Andrey Pereskokov. A frank conversation about art, talent and the place of man in art. Vladimir designer presented his Russian-style collection in San Francisco

Love for "non-Soviet" clothes

It all started from childhood, - says Andrey. - My mother was a person with good taste and instilled in me a love for high-quality "non-Soviet" clothes. By the nature of her activity, she worked abroad for many years and brought very interesting things that compare favorably with Soviet consumer goods. We had familiar tailors who sewed things of incredible beauty from the fabrics brought by my mother. Probably, this to some extent became the foundation that was laid in my further design career. True, he slept for a long time, waiting in the wings, but then, multiplied by life experience, fired.

I remember once my mother brought a chameleon raincoat fabric. Then this fabric seemed extra-fashionable to me, and I sewed an amazingly beautiful windbreaker out of it. All my friends then tortured me, asking her to go to the dance to delight their girlfriends, who had not seen such designer things before. I also remember how I came to visit my mother from Moscow, where I served in the army, and saw her curtains with palm trees in the bathroom. They seemed so cool to me that I sewed Bermuda shorts and a shirt from this fabric. It turned out great, but, to be honest, in Kovrov in the late 80s they didn’t understand this fashion then, but for Moscow at that time such things were at the peak of popularity - in the trend (laughs - corr. note)!

Then there were perestroika and the flourishing of the deficit. It was almost impossible to get anything decent. Then a long break - growing up, doing business, starting a family, traveling. I learned a lot of interesting observations from my trips, which helped me to look at fashion as a national phenomenon. Each country has its own distinctive features, which are shaped by the traditions and way of life of the people living there. I didn't sew as much as I used to. Only sometimes he altered the buttons for more suitable ones or made some correct, but unusual lapels on his strict suit.

Everything changed at the age of 40, when I began working as the director of the Exhibition Center in the city of Vladimir and I had to regularly conduct solemn events— opening of exhibitions, presentations of various projects. Then I realized that I didn’t want to look like everyone else, but I wanted to have my own corporate identity. Just understand me correctly: I did not shock in the manner of Sergei Zverev, but my clothes created a festive mood - I looked bright and elegant at the same time. To do this, I had to find tailors capable of implementing my design ideas, and at the same time giving 100% quality in their work. The latter for me has always been the most important condition for working with people who created for me with their own hands, I'm not afraid of this word, masterpieces.

High mark

I have always been a self-doubting and self-doubting person. I needed an assessment of a specialist, - continues Andrey Pereskokov. - I arranged a meeting with fashion designer Marta Kamenskaya, who has been dressing Russian pop and opera stars for many years. Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya were frequent guests in her workshop on the Arbat. Martha promised to give me 20 minutes, but in the end we talked for 2 hours. I received from this amazing woman both valuable advice, and a high appreciation of my work, and a lot of inspiration for new works.

It was 5 years ago. Today I am different. A more mature and more seasoned comrade. It is difficult for me to get out of creative balance with some negative points about the clothes that I create. But to be honest and without coquetry, there were probably no such moments. People come to me who know for sure that with me they will be able to find what is close to them and what their soul responds to.

Marta Kamenskaya once told me: “You happy man because you sew from expensive materials. You don't sew - you create. I fully agree with this. Every thing that comes to me is like a child.

For several years now, I have been a member of the examination committee of the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University. For me, this is a great honor and a huge responsibility.

Last year, the honorary chairman of the commission was the host of the Fashion Sentence program Alexander Vasiliev. One of the graduates presented a collection white color, and he criticized it very strongly, saying that in our Russian conditions no one wears white, but this is his private opinion. I see that many Russian and foreign designers are actively and fruitfully working with him. I was also interested in the collection of a student who spent a year in the Lenin Library in Moscow and made a collection of Scythian costumes. And it was an amazing combination of scientific approach and creativity ... I think five fives from me, a member of the Union of Designers of Russia, was best recognition her great talent.

How the people of Vladimir surprised Nice

Today's fashion is constantly turning to old traditions. Everything new is a well-forgotten old one,” Andrey says. - Velvet, natural silk, lace are in fashion again. I love using these materials in my work.

