Underwear for teenage girls. "Take off your shirt": how young girls sell their young bodies for likes

When girls grow up, their life ceases to seem so carefree. They face professional, social, domestic and family responsibilities. At times, every woman wants to return at least for a day to a rainbow childhood, when on weekends you could sleep until noon, look at your shining reflection in the mirror during the day and not worry about making the next mortgage payment.

The truth is that a teenage girl has her own problems. She worries about her appearance, is a convinced maximalist, does not accept changes in the body and suffers from unrequited love. She struggles with her complexes, insecurities and internal contradictions. She tries to defend her point of view, but is still too naive. The following unpleasant things are an integral part of the life of a teenage girl.

They are not taken seriously

Adults are accustomed to comparing teenagers with fledglings. Parents do not want to lose control in the family and do not take their children's opinions seriously. They refer to their own experience and accuse children of shortsightedness. Just imagine how difficult it is for girls to live when no one takes into account their opinion! That is why they are in no hurry to share their experiences with their mothers.

They hate changes in their body

For any girl who dreams of becoming an adult, breast development looks like a cherished dream. However, if nature rewards someone big breasted, this is a cause for serious stress and gives rise to many complexes. Firstly, the girls are not entirely comfortable in their new guise. Secondly, they face increased attention and ridicule from boys. Many girls tighten their breasts, which results in great physical discomfort. Many lock themselves in the bathroom, crying and dreaming that the growth of the mammary glands will immediately stop. It will take a few years to finally get used to female body and accept it as a blessing.

Love dramas and family tragedies

Adolescent girls take situations in the family or in relationships with friends to heart. They are too impressionable and regard a conflict with their mother or a quarrel with a young man as the end of the world. All these reasons seem to adults to be mere trifles. But the girl locks herself in her room, curls up on the bed in a ball, hugs the pillow and cries bitterly. All feelings of teenagers are hypertrophied. When they are in love, it seems to them that there is nothing more beautiful in the world, parting with a guy is like death for them, and conflict in the family is equated to martial law.

EMO kid brand

When teenagers get into power negative emotions, they get labeled "emo". So called super-emotional and eccentric representatives of the youth subculture. To the observer, perpetually sad teenage girls with strange hairstyles seem absurd. But all these experiences are real, and according to psychologists, they can be useful.
Strong tragic emotions are part of the development of a teenager's personality, in addition, it helps to learn how to cope with their internal contradictions, trust other people and resolve conflicts. Although such experiences are too burdensome for the girl's family, they are a natural and normal part of growing up.

Too many body changes

The transitional period in adolescents is identified with the most inconvenient time for the body. When there are too many changes going on in the body, it's easy to feel out of place. As soon as a girl stretches out over the summer, her peers begin to compare her with an ostrich. On the other hand, if the bones grow too slowly, it's easy to appear plumper than you really are. When other teenagers leave caustic comments about the girl's changed appearance, it delivers many unpleasant moments and causes irritation bordering on rage.

Conflicts between girls

Teenage emotions turn ex girlfriends sworn enemies. But it's still half the trouble. Some of the schoolgirls can become the object of ridicule of the group of recognized beauties of the class. If a girl devotes a lot of time to studying, she does not consider it necessary to take care of the latter. fashion trends and the latest smartphone. And then her peers choose her as an object of ridicule and literally do not let her pass. A good reason for insults and humiliation can be the low material wealth of the family. But if the most beautiful boy in the school falls in love with this girl, recognized fashionistas will declare a real war on her. Similar plots are often played up in youth Hollywood comedy-dramas.


Even an adult introvert finds it difficult to survive in this world, imprisoned for social interaction. What can we say about teenagers who have few friends and prefer to spend evenings in front of the TV, and not with friends at the disco. According to psychologists, the isolation of schoolchildren can become a real problem. Shy girls always feel awkward and blush over every little thing. They are afraid to come out with answers to the blackboard in class, they are afraid to meet their peers, they are afraid to invite classmates for a walk.
Sometimes embarrassment reaches such a limit that the crimson paint does not leave the face for a long time. For this feature, the girl gets the nickname "tomato" or "cancer". This feature confuses many guys. Young people mistakenly believe that the girl is in love with them. But in fact, being an introvert, she blushes, communicating with everyone without exception.

