Youth is a wonderful time. Is youth the best time? Youth is a great time

31. Youth is a wonderful time

The Beihai Forum was not foreign to Lu Chen at all.

The Beihai Forum was called the first Chinese student Internet community, which was very famous. It was visited by a huge number of people. When Lu Chen was still studying at Jianghai University, he was already flooding the Beihai forum and getting into various disputes. He had his own forum account.

Even though Lu Chen hadn't been there for a long time, memories from the past quickly surfaced in his mind, and he still felt that all this was close and familiar to him.

He even had a certain sympathy for the students sitting in front of him.

“I am very glad that you were able to listen to my performance…”

He beckoned to a waiter named Zhang, who was surreptitiously peeping nearby, and smiled as he said, “I suggest you have a glass of Summer Flirting. Please love and forgive. Thanks!"

Summer flirting was the name of a low-grade cocktail, which was most suitable for ladies, because it did not make you very drunk.

The students laughed. Perhaps out of excitement, perhaps out of embarrassment. Around them there was an atmosphere of joy, inherent only to young people.

One of the students in a white dress asked, “Your name is Lu Chen, right? They say you're still at the university? This is true?"

"Bring five glasses of Summer Flirting and put it on my account!"

Lu Chen stared at Baby Zhang, who had just arrived, and placed an order at his own expense.

He nodded and frankly answered, “Yes, I am a student at Jianghai University, and I am going to graduate in half a month. Maybe I'll be an undergrad for you?

From Lu Chen's gaze, little Zhang felt extremely shy and immediately ran to the bar for drinks.

The students looked at each other, and then in one voice said: “Okay, senior student!”

One of the students in yellow dress said, “I have been to Jianghai University. I have a friend who studies at the Faculty of Arts. Who knows, maybe you know each other. Will the senior leave his Feixun number for me?”

The girl in the yellow dress was very beautiful. At the university, many chased after her, but she usually behaved quite reservedly towards the guys and was never the first to ask them for contact information.

But she really liked Lu Chen's songs very much. “You are my desk mate” and “Cinderella” - she loved both of these songs. The most important thing was that Lu Chen had good looks and an open mind, and was also an undergraduate from Jianghai University. Naturally, all this caused her special sympathy.

"No problem!"

Lu Chen agreed without any hesitation and gave them his Feixun number.

The students pulled out one by one Cell phones and immediately added Lu Chen as a friend in Feixun.

Lu Chen therefore found out that all these girls had studied at the Capital Normal University. The white-dressed girl Zuo Xintian and the yellow-dressed girl Ye Zitong were second-year students in the Faculty of Philology of the Capital Normal University.

Zuo Xintian lived up to the meaning of her name and was a pretty and pleasant type of girl. (*In Xintian's name, the character "xin" means "good reputation" and "tian" means "attractive"*) Among the five girls, Ye Zitong stood out strongly in figure and appearance.

Zuo Xintian asked, “Senior Lu Chen, do you have the full video or audio of your songs? Video recording is prohibited here, and I want even more people to hear your songs.”

She looked hopefully at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen replied, "It's simple, do you know about WhaleTV?"

Zuo Xintian's eyes sparkled, and she hurriedly replied, “Of course I know. I'm a bronze user there!"

Lu Chen said with a laugh, “Great then. Look for a streamer with the nickname Lu Fei: the character “Lu” from the word “mainland” and the character “Fei” from the word “soar”. This will take you directly to my channel. There is a link to fully recorded videos with two songs. At the same time, I invite you to watch my stream.

He attracted a few fans along the way.

“It turns out that you also broadcast on the Internet!”

The girls were pleasantly surprised and one after another declared that they would definitely come to support him.

At this time, little Zhang just presented the cocktails he had made, and Lu Chen said goodbye to the students.

When he left, the four girls seemed to agree beforehand as they stared at Ye Zitong at the same time.

“You…what is this?”

Ye Zitong looked extremely timid in their eyes. She innocently clung to the tube protruding from the cocktail.

The girl sitting across from her laughed, “Speak up. Our Ice Goddess' heart was melted, and she took a liking to Senior Lu Chen? Lay everything out, otherwise we will torture!

