What can a baby eat at 8 months. Eating a baby at eight months: what to feed and what to give? Sample menu for the week

The menu of a child from 8 months is somewhat reminiscent of the dietary table of an adult with problems with the gastrointestinal tract: liquid milk porridge, mashed boiled (or baked) vegetables and fruits, lean meat broths. The absence of spices and salt in the baby's diet further enhances the similarity. This is not surprising: the child's digestive system is in its infancy and has not yet become strong enough to quickly and efficiently digest any food, the liver and kidneys, so far, also do not work at full capacity - and therefore the nutrition of an 8-month-old man should consist of dishes that do not require the work of these organs in an "emergency" mode.

Basically, complementary foods for a child of 8 months of age include food already familiar to him - the difference lies only in their quantity and degree of grinding. You can add the pulp of an apple, pear or other fruit to the porridge, and “crumbs” of meat, finely chopped across the fibers (of course, if the baby is already confidently eating from a spoon, and even makes attempts to chew food) into the soup. Mother's milk remains unchanged in the child's menu - after all, breastfeeding is still extremely important for a toddler under the age of one year.

Opportunities to expand the range of dishes through new products

However, there are some nuances that make menu 8- month old baby much more varied than with the feeding of a child of an earlier age:

  • To the white poultry meat, which until then was the main diet of the little gourmet, veal, lamb meat is added;
  • With caution, offal are introduced into complementary foods - the liver and tongue;
  • In addition, there is another source of "animal" protein - fish.

A new product should be introduced into the child's complementary foods according to the usual diet, giving preference to white varieties of river (perch, pike) or sea fish (hake, catfish, cod, pollock, sea bass, etc.). You can, of course, and red fish, but it is much fatter, and therefore can cause allergies or indigestion.

Life of a child after childbirth and development by weeks for novice parents

Unlike animal and poultry meat, fish requires less heat treatment time, is more tender in texture and is better absorbed (because it contains less connective tissue) - however, cooking fish dishes for a child requires more care due to the presence of a fairly large number of bones, and the risk of an allergic reaction to fish is much higher.

And a few more rules for introducing fish dishes into the diet of a baby who is on breastfeeding:

  • Any fish in the child's complementary foods should be introduced carefully, with special attention to observing his well-being. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy, it is better to refuse this product for now - perhaps closer to the age of one, the baby's body will not react so sharply to such nutrition;
  • Fish may be present in the child's menu no more than 1-2 days a week;
  • Meat and fish should not be included in the baby's daily diet at the same time, even as part of dishes that are not included in one feeding;
  • It is better if fresh fish is present in the children's menu, but, in the absence of such, freshly frozen fish can also be used in complementary foods: you need to boil it by dipping it in boiling water (without defrosting it).

Variety of food - in a different combination of tastes of already known products

An 8-month-old baby has in its menu a fairly wide range of products that have successfully passed the “approval” since the first complementary foods. In addition to egg yolks (chicken or quail), as well as the previously mentioned fish, the child's diet includes:

  • Cereals - buckwheat, rice, corn, oats (hercules), barley and barley groats, millet. In the absence of allergies to semolina, this cereal can also diversify the baby's diet - however, you should not get carried away with such complementary foods (even if the baby is delighted with semolina): the benefits of it are minimal, and the risk of too rapid weight gain is high (and this is undesirable ). With caution, peas and beans should be used in complementary foods - these are still too “heavy” products for the digestive system of crumbs, which, moreover, cause increased gas formation;
  • Dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, yogurt, etc.
  • Vegetables are also quite widely used in the diet of an 8-month-old baby - zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, and beets. In addition, spinach and celery are healthy (although the picky eaters don't particularly welcome them on their menu). Onion and garlic are also useful (but in small quantities, and after heat treatment as part of vegetable purees and soups). Currants, strawberries, cherries, apples, pears, apricots - all this fruit and berry variety is included in the child's diet, depending on the presence or absence of an allergic reaction;
  • Meat and offal - chicken, turkey, rabbit, young lamb, horse meat, veal. All these types of meat are included in the diet of a child who has reached the age of 8 months. Boiled and carefully chopped offal (beef tongue, liver, heart) are especially useful for children with low hemoglobin content, underweight and other initial signs of rickets.

When to supplement your baby with formula while breastfeeding

It is possible that the list of foods consumed by a child is even more diverse than the one listed above: nowadays it is quite common to believe that healthy child, starting from 6-7 months, everything is possible, except for salt, sugar, honey and nuts. However, even for an absolutely healthy baby, a significant amendment should be made, focusing on his tastes and preferences - after all, the child does not accept some foods under any circumstances (and forcing the baby to eat them is far from The best way diversify the children's menu).

