A high-quality cuticle file is a guarantee of an excellent manicure at home. Cuticle files

Cuticle removal can be done in a variety of ways. AT European manicure it can dissolve with a remover, just move. In the classic - cut off with scissors or wire cutters, which is more traumatic. However, an alternative has now appeared - the ability to remove the cuticle from the nail as well as in a classic manicure, while not injuring the skin. This article will talk about what a cuticle file is, what they are and how to choose the most suitable one.

Benefits of using a file

If you are used to moving or cutting the cuticle, then you may not understand why you need a file at all. In addition, at first, a laser cuticle file will seem uncomfortable and ineffective. Why should you opt for it?

In addition to all other positive features, the use of this tool contributes to a significant slowdown in the growth of the cuticle, and so it grows back, each time becoming thinner and softer. Thus, over time, you will have to use the file less and less often, and the processing process will be faster.


Cuticle treatment with this tool should be carried out only on dry fingers and a dry tool, otherwise you risk not only damaging the nail, but also ruining the file itself. Therefore, no baths should be carried out before starting a manicure. Cuticle oil should also be applied only after it has been completely removed.

The principle of how a ceramic cuticle file works most of all resembles the work of a ceramic cutter in a hardware manicure. It also gently and effectively cuts the cuticle off the nail. The difference lies only in the fact that you yourself actuate such a file, and not the machine's motor. Thus, it is easier to control the whole process. This means the risk of damage nail plate much lower.

Before work, the file must be disinfected and dried thoroughly. Attach it to the cuticle and start grinding. You can grind in all directions. You can also treat it with lateral pre-nail ridges. The mesh structure of the file is such that it is almost impossible to damage the nail with it, but you should still be careful.

As mentioned above, a laser nail file is almost incapable of damaging the nail plate, as it has special plastic ends that prevent it from coming into contact with the plate. But even if they were absent, then the relief of the file is such that it is almost impossible for them to damage the hard tissue of the nail.

File selection

Currently on the market great amount variety of cuticle files. Thus, it is quite difficult for a person who is not too knowledgeable in this matter to choose the right one. All files of this type can be divided into professional and those designed for home use. Professional are distinguished by the highest, premium quality, and the same high price. Lights can cost between $200 and $400. Whereas amateur high-quality files cost about 10 - 20 dollars.

Among all those on sale, mertz manicure can be distinguished, this is a high-quality and affordable cuticle file. They can be laser or diamond and are used for both cuticle and nail work. The difference between such a file and all the others is that even a nail can be filed with it in different directions. Due to its structure, this will not have negative consequences for him. High versatility is what distinguishes this tool.

Shere nagel is another excellent quality cuticle file. It refers to professional rather than amateur equipment, as it is characterized by a very high price, about 3,500 rubles. Its coating is such that it does not affect the living particles of the skin, but only removes dead ones. Thus, it is suitable even for those who have very thin, dry and sensitive cuticles. In cleaning, this device is also very simple - the file can be simply washed under running water, its service life is about several years when performing a manicure twice a week.

For home use, a diamond-coated cuticle file is most suitable. With its help, even those who have no skills at all will be able to carry out high-quality nail processing and cuticle removal. Such files, in addition, differ long term services. However, they should be handled most carefully, as some diamond-coated files can still damage the nail plate a little.

well-groomed hands- this is what others pay attention to no less than on the face or clothes, and this applies to both women and men.

Someone looks after their nails at home, and puts them in order himself, while someone is used to going to the salon and trusting them only to the master. In any case, trimming and filing them will only be part of the job.

The structure of the nail is such that the cuticle often grows on it, which must be removed. This can be done with special tweezers, but the cuticle file will be much safer and more convenient .

Cuticle file

This nail file has become frequently used due to its advantages in front of tweezers or a stick.

When using tweezers, it is easy to injure the skin and cause an infection, which will lead to inflammation.

When the cuticle is pushed back with the help of special sticks, it quickly returns to its place, so the nail file has become the best option.

