Signs and differences of the original "Flying fairy" or "Flying fairy" toy. Flying Fairy Magic Masha Flying Fairy in Russian

Give magic to your princess - buy a Flying Fairy

Childhood - great time when you can sincerely believe in magic and enjoy miracles. Boys dream of smart robots and funny cars, and girls dream of beautiful princesses and good fairies. And every girl dreams that these fairy tales come true.

Today, every adult can fulfill the dream of his little princess. The Flying Fairy toy is the key to your little one's happiness. The name speaks for itself. This little doll really flies. The delight of a child knows no bounds! A cute little Flying Fairy soars, controlled by a child's hand. Isn't this a fairy tale?

Flying Fairy: instructions

Mastering the technique of controlling this toy is not difficult. A few minutes of training - and she is subject to the easy movements of her owner. The secret of magic lies in the unique design of this miracle: a small secret motor and the thinnest propeller petals are responsible for the movement of the doll, and built-in touch sensors help it to keep its distance from foreign objects.

The price of the Flying Fairy cannot be compared with the happiness that you give a child with this toy. The doll not only appeals to the sense of beauty, but also shows how the simplest laws of physics work in practice. It can rightly be attributed to the number of "smart toys" aimed at the knowledge and education of the child. The Flying Fairy will become the best gift for your princess.

In order to dispel possible doubts, we will analyze the device of the flying Fairy in more detail. Below, on the doll's skirt are: a switch button, a recharging connector and touch sensors. The toy comes with a base that can also serve as a power source and functions as a remote control, and a USB adapter for recharging from a computer. The adapter is equipped with an indicator that glows red when the battery is incomplete and goes out when the charging process is completed. The doll is made of durable, environmentally friendly, and therefore completely safe material. Comes in a beautiful box, eliminating the need for additional gift wrapping.

So, the complete set of the doll is as follows:

  • flying Fairy Flying Fairy ;
  • base;
  • USB cable;

You will also need: 6 AA batteries.

In order for the doll to start its flight, you must:

  • insert the batteries into the base in accordance with the terminals, for this you need to unscrew the screw located on the inside of the stand;
  • activate the platform by turning on the lever located directly opposite the start button, the indicator will report the correctness of the actions;
  • then place the fairy in the base, press the button on the stand, remembering to activate the doll itself using the switch on the skirt.

And then the tiny propellers begin to spin, and the fairy takes off to a height of several meters, and then gradually descends. But, it is worth the child to substitute the pen, and the fairy again strives up. The higher the palm of the hostess, the higher the toy flies. The full feeling of a fairy tale is recreated with a wave magic wand. Once! And the fairy seems to be dancing in the air. Agree, such a doll will please even an adult.

Attention! Try not to let the toy collide with foreign objects, in which case it will automatically turn off. With a little practice, you will masterfully master the technique of flying the toy. When the charge of the doll ends, you can explain to the child that the fairy is tired and has gone to bed.

Everything has its time, even magic

Judging by the reviews, the Flying Fairy can soar in the air for up to half an hour, and it takes up to 15 minutes to recharge the toy. Note that the manufacturer recommends charging it for at least 20-25 minutes.

The duration of the game, apparently, should be about 5-7 minutes: such recommendations are based on physiological features a child's body that requires a regular change of activity. Distract the child with questions about emotions and impressions. Believe me, there will be a sea of ​​them. Then try to switch the attention of your princess to others, preferably less emotional games. During this time, both the fairy and its owner will have time to relax and miss each other. And you will have time to recharge the toy.

How to buy a Flying Fairy

Due to the fact that this toy is extremely popular with girls all over the world and is a real bestseller, it can not always be found in stores. Particular difficulties arise on the eve of public holidays, such as New Year or March 8, when each of the parents seeks to recreate a fairy tale for the child and bring at least a little magic into his life.

The employees of our store made sure that there is enough magic for each princess, so you can safely order the Flying Fairy from us in any quantity, and your needs will be fully satisfied. Moreover, it is much easier to buy a flying Fairy through an online store. There is no need to drive around or call points of sale. You just need to choose the copy you like, and within the agreed timeframe, the gift will be at your home. Everything is simple, there is no red tape, both time and nerves remain intact. We deliver orders to any city in Russia (check with consultants for details).

Please note that the dolls are presented in two versions: a flying Fairy of Flowers and a flying Fairy of Stars. In terms of functionality, they are completely identical, and differ only appearance. They can either complement each other in games or be used separately.

If you are in search original gift for sisters, it makes sense to get different flying fairies. Thus, you will get sister dolls, as they are really very similar.