In this case, it is easier and more logical to proceed as follows: for some time to exclude "unloved" food (replacing it with products of similar composition), and expand the range of dishes included in the children's menu, due to flavor variations of their components.

Menu options for the little gourmet

The variety of the baby's menu is a guarantee of maintaining his food interest, striving for new taste sensations. However, it is also not necessary to wean the baby from the breast ahead of time. Therefore, when compiling a child’s menu at 8 months, feeding a baby who has just woken up (6-7 hours) and already falling asleep (around 22-24 hours) is a priori breastfeeding.

In the rest of the feedings (lunch, lunch, dinner), the baby is supplemented by breastfeeding - and therefore it makes sense to think over the daily menu for 3 meals a day.

  • Lunch:
    Porridge made from equal amounts of rice and millet, with the addition of a small amount of cream or vegetable oil. In the process of preparing porridge, you should first boil the cereal until half cooked, then grind it in a blender (adding milk or water to the desired consistency), and only then bring the porridge to final readiness.
  • Dinner:
  1. Chicken soup. Boil clear chicken breast broth, add finely chopped vegetables (onions, carrots, potatoes) to it and cook until tender. Further - to choose from: vegetables can be thoroughly mashed with a fork or chopped in a blender (we also do with a part of the cooked meat). You can add ¼ hard-boiled and mashed egg yolk, ½ tsp. vegetable oil. Dilute the resulting puree with broth and bring to a boil.
  2. Vegetable puree from cauliflower and potatoes (with meat). In a puree of cooked and mashed vegetables, add the meat chopped in a blender, from which the broth was cooked.
  3. Apple pear juice
  • Dinner:
    Cottage cheese with apricot pulp and kefir.
  • Jaundice in newborns, and everything connected with it

    Similarly, you can come up with countless menu options that will delight the baby with their variety. You can also find inspiration and data for a balanced diet for your baby from the tables below:

    Table 1. Menu focused on a healthy child

    Table 2. Sample menu for a child with an allergic reaction to cow's milk

    Children's nutrition infancy must be balanced and useful. After all, a small organism grows and at the same time requires constant enrichment of the diet. At 8 months, babies are already allowed many foods, including meat, fruits, vegetables, kefir, cottage cheese. babes on artificial feeding, in addition to these products, they can already eat fish. At the same time, one should not forget that acquaintance with new elements of the diet should be carried out carefully, starting with the minimum portions, and with a gradual increase in the dose. What foods can and should be given to an eight-month-old baby, how to make an approximate diet for a week? More on this later.

    Baby nutrition at 8 months - what new foods should be introduced into the diet

    At eight months, the baby continues to be fed with breast milk or formula. It is advisable to keep these products in the diet for at least 1 year twice a day - in the morning and at night.

