Test whether my husband is faithful to me. Test for betrayal and fidelity of the wife: how to calculate and find out everything. How to know if your husband is cheating

How do you know if your husband is cheating? Do you know where he constantly disappears and spends a lot of personal time? Direct questions will definitely not give a specific answer. At most, you will hear a standard prepared answer - “I was at work, then stayed up with friends after have a hard day". You can confirm or refute your suspicions with the help of our psychological test. Our service with a high degree of probability will allow you to check whether the spouse goes "to the left", or he behaves honestly towards the second half.

If you do not understand how to find out that your wife is cheating, it is enough to give honest answers to a number of questions presented on this page. We have developed an extremely precise algorithm that, by analyzing the responses received, provides a detailed answer.

You can take the cheating test at any time. Our service works around the clock, free of charge. The questions are very simple, but they will help you find out if your relationship is really going through a difficult period. Additional registration is also not required. Go to the test, give the most honest answers - and our portal will independently determine whether your spouse is really cheating on you with another person!

Has your wife or girlfriend been acting strange lately? Has something changed in her? Do you find her behavior unpredictable? Has she drastically changed her image? Her mood often began to change for no reason? It's time to find out the situation - to determine whether your beloved is true to you! Give truthful answers to 6 simple questions and get the result.

This short quick survey will help you understand the situation. By answering easy questions, you will know with 100% probability whether your loved one is true to you or not. To help you get reliable test results, we have provided you with a variety of answers for each question. Answer honestly. Your task is to cope with the feeling of jealousy, and not to aggravate the situation.

Thinking about how to find out if your husband is cheating on you? Tired of worries and worries? Suspicion is an unpleasant feeling. It is the cause of family scandals. Our test will help confirm or refute your suspicions.

Is your wife acting suspicious? Does she often go out to meet her friends? Does she have new jewelry? How do you know if your wife is cheating? Stop suffering! Take the test and find out the truth.

Stopped trusting your significant other? Do you think her feelings have cooled? Do you suspect she has another? Have you repeatedly wondered how to find out that a girl is cheating on you? Answer the test questions and find out the truth.

How to know if a guy is cheating on you? Take our test and you will find out if he has another and if he is prone to cheating. Don't bother guessing. It's time to find out the whole truth about him.

Does his job involve constant traveling? He is often away from home, and you doubt his fidelity? Thinking how to find out if your husband is cheating on you on a business trip? Then you urgently need to take this test.

If for some reason you cannot be constantly together, if you live in different cities, rarely see each other and you are tormented by the question “How to find out if a girl is cheating at a distance?”, Take our test.

If you've ever wondered how to find out if an Aquarius is cheating on you, then this quiz is for you. Stop suffering from suspicion and uncertainty. Answer just a few questions and find out the truth.

Women cheat not much less often than men. Lack of attention, thirst for new emotions, dissatisfaction in bed and many other reasons may precede adultery. If a husband's suspicions creep in, the main thing is not to chop off the shoulder, accusing his wife of infidelity. It is worth making sure that the other man is true and not fiction. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite reaction. Due to obsessive jealousy and baseless accusations, the missus has the right to initiate a divorce.

Test for cheating wife - the main signs

The topic of infidelity in marriage has long occupied a special niche in psychology. Experts have developed many tests for cheating on wives and husbands. By answering a number of specific questions, spouses can figure out whether their feelings are reasonable. Although such a method cannot be considered perfect, because there are always unforeseen, special circumstances that in one way or another are capable of distorting the results. Be that as it may, such an “exam” can be the starting point in the process of checking your beloved for fidelity. So grab a notepad and pen and answer the following questions:

How often does your wife stay late at work?

  1. never - 0 points;
  2. 1-2 times a week - 1 point;
  3. regularly - 2 points.

Have your partner's habits changed lately?

  1. no, behaves as before - 0;
  2. rarely, but can do something unusual for her - 1;
  3. yes, the behavior has changed dramatically - 2;

How will your wife react to the news about your business trip?

  1. get upset, make a scandal - 0;
  2. will not hide discontent, but will silently let go - 1;
  3. in a good mood will help to get ready and lead to the transport - 2;

How scrupulous is your spouse with her own phone?

