Where should a pregnant woman go on vacation. Countries and places where it is good and useful to have a rest for the expectant mother

The world is so arranged that, being in an interesting position, expectant mother emotional release is required. And since it's warm ahead summer days, then the weather itself favors rest for the soul and body. There is absolutely no need to get hung up on the fact that traveling is contraindicated for a pregnant woman. Remember that now you are not sick, but pregnant! And these are 2 completely different things. It is important to consider that the main criterion for the future mother is the competent selection of a place of rest. That is why a competent approach and compliance with certain restrictions will help to warn against adverse consequences and get a positive boost of energy, positive emotions and joy from the rest.

When is it better for a pregnant woman to postpone travel?

  • Low location of the placenta (or in other words placenta previa). If a pregnant woman has been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, you need to be extremely careful. Any overexertion can cause bleeding due to a low placenta.
  • Risk of miscarriage. With this diagnosis, doctors strongly recommend bed rest and not to worry.
  • Gestosis. The main prerequisites for this disease: according to the results of the analysis, an excessive protein content in the urine is revealed, pressure rises, limbs swell. Of course, if there are contraindications, it is not necessary to talk about the trip. Treatment of a pregnant woman is carried out exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases during pregnancy. It is advisable to follow the instructions of doctors and not to travel outside the city unnecessarily.

If pregnancy does not bring you trouble, there are no contraindications, then it's time to think about choosing a country for your summer vacation.

What vacation option to choose in the summer for the expectant mother?

Among the great variety of offers from travel agencies, the expectant mother should not choose extreme trips, since a mistake in choosing a country for travel can cause the baby to be born in a foreign country or even when returning home. When choosing a place of rest for pregnant women, great attention should be paid to the microclimate. The rest of the moments play minor role It all depends on your mood and desire. Below is a list of countries where women in position are not recommended to go.

Where not to relax pregnant

Mexico, India. Since the heat in Mexico and India begins with the onset of fine spring days, you should remember that the air temperature on the train will inevitably cross the 30-degree mark. Of course, such loads can harm the baby.

Tunisia, Cuba, Turkey, Egypt, UAE. High humidity and, as mentioned above, high temperature.

Africa, Brazil and other exotic countries. No matter how you dream, being in an interesting position, to make a trip to such countries, then on this moment it is better to refuse it. The severity of the flight, the tiring heat, the presence of transfers, all this can adversely affect your health and the health of the unborn baby. Since traveling to such countries requires mandatory vaccinations, which, in turn, are contraindicated for a pregnant woman, now is not the time for such trips. For example, a stay in Africa will require you to take antimalarial drugs, and you will also need to be vaccinated against yellow fever.

Mountain regions. Mountains are not the best a good place rest for the expectant mother. At high altitude, breathing difficulties and lack of oxygen can be observed. Neither you nor your baby will benefit from such a vacation.

Countries where you can spend time usefully and not be afraid to harm your baby

Favorable climatic conditions of the Crimean peninsula will benefit both mother and baby. In addition, you can eat fruits in moderation. There is no need to worry about the fact that not knowing the language can somehow ruin your vacation. Many people here also speak Russian. Countries such as France, Croatia, Switzerland and other European countries can also be a great place to relax.

The benefits of the sea and the sun for the expectant mother

Having chosen a suitable country for travel and overcoming all the difficulties of the flight, you finally found yourself on the seashore. Sea water is a real storehouse of microelements and swimming as a wellness procedure has a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother. And since, against the background of hormonal changes in the body of a woman, mood swings occur (there are some positive emotions, then on the contrary, tears), water will give a “tired” woman the lightness of weightlessness and peace of mind. As for tanning, it is recommended to adhere to correct mode- sunbathe until 10 o'clock and only after 17.00. Since the most important thing for a pregnant woman is the health of her baby, following these simple recommendations will allow you to have a good rest and recuperate before the upcoming birth.

