Funny and comic congratulations to the grandmother happy birthday. Comic congratulations to grandmother Congratulations on a joke to grandmother on dr

It's better to change men's clothes.

Congratulations from Babok
(Comes out first 2 and I grandmother.)

Grandmother 2: Have you seen my Glafira?
To take her to hell.
With such a leading program
Don't be embarrassed:
No concert to lead
Don't weave bast shoes.

Suitable 1 and I grandmother
Grandma 1: Stop grumbling, I'm here.
They say together:
We didn’t sleep all night, we composed congratulations.

(Congratulations can be inserted any. Ours was like this :)
Grandmother 1: Five yu five, twenty five,
There is nothing to doubt!
And of course you are far from the evening!
Grandmother 2: You are beautiful as always,
Simply charming!
Don't count your years
Everything will be great!
Grandmother 1: Be happy in the future,
And don't get sick!
Live long don't be bored
Well, don't forget us!
Grandmother 2: On this sunny day,
Accept congratulations as a gift!
Here is a present from us -
Rustic Russian kvass.
It's just Yakubovich
Takes vodka in reserve.
Well, and you on your anniversary
Treat them to friends.
(They give kvass "Pervach".)
Grandmother 1: You, Isolde, were afraid in vain.
Everything came out as expected.
Grandmother 2: So, maybe together with you
Shall we have a holiday?
Grandmother 1: What's next on the program now?
Grandmother 2: Like what? Puzzles.
They will be right here.
Grandmother 1: Riddles are for children.
Grandmother 2: And ours are for all viewers.
So here's the first riddle:

If husbands are awake
Whispering strangers
Women's names
So it came...
Grandmother 1: Spring!
Grandmother 2: Yes, no spring.
So, Khan came to them,
Because the wife does not sleep.
Grandmother 1: You, Isolde, do not sweat, do not make our guests laugh .....
Grandma 1: Everything! We remove riddles
And we continue the program.
The song "People in white coats" sounds, the doctor crawls out, wanders, dangles around the hall, pesters the guests with a request to pour

Grandmother 2: Glafira, I just saw
An ambulance drove up to us.
Haven't you fallen ill?
Grandmother 1: Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
May God be with you!
It's too early for me to rest.
Grandmother 2: Hey, Isolde,
I will ask for pills
Now for us.
Grandma 1: Here's what I'll tell you:
I'm leaving the stage!
Grandmother 2: You go, and I have a pill
Desperately need this
So many congratulations here -
They are dizzy.
(She faints. Another grandmother picks her up.)
Grandma 1: Goodbye! Hello!
(Grandmas leave the stage.)
Here you need to insert a scene with a drunk doctor Aibolit, who "torses" the birthday man and drinks with the guests.
After the guests have drunk and ate, the grandmas again come out and invite the guests to dance.
Grandmother 1: Come on, Isolde, don’t be shy, take the note “la” as soon as possible!
Music (backing track of ditties sounds)

Grandmothers perform ditties, the words of ditties of congratulations can also be distributed to guests.

You chavo hit me
Balalaika on the shoulder?
I sing ditties now
I want a birthday

Congratulations to the hero of the day
We are ready again and again
Because we feed
Tender love for him.

Your anniversary, what a miracle!
He's great, he's good.
That's why today
You won't leave without gifts.

Who is closest to the bottle?
Pour on the birthday girl!
Let's drink to your health
And you drink to your friends!

We all came from mountains
And cool berezhka.
We wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.

We wish you inspiration
happiness and success
To be forever young
Like Edita Piekha!

Darling got me hooked
In August in a sleigh.
Let it be forever mischievous
Your eyes will be

Look at me wearing
Mom's dress.
And you - walk in outfits
Only from Yudashkin.

The accordion plays well
Well the heel knocks!
Let's kiss the hero of the day
For her gorgeous look!

How old was she -
It's not a secret at all!
She will always be twenty years old,
Even at eighty!