Painful periods

Many teenage girls who experience heavy menses can be literally bedridden for a couple of days. At this time, they experience a real physiological hell: pain, bloating, cramps, colic, acne on the face and mood swings. This state is systematically repeated. Firstly, it is difficult for a girl to get used to the presence of menstruation as such. She dreams of going back to the days when she knew nothing about menstruation. Secondly, discomfort and pain take the girl by surprise. Sometimes she does not understand why nature sent her such torment. Third, every teenage girl has experienced the humiliating situation of menstruation staining her clothes. If the “accident” happened in public, you will want to forget about this day as soon as possible.

Feeling lonely

When a young girl lives in a world overflowing with emotions, she feels deprived of love and misunderstood. She suspects that one of her peers may live a perfect life. happy life, and from this she suffers even more. Such experiences can end in self-imposed isolation and retreat. The girl spends a lot of time listening to melancholic music or trusting her thoughts to a diary. Despite suffering, introspection is a positive practice and will come in handy in adulthood.

Transitional age is not eternal

We have one good news for all teenage girls. Transitional age is not eternal, just as the transformations of the body and psyche are not eternal.

Every woman goes through these hardships. It is safe to say that they temper her character, make her emotionally stronger and wiser. Psychologists advise young ladies to pay as little attention as possible to someone else's opinion. When you care too much about what people think of you, your self-esteem suffers significantly. Build a positive self-image despite all the pressures of being a teenager. In a few years, you will perceive unrequited first love and ridicule from classmates as misunderstandings that are in the past.

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A teenage girl's room is such a multifunctional space that it can be called a mini-apartment. After all, there should be:

  • A place to sleep;
  • Recreation / reading / gatherings with friends;
  • A study corner with a library and a place to store school things. It is desirable that it be adapted for creative activities: sewing, drawing, etc.;
  • Spacious wardrobe with a mirror;
  • If possible - a dressing table;
  • At will and subject to availability - a sports complex for exercise, gymnastics, etc.

With all this, the room of a teenage girl should be not only comfortable and beautiful, but also personalized and ... able to easily adapt to the changing mood of the hostess. In this material you will find step by step guide, a selection of 60 photo ideas and tips to help you create the perfect interior for a girl from 13 to 17 years old.

Step 1. We draw up the color scheme of the interior

First of all, you need to decide on the color scheme of the future interior, decide what color the walls, curtains, textiles, furniture and accessories will be. In this regard, it is desirable to take into account:

  • The taste and personal preferences of the girl - you can give complete freedom of choice or find a common solution, the main thing is that it be thoughtful and balanced. It is best to decide on colors and their combinations by viewing a large number of photos of interiors.

- On the one hand, when, if not in adolescence dare to bold experiments? On the other hand, the tastes of young girls are often fickle, so the desire of parents to come to a compromise is fully justified. If the main color chosen by your daughter seems very risky to you, then use it as an accent, for example, painting only one wall with it, as shown in the right photo.

  • Desired interior style. AT classic interiors neutral and pastel shades are used, while bright accents and contrasts can be used in modern ones.
  • The degree of illumination of the room. If there is little light in the room, then the interior should be decorated mainly in bright and warm colors(white, beige, cream, coral, lilac). In the bedroom, the windows of which face south and southwest, cold shades will look more harmonious: blue, turquoise, blue, green.

  • Room dimensions. In a small bedroom, the walls should be decorated with a light shade, and best of all - white.

An example of a bedroom interior for a girl aged 16-17

Do you want the interior to be able to easily change according to mood and not get bored for a long time? Decorate the walls in white, beige or light gray, choose predominantly white furniture, and choose everything else (textiles and decor) in the colors you want. Thus, in order to modify the room, you only need to change the curtains, pillows, bed linen, rug, posters, lamp shades and other little things.

Step 2. Choose a style

Here is a list of styles that, in our opinion, can be great to beat in the design of a teenage girl's room:

  • Classic - in a pleasant way to relax, study, and receive guests. Properly designed interior will not get bored for a long time, it will always be cozy and beautiful.

  • Parisian style is sophisticated and casual, traditional and modern at the same time. The style implies the presence of contrasts, bright accents and an abundance of art objects (paintings, posters, figurines, etc.).

  • Chinoiserie - the style involves an abundance of floral prints, beautiful textiles, furniture, elegant gizmos and pleasing to the eye. color scheme. In general, everything that is needed for a girl of 13-17 years old.