Today, I am sad that fashion is developing poorly in the Vladimir region. There are few enthusiasts who want to promote their fashion product to other regions and abroad. Yes, first of all, this requires a lot of money. But believe me, the return will be many times greater later. There are no designers yet who want to work in ethno-chic style. This is the main direction for me. Dressing up the long-forgotten old in new forms, giving a modern gloss, using new technologies, is cool. The foreign and domestic market is oversaturated with the same type of things, only a new look, independent of fashion trends and other nonsense that the monsters of the fashion industry impose on us can make us leaders and pay attention to what we offer. Unfortunately, now people who have money buy vulgar fakes with flashy labels, wear things “without character”. Often you have to watch the run for labels, cheap show-offs and a complete lack of feeling. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that in Moscow today the trends are more advanced in the field of what should be worn by people who have money. They turn to individual approach in choosing your wardrobe. Almost all things must be created by individual order in a single copy. Well, let's wait for these waves to approach our native shores. In the meantime, to the best of our modest capabilities, we ourselves break through to foreign and Russian sites. Often traveling abroad with my wife Elena, I notice how European fashionistas cast envious glances at the cut and embroidery of my suits. Complimenting originality by asking who the designer is and where it can be purchased. A couple of years ago we got married in Nice. The choice of the country and place was not accidental, but this is too personal and this is not about that in question. Lena was in a chic white dress made of the finest Brussels lace, over which a beautiful silk shawl was thrown over. self made, on me - a suit that refers us to the rule of princes in Russia. Local residents and tourists literally opened a photo hunt for us - they all asked to be photographed. Believe me, Nice is hard to surprise, but I did it.

Creating beauty is an expensive pleasure

Today I work with four, perhaps the coolest dressmakers in Vladimir, - Andrey Pereskokov shares his secrets. - And each of them has its own specialization - someone sews great fur, someone embroiders and embroiders with beads. Creating beauty is not a cheap pleasure, but such things will always be relevant. And over the years, they can also rise in price, like a good aged wine.

I have many artist friends for whom I created something. I can name Lyudmila Artemyeva and Arina Sharapova, but I won't name the others because they don't always want to advertise what they buy and from whom. I can only say that among them are the spouses of high-ranking politicians, Russian and foreign, and, of course, local famous citizens.

From show to show

I am the owner of a diploma from Slava Zaitsev for the best men's collection. We took this award in the Ethno-Chic nomination at the fairly prestigious Gubernsky Style festival in Voronezh.

It was like this: I took five of my costumes and went to the festival. There I was horrified by the number of participants. The event brought together 120 designers. Immediately there were difficulties with male models, with how to equip them. We still remember how, an hour before the show, I ran to the store to buy leatherette shoes for 600 rubles per pair, because they had size 45, and we brought shoes of size 40. But the guys tried to get into character, and we succeeded. It was euphoria when we announced the victory.

Perhaps this result inspired me to try my hand at European venues. I represented Russia as the only invited fashion designer at an international student forum in Bulgaria. It turned out great. At the request of the organizers, I even gave a master class there. Today we were invited to participate in fashion shows in France with the theme of national characteristics in a suit, which, in fact, I have been doing for a long time, they invite me to England. There is a very high level of the jury and the requirements for the presented clothing models, but this spurs the desire to get recognition there.

Five years ago, I saw the goal of my work in creating a House of Designers in Vladimir to replace the lost House of Models at Vspolye. I wanted there to be some kind of professional union where the "old people" could exchange experiences, and for the young it would be a creative base, a fashionable place where they would come for inspiration. But today I said goodbye to this idea, there are enough things to do. In my opinion, fashion is a soft power, with which, under the conditions of sanctions, one can easily communicate with foreign partners.

Although, to be honest, the hope that some strong business will want to invest money in this business remains. And it's not about my personal benefit or the benefit of any particular designer. Vladimir region can through such projects declare their cultural traditions, become the center of fashion attraction. For example, the Italian Milan is also not the capital, but the whole world knows and goes there to dress, leaving billions of euros. So why don't we turn Vladimir into the center of traditional Russian fashion, showing the whole world the beauty of the Russian costume and the Russian soul?

Andrey Pereskokov, deputy head of the department of culture and tourism of the regional center, told us about his ideas, famous designer and designer of luxury outfits. He has long been recognized both in Russia and abroad, thanks to his inimitable style of creating clothes. Exclusively handmade, worship of details and only natural fabrics. And also a unique technique!

Andrey Pereskokov, for example, uses an interesting "knot technology". He invented it himself. It takes up to 100 - 220 meters of cord to make a pattern on a dress. All knots are tied by hand. Such beauty, as Andrei Andreevich admits, cannot leave indifferent even the most sophisticated fashionistas! The designer is sure that it is important that people who come to Vladimir to see the sights know that there is also a center in our city where you can admire the beautiful, high-quality things of local designers...