    A sanatorium of a general therapeutic profile, which accepts expectant mothers and mothers with babies for health improvement. Treatment is individual, after a medical examination. The price includes 4 meals a day, a swimming pool, training on simulators. There is a private beach. Children under 3 years old can stay with their mother free of charge.

    Three types of special programs "Sanatorium for pregnant women", for a period of 5 to 10 days, with accommodation on the territory of the Losiny Ostrov National Park. The program includes physiotherapy exercises, a visit to a salt cave, diet food, round-the-clock supervision by experienced obstetricians and gynecologists, swimming in a pool with mineral water.

    The sanatorium is located in a coniferous-deciduous forest, 25 km from Moscow. Provides health and wellness services multiple pregnancy, anemia, placental insufficiency. There are programs for the normalization of hormonal levels, the treatment of infertility, diseases of internal organs.

    The boarding house has a new program for expectant mothers - "The Beauty of Expectation". Vouchers are offered to women with a gestational age of 12 to 30 weeks. The price includes 3 meals a day, wellness treatments, lectures by obstetricians and gynecologists about pregnancy and childbirth. Upon arrival, a health certificate from a local gynecologist is required.

    The oldest multidisciplinary sanatorium of the Administration of the President is located in a protected area on the banks of the river with the telling name Rozhayka. There is a treatment program “Healthy mother - healthy baby!” for women with a gestational age of 12 to 32 weeks.

    The sanatorium is located on the banks of the Pyalovsky reservoir and specializes in diseases of the cardiovascular system and pregnancy management. There is a phytotherapy room, a water-mud bath, a psychological unloading room, phototherapy, electrotherapy, and physiotherapy are used. For a fee, you can live with a child of any age.

    Founded in 1922 in a former merchant's estate, a special sanatorium for pregnant women offers a curative 20-day course for expectant mothers. A large number of useful procedures, a strict diet and adherence to the daily routine, conversations with psychologists, programs for preparing for childbirth. On the territory there is a playground, a bath complex, outdoor and indoor pools. It is possible to stay with a spouse or children.

    The sanatorium is located 80 km from Moscow, not far from the Oka River. Offers a full range of special treatment procedures, including magnetotherapy, different kinds inhalations, mud therapy, aromatherapy, intravenous laser blood irradiation, hydrotherapy, herbal tea, oxygen cocktails and much more. Accommodation with pets is possible.

    A modern complex specializing in rejuvenating and healing procedures is located on the picturesque shore of the lake. The clinic employs professional dietitians and cosmetologists. Many programs are offered to detoxify the body, relieve stress, normalize weight and improve health. There is an Ayurvedic room, juice therapy, therapeutic fasting, all types of therapeutic massage.

One of the best destinations this year for relaxing during pregnancy is the resorts of Bulgaria. It takes only 2.5-3 hours to fly from Moscow. The beaches in the country, although municipal, are clean, the service is at a high level. In addition, Bulgaria, having entered the European Union, managed to keep its local currency (leva), which means that the price of the tour will be lower than in Spain, Italy or Greece. Another pleasant moment: since 2016, the Bulgarian visa for Russian tourists has fallen in price from €35 to €10, and children under 16 are issued visas free of charge.

The most relaxing holiday in Bulgaria during pregnancy will be on the coast of the Golden Sands resort. When buying a tour to Bulgaria, keep in mind that warm weather is set in the country's resorts in the second half of June; at the beginning of summer, winds and rains are not ruled out.

the Baltics

A flight from Moscow to Jurmala (Latvia) will take an average of 1 hour 45 minutes. You can also get there by car, but there is a chance that you will spend time crossing the border. The trip by car will take about 15 hours one way. For safety reasons, it is best to drive during daylight hours, as beavers, foxes, deer and elks often cross the road.

Where to rest in the Baltics? Of course, everyone knows Jurmala for its amazing climate. The water temperature here quickly warms up to +21°C, and high dunes covered with pines protect the bay from cold winds and create a microclimate favorable for health. Other popular destinations in the Baltics: Palanga and Druskininkai (Lithuania), Ventspils (Latvia), they can also be recommended for a beach holiday during pregnancy.


