Shrovetide week opening script at school. Shrovetide holiday scenario in elementary school. Shrovetide script at school

Buffoons acquaint the participants with every Maslenitsa day, hold contests, games. At the end of the event, the traditional burning of an effigy, the singing of ritual songs and invocations are held.


To acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating Shrovetide.

Required attributes for competitions:

  • Scarecrow of Maslenitsa;
  • Valenki for the competition "Throwing felt boots";
  • A saucepan planted on a post dug into the ground, and a stick for the "Pot Breaking" contest;
  • Targets for the contest "Tir";
  • Flags for the competition "Ice Hill";
  • Pot with potatoes, plates, spoons for the contest "Hot Potato";
  • Sled for the competition "Sledding";
  • Brooms and multi-colored skittles for the game "Funny broom" (instead of skittles you can use transparent plastic bottles, into which tinted water is poured);
  • Handkerchiefs for the game "Give a handkerchief";
  • Bear costumes;
  • Balls for divination.

Preliminary preparation:

  • Organize a competition for the best snow sculpture;
  • Make a "snow" maze;
  • Make a slippery slide;


  • buffoons

Event progress

Buffoon 1: Good afternoon, red girls and good fellows!

Buffoon 2: Today we gathered to spend the winter and meet the spring!

Buffoon 1: To frolic and compete in strength and dexterity!

Buffoon 2: Maslenitsa is an ancient holiday, celebrated by the people from time immemorial.

Buffoon 1: And it lasts not a day, not two, but a whole week!

Buffoon 2: And every day has its own secret meaning. And what exactly - we will now figure it out.

Buffoon 1: On the first day there was a meeting of the holiday. It was on Monday that a scarecrow was created main character- Shrovetide.

Buffoon 2: Make a scarecrow of Shrovetide!

A scarecrow is brought in and placed in the center of the square.

Buffoon 1: On the same day they built slides, snow fortresses, erected snow sculptures.

Buffoon 2: So we decided to hold a competition for the best sculpture! For a whole week, our masters (students) were preparing for the competition: they sculpted, carved, decorated. And finally, the work is finished.

Buffoon 1: We offer to see what they did and determine the winners of this difficult competition.

Buffoon 2: Well, we made it through the first day. We set off on the second day of the holiday, which is rightly called "flirting".

Buffoon 1: On Tuesday, ditties were sung and guests were treated to various delicacies.

There is a competition for the best ditty. If the children do not remember them, then you can print ditties in advance and identify the best performer.

Then the game "Treat" is played. Participants are divided into 2-3 teams, which must take turns naming a treat. Moreover, each team gets "its own taste": sour, bitter, spicy dishes. If a team does not name a dish of the desired taste within 10 seconds, it is eliminated from the game.

Buffoon 2: Have fun, play. Now we are going to the third day of the festival - "Lakomka". Sons-in-law came to the mother-in-law pancakes and treated themselves. Also on this day, competitions were held in strength, courage, dexterity.

Maslenitsa competitions are held:

  • "Throwing felt boots" - the cleansing of the Russian land from evil spirits. Those who wish receive boots, line up along the line. At the leader's signal, they throw the boots forward, trying to throw it as far as possible. The second, unexpected stage of this competition will be a re-throw of the second felt boot. In this case, it is necessary that the second boots fall as close as possible to the first.
  • “Breaking the pot” is the protection of the future harvest from evil spirits. On the site, a column is driven into the ground. A saucepan is put on it - a “pot”. Participants are blindfolded and given a stick in their hands. They take turns trying to reach the pole and "break" the pot - to hit the pan with a stick.
  • The game "Cockfights". A circle is drawn on the site. Two volunteers are tied hands behind their backs and sent to the circle. The task of each player is to push the opponent out of the circle. To complicate the task, you can invite participants to be in a circle on only one leg, lifting up the other.

Buffoon 1: Wednesday ends, Thursday begins. It was on this day that they sang many songs, danced until they dropped, played many, many carols.

Buffoon 2: Snow fights and the assault on the snow fortress were an unchanging tradition. Well, we will hold snow competitions!

Snow competitions are held:

  • "Labyrinth". On a snow-covered site, a labyrinth in the shape of a rectangle is prepared in advance, in which shallow paths are dug with a shovel. It has only two entrances. The task of the participants is to find a way out of the maze.
  • "Tir". At a short distance from the guys, a narrow table is set up, on which targets of various sizes are displayed. Those who want to try to hit all the objects, while making the least number of throws.
  • "Ice Hill". The slide should be sufficiently slippery from the side of the slope. Flags are attached to the hill in different places. The task of the participants is to try to get all the flags. At the same time, you can climb the mountain only from the slippery side.

Buffoon 1: On Friday evening, the sons-in-law invited their mother-in-laws to pancakes. And it was not easy for them to bake pancakes!

Buffoon 2: After all, it was necessary to first beg from the mother-in-law with the father-in-law for all the products and utensils for baking the main treat!

Buffoon 1: To do this, the sons-in-law sent their friends for this purpose. However, they will not give anything to the son-in-law just like that.

Buffoon 2: Friends sometimes had to fulfill even the most difficult wishes of the bride's parents!

Buffoon 1: What tests they did not have to endure that day, “thanks” to their friend: they threw snow, cleaned the house, and ran with trifling assignments to the neighbors!

Buffoon 2: Would you be up to the task? Now let's check!

Maslenitsa relay races are held:

  • "Hot potato". Participants use spoons to transfer the potatoes from the pot to the plate.
  • "Sledging". Participants lie on their stomachs on the sled. Skittles are set at a distance from them. The task of the players is to get to the skittle, go around it and go back, moving the sled with their hands.
  • "Funny broom". Pins of two colors are placed on the court, for example, for the first team - blue, and for the second - red. Each team has 2 participants, they receive a broom. Sitting "on horseback" on a broom, the players begin to sweep the clearing, trying to knock down all the pins of their color and at the same time not touch the opponent's pins. The team that completes the task faster will win.
  • "Broom Throwing". Players take turns throwing a broom at a distance. The player whose broom flew farther earns the team a point. The team with the most points wins.