    • Vegetables. infant at this age he already eats many vegetables: zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots. At 8 months, the baby can already safely introduce green peas and beans. First, legumes are served as a puree, then mixed with vegetables, meat, fish, or added to soup. Onions are also introduced into the baby's diet. It is added to puree soup and served in combination with other vegetables. The maximum number of vegetables per day for an eight-month-old baby is 180 gr.
    • Kashi. Porridge must be present on the child's menu. It is recommended, in addition to the usual buckwheat, corn, rice, to introduce the child to oatmeal. You need to cook a healthy dish on the water, with the addition of breast milk or formula. After getting acquainted with a new type of porridge, cereal-based dishes can be diversified: add fruits and vegetables there. The best option cereals intended for baby food. All the necessary elements for the normal functioning of the baby's body have already been added there. The optimal dose per day for the indicated age is 180 gr.
    • Dairy products. At this age, the baby already eats kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt. These products do not replace a full meal, but are given as a supplement to a meal. It is allowed to flavor them with fruits and dried fruits. Dairy products should be without artificial additives and low fat. A more suitable option for feeding a child is kefir and yogurt, prepared on their own based on sourdough or bought in a dairy kitchen. They will enrich the intestines of the crumbs with beneficial bacteria and prevent the development of pathogenic microflora. The norm for the use of cottage cheese per day is 50 gr., kefir, yogurt - 200 ml.
    • Fruits and dried fruits. Fruits are the main source of vitamins and microelements that will strengthen the immune functions of the baby and resist the development of beriberi. A child at this age already eats apples and pears, so you can additionally please him with peaches, bananas, cherries, blueberries and currants. If the crumbs have no problems with stool, then introduce him to prunes, raisins, dried apricots, melon pulp. The use of fruits can be slightly diversified by mixing them with yogurt, cookies or cottage cheese. Amount per day - 80 gr.
    • Meat. Meat is rich in all trace elements necessary for a growing organism - animal protein, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium. The main novelty in the menu of a baby who is breastfed is meat. Children who were content with milk mixtures begin to get acquainted with this product 1 month earlier. The introduction begins with low-fat varieties - rabbit, veal, turkey. Since not all babies at this age are able to fully chew food, it is better to give the product in the form of mashed potatoes, pate. When the stage of acquaintance with meat is passed, and no undesirable reactions are observed, you can start adding the product to vegetable purees, cook soups in meat broth, and cook soufflé. Consumption rate per day - 50 gr.
    • Fish. While breastfed babies have just begun to get acquainted with meat, the menu of artificers already includes fish products. It is better to introduce the baby to white sea fish - hake, cod, pollock. After testing these varieties, after 2-3 weeks, you can offer the baby salmon, carp and pike perch. Fish at this age should be given 2 times a week. The product should be served in the form of puree, soufflé. After a while, you can diversify the dish with vegetables. Fish is rich in B vitamins, amino acids, polyunsaturated fats, minerals. This is very important for a growing organism. The optimal dose is 5-30 gr.
    • Beverages. Be sure to include vegetable and fruit juices (80 ml) in the baby's diet. At this age, it is better to dilute them by half with water. Acquaintance with juices should occur only after the baby has tasted fruit purees, and if there are no reactions, then you can safely please him. Be sure to drink boiled or filtered water. In addition to juices and water, decoctions based on raisins, prunes, dried apricots can be included in the baby's diet. It is also allowed to cook compotes from dried fruits (without adding sugar).

    What else can be introduced into the baby's diet?

    1. A baby at this age can eat wheat bread (5 grams per day).
    2. Gnawing, sucking crackers (5 years).
    3. Cookies can already be added to cottage cheese and fruit puree (5 grams per day).
    4. Porridge is allowed to flavor with butter - no more than 4 grams.
    5. Vegetable oil can be added to soups and vegetable puree (maximum - 5 ml).
    6. Chicken yolk is also necessary for crumbs at this age. The optimal dose at 8 months is half a week.

    Features of the daily diet, taking into account the type of feeding

    Feeding timeBreastfeedingOn artificial feeding
    6.00 Breast milkMilk formula
    10.00 Dairy-free porridge is monocomponent or prepared from several cereals. Can be seasoned with butter. Fruit puree.Milk porridge with addition butter, fruit puree.
    14.00 Vegetable soup with vegetable oil, meat pate (soufflé, meat puree), bread, fruit juice.Vegetable puree with the addition of meat or fish with vegetable oil, bread, half the yolk, fruit-based juice.
    18.00 Kefir, or yogurt and cottage cheese with cookies, porridge.Kefir or yogurt with the addition of fruits, dried fruits, cottage cheese with cookies (cracker), porridge.
    22.00 Breast milkMilk formula

    If we talk about the recommendations of the famous doctor Evgeny Komarovsky, then he advises to slightly change the sequence of dishes. For the second breakfast, the pediatrician recommends giving the baby cottage cheese and sour-milk products, and for dinner - a hearty porridge.

    Sample menu for each day of the week

    At this age, the baby is already content with a variety of dishes. As for the differences in the menu of an artificial baby and a breastfed baby, it practically does not differ from the “baby” one. Just add fish dishes. You can serve them on Tuesday and Saturday for lunch instead of meat.

    As usual, each day of the week begins (first breakfast) and ends (bedtime meal after dinner) with mother's milk or adapted formula. All other meals are listed in more detail in the table.