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Ye Zitong immediately became embarrassed, a bewitching blush appeared on her face, she began to make excuses: “What other ice goddess? Why would I like senior Lu Chen, I just liked his songs and nothing more. You're the one who's screwed up here!"

“I have been to Jianghai University, I have a friend studying at the Faculty of Arts there. Maybe they know each other!”

The girl sitting across from Ye Zitong said in a seductive voice, “The senior will leave his Feixun number for me, okay? Hm?"

She repeated what Ye Zitong had said recently, and added a long “hmm” at the end. It turned out very tempting!

Zuo Xingtian and the rest of the girls immediately burst into laughter.

The students forgot that this moment were not in their hostel, but in a bar. Their laughter inevitably attracted the surprised looks of many who were sitting around.

Feeling the strange situation, the female students who realized their behavior immediately fell silent and assumed a serious look.

This allowed Ye Zitong to generally avoid pressure and interrogation from her female friends.

Initially, she really only liked the two songs that Lu Chen sang, but when her friends started playing tricks on her, for some reason, her heart suddenly began to beat faster.

Did she really have something for him?

Ye Zitong's slender face showed a shy blush again. She immediately grabbed cocktail tube and began to drink Summer Flirting in large sips in order to somehow distract herself from her absurd thoughts.

Who sang the moving love songs on stage?

When Lu Chen returned to his modest basement dwelling, it was already 10:50 pm.

He did not miss the promised opening time of the stream, so he turned on the computer and logged into his account on.

The second broadcast on the platform after the signing of the contract began at exactly 23:00!

It was already prime time for live broadcasts on the Internet, but it did not matter, because Lu Chen agreed in a bar with Chen Jianhao that from tomorrow he would perform from 22:30.

Thus, in the future, he could consistently stream from 19:00 to 22:00, that is, for three whole hours!

Although it would be hard work, for a short period of time, Lu Chen had no intention of giving up any one job. allowed him to earn a lot of money and gain popularity. And Krasodnev could help him expand his connections in certain circles and get even more opportunities.

Time slipped away like water. Lu Chen restored his former strict routine in life.

Exactly at 6 in the morning he woke up, washed himself, went out to run for exercises, where he tortured himself to impotence and only then, dragging his feet, came home tired. After dinner in his modest dwelling, he organized the data from his memories.

He spent dinner in a cafe. The prices there were not cheap, but for Lu Chen, whose appetite grew every day, this place was still considered quite economical. Besides, now he could afford to spend money on food.

As soon as the time approached 7 pm, the work began!

On or even better to say, in the online streaming industry, Lu Chen was a complete newbie.

However, on the broadcast, he did not behave like a beginner.

Because Lu Chen could either sing lyrical folk songs with his pure and clear sound, or sing a light rock song with a slight hoarseness, or tell a joke that no one had heard before. And all this, together with his cheerful emotions, attracted fish fans and made them immensely happy.

Xu Bo, Mo Ran, Fang Ming Yi; Singer, Actor, Freelance Writer: Three experiential memories that came from the world of dreams burst out of Lu Chen's body, intertwined, showed themselves to their fullest through the Internet, giving Lu Chen a unique power of charm.

No fawning, no deceit, no boasting to attract the public, no swearing, no third-rate jokes... For the set three hours of broadcasting, Lu Chen dealt faithfully with his viewers and fans.

Behavior is everything!

Some people went to Lu Chen's stream, watched him and left without paying any more attention to him. But even more people stayed there, becoming fish fans of Lu Fei's channel, who sat in front of computer monitors every day and waited for the set time for a new broadcast to open.

Because everyone liked the way Lu Chen sang and acted, liked the jokes he told, and all the more liked talking with him.

Lu Chen's popularity grew steadily. After the number of subscribed fish fans exceeded 50 thousand people, in the next few days the number of subscribers continued to increase and already reached 70 thousand, and then 100 thousand!

The maximum number of viewers was 150 thousand, and on average he received 300k awards every day, these were simply unthinkable numbers!

Youth is a wonderful time when you swim against the current with full enthusiasm!