How to play with this doll

Rave reviews about the flying Fairy can be heard from both children and adults. And they have no limit. As there is no limit to children's imagination and children's faith in good and beautiful miracles. Variations of games with this doll are different. Of course, first of all it is a magical flying Fairy. But if you wish, you can come up with a lot of other interesting games. Usually children offer them in huge quantities.

Try to stage a popular fairy tale, or even better, come up with it with your child. After all, a fairy can be not only magical, but also the most ordinary doll. Show participation and interest in the game, especially since in this case it is not at all difficult. Children's joy is contagious and will definitely be passed on to you. These emotions are priceless, and the time spent with a child is the best that can be in this world.

Give your child a fairy tale

Each of the parents strives to prolong the joyful moments of children's happiness, to make them brighter, more expressive. Modern toy manufacturers are well aware of the children's need for the amazing and create things that can amaze, fascinate, inspire not only children. The perfect confirmation of this is the Flying Fairy, which will become a real magic in your hands.

Help the child feel like a special owner of a special toy, buy a Flying Fairy.

Easily fluttering from flower to flower, the little fairy is one of the favorite fairy-tale characters of most girls. Thanks to cartoons and fairy tales, charming sorceresses attract them so much that babies even ask their mothers how they choose fairy costumes for masquerade parties. And, of course, they ask to buy a fairy toy.

Particularly interesting for children flying fairies Flitter Fairies- small dolls in dresses made of feathers of bright or delicate and light colors, fluttering beautifully at the wave of a magic wand.

Produced by William Mark, the same company that introduced flying fish a couple of years ago, Flitter Fairies flying fairies are available in five incarnations - or designs. This is the blue-eyed, dressed in a blue dress Fairy of the Lakes Eva, her younger sisters Daria - Fairy of the forests in a red and green outfit, Fairy of the fields Alexa in a pale green dress, red-haired Fairy of fire Mara in a fiery red dress and the mysterious night Fairy of the caves Aerioth (Eyriot).

All dolls are 12 cm high, are recommended for kids from the age of five and are endowed with a fun control system that is hard to guess at first sight - and which allows you to demonstrate unusual tricks with a flying fairy to girlfriends and friends of the owner of Flitter Fairies. So how does William Mark's flying fairy work?

The secret here lies in the invisible thread that connects the hairpin, which is best worn on the hair, and the back of the flying fairy. Well, the magic wand serves auxiliary means, which allows you to direct the flight of the fairy in the right direction, higher or lower, holding and guiding the thread. The fairy doll has a built-in mechanism that ensures the flapping of its wings - it flies by attaching an invisible thread to the hairpin.

Too difficult? Parents who think so will probably be interested in the offer of another company, the well-known American manufacturer of flying toys Spin Master. The engineers of which have developed ... the most real flying fairies! Presented as Flutterbye Fairies at the recently concluded Toy Fair 2013.

Magic fairies from Spin Master have a built-in motor and colored propellers that are part of the outfit fairy tale character. And also - touch sensors that control the presence of objects near and keep the flight of the toy at a certain distance from them. It is enough to turn on the button on the stand-base, how the miniature engine will start working and the doll will take off.
You can control it by raising your palm from below: the sensor will work on the presence of an object and the chrysalis will rise higher. The higher the palm - the higher the flight, lowering the palm, you can also reduce the height of the flight of the magic fairy. Provided in Flutterbye Fairies and free flight mode in a large room, where she will flutter like a fabulous Tinkerbell or Tinker Bell from the famous Disney cartoon.

It will be possible to buy a flying fairy Flutterbye Fairies from Spin Master from August this year: the price announced at the exhibition is $35. The toy, recommended for purchase by children under the age of six, will go on sale in two versions: a daytime flower fairy in a pale pink outfit - “created from flower petals” and a night fairy, whose “woven from stardust”. The base for turning on and recharging the toy will be supplied with the doll.

And which version of the fabulous flying fairy did you like more - with a magic wand from William Mark or free-flying from SpinMaster? You can express your opinion about the toys below - in the comments.


1) Remove the fairy from the package. Unscrew the 2 plastic screws that secure the stand to the inner box, release the fairy from the fasteners, the USB cable for charging the fairy's battery is at the bottom of the package.

2) Install the batteries in the stand. Unscrew 1 screw at the bottom of the stand, open the battery compartment and install 6 good AA batteries, "finger-type". You will need a Phillips screwdriver, the compartment cover must be pry off with a fingernail or a thin sharp object.