A trip to the Dead Sea during pregnancy may be worth postponing. This is the lowest place on the planet - 800 meters below sea level, and due to the drop, even healthy people can feel discomfort and even headaches. In addition, it is contraindicated for pregnant women to dive entirely and lie on the surface of the Dead Sea.

However, the idea of ​​flying to Israel for a vacation should not be completely dismissed, because the local Mediterranean coast deserves special attention. There is snow-white sand and a smooth entry into the warm, like fresh milk, water, the temperature of which reaches 25-26 ° C during the season. The food is of high quality, medicine in Israel is at the highest level. If you are traveling for a long time, you can arrange scheduled examinations. Some women stay there for childbirth: about this. In Israel, there are unusual traditions for pregnant women: for example, making a plaster cast of the abdomen - you can then paint it and hang it on the wall.

Russians do not need a visa to Israel, most of the staff speaks Russian, ads are also often duplicated in Russian. A flight from Moscow to Israel takes an average of 2.5-3.5 hours.

Mountain lakes in Austria

While waiting for the baby, it is not at all necessary to go to the sea. There are many amazing mountain lakes in Europe - for example, in Austria there are about 300 of them, and summer tourism is excellently developed here, there are even special hotels for pregnant women, which provide everything that a woman in position may need.

One of the most popular lakes in Austria is Wörthersee (Carinthia). The water in it is clean, equivalent to drinking, and also wonderfully warm: in June - 21.6 ° C, in July - 23.9 ° C, in August - 24.6 ° C, in September - 20.8 ° C. A wonderful place to relax: there are green forests, attractions, entertainment, and thermal pools. The flight from Moscow to Austria takes about 3 hours on average.

Lakes of Northern Italy

Of course, we are talking, first of all, about the lakes of Como, Maggiore, Garda and Lugano, located at the foot of the Alps. Rest in these places during pregnancy is just perfect. There is a mild climate, a lot of emerald greenery, citrus orchards, olive groves. The air temperature usually stays at around 22-30°C, and the water is surprisingly warm - up to 24-25°C. In restaurants, you can taste dishes from fresh fish caught directly in local lakes. If you choose Lake Garda for relaxation during pregnancy, be sure to visit the unique thermal spring Terme di Cola`. The temperature of the water in it is the same as the temperature of the human body: 36.6°C. As you go to this fabulous place, you will plunge into the incredible variety of aromas of flowers, pines, fir, and aromatherapy during pregnancy helps to cope with any stress and fatigue.

Doctors say that a healthy pregnancy is no reason not to travel. Pleasant emotions, rest and in general good mood only for the benefit of the expectant mother. True, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances of the "interesting situation" and plan the trip correctly.

Where and how can you go on vacation during pregnancy?

Safe period for travel 9 months of pregnancy is conditionally divided into three trimesters:

    the first - from the first to the 13th week of pregnancy;

    the second - from the 14th to the 27th week;

    the third - from the 28th to the 38th week (until the moment of delivery)

Many women believe that the most convenient time for vacation trips is the first trimester. Of course, the tummy is not so big yet and it’s convenient to hide it under a loose T-shirt, it’s not hard to walk yet and you can actively spend your leisure time. But doctors do not agree with this opinion. In the first trimester, the body of the expectant mother is very sensitive to any changes: food allergies, food and odor intolerance, motion sickness, toxicosis, and so on appear. In addition, in the first weeks of pregnancy there is a high risk of miscarriage, so exercise and stress are contraindicated. At this time, gynecologists advise to refrain from long-distance travel. Only short trips within the country are allowed.

Obstetricians and gynecologists call the second trimester the safest for vacation trips. At this time, the woman is already getting used to her "special" position, and the fetus begins a stable period of development of internal systems. If there are no contraindications, then you can go abroad.

Where to go pregnant?

The problem of choice with today's variety of services offered by travel companies in your case should be limited to the following considerations.

First, the climate: if the pregnancy proceeds normally, you can rest in any climatic zone, although in the last trimester a sharp change in climate is still undesirable.