About Fashion House

- I would be glad if the city has its own Fashion House or House of Designers, where Vladimir's guests could come. Comes to us great amount tourists, and everyone wants to take something to remember with them. Why don't we offer them… a Vladimir designer dress? Nested dolls, birch bark souvenirs are wonderful, but you need to move forward. And it is simply necessary to support designers. I am sure that this will be a breakthrough for the country as a whole; we are used to buying foreign things, but here is an alternative. And not anyhow!

For example, the Chinese often visit us. And how are they doing with fashion tourism? Gone are the days when buying clothes in Beijing was limited to purchasing traditional Chinese items or fakes. famous brands. Today, shops are popular there, where tourists from Europe and the United States are happy to buy things from local designers. Editors of glossy publications come to get acquainted with local talents. Fashion is born from these small designer houses. So why don't we create something of our own in Vladimir?

AT New Year and Christmas, for example, the city center shimmers with fabulous lights, and cozy wooden houses are everywhere where you can buy a lot of interesting things. Everything is there: leather goods, souvenirs, paintings, but no clothes. And if local designers had a desire to organize their own platform here for the sale of their goods, then I am sure that sooner or later Vladimir would definitely turn into a fashion center! It is important that young talents know how to express themselves. After all, today few come up with new projects, arrange exhibitions, invite television to cover their activities. It seems that there is no fashion in Vladimir either. But things could be different!

By the way, in addition to clothing designers, in the regional center there are excellent authors of hats and shoes. It's time for them to reach even higher levels. Fashion tourism may be the future!

About the "face" of talent

It's very difficult to be a talent these days. It is not enough to show it - it is important to demonstrate it! And you also need to have your own “face”, by which you will be recognized. and create collections. My first appearance in Vladimir, for example, took place in 2013. Then, as part of the aesthete project "Transfiguration", many well-known people in the region appeared on the stage: Maria Platanyuk, Tatyana Pozdnyakova, Elena Aksenova, Yulia Arsenina and others. They not only demonstrated clothes, but harmoniously carried it on themselves. After all, what is the most important thing in an outfit? Uniqueness, sophistication and harmony. To inspire you specifically with a dress or costume! And also to be comfortable in them. If you look at the catalog with my clothes, you will see many successful women of Vladimir. Why? They are not ashamed to try it on. All my models are very painstakingly created. I do not like to talk about those who have my things, but if you are interested, let's touch on Moscow. For example, the actress Lyudmila Artemyeva has a lot of my things: dresses, brooches, bags, shawls. I did a lot for her interesting dress in Russian style. And in general, I often travel to Moscow, as well as abroad.

I am very proud of my acquaintance with the Moscow fashion designer Marta Kamenskaya, who once created the images of Galina Vishnevskaya, Alla Demidova, Alisa Freindlich. At a personal meeting, she somehow noted: "You have your own handwriting." I treasure these words in my mind. They stimulate, like any praise from the lips of famous and truly talented people.

Andrey Pereskokov: “In the fashion industry, there are many ways to develop, and therefore promote business for those who are interested. I believe that now is just such a period in the country when Russian people need to get used to the culture of high-quality fashion. Creating your own unique product is so interesting! And it is important that talents remain in Vladimir and the region, and not go to the capital. And for this you need to try to keep promising guys, surround them with attention, care and support.”

FIGURE: 124 participants presented their works at the Provincial Style contest in Voronezh. Andrey Pereskokov was awarded a diploma for the best men's collection

To the point:


Winter in Russia is a rather cold and harsh season, when you want to dress as warm and comfortable as possible.

Vladimir stylist Anna Trubova told how to look fashionable and stylish at this time, and named the most current trends in winter 2016.

Layering. For example, in cold winter it will be quite possible to combine tight trousers with a thin blouse, a voluminous jumper, a loose-fitting coat with a snood scarf. But only slender girls can afford this style.

Complexity of kits. One tandem can include at least three things, and not necessarily combined in a classic and familiar way. Welcome contrasts and bold ideas. Comfort and convenience should come first. So make sure you stay warm.

Fur is one of the main trends of winter 2016. It can be in a woman's wardrobe not only in the form of a fur coat or short fur coat, but also in the form of trim on coats, skirts, jewelry, shoes and all kinds of accessories. Let's not forget about artificial fur: according to their qualities and appearance it is in no way inferior to natural.

At the peak of popularity jersey- these are all kinds of voluminous sweaters, turtlenecks, dresses, pullovers. We give special preference to hand-knitted models, the main thing is to move away from the pure white knitted knitwear of the past season and succumb to the bright riot of colors of the present.