  1. constantly leaves it in a conspicuous place, allows you to use it without any problems - 0;
  2. does not like it when you touch the phone, may scream - 1;
  3. always hides the gadget, during telephone conversations trying to get out of the room - 2.

If on some entertainment event, an unfamiliar man will invite your companion to dance, she:

  1. ignore the prompt - 0;
  2. politely refuse with obvious awkwardness - 1;
  3. gladly agree - 2;

If the missus has serious problems at work, you:

  1. try to provide maximum assistance - 0;
  2. find words of support, but will not interfere - 1;
  3. leave everything as it is, let it sort itself out - 2;

Does your sweetheart go on vacation on her own:

  1. no, never - 0;
  2. sometimes travels alone or with friends - 1;
  3. always spends her holidays by herself - 2.

Now calculate the total points. You have absolutely nothing to worry about if the number is from 0 to 6. In the range from 7 to 13 - there is reason to wonder if everything is fine in your relationship. If it turned out 14 points - you have a good reason to investigate. Based on the test, the following signs of a wife’s infidelity can be distinguished: changes in behavior, excessive caution when talking on the phone, regular delays at work, emancipation in communicating with other men, joy at the slightest opportunity to be left alone.

How to check your wife for treason so as not to give yourself away

Verification of the spouse for fidelity should be carried out secretly. The exception would be when you decide to call her on straight Talk. This approach is not always rational, because it will not be difficult for a smart and cunning woman to lie, looking into her eyes. However, not everyone has these abilities. If you catch the traitor by surprise, she may be confused and confess everything. When planning how to find out about your wife's infidelity, refer to a simple test. It can give impetus to more radical action.

If the missus is often late at work, follow her during after hours, and even better, ask a stranger about it. Hiring a private investigator is an expensive but effective way. An experienced specialist will never allow himself to be discovered and will collect maximum information about the unknown side of his wife's life. Another way to find out the whole truth is to look into her phone. Frequent calls from an unknown number, love messages - it is really possible to find irrefutable evidence in a personal gadget. Offer your sweetheart to spend the evening together, go to a restaurant, cinema, theater. If her thoughts are occupied by another man, she will avoid spending time together in every possible way.

In trying to find out if your wife is cheating on you, it is important to observe the measure in everything. Excessive jealousy entails a clouding of the mind. A man who cannot keep his feelings under control makes many mistakes. To come up with something that actually never happened - for him it's time to spit. As a result, even if the beloved never cheated, and all indirect signs were false, excessive suspicion and lack of trust in the relationship will inevitably lead to a break.

What signs of "treason" can be false

Imagine that your significant other at work has a real full house. She has no time to drink an extra cup of coffee, she is forced to constantly linger in order to have time to complete the fallen amount of work. At the same time, you decided that all her delays are nothing more than fiction, and you are sure that you have a lover. Another situation: the spouse is preparing a surprise for your anniversary, so she tries to speak on the phone so that you do not hear her. What groundless conjectures can lead to in this case is not even worth commenting on. Any facts that can give rise to doubts about the wife's fidelity must be supported by evidence.

A happy marriage is built on trust. Jealousy is a natural, healthy feeling in relation to the chosen one. Women, of course, love when their man cares, but too intrusive suspicions will definitely not arouse admiration. The one who is constantly puzzled by the question: “Is my wife cheating on me?” A test in a notebook will not save! In this case, real psychological help is needed. A specialist will help you put everything on the shelves and give useful advice how to choose the right tactics of behavior.

Many women suspect their men of being unfaithful to them and often cheating by going to other females. You can achieve the truth and understand whether your loved one is deceiving you or not using some techniques that have been developed by experienced professionals.

There is not one good test Whether, changes to me the husband where it is possible to learn or find out with a high probability. And is it worth using this test, where to get it and where to go? First you need to say about how to find out if the husband is cheating, the test where it will play one of the main roles:

These two options have both pros and cons. Today, few people go to psychologists, because sometimes it is simply related to a financial issue. That is why it is better to pass online test Does the husband cheat? You will get decent answers to your questions in many cases.

When should tests be used?