It's time for a beautiful youth
Time for hope, time for dreams
Time for love, time for suffering
It's time to flourish and desire.
How many questions do we ask?
and want to know so much.
After all, there are so many unknowns in the world
and we are very interested...
In a fit of youthful fuse, we hurry,
we fly at full speed, so that everything
catch up and enjoy the live
living in hope
that everything can be returned
we will be able to know ourselves.
Lyubov Gordienko.

It's time for dreams, audacity, extreme sports, selfishness and self-assertion. It's time when it seems that you are already an adult and can make decisions on your own, without consulting anyone, and you are still considered a child who does not understand anything adulthood and it makes you very angry. And that is why you are trying to find understanding in some companies, because, as it seems to you, no one understands you at home, and they don’t even try to understand, but there, you are on your own wave, you are always welcome and understood, at least you think so.

It's time, somewhere maybe even tragedy from unrequited love, and this can happen. But this is the time, also the flowering of the soul, the time of revealing the personality of a person, the time of active search for oneself. And how their eyes light up when they find something interesting, how much enthusiasm appears when they want to realize something. But not for everyone, it passes easily. Some people have a hard time growing up. But which of us, dear adults, was not a teenager.

Remember what it was like for you, but do you think your child is easy? They are bold, obstinate, but at the same time, very vulnerable. Sometimes one rude word, spoken out of place and not considered, can lead to tragedy.

Those who have been taught by their parents from childhood to be independent and have been taught to take responsibility for their actions, it is easier for them to go through all the stages of formation. They go through life more confidently, knowing what they want.

But for those who were constantly belittled, enjoying the power of a parent, oh how many adults love to do this, saying to the child: “Yes, you still don’t understand anything, you don’t understand, you don’t know anything, you don’t know how nothing like you, you mediocrity, etc.” It is much more difficult for them to go through the path of becoming. But sometimes we don’t think that with such an attitude, we instill in our children a guilt complex, a personality inferiority complex.

Sometimes we do not hesitate in expressions, drive them away from us, referring to our busyness, fatigue, when they come up with questions or for advice. Sometimes they just want to express their point of view, but we shut them up. Why do you think that you can express your opinion, but the child does not? Or maybe it's worth listening to them sometimes? After all, it’s not for nothing that they say: “The mouth of a baby speaks the truth.” We honestly have a lot to learn from them.

But we know that having approached once or twice and received cuffs in the psychological, and maybe even in physical plane, if mom or dad is in a non-standard state, next time you won’t want to come up, and you’ll think more than once about asking something, but suddenly you will be scolded again.

An ordinary situation that occurs in many families where there are drinking parents. The mother, cowering with fear from the beatings suffered, both psychological and maybe physical, closed in her grievances, tells her son when he comes up with some good news or just for advice, or he just wants to listen to music like him Like, below is an exemplary dialogue...
So what does he hear in response?

Remember the article about the inner sun, and how it closes if the fields are out of sync. Emotions block the mind. They separate a person from the world, because you have made them the main ones. The emotional field begins to control you, and you just break loose, as they say, "from the coils." And God forbid, the child is a little cheeky at this moment.

Resentments explode and you are ready to throw, throw, and even kill your child, taking out all the pain, resentment, for an undeveloped life and your disorder. For everything, for him, for his small child but at this point you don't think it's small.

Of course, later, then comes the understanding that she was or was wrong, that she broke, but you calm yourself down by the fact that the nerves have broken out, because you are in constant stress, but the child has already been injured. And how does he deal with it? Will his still stronger psyche cope?

Represent state of mind teenager. Many may exclaim: “Ah, has anyone thought about my soul?”. But who but you can think of it. If you like to be a victim of the circumstances that you yourself form in the course of your whole life, then you will never become a wizard. You know, it's like a disease, many can talk about it for hours, days, years, and then wonder why they can't be cured.

The mental state of an adult depends on him, we build our own lives and reap the fruits of our labor, but we have already talked about this. But the state of mind of a teenager, while his personality is being formed, directly depends on you, my dear parents, it is not the school that is responsible for this, but the parents.

Often in conversations with the guys I hear the answer to the question: “Why didn’t you consult with your parents about what to do? They answer: “They don’t have time, they are always at work, or they always quarrel, they don’t care about me.”

