Christian Resources. How Mother's Day is celebrated around the world

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mother's day in different countries Prepared by: educator of the extended day group GBOU secondary school No. 5 of the Vasileostrovsky district of St. Petersburg STEPANOVA EMMA ANTONOVNA MA - MA There is an eternal word in our world, Short, but the most cordial. It is beautiful and kind, It is simple and convenient, Incomparable to anything in the world: MA - MA! What could be more precious than a mother's love? It is extolled by all peoples of the world with any culture. Many states, paying tribute to motherhood, celebrate Mother's Day. United States The holiday is celebrated on the second Sunday in May. On this day, mothers receive flowers as a gift and Greeting Cards. And this wonderful tradition was born in Virginia in 1910. Then the initiative was supported by other states. In 1914, Mother's Day became a national holiday. Since then, it has been regularly celebrated throughout America. Australia Mothers are celebrated at the same time in Australia. At the same time, children give red carnations to their mothers. But white carnations are placed on the graves of dead mothers. Throughout the holiday, sons and daughters unquestioningly obey their parents and try to please them in everything. In addition to flowers, it is customary to give gifts made by one's own hands. Germany For the first time noted the kind and good holiday in 1922. In the days of Nazi Germany, mothers of large families on a holiday were awarded medals made of silver. And if there were a lot of children, they gave a gold medal. These days, loving German children give their mothers flowers and small souvenirs. This event is celebrated on the second Sunday in May, as in most other countries. France Honoring the mother began to be practiced during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. Modern holiday celebrated since 1950. It falls on the last Sunday in May. The French do not consider flowers the main gift. They prefer to give gifts of average value. It can be a set of cosmetics, a picture, a rare book or a bottle of good wine. On this day, it is customary for the whole family to have dinner in a restaurant. A special chic is a pie baked by children. Egypt Mothers are treated with great respect in the country. The holiday falls on March 21, and they call it "Family Day". On this date, a tribute is paid to the whole family, but the main congratulations are addressed, of course, to the keeper of the hearth. For the ancient Egyptians, the goddess Isis was the personification of motherhood. So the holiday is extremely ancient, and the beginning of its celebration is lost in the darkness of centuries. Spain Mother's Day is celebrated on December 8th. And it has rather a religious meaning, because it is associated with the veneration of Mother Mary. To make this day special for mothers, children buy sweets and flowers. Thailand Tributes to mothers have been paid since 1976. It's August 12th. It is on this date that the birthday of Queen Sirikita falls. It is believed that this crowned person is the founder of the nation. This holiday is celebrated with a truly royal scale. National flags and portraits of the Queen are hung on the facades of buildings. Fireworks in Bangkok. In the evening, candles are lit in the houses, and children kneel down and give their parents jasmine. Mother's Day is good good holiday. But he praises not only motherhood, but also women's work. Experts have calculated that housewives, doing only household chores, “wind” about 40 km per day. At the same time, they perform up to 200 different cases.

“Mother's Day Holiday” - Mother, as if in confession, will forgive us sin and untruth, protect and understand. Mom is like a prayer in the mouth of a baby and an adult ... On the fourth Sunday of Great Lent, English mothers were honored. In everyday worries, we do not notice the nagging maternal pain. Mother subtly feels the boundaries of lies and truth.

"International Mother's Day" - "Why do we need Mother's Day? Spain and Portugal - 8 December. Dmitry Malikov's song "Happy birthday, mom!". Second Sunday in May. Armenia - the holiday is closely connected with the church. Serbia - December. Estonia - matinees in schools and kindergartens. Australia is a holiday for mothers and pregnant women. Ancient Greece - in honor of Gaia - the mother of the great Zeus (mid-March).

"Woman-mother" - Natalia Dolgorukova. Maria Volkonskaya. After 9 years, the husband was executed. The townspeople noticed: where blessed Xenia goes, good luck comes there. Church of Peter and Fevronia. Why, sir, are you moving forward? Xenia of Petersburg. Ekaterina Ivanovna Trubetskaya. Margarita Tuchkova. In June 1831, Camilla went to her lover.