Tests for treason - this is just one of the options for how to find out treason. In order not to be in an awkward situation, you should do everything very gradually. First of all, just talk to your man. During the week, try to analyze his behavior. If there are visible signs, then you can already suspect something. Here are some good reasons to start investigating whether a man has cheated on you:

  • He started coming home from work much later. If a person was late once, this is quite acceptable and understandable, but if we talk about stable delays, you can start to suspect something. Finding out the reason for being late is one of the main tasks for you at this stage.
  • There were changes in taste and other preferences. If a man has never worn a suit, he is unlikely to wear one. Only a girl can cause him to change his mind. Thus, be careful that the man does not show drastic changes. Otherwise, start your investigation using tests as well.
  • You have noticed that you are no longer attracted to your loved one in the way that you used to be. It just needs a test “can a husband change?”. There you will find some questions that will only help you understand exactly whether there is actually infidelity or whether it is just your unnecessary experiences (this option cannot be discarded).

The need to pass tests generally appears as soon as there are some secrets from each other. If the husband does not tell you anything else, does not share his news, which probably managed to accumulate during the day, it means that he simply does not want to be with you. This should be recognized and understood that it is time to act.

How much can a test cost?

What can this test cost you? If we talk about reality, then almost everything now costs money. In this case, this applies even to tests that are rarely available in the public domain. If you want to analyze your relationship, it may be necessary to pay.

If you don’t know how to understand if your husband is cheating, the test will quickly inform you and make you the owner of all the necessary information. A thorough search on the Internet will always lead you to the result.

Test if my husband is cheating on me without SMS

By the way, you can’t talk about exact treason after just one test. Questions are not always maximally adapted to all people, some are special in their behavior and communication. Perhaps your husband is sociable in life, and you will attribute this to the main factors of infidelity. Don't jump to conclusions, they often turn out to be wrong.

Using questions, you can understand how to check if a husband is cheating, but the test also acts as a kind of tool with which you can identify all the shortcomings of the relationship in general. If you love each other, it makes sense to take a remedial course, where you can eliminate any mutual misunderstandings and ensure good communication.


Many people who do not understand how to determine if a husband is cheating have never tested the test. In fact, a very smart decision is to use such methods in order to actually determine whether everything is fine in your relationship. Not everything is always smooth and clear, as it seems at first glance. Modern people very skillfully hide betrayal, but still there are those signs that you can always distinguish.

If you don’t know how to find out if your husband cheated, the test is always available for free on the Internet. Moreover, at your disposal is not one survey, but a large number at once. It is very important to carefully approach the process of choosing the test itself in order to get an objective opinion about whether a man is cheating on you.

The test “is my husband cheating on me” is always and everywhere available without SMS and other confirmation methods. This once again confirms that in reality you can get an answer to a question without paying anything.

What can be said about the tests? This is not always a good solution, since initially you need to solve the problem with the person himself. You can’t bring it to a state where you can’t even talk and tell each other the truth.

We should strive to create relationships between ourselves that will be mutual and without any changes. You should not once again suspect your loved one, this is also not always correct.

The main thing is to trust and be faithful, that's what makes people happy.

Adultery is a common phenomenon. Many women after many years life together begin to suspect her husband of infidelity. Sometimes suspicions are justified. Women have developed intuition, and therefore may feel something is wrong, even if the fact of infidelity is carefully hidden. How to know with 100% accuracy that the husband is cheating? How to check your husband for treason?

How to determine deceit and betrayal by a husband?

There are various signs by which you can determine whether a spouse is cheating. Many imperceptible trifles will indicate to a careful look at many facts of our biography. You can find evidence of treason if you look closely at the alleged cheater. It is not at all necessary to catch a husband red-handed in order to be convinced of his infidelity.

External physiological signs

First you need to take a good look at your spouse. When he returns home from work again, take a closer look at his things, try to smell the smell emanating from him, start a conversation on an abstract topic during dinner. You can understand that a spouse is unfaithful by physiological signs:

  • Sight. During a conversation, a person who feels guilty involuntarily avoids a direct look. Of course, there is such a category of people who can lie in the eyes. However, even they will not be able to constantly look directly at the deceived spouse. The cheater will try to quickly escape from conversations and be distracted by someone or something else.
  • Smell. You can recognize deception by the foreign smell from the missus. Not necessarily it will be the scent of women's perfume. Maybe the man suddenly began to smell of someone else's soap? Or is your hair washed with a shampoo that you don't have in your bathroom?
  • Alien hair on clothes. One hair that accidentally fell on a shirt is not yet a reason to arrange a family showdown. However, if a spouse systematically brings the same hair on his clothes, this is definitely not an accident.
  • Scratches on the body. Passionate lovers often leave marks on different parts of the body. Optionally, the faithful should have their entire back scratched. A small mark may appear on the buttocks, lower back, neck.
  • Traces of someone else's lipstick. Every man tries to erase his mistress's lipstick. However, he may not always notice small spots on the collar, and not all lipstick can be simply erased.