The school, as well as the street, as an institution, make their own corrections, but they are corrective emerging stages in the development of a person's personality. And blame it on the fact that he went and got in touch with a bad company, picked up bad things there and they led him astray, and we did it so diligently, protected him, explained that it was bad, that you needed something else, you don’t have to go there and do it.
We are much, always put the blame on someone, because it's easier that way.

Even worse is the situation when parents buy the love of their children, who have everything for them, and for them. We will buy what we need or not need, we will pay where we need and how much we need, etc. Considering that no matter what the child amuses herself with, if only she doesn’t scream, if only it were enough. Just to stand out from the crowd and to be noticed, not him, but you, how wealthy and omnipotent you are.

And suddenly, because he has everything, he starts to get addicted, drink, steal, there are many examples of this. As children allegedly from prosperous families, end their lives by suicide, and in overdoses. You do not explain to them what exists in the world, what cannot be bought, on the contrary, you encourage them and turn a blind eye to their antics.

Meanwhile, in life there is something that cannot be bought for any money - this is Love, Happiness, Respect, Health, Trust. Their ancestor is true, pure, spiritual Love, and with it comes Happiness, Joy, Respect, Trust, Health.

In addition, such children grow up, absolutely not independent, getting into any difficult situation they can't make any decision. After all, someone always decided everything for them, but they themselves cannot do anything.

You often hear from them: “I’ll call my dad or mom now, they will come and settle all the problems, solve all the issues.” And where, they want to ask themselves, what can they do? The period of their growing up is delayed, far beyond the limits of adolescence.

I see such people. And I want to say that I sincerely feel sorry for them sometimes.

You don't live, you exist thinking that you are living. Sometimes they look very funny when, for all their pathos, gloss, significance, they do not understand elementary things, or rather, they forget that he or she is a simple person, with their content, which works on the same elementary laws of energy, physics and the universe.

You often hear from them: “Everything is there, I can take what I want, get what I want, I can go to a restaurant and leave there as much as many people earn in a year, but somehow I’m not happy about it. There is no happiness, everyone only needs my money, while I pay them, they smile at me, flatter me, show respect, but they don’t notice me myself.

My dears, you yourself wanted this, so draw your own conclusions. And while you are doing them, think about the fact that you are teaching your child the same. Do you want the same fate for him? Don't you want him to be happy? For once, think about it. You will leave in due time, and then who will pay for his love, and he will not be able to do otherwise, because he is used to the fact that everything is done for him.

Your child, this is a miracle given to you, who loves you just like that, and not for money. And you reject such love, replacing it with a monetary equivalent, and then accuse him of growing up as a “loafer” and ignoramus. Don't hurt your children.

Everything should be in moderation and in due time. The Bible says: “All human labors are for his mouth, but the spiritual is not satisfied”, “Time to scatter stones, time to collect them”, “Time to plant a tree, time to gather fruit from it”. Before you do something or force something to be done, think about whether they need what you offer?

If you are so wise life experience that having reached a certain age, you are active, healthy, full of strength, energy. If so, then I am happy for you, and of course you can invite your child to follow your example and do what you did in order to achieve what you have achieved, while remaining healthy and whole.

But if you think you can, point out and impose your point of view by saying that this is exactly what you need. You are wrong.

How can you be sure that if he or she does the same as you, the result will be the same as you?

There is such an expression: “How many hands, so many dishes”, and they cook one dish and add the same ingredients, in the same sequence, and get dishes of different taste. Therefore, you cannot be completely sure that the result that you are waiting for will be, even if you control every step and put some ingredients together.

The explanation for this is simple, your child must go through the stages of formation on his own. Everything has its time. Give him this opportunity, but be there when he needs help.

We can only offer to follow our example, but the child himself must choose. And what you want to impose on him can harm him to a greater extent than if he does not do it. A person is arranged in such a way that the more he is forced to do this or that, the less he wants to do just that. The more pressure, the more aggression.
To be continued….

Lyubov Gordienko

Do you really think that youth is the best time?

Youth is the best time, many people repeat this phrase, and, deep down, they remember their first loves, night walks, hopes and other very pleasant things.

How many different kinds of works, songs, stories have been created around these memories. This period is called the period of accomplishments, searches, achievements, and so on.