  • Scandinavian style- This minimalist but cute style is well suited for small rooms, as well as when you need to decorate the interior on a budget and quickly. After all, everything you need can be bought in Ikea, and something to find in the country. Soviet pieces of furniture (for example, a Viennese chair) will fit in with a bang.

A 14-year-old teenage girl lives in this modern room.

  • - classic furniture, elegant lamps, geometric prints, contrasts, decorative mirrors and shiny accessories will appeal to most girls.

  • - Classical, but not frilly furniture, neutral colors, checks, floral and floral prints, natural textiles with ruffles, lace - that's why this style will fit perfectly into a girl's bedroom.

  • Shabby chic - shabby classic furniture, roses on wallpaper and textiles, pastel colors, ruffles and lace - just made for a young girl's room.

Step 3. Equip the sleeping area

On the bed, teenage girls not only sleep, but also lie down to watch movies, read, chat on the phone, and keep secrets with girlfriend guests. Therefore, the sleeping area in the girl's bedroom should be super-comfortable and super-beautiful. Perhaps it is on this part of the room that the emphasis should be placed.

A canopy or canopy will help not only decorate the sleeping area, but also make it more secluded. It is especially necessary in a room that.

Step 4. Set up the work area

The ideal location of the desk is by the window, so that it is on the right if the girl is left-handed and on the left if she is right-handed. There should be a lamp and an organizer for stationery on the table, under it there should be a cabinet where everything you need will be stored. The cabinet can be replaced by a wall shelf or a nearby rack. Remember that the main thing in the arrangement of the workplace is its convenience and compliance with growth.

And here are examples of jobs for two teenage girls.

When planning a room for a teenage girl, do not forget to allocate space for creativity.

Step 5. Set up a recreation area

It is good if in the room of a young girl, in addition to the bed, there is also a place for relaxing, reading books and gatherings with girlfriends. An armchair, a compact sofa or just an ottoman will be an excellent choice.

Below is an example of a modern room design for a 16-year-old teenage girl with a seating area (Designer Daria Ukhlinova).

We present other ideas for designing and arranging a recreation area in the next selection of photos.

Step 6. Arrange the wardrobe

Ideally, both a chest of drawers and a wardrobe should be used to store clothes.

A chest of drawers is convenient not only for storing T-shirts and socks. It can replace both a bedside table and a dressing table.

If the room is small, then the furniture should be chosen with a reduced depth (38-45 cm). By the way, it is not only more compact, but also much more convenient.

  • The rods in the closet should be hung at a convenient height - at eye level.
  • There should be a full-length mirror in the dressing area.

If there is enough space in the room, place a dressing table next to the wardrobe or by the window.

Tricky solution: a table with a folding top with a mirror on the back can play the role of both a worker and a toilet

The idea of ​​​​a compact dressing table for a teenage girl aged 14-17

Step 7: Adding the Finishing Touches

Decor is the most important component of comfort. How to decorate a girl's room?

  • Lamps should correspond, first of all, to the style of the interior. Most often, girls like forged chandeliers with flowers, "crystal" chandeliers-candelabra with candles and umbrellas, cascades and "pears".

  • Win-win styles of curtains - and classic ones (from one or two canvases).
  • Woolen or nylon will not only decorate the interior, but also allow the girl to do different things while lying on the floor.

The room of a young girl must be not only elegant, but also personalized. The following ideas will help reflect the tastes, character and interests of the hostess of the room:

  • Create a corner of achievements where diplomas, medals and cups will be stored. And let the trophy count count bad omen, you can and should store them beautifully.
  • Photos, paintings of classics, posters of your favorite films and just pretty pictures should definitely decorate walls and shelves.

  • All girls from 12 to 17 years old love to decorate boards on which they attach everything that their heart desires - from the lesson schedule to commemorative tickets. You can buy such a board, or you can make it yourself from plywood or cork.
  • Decorate the room with interior letters or words, for example, the name of the hostess.

Andrei Burim is eighteen years old. If you go to his page on the VKontakte social network, you will see an ordinary young guy from a provincial town: selfies, fast food pictures, “it would be summer soon”, reposts from fashionable publics and songs from progressive trap artists. Behind the narrow walls of Andrey's apartment lies the Belarusian Gomel, but instead of it there could be almost any city in the CIS - the life of a teenager, plus or minus, is identical in all latitudes of the former union.