    Day of the weekmealWhat can be offered to the baby
    MondayBreakfast number 2Buckwheat porridge with prunes (120 g), cottage cheese (40-50 g).
    DinnerCauliflower and zucchini puree (150 g), rabbit meat pate (40 g), a slice of bread (5 g), half an egg yolk, apple juice (40 g).
    DinnerCorn porridge (60 g), yogurt with peach puree (150 g), cookies (5 g).
    TuesdayBreakfast number 2Dairy-free oatmeal (100 g), applesauce (60 g), yogurt (40 g).
    DinnerVegetable soup made from carrots, onions, zucchini, potatoes with turkey (150 g) and vegetable oil, pear juice (50 g).
    DinnerRice porridge with pumpkin (80), kefir (80), cottage cheese (40).
    WednesdayBreakfast number 2Corn porridge (120 g), prune puree (30 g).
    DinnerVegetable puree with veal (200 g), blackcurrant juice (40 g).
    DinnerOatmeal porridge (60 g), cottage cheese with pear (50 g), kefir (100 g), baked apple.
    ThursdayBreakfast number 2Buckwheat porridge with pear (120 g), apple-plum puree (50 g).
    DinnerPumpkin soup, potatoes (150 g), fish puree with vegetables (40 g), babies - turkey soufflé (40 g), peach puree (40 g), bread.
    DinnerRice porridge (60 g), yogurt with pear (100 g), compote (60 g).
    FridayBreakfast number 2Corn porridge with pumpkin (120 g), cottage cheese with prunes, cookies (50 g), pear puree (50 g).
    DinnerSoup with meatballs (170 g), banana (30 g), apple juice (60 g).
    DinnerCorn porridge (60 g), kefir (150 g), pear juice (40 g).
    SaturdayBreakfast number 2Oatmeal porridge (120 g), plum puree (40 g), cottage cheese (50 g), apple juice (40 g).
    DinnerRabbit souffle (40 g), vegetable puree from carrots, peas, pumpkins (150 g), bread, compote (40 g).
    DinnerRice porridge (60 g), kefir (120 g), apple-pear puree (40 g), cracker.
    SundayBreakfast number 2Rice porridge with pumpkin (120 g), cottage cheese (50 g), plum puree (40 g), cherry juice (40 g).
    DinnerCauliflower puree, peas, carrots (150 g), rabbit pate (40 g), bread, dried fruit compote (40 g).
    DinnerBuckwheat porridge (60 g), peach yogurt (150 g), apple juice (40 g).

    Tips for compiling your own menu option

    The diet of a child at this age can be very diverse. The same products that are offered to the baby should not be repeated throughout the day. Be sure to include meat, vegetables, cereals, dairy products and fruits in the baby's menu every day. This will provide the body with all nutrients and vitamins.

    Here are some tips for moms to help with menu planning.

    1. For breakfast, you can serve not only porridge, cottage cheese, fruit puree, but also meat, fish, yolk. From drinks, fruit drinks, fruit juices, compotes, jelly are allowed.
    2. Lunch must necessarily combine vegetable dishes, meat and fish. After that, you can please the baby with a dessert in the form of fruit and berry puree, baked fruits, juices, mousses, soufflés.
    3. The maximum protein for the baby should be consumed before lunch.
    4. For an afternoon snack, the baby must definitely eat fermented milk products with the addition of fruits, dried fruits, and cookies.
    5. Dinner is based on the principle of breakfast.
    6. The child must definitely drink a field of food.

    To make it easier for yourself, you should take care of compiling a weekly menu for the baby in advance. You need to plan a diet taking into account all the products recommended at this age and the daily requirement.

    Video about feeding a baby at 8 months

    Features of drawing up a daily feeding regimen and menu for children with allergies

    We think that it should not be pointed out that an allergic child should eat only hypoallergenic mixtures. In no case should you give such a baby cow's milk. According to generally accepted norms, complementary foods for allergic children are introduced 1 month later.

    If the child is 8 months old, then the following allergenic foods should not be introduced into the diet:

    • chicken eggs;
    • whole milk products;
    • fish;
    • citrus;

    You should be careful when introducing crumbs of orange-red vegetables, fruits and berries (carrots, red apples, cherries, etc.) into the menu. The basis of nutrition should be lean meats, fermented milk products cooked at home or bought in a dairy kitchen, vegetables. Porridge (gluten-free) should only be cooked with water. Meat is allowed to be introduced only at 9-10 months, and fish - closer to a year. As for fruits, first the child should be introduced to the green apple, and then gradually introduce pears, plums, bananas, and yellow currants into the diet. Eggs are completely excluded up to 1 year or replaced by quail.

    Most eight-month-old babies are happy to hold cutlery in their hands and even try to eat on their own - they like to imitate adults. Their diet undergoes minor changes - it is supplemented with bread and cookies (if this has not been done before), many mothers begin to offer their children not grated, but mashed foods, thanks to which the baby learns to chew food.

    What foods should be in the diet of an 8-month-old baby?