Naturally, if all further life passed between an unloved job, and everyday life, where there is a lot of trouble and fuss, then the gain in comparison is obvious.

What if the situation is different. If a person manages to gain experience, wisdom, create good family, to do what you love, to improve the functioning of the body, to bear a bunch of plans and achievements?

Somehow, with such a comparison, the value of youth fades into the background, acquires its true meaning.

Gentlemen, youth is only trial and error period. The period of gaining a certain amount of experience and knowledge. How can you call this period the best in a person's life?

If you were able to do correct conclusions, spent a considerable amount of time to work on themselves, found their soul mate, found their favorite thing, gave birth to wonderful kids, here it is - best period out of all the years.

And if, in addition to all this, you have unrealized plans, in order to achieve which you will have to master and rethink a lot of things, do a lot of work to implement your plan, then, best years you are ahead, you just need to do business and engage in your own development.

I have a favorite toast, I already gave it as an example, but I want to voice it again, it has such correctness:

“Today I recall with a smile what and how I did a year ago, during this time I learned a lot and learned a lot, so let's drink to the fact that in a year, I will remember exactly what I do with the same smile. today."

I say this toast at every birthday, and it has a very good and correct meaning, well in tune with the Universal Laws.

If a development vector pointing up, then a person in a year reaches the next step in his life. This step is slightly higher than those that were before it, respectively - these are new qualities and new skills. And here it is simply impossible to say that the previous states were better. Well, no way.

If development vector towards degradation, then, here it is, a field for various kinds of regrets and lamentations about the past best years.

Moreover, when a person sincerely agrees that the best years are behind him, he thereby covers for himself all future prospects and opportunities. This is the position of the defeated, folding his paws on his chest.

Remember how many cockroaches were in my head in my youth? How much was done in total during this period of hyperactivity? How many false values ​​and ridiculous attitudes were there? Can this period be called the best?

Quite the opposite. With such an energy enumeration, if you manage to go through this period with the least losses, and transfer cockroaches to working qualities, this is the best result of youth. How many people died, how much health was lost, how many mistakes were made.

So, before the next time shed a tear about the past years and lost opportunities, I recommend thinking, maybe this is the very moment when it's time to start building your future, to realize your failed dreams, no matter what age you are, at this the moment was not.

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>Essays on topics

Youth is a great time

Youth is, without a doubt, the best time in the life of every person. This is a time of active growth, research, knowledge of oneself and others. A time when the world you look at through rose-colored glasses seems so simple and beautiful.

In youth, we almost never have to be bored, because there are so many interesting things around. Cinemas, museums, discos, entertainment centers where you can go with friends to have fun in good company. And during the holidays, you can go on a country trip with your parents, go to the sea in Sochi, or even visit a foreign resort.

Each coming day in youth always brings with it something new and positive. Waking up in the morning, you never know what awaits you today. Perhaps it will be an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance on the street, or maybe your favorite movie will be shown on TV in the evening or dad will bring refreshing pistachio ice cream from work. Even such insignificant events in youth cause a whole storm positive emotions, which is very surprised by adults, who, it turns out, are no longer so easy to please with something.

And in youth it is always very pleasant to celebrate a birthday, because at this age, the older you get, the more opportunities you have, since some parental prohibitions are lifted. In addition, a birthday is also a wonderful occasion to have a bright party, bringing together all friends and acquaintances. And if such an event takes place not at home, but, for example, in a cafe or in a bowling club, then the holiday will definitely be remembered by everyone present for a long time.

Here she is such a beautiful and cheerful time of youth. Of course, she is not always as good and carefree as it might seem at first glance, because teenagers also have their own problems. But in most cases, these problems are easily solved, one has only to turn to the elders for help.

Dear boys and girls!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the Day of Russian Youth!

Youth is a bright and eventful time in the life of every person, the time of the first achievements and victories. Today, we are all together trying to create conditions for the maximum disclosure of the potential and the realization of the intellectual and creative possibilities of modern young people. It is gratifying that our efforts find a response and support from progressive youth who strive to make the world a better place with their ideas and projects.

We are proud of you. You successfully study and work, actively participate in charity events, go in for sports, boldly defend your principles and views, and know how to make responsible decisions.

