When can you get married in a year. Signs for a wedding by months. When is the best time to get married

The patroness and mistress of the year will be the Yellow Earth Dog. This animal is endowed with prudence and natural wisdom. His life principles, moral qualities and fortitude can be envied. The dog will protect those who have the same guidelines, desires and goals as hers. If we turn to the characteristics, this animal is the protector and keeper of family values, foundations, traditions. Therefore, people who marry in 2018 automatically fall under the special care of the Dog. The main thing is that the thoughts when entering into marriage should be pure and devoid of any malicious intent.

How to determine the wedding date:

  1. Signs, superstitions and folk beliefs. From time immemorial, people have been guided by superstitions, signs and beliefs, trying to predict what is in store for them in the future. This is the experience of life that was accumulated by previous generations and their ancestors. On the topic of the wedding, there are many similar predictions that often come true. It is very important to interpret them correctly. An inexperienced person in this matter can draw wrong conclusions.
  2. Chinese horoscope. In this case, a special role is played by the characteristics of the ruling animal, its main character traits, habits and habits. In 2018, the Dog will sit on the throne of the ruler. The family for the ruler of this period is the most subtle matter. The animal calls for understanding that the personal happiness of each person directly depends on the degree of strength of the rear, which is provided by the care, love and respect of all family members.
  3. Astrological (zodiac) forecast. Here pay attention to many criteria. This is a characteristic of certain lunar days, and the phases of the night queen - the moon, and its location relative to the planets, and its remoteness from each zodiac sign. The timing of the moon rises and sets also plays a role. The cyclical change of the place of residence of this celestial body can predict, with an accuracy of up to a minute, how favorable this or that time is for marriage.
  4. Calendar of church holidays. In Christianity, there are dates of great celebrations on which it is categorically not recommended to celebrate a wedding and hold a wedding. Of these dates, one can single out the Great and Nativity Fasts, the Annunciation, the Dormition, the Presentation, Easter, the Beheading. The ban on marriage also applies to other fasts, as well as well-known church holidays.
  5. Numerology. A fascinating and exact science based on numbers and their various combinations. Experts in the field of numerology are sure that any life event, especially such an important one as a wedding, is subject to numbers. With accurate calculations, a person can understand when it is better to enter into marriage so that it is long-lasting and happy.

Characteristics of favorable and unfavorable days for a wedding in 2018 by months

Attention! The numbers of the month that are not included in the list of good and bad days are considered neutral for celebrating a wedding.

wedding in january 2018

January 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

In general, the first month of 2018 is favorable for marriage, if critical dates are avoided, according to astrologers. However, their Chinese colleagues are sure that it is necessary to select dates taking into account that the Rooster continues to rule the year, and the Dog will ascend the throne only in the middle of the next month (according to Chinese style the year will start on February 15). According to signs and astrological forecasts, the most dangerous for celebrating a wedding is the first half of the month, of which only three days (11, 12 and 15) are suitable for organizing an event. A marriage concluded on auspicious dates in January promises to be strong. It has been noted that many couples who get married in the first month have many children.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in January 2018: 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 21, 23, 26, 28 .
  • Not auspicious days for a wedding in January 2018: 1 to 10, 13, 14, 19, 29 to 31.

Wedding in February 2018

February 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28

Some days of the second half of the month are favorable for celebrating a wedding. The young will live long and happy life. But astrology and superstitions warn that those who come to the wedding altar not out of love, but, for example, by calculation or coercion, will face disappointment and trouble. Such a marriage is unlikely to last more than 3 years.

We should not forget about the powerful in the negative plan on the 15th day of February, when three global events are expected at once:

In the first case, the new mistress of the year may consider that you are disrespectful of the date of her entry into rights, being distracted by your holiday. In the second case, the marriage may be adversely affected due to the negative cosmic vibrations coming to the Earth. In the third case, a church ban was imposed on marriage.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in February 2018: 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in February 2018: from 1 to 15.