3) Charge the fairy battery with the USB cable. The fairy must be turned off - the red LED in the fairy body must not be lit or blinking! Connect the USB cable to the fairy, in a special connector located at the bottom of the doll's skirt. Connect the other end of the cable with a standard USB connector to the source. You can charge it both from the stand (from batteries!), for this there is a USB connector on the back of it, and from any device that has a powered USB output - a laptop, computer, network charger.
When charging from the cradle, the green LED on the cradle will light up when charging is complete.
If you charge from another source, then there will be no indication of whether charging is completed or not, so just follow the time. A full charge takes only 30 minutes. No need to charge 12 hours! :)

4) Turn on the fairy. On the lower edge of the doll's skirt there is a switch engine. The red LED inside the fairy body should blink.

5) Turn on the stand. Behind, next to the USB connector, there is a switch. The red LED on the front of the stand will light up.

6) Place the fairy on the stand. In the center of the stand there is a socket with a steel pin - place the fairy legs on this pin. Check that the fairy comes up out of the nest freely! Everything is ready to fly!

7) Let's start! Press the start button on the front of the stand and enjoy the magic of flying! The flight time of the fairy after the battery is fully charged is from 5 to 8 minutes.

8) We control the flight. The fairy flies by itself. There is no radio remote control and it is not needed. The fairy has infrared sensors that tell her how far below the surface is. If the surface is close - the fairy flies up, if it is far away - it decreases. Substituting your hand, you can control the flight of the fairy, changing the inclination of the palms, you can direct the fairy in the right direction. You can blow on it and it will fly wherever you want. Or you can let her fly freely and she will fly around the room on her own until the battery runs out.

9) We finish. Press the start button on the front of the stand again. Or just pick up a fairy whose battery has run out or which has automatically turned off after a fall.

10) We park. Turn off the stand and turn off the fairy to save battery and battery life.

11) We teach the child! If your child has not yet played with such a toy with girlfriends, be sure to teach her how to use the fairy, demonstrate all the stages of working with the toy - how to charge, how to activate, how to start and how to stop, how to turn it off completely for storage. Consider the helpful advice from the previous paragraph!

12) Rest and rejoice with the child! This is a must! :)

We don't sell this toy right now, but you can see other baby products in .

Flying Fairy

Greetings, dear reader of the site. Today I will talk about what an interactive toy flying fairy Flying Fairy is. Advertising of the next Chinese miracle is replete on the Internet and on TV, and rave reviews from happy owners urge you to immediately buy it in an online store. But is this toy really that great? Are there any pitfalls here? Is it possible to give this doll to a child without fear for his safety? I decided to figure it out, especially since the occasion was significant - the birthday of my youngest daughter.

She, like many other children, was impressed by the beautiful advertising. Putting myself in her place, I also imagined how I would like to have this unique flying toy twenty years ago. But in those days there were no such dolls, just as there was no Internet, through which all these new items are in the hands of curious citizens. Everything that then seemed to us an unattainable miracle, something from the realm of fantasy, is now real. So why not give your child his unfulfilled dream? - I thought and went to compare prices in different online stores where children's flying fairies were sold.

Where to buy a flying fairy?

Reading reviews, I came across such concepts as original and fake. Manufacturers are really different. And the cost of a flying fairy varies greatly, depending on who made it. But I couldn’t figure out where the original was and where the fake was. And here's the thing. The very idea of ​​a magical flying doll is quite interesting, so many toy manufacturers immediately grabbed this idea and created different variants this doll. Who was first? is a question that no longer has an answer to. Therefore, it is difficult to call the goods of a particular manufacturer as original products. If you want a better product, buy toys from Canadian manufacturers, such as the Spin Master, but then be prepared to shell out a decent amount of money, since such dolls are brought from the USA in batches of several pieces and make a corresponding markup.

Since I didn’t have a big budget, I decided to buy a Flying Fairy with music and lighting at the best price I could find. Knowing my daughter, I think that after several days of active games with this toy, interest in her will be lost, so it makes no sense to overpay. In a couple of clicks, the order was placed and we began to look forward to a curious floating doll.

My review of the Flying Fairy

A week of anxious waiting has come to an end and my long-awaited order has arrived.

Magic fairy lay in cardboard box. There is a fairy at the base.

The doll looks quite high quality, although it was bought at a minimal price. Dressed in a pink dress, lilac blades. Sweet and cute fairy.

How to charge a flying fairy. detailed instructions

The kit comes with a charger. You can use either batteries or the USB port to charge it. The toy takes about 20 minutes to charge. This energy is enough for her for 10-15 minutes of flight.

With batteries, everything is clear, they need to be inserted into the hole intended for them.

The fairy also has a hole in her skirt. Here it is.

Insert the charger into this hole, and insert the other end into the corresponding hole on the base. Nothing complicated.