May the optimism, independence, creativity, self-confidence inherent in youth forever remain with you!

With all my heart I wish you bright discoveries, creative and professional self-realization, true friends and fateful meetings, pleasant, unforgettable events!

Happy holiday!

Vladimir Yakushev , acting governor of the Tyumen region.

Dear countrymen!

I sincerely congratulate you on Youth Day!

This holiday is special for our district. Yamal is young at heart, and the people who inhabit it are a match for him. It is the young who initiate and implement the most daring ideas, become the inspirers of the progressive development of our district, our country.

The current socio-political situation in the world clearly illustrates the importance of the work of the state in the field of youth policy. The facts of fascist propaganda, neo-Nazi manifestations hurt in the hearts and souls of our fellow citizens. And in Yamal, where more than 100 nationalities and nationalities live in peace and harmony, they know better than many how important it is to educate in young man respect for other peoples, for their culture and customs, for the great past of the Motherland.

Yamal gives young people the main thing: it provides an opportunity to reveal their potential and find a worthy place in life. And this is the main priority for us, the authorities. And this is a very important advantage of the Yamal youth.

Dear friends! On this day, I wish you to achieve the highest peaks in work and creativity, in science and social activities! Be persistent and purposeful! Know, governor, the government of the Autonomous Okrug is ready to support all your good initiatives!

Happy holiday, people of Yamal! Happy Youth Day, young Yamal!

Dmitry KOBYLKIN , Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Dear friends, young residents of the region!

On behalf of the deputies of the Tyumen Regional Duma, I congratulate you on the Youth Day!

The Tyumen region is preparing to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its founding. In our region, the memory of the glorious deeds of young people who defended their homeland during the Great Patriotic War, mastered the agricultural and oil and gas virgin lands. A powerful oil and gas production complex has been created by the hands of the young, providing the economic base and energy security of the country. Today's youth worthily carries the baton of older generations.

I am sure that you will make a worthy contribution to the socio-economic development of the Tyumen region. I wish young people of Tyumen health, happiness and love. May your souls and thoughts be pure and noble. May there always be a spirit of creativity and optimism in your daring, dreams and deeds.

Sergey KOREPANOV , Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma.

Dear friends!

Congratulations on one of the most bright holidays- Happy Youth Day!

The younger generation is a symbol of the future that Yamal is striving for, modern Russia. The path of development of the Autonomous Okrug and the country largely depends on you. Your extensive knowledge Creative skills, active participation in the social and political life of the region allow them to express themselves and bring their own ideas to life. Today Yamal is waiting for new bold ideas and non-standard solutions.

I am sure that your creative energy, perseverance and determination will become the key to success in study and work, the implementation of creative initiatives, good luck and optimism!

Sergei KHARYUCHI , Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of YaNAO.

Dear friends!

On behalf of the deputies of the Tyumen City Duma, I congratulate you on one of the brightest holidays - Youth Day!

Youth and youth are a wonderful time of daring, searching, discoveries and realizing the wildest hopes. The future of our city, region, country depends on you, young people. You are a guarantee of Russia's stability and prosperity. Youth is our main wealth, a new generation of winners, creators, rooting for their country, aware of and defending its vital interests.

Today we are justly proud of many promising young people: sportsmen, remarkable highly professional specialists, talented musicians and artists. You have been given great opportunities - do not stop there, always go forward! New victories and achievements!

Dmitry EREMEEV , head of the municipality urban district of the city of Tyumen, chairman of the Tyumen City Duma.

Dear Tyumen people!

Our time gives you, young, talented, daring, ample opportunities to implement the most daring ideas. Created in Tyumen excellent conditions for your intellectual, spiritual and physical development. From the youth, we expect initiatives and non-standard solutions that will help boost the economy, improve technology, and increase the level and quality of people's lives.

Friends! Let your personal successes, achievements and victories become the successes of our hometown and its inhabitants. Create, enjoy life, achieve new heights! I wish you happiness, health and inexhaustible optimism. May your years be eventful, bright and memorable, and good luck invariably accompanies you in business!

Alexander MOOR , head of the administration of the city of Tyumen.