"Mother's Day" - On Mother's Day, only mothers and pregnant women are honored, and not all of the fairer sex. Literary and musical composition. Mother. 22 p In many countries of the world, Mother's Day is celebrated, however, in different time. Women and war... What could be more unnatural? The most beautiful of women - A woman with a child in her arms!

"Mom" - Volkov Sasha. Who will understand and support you in difficult times? Borodanova Nastya. Of course, mom. I try to help my mother with household chores. I love my mom very much. Mom means love. I always turn to my mother for help. Most best person in the world - mother. Heh Victor. Mom is the most intelligent, beautiful, kind.

"Slim Mom" ​​- I love you, no doubt! Comic congratulations for a skinny mom. Do you visit a psychiatrist? What powders do you swallow? Do you go to Kadoni to clean your karma? Tell me, mom, in secret, What diet do you follow? Completed by a student of grade 7A Selminskaya O. Or do you live in a gym? Perhaps you are wearing a steel corset?

In total there are 19 presentations in the topic

Mother's Day in the USA

This day was first celebrated in the United States of America in 1910. The history of this holiday is as follows: in 1908, a young American, Anna Jervis from Philadelphia, took the initiative to honor mothers in memory of her mother, who died prematurely. Anna wrote letters to government agencies, legislatures, prominent people with a proposal to devote one day a year to honoring mothers. Her efforts were crowned with success - in 1910, the state of Virginia was the first to recognize Mother's Day as official holiday.

In the United States of America, this holiday is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

In terms of popularity among Americans, Mother's Day is in fifth place after St. Valentine, Fathers Day, Easter and Christmas. On this day, all sons, regardless of their relationship with their parents, should visit their mother, present her with a symbolic gift, and stay with her for some time.

Mother's Day in Australia

In Australia, Mother's Day is celebrated with gusto. However, how could it be otherwise? Australian Mother's Day coincides with the American - the second Sunday in May - and is celebrated in a very similar way.

Australians use this day to express sincere gratitude and appreciation to their mothers. Adults give serious gifts, kids - flowers and cards.

As in the United States, in Australia, the tradition of wearing a carnation flower on clothes has taken root on this day. A colored carnation means that a person's mother is alive and well, white flowers are pinned to clothes in memory of departed mothers.

In addition to their own mothers, children thank and congratulate their grandmothers, as well as all the women who raised them and cared for them with no less love. Another great holiday tradition is that children prepare breakfast for their mothers and bring it right to bed, along with flowers and gifts.

Mother's Day in Brazil

Every year, every second Sunday in May, Brazil, like many countries around the world, celebrate Mother's Day - Dia das Maes.

The first Women's Day was held at the initiative of the Christian Association in Porto Alegre on May 12, 1918. In 1932, the President of the country, Getulio Vargas, officially confirmed this date as a holiday.

In Brazil, large families are common, with three or four children, so it is not difficult to imagine how heartfelt and important such a day became.

Today, this popular and respected holiday takes place, as a rule, in the family circle, but the day before, in preschool and school institutions, children with teachers diligently prepare festive performances and gifts for mothers.

The holiday is not disregarded by various retail chains that attract buyers with large discounts and low prices set specifically for this event in order to please women of different generations.

Mother's Day in Austria

Mother's Day is celebrated in Austria, as in many other countries, every second Sunday in May. The traditions of celebrating this day are very similar to the traditions of March 8 in Russia. Usually children on this holiday present small bouquets of spring flowers. At school and in special classes, children are helped to learn poetry and make gifts.

This holiday is dedicated to many recreational activities, confectioners bake special cakes, and special dishes appear on the menu of restaurants.

The Austrians also have Father's Day - it is usually celebrated on the day of the Catholic Ascension.

Mother's Day in Italy

On this day, all the children of Italy bring flowers, sweets, small gifts to their mothers to once again express their love and gratitude to them.

This holiday has a great history. It was during this period of the year that the ancient Greeks and Romans honored the Goddess of Fertility. Indeed, at the beginning of May, nature explodes with flowers, aromas, joy, which spreads with the first warm spring breeze.

mothers, brave women who know when to shut up, and when to support and give the necessary advice, who love their children simply for what they are, whatever they may be ... On this day they are rightfully - Queens and all flowers, all gifts, all sweets peace, all good words- all at their feet!