Buffoon 1: On Saturday, the sisters-in-law - the sisters of the husband - were presented with gifts from their daughters-in-law, an effigy was burned, and an ancient ritual of purification by fire was performed: the young men jumped over the fire, and the ashes fluttered all over the district.

Buffoon 2: Well, we continue to have fun and play! Before burning an effigy, you need to warm up properly in order to be able to resist evil spirits!

The game "Give a handkerchief" is held. In a separate area, two sticks of different heights are installed. A strong rope is stretched between them, which is located on an inclined line. Write on handkerchiefs female names and with the help of clothespins they cling to the rope. The boy participants jump up and down to rip off the handkerchief. Then they give it to a girl with a name that is written on a scarf.

Buffoon 1: They also loved to watch bear performances in Russia.

Buffoon 2: Especially for you, bears perform for the first time in our region! Meet!

Competition-game "Bears" is held. Several comers put on costumes and dance. The bear that the audience liked the most is determined by applause. He is given a gift - a spoonful of honey.

Then they burn an effigy of Maslenitsa, dance around the fire, sing songs.

Buffoon 1: Rolled downhill all week so people said goodbye to the last snow.

Buffoon 2: They also wondered who would have great success in the near future: for this, a burning wheel was rolled down a hill.

Buffoon 1: We will try to determine this using ordinary balls.

1 buffoon.

Well, it's time to tell a fairy tale, but my friend is gone. Did the guys see him? He must have fallen asleep again somewhere. Well, nothing, we'll wake him up now. Guys, let's all shout together:

Fedul-buffoon, cap two peas,

Get up, get dressed, don't lie on the bed.

The hostess cooked cabbage soup, fed all the guests,

Just waiting for you, calling for dinner.

2 buffoons.

Hey gay guys

You listen to me!

What do we have here today

For fun - expanse:

There will be music and singing

Dancing, games, entertainment

Very interesting,

Simply wonderful!

Today the law is simple:

"Sing and dance, dance and sing!"

Forgive all mistakes today

But not the lack of a smile!

1 buffoon.

2 buffoons. Guys, do you know what holiday is today?

Children ( answer). Pancake week!

1 buffoon. Right! Maslenitsa is coming to us today! We must meet her properly.

2 buffoons. And how is Maslenitsa celebrated?

1 buffoon. Young girls in festive clothes go outside the outskirts with a song: “But Maslenitsa enters the yard, her girls meet ...”

Oh yes, Maslenitsa is entering the yard,

Wide enters the yard!

And we girls meet her,

And we, the Reds, meet her!

Oh yes Maslenitsa, stay for a week,

Wide, stay with another!

Maslenitsa: "I'm afraid of fasting!"

Shirokaya: "I'm afraid of fasting!"

“Oh yes Maslenitsa, fasting is still far away,

Wide, the post is still far away!

Madam our Maslenitsa!

Reach out to the big day

From Great Day

Until Peter's day!

1 buffoon. On this day, the children roll down the ice slides and shout: “I have arrived! Maslenitsa has come! First day pancake week It's called "meetings".

2 buffoons. Maslenitsa comes to us for seven days. All these days the fun continues. The second day of Maslenitsa is called "Fun". On this day, it is customary to dress up in different clothes and wear masks. There are mummers walking around, making fun and making people happy ...

1 buffoon. And here come the mummers to us!

2 buffoons. Receive guests from all volosts!

Dressed up boy. We heard that you were going to see off the winter here - to meet Maslenitsa?!

Dressed up girl. We came to you for a holiday, we barely found you!

Dressed up boy. We heard a friendly laugh, which means that the holiday is here for everyone!

Dressed up girl. Does it smell like pies and fragrant pancakes here?

1 buffoon. Come here, of course!

2 buffoons. Dance with us, show your prowess.

Mummers ( together).

We have come to you with music

And they brought fun!

In the upper room in the new

Yes, there is an oak table.


Give me a balalaika, give me a balalaika

Give the balalaika here!

There is an oak table,

Yes, the legs are chiseled.

Like at this table

Three daughters-in-law are sitting.

Three daughters-in-law are sitting

They eat bread and salt.

They eat bread and salt

Yes, they say about Vanya:

"At Vanyusha-curly

I don't have any money.

I don't have any money

One lime hut.

One lime hut

It was uncovered.

I don't have any money

Yes, the walk is good!

1 buffoon. But the fun begins on the third and fourth days, on Wednesday and Thursday. That is why these days are called Wide Maslenitsa". These days they called "guests from all volosts" or went around visiting guests themselves. They dressed in the best outfits, everything edible was put on the tables with the words “What is in the oven, all swords on the table!”. And after a plentiful treat, the guests thanked the hosts with the following words: “Thank you for the bread. For salt, cabbage soup - we will dance; for porridge - we will sing a song, and for sour milk we will jump high!

Well, after such a plentiful feast, everyone went skating. These days, it was better not to go out on foot on the street - the streets in the villages and cities were full of horsemen: men on horseback, and women rode in sledges. Well, the kids on the sled were having more and more fun, playing merrily.

2 buffoons.

And now I beg your attention!

I invite you to compete!

Who wants - old and young -

Pull the rope?

2 buffoons. The last day of Maslenitsa is called "kissing". It is also called "forgiveness" Sunday. Why "forgiven"? Since ancient times, there has been a good custom: together with the outgoing winter, let go of all the grievances that have accumulated over the year; purify the soul, forgive everyone and receive forgiveness for yourself.

1 buffoon. On this day, they said goodbye to winter and welcomed spring.