Second, the temperature air in the country or region of your choice. In such countries as Mexico, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, UAE, India, already in May - June the air temperature exceeds 30°C. It is desirable that travelers "in position" take care of themselves from the heat. It is better to choose countries where the summer air temperature is close to that which is familiar to you, and you should not go there in the hottest months (that is, not in July and not in August). The conditions of the resorts of the Baltic countries, Croatia, Turkey, France, Spain, Switzerland are good.

Thirdly, what about the love of the exotic? It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to travel to exotic countries. This issue should be resolved individually, after consultation with a doctor. For example, a trip to Africa is fraught with the risk of contracting serious infectious diseases, so all travelers must be vaccinated against yellow fever, and then take an antimalarial drug as a preventive measure. Naturally, pregnant women should not do either. The doctor decides on vaccination in each case individually. In the first trimester, vaccination against influenza and all tropical infections is prohibited so as not to harm the health of the developing fetus. In addition, exotic countries (Cuba, Mexico, African countries, island states) are too far away, and the upcoming long flight (sometimes with transfers) will be extremely tiring for any person, not to mention the expectant mother.

Which sea to choose for a holiday during pregnancy?

Finally, the longed-for sea or ocean splashes invitingly at your feet and you are ready to surrender to the will of the waves. What should be remembered about this?

It is very useful for pregnant women to swim, especially in sea water, saturated with salts and microelements that heal the body. This natural hypertonic solution relaxes muscles very well, tones nervous system helps with stress. In the water, the expectant mother does not feel the weight of her own body, she relaxes and refreshes her body on a hot day. In addition, swimming is an excellent exercise for the respiratory and muscular systems of the body, which will help prepare for childbirth. Swimming is very useful for varicose veins, as it maintains muscle tone. Therefore, swim for pleasure, but avoid overloads, do not arrange competitions, do not dive.

And more about the exotic. In the southern seas, coral reefs are often located right off the coast, around which colorful fish of extraordinary beauty frolic. Remember that you can’t step on corals (there are special slippers for this, you can buy them in advance in the store): stepping on corals with your bare foot will ensure you problems for the rest of your vacation. The same can be said about the "goldfish" and other representatives of the marine fauna - you should not touch them in any case, as they can be poisonous.

If the temperature of the sea water does not seem very high to you and you feel chills when entering the water, listen to your feelings and do not overcool - in this case, you should prefer a pool to the sea, where the water temperature is much higher.

Important tips for pregnant women:

    Choose the first row of seats near the aisle;

    If possible, get up every 30 minutes and walk around the salon for 2-3 minutes;

    Take with you or pre-order a diet menu;

    Keep lozenges and necessary preparations on hand;

    Before the flight, you can drink a light, safe sedative.

Rules for the rest of pregnant women:

    Travel with family or friends;

    Have at hand the phone number of the gynecologist who observes the pregnancy;

    Be careful eating fruits and generally unfamiliar foods;

    Avoid stress and hypothermia;

    Do not walk a lot, refuse any walking and bus excursions;

    Do not sunbathe, wear a hat and sunglasses;

    Wear loose clothes and comfortable shoes;

    For the beach, choose a closed swimsuit;

    Always have non-carbonated drinking water on hand;

    Use a sunscreen for pregnant women;

    Refuse spicy and spicy foods, exotic dishes.

Spring directions

In terms of recreation, spring is the most problematic period: slush, rains, thunderstorms ... In March, the United Arab Emirates are suitable for relaxing by the sea, which begin to warm up by the middle of the month.

In April-May, it is good to go somewhere to the south, where it is already warm, there is sun and warmth. The main thing is to be fresh air at least four hours a day, otherwise the trip does not make sense and you will not have problems with toxicosis. Rest is recommended to arrange during the hours of maximum solar activity.