Mother's Day in Canada

"That best academy, a mother's knee" (James Russell Lowell).

"There is no better academy than mother's knees." Two centuries ago, the American poet, critic, essayist, and professor at Harvard University, James Russell Lowell, thought so. It seems that nothing has changed since then in this matter, and all over the world, in all ages, grateful sons and daughters of their mothers will agree with him.

Mother's Day Holiday in Canada is not just a version of "March 8" - International women's day. The emergence of this holiday is the result of the tireless efforts of the American Miss Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia, who wanted to express recognition not only to her mother, who raised 11 children, but to all mothers in general. She was able to convince President Wilson himself of the need for an official celebration, and in 1914 the second Sunday in May was designated Mother's Day in America. Canadians also joined the idea of ​​an officially organized reward on this day of honor and gratitude to mothers.

On this day, like ours on March 8, they give gifts to mothers, make them all sorts of pleasant surprises, and even release them from the obligation to wash dishes (and wash them in a dishwasher, for example). Usually, all family members get up early on this day, but mother's morning sleep is especially carefully guarded. And while mom is sleeping, everyone cooks for her her favorite dishes together, and when she wakes up, they serve her breakfast right in bed. They behave with her all day like a queen, pleasing and entertaining her in every possible way. The only thing she is allowed to do on this day is to open front door when the messenger calls, delivering a pre-ordered gift for her or a luxurious holiday bouquet.

Shops on the eve of Mother's Day, of course, "in full combat readiness." Especially for this day, a lot of goods "for mothers" are produced, with congratulatory inscriptions on beautiful labels. You have to take care of booking a table in a restaurant ahead of time if you are going to invite your mother to a festive lunch or dinner that day. And tickets for excursions and recreational trips, which are becoming an increasingly popular gift for Mother's Day in Canada, are sold out even a few weeks before it. It is noteworthy that the organizers of the Mother's Day holiday tours on the Prairie Dog Central Railway special sightseeing train, plying through the landscapes of the Canadian Prairie, except excellent conditions for relaxation, they also provide personalized gifts for all mothers traveling on it.

Mother-in-law and mother-in-law also do not go unnoticed on this day. More than 600 Canadians aged 18 to 60 took part in a recent study commissioned by Hallmark Canada and Chatelaine magazine. At the same time, 90% of respondents said that in reality they love the mothers of their wives and husbands, and 9% of Canadians consider relationships with mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law even closer than with their own mothers. All this, according to the researchers, speaks of a change in the "face of the Canadian family."

Before the widely celebrated Mother's Day in Canada, a fairly large number of buyers are interested in postcards for women who do not fall under the traditional category of mothers. Hallmark, a leading manufacturer of postcards, is constantly increasing sales of its products for mothers-in-law and mothers-in-law, who are destined for the inscription: "The one who is like a mother."

Mother's Day in China

Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated annually in China on the second Sunday of May.

This is a day of remembrance for mothers, when their work and selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children is paid tribute. On Mother's Day, the Chinese congratulate their mothers, present them with flowers and gifts.

In some cities (for example, in Shanghai), adult children arrange matinees for mothers with performances, set the table with plentiful refreshments for all those present.

Mother's Day in Japan

"Mom, you knitted mittens for me.
Knitted tirelessly on long cold evenings.
News will come to me from my native land,
And in it - the smell of a hearth ... "

The lines of this old and kind "Mom's Song" (1958) are known to all Japanese. On the second Sunday of May, of course, it will sound in many homes, reminding of great maternal love and care.

In 1915, they learned about Mother's Day in Japan thanks to a foreign woman, a professor at the Aoyama Gakuin Missionary University. Groups of Christian believers help to spread the holiday throughout the country, holding festive services in churches and readings in Sunday schools. But the conservative society is not yet ready to accept the innovation. Society, which for a long time belittled the position of women, does not consider the daily work of the mother for the benefit of the family, for children something special, worthy of gratitude and holiday.