The answer of the hero of the day to the guests:

Hello dear guests,
A feast awaits you all,
Eat, drink as much as you like
For my health

I'm on this anniversary
I'm tired of dancing.
Call the passport officer
To write off ten years!

Anniversary worries
You tired me!
I'm going on maternity leave
For the next three days!

I go out to dance in a circle.
Move aside, dear friend!
I wish all guests
One hundred friends and one hundred girlfriends.

Anniversary Years
I will exchange for rubles.
If everyone does this,
Tomorrow he will buy a Zhiguli!

I have a second five
Added to the first
And from this into me
Everyone around falls in love.

Granny, quit your watch
At the hot gas stove
I forgot about the years
And you've been busy all day.

You only remember that grandchildren
Blinov would like to eat,
Granny, dear, that's enough
We congratulate you for the honor!

We are here to celebrate
Another anniversary of yours
And we want to wish in the world
Many more warm days!

Live to a hundred to get together
We are your hundred years again
And to wish again
Another hundred years to work hard!

Funny birthday greetings on the anniversary of the grandmother

Let's open the truth on the anniversary:
You alone are our idol.
For you, granny, we will not hide,
We will even fly into space.
For your health
And it is the most important
We will do everything, and with love
We will protect him.
May beauty be eternal
The joy in life is endless.
Smile, be carefree!

Funny birthday wishes for grandma

Tell me grandma
More about myself
About a distant rainbow
And about close Poland.

Tell me how you met
Grandpa at the porch
How do you like it first
Gave me a ring.

Ninety grandma,
Anniversary wonderful
We celebrate joyfully
And with a fun song.

Happy birthday to grandma

On the anniversary day wonderful
Grandma is making dough.
So it will
Amazing pie.

I remember how this smell
Me and my solid dad
We raced
All the way to the kitchen.

happy birthday congratulations
I wish you many years
We will drink
Champagne and grog!

Cheerful congratulations to the grandmother on her anniversary

It's my grandmother's birthday.
Congratulations, grandma, you!
I ate your jam for breakfast
And he exclaimed: "Grandma, for you!"

You, granny, I have gold.
I don't like it - I love it! Yes Yes!
And when I don't call, I dream
So that you are only healthy.

You are a sorceress, the sun, a flower!
You are my friend, you are my number one!
Here's a whole bag of candy for you.
And let's eat them together!

Comic congratulations to the grandmother on her anniversary

Granny, I love you
I wish this birthday
To be favored by fate
Capturing great moments!

I wish both in my heart and in fashion
And give youth a head start,
For the heart - flying weather,
To flutter like a butterfly!

Cool congratulations on the anniversary of the grandmother with humor

My grandmother is a strong girl
She will give anyone a head start in life.
And you can marvel at her wisdom,
After all, her thought is one continuous atas.

She lives life to the fullest
And knows how to keep healthy -
After all, only positive waves
Able to strengthen the mood.

I love her ... Her joy is contagious,
In her home there is only healthy laughter.
Yes, she lived. I did not part with happiness;
Perhaps it keeps us all.

Let many years be no reason for you
Remembering something, be sad.
Cheerful character girl,
For a strong connection between generations, a thread.

Beauty and smart. Over the years
Your pies are always tastier.
Be cheerful. love you huge
And you can't think of bad things.

Humorous congratulations on the anniversary of the grandmother

Vareniki, pancakes.
And a house full of guests.
Our dear grandmother
Today is the anniversary.

You are 70 today!
And you are young at heart
And we really like
Hurry to your home.
You cook sweets for us
You give us warmth
Live and laugh happily
Bloom for years to spite!

Congratulations on the anniversary of the grandmother cool in verse

From your pies and jam
I'm slowly losing my mind!
Happy birthday to you
Congratulations, I will write to you!

You cook for me, granny, more often
Shchi, borscht, pies and roll -
Fatter, thicker, sweeter!
There is no better grandmother in the world!