Marriage in March 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31

Any Orthodox clergyman will assure you that it is impossible to celebrate a wedding in March, and even more so to get married. The fact is that Great Lent continues to go on throughout the first spring month. According to folk beliefs, those who marry during this period may face an unhappy fate. And this applies to both family life and other areas. Some priests say that if the March wedding date cannot be moved in any way, it is important to take into account the strict restrictions on the solemn and informal parts of the event.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in March 2018: missing.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in March 2018: The entire month.

wedding in april 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

The first half of April is unfavorable for wedding celebrations and, accordingly, wedding ceremonies, since Great Lent has not yet ended. Starting from April 17, you can register relationships. The special energies of this month will make marriage harmonious. Spouses may not be afraid of divorce. The only thing that is recommended to pay attention to is the solemn registration time. After all, the moon also affects the future life of the couple. On days of April, successful for the wedding, she will be arriving, so it is better to appoint registration in the intervals after her sunrise and before her sunset.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in April 2018: 17, 18, 21, 24, 25.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in April 2018: from 1 to 16, 26, 27.

wedding in May 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

Regarding the wedding May Days There are no restrictions in astrology. The Orthodox Church also does not prohibit celebrating wedding celebrations in May, with the exception of the 25th, when the Lord's Ascension is celebrated. But according to signs, May is not suitable for celebrating a wedding. Experts are sure that if you set the wedding day for an auspicious day, the "May" couples will live a life filled with many joyful events. The spouses will be firmly attached to each other, and over time, a strong connection will arise between them at a deep spiritual level.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in May 2018: 3, 6, 11, 20, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in May 2018: 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 22, 23, 25, 27, 31.

wedding in june 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30

Almost the entire month is unsuccessful for choosing a wedding date, since the Apostolic Lent will begin on the 4th, which will capture the first ten days of July. There are only three days left when you can register a marriage without violating church canons and following folk signs. According to astrological forecasts, newlyweds who got married between June 1 and 3 will never part, and their mutual love will only grow stronger every year. According to the lunar calendar, during these three days the moon will wane, which can make you wary. But astrologers reassure, saying that in this way the moon will take all the negativity out of the life of the spouses.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in June 2018: number 1 to 3.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in June 2018: from the 4th to the 30th.

Wedding in July 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31

The days of the month will be divided almost in half: 16 of them will be favorable for marriage, the remaining 15 will be unfavorable. Until the 12th, Petrov Lent will last, during which another great church holiday falls - Ivan Kupala. Astrologers, like the Orthodox Church, do not recommend signing in the first half of July. Experts refer to the unfavorable location of the night celestial body in relation to those responsible for marriage and the seven planets. In the early morning of July 13, the moon will be born, after which it will begin to grow, then there will be more days favorable for the wedding.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in July 2018: 14, from 16 to 29, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in July 2018: 1 to 11, 12, 13, 27, 30.

wedding in august 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31

In August 2018, there are only 10 days when you can get married without fear of negative consequences and at the same time follow church canons, superstitions, astrological forecasts. Experts recommend formalizing relationships on auspicious days in August for couples who have tested their feelings for each other for at least a year. This month has a super-powerful and rather contradictory energy, which can significantly affect the sphere of personal relationships. How exactly it will affect the relationship of a particular couple depends on how carefully the bride and groom will comply with the announced restrictions.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in August 2018: 1 to 8, 12, 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in August 2018: 9th, 11th, 14th to 28th.

wedding in september 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

According to superstitions, astrological predictions, folk beliefs, the lunar calendar and signs, this month, along with February, is considered the most successful for formalizing relationships. Numerology also did not stand aside, expressing its point of view. So, experts calculated the main number of each September date of 2018 and found out that 3, 5, 12, 18 and 30 became neutral numbers. The rest of the dates are very favorable for marriage. In September, all the forecasts surprisingly coincided, which for many other months contradict each other. September is ruled by the number "9", which will endow the spouses with wisdom and incredible luck.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in September 2018: 1st, 2nd, 7th, 10th, 14th, 16th, 20th to 26th, 29th.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in September 2018: 11, 21, 23, 27.

Wedding in October 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

The matrimonial union, created in October, will make a bright tandem out of the newlyweds, based on love and mutual respect. Astrologers have noticed that 50% of couples who later have happy and large families got married in October. During the whole month, you can register a marriage, except for one day, on which the great Orthodox celebration falls - Intercession (14). The prognosis of specialists in the field of numerology is also favorable. The unit, which is the controlling number of the month, will allow young people from the first days of married life to find the right guidelines that will help maintain sincere love for many years.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in October 2018: 1 to 13, 15 to 31.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in October 2018: 14.