This is probably why Andrey took up streaming, taking the nickname MellStroy. This is a harmless, in general, hobby: usually young people turn on the camera, turn on the game, and grimace. Someone succeeds better than others, and the hobby turns into a well-paid job - we wrote about those who collected hundreds of thousands of rubles in a couple of stream evenings. A Gomel teenager probably dreamed of such a career, but the trouble is that fame still couldn’t find a hero, and you won’t earn money without tens of thousands of subscribers. Andrei began to raise the stakes: in particular, in one of the streams he promised to burn a couple of his things if a certain number of viewers were reached. The idea failed, but the young man found another way - to undress teenagers live, promising them likes.


It all started with Chatroulette - a video service where the interlocutor is selected randomly. Dmitry Larin launched a broad career as a blogger and Internet artist from Chatroulette. Andrey, apparently, dreamed of a similar development of popularity. MellStroy "caught" pretty girls, who were often 14-15 years old, and offered to play a game: if the interlocutor did not answer a simple question ("How old am I?"), then she had to remove some item of clothing. Many refused, but someone was not shy and was safely exposed to the amusement of Burim and (then still) 500-700 spectators.

Over time, what happened to Andrei was what he dreamed of all his life - the long-awaited glory. Several tens of thousands of people subscribed to the channel, and the amount of one-time viewers reached slightly crazy numbers - 5-6 thousand each. Lots of. Even top showmen like Khovansky and Mops do not always gather such a crowd at the monitors - for a little-known streamer, this is an astronomical result.

Money also came to fame: during the "show" grateful viewers do not skimp on encouraging the young pornographer with a ruble - those same "donations" work. The amounts, by the standards of top streamers, are small - a couple of thousand per hour, after popularity - more, but for not the most prosperous Gomel, it’s quite nothing. And MellStroy itself does not hide the financial side. Here's what he said on one of the streams:

My family is not rich at all. There is nothing. Mother works in a kiosk, father works at a factory. Do you know how much he gets? Five million [about fifteen thousand Russian rubles]. And there are four of us: brother, me, mother and father. I wear sneakers in winter. Thanks to you I earn the most

streamer MellStroy talks about the economic side of creating child pornography

With the growth in popularity, the divorce technique also improved: the guy, even before the start of the fun, found victims, added them to Skype, and then asked to undress. For a children's striptease - a reward: Burim promised the girls a lot of likes on social networks, free PR for their Instagram page, and other attributes necessary for the minimum life of a 14-year-old lady. We cannot show the full videos from the streams, but here is an understandable passage from which we can conclude - we note that almost 17 thousand people were enthusiastically watching this.

With other teenagers, he communicates in a similar way:

Or you can lower your fingers down and play with your tangerine

streamer MellStroy persuades a child to a public striptease

As you can see, Andrei is clearly turned on by his own activities. When another victim swims in his net, the blogger's pupils dilate, his voice trembles in anticipation, and his hands involuntarily run into his hair - most likely, the reason is sweaty palms. The girl takes off her jacket, and the streamer falls into something very similar to ecstasy; the term "pedophile" can now be illustrated with a clear photograph.

The apogee of this story came at the beginning of January: while the Russians were recovering from new year holidays, MellStroy undressed children in front of 50 thousand spectators. It took only a little ingenuity, perseverance and one single promise - to fill up the victim's web page with likes.

Anyone who minimally dealt with YouTube is now at a loss: why was the cunning Gomel resident not banned in the middle of a glorious path? Ordinary videos are closed even for bare breasts, is it really that unprecedented tolerance has broken through the administration of video hosting? As blogger Denis AIDEN Merenkov told us, the thing is different:

The fact is that YouTube does not have an automatic filter for live broadcasts. Only if you use someone else's content, they can cover it up. And since Andrei deleted the recordings after the end of the broadcast, he had nothing to present. Although it is known that several of his channels were blocked

blogger Denis AIDEN Merenkov

It is not surprising that MellStroy chose a streaming platform specifically from YouTube: on a similar Twitch service, he would have lasted no more than two minutes - they can permanently close the channel for accidentally showing panties. A teenage striptease would definitely not pass any control.

But the glory that Andrey tried so hard to ride, eventually twisted and spat poison in his face - a truly general public found out about Burim's streams.