Change in behavior and attitude

After adultery, husbands change their behavior dramatically. Deception can be determined by the way the spouse talks on the phone. A man will retire during a conversation, delete incoming calls and SMS, set his mobile to vibrate after hours. The cheaters are looking for an excuse to get out of the house. They are happy to go to work and do not tend to return home early, often go on business trips.

A previously silent man becomes talkative, and a talkative person may suddenly withdraw into himself. The attitude towards the spouse is also changing. A complaisant husband suddenly begins to criticize the figure, appearance, and culinary abilities of his wife (see also:). If a man feels guilty, he, on the contrary, can become affectionate and courteous.

A spouse's attitude to personal correspondence on social networks can help catch a spouse cheating. Approach unexpectedly when the husband is sitting at the computer. The cheater will try to quickly hide his messages and close the account. If, when asked why he did this, the husband denies everything, this is the first sign of his infidelity.

Sometimes a man's irritability is due to problems at work, and secrecy is due to attempts to surprise you. Male psychology arranged in such a way that a sudden desire to find out about his plans can unsettle him. However, a change in behavior for no apparent reason should alert.

What other behavioral changes might reveal a cheater? Chat with his friends. Some people don't know how to cheat. No matter how cunning they may seem, disagreements can be found in the stories of friends. Some will assure you of your spouse's devotion, others will look away. Aware of the deception will behave differently than usual.

Changes in appearance

What changes in the husband's appearance may indicate infidelity? For a new passion, a man is ready to change his hairstyle, perfume, go to the gym, change the style of clothing. Previously, a spouse could go to work without combing his hair, but now he is standing at the mirror longer than you? New things appeared in his wardrobe, he began to carefully select a shirt for trousers, and socks for shoes? There is reason to be concerned.

You can convict a husband of deceit by the way he began to relate to his figure. Often, adult men try to match their young mistress and begin to lose weight, take care of their skin, do manicures, and strengthen muscles. “How can I check my husband for treason by his appearance (more in the article:)?” - often ask the question of deceived wives. Below are 10 ways to spot a cheater:

  1. pay attention to the hairstyle;
  2. check for new linen;
  3. look for a gym membership;
  4. count the number of new shirts;
  5. look at his nails (maybe he got a manicure);
  6. touch his stubble;
  7. pay attention to the intimate area;
  8. compare the new image with the old;
  9. look for traces of gray hair coloration;
  10. hide your new socks and see how quickly they get a replacement.

Changes in the daily routine

You can recognize cheating by changing your husband's daily routine. After the appearance of another woman, men are constantly "delayed at work." If earlier the need to stay at the workplace longer than expected caused dissatisfaction in the spouse, now he will begin to take this calmly.

Some men try to go to bed later and get up earlier than their wife. This is due to the reluctance to once again communicate with his wife. The husband may stop coming home for lunch because he is eating elsewhere.

Someone before cheating did not like to get up early, but now he gets up at 6 in the morning for a morning run. Perhaps the love for sports manifested itself after a new passion began to appear in the nearest park in the morning. You should ask your spouse to take you with them. If he starts coming up with excuses, his morning runs did not come from a love of sports.

Change in the financial situation of the family

How to catch a husband cheating on a change in the financial situation of the family? Men often buy expensive gifts for their mistresses, so your wealth will change. Perhaps a man is cheating if:

Changes in intimate life

Sex with a cheater takes on a different character. Sometimes after adultery, husbands try to avoid intimacy with their wife. Relationships in bed will be very rare, as the spouse will constantly be "tired at work." The husband will not take the initiative. His sudden fatigue is due to the fact that he gave all his passion to another woman.

However, sometimes a man tries to recreate the sensations that he experienced with his mistress. The wife will notice that the husband is constantly experimenting in bed. He suggests new poses, shows too much reaction. This happens due to the fact that the husband is trying to recreate the sensations received on the side. If he does not experience them, you can notice a clear disappointment.