Wedding in November 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30

A life devoid of serious problems, stable relationships, undying feelings and understanding - this is what awaits the young who will formalize their relationship in November. Only three will be unsuccessful for a wedding this month last days, which will mark the beginning of the Advent. On other days, astrologers, folk signs, and the Orthodox Church recommend getting married. If you choose a wedding date strictly according to the lunar calendar, you can select the most successful days - 9, 18 and 21. The number of the month will be a deuce, which is formed from two ones (11) by adding them. The characteristic of this number allows us to predict that the November marriage will be devoid of scandals and mutual accusations, and a warm, soft and friendly atmosphere will always reign in the family.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in November 2018: from the 1st to the 27th.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in November 2018: from 28 to 30 number.

wedding in december 2018

Mon WT SR Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30

The church and astrology do not prohibit marriage in December. However, folk beliefs and numerology do not recommend celebrating a wedding this month. In December, severe frosts often occur, bad weather rages, replete with hurricanes and snowfalls. And according to the bad weather on the wedding day, young people predict a troubled life filled with conflict situations. When calculating the ruling numbers of each December day, it turned out that there were no numbers favorable for the wedding. It was possible to find only two neutral numbers - 7 and 26. So, it is better to refrain from getting married in December. If you still plan to do this, choose the two indicated days to register the relationship.

  • Favorable days for a wedding in December 2018: missing.
  • Unfavorable days for a wedding in December 2018: The entire month.

When choosing a wedding date, the bride and groom are guided by circumstances, their own beliefs and preferences. Of course, the key factors happy marriage are love, mutual respect and the ability to find compromises. Experts are sure that the newlyweds, who have a mutual desire to create a long and lasting relationship, are not afraid of any signs, superstitions and forecasts. But if there is an opportunity to increase the chances of a happy married life, why not take advantage of them by listening to the predictions?

Increasingly, in addition to the official painting in the registry office, newlyweds choose a wedding according to church rites. To choose a happy date for starting a family, refer to the Orthodox wedding calendar for 2018.

Newlyweds should remember that the church cannot always accept them to perform the sacrament of the wedding. During the great church holidays and fasts, neither baptisms, nor weddings, nor funerals are held. Find out which days in 2018 will be celebrated Orthodox holidays, you can from the Orthodox calendar of church holidays and fasts. The church of your choice may also have its own holidays, so check the date in advance in order to coordinate all organizational issues with the priest.

A wedding is a special ceremony for which young people prepare in advance. The spiritual connection of the couple takes place before Heaven for life. Our ancestors attached great importance to this sacrament, and the church still considers secular marriage invalid. In addition, the wedding contributes to the formation of a strong family, protected by Divine Power.

Traditionally, weddings take place four times a week: on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The best day is considered Krasnaya Gorka, which in 2018 falls on April 15.

Although many dates will not be available, you will be able to choose the right date for your wedding. Remember the importance of your step and do not make hasty decisions. The sacrament of the wedding in 2018 is not performed:

  • Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday all year round;
  • during and on the eve of the great and enduring church holidays;
  • during the observance of fasting by the Orthodox world;
  • on the days of continuous weeks;
  • during Holy Week;
  • on the days of unique holidays celebrated by the church or temple of your choice.

Weddings in January

In January, spouses can tie the knot in the presence of the Lord on the 21st, 22nd, 24th, 26th. You can sign at the registry office this month only on Friday, the 26th.

Marriage in February

The second winter month will not please big amount wedding dates. Will be available only on February 5, 7, 9. Accordingly, wedding palaces will be able to accept couples only on February 9, since work is carried out mainly on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

March weddings

There are no weddings in March due to Lent. This is a time for physical and spiritual abstinence, which Orthodox Christians spend in prayer.

Weddings in April 2018

In April, you can choose a date for the wedding from 15 to 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30.

On the 20th and 27th, couples will be able to register their relationship at state wedding palaces. However, some employees of the registry offices make concessions to the young and hold ceremonies on other days.