    UAE (mid-March - early May)

    Crimea (closer to May)

    Italy (April-May)

    Spain (April-May)

    Israel (closer to May, the sea is already warm in Eilat)

Summer destinations

Summer is not the time to travel to hot places. Our baby will not approve of such drastic climate changes. It is better to pick up something in your climate zone - to settle on the shore of the lake, to make swims that train the abdominal press, walks through shady forests, in a word, something pastoral.

    Czech Republic (mountainous part);

    Austrian mountain lakes (Zell am See Kaprun is a very beautiful place!). By the way? there are also special hotels for pregnant women;

    Northern Italy with its lakes (Lugano, Dikamo, Garda) (specialized hotels);

From beach destinations, it is important to choose the right time so as not to get into extremely hot conditions. You can have a good rest by the sea in these countries:

    Crimea (June);

    Bulgaria (June);

    Greece (June);

    Cyprus (June);

    Baltic (July-August);

    Spain (June, end of August);

Autumn destinations

Autumn is almost the perfect time to relax. Some people like to inhale the smell of fallen leaves while hiking through more or less cleared forests (so as not to put themselves at risk of tripping and falling!), others right now will get out to the southern countries, it is warm enough there, but there is no longer exhausting heat. You can swim in the sea or the pool, and take a walk along the embankment in the evening, and eat exotic dishes, harden yourself, and relax. Gentle sun, friendly service, a cozy hotel room, the opportunity to take a break from pots and ironing shirts - what else does a woman need to be happy?

September (warm sea + excursions):

  • Bulgaria (until the middle of the month)

  • Malta (beach holidays only)


    Spain (first decade)


Where to spend winter holidays:

    Spa tours in sanatoriums

Ski holidays - discard immediately. If only to stand next to the hill and watch how others ride. But the risk of catching a cold, cooling off, or something worse than slipping is too great. Do you need such a risk - decide for yourself.

Rest by the sea is complicated by the remoteness of the warm edges. More or less warm sea and sunny weather in winter - this is only Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. The weather conditions are almost perfect.

November, December, January - best of the month for holidays in the United Arab Emirates due to weather conditions. Moreover, the water cools down from November, so at the beginning of winter the water is warmer, and in February you can already forget about swimming.

The weather peak in Egypt is in October, but in winter it is very comfortable conditions for rest for pregnant women, provided that there is no toxicosis of course. In January, the water is already quite cool, but the air is very comfortable and there is enough sun. The minus of Egypt is all sorts of security risks, a low level of service in hotels and an incomprehensible level of medical care, therefore, when choosing between these two options, it is better to choose the United Arab Emirates.

Take care of your wardrobe too. During sunny hours, light, light-colored clothing with sleeves is the safest. It will protect you from burns, and if the clothes are out of natural materials- cotton or linen, then from allergic reactions, which most often manifest themselves in the sun. Don't forget about the headdress. To avoid overheating, you should not wear tight, tight-fitting clothing - it disrupts the natural cooling process of the skin and contributes to overheating.

We hope this article was helpful to you. You can leave your application on our website and our managers will help you find the best tour for you.

Many years ago, when I was vacationing on the Black Sea, my neighbors were a married couple from Donetsk: the woman was nine months pregnant. Sunny daily baths, swimming in the sea, a glass of Crimean wine at night - she did not deny herself anything. And she looked quite flourishing, given her position. I was in a state of shock from all this: according to my feelings, she was supposed to give birth right on the beach and in the very near future. But a woman gave birth three weeks after the vacation, about which her happy husband did not fail to notify me by telegram...

How to make sure that the rest is safe for both the woman and her unborn child, only an observing gynecologist can tell. In case of any complications, most likely, if he does not forbid, then at least he will recommend to rest not far from home - 50-100 kilometers, so that you can regularly attend a consultation, and if necessary - get an emergency medical assistance.

Africa can wait

The fact is that pregnancy itself can provoke diseases that a woman has not suffered before: pyelonephritis, hypertension, and others. A radical change in climate can only exacerbate these diseases, so you should try to forget about distant countries and limit yourself to relaxing in your usual climatic zone, in a sanatorium or at a seaside resort (for example, rest in Yalta has a beneficial effect).