Psychological test for treason

You can bring the traitor to clean water with the help of a psychological test. If you have already noticed oddities in your husband's behavior, answering the questions will not be difficult. The test "Is your husband cheating on you" is presented below.

Be prepared for the fact that the spouse may not pass the test with a simple test. Evaluate the result sensibly, consider all circumstances. The test is just an attempt to look at the situation from the outside, it can make you think. Conclusions are up to you.

How to deal with change?

There is no universal advice for every woman. The attitude towards infidelity depends on many factors: upbringing, the desire to save the family, the reasons for the romance on the side, the presence of children. Sometimes the woman herself pushes her husband to cheat. Constant scandals, discontent appearance, reproaches can provoke a man to look for new ones, comfortable conditions existence.

Before making a cardinal decision, you need to understand what you want for yourself. Save the family? Break up with a cheater? Sometimes the willingness to change and meet each other halfway allows you to maintain and strengthen family ties. If you cannot forgive the betrayal, bring the cheater to clean water and leave yourself. Don't make scandals. Pretend you don't care.

If you want to save your family, try ignoring your husband's infidelity. Find out what he is unhappy about. Try to make him want to come home every day. Maybe after the birth of children you stopped watching your appearance? Get a manicure, give the children to kindergarten and get a job. Buy a new dress and get your hair done. Now let him convict you of treason.

Sometimes girlfriends insistently offer to expose her husband. They claim that all men, and yours in particular, are prone to adultery. They offer many ways to convict a husband of treason. However, signs of envy can be seen in their behavior. Maybe it’s not the spouse who is deceiving, but the girlfriends?

Every woman who already has strong family relationships worries about her husband's infidelity. But until the wife stumbles upon the smell of cheap perfume late at night, it's hard to predict whether your husband is having an affair or not.

Fortunately, psychologists always help us in resolving such issues.
Below are some of the ways you can tell if it's just jealousy on your part or if your husband is actually cheating on you.

Change is change. And it doesn't matter if you jump into bed or crawl slowly.
Larisa Andreevna Guzeeva

1. He picks up the phone or makes phone calls in private.

Although it may sometimes be necessary to have privacy when talking on the phone, if your partner goes to another room every time the phone rings, this already means that something is happening to him.

Especially if such behavior is not typical for him or such negotiations are becoming more and more frequent.

2. He deletes text messages (SMS) from the archive on his phone

Most people don't bother deleting old messages, at least until the phone's memory is filled with them.

If your partner checks every time that old messages are deleted, or even worse - he deletes them as soon as he finishes talking with someone, then this can mean something more than just correspondence.

If your partner avoids solemn events or any family get-togethers, leaving early for work, or coming home from work late due to some project or task (according to him), then there is a high probability that he spends time with someone else, no matter talking on the phone, on the computer or in person.

5. He spends a lot of time with another person.

If your husband suddenly starts spending a lot of time with his colleague, coworker, friend, or even just an acquaintance, especially if he is of the opposite sex, then you need to learn more about this relationship and what is really going on there.

6. He gives gifts to someone, or often volunteers to help another person.

It is always nice to give gifts and do good deeds for friends, family members and even strangers, but if your husband often gives gifts - expensive, time-consuming and effort-consuming to prepare them, or easily agrees to help someone with chores around the house, work, all this may already be a sign that he has an emotional connection with that person.

7. You smelled a different scent coming from him.

Whether it's another woman's perfume, or perhaps a different brand of shower soap (a soap you don't have at home) elsewhere, your feelings should already make you question your husband's feelings. If he comes home fresh and clean after a working day, exactly the same as he left for work, then this is already a hint of his romance with someone.

8. He doesn't touch you like he used to.

Sometimes love fades a little due to poor communication between partners, unresolved issues in the family, or a recent dispute. If your husband's behavior in such situations is inexplicable to you, or he pushes you away with strange excuses on his part, then this is a signal for you. At a minimum, you have a problem in your relationship that needs to be addressed.

9. He dresses differently

Has your husband started dressing a little differently, washing his car more often? Did he become a little more joyful and happier when he was doing something, or just leaving the house more often? For example, going out more often with "friends", working more at work, etc. If so, then take action. Show interest in his activity/work if you are really interested in what is really going on.