If we charge from a computer, then with one end we insert the charge into the hole on the fairy skirt, with the other end into the USB connector on the computer.

There is also a switch on the skirt. Do not forget to turn it on, otherwise the fairy will not fly anywhere. Also don't forget to include the base.

How does a fairy fly

After 20 minutes, we can start our fairy. To do this, disconnect the charging wire, align the doll on the base and press the large button located in the center.

Voila! The Flying Fairy breaks away from the base and soars up to the ceiling.

Attention! The fairy takes off quite abruptly, so keep small children away and do not give them the opportunity to try to touch the fairy during the flight. The blades rotating at high speed can hurt the child!

In order to support the fairy in flight, it is enough to bring her hand to her and she will rise again.

Attention! Do not launch the toy near an open window or on the street! She can fly away and fall into a hard-to-reach place. Play only in the room.

To turn off the fairy, you need to catch her legs, and then press the big button. If you interrupt the flight with the button without holding the fairy, it will fall to the floor and may be damaged.

Flying Fairy Instruction

Flying Fairy comes with detailed instructions in Russian. Everything is clearly written there, how to properly charge, play and turn off. This is what the instructions look like.

Well, my daughter's birthday came and, as usual, girlfriends came. Mine immediately began to brag about her new toy. The other girls were also delighted when they saw the magic fairy hovering under the ceiling. We played with her all evening, and apparently outplayed, because she hung under the ceiling and stopped responding to all manipulations with the buttons. I had to get up on a chair and get the unfortunate. 🙂 There were no more such incidents with her, but they no longer played with her for so long.

Daughter liked the gift. And I don't need anything else. The joy of a child is the most important thing in life, and if some flying fairy can give her this joy, then it is worth the money spent. Now she periodically launches it, but the interest, of course, is no longer the same as it was at the beginning.

Thus it is good gift for girl. Having been at our birthday party, my daughter's girlfriends also threw out the fairies from their parents and now they have a whole army of fairies. 🙂


Written by: Katerina

My daughter was 6 years old and I bought her a fairy. The delight of the children knew no bounds, everyone liked to launch it, but I don’t know how long the child’s interest will last ...

Little girls believe in miracles. And each of them wants to find themselves in a magical castle and feel like a little fairy who, with a wave of a magic wand, is able to fulfill any desire.

Miracles don't just happen in fairy tales. By giving a child a Flying Fairy, you will fill her life with magic, let the child believe in a miracle, and give the little princess a piece of the fairy-tale world.

The doll wins the hearts of children at first sight

Girls are ready to watch cartoons about fairies for hours, which cutely frolic and flutter from flower to flower. The child wants to join their exciting game and visit their fairy-tale world.

But the dream can come true if the girl becomes the happy owner of a beautiful Flying doll.

The cute floating fairy looks like a fairy tale character, so her colorful design will not leave any girl indifferent.

The doll is made of high quality material, and Nice dress decorated with wings that glow and rotate during the flight.

How the toy works

Manufacturers have made sure that the Flying Fairy flying doll is easy to control.

A distinctive feature of the toy is the absence of additional devices for flight.

Inside the doll there is a motor that drives the propeller, thanks to which the fairy easily rises up and soars in the air for a long time.

To prevent the toy from colliding with foreign objects, there are built-in touch sensors that quickly respond to an approaching danger.

One wave of the hand is enough - the fairy rises up and flutters around the children's room like a butterfly, filling it with magical light emanating from a sparkling outfit.

You can play with the toy not only in the house, but also on the playground. The pupa is not affected by weather conditions: air humidity, rain and sun.

Only with a gusty wind you can’t play with it - it can carry away your favorite toy. After playing outdoors, you can wipe the fairy with a damp cloth and continue playing with it indoors.

After purchase, the toy must be installed on the stand so that the toy is charged. Then, with one press of the On button, the doll starts to fly up.

But to catch a toy is not so easy. As soon as the sorceress approaches a horizontal surface, the sensors are triggered, and the fairy flutters under the ceiling again.

Instructions for use

Before using the Flying Fairy toy, you need to carefully read the instructions and strictly follow its instructions.

Starting the toy:

  1. On the base turn the lever to the ON position, the doll's bright outfit starts flashing.
  2. For the chrysalis to fly up, you should put it on the platform, find the button in the shape of a heart and press it. The wings will curl and the fairy will fly up. You can adjust the flight height with your palms. The higher the child raises his hand, the higher it flies. If you lower your hand, the doll will go down.

Be careful! To avoid collision with nearby objects, the chrysalis must be launched with flat surface, better off the floor.