I came to you with the sun

On the plow, on the harrow!

Sandpipers fly into Odonets,

Know that winter is over.

I brought you, dear,

Golden ear.

Red painted ribbons

And a wheat pie.

buffoons ( together). Hurrah Hurrah! Spring has come, spring-spring!

1 buffoon. Hello spring girl! We are glad you are alive!

2 buffoons. We have been waiting for you for a long time, we rejoice at your arrival! Immediately it became warm, it's time to throw off your fur coats!


I bow down to everyone.

I wish you a red summer

rich harvest,

Abundance and comfort

Good for everyone!

Eat pancakes. ( Distributes to everyone.)

Winter. It's too early you decided to throw off your fur coats, good fellows! I will not give up my right so early!

Spring. Better give in, sister! People were waiting for me, they missed the warm sun.

Winter. Go away, sister, I'll pick you up, hello! Your time has not come yet! Come on, my blizzards and snowstorms! Cover the ground with snow, bring in the paths, notice the thawed patches!

Winter ( addressing the spectators and participants of the festival). And now my blizzards-blizzards will bring you all-freeze!

1 buffoon. Come on guys, show them what you can do! Don't let yourself freeze.

2 buffoons. That's it, Mother Winter! It's not easy to defeat us. And now it's time for you to know the honor. Make way for Spring.

1 buffoon. Well, we spent the Winter, we can continue the holiday. The last day of Maslenitsa is the noisiest and full of entertainment. Competitions are arranged for strength and dexterity: “one on one” or “wall to wall”.

2 buffoons. And let's play!

1 buffoon. And now it's time to say goodbye to Shrovetide. On the last day holiday week Shrovetide is taken outside the outskirts and burned with the words: “Milk and butter burned down, only a radish tail remained for Lent” ...

1 buffoon.

Shrovetide pancake,

Shrovetide fat-eater,

Shrovetide wrap,

Shrovetide is a scam!

2 buffoons.

Cheated, tricked

Made it to the post!

Gave a radish a tail

To Great Post!

We ate it

Belly hurt!

1 buffoon.


Look out red

Because of the mountains

Until springtime!

2 buffoons. And now I suggest you guys write on a piece of paper what you would like to leave in the past, for example, bad grades, laziness, illness ... We will give all your wishes to Maslenitsa and spend them with her. So you will have the opportunity to meet the spring of this year in a new way.

1 buffoon.

Here the sun has set

Our Maslena is closed.

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

2 buffoons.

We invite everyone to pancakes,

We serve sweet tea!

All children, regardless of their age, love to celebrate the holiday of farewell to winter, Shrovetide.

The festive mood of the children is felt throughout the week everywhere.

At home, parents bake the main symbol of the sun - pancakes.

Folk festivals are held on the street, songs are sung, a straw man is burned, and sweets are sold. Children sled down the mountains and build snow castles.

Maslenitsa is also traditionally celebrated within the walls of schools, where experienced teachers acquaint younger and older students with the origins of Slavic holiday.

Many students do not have sufficient knowledge about Shrovetide traditions and rituals. To immerse themselves in the festive atmosphere, teachers and children decorate school classrooms with posters and drawings on a festive theme.

The central place is occupied by a poster with the image of the sun. In a playful way, children get an answer to questions about why pancakes are baked, a scarecrow is burned, and dances are danced.

The story that a scarecrow, as a symbol of Shrove Tuesday, must be burned to revive the fertility of the earth, inspires children. They enthusiastically watch the flaming straw doll and believe that goodness and joy will triumph on earth.

The guys actively take part in the celebration, dress up in costumes of buffoons and pagan goddesses.

Those students who have musical skills play folk songs on musical instruments. The rest of the children dance and sing songs.

Teachers write the scenario of the holiday and prepare performances. High school students are given the task to prepare the material on their own and reveal their creative abilities.

How to celebrate Shrove Tuesday in schools

Parents of students, their grandparents are often invited to the celebration. Children prepare invitations for them in advance, where they depict the symbols of Shrovetide, write the name of the holiday and the date when it will be celebrated.

The guys try to show themselves only from the best side. Parents are involved in the event, participate in competitions and are invited to the Shrovetide table.

Schoolchildren are also invited to compete in strength and agility. Teams perform exercises with tug of war, running in bags or with a hoop for speed, running with an obstacle. Such competitions bring up team spirit in children.

Teachers and students organize a Shrovetide table. You can decorate the table with towels and embroidered, colorful napkins. Those products that are allowed to be consumed during Shrove Tuesday before fasting are discussed in advance.

Children bring dairy products, cheese, eggs, fish, pancakes from home. Pancakes are also baked in the school cafeteria and served with butter, honey and sour cream.

Girls share the secrets of making pancakes. During the performance, the guys eat delicious treats and drink tea and at the same time get acquainted with the rituals of Shrovetide.

At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up. Teachers ask questions about how many days Shrovetide is celebrated, what symbolizes every day, what a traditional dish cook and what not to eat on Shrovetide week. At the end of the celebration, children are photographed in costumes.

A wall newspaper is compiled from photographs, where the guys write how they spent this fun party and what they learned about it. Everyone thanked each other for a wonderful holiday.

Carrying out activities within the school walls on the theme of Shrovetide is only positive. In a playful way, students are introduced to the origins of the Slavic holiday. Schoolchildren are introduced to the culture of the Russian people. Children are involved in creative activities and show their abilities and talents.

Goals: to acquaint children with the traditions of the Russian people,

Develop students' speech, enrich vocabulary,

teach the rules of hospitality, cultivate respect for elders.

Leading children come out.

1.Attention! Attention!

Merry party!

Get ready, people!

You see, Maslenitsa is coming to us!