10. Leaving home for a long time

Usually your husband walks the dog for half an hour, but now it's a 60-90 minute walk? Whom does he unexpectedly (according to him) meet in a park or square, walking with a dog? If this is not "talkative Natalya", then this may be an affair. It is best for you to go on such walks with him.

11. Leads to quarrels

Has your husband started throwing scandals, after which he leaves home? Are some of his clothes missing at home? If so, then something is definitely going on!

12. Became more secretive

When your husband suddenly changes his attitude to private life (privacy) - suddenly for some reason you should not know about his whereabouts or who he is talking to on the phone, and this is not related to your birthday (which is not soon), anniversary or upcoming holiday - it can be an affair.

13. The emotional quality of your relationship has changed.

From the outside, it may seem that your husband is uninterested, overly busy all the time. We all go through changes in our emotions, just like the weather, for example. However, it is not difficult to see if your husband's attitude has changed towards you over the course of a long life together; the husband may have become more self-centered and less interested in you or your relationship. Often, your partner may dismiss your hints of intimacy. The best solution for you is to pay attention to such situations and inquire about what is happening with your husband.

14. He became very angry

Anger and criticism that borders on cruelty are hard for us to perceive.
Your partner may treat you with rudeness or impatience. It may be more controlling and more important than usual. You may experience an increase in the degree of dissatisfaction in your spouse, often for reasons you do not understand. But, as a result of some kind of extraneous connection, you can actually notice an increase in his happiness.

15. He began to spend more time at work or began to spend more time outside the family, outside the home.

The work can be demanding. During the economic crisis, most employers demand more and more from their employees. Workplace relationships can develop into romantic relationships simply because the amount of time spent together on a common task tends to bring people together.

If your husband has a problem with the boundaries of what is permitted, then this can lead to a problem for your relationship.

16. He began to pay more attention to his appearance

This is especially noticeable if, up to this point, the husband was not worried at all, or only a little, about how he looks. If your husband has an affair on the side, then in him he has found a new source of love and affection. Looking good for his mistress became very important to him.

17. His appearance has changed

Your partner, who used to dress conservatively, is now suddenly buying panties of an unexpected design and other more fashionable clothes? Or, is your husband, who never spent a lot of time grooming himself, now fussing over how his hair looks and using hair products he's never used before? Here, too, there is already something for the wife to think about.

18. He often takes a passive stance in disputes.

In the past, were you able to discuss controversial issues openly and calmly? Now, the husband is increasingly taking a position of intransigence and impregnability in his decisions. This indicates an increase in protective reactions on the part of the husband to family problems.

19. His behavior has changed

Your husband, who used to avoid office parties and events, is now constantly attending "for the sake of his career"? Or, does your husband suddenly start exercising and become obsessed with some new hobby or sport that keeps him away from home? Is your husband who ate dinner at home every night now “working late”, or worse, has he gone on “business trips” more often? Find out from him the whole truth at any cost.

20. His attitude has changed

Sometimes the opposite happens - when your husband becomes an extraordinary enthusiast, you seem to be happier, livelier, more energetic, more kind and loving towards you, sometimes even too much. He can buy you many gifts, arrange many surprises for you, which has not been characteristic of him until now.

21. He wants less "time together" and more "time for himself"

When you came together as a couple, you consciously or unconsciously agreed on how much "me time" you would have and how much "together time" you would have as a couple. Now, you've noticed a shift from "us" in your husband to wanting a lot more "me" time. To one degree or another, you become uninvolved in the activities in which your husband participates. This is also a negative "call" for you as a wife.

How do you know if your husband is cheating?

Family is a delicate matter. It is built on many pillars, one of the most important of which is trust. How can you live with someone you don't trust? How can you build a strong relationship with someone who cheats? But infidelity, many women consider the meanest betrayal that a man can commit.

According to the men themselves, they are polygamous by nature. Indeed, in wildlife, situations are often encountered when there is only one male and many females in a flock. Or when the male strikes up a fleeting relationship with the first female that comes across. But we are not animals. We, in addition to physiological needs, have a mind, feelings, higher nervous activity, finally. And she should suggest that for the sake of preserving the family, it is worth giving up the polygamous inclinations inherent in the genes.

A man cheats out of curiosity for other people's wives, and a woman cheats because of her husband's lack of curiosity towards her.
Valery Bruskov

What to look out for

Most often, treason is not committed openly, but secretly. This is if a man wants to save a family or relationship with a permanent partner.