Grandmother is one of the dearest and most respected relatives in the whole family, because from childhood she sang the most beautiful lullabies, warmed hands that had cooled in the cold and baked the most delicious and magical pies. Communication with her always brought the desired enlightenment and reassurance, because any problem with the help of my grandmother's vast everyday experience and female intuition quickly turned into the group of the simplest misunderstandings, and it was easier to solve it than school homework. Therefore, the grandchildren try to congratulate their grandmother in a fun and original way to please their grandmother. kind soul give her a chance to shake things up and get the most out of happy holiday and not think about your own age, health and future.

Long life without sorrow
Children to be respected
Grandchildren brought joy
Grandma was deeply loved.
We send you warm greetings!
We wish you many years of life
And keep your health
To be even sweeter and more beautiful.

I don't dare two beautiful women
I call the word "grandmothers"
And I'll call them better "fairies",
To continue congratulations!
They are beautiful and loved
Their soul is unique.
And it's tastier to drink tea with them,
Cozy and have a drink
And if you sing or dance,
Much more fun with them!

A little sad and sad
Not yet at forty to become a grandmother,
But "grandmothers" is an honorary title
We wish to accept with courage!
We wish you good health
Don't be nervous, don't be discouraged
And at night to my beloved granddaughter
Get up for a couple with your daughter.
And help wash diapers
And if necessary, then feed,
Sing a lullaby to your granddaughter
More often on the hands to wear.
Congratulations on the new title
We wish you and your grandfather 100 years!

Happy birthday, dear grandmother!
You always, when the day has flown by -
Cross calmly and piously,
And with a prayer put you to bed,
And in the morning you will pray for your granddaughter,
For grace to touch me.
You always worry about me
You just don't want to show.
I, too, read from the leaf,
And I breathe the same faith:
I will read a prayer about you
And I ask you all the best!

What makes you happy
On this holiday, grandmother?
Me with all my love
I'll make you a cake!
I will give you flowers
To make you smile!
Always be in great shape
Let the pressure be normal!
And your birthday will pass
In excellent mood!

Previously, grandmother was given
We are leaf fakes.
They led a round dance around,
We kissed her!
And now it's big.
What to give grandma?
Ile handkerchiefs painted
Or a computer, perhaps!
We will chat on skype
Happy birthday congratulations!
To join the know-how,
The world is huge to know!

Oh, we know how pampered
Grandchildren and grandchildren of grandmother!
Complaining about their thinness,
They put more pancakes.
They read different books.
And take lunch to the park.
My dear, happy holidays!
Health! Years!

Who is the lady in the house?
Is it like an older mother to us?
Warm with your own hands?
Will he always treat you with pies?
Thanks for the kind word
For the most helpful advice.
So be always healthy.
To live another thousand years.

After all, our grandmother is a great sorceress!

Live a hundred years, and, of course, be healthy!

In the head of excitement and confusion,
I do not melt joy at all:
Happy birthday today
Congratulate your grandmother.
Congratulations written, everything is ready,
Take it, grandmother, read:
Live a hundred years and be healthy
Don't cough, don't sneeze for a hundred years!

It's our grandmother's birthday today!
And our grandmother is not more beautiful in the world!
And best of all she has cheesecakes and jam,
And her smile shines brighter than all her grandchildren!
And more tender than all these golden hands,
What knit mittens, socks and sweaters,
Always help us to place commas,
And to the bruise they will find treasured lotions,
After all, our grandmother is a great sorceress!
He knows three hundred songs, two hundred jokes,
And almost reads a hundred fairy tales by heart,
And she always has work around the house, -
We want to finish our poem,
Do not judge us harshly for our rhymes.
Granny! Happy birthday grandchildren!
Live a hundred years, and, of course, be healthy!

Happy birthday, grandma!
Let them take their feet to the dance
Teeth to - like a shark
And income - every hour.