Fairy Shutdown:

  1. You can not grab the doll from below, it must be caught from the side by the legs.
  2. Go to the base and press the big button in the form of a heart. The remote control, or platform, must always be in the area of ​​attention of the doll.

Attention! It is not allowed to hold the fairy from below by the legs, as the trajectory of movement may be disturbed and the doll will collide with foreign objects and fall to the floor. During the fall, the stabilizers that are located on the toy's belt will break.

  1. On the doll and on the base there are levers that need to be switched to the OFF position.
  2. Cable included. One end should be connected to the doll, and the other end to the base.
  3. At this time, the indicator should light up, this indicates that charging has begun.
  4. No need to run and look when the toy is charged, when the battery is fully charged, the indicator goes out.

In the video, a flying fairy at work:

Safety precautions for use

Improper use of the toy can harm the child, so parents should educate the baby simple rules safety during the operation of the fairy doll.

It is worth remembering:

  • during the flight, the propeller of the toy must not be touched;
  • you can not bring your hands closer to the petals of the doll in flight;
  • during use, the toy should not come close to children;
  • to avoid an accident, do not allow small particles to fall on the toy;
  • the flying Fairy during the flight should be at a distance of 1-2 meters from the child.

If you are sure that the child has learned the safety rules, you can let him play with the fluttering fairy.

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Doll set

Usually the package includes a basic set, but depending on the model of the Flying Fairy, the package may vary slightly. This applies to AA 1.5 V batteries. They may be sold with the doll, and in some cases they will have to be purchased separately.

So, the kit includes:

  • flying Fairy, toy height - 18 cm;
  • the toy is sold in a beautiful gift box, weighing 390 g, so you don’t have to rack your brains on how to arrange a gift;
  • the kit includes a USB cable that will help save batteries and charge the toy from a personal computer;
  • charger that charges the fairy doll in 30 minutes.

Children are happy, parents are calm

Reviews of parents who decide to buy a Flying Fairy for their children are very often enthusiastic.

We thought for a long time what gift to present to our daughter for her birthday. And they gave her the Flying Fairy. They didn't regret it one bit.

It is even interesting for us to watch the flight of the toy. We charge the fairy doll from the computer, although the battery charge is not enough for a long time.

This is understandable, so that the toy flutters in the air, considerable power is required. The daughter is delighted with the gift, and we rejoice, because the child's eyes glow with joy.

Ekaterina, 28 years old

For the first time I saw the toy in action when the neighbor girl happily played with it on the street and enjoyed its flight. She was so carried away that she did not notice anyone around. So I decided to buy my daughter the same gift.

And the first thing I heard was the word: "Super!". And there is. Now every evening we watch the flight of the little sorceress with the whole family. Beautiful, bright and luminous dress, easy to manage and good quality, made the toy so popular. We like.

Elena, 34 years old

After reading negative reviews about the Flying Fairy on the Internet, I hesitated for a long time, but nevertheless, I decided to buy it. At first, there was a feeling that the toy was not entirely durable and would quickly become unusable. But I was wrong.

The doll is made of durable plastic, so when it collides with objects, its wings do not break. What upset me was the short flight. But it makes up for it with fast charging. We are satisfied, because not only the daughter liked the toy, but the son was delighted with the purchase, he even clapped his hands with joy.

Svetlana, 30 years old

Still in doubt?

Benefits of buying a Flying Fairy toy:

  • this is the first flying toy that allows the child to plunge into the fairy-tale world;
  • variety of colors: outfits come in yellow, red and blue colors;
  • it is easy to control the doll, you only need to change the tilt of the hand;
  • the toy is made of non-toxic and durable plastic;
  • excellent design;
  • fast charging from a computer or batteries.

Where to buy and how to place an order?

You can place an order and buy a Flying Fairy toy right now.

Delivery is carried out throughout the Russian Federation, so the Flying Fairy can be delivered to any city. By placing an order now, you get the opportunity to buy a doll from the manufacturer at a special price.

To place an order, you need to fill out a special form in which you indicate the exact address of residence. This toy will bring joy to your child! Each buyer can leave a request for the purchase of several toys, because you can please not only your daughter, but also give a little sorceress to your goddaughter for her birthday.

The world is arranged in such a way that modern child it is difficult to surprise with a beautiful and functional toy, as manufacturers are a lot of fiction and present little surprises to children, making more and more new toys. Children do not always experience sincere joy from a gift.

And in this case, an innovative doll comes to the rescue, playing with which will give the child only joy, help to plunge into the fairy-tale world. The toy is made of high quality material and has a long service life, so it will delight the little princess for a long time.