The annual Shrovetide has come,
Our guest dear!
She does not walk to us,
Everyone comes on horseback.
Her horses are black,
They have golden manes,
And the sledges are painted.

2. Maslenitsa, be healthy,

We will welcome you well!

with pancakes

with loaves,

With dumplings!

3. Masleny week

Came to visit.

She sat on the stumps

Ate the pancake

Bitten by others

I jogged home.

4. Come to us for a holiday

And quiet, and a prankster.

We'll have hot tea...

There will be pancake yes kalach,

There will be games and laughter

There will be a holiday for everyone!

Hurry up, dress up

Come join us for the holidays!!!

Presenter: Hello dear guests!

Welcome to our wide yard

To the Broad Maslenitsa!

We always welcome good guests!

We welcome them with sweet tea

Let's eat pancakes!

Maslenitsa is one of the most beloved holidays of the Russian people, the most cheerful, reckless. It was expected by all with great impatience. Maslenitsa was called honest, Wide, cheerful, they called it "Boyarina - Shrovetide", "Madame - Shrovetide". They talked to Shrovetide as if they were a living creature: she is either a “dear guest”, then a “woman - a wryneck”, then a “red maiden”, then “Avdotya Ivanovna”.

In many places in Russia they made a scarecrow of straw, but he did not have a face. It was believed that if there is a face, then there will be a soul. And they walked with her around the village - they praised Maslenitsa. She was honored as a rare guest.

So we have "Madame - Maslenitsa" (straw doll).

Children leading:

1. Our dear Maslenitsa, Avdotya Ivanovna,

Shrovetide annual.

Our dear guest!

She does not walk to us,

Everything comes on horseback

She has black horses

The servants are young.

Oh, Maslenitsa is a wryneck,

We treat you well

Cheese, butter, kalach

And a baked egg!

2. Attention! Attention!

Merry party!

Pancake week! Wide Shrovetide!

Let's all have some fun

Let's spin in a fast dance!

We need to get up in a round dance,

Glorify Shrovetide!

Round dance around Maslenitsa (to the motive "We have Saturday tomorrow")

And we met Maslena,

We visited the mountain

Visited, soul, visited.

Pancake lined the mountain,

They filled the mountain with cheese,

Lined, soul, lined.

Stuffed, soul, stuffed.

They poured oil on the mountain,

And we met Maslena,

Watered, soul, watered.

Met, soul, met.

Presenter: Maslenitsa falls at the end of February - the beginning of March and lasts a whole week. Every day has its own name.

Children leading:

Monday Maslenitsa was called "Meeting".

On this day, all guests had to be greeted with pancakes. Pancakes are a symbol of the sun (the same round and golden), and the sun is a symbol of resurgent life.

Presenter: Russian people ate a lot of pancakes on Maslenitsa, but they made fun of themselves, they made up a lot of funny sayings about pancakes.

What proverbs do you know about pancakes?

  • Pancakes are not without pancakes,

Without pies - no name day.

  • Damn good not one.
  • Pancake is not a wedge, the belly will not split.
  • The first pancake is lumpy,

The second - with oil,

And the third - with kvass.

Tuesday at Maslenitsa was "Fun".On this day, fun and various festivities began, the construction of a snow fortress, snowball fights, sleigh rides from the mountains.

Presenter: Something we sat up with you. Isn't it time to play?There is such folk game"Boyars".

The game is played on level ground. The players are divided into two teams that line up against each other in a chain at a distance of 10-15 meters.
The first team goes ahead with the words:
Boyars, we have come to you!
And returns to its original place:
Dear, we have come to you!
Another repeats this maneuver with the words:
- Boyars, why did you come? Dear, why did you come?
The dialogue starts:
-Boyars, we need a bride. Darlings, we need a bride.
-Boyars, what do you like? Dear ones, how do you like it?
The first team confers and chooses someone:
-Boyars, this sweet one is for us (they point to the chosen one).
Dear us, this is sweet.
The selected player turns around and now walks and stands in a chain, looking the other way.
The dialogue continues:
-Boyars, she is a fool with us. Dear, she is a fool with us.
-Boyars, and we whip it. Dear, and we whip it.
-Boyars, she is afraid of whips. Darlings, she is afraid of whips.
- Boyars, and we will give a gingerbread. Dear, and we will give a gingerbread.
- Boyars, her teeth hurt. Darlings, her teeth hurt.
- Boyars, and we will reduce to the doctor. Dear, and we will reduce to the doctor.
-Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor.
The first command completes:
- Boyars, don't play the fool, give us the bride forever!
The one who was chosen as the bride must scatter and break the chain of the first team. If he succeeds, then he returns to his team, taking with him any player first. If the chain is not broken, then the bride remains in the first team, that is, she gets married. In any case, the losing team starts the second round. The task of the teams: keep more players

The driver is chosen with the help of a counter. And he commands himself:

poker game

The name of?

Poker (If the child answers “poker”, then he takes a step forward. If he calls his real name, a step back)

What did you eat for breakfast?

Who do you like to talk to at night?

What do you brush your teeth with?

And who are your grandparents?

What are you doing up your nose?

What is your friend's name?

What will you write a report about?

What's your favorite toy?

Where do you live?

What do you eat for lunch?

What are you sweeping the floor with?

For each “correct” answer to a question, the child takes a step forward. If he made a mistake (answered the wrong word or in the wrong number / case / declension) - step back. The first player to reach a predetermined point or line wins. In order not to cause offense or ridicule in children with incorrect questions, the game can be played by an adult. But usually, playing this game causes a lot of laughter and fun in children.

Wednesday - "Gourmet".This is a family day. Mother-in-laws invited their sons-in-law to pancakes, and for the fun of their beloved son-in-law, they called all their relatives.

Presenter: Let's sit side by side and talk okay. Is everyone here smart? Can you solve riddles?


Standing in the corner of Agripina,

Big mouth open.