In structure, it is similar to an ordinary nail file, but its surface is made in the form of honeycombs, and thus does no harm, but it polishes the skin well, there is also no harm to the nail plate. It can be small and larger, slightly different in shape.

laser file for the cuticle is a nail file, on the surface of which there is a diamond coating. This nail file is universal, it can be used not only to clean the cuticle, but also to file the nail itself. Another advantage is that it is much cheaper than other cuticle files, but it can last much longer.

Crystal nail files they are used in the same way as laser ones - not only for the cuticle, but also for the nails themselves. But such a file costs twice as much. Polishing the nail after the procedure with its use is not required.

Terms of Use

The cuticle file is easy to use, and does not require special skills, you only need to observe several binding rules so that everything turns out qualitatively and beautifully:

  1. You can file only completely dry nails, this applies to both hands and feet. If they should be steamed during a trimmed manicure, then this nail file grinds only dry and rough skin.
  2. To treat nails after filing, it is recommended to lubricate the nail plate and the skin around the bed with a special strengthening oil. This procedure is not necessary, but good when they are weakened and damaged, in addition, such oils can slow down the growth of the cuticle.
  3. You can cut the cuticle by moving the file in any direction, not excluding lateral cuts. It is necessary to cut off only inanimate skin.

Procedure does not take much time, as cutting is very fast.

The skin around the nail becomes smooth and soft to the touch. With this method of care, you can avoid the appearance of burrs and other injuries..

The advantage of nail files to remove the cuticle, it will also be that they are good to use at home, or you can take them with you to work or travel.

Why professional cuticle remover are in high demand and is it worth it to expand the arsenal of your manicure set with this rather expensive tool? The fact is that in some women the keratinized skin of the cuticle grows very quickly and the nails have to be constantly looked after so that the fingers always look perfect. Of course, you can use special nippers or tweezers to trim the overgrown skin, and cut off the protruding edges of the cuticle with nail scissors with narrow blades. But if the periungual skin is very delicate and you often injure it during the trimming manicure, then painful procedures can lead to inflammation of the nail fold, the appearance of burrs and bleeding cracks.

A special cuticle file allows you to remove the periungual keratinized skin and pterygium on the nails quickly, painlessly and most importantly - without injuring the nail fold, which protects the root of the nail plate from infection. Before the procedure, it is not required to do a softening bath for the skin of the fingers. This tool can be compared to a scrub that delicately grinds dead epithelial cells into dust. In addition, the constant use of a professional nail file slows down the growth of the cuticle and your fingers will always look well-groomed.

For the manufacture of these nail files, special materials are used that are safe for the delicate skin around the nail. Mertz laser files for cuticle removal are especially popular. With the help of special equipment, notches in the form of honeycombs are applied to the working surface of the tool with a laser. Some brands produce ceramic, glass, crystal, diamond (coated) nail files, the working surface of which can be either mesh or solid.


Mertz laser file:

Diamond nail file Mertz 966:

Ceramic nail file Mertz Manicure 591:

Laser file Irisk Professional:

Diamond file Shere&Nagel:

Angled Cuticle File Zero:

Solinberg diamond file:


❶ Disinfect the instrument with an antiseptic. Then you need to dry both the nail file and the nails;

❷ We apply the file to the cuticle with the entire working surface and lightly press it against the keratinized skin;

❸ Move the tool from side to side. Movements can be performed in different directions, since there is practically no risk of damaging the living periungual tissue. The end of the file should rest against the nail plate, but make sure that the working surface of the tool does not touch the nail in the process of removing the cuticle;

❹ After that, you can exfoliate the keratinized skin on the side rollers with a file;

❺ Then it is advisable to rub softening oil into the nail bed or treat it with a special cuticle pencil;

❻ If necessary

  • The most popular saw brands

So women who prefer unedged manicure, a very useful tool, as a cuticle file. It has many advantages, but at the same time, to get a good result, use it correctly. In this article, we will look at the main nuances of using a cuticle file, some brands and their differences.