Do not be sad in vain
You are beautiful, young
Smile and throw away your passport
Years are nonsense!

There is no my grandma cooler:
Effortlessly dispel the clouds,
Effortlessly calm everyone
The computer will set up without a wizard.

Baking pies is easy!
In the mountains can high
Or go diving...
Laugh at the problem.

Therefore, I wish her:
Live a century and do not grow old,
Be as young
Just like your birthday!

Granny-lapulichka, happy birthday to you, dear. I wish you never become a grouchy old woman, but always remain the kindest, funniest, mischievous and restless grandmother. You are a madam of elegance and sophistication, you are a person of warmth and beauty, always stay like that. And may there always be a holiday in your yard.

Happy birthday, grandma, grandma!
Are you celebrating twenty-five again?
You think I'm in your chair
As in three years, I will read a verse?

No, granny, you're young,
And here I am for many years.
I suggest turning on the music
And we'll have a corps de ballet here.

We'll kick our knees
Throwing all the neighbors into shock!
And the heart won't stop
And the pressure will be fine.

You will say: “What are our years!
We are almost the same age as you."
You managed to deceive nature -
And cheerful, and good-looking.

Let the optimism not leave
And the energy, as before, is in full swing.
It does not matter that the head is gray-haired, -
The main thing is that age does not matter.

Grandma, know that you are the best!
I want to smile brightly!
Let without any interference
Your dreams will come true!

I wish warmth in my heart
Let comfort reign in your soul!
Only for you all-all flowers
Today, grandmother, bloom!

The kindest grumbler in the world,
And a culinary super-sorceress,
And the master of giving instructions,
The best grandmother, on your birthday
Be energetic, my dear,
Please everyone with excellent health,
Just as magical always smile
And stay cute.
Let your eyes glow with happiness for a hundred years,
So that your instructions and fairy tales,
Stroking tender hands,
My children and grandchildren could listen!

Happy birthday, grandma!
Accept congratulations.
With the speed of a real bullet
You succeed everywhere.

Let your friends knock on the door
Inviting to a restaurant.
Don't you dare refuse
Age is not a flaw.

The shores of the sea are waiting for you
Go ahead, don't think.
Remember the years of youth
And play to the fullest.

Happy birthday, grandma!
I wish from the bottom of my heart
So that luck kicks you
Adrenaline surged.

So that luck picks up
Carried forward quickly
And suddenly, with renewed vigor,
So that success takes off!

Happy birthday, grandma!
Let life buzz like a beehive:
Cheerful and inspiring
All desires are fulfilled.

Let luck come
And luck will puzzle
To make success more frequent
And it's full of happiness!

And now it's become a favorite
Mother, grandmother, wife.
Live long, up to a hundred years,
We are always by your side!

Happy birthday grandma
Can you rest
And don't bake pancakes
And take it on your chest.

Throw knitting aside
And start dancing
Let everything be great
Tomorrow and now!

You are a good grandmother
Like a fresh rose!
Just don't give up!
I know better! And with love

I wish at this hour
To shine like a diamond
Your clear eyes
You can't find a prettier one!

Be always cheerful!
Peace, joy, warmth
I wish you very much!
Let happiness be indefinite! ©

Our grandmother fries
Delicious pancakes!
That's why you need to be friends with her
Who else will feed the child?

Okay, okay, I'm kidding!
And now I want you
Wish my grandma
Three hundred thousand kisses!

The first - mind you, leave it behind me!
I am your beloved grandson!
Accept congratulations
From me on your birthday! ©

There is no better granny than you in the world!
You fry the most wonderful omelet,
The best meatballs in the world
And you buy me super candy!

That's why I love you
The coolest grandma in the world!
It's a joke, of course, I love not for that,
And for the comfort that you bring to our house!