The dry climate of the Crimea is useful for pregnant women (especially for those who suffer from asthma), as well as Valdai, Seliger, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. At a gestational age of 26 weeks, it is better to go to rest in the country, and in the last two weeks before childbirth, be closer to the maternity hospital.

There are areas that are contraindicated for pregnant women - these are, first of all, exotic countries. For example, a trip to Africa, India is fraught with infectious diseases. If there is an opportunity and you certainly want to go abroad, then it is better to choose countries whose climatic conditions are close to the usual for a vacation, and go there not in the hottest months: the Baltic States, Turkey (Marmaris), France, Croatia, Finland, Spain (to For example, the resorts of Catalonia, whose climate is close to the Crimean one).

A contraindication for traveling a pregnant woman may be high blood pressure. In these cases, leaving the house is not recommended, since even small loads increase the possibility of bleeding and can provoke a miscarriage. In any case, before going on vacation, it is advisable to make sure that nothing threatens you. The doctor must make an extract with the exact gestational age and minimal tests (general blood and urine tests), as well as recommendations. In addition, after 30 weeks of pregnancy, wherever you go, you should always have an exchange card with you.

What to do on vacation?

Rest should not be associated with heavy loads: it is worth minimizing the number of excursions and long walks, especially in the mountains. But bathing has a very positive effect on well-being (it is better to do this early in the morning or in the evening). In the water, a woman feels light, her muscles relax. In addition, swimming is an excellent exercise for the respiratory and muscular systems of the body, which helps to prepare for childbirth. Do not forget that classes in the water can help correct the wrong position of the baby - transverse or. True, some pregnant women cannot swim - for example, with hypertonicity. Swimming is also contraindicated for spotting, polyps and erosions. Pregnant women with neurodermatitis - skin diseases that sometimes appear during pregnancy - will also have to give up swimming, including in the pool. As for the pleasures of the resort, then perhaps you need to limit yourself only to sunbathe in pleasure. This is caused by a number of serious reasons: exposure to the active sun during the daytime can cause uterine bleeding; The load on the heart during pregnancy increases, and a woman is at risk of getting sunstroke and even losing consciousness. Under the influence of the sun progresses varicose veins veins, increase dark spots associated with pregnancy. In general, in the hot months of summer, expectant mothers need to spend as little time as possible in the sun (before 11 and after 16-17 hours), during the day it is best to hide in the shade.

On vacation, it is not recommended to experiment with unfamiliar and exotic products, since in case of poisoning, the risk of premature birth increases. The same goes for water: you only need to drink mineral water and refuse fruits and vegetables, the purity of which you are not sure.

Walking is safer. During pregnancy, women should be afraid not only of a certain type of transport, but also of road fatigue. Fatigue during a trip leads to lower back pain, cramps, and as a result, it can cause premature birth. After seven months of pregnancy, it would be prudent to refrain from long trips in any form of transport altogether. Traveling by plane during pregnancy is the least tiring option, but during takeoff and landing there is a sharp change in atmospheric pressure, which can cause vasoconstriction and premature detachment placenta (for example, with a low attachment of the placenta). On an airplane, a pregnant woman is affected by several harmful factors: noise, change in atmospheric pressure, prolonged oxygen deficiency and vibration. To this are added emotional stress, overload during landing and takeoff and in air pockets.

Traveling by car and bus is associated with a long stay in a forced position, traveling railway- with vibration and motion sickness. If you still decide on a car trip, you need to sit either in the back seat or next to the driver, not forgetting the seat belt so that during heavy braking you do not hit your stomach on the dashboard. Place a pillow under your lower back to make you feel more comfortable. In case of motion sickness, you should take with you remedies for motion sickness, for example, validol with or without glucose, mint tablets, lemon, homeopathic lozenges. It is best to consult your doctor about taking other medications. In the first aid kit, you also need to have no-shpu and candles with papaverine, which are good for stomach pains.

So if there are no contraindications, then you can go to rest: during the time you should not deprive yourself of positive emotions.