Variety of cuticle files

To remove the cuticle use various tools and gadgets. Not so long ago, a great tool appeared on sale to take care of this area, which greatly simplifies the procedure for unedged manicure. The cuticle file gently removes all dead particles, and with careful handling does not injure living tissues at all. This tool is designed for both salon and home use. There are two main types of these nail files.

  • A laser metal nail file with a diamond coating, designed to treat the cuticle area and the periungual ridge. It easily replaces the standard unedged and even hardware manicure. It is durable, perfectly retains the specified abrasiveness, but care must be taken when working with it. With too much pressure, there is a chance of damaging living tissue. But when you learn how to use it properly, you will notice that a diamond-coated nail file very rarely causes burrs and effectively removes cuticles. By purchasing such it, you will use it for many years without resorting to the services of grinders. Most well-known manufacturers such nail files: Merz, Solinberg and Sher-Nagel.
  • Ceramic models have a shorter service life, to deal with it you need to be more careful due to the fragility of the material, but in general it is very suitable for removing the cuticle. Such nail files are mainly produced by Staleks.
  • Step by step instructions and subtleties of application

    A cuticle file will become your assistant, as it is so easy to use that even a girl who has never done a manicure herself can easily master the technique. We suggest you familiarize yourself with a brief step-by-step instruction and the subtleties of its use.

  • The procedure is performed exclusively on dry hands. No need to pre-steam in the bath or apply a remover. This is a very important condition for successful cuticle removal.
  • Do not forget that in the cuticle area is very soft skin. Try not to make sudden movements, do not press the nail file too hard so as not to injure living tissues.
  • First, treat the area of ​​​​the periungual ridges. To do this, apply the nail file strictly parallel to the rollers and without pressure, removing dry skin, performing movements similar to working with a regular nail file.
  • Gently lift the opposite end of the nail file or nail pusher and push back the cuticle. Attach the file first perpendicular to the cuticle, remove dry edges, and then horizontally for deeper deliberation of the area.
  • At the end of the procedure, wipe the skin around the nails with an antiseptic and apply cuticle oil.
  • As you can see, the procedure for removing the cuticle with a file is extremely simple. With it, you can literally in 10 minutes to perform a high-quality manicure.

    Pros and cons of a special nail file

    Such nail files, like any other tool, have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's see what qualities you may encounter while using them.

    • Nail files quickly gained considerable popularity, which is said for their ease of use and good results.
    • When you get used to the new procedure assistant, the manicure will go very quickly.
    • A special spray and low abrasiveness make it easy to process the cuticle, removes everything unnecessary, without the use of a remover and additional tools.

    Despite the effectiveness of nail files, women who use them also note some disadvantages.

    • With a rough and thick cuticle, the file is a real lifesaver. If the cuticle is thin, then extracting from it is undesirable, as pain and damage to the skin are possible.
    • For quick and high-quality manicure, you first need to gain experience in handling the tool, and this takes time and practical skills. Not everyone has the patience.

    The most popular saw brands

    If you want the result to please you, and after this purchase of nail files from well-known manufacturers. Three brands are especially popular.

  • Merz. The company offers its customers high-quality metal nail files with diamond coating. They are reliable, easy to use and do not injure the skin. Merz files are durable and workmanship quality.
  • Cher-Nagel. Another fairly well-known company that produces metal files with a fine coating. Despite the low abrasiveness, they do their job perfectly. The only drawback is Cher-Nagel - a rather high price.
  • Solinberg also offers metal files. The tool is elastic, flexible and durable, has a diamond coating and drilling holes for easy processing. Solinberg is a great option for those who care about the condition of their nails.
  • If you are used to seeing your flawless manicure, then you should definitely use this nail file. We have already told you about its advantages and disadvantages, which resulted in step by step instructions. In conclusion, we invite you to watch a video in which you will find an overview of the Sher-Nagel nail file, and also see the process of processing the cuticle with it.