May you always be so sweet
The best, wonderful, beautiful!
I wish you to live long in the world,
To be an example to all of longevity! ©

The kindest grumbler in the world,
And a culinary super-sorceress,
And the master of giving instructions,
The best grandmother, on your birthday
Be energetic, my dear,
Please everyone with excellent health,
Just as magical always smile
And stay cute.
Let your eyes glow with happiness for a hundred years,
So that your instructions and fairy tales,
Stroking tender hands,
My children and grandchildren could listen!

You sew up a hole in your pocket
Bake us pies.
Put the whole house on its feet
To find your points.

You know everything about this life
Your road is not easy
You save anyone from trouble
And meet at the door.

Be happy, grandma.
Your example is a lesson for us.
Clever and beautiful
Get our congratulations!

Who is the most kind and caring person in the world?
For whom, the most important thing in life is grandchildren and children?
Who has the most delicious pies in the world?
Who smiles affectionately and does not take off his glasses?
Yes, grandma, it's all about you, dear,
And there is no our love and gratitude of the land,
On your birthday, we wish you good health,
And so that everything goes smoothly in your destiny.

We love your scarves, warm socks,
You, grandma, are a fabulous flower for us.
We wish you many years to live in good health,
And your grandchildren knitting, you can teach.

In your hands the knitting needles fly smoothly,
And eyelashes pop from under the glasses.
Your meatballs and your pancakes
Your borscht is divinely delicious.

You are the queen of cuisine and comfort,
Let every minute be joyful.
Forgive us for being disobedient at times.
But we know - there is no such second!

Happy birthday grandmother
Accept congratulations from your grandchildren
We wish our hearts not to grow old
One hundred years to live and not get sick

Thank you grandma for pies and buns
We love cheesecakes with cottage cheese
Your granny hands are not simple
They are magical and golden

We wish you happiness and health
We kiss your hands - dear,
Wrinkles and a gray strand of hair,
And lowly we ask your forgiveness
For the pain and sadness that everyone brought

Live longer, you are our favorite man
And most importantly - try not to get sick
Believe that you are needed more than anyone in the world
For grandchildren and for us children!

Dear grandma,
Gently repeat,
How I love you
How I appreciate you!

And in your good holiday,
my grandmother,
Happiness, strength and joy
I wish!

Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
All grandchildren, great-grandchildren came.
My dear grandmother
You are light and wisdom to me.

So be healthy and cheerful
And always sharp on the tongue.
You are the eldest mother in the family,
We love you all very much!

happy birthday congratulations
And a heart helmet hello
Traditionally, we wish
Happiness in life for many years
Let the grandchildren smooth out your wrinkles
May there always be peace in the family
And the wisdom of gray hair shines
And the years will be long.

I would give my life
For your pies!
For handkerchiefs and a sweater,
For wool socks!

For your smile
For eyes that burn!
And for the fact that you
We love always!

We congratulate you
Happy birthday today!
We wish you
Very good health!

My wonderful grandmother
You are my golden man!
I quietly ask you -
Please live a hundred years!

After all, you care so much about everyone.
Granny, you know, I will not hide -
You are just a super person!

The best grandmother in the world
I'll shout happy birthday!
Happiness and warmth and light,
And wishes of fulfillment!

The most gentle, the kindest,
The most affectionate, dear,
I will whisper on this holiday:
“Grandma, thank you for everything!”

Just like my grandmother
Probably no one has.
I wish on my birthday
Only cool things!

Let whatever your step be, then luck,
Life gives a lot of finance,
To be younger for sure
And all your dreams have come true!

My wonderful grandmother
You are my golden man!
I quietly ask you -
Please live a hundred years!

After all, I need you so much, dear,
After all, you care so much about everyone.
Granny, you know, I will not hide -
You are just a super person!

Our grandmother is kind and affectionate,
You made our childhood a beautiful fairy tale,
You take care of us to this day
You are not too lazy to bake pies and pancakes for us.
Oh, granny, it's better not to find it in the world, that's for sure,
You are always with us day and night
Be healthy, dear, do not know sadness,
And on your birthday, accept gifts.