Fall and Wanted

For the first time, the Melstroy channel was pulled out under the spotlights by the aforementioned blogger AIDEN. It was from his revealing video, recorded on January 17, that a chain wave was launched: the opinions of other bloggers (not a single noisy Internet scandal can do without this), the video of the YouTuber’s channel, which is positioned as a media about YouTube events. The headliners of the Russian Internet are silent, but they will definitely say their word: wild story while splashing in the hellish cauldron, but is about to splash out. Until this happened, Life asked AIDEN about what had twitched in general young man for such things.

Of course, this is an attempt to gain an audience in any way. It is known that he initially promised on the streams, for example, to jump from the balcony if the required mass of viewers was gathered. But from harmless jokes, Andrei switched to serious things, undressing young girls

blogger Denis AIDEN Merenkov - about Andrey Burim's motivation

Here Denis is absolutely right - harmless jokes imperceptibly crossed the line, including the criminal one. Melstroy's actions can be qualified under Article 343-1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus "Production and distribution of pornographic materials or objects of a pornographic nature depicting a minor." In particular, the first paragraph of the article:

Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus, article 343-1

So the term before the young streamer looms real, and this is not our speculation at all. According to the press service of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee, the police have already visited Andrey's apartment, talked to his parents, seized the computer and are now conducting an examination for the presence of pornography in the videos. The press center also added that Andrei does not work anywhere and does not study, and now he has gone on the run - Burim's whereabouts are unknown, but are being established.

This, however, does not prevent the streamer from accessing social networks - at the time of this writing, Andrey last time I was on VKontakte on the morning of January 18th. Life tried to contact the blogger, but the Gomel resident avoids questions.

body for likes

But do not forget that this dubious story has at least two sides. And if with the one that asks to take off her jacket and screams excitedly, everything, alas, is understandable, then the second one has questions: why take off this jacket at all?

Let's remember how the Rakamakafo channel gained popularity. That's right - due to pranks over tipsy girls. "Freshmen undressed for an iPhone" - a video with this title broke into Russian YouTube, provoking a strong discussion. The formula, once successfully implemented by Sobolev, periodically pops up every September: one of the regional entertainers arranges (usually for the dedication of students) a competition for public undressing, where the main prize is new phone Apple brand. The discussion flares up again, girls are shamed on the entire Internet (and part real life), but no one even looks askance at the presenters, they say, the guys have something to do with it, they just let people be themselves. In the Melstroy situation, everyone is talking about him - and not a word about the other side.

Understand correctly: we are in no way defending Andrey. We understand the difference between students and children (even if it fits in a couple of years). But again: why take off your jacket, knowing that 10-20 thousand people are looking at you right now (the victims usually knew)? Because this disheveled individual, drowning in adrenaline, promised to promote the page on VKontakte? Strange, very strange motivation - and the iPhone in this context does not look so disgusting.

To understand the situation, Life turned to child psychologist Svetlana Prokopyuk:

Status is very important for children of this age - children are ready to do a lot for it. fashion clothes, gadgets, jewelry - all this emphasizes the status. Such shameless use of the body as an object of trade may be an attempt to get what the teenager wants. It turns out that status is more important than bodily safety. There is one more thing - at this age the concept of intimacy is formed: awareness of the body, the boundaries of this body, there is an interest in conversations of this kind. And at the junction of these two processes - the desire to become noticeable in the eyes of others and develop an attitude towards one's body - it turns out that status wins: it is more important for a child to establish himself among his peers, and the value of intimacy is lost.

Svetlana Prokopyuk, child psychologist

In addition, as Svetlana Prokopyuk told Life, society also has a great influence on the behavior of a teenager. In talk shows, in political and economic circles, the emphasis is on outrageousness, on the desire to do something anti-social. And, perhaps, this becomes a contribution to the behavior of these adolescents - there is a desire to treat their body aggressively. And, perhaps, the teenager then repents, because he understands that such an unlimitedly offensive use of his body does not lead to good.

It is possible that children are afraid of a perfect act because of the end result - when they see their own naked body on a screen that is available to millions, they have a shift

New media

I remember that Life ended the main trends of Russian YouTube in 2016 with a prophecy: they say, thanks to streaming services, interactive has come into fashion, and it is still impossible to predict where all this will lead, because the possibilities of YouTube and Twitch are intangible and limitless . The only thing we were sure of was that the site would still throw surprises.