The mouth opens

What they give - swallows.

In winter she eats and snorts

And in the summer the hungry sleeps. (Bake)

The fat man is worth

Side flank.

Hissing and boiling

He tells everyone to drink tea. (Samovar)

What is poured into the pan

Do they bend four times? (Pancakes)

Black, little baby

Collect a little

They boil in water

The guys will go. (Porridge)beauty walks,
lightly touches the ground
Goes to the field, to the river,
And on the snow, and on the flower.

The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life.
The day is coming. When does it happen?

I open my kidneys
into green leaves.
I dress the trees
I water the crops
Full of movement
my name is...

The streams rang
the rooks have arrived.
Bee in the hive
brought the first honey.
Who's to say, who knows
when does it happen?

She comes with affection
And with my own story.
magic wand
will wave,
Snowdrop in the forest
will bloom.

I open the kidneys, into green leaves.
I dress the trees, I water the crops,
Movement is full, they call me ...

Streams rang, rooks flew in.
The bee brought the first honey to the hive.
Who's to say, who knows when it happens?

She was white and gray
Came green, young.
(Winter and spring)

loose snow
melting in the sun,
The wind plays in the branches
Ringing bird voices
Came to us...

The sun bakes
Linden blossoms.
The rye is ripening
When does it happen?

Pava has arrived
Sat on the lava
She loosened her feathers
For any potion.

The snow turns black in the meadow,
The weather is getting warmer every day.
Time to put the sled in the pantry.
It's that time of year.

Green-eyed, cheerful,
The girl is a beauty.
Brought to us as a gift
What everyone will love:
Greens - leaves,
We are warm
- So that everything blooms.
The birds followed her
- Songs to sing all masters.
Guess who she is?
This girl is...

At snow-covered bumps,
Under the white snow cap
We found a small flower
Half frozen, a little alive.

First to get out of the ground
On the thaw.
He is not afraid of frost
Even though it's small.

In a blue shirt
Runs along the bottom of the ravine.

Housewarming at the starling
He rejoices without end.
So that we have a mockingbird,
We crafted...

Here on a branch someone's house
No doors in it, no windows,
But the chicks live warmly there.
This house is called...

The mother is fat, the daughter is red, the son is brave - he went under the sky. (furnace, fire, smoke)

There are ladies - she cries and grumbles, she won't give anything - she is silent. (Pan)

Four legs, two ears, one nose and belly. (Samovar)

I'll take it dusty, I'll make it liquid,

I'll throw it into the flame - it will be like a stone. (Flour, dough, bread)

The sun is baked on a hot bottom. (Crap)

To the pan with a stream, from the pan - the sun. (Crap)

Tongue twisters (competition).

Each tongue twister must not only be pronounced, but done cleanly and beautifully. It is not for nothing that tongue twisters are also called tongue twisters among the people.

Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt.

The bristles of the pig, the scales of the pike.

A wasp does not have a mustache, do not have a mustache, but a mustache.

Half a cellar of turnips, half a cap of peas.

Crested laughers laughed with laughter: ha - ha - ha - ha - ha!

Thursday was called "Broad".On this day, they had fun and arranged all sorts of fun. In the old days itthere were fisticuffs, but without blood and bruises (Barmina?), riding in troikas (boys with bells), taking a snow fortress (snowballs from synthetic winterizer).

Presenter: And we are not born with a bast!

Get out, honest people. The ditty is calling us to dance!


1. We begin to sing ditties,

Please don't laugh.

There are a lot of people here -

We can get lost.

3. You guys listen

We will sing awkwardly:

A pig grazes on an oak

A bear is steaming in the bath.

4. Early in the morning, in the evening,

Late at dawn

Grandma was walking

In a chintz carriage.

5. Between heaven and earth

Piglet rummaged

And accidentally tail

Caught up to the sky.

6. Look guys

What's on the roof:

Sparrow plays the horn

Holding on to straw.

8. I rode the Maslenka,

Broke three sleds.

Crow tortured the horse

And ride the cutie.

9. Buy me a horse, aunt

raven legs,

I will ride the girls

On the big track.

10. As in Shrovetide

Pancakes flew from the pipe.

Oh my pancakes


11. I sewed a dress from cabbage,

Finished with cucumber.

Angry, she ate the dress.

What have I done?

12. My girlfriends told me:

Don't dance, just sing!

Can't stand still

Temperature is not the same!

13. I have four shawls,

Fifth downy.

I'm not the only one fighting

We are all poor here!

Come on, come on
For ruddy pancakes.
This Maslenya week -
Be happy like us!

I'm ready for Maslena
Eat 50 pancakes.
I'll eat them well
I'll try to lose weight.

Bake, godfather, pancakes,
Yes, to be magnificent.
This Maslenya week -
You can eat too much.

The Martians have arrived
They were satisfied.
Their plates are not empty
And full of pancakes.

I ate the fifth pancake
My skirt broke.
I'm going to sew up a skirt
To eat pancakes again.

Have fun playing, harmonica,
Shrovetide, don't be sad!
Come spring soon
Drive winter away from us!

We stop singing ditties
Until another evening.
You sit until the morning
When there is nothing to do.

Wide Maslenitsa,
We praise you
We ride on the mountains
We eat pancakes!

Spring is not spring
And parted with the winter
I baked pancakes
And you refused.

We begin to sing ditties,
Please don't laugh.
There are a lot of people here
We can get lost!

My friend and I were walking
The mountain was covered with cheese,
All covered with pancakes,
Topped with oil!

Like on a butter week
Pancakes flew from the table
And cheese and cottage cheese
Everyone flew under the threshold!

Girls, the butter dish is coming!
Who will ride us?
Petrushka in the yard
Sivka disappears.

Maslenitsa - white-legged,
Stay with us for a while
For a week, for a day,
For a single hour!