    A straight line at the base of the nails makes a neat manicure. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the overgrown skin at the root of the nail plate. For this, the nail industry can offer many tools - a manicure tool and various chemical compositions.

    With a classic edged manicure, the skin at the edge of the nail plate is removed mechanically using nippers, cuticle scissors and a nail file. Before the procedure, it is necessary to soften the skin with a hand bath.

    European unedged manicure offers cuticle removal using special means with fruit acids. Removing the cuticle with a nail file makes it possible to do a manicure in any conditions.

    We give preference to a manicure nail file

    Edged classic manicure can cause damage to the skin, but misunderstandings can be avoided by using a special cuticle file. Such a professional cuticle file is very practical and functional, which is why it is not cheap. The price of a household file is available to a wide range of consumers. You can buy it in stores and online boutiques.

    Processing the cuticle with a special file does not require softening. The tool is like a peeling tool, wiping the cuticle to dust. Next, the treated area is washed and lubricated. cosmetic oil. A cuticle file is used for both manicure and pedicure. After using this equipment, the skin grows more slowly.

    Cuticle file

    The surface of such a tool resembles the likeness of a honeycomb. It can be solid or mesh. The surface has plastic ends, which allow not to damage the nails during the work. The length varies from large to moderate.

    How to use?

    Be sure to dry the surface of the instrument before the removal procedure. Applying it with the entire area to the cuticle, you should rest against the end of the nail. Sand in all directions, including side rollers. The nail file should cover only the skin. At the end of the procedure, you can additionally apply a cuticle pencil.


    As soon as the popularity of products grew, cuticle files from other manufacturers at an affordable price began to appear.

    Crystal nail file

    This tool is used to remove cuticles, as well as filing nails. It is safe for nail health. Its corrugated structure allows safe operation in different directions. After the end of the procedure, the nails do not need to be polished.


    A ceramic file is more severe, since, on the one hand, it is pointed and can cause injury if used carelessly. But you can’t do without such an item on the road, business trip, hike, which will always keep your hands in order.

    Laser file

    It is laser-coated and is lightweight. A laser file with diamond perforation helps to process the cuticle very carefully. In addition, it is also used to treat the periungual roller. The thinnest surface allows you to work very carefully with the cuticle. The laser file is durable. Its service life is ten years.

    Diamond cuticle file can replace hardware manicure. The laser file practically does not leave burrs, and the diamond coating, regardless of the frequency of use, provides increased durability. The price of a cuticle product depends on the quality. You can buy products by selecting the desired item on our website. Diamond nail files are produced by Solinberg, Mertz, Messer.

    Application at home

    The safety of cuticle files makes them widely used at home. A professional and practical cuticle file is not cheap. The most expensive are the products of the leading brands in this area Messer, Solinberg, Mertz and Solingen, which are distinguished by high quality products.

    Cuticle file Shere Nagel

    The company was the first to create a special diamond-coated cuticle file, giving it required length and forms with safe sidewalls. All this allows you to process the skin around the nail without damaging the plate and does not create grooves. The brand's diamond smart file has a unique patented coating that makes it possible to work even with dry and especially sensitive skin near the nails. The crystalline surface is made using a special micro-spray technology, which guarantees high strength and protection against surface abrasion. Regular use of the nail file will make the cuticle soft and smooth for a long time, slowing down its growth.

    Brands Messer, Mertz, Solinberg

    The tool from Messer, Mertz and Solinberg works on the principle of peeling, wiping the rough skin around the nails into dust. They are multifunctional, they can be used for pedicure. The main advantage of Messer, Mertz and Solingen products is the slow growth of the cuticle. You can buy tools for removing the cuticle of the brands Messer, Mertz, Solinberg from specialized stores. Using Messer, Mertz, Solinberg cuticle files, you will always have tender well-groomed hands and flawless manicure.