yourself!

Advice - exercise "Joining a role in 1 minute"

There are two reliable ways to correctly enter any psychological condition:

  • First way: You need to remember the situation when you felt the way you now want to appear. Close your eyes and mentally return to that situation, remember your feelings and transfer them to the current moment.
  • Second way: You need to imagine yourself as an animal, which, in your opinion, has the qualities you need. Feel like a panther, then a kitten. You can mentally change the size of this animal - let it be either in a two-story house to enhance strength, or a tiny fluffy ball curled up on the knees of a loved one :)

Every girl and woman desires be mysterious to attract an interesting and worthy guy or man into your life. After all, men love mysterious women and are able to care for them. While other girls who do not have such knowledge choose the wrong guys for themselves, with whom you can create a good relationship.

1. Learn to smile sincerely .

To be mysterious, you need to learn to smile not only when you feel good, but also when hard times come in life, stress, depression, despondency, Bad mood. Smiling will help you get over problems faster and start attracting interesting guys into your life again, so that you can finally choose the one who is more suitable for creating a long-term relationship.

2. Be humble.

To be mysterious girl, you need to learn to restrain yourself when emotions arise. Of course, you don’t have to be too closed and modest. It's just that guys prefer hard-to-reach girls who need long and painstaking care in order to gain attention. Even if you are not particularly beautiful, your modest and calm nature will attract more fans and applicants into your life for a happy family life. Find out: .

3. Feel free to keep up any conversation. .

To be a mysterious woman, you need to learn to listen to a man and support him in any topic of conversation. Read books, go to courses, constantly learn something new. Then it will be easier for you to maintain any conversation, with any person. And for men it is important to be understood and supported.

4. Don't reveal all the secrets .

To become a mysterious girl, when meeting guys, you do not need to tell everything about yourself at once. Open up to a stranger gradually, like a new and interesting book. Then you will quickly fall in love with him and seem to him an interesting and mysterious girl. And guys just adore such girls and are able to spend a lot of time, effort and money to fall in love with such a girl.Find out: .

5. End the conversation first .

To be mysterious always and everywhere try to end the conversation and acquaintance first. When you meet on the street or talk on the phone, you need to end the conversation exactly when the guy is interested in you. If you keep talking until he gets tired of talking to you, then you will accordingly not be able to interest any guy.

There is an opinion that a woman should have a secret that men would solve all their lives. This stereotype, most likely, was brought from the works of literary creativity, in which the mystery woman often appeared as one of the most striking and colorful characters. Numerous studies and surveys show that men do not need this “mystery” at the household level. For they value in their companions, above all, reliability, devotion and predictability, which is in no way comparable with "mysteriousness".

Mystery woman - fiction or real character?

Where do the thoughts in the heads of girls appear that they must certainly have mystery? First, they are sure that it is a magnet for men. The guys, according to their deep conviction, again, it is not clear where it came from, they can’t stand “simple” young ladies - give them someone “more complicated”.

Secondly, from childhood, mothers and grandmothers impose on someone that a mysterious woman has more chances for a successful marriage and, as a result, for a successful and prosperous life. Other girls learned such an attitude from women's magazines and websites that simply trumpet that a woman must be a puzzle that only a real man can solve.

Such propaganda is based on the theory of the hunting instinct of the stronger sex, which makes them "run" all the time in search of something new and fresh. And the constant unraveling of one girl will discourage him from looking around: why, because there is still so much new and unknown ahead!

in fact?

A mystery woman is, of course, good and exotic, but only as a lover or girlfriend who is not taken seriously. It's unpleasant, but that's how, for the most part, adequate men relate to "mysterious" women. As a wife or companion, they prefer to see balanced, sane, predictable and reliable young ladies. Why? Yes, because the "women's mystery" and normal family life are simply incompatible.

An ordinary man needs good food, fresh and clean clothes, fed and well-groomed children in the house. Moreover, it should always be so, and not so that today it is, and tomorrow, suddenly, at the whim of his wife, this will not happen. Waiting for a stable life from a mysterious woman is a utopia, since these are mutually exclusive phenomena. Therefore, a normal man will marry a girl who is “understandable” and decent, focused on building strong family, and not on turning it into a ball of secrets and intrigues.

A woman must be a mystery. Why is this stereotype necessary?

There is not a single gloss (it doesn't matter whether printed or virtual) in which its creators would advise their readers to be simple, accessible and predictable girls. On the contrary, the idea is imposed on the fair sex that they should be completely bitch, temptress, temptress, insidious and cunning person, setting up their nets to catch men. The idea that a real woman should be a "mystery" to the men around her is replicated. Against this background, entire trainings are offered on the topic “How to become mysterious?”

And all this is based on the fact that a man will be much more interesting with such a woman, and that he will never leave her. But as we have already said, this has nothing to do with reality.

For the words "mystery" and "mystery" on a subconscious level are automatically associated with something fickle, unreliable, one might even say with a scam. But after all, no one wants to live like on a powder keg when you don’t know what awaits you at home and what to expect from your wife. So "doesn't work" is in real life- in the one that ordinary people live, and not in the one that exists on the pages of glossy magazines.

I'm so mysterious...

But still there are a sufficient number of women who want to become "mysterious". True, often they themselves cannot figure it out: is this desire introduced and imposed from outside, or does it really belong to them? It doesn’t matter, because they are interested in the question of how to become a woman of mystery and is it even possible to do this if by nature you are simple “like doors”.

If you wish, you can become anyone, at least turn from a gray mouse into an aggressive and bright lioness. Another question is how long you can play a role that is naturally unusual for you. When you see these newly-minted "mysterious" young ladies, you just want to say: "I don't believe it!"

Girls, having read such magazines and their recommendations, try their best to pretend to be who, with their mystery, must on the spot fight men and keep them near them almost all their lives (until they get bored, of course). Seeing the fruits of this reincarnation, many of them stop "pretending" to be Cleopatra and Semiramis, while others remain in the future, sincerely not understanding why their personal life does not add up.

Woman - mystery, challenge, riddle

The thing is that almost all girls either do not understand the meaning of such a phenomenon as a mystery woman at all, or, due to imposed stereotypes, interpret it fundamentally wrong.

After all, a woman in and of herself is because each is unique both in terms of external beauty and her device. inner world. It can be compared with an unexplored distant planet, an endless and all-consuming space, with a separate Universe in which there is a different system of life, priorities and values. real woman there is no need to become mysterious on purpose, because she is already aware of her uniqueness and does not need to prove it with some other far-fetched tricks.

Mystery or femininity?

A true woman will always be a "mystery" for her man. And this has nothing to do with those fatal and mysterious beauties that glamorous magazines advise to become.

True femininity is the only quality that has always been valued and will be valued by normal men. Perhaps many girls simply do not have enough of it, or they think that mystery and mystery are synonymous with femininity.

It is both so and not so at the same time. possesses all these properties, another question is how she “presents” them to her man. This is precisely what distinguishes her from those who, striving to be fatal ladies, actually want to find real femininity.