On Monday from a clear dawn
Everyone rides the hill
All sorts of dishes are chewed,
Loud songs are sung.

In trials, the lads are standing,
And in the cooking of the girls are brisk -
Sweet pancakes are baked
Meals are served.

In the village in every yard
The children's choir is running.
From the houses they carry junk,
All kinds of rags.

Everyone is taken out over the fence,
Making a big fire.
That's Maslenitsa,
Glorious Shrovetide!

For a loved one for a handkerchief
The guy climbs on the sixth.
And the sixth is doused with water,
That's why it's icy.

The people are smiling
Leads a round dance.
That's Maslenitsa,
Good Shrovetide!

Son-in-law runs early
Please your mother-in-law
Invites her to the house
He serves wine there.

My son-in-law uninvited
Came running for a meal
But he also made a mistake
He did not master all the pancakes.

Have fun honest people
Stuffing your belly.
This is Shrovetide
Celebrating Maslenitsa!

Kneading sweet cheesecakes,
The girls sing ditties.
Every person dances around
And his soul rejoices.

With the coming of Sunday
We ask everyone for forgiveness.
Our good intentions
Cause admiration.

Goodbye to all the people
Shrovetide will be set on fire.
Burn up quickly
Let us have more fun!

A diva was taken around the yard,
Oh, yes, I'm beautiful and beautiful.
I'm sorry to burn this
Yes, my wife will not let me sleep.

I'll draw a mask
Pancake we will cover decorously.
Let it burn completely
Everyone is tired of winter.

I rode on Maslenitsa
Broke three sleds.
The crow tortured the horse,
And ride the cutie.

Girls, Butter is coming!
Who will ride us?
Petruni in the yard
Sivka disappears.

Buy me a horse, baby,
Raven legs.
I will ride the girls
On the big track.

I have four shawls
Fifth - downy,
I'm not the only one fighting
We are all poor here.

Host: During folk holidays it was customary to tell

"boring tales".

And there are many such fairy tales, in fact, from each fairy tale you can make a “boring” one:

“Once upon a time there was a king, the king had a court. There was a stake in the yard, a bast on the stake.

Why not start the story over?

"Troublesome" fairy tales are called from the word "boring" (annoying).

Two students say:

A story about a crow.

I was walking across the bridge

Look - the crow gets wet.

I took the crow by the tail,

Put it under the bridge -

Let the crow dry!

I walked again across the bridge,

Look - the crow dries,

I took the crow by the tail,

Put her on the bridge

Let the crow get wet!

I walked across the bridge again

Look - the crow gets wet.

I took the crow by the tail,

Put it under the bridge -

Let the crow dry!

I came back to the bridge

Look - the crow dries.

I took the crow by the tail,

Put her on the bridge

Let the crow get wet!

I came to the same bridge

Look - the crow gets wet ...

Presenter: It's enough for you to bother us

Shrovetide must be celebrated!

Friday - Mother-in-law evening.Now the sons-in-law at home with ruddy pancakes received the mother-in-law.

Jokes are an integral part of the national holiday.

(children act out skits)

Fedul, what pouted his lips?

The caftan burned through.

Can be sewn up.

Yes, there is no needle.

Is the hole big?

One gate remains.

Thomas, why aren't you coming out of the forest?

Yes, I caught a bear.

So bring him here!

Yes, he doesn't go.

So go yourself.

Yes, the bear does not let!

Son, go to the river for some water.

Belly hurts.

Son, go eat porridge.

Well, since mom says, we must go!

Host: Let's have fun

The stream is already flowing.

Russian folk game "Brook".

To the song of N. Kadysheva “A stream flows, a stream runs ...”

Russian folk game "Burn - burn clearly ..."

Saturday - "Zolovkin gatherings."The daughter-in-law gives gifts to the sisters-in-law (husband's sisters).

Game: "Braid the braid" (girls participate).

Sunday - Forgiveness Day.The last and most important for Maslenitsa. Relatives and friends come to visit each other. And before the festive dinner they ask each other for forgiveness for big and small offenses.

Presenter: In the meantime, fasting has not yet come, we invite you to taste ruddy pancakes, fragrant tea. We wish everyone pleasant communication!

Tea drinking.

Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.
Bake pancakes, pancakes -
Hot and lush
With raspberries and cherries
With raspberries and cherries.

Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.
Bake pancakes, pancakes -
Fragrant and delicious
With mushrooms and cabbage
With mushrooms and cabbage.

Grandmother, grandmother, grandmother.
Bake pancakes, pancakes -
With jam, with sour cream,
Like a ruddy grandmother,
Like a ruddy grandmother.

We were invited with a friend for a fun holiday
They took part in quizzes and crossword puzzles.
And when we got hungry, what did we see?
How favorite pancakes appeared on sale.

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes are good
Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes are pretty
Pancakes, pancakes, ruddy pancakes
With butter, honey and strawberries, and even with bananas.

I remember this day with my girlfriend
Time flew by quickly, we were not bored
And I really liked everything about this holiday.
Because they sold pancakes with butter.

We led round dances, played in streams
Bayanists played fun for people
Everyone looked at the tables and clapped their hands,
And they finished playing, they ate all the pancakes.

Hello dear guests! We gathered today to remember the Old Russian holiday, to rejoice, to have fun, as our grandfathers had fun at Shrovetide.

We are tired of winter, bored.

Hands frozen,

All joints pereznobila.

Blizzard eyes all puffed up,

A blizzard-blizzard took everything.



Maslenitsa holiday in elementary school .

Hello dear guests! We gathered today to remember the Old Russian holiday, to rejoice, to have fun, as our grandfathers had fun at Shrovetide.

The children look out the windows in anticipation. Shouts are heard: "Soon?" - "Do not hurry!"

We are tired of winter, bored.

Hands frozen,

All joints pereznobila.