Time passes, and pre-war Japan of the 30s is rapidly strengthening its militaristic orientation, cultivating a new ideology. An integral part of the new ideology is the symbol of the Emperor-God and the greatness of the imperial family. Since 1931, Mother's Day has been established on March 6, exactly on the birthday of the wife of the living Emperor, emphasizing her historical significance as the "Mother of all the Japanese people."

Having survived the loss in World War II and the defeat of Emperor Hirohito, post-war Japan becomes the object of the introduction of American culture, and as a result, since 1947, Mother's Day has been moved to the second Sunday in May. Congresses of women are held in the country, mothers are invited to schools, glorifying their work.

For a long time, there was a tradition in the country on Mother's Day to pin a carnation on the chest - a symbol of a mother's love for her child. Red carnations decorated clothes with children whose mothers are alive, and white - children who have lost their mothers.

AT last years Mother's Day celebrations in Japan are becoming more and more commercial, often replacing the concept of "expressing gratitude" with the banal act of "give a gift." On Sunday it becomes lively, all kinds of sales, lotteries are arranged, discounts are provided on popular goods. On the eve of this day, department store shelves are abundantly filled with traditional "goods for mothers". Blouses, aprons, wallets, handbags, kitchen utensils, Jewelry, sweets - and this, of course, is only a part of materialized feelings, from which the Japanese choose a gift, invariably applying a red carnation to it.

But no matter what stereotypes representing Japanese society and the position of women in it would not exist in the world, the Japanese really appreciate and love their mothers. Every Japanese knows that "the center of the Japanese family (read - society) is a woman-mother." Men are incredibly comfortable and reassuringly calm from such a consciousness.

Mother's Day in Germany

Mother's Day in Germany is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.

In Thuringia (one of the 16 federal states of Germany) in the Middle Ages there was a Sunday (necessarily in the spring, because spring is the beginning of life, and the mother gives this life), on which relatives were visited and wished wealth and prosperity. Mother was blessed on this day separately and with great honors.

The tradition of the annual and national holiday of Mother's Day came to Germany from the United States at the beginning of the 20th century. It was then that the custom was strengthened to celebrate it in May.

Mother's Day was celebrated in Germany for the first time in 1923. National holiday celebrated since 1933.

On this day, mothers are given flowers, small souvenirs, pleasant things, unexpected surprises and hot kisses. Although the main gift is attention. Adult children visit their parents' house and thus tell them: "We have not forgotten you and we will be grateful to you for everything."

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Mother's Day This holiday is a holiday of eternity: from generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most main man in life.

A new holiday - Mother's Day - is gradually taking root in Russia. Founded by the President Russian Federation January 30, 1998, it is celebrated in last sunday november. And although this holiday is celebrated for only the eighth year, but at all times, mother has been and remains the most important and close person for each of us.

The official explanation for this holiday is as follows. Mother's Day meets the best traditions of Russians' attitude to motherhood, unites all layers of Russian society on the ideas of kindness and reverence for the woman-Mother. In addition, as many believe, it is necessary to raise the status of a woman-mother. Mother's Day is a relatively young holiday. It does not yet have established traditions; few people celebrate it in the family circle. But we hope that over time the significance of this day will increase, because in terms of meaning and content this is the most holy holiday.

Many countries around the world celebrate Mother's Day. For example, the USA, Malta, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Ukraine, Estonia celebrate it on the second Sunday of May, Greece on May 9, and Belarus on October 14.

Mother's Day in China. Mother's Day is a holiday celebrated annually in China on the second Sunday of May. This is a day of remembrance for mothers, when their work and selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children is paid tribute. On Mother's Day, the Chinese congratulate their mothers, present them with flowers and gifts. In some cities, adult children arrange matinees for mothers with performances, set the table with plentiful refreshments for all those present.

Mothers have always been distinguished by generosity of soul, devotion, self-sacrifice, love and great patience. And today they carefully keep the family hearth, teach children kindness, mutual understanding, morality.

Becoming a mother, a woman discovers in herself best qualities: kindness, love and care.

Among the many holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. On this day, I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give children love, kindness, tenderness and affection.

A spoon of snow disturbing, The night is big, Why are you, silly, do not sleep? Sleep your neighbors Polar bears, Sleep soon and you, baby.