    This is one of the most common questions asked by pediatricians. Nutritionists of the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Sciences offer certain norms, but they should rather be used as a guide, because the needs and taste preferences of children depend on many factors, including the region of residence, family traditions, prevailing in the market products and others. On average, an 8-month-old baby can be given:

    • up to 60–65 ml of fruit puree;
    • up to 100 g vegetable puree;
    • 100–150 g of porridge;
    • no more than 60 ml of fruit juices;
    • about 3 g of vegetable oil (the same amount of butter);
    • cottage cheese - 30–50 g;
    • 5-10 g of flour products (cookies and bread);
    • meat and fish - up to 50 g;
    • kefir - 30–50 g.

    Of course, these are approximate norms that the mother will adjust taking into account the child's appetite and the degree of his adaptation to new products. The main wish for parents is to think over the baby's menu in such a way that every meal gives him pleasure. And although many dishes are still not allowed for him (fried, baked, pickles, smoked meats, lard), if you wish, you can always find a way to diversify the baby's diet.

    Basic principles of nutrition at 8 months

    Happy are those mothers who manage to provide breast milk for an 8-month-old baby. Even if the baby already eats many foods, do not deprive him of the most valuable food. He will suckle with pleasure in the mornings and evenings. If the child is still drinking mother's milk, the number of feedings per day - Five times, "artificial" - 4 times.

    It is recommended to give fish 2-3 times a week. Every day, the baby can be offered meat and cereals (alternating them so that they do not repeat for several days), vegetable purees, confectionery products (biscuits and bread). You can add puddings and soufflés to the usual soups and cereals. Children are great at eating foods with fruits or vegetables, such as rice with pumpkin, wheat porridge with blueberries or other fillers.

    There are three main meals throughout the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. After a nap, offer your baby a snack - an afternoon snack. Most often, this is a light snack, such as fruit puree, yogurt with cookies, or cottage cheese. Approximate schedule:

    • 07:30 - breakfast, any of the cereals (buckwheat, wheat, corn, oatmeal or rice, sometimes semolina), 1-2 pieces of biscuits, compote or juice;
    • 12:00 - lunch, soup, a small piece of bread, grated meat with a side dish (mainly vegetable puree), egg yolk (1/4);
    • 16:00 - afternoon tea;
    • 19:00 - dinner, you can offer mashed potatoes with the addition of cabbage or other vegetables.

    A portion of breast milk or kefir will complete the day - just before bedtime.

    Menu for the week

    Now let's try to make a menu for the week. So:


    • breakfast - buckwheat porridge with milk, carrot and apple puree, tea, cookies;
    • lunch - vegetable soup (potatoes, zucchini, carrots, onions), rice porridge on water with meat puree, 30 ml of plum juice;
    • afternoon snack - 70 ml of yogurt;
    • zucchini puree, compote.
    • breakfast - rice porridge with milk, apricot puree, dried fruit compote, cookies;
    • lunch - rice soup with meatballs, mashed potatoes with liver pate (homemade), peach juice;
    • afternoon snack - cottage cheese pudding;
    • dinner - rice porridge with pumpkin, tea, cookies.
    • breakfast - milk oatmeal with prunes, tea with cookies;
    • lunch - rabbit soup, vegetable puree from broccoli, potatoes and zucchini, dried fruit compote;
    • afternoon snack - applesauce;
    • dinner - chicken liver pate with mashed potatoes.
    • breakfast - milk corn porridge, peach puree, tea;
    • lunch - potato soup with yolk, mashed broccoli and potatoes with fish;
    • afternoon snack - kefir with cookies;
    • dinner - spinach puree with meatballs.
    • breakfast - wheat porridge with wild berries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries), cottage cheese, tea;
    • lunch - children's borscht (without beans and fried onions and roots), vegetable puree with grated meat, compote;
    • afternoon snack - fruit yogurt;
    • dinner - chicken liver with rice porridge.
    • breakfast - milk semolina, apple and carrot puree, tea;
    • lunch - soup with cauliflower, buckwheat porridge (on the water) with meatballs, compote;
    • afternoon snack - cottage cheese, fruit juice;
    • dinner - mashed potatoes with fish.


    • breakfast - oatmeal, carrot juice, cookies;
    • lunch - vegetable soup, cottage cheese, compote;
    • afternoon snack - apple-apricot puree with cookies;
    • dinner - mashed potatoes with broccoli with grated turkey meat.

    Portion size depends on the child's appetite. Do not try to persuade him to eat or force feed - it is useless. Keep in mind that excessive weight gain is just as bad as being significantly underweight. In addition, the norms do not take into account the heredity of the child and a deviation of 10% from the estimated mass is not critical. When assessing the health of the baby, one should focus on behavioral factors and his well-being.