Blizzard eyes all puffed up,

A blizzard-blizzard took everything.

We are tired of winter

I ate all the bread.

And picked up the straw

And swept up the chaff.

She carried a cold in a bag,

Cold shook the ground.

She stumbled herself

Rolled down the hill.

The girl goes out the door - "into the yard" - and immediately returns, leading the guests (children of the 2nd grade) behind her.

A round dance is performed with a staging of the Russian folk song “Like on a thin ice”.

Gather up, people! Spring is coming red!

Gotta get rid of the winter

Together to sweeten Maslenitsa!

Spring, red spring! Come, spring, with joy!

With joy and great mercy.

With a large flax, with a deep root,

With great bread!

2 boys carry Maslenitsa - straw doll, put it in a decorated corner.

Oh, yes Maslenitsa, it enters the yard,

Wide enters the yard!

And we, girls, meet her,

And we, the Reds, meet her!

Oh, yes Maslenitsa, stay for a week,

Oh, yes Maslenitsa, stay for another!

This holiday is coming to us
early spring,
How many joys
He is always with him!

Ice mountains are waiting
And the snow sparkles
Sledges run down the hills,
Laughter doesn't stop.

At home the aroma of pancakes
Festive wonderful,
We invite friends to pancakes,
Let's eat them together.

Like Shrove Week
Pancakes flew out of the oven!
From the heat, from the heat, from the oven,
All blush, hot!
Shrovetide, treat!

Today we celebrate Maslenitsa, see off the winter, conjure spring! Maslena - honest, cheerful, wide - this was the name of the week before Lent in Russia.
The celebration of Maslenitsa was accompanied by rituals in the name of the harvest, festivities, games, and various amusements. And today we invite you to go back to those distant times and take part in this fun holiday.
Next, the teacher and students talk about the holiday and the days of Shrovetide week.:

Its origin was lost in ancient times, but it was noted among all Slavic peoples. People called for a good harvest and a rich offspring to their homes. The Maslenitsa holiday was associated with the cult of the rising sun. Round, hot, golden pancakes are, as it were, miniature images of our luminary. "Pancake is a symbol of the sun, red days, good harvests, good marriages and healthy children," A. Kuprin wrote. Over time, Maslenitsa lost its mystical meaning and turned into a mass folk festival dedicated to seeing off winter. With carnivals of mummers and riding on troikas with bells, burning an effigy of winter and sledding from the mountains, taking snowy towns and other noisy and fun games and undertakings.

Monday - meeting
On this day, an effigy of Maslenitsa was made from straw, put on an old women's clothing, put this stuffed animal on a pole and, singing, drove it on a sleigh through the village. Then Maslenitsa was set on a snowy mountain, where sleigh rides began.
The good guys came

Cut off all ends.

To all the stumps on the hill,

Even Russian proverbs.

Need suggestions

Make a sequel.

Competition "Continue the proverb" for 2 teams

One pie twice is not ... (eat)

Without tasting bitter, you will not know and ... (sweet)

He made porridge himself, he himself and ... (disentangle)

Butter porridge is not ... (spoil)

If you want to eat kalachi, don’t lie on ... (stove)

Whoever wants to eat a fish must go into the water ... (climb)

Without breaking eggs, you won’t make ... (fried eggs)

Leftovers... (sweet)

From a black chicken and white ... (egg)

From a black cow and white ... (milk)

The team that gave the correct answer receives some thing, which, after the competition, puts on for Maslenitsa.

Tuesday - play

The first day is over, we met Maslenitsa. The second day of the week is coming. And this day was called flirting ”From that day, various kinds of entertainment began: sleigh rides, festivities, representation. It's time for us to play fun game Amuse the carnival.

A new challenge for you

You have to turn into a car.

The people will have fun

Who quickly? Who's ahead?

This competition can be organized as a relay race, in which teams of five pairs participate (ten people in total). Couples are organized immediately so that there is no turmoil. One of the participants rests his hands on the ground (each team must be provided with canvas gloves). His partner (who does not need gloves) hooks the "wheelbarrow" by the legs, and both players begin to move. "Wheelbarrow" goes over his hands and thus moves forward. His comrade supports his legs in weight. You can also use gymnastic hoops to determine the distance. The couples, having gone back and forth, pass the mittens to their teammates, and the relay race continues. Prizes are awarded to members of the winning team, while consolation prizes are awarded to members of the losing team.

And now I beg your attention!

New competition!

Who wants old and young

Pull the rope?

A traditional competition that takes place during Maslenitsa. It is necessary to define the line beyond which it is impossible to cross. Teams line up at the same distance from this line (2 3 m). The team that pulls the rope over the line of rivals wins. When the first of the participants steps into the forbidden territory, the game is declared over.

8) Wednesday is gourmet

Today we have Lakomka!

Treat this time!

It's two meals!

Dance right at the table!

Eat pancakes,

Let's eat pie!

We won't leave a crumb

Sitting at the table!

The name "Maslenitsa" arose because this week, according to Orthodox custom, meat is already excluded from food, and dairy products can still be consumed - that's why butter pancakes are baked. For the same reason, Maslenitsa is called Cheese Week. In each family
they laid tables with delicious food, baked pancakes, in the villages they brewed beer together.
Theaters and trade tents appeared everywhere. They sold hot sbitni (drinks made from water, honey and spices), roasted nuts, and honey gingerbread. Here, right under the open sky, one could drink tea from a boiling samovar. What did they enjoy on Maslenitsa?

Leading We will read the recipe for you

And we'll wait for an answer

Prepare a sweet sour dough, double the amount of sugar. Divide the dough into balls, let them proof for 20-25 minutes. They are fried just like pies. Place on a serving platter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Answer: Moscow donuts.

Skip the beef, pork, onion and garlic through a meat grinder, salt, pepper, add milk and stir the minced meat well until fluffy, prepare the dough and blind.