We are sailing on an ice floe, As on a brigantine, On gray, harsh seas. And all night the neighbors, Star bears Shine on distant ships.

No matter how many good, kind words are said to mothers, no matter how many reasons for this they come up with, they will not be superfluous: “Thank you! .. And let each of you be told more often nice words your beloved children! Let a smile shine on their faces and joyful sparks sparkle in their eyes when you are together!


The script of the holiday "Mother's Day"

Teacher primary school: Filippova Svetlana Sergeevna

MOU secondary school No. 5g. Volska

Goals: 1. Create a warm moral climate between mothers and children.

2. To develop the creative and acting abilities of children, the desire to arrange holidays for loved ones.

3. Raise love, feelings of gratitude and respect for mothers.

Equipment: - presentation "Mother's Day in different countries";

Presentation "Moms and children";

Presentation "Lullaby of Mother Bear";

A selection of music for the holiday;

Exhibition of drawings "Our mothers";

Gifts for moms.

The course of the holiday

Holiday music sounds. To the applause of the children, the mothers enter the classroom.

Student: Mame

Becomes a good tradition

One of the November days

Confessing love to mom

Say "thank you" to her.

She loves us endlessly

And there is no stronger love.

And we all know very well

That they owe their lives to her.

Dear, beloved mother,

I'm ready to repeat again.

I am growing and with me

And my love is growing.


Today we want to congratulate our dear and beloved mothers on the holiday, which is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, to congratulate on Mother's Day.


Happy holiday,

Happy holiday,

Happy holiday,

wonderful, wonderful,

Happy holiday of affection,

Love and attention

Happy Women's Charm!


Mother's Day is international holiday. Here is how it is celebrated in different countries.

Presentation "Mother's Day in different countries" (slide 4.5)

Mother's Day is a wonderful occasion to once again say words of love and gratitude to the dearest and most close person, to pay tribute to love, to generous maternal hearts, to their caring and affectionate hands.

Mommy, mommy! So we call our most dear and beloved person. The first word that every baby says is the word "mom".


This word sounds the same

In various earthly languages

Whispers - mom! - caressed baby,

Falling asleep in her arms.

The first step - and the first fall,

And through tears he calls his mother,

Mom is a true salvation,

Only mom can save me from pain.

Teacher: - There is such a parable.

The day before his birth, the child asked God:

I don't know why I'm going into this world. What should I do?

God replied:

I will give you an angel who will always be by your side.

He will explain everything to you.

But how will I understand him, because I do not know his language?

The angel will teach you his language.

He will protect you from all troubles.

What is my angel's name?

It doesn't matter what his name is. He has many different names.

But you will call him mom.


Each of us has this kind angel who takes care of us. It is from the mother's lips that the child hears the first words and songs in his life.

Today all our kind words sound only for you, dear mothers!


Who came to me in the morning?

Mommy. (chorus)

Who said: "It's time to get up?"

Mommy. (chorus)

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Mommy. (chorus)

Tea - pour me into a cup?

Mommy. (chorus)

Who braided my hair?

Mommy. (chorus)

Whole house swept one?

Mommy. (chorus)

Who picked flowers in the garden?

Mommy. (chorus)

Who kissed me?

Mommy. (chorus)

Who childish loves laughter?

Mommy. (chorus)

Who is the best in the world?

Mommy. (chorus)

Student: I love my mother

Mom brings me

toys, sweets,

But I love mom

Not for that at all.

Funny songs

She sings

We are both bored

Never happens.

I open it

All your secrets.

But I love my mom

Not only for this.

I love my mom

I'll tell you straight

Hy just for something

That she is my mother!

Teacher: Monologue "Mom"

Close your eyes, listen. You will hear your mother's voice. He lives in you, so familiar and dear. You can't confuse it with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember your mother's voice, mother's eyes, mother's hands. You didn’t know how to speak yet, but your mother understood you without words. She knew what you wanted. Mom taught you to walk, talk, mom read you the very first book. Mom is always there. Everything you see, everything that surrounds you, starts with your mother.

Presentation "Moms and children" + poem


There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked for centuries!