Accessories: dimensionless unisex hats are in trend, which can be safely purchased by both men and women, because the size of such a headdress is large enough and you can drape it yourself.

Bulk bags. You can put anything in them, for example, a warm thing in case of cold weather, cosmetics and even lunch. It is comfortable, bright and stylish.
A voluminous, warm scarf of various colors and textures. And we must always remember that in order to create your own style, you need to be guided by a sense of proportion, take into account your professional interests, social status, figure proportions, appearance, age parameters, behavior style.

Let the winter be stylish, bright, fashionable and comfortable!

Photo by Svetlana Romanova

About the concept of "designer"

– I do not want to offend anyone, but today many people call themselves designers. For example, young girls, "chasing" bright prints on T-shirts. But for me, a designer is a person who takes fashion seriously, who brings something of his own - new technology sewing or designing fabrics, for example. I can compare modern fashion with one exhibition, which was held in Moscow. Many wealthy people came to her. In the center stood a cube, at 12 o'clock it was supposed to open. Everyone was waiting for something special. Opened the cube - there is nothing there. But everyone began to admire the idea! It's the same with us. But you come up with a unique sewing technique, some more interesting moves - variations with fabrics, embroidery! This will be art. You will be proudly called a designer. And you won’t make beautiful girls with pictures with ice cream balls. And you will not bring anything new into fashion.

Photo by Svetlana Romanova

About style and technique

- I love experimenting! I love details. Often my wife says: “I want a simple dress!”, And I answer her: “Then you definitely need another designer.” Someone told me: "Your everything is royal-princely." I remember it. One of my dresses, for example, uses a unique knot technology. I came up with it myself. It takes 130 meters of cord to make a pattern on a dress! All knots are tied by hand. In time, it takes about 2.5 weeks. And only then my dressmaker sits for 10 days sewing everything. Crazy work! I believe that fashion should look and be expensive. Sometimes you come to the store, you want to buy something, but you see the whole size range. So, there is a high probability that at the event you can cross paths with someone in a similar way. Of course, for high-ranking officials, this is a real problem!

Photo: Alena Gurina,

About customers

- If you look at the catalog with my clothes, you will see many successful women in the city of Vladimir - Maria Platanyuk, Alina Vedekhina and others. And they agreed to take part in the shooting, because they know what my clothes are. Only natural fabrics. And all models are very painstakingly created. I do not like to talk about those who have my things, but if you are interested, let's touch on Moscow. For example, the actress Lyudmila Artemyeva has a lot of my things: dresses, brooches, bags, shawls. I made her a very interesting dress in the Russian style ...

About the gift for Arina Sharapova

– There was a forum in our region in the summer. And it so happened that Arina Sharapova celebrated her birthday here. When my wife and I approached her to talk, she saw my wife was wearing an outfit and exclaimed: “Oh! I want this! Who is the designer? Of course, I was flattered. As a result, my wife and I presented Arina with a very beautiful shawl. And now this little thing in her wardrobe. Nicely!

The question of the implementation of international relations by the mayor's office of Vladimir has finally been resolved. Andrey Pereskokov, the former director of the Municipal Exhibition Center, will build relationships with foreign partners.

Recall that one of the first decisions of the new head of the city / chairman of the City Council Olga Deyeva was the rejection of representative functions at the international level.

An initiative to curtail their own powers of the opposition minority at a meeting of the Council of People's Deputies. However, the issue is through public hearings on changes to the Charter of the city of Vladimir.

Despite the fact that the decision to change the Charter was made on November 20, employees of the department of international and regional relations of the Council of People's Deputies of the city of Vladimir received notices of reduction on October 8, 2015, ex-head of the international department Anna Makarova told Zebra TV.

At present, all employees of the disbanded structure of the City Council, who know two foreign languages, were out of work. According to Makarova, she herself was not offered any work in the mayor's office of Vladimir. And the employees of her international department were invited to work in the administration of the department of culture under the supervision of Alina Vedekhina, but they refused such an offer.

Makarova said that the disbanded international structure of the city council maintained relations with more than 20 partner cities. The most "live" was the contact with the German cities of Erlangen and Jena.

The official representative of the city administration of Vladimir Alexander Karpilovich confirmed to Zebra TV that Andrey Pereskokov was appointed responsible for the international relations of the Orange House. However, questions about the competencies of the new leader, his experience in this field and the number of subordinates were not answered at the mayor's office of Vladimir during the working day.