Answer: Siberian dumplings.

Grind white bread soaked in milk, onions fried in butter, and grind meat in a meat grinder twice, add spices, mix, make products, put on a hot frying pan and fry in fat. Then put in the oven and bake until done.

Answer: Meatballs.

Pour meat products with water in a saucepan, put on fire and cook until cooked. Chop the beets, fry in butter. Add onion and a spoonful of flour mixed with broth. Put the chopped cabbage into the broth, after fifteen minutes add the beets. At the end put sour cream.

Answer: Borscht.

Cut the meat into pieces, rub with salt, fry with onions until half cooked. Add chopped carrots and put in the oven. After fifteen minutes, put the potatoes and fry with meat and carrots, pouring over the broth.

Answer: Roast.

Keep the cottage cheese under pressure, rub through a sieve, add sour cream and freshly mashed butter, salt, granulated sugar, mix and put in a mold.

Answer: Easter.

Boil the fish with spices, cool. Cut potatoes into slices. Boil beets and carrots, cool, cut into cubes, mix with fish, salt, season with mayonnaise or sauce.

Answer: Vinaigrette.

Song "Oh, pancakes"

Correctly. Oh, those pancakes for Maslenitsa! Lush, blush, puffy, tasty, oily, with sour cream, with honey, with salt. The pancake is round, red and hot, like a hot, generous sun. Many families started baking pancakes on Monday. Each hostess baked them according to her own recipe and kept it a secret.

What pancake recipes do you know?

Everyone laughs, everyone makes noise,

Everyone is dancing.

Shrovetide, Shrovetide!

Everything is like in a fairy tale!

Come on, line up!

Extend your hand!

And take a pancake from Maslenitsa!

Thursday - revelry (fracture, wide Thursday)
This day was the middle of games and fun. Perhaps, it was then that hot Maslenitsa fist fights took place, fists, leading their origin from Ancient Russia.

TEACHER: And we will play a game called"Dawn"
Children stand in a circle, hold their hands behind their backs, and one of the players - “dawn” walks behind with a ribbon and says:
1. Dawn - lightning, Red Maiden,
I walked across the field, I dropped the keys,
Golden keys, blue ribbons,
Entwined rings - Went for water!
FROM last words the leader carefully puts the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes a "dawn". The game is repeated. Runners must not cross the circle. The players do not turn around while the driver chooses who to put the tape on his shoulder.

2 . throwing snowballson target. Two participants throw a snowball at a target with a pre-prepared shield with a painted target. The winner is the one who made the best throw (in the top ten or as close to it as possible).

3. Fight "cocks". A circle is drawn. In a circle, two participants jump on one leg. One hand behind the back, the other holds the foot of the tucked leg. Task: push the opponent with the shoulder. The one who loses his balance or leaves the circle loses.

Another variant of this game: colored people are hooked behind the belt satin ribbons the same length. Task: pull out the "tail" with your hand. The one who does it first wins.

Friday - mother-in-law evening. Parents go to visit children. Pancakes are prepared by a young hostess. Sons-in-law treat mother-in-law.The mother-in-law was obliged to send in the evening everything necessary for baking pancakes and teach the daughter-in-law some old secret recipe.


When you put the dough, as soon as the stars appear, you need to go to the river, lake or to the well and say (whispering in the daughter-in-law's ear)

daughter-in-law refers to the month

"A month, you are a month,
Your golden horns!
Look out the window
Blow on the dough!

Riding through the streets in smart sledges with bells under the arc was especially popular. Everywhere the fires of booths shone, the Raeshniks performed, they sold tea, pancakes, sweets.

Russian folk songs Sleigh ride (Relay with hoops)

6day Saturday - "ZOLOVKA SITTINGS".

The sister-in-law is the sister of the husband. So, on this Sabbath day, young daughters-in-law hosted relatives, and unmarried sisters-in-law tried to introduce unmarried guys from their relatives or friends. A number of Maslenitsa customs were aimed at speeding up weddings and helping young people find a mate.

1. The game "winders".

A prize is tied exactly in the middle of a long stretched ribbon. The ends of the ribbon are held by two participants. They must wind the ribbon as quickly as possible. The one who reaches it first will win the prize.

2. Comic fortune-telling according to the book.

This game uses a book, better book fairy tales. The presenter asks to name a certain page and a line from above. For example, the book "Folk Russian Tales" is taken from the collection of A.N. Afanasiev. The player calls: page 51, line 19. The host reads: "carry milk to the girl, the girl will give threads, carry threads to sticky" Rough interpretation: you have trouble ahead.

Sunday - “FORGIVENESS DAY”They solemnly burn a straw man as a sign of the victory of life over death; the ashes are developed over the field to give strength to the sowing, the future harvest. The ride, the songs, the sounds of the harmonica, the noise and uproar on the last day continued until the evening.

Relatives and friends did not go to each other to celebrate, but asked for forgiveness for intentional and accidental insults and grief. When meeting (sometimes even with a stranger), it was supposed to stop and ask for mutual forgiveness with three bows. On this day, all insults and insults are forgiven, because it is necessary to meet spring with a clear conscience.

One line:

Forgive me for what I am guilty of or have sinned against you.

Another line:

God forgive you, and I forgive you.

Everyone bows to each other.(They kindle a fire, burn Maslenitsa)

Goodbye, goodbye

Our Carnival.
Goodbye, goodbye

Our Maslenitsa is wide.
You did not come on Wednesday and not on Friday,
You came on Sunday
Fun all week long.
You came with good
With hoppy beer and wine,
With pancakes, pies

Yes, with pancakes.
Pancakes oil,

Shangi smeared.
We're rolling down the mountain

From dawn to dawn.
And today, Sunday.

Our fun is over.
Bye Bye,

Our Carnival!

Round dance "Spring has come"