The most important thing in this story: the Melstroy case is only part of the upcoming events that streaming services will dump on us. Since streamer Karina realized that Twitch can be used in any way, but not for its intended purpose, the very idea of ​​​​live broadcasts has changed radically - now it is a huge and, again, unexplored platform for experiments of the widest field. Pug arranged "Running Man" in real life, Burima thought of a children's striptease. This can be treated with contempt and fear (and these will be the most understandable emotions), but at the moment YouTube is more like a Pandora's box wrapped in a regular plastic bag: as soon as you scrape off the usual layer and dig a little further, all the demons of the world will immediately fly out and they will show their snout - and, alas, nothing can be done about it. Because at the end of last year there were more than a hundred thousand people who paid for the beating of a former robber and fanatic, and at the beginning of this - more than fifty, salivating at a frightened girl, raising her sweater just above her chest.

Over the years, yesterday's girls become true ladies. The little girl, who until recently tried on her mother's high-heeled shoes and painted with her lipstick, today already has these attributes in her arsenal. It's no secret that girls tend to grow up as soon as possible - looking at her mother's wardrobe, the baby dreams of wearing similar things. Having reached adolescence, along with basic wardrobe the girl's underwear also changes.


Linen in the wardrobe occupies a very important position. It is not only a means of hygiene, but also an expression of style. Teenage girls attach great importance to the choice of clothes in general and underwear in particular. If earlier a little fashionista adored children's panties with the image of funny cartoons, cats and bunnies, now the grown-up girl prefers underwear of bright colors with various prints and inscriptions.

As for the bra, there should be several varieties in the arsenal of a young girl.

For summer periods do not purchase products with dense, air-tight foam rubber. It's about not only about convenience and comfort, such a thing can simply harm your health. A model that visually enlarges the chest, of course, can be in the wardrobe. But it is better if such a bra is, as they say, for a specific occasion. You can safely wear it under Nice dress before going to a party.

The wardrobe of a young beauty should include a sports bra. This model is somewhat different from the usual bra. This bodice is characterized by wide elastic bands, and it is better if it is a special elastic top with cups. Playing sports will bring only joy and the girl will not have to worry that the straps may come unfastened or marks will remain on the skin. By the way, this model is perfect for every day.

Linen style

In adolescence, up to about twenty years, the girl has not yet formed her own style. Of course, there is something that a young fashionista prefers, but basically all girls want a thing “like a girlfriend” or their idol. Conditionally teenage underwear can be divided into two categories. The first is comfortable, versatile with a discreet design, and the second is expressive lingerie, decorated with romantic ruffles and playful bows.

Lovers of the simplicity of a laconic style simply cannot pass by white, black and flesh-colored underwear. Admirers of everything bright and fashionable can afford such colors as yellow, pink, light green and so on. It is important that the underwear is chosen in accordance with the clothes and does not stand out against its background.

There can be a lot of complementary details in underwear, these are ruffles, and floral trim, and bright prints, the most important thing is to choose the right set to feel confident and comfortable in it.

How to choose

The choice of underwear for a teenage girl should be approached with all responsibility. Girls of this age are often already able to make their own choice, but it is very important that it be the right one. Mom should have an informative conversation with her daughter to explain all the subtleties and nuances that you should pay attention to before buying underwear.

Initially, you should pay attention to the composition of the product. Underwear should be predominantly made of organic cotton. This is very important detail, after all synthetic fabrics can be irritating at best. Of course, underwear can be made of synthetics, but then it is very important that there is a cotton insert in a certain place.


Panty size plays a huge role. Teenage underwear must be matched proportionately.

Panties that are small will leave marks and may even dig into the skin, thereby causing pain. In addition, wearing underpants of small size can lead to serious health problems, because the body of a teenager is at the stage of development, and tight underwear will simply squeeze the organs. It is worth paying attention to the quality of the seams and existing inserts, they should not be rough so as not to cause discomfort when worn.

Various design elements should not be left unattended. It should not be voluminous lace or large details. Such, albeit cute-looking models can deliver a lot of discomfort in the process of wearing.

It is better to refuse thong panties in adolescence, even adult women are not recommended to wear such models, as they do not meet hygiene requirements. If under certain clothes the seams of panties stand out, it is better to purchase a seamless model than to resort to thongs.