Karpilovich only explained that the new structure of the administration of the city of Vladimir will be subordinate to the department of culture and tourism, headed by Alina Vedekhina.

Zebra TV contacted Andrei Pereskokov, who confirmed that on December 22 he was appointed head of the international relations department of the Vladimir city administration.

When asked how many people he would have under his command, Pereskokov could not answer. He explained that more accurate information on this matter will appear approximately next Friday.

Andrey Pereskokov spoke about his experience in the field of international relations as follows:

« I had some experience with the Serbian embassy in Russian Federation- We did several projects with them dedicated to the First World War. I'm very a good relationship with the Israeli Embassy in the Russian Federation. I have a certificate of honor from them for doing a very serious project "The Holocaust is a crime against humanity." There are also relations with the Bulgarian side - I have repeatedly traveled there and repeatedly participated in cultural events. During the First World War, we also did a big project with the Germans. Therefore, this work is not new for me at all - it is clear to me who to communicate with. And my last project, Blockade Windows of Leningrad, supported the Russkiy Mir project, which has more than 120 offices in various countries of the world. There are options for working with them on foreign sites. That is, there is nothing new in this work for me. I am not going to engage in space development, in which I do not understand anything. But this work is close to me».

When asked if he knew foreign languages, Andrei Pereskokov replied that he had an English special school behind him.

The new head of the international department of the Vladimir city administration noted that he is a graduate student of the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. In addition, he has two higher educations behind him: the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics and the Vladimir Institute of Business.

Let us also remind Pereskokov that he is a member of the Union of Designers of Russia.

Photo from

By the way, on November 19, 2015, it was Andrei Pereskokov who was entrusted with presenting the city of Vladimir for a large St. Petersburg delegation. Here's how he dealt with it.

Can Vladimir become a trendsetter? It's pretty hard to imagine. But you should not underestimate your city and, in particular, some of its inhabitants. Andrey Pereskokov is a premium fashion designer who creates things that appeal to people whose faces are familiar throughout the country. For example, actress Lyudmila Artemyeva has been wearing outfits from a local brand for several years now. How does our fellow countryman take sophisticated fashionistas?

“I don't have a retail outlet and have no desire to be involved in sales. I create beauty. It is for her that I design clothes. And when quite famous people turn to me, I offer them only something individual and exclusive. Actually, all my collections are aimed at this. I like to mix fabrics, furs and gems. The result is luxurious outfits, not only for women, but also for men. For some reason, the male sex in our city, and not only, is a little infringed in this regard. Look at what clothing stores generally offer: everything is either black or gray and boring. I have a completely different take. An interesting image is born in my head, which is first transferred to paper, and then recreated by my experienced craftswomen.

All things are made of expensive and good-quality fabrics, many of which I bring from abroad. Their prices are high, but worth it. It's not mass production. For example, brocade with gold threads. Can you imagine how it looks in sunlight? Any woman in this outfit will shine like a goddess.

Here are the costumes that are made especially for my wife. She is an official, so she cannot afford too catchy things. But even in such very discreet dresses, she always looks bright and elegant.”

In addition to clothes, Andrey's creative workshop also creates women's jewelry. No consumer goods. All in a single copy, handmade and only from natural materials. Moreover, even the boxes are exclusive, made by a fairly well-known company in Moscow.

“Recently I presented one of my thistle brooches to the well-known TV presenter Arina Sharapova. She liked the decoration so much that she immediately posted it on her page in social networks. It was extremely pleasant for me. Still, when you are highly appreciated by stars of this magnitude, a thought slips through my head: it means I’m not working in vain. ”

The sense of style of the Vladimir designer appeared for a reason. He grew up among the children of the party elite. Mom is an official who worked abroad for 6 years, the rest of her relatives are military personnel of high ranks. Therefore, from an early age, Andrey got used to seeing high-quality things from luxurious materials.

“I do not hide the fact that I grew up in a good family. That's why I have taste. I remember my mother brought such chic outfits from Germany. It was just crazy! So I know a lot about expensive things and I think that it is high time to open our own Fashion House in our city. Indeed, a huge number of tourists come to Vladimir, and we offer them the same thing. No, we have a wonderful souvenir products, but the spectrum must definitely be expanded. We have something to surprise even connoisseurs of the fashion industry. My collections are proof of that. They were admired by the famous Moscow designer Marta Kamenskaya, who created images for Galina Vishnevskaya and Alisa Freindlich. At the meeting, she told me: “I recognize your things from a thousand, because you have your own, special style, your own design handwriting.”