    If the baby calmly withstands a 3.5-4-hour break between feedings, then the food he has consumed is quite enough for normal development. Does your little one feel hungry two hours after lunch or breakfast? Probably, the dishes were not high enough in calories, so it is worth reviewing his diet.

    First course recipes

    Soup with cauliflower and broccoli

    You will need 1 potato, a small piece of carrot (up to 50 g), 100 g of broccoli and the same amount of cauliflower, 30 g of celery (two sprigs) and 10 g of parsley.

    Finely chop the vegetables, add water and put on fire. When the water boils, add the celery and reduce the heat, then boil for another 15-20 minutes. After cooking, put the greens in the pan (straight with sprigs), then cover with a lid and let the dish brew for 10-15 minutes. Grind the finished soup with a blender to a puree state. Add a pinch of salt.

    Broccoli Chicken Soup

    Ingredients: two potatoes, ground chicken fillet (without skin) - it is better to cook it yourself, 100 g of broccoli.

    Pour 200–300 ml of water into a saucepan and put on fire. As soon as it boils, put the minced chicken in it. Scrape up the foam that forms on the surface of the water, then add potatoes and broccoli florets to the soup. Cook until tender (15-20 minutes) and grind the soup with a blender. You will get a mass that resembles sour cream in consistency. Don't forget to lightly salt the soup.

    Zucchini and cauliflower soup

    For 100 ml of water you will need 50 g of cauliflower and zucchini. Wash the vegetables thoroughly, then chop and set to boil. Wipe the finished soup through a sieve, season with a little butter, add a quarter of the boiled yolk.

    The difference in diet in infants and artificial

    Breastfeeding is definitely a big plus. After all, mother's milk contains important antibodies - immunoglobulins, proteins, enzymes and others. useful material. Still fragile immune system the child is well stimulated to the perception of new food.

    In addition, most of the research proves the benefits of breast milk. It is babies who grow up stronger and healthier than children on artificial nutrition. Milk mixtures are enriched with essential vitamins and minerals, and pathogenic antibodies to microorganisms are transmitted with mother's milk.

    Lunch food should be given special importance and make it as diverse as possible. A bottle-fed baby needs to be given more fruits, cereals, meat in order to make up for the lack of those useful components that the baby receives when

    The complex of products for babies on breastfeeding and artificial feeding differs insignificantly. The food of the child becomes richer through complementary foods. The sooner children's diet supplemented with complementary foods, the more varied and nutritious the menu will turn out. In this sense, artificers will start discovering new dishes earlier.

    Fish for an eight month old baby

    There are some features for eating vegetables and fruits by eight-month-old children:

    • Garden fruits such as pears or apples must be peeled;
    • If you choose bananas, then they should be rather overripe, with a slightly blackened peel;
    • There is no categorical ban on citrus fruits. You can use them only once a day, in small slices;
    • Lingonberries, raspberries, strawberries should be grated;
    • If the baby has frequent, it is better for him to offer prunes;
    • Canned fruits will not benefit the child.

    Milk for an 8 month old baby

    Eight-month-old children can eat yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream or kefir.

    Essential foods for an 8 month old baby

    Young mothers are most often interested in the question of the necessary set of products that should make up the child's menu. As a guide for the day, you can use the advice of nutritionists from the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Sciences:

    • Fruit puree 70 grams;
    • No more than 150 grams of porridge;
    • Up to 100 grams of vegetable puree;
    • Fruit juices 50-60 ml;
    • Vegetable oil or butter not more than 3 grams;
    • Fish or meat 50 grams;
    • 40-50 grams of cottage cheese;
    • 40-50 grams of kefir;
    • Flour products no more than 10 grams.

    This is only an indicative and standard list of products that will be useful for children. Adults' only task is to carefully consider how to make the daily menu varied and nutritious.


    The basic rule of proper nutrition is that feeding should occur daily by the hour. Meals can be diluted with nutritious snacks. If you notice that your baby is asking for food too often, it may be worth slightly increasing the portion. As a snack, fruit, cookies will do.

    An eight-month-old baby should eat 5 times a day, and 3 of them will be complementary foods. It turns out that the child already eats more solid food, and breast milk or formula becomes a top dressing for him.

    Mom may face the problem of lactation disorders. This is due to the fact that the baby begins to consume much less mother's milk. This process must be controlled so that the baby continues to receive such necessary and useful breast milk for him.