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms. (Slide 9)

From any misfortune conjuring

(She's not good at all!)

No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,

Proud, sublime mother. (Slide 10)

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,

And so it stands for centuries:

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms. (Slide 10)

Everything in the world is marked with traces,

No matter how many paths you walk,

The apple tree is decorated with fruits,

A woman is the fate of her children. (Slide 10)

May the sun applaud her forever,

So she will live for centuries,

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a baby in her arms! (Slide 10)


Mother! What a good word!

Mom is always ready to be there

In a moment of misfortune, she is always there,

Support with a smile, and a word, and a look.

Share hopes, console, understand

It will surely go along in life.

You can always trust her without looking back,

It is easy to entrust any secret to her.

Contest (for moms) “Who said:“ Mom ”?


Now remember how the children were small, naughty and did not want to sleep. And my mother's voice is so dear and gentle. Every mother has her own lullaby, but they are all filled with love. Let's remember and sing one of them.

Presentation "Lullaby of mother bear" (slide 11,12,13)

(The soundtrack of the song sounds, mothers and children receive printed text.)


Mom can be without shame,

Give the medal "Hero of Labor"

All her deeds - do not count,

Not even time to sit down.

And cooks and cleans

Reading a fairy tale at night

And in the morning with great desire

Mom goes to work

And then shopping

No, we can't live without mom. ( chorus)


All girls really want to be like their mother, to grow up to be the same skillful and dexterous hostess. However, this requires a lot to learn. In the meantime ... Not everything turns out well.

Student: (girls) Poem-joke "Mistress"

Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired.

She was busy with the housework:

The house is big and I'm alone

Oh my back hurts.

I fiddled with the laundry for an hour -

It turned out a dress with a hole,

I sat down to darn in the corner -

Got stuck on a needle.

I washed the dishes, washed,

I broke my mother's cup.

Paul scraped white.

Bang! She spilled the jam.

Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired

She did housework.

All: If you need help -

Call, we are not away!

Student: (boys)E. Uspensky If I were a girl

If I were a girl

I wouldn't waste my time!

I wouldn't jump on the street

I would wash my shirts

I would wash the floor in the kitchen,

I would sweep the room

I would wash cups, spoons,

I'd peel the potatoes myself

All my own toys

I would put it in place!

Why am I not a girl?

I would love to help my mom!

Mom would have said:

"Well done, son!"

N. Grozovsky

I save my mother's work,

I help as much as I can.

Today mom for lunch

Cooked cutlets

And she said, "Listen,

Help out, eat!"

I ate a little

Isn't it help?

Student: (girls)

You guys don't mess with us.

I do laundry with my mom.

To make the dress cleaner

And the scarf was whiter,

Tpy me, sparing no soap,

Tpy me, sparing no effort.

Panama became clean.

"Hey, mom, look!"

Mom smiles at me

“Strongly, daughter, not three.

I'm afraid that after washing

I'll have to darn holes."


It's great to have mothers

For this they praise and honor

Because they are good

Caring and so gentle.

And the hands of mothers - yes, it's just a miracle.

Everywhere and everything will be in time:

Get out, bake a cake, a pie,

And learn a lesson with us.

All: Glory to dear mothers! -

We always tell them.

Game "Broken Phone"(children and mothers play)

Phrases: - Kitten, you are my favorite.

I love you so much.

Teacher: - Every mother from childhood strokes her child many times, her hands are so warm and tender.

Contest "Find Mom's Hands"

(You need to form 2 circles: in one - the mothers of girls, in the other - the mothers of boys. In each circle, they take turns blindfolded one child, walk in a circle to the music and feel their mother's hands by touch).

Learner: Chastushki

1. We are funny girlfriends

We dance and sing

And now we'll tell you

How we live with mothers.

2. Mom in the morning our Mila

Gave me two candies

I barely had time to give

And then she ate them herself.

3. "I will help my mother," -

Our Antoshka says.

But how do you wash dishes?

His stomach hurts.

4. Dasha washed the floors,

Nastya helped.

It's just a pity, mom again

Washed everything.

5. Dad solved the problem for me,

Helped with math.