The second half, unless she is completely absorbed in herself or work, sooner or later will notice that something has changed. According to various indirect signs.

1. Changes in appearance

The desire to cover up gray hair, change your hairstyle, change perfume, start dressing in fashion boutiques or with famous costume designers - all these are very disturbing symptoms if nothing else has changed in your life together.

2. Mood swings

If the husband began to literally fly to work as if on wings, and at home he frowns more often, communicates less with loved ones, is silent for a long time, refuses to spend holidays and weekends together, preferring to go fishing or hunting (and so on down the list), then there is a high probability that that it was at work or somewhere outside the house that someone or something appeared that he liked more than his own family. It does not have to be a woman, but if there are other symptoms, then all together may indicate precisely this.

3. The emergence of a new hobby

To please a new partner, a man is ready to go to great lengths, sign up for a gym or start jogging in the morning, love golf or tennis, get a dog - even if he previously flatly refused to have a pet. Most likely, the mistress or object of adoration has a similar hobby, whether it is morning jogging or walking the dog.

4. Reducing income

Maintaining a mistress is an expensive business. Expensive gifts, flowers, restaurants, jewelry, going to the movies… Even if lovers meet secretly, a man will certainly, at least at first, spend quite a lot on a new passion. Well, he will take money from his salary.

So, if the husband suddenly began to bring home less money, you should ask his colleagues what the matter is - usually the salary is “cut” not to one, but to many employees at once.

5. Refusal to perform marital duty

How do I know if my husband has cheated on me? the woman thinks. One of the important signs that this has indeed happened is the absence of a sexual life in the family. If before you had sex at least once a week / month, and now it’s completely gone, then there are only two options: either the man has health problems, or he has where to apply his sexual energy and bypassing you.

In the footsteps of Sherlock Holmes

But how do you know if a husband is cheating, with an accuracy of 100%? If all or several of the above signs are present, but this is not enough for you, you can take the following steps to help bring a man to clean water.

1. Check his cell phone

It is the phone that remains the simplest and most convenient means of communication at a distance, and for sure your man’s girlfriend is also on his phone. But it is unlikely that correspondence with his mistress will lie on the surface. So go through your contact list to see if there are any that look strange.

Infidelity can be forgiven, but not forgotten.
Madame de Sevigne

For example, "plumber Vasily" - where does he come from if you have never repaired plumbing in the house? Or car wash. Why put a car wash number on your phone?

The absence of numbers in the call log should also alert - it means that it was recently cleaned. Well, the behavior of the husband - if someone calls him in the evening and is silent when you pick up the phone, or the husband goes into another room when the call comes in, or speaks in short phrases - all this can lead to an idea ...

2. Check his social media page and email

Social media is another useful source of information. It is more difficult to delete correspondence there, so you should be alerted, for example, by changing your password. That is, before you could go to your husband's page, but now you can't.

The best thing in such a situation is not to make a scandal, but to pretend that you yourself have long been social. do not use networks. And when the spouse’s vigilance is lulled, find the password on his computer or access the page using his phone. That's when all the compromising evidence will fall into your hands.

3. Search the car

It is the car that often becomes the main meeting place for doves in love. The appearance there of such objects as a comb, lipstick, long hair, items of women's wardrobe clearly hint at the fact that there is someone other than you in the husband's car.

Any family property is also under suspicion, even your apartment, if you are often away from home (night shifts, business trips). If it is clearly not your earring (bracelet, hair, stockings, etc.) in bed or in the bathroom, sound the alarm. Although, you can immediately beat your husband - treason is almost 100% proven.

4. Hire a private detective / set up surveillance

In our country, private detectives are not very popular, but they still exist. If this is a professional, then he will get all the information for you and provide irrefutable evidence (photos, videos, meeting addresses, date times, information about his mistress, etc.).

If there is no money for a detective, you can take over his function. Spend a few days on surveillance so that the question of whether a man is cheating gets a definite answer.

Have you noticed signs that indicate a cheating spouse? Does your spouse return late or spend long hours under the pretense of work? Your spouse, after a silently spent dinner, sits down at the Internet, dodging your questions under strange pretexts? If you are concerned about this and want to figure out what's wrong, then there are some ways to help confirm your suspicions.