    Basic rules of the mode:

    • In infants and artificers, the first snack should take place between 6 and 7 hours. Is it a mix or breast milk;
    • Porridge cooked in milk or water should be given between 10 and 11 hours. If desired, add a piece of chicken yolk;
    • Lunch time 14-15 hours. At this time, you can offer the child meat or, as well as meat broth;
    • Dinner falls at 18-19 hours. As a rule, this is the time of taking dairy products. You can dilute the diet with mashed fruits;
    • By about 22-00, the baby receives what his mother taught him - a mixture for an artificial baby or mother's milk for a baby.

    This is just an example of nutrition for eight-month-old babies. Each baby has its own personality.

    Weekly meal plan

    Based on the standard requirements and developmental features of a baby at 8 months, you can derive an approximate universal nutrition schedule for a baby for a week.

    The first and fifth complementary foods - individually for the baby and the artificial: a mixture or breast milk

    Meal / Day Second feeding Third feeding Fourth feeding
    Mon Buckwheat, puree and unsweetened tea with crackers. Vegetable soup, rice on the water and fruit juice for children. Before dinner you can eat yogurt Zucchini puree. Cook compote
    Tue Rice, apricot puree. Drink fresh compote and some crackers Soup with meatballs. Grind the liver in a blender to a puree state. Before dinner, you can refresh yourself with cottage cheese Add some pumpkin to the rice. Drink - tea with biscuits
    Wed Oatmeal with prunes. Drink tea with a cracker Rabbit soup, mashed potatoes. Prepare dried fruit compote. Before dinner you can eat applesauce Grind the chicken liver in a blender and serve with mashed potatoes
    Thu Corn porridge and puree from any fruit. Drink not too sweet tea and some crackers Potato soup (it is better to add the yolk). Fish and mashed potatoes. Between feedings, you can give your child kefir with cookies Spinach puree with meatballs
    Fri Berry-wheat porridge. Give tea not very sweet with a cracker Borsch in a simplified version for a child without beans and fried onions. Vegetable puree. Make your own compote. Between feedings, refresh yourself with yogurt Rice + chicken liver
    Sat Semolina and puree based on any of your favorite fruits. Tea. Soup with cauliflower. Buckwheat and meatballs. Boil compote. Before dinner, refresh yourself with cottage cheese Puree with fish
    Sun Oatmeal and juice. Good - from carrots Vegetable soup. Cottage cheese with fresh compote. Before dinner, you can feed apple or apricot puree Potato puree. Grind turkey meat.

    Nutrition for a child at 8 months from Dr. Komarovsky

    Children's doctor Komarovsky has his own point of view on the development and growth of the baby. The main emphasis in his methodology, he makes it on the power system.

    According to Komarovsky, a child under one year old must receive mother's milk without fail. It is allowed to replace mother's milk with a formula in each individual case, when it is really unavoidable.

    Feeding a child up to a year is a chain in which a mother and her child are connected. The menu of the mother herself needs to be given special attention. A young mother must understand that her diet has a direct impact on the child. To preserve the taste, a nursing mother should refrain from eating spices, garlic, pickles, legumes, sauerkraut and smoked meats. Mom should not get carried away with fatty foods, because it will be harder for the child to absorb such milk.

    Meals according to the Ruth Yaron system

    Parents in America are well acquainted with the author Ruth Yaron. This is a popular children's author who is the creator of his own nutrition system for babies. His system is based on the principle of speed and ease of preparation. The main condition is the absence of animal products in the menu. Pediatricians in Russia will certainly be skeptical of the American system. Do not introduce this system to your baby without the advice of a doctor.

    • apricots;
    • Apple;
    • In the absence of allergies - wheat germ;
    • Watermelon;
    • Kiwi;
    • Parsley scalded;
    • Seedless grapes, peeled;
    • Soy curd;
    • Melon white;
    • Young broccoli;
    • Yeast;
    • Asparagus;
    • Cheese is natural.

    The diet of a child at 8 months is noticeably enriched with new products. Previously unknown fruits and vegetables, dairy products and even cookies appear. What to cook for a baby at 8 months to diversify his diet? In our article, we will draw up a sample menu for an eight-month-old baby and talk about allowed foods.

    So, babies definitely continue to receive breast milk or adapted mixture at least twice a day: in the morning before breakfast and in the evening at night. We will immediately answer the question of whether it is possible to give milk to a child at 8 months. In its pure form, milk is not offered to the baby, with the exception of cereals on the water in half with milk. At the same time, make sure that there are no allergic reactions.