We then decided with mom

That he couldn't decide.

6. Mom asked Luda

Wash dirty dishes.

For some reason, Luda became

Just as dirty as dishes.

7. To make mom surprised

We have prepared lunch.

For some reason even a cat

She ran away from the cutlets.

8. We finish singing ditties

And we give this advice:

Help more moms

They will live a hundred years!


We conducted surveys among children in advance on the topic “Me and my mother”, that's what we managed to find out.

The child about himself ....

Favorite food - ………………………………..

Best friend -…………………………………

Favourite hobby -…………………………

Favorite holiday -……………………….

Favourite song - ……………………………

Favorite game, toy - ………………….

At home, my mother calls me - …………… ..

A child about his mother ....

In her free time, mom loves- .………….

Mom loves to cook (dishes) - ……………

Mom's favorite flowers - …………………...

Mom's favorite pastime is ………………….

Mom dreams - ….……………………………

How mom likes to relax ………………..

At home, we call mom like this ………………

Contest "Know Yourself Mom"

Moms, this is how children see you, try to get to know yourself.

Contest "Mom, get to know me"

And now, mothers, guess whose child we are talking about.

Learner: Multi-colored gift P. Sinyavsky

I am a colorful gift

I decided to give it to my mother.

I tried, I drew

Four pencils.

But first I'm on red

Pushed too hard

And then, behind the red immediately

Purple broke

And then the blue broke

And the orange broke...

Still, the portrait is beautiful,

Because it's mom!

Contest "Mom, know yourself"

(according to the drawings of children, mothers find their portraits)


I really want friends, to do what is impossible,

Kick the ball in the apartment, make some noise,

Pamper and walk through the puddles,

Tired of listening!


Our dear mothers, on this day the guys want to make a promise to you.

Student: We promise! (chorus)

Do not make noise, do not play, do not shout, do not somersault.

And don't be stubborn with dear moms.

We give you a promise: to save you from the hassle.

But, of course, we give you a promise not for a year.

Not for an hour. For two minutes, two minutes of silence, peace and quiet.

Mothers must understand what it is.

Don't disturb for two minutes, don't shout for two minutes.

Don't dangle your feet. Try it yourself!


We wish our mothers

Never lose heart.

Every year to be more beautiful

And scold us less.

We wish you dear

Always be healthy

So that you live long, long,

Never get old!

May adversity and sorrow

Will bypass you

So that every day of the week

It was like a day off for you.


And now we turn not only to mothers, but also to children ...


No matter how the course of events beckons you,

No matter how you draw into your whirlpool,

Take care of your mother's eyes

From insults, from hardships and worries.


At night, there was a hysterical cough,

The old woman fell ill

For many years she has been in our apartment

Living alone in a room

Letters were, only very rarely

And then without noticing us,

She walked and whispered:

Children, you should come to me at least once.

Your mother bent over, turned gray

What to do old age has come,

How good would we be

Next to our table.

You walked under this table,

Together they sang songs until dawn,

And now they've gone, gone

And go get you all...

Mother fell ill, and that very night

The telegraph did not have time to shout:

"Children, urgently! Only very urgent:

Come, mother is ill!”

From Odessa, Tallinn, Igarka,

Putting things aside for the time being

Children gathered, but it's a pity:

By the bed, not by the table.

Stroking wrinkled hands

Soft silver strand.

How did you let the separation

So for a long time to stand between you.

Mother was waiting for you in the rain and snow,

In the dark sleepless nights.

Is it necessary to wait for grief,

To visit your mother?

Is it just telegrams?

Are you brought to express trains?

Listen: everyone who has mothers,

Come to them without telegrams!


Let in business always and everywhere

You are succeeding.

And today, on a bright holiday

Be the happiest of all!

Our mothers are our joy.

There is no word for us relatives,

So accept gratitude

You are from loving children!

Children give their mothers souvenirs that they made with their own hands.

We are wonderful gifts

We give mom for the holiday

Bouquets of flowers are bright,

Airy red balloon.

We also give a song

She calls and pours,

Let mom have fun

Let mom smile!

Presentation (slide 14)

Song about mother (Performed by all children)