But before you rush into this process, spend a few days thinking about what you are likely to do if or when your worst suspicions are eventually confirmed. Are you so devoted to your partner that you will never end the relationship, regardless of the outcome of your surveillance?

If that's the case, then maybe it's better to turn a blind eye to their indiscretions and save yourself the pain of knowing the dirty details. Or maybe you think that your spouse is cheating on you in the first place because something fundamentally wrong has appeared in your relationship with him, and you just want an excuse to end it?

And if you decide to investigate, be prepared to deal with what you find, good or bad.

by the most in a simple way is telephone surveillance. If a parallel telephone connection is established in your house, apartment in different rooms, then pick up the phone every time when the phone rings and never be the first to speak, but listen to what they say on the other end of the wire and who else besides you will pick up the phone and what will go on talk.

If the parallel phones are very close and will be noticeable when you eavesdrop, then in the case of remote rooms from the main home phone, you can connect to the landline connection by installing a hidden new telephone jack.

When you hear an incoming call and make sure that your husband has answered the phone, then go to your "war room" and very carefully remove the receiver from the hook. But be very careful not to reveal yourself, wiggling the buttons will cause a clicking sound on the line, which will break the connection and may cause unnecessary suspicions in the spouse why and how this could happen.

You can do it even easier, leave your cellular telephone recorded in an inconspicuous place next to the landline phone (or where the husband goes to talk) at the time when calls addressed to your spouse are most often received.

Use a walkie-talkie for a child. It's a cheap, low-tech way to listen. Purchase a basic neonatal monitor, a spray can of paint that matches the location of the transmitter, and a roll of appropriate masking tape (in case the LEDs on the transmitter are flashing). Paint the transmitter with spray paint.

Go to a room where you think they will both make muffled sounds and mask the transmitter where it is unlikely to be seen, such as behind some books or a couch, or somewhere in the bedroom or bathroom.

Turn on the portable radio, turned down to about the level of a person whispering and laughing. Enter your room and turn on the receiver. Check your hearing. If so, you are ready. If not, adjust it until you hear a distinct transmitter signal.

A silent, simple tracking option is to install a cheap car DVR according to the same rules as in the case of a transmitter. Here we must not forget to mask (glue) the signal light, otherwise it will be easy to detect.

As you can see, it is possible to obtain evidence that reveals the infidelity of a spouse without the expensive costs of the services of a private detective. However, you will only need them if you are initially set to divorce, and not to establish the fact of infidelity.

Other facts about cheating husband

Another undeniable ghost of infidelity is a venereal disease or such an unpleasant condition, for example, as pubic lice. All this can only appear as a result of intimate contact, which means that if this has never happened in your family, it came from outside.

Signs of infidelity should also be looked for on the husband's personal belongings. Lipstick on the collar is a classic “puncture” of many cheaters. In addition to traces of lipstick, the smell of women's perfume should alert.

The easiest way is to forgive your own infidelity.
Christina Kofta

Finally, a change in attitude towards one of the women you know can also indicate treason. Men are quite lazy, and often find love in their immediate surroundings - be it work or even a common landing. Your girlfriends are also under suspicion.

If your husband often visits a lonely neighbor, your girlfriend or colleague, even under plausible pretexts (fix a tap, replace a light bulb, dig a garden, etc.), urgently start an investigation - all this may turn out to be for a reason.

How to understand that a guy is cheating

If a the relationship has not yet developed into the stage of marriage, then it will be quite difficult to catch your potential half in treason. However, it all depends on how close you have become and how far your relationship with the guy has gone.

If you practically live civil marriage, then you can use the above signs of treason.

If the relationship is only going through the stage of formation, then betrayal will not be considered as such - the guy is still partner selection stage, and reproaching him that he communicates not only with you is not quite reasonable - it is better to make sure that he simply does not want to think about anyone other than you.


All these signs are often found in our everyday life. family life and we must respond to them in order to preserve family ties and strong relationships in family. If at least one of these signs is manifested in a husband, the wife should ask her beloved in most detail about the changes in his behavior and find out what is the reason.

The main thing is not to jump to conclusions. Before you accuse your husband of cheating, make sure that it really took place (or is still ongoing).

What do you think, what should be the reaction of his wife to the manifestation of one of the signs of infidelity? Please leave your comment on this.