    During the day, children have three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner, the intervals between which are four hours. The amount of food for one complementary food usually reaches 200 ml, unless, of course, your baby is able to eat that much. Already at this age, teach children that they eat porridge for breakfast and soup for lunch - later it will be easier for them to adapt to kindergarten.

    What a child should eat at 8 months for breakfast depends on the time of introduction of complementary foods. All children at this age can be offered corn, rice and buckwheat porridge, dairy or dairy-free. It is allowed to feed with oatmeal and barley porridge, if there are no contraindications. In addition, breakfast can be varied with fruit puree, cottage cheese (about 40 g) or half an egg yolk. You can offer drinks such as yogurt, kefir or juice.

    Now we list what foods a child can have at 8 months for lunch. Offer the baby a soup with potatoes and cauliflower (not in meat broth) or vegetables, adding about 50 g of mashed meat to them. As a drink, juice or compote is good. For an afternoon snack, you can give your baby a cracker or a cookie. Many parents worry about how to give cookies to an 8-month-old baby if he does not yet have teeth. To do this, take special children's cookies that melt in your mouth. So the baby will not be able to choke.

    For dinner, children at this age can be offered children's cottage cheese with fruits, porridge or vegetables if they were not eaten at lunch. Add meat or fish to vegetables. Fish is introduced into the diet only if complementary foods were started from 4 to 5 months. Most of the time it's about artificers. What kind of fish can a child at 8 months: preferably sea varieties with white meat (cod, pollock, hake). So far, these dishes are allowed once or twice a week instead of meat.

    What fruits can a child at 8 months

    For the first fruit food at this age, a green apple or pear is suitable. If you have already introduced these fruits into your diet, it's time to diversify the menu. The baby can be offered prunes puree, fresh plums, peaches, apricots. Artificers who are already familiar with many products are gradually introduced blackcurrant, blueberry, cherry and even raspberry. Is it possible for a child at 8 months of banana and persimmon, many mothers are interested. It is quite possible to try a banana for children already familiar with other fruits, but in small quantities. But it is better to postpone the persimmon for a month or two.

    Any fruit, especially red, start with one teaspoon per day, as there is a high risk of developing an allergic reaction. Also, prioritize the seasonal fruits of your stripe. If it is late autumn or winter outside, it is better to buy ready-made canned purees than fresh fruit of dubious quality in the store.

    Vegetables and vegetable purees in the baby's diet

    Vegetable puree for an 8 month old baby is still one of the key dishes. Almost all children at this age already eat mashed zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower. Now you can add pumpkin and carrots to your diet. At the same time, enter them very slowly, as there is a high risk of developing allergies. These vegetables go well with an apple - this way you can diversify the taste range of the crumbs.
    Mashed potatoes for a child of 8 months in their pure form are rarely used and in small quantities. This is due to the high content of starch in the vegetable. But you can already add a little potatoes to other vegetables, the same applies to soup. If you cook your own food, we recommend soaking the potatoes in water for several hours to remove the starch from them. You can add a little dill to the vegetables for taste.

    What kind of meat to give a child at 8 months

    Meat products at this age must be present in the children's menu. Their choice depends on when the product was introduced into the diet. For the first feeding and for babies receiving meat from 7 months, turkey, rabbit and horse meat are relevant. For a child who began to be fed from 4 to 5 months, veal, beef, poultry are acceptable, and offal - liver, tongue and heart are also introduced for the first time. Be sure to introduce new dishes gradually, starting with the 1st teaspoon. It is important to know how much meat to give a child at 8 months: no more than 50 g per day. It is advisable to combine it with a vegetable dish for better digestibility.

    How many eggs can you give an eight month old baby

    For artificial babies, eggs begin to be introduced from 4 to 5 months, while for babies after 8 months. In this case, strictly chicken yolk from a hard-boiled egg is used. It is necessary to start introducing this product very gradually, literally from a few crumbs, since it is an allergen. Gradually increase the amount of chicken yolk by adding it to vegetables during lunch or dinner, and also by offering it for breakfast with porridge. Pay attention to how much yolk to give to an 8-month-old baby: no more than half a chicken yolk, provided that the product has been introduced for a long time and has not caused an allergic reaction.

    Kefir and other dairy products

    After the baby reaches the age of eight months, fermented milk products can be introduced into his diet: yogurt, biokefir, kefir, biolact. For this, it is recommended to buy a specialized baby product in stores and introduce it gradually, starting with one spoon per day. Kefir improves the intestinal microflora, stabilizes the child's stool, enriches the body with calcium. Gradually, you can bring the volume of fermented milk products to 150 - 200 ml per day.