Of course, the most important point before buying is fitting. It is not recommended to buy a single thing without putting it on yourself, but what can we say about the first bra? If a mother goes shopping without her daughter, it is worthwhile to discuss and find out the girl’s preferences in advance so that the first bra does not become a disappointment. Of course, it would be better if the daughter and mother go to such an important event together. In this case, the size will be correct, and the design will suit the child, and such delicate shopping will unite mother and daughter.

Schoolgirls - high school students are at the most beautiful age, when unintelligent childhood ends and youth comes, full of opportunities, but not everyone can properly manage their own youth. Such conclusions suggest themselves if you look closely at high school girls and graduates.

A beautiful schoolgirl is an exemplary student

Try to search using Google and Yandex for beautiful, well-dressed schoolgirls. Often, both Google and Yandex give us photos of completely different schoolgirls - high school students. In a strange way, for the most part, not the most positive photos are published on the Internet, where our Russian schoolgirls are presented as deprived of culture and education, as well as vulgar and rude girls who disfigure themselves with their behavior and manner of dressing!

High school girls smoke near the entrance to the school, dress too revealingly, often use profanity when communicating with each other and with the older generation.

I don’t want to write instructions here and appeal to reason, it’s just somehow sad. After all, in fact, the girls we see in the photo from entertainment sites live not only on the Internet, but in reality throughout Russia.

More recently, I had to observe such a picture - at about 12-00, a small flock of high school students gathered near my house - 4 girls about 15 years old. They settled down in the gazebo and talked, together smoking one another thin cigarettes. And then one of the girls unzipped her bag and took something out.

It turned out that one of the schoolgirls had a half-liter bottle of vodka in her bag, and the other had 2 boxes of juice in her bag. That day I wanted to cook something delicious in the kitchen on my own, so from time to time I had to flicker at the stove and at the window, thanks to which I had the opportunity to watch the girls from time to time.

The schoolgirls must be said to be beautiful, two blondes, a brunette and a brown-haired woman. All the girls are well dressed, have good handbags, it is clear that they are from very prosperous families, their parents take care of them. This puzzled me - the girls are pretty, one of them is even beautiful, wonderfully dressed, they also have some money, because each one took out her pack of Vogue-type cigarettes, they also bought vodka and juice for something.

But why do they have such entertainment? It is clear that when girls from disadvantaged families from dubious areas gather somewhere in the village, sit on a bench and drink alcohol - this is natural for them, and in fact one of the few entertainments available. Only here is a completely different case - I live in the very center, schoolgirls study somewhere nearby. There are 3 good schools near me, the girls are all surrounded by the care of their parents and live in abundance. I know these schools, the children of some of my friends and girlfriends study there.

I don’t understand why they need vodka and cigarettes, because now there are a lot of other more interesting and useful entertainments!

Alcohol and cigarettes bring real pleasure a little later, because cigarettes and alcohol take some getting used to. Only after a few years of drinking alcohol on holidays, vodka and brandy begin to truly bring joy and fun in the company. And at 14-16, there is no real pleasure.

Remembering myself at the age of 14-16, I remember 3 episodes when I had to drink vodka. No pleasure, why drink it? Maybe I don’t understand something, but thanks to this dislike for vodka and bad company, but love for myself, I manage to deceive time.

In the background to this publication, it is said that in school age A lot of people want to look older. I also wanted to look older at the age of 13-15, I did all sorts of stupid things, experimenting with clothes and cosmetics. But then, at one point, I no longer wanted to look older.

It happened on my 25th birthday. Everyone, much older? Enough! Only here everything is much more complicated - at a young age it is incommensurably easier to put on hairpins, take a cosmetic bag and paint bright color, plus pick up clothes that make you look older.

It is very easy to draw years on your face, but to wash it off and look much younger is much more difficult. I succeeded, now I can meet and communicate with the children of my peers, while from the outside everyone will think that I am a little bit older. When I meet new people of my age, somewhere in the company, they often tell me that I am fit for their daughters, how can I be so smart and know everything? Then it turns out - we do not have much difference in age according to the passport.

In the photo we can see beautiful and not very beautiful schoolgirls, but they all young girls and should be happy!
Photos of schoolgirls are collected from various open sources - entertainment sites, blogs, including dubious content and quality, so there are no links to sources. If you find here your photo or a photo of your daughter, while you do not agree with the placement on the site - write, I will immediately delete your photo.