May weddings

May is an ambiguous month for connecting destinies. Our ancestors associated many signs with this month, according to one of which, getting married in May is just toiling. However, contrary to popular belief, most couples live happily after the wedding this month. One way or another, by church calendar you can choose several dates for the wedding: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25.

Wedding ceremony in June 2018

This month you will not be able to hold a wedding ceremony due to Peter's fast. However, you and your loved one will be able to better prepare for the sacrament, cleanse your souls of negativity, and pray to the Higher Powers for the well-being of your couple.

July weddings

The middle of summer will again please with a large number of dates, among which you can choose your lucky one: 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30.

Registry offices this month will be able to accept future spouses on the 13th, 20th, 27th.

Weddings according to the church calendar in August

get married in last month summer, newlyweds will be able to 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 29, 31 numbers. You can register relations in the registry office on August 3, 10, 31.

Marriage in September

Our ancestors considered September to be one of the most prosperous months for registering relationships between lovers. According to legend, families formed in September will not lack financial resources, will quickly get on their feet and enjoy family life for many years. According to the church calendar, the following dates will be open for you: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 28, 30.

Official registration of relations in state institutions is possible on the 7th, 14th, 28th.

October weddings

October will be rich in weddings. This month, the church will receive everyone who wants to seal the bonds of marriage before the Lord on October 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31 October.

Numbers coinciding with the work of the Wedding Palaces: 5, 12, 19, 26.

November weddings

In November, couples will be able to get married on the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 23rd, 25th, 26th.

Wedding palaces will be able to accept young people who want to register a relationship on November 2, 9, 16, 23.

December 2018

In the last month of 2018, marriages are not held in the church. However, if for family reasons you need to seal the bonds with the sacred sacrament of a wedding, you can contact the head of the church or temple. If he deems your reason valid, he will bless you with the sacrament of creating a family in the face of the Lord on the appointed day.

Remember that maintaining a family and good relationships is a responsibility for both spouses. Do not think that you will be able to solve all the problems and disagreements of the future. life together with the help of a wedding or choosing a happy date for the celebration. Before marriage, you should be clearly aware that your decision to connect life with your loved one should be the only one and for the rest of your life. We wish you sincere love and prosperity in everything. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Today, a lot of superstitious people, and especially brides, on the eve of the wedding, experience and listen to all traditions and customs. Therefore, the question: is it possible to get married in 2018 worries many. On this score, astrologers, psychics and healers have different opinions. Below we will try to figure out whether this is a happy year for marriages. It has been repeatedly proven that even those women who never believed signs, before the wedding, begin to listen to them, so as not to frighten off their female happiness.

Observance of signs begins with the choice of a “successful” date for the marriage. It is now rare to find a newlywed couple who have chosen their wedding date only because of convenience or because it is associated with some serious event for them. Most newlyweds choose their wedding date by reading a bunch of astrological forecasts and books.

Is it possible to get married in 2018 - the year of the widower

2018 is the second year following the Almighty, and is considered to be the year of the widower. And therefore, many people do not recommend getting married in 2018 - as it is doomed to failure. But the most terrible factor in marriage can be called the fact that the spouse, due to an accident, will lose his wife and remain a widower.

Astrologers believe that you should not puzzle over whether to get married in 2018. As in other periods next year, you can enter into relationships. But if you believe in omens so much, then be careful when choosing a wedding date. It is unacceptable to marry on such days:

  • lunar day;
  • retrograde Venus;
  • eclipse days;
  • retrograde Mercury.

It is worth avoiding such days for marriage when the planets were located in the region of destructive degrees.

Lucky days for a wedding in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

Many people think that 2018 is leap year, and therefore it is not worth marrying in it, so as not to be a widow. In fact, this is not the case, and 2018 is not a leap year. In January, the ideal day for marriage is the first number. But no matter how much the newlyweds like this date, they will not be able to paint it, since this day is a day off in all of Russia. However, do not be upset and auspicious days to create a family in January are another 21st and 26th.

In February and March, there is only one date for the wedding, in winter it is the 25th, and in the spring it is the 23rd. Astrologers advise getting married in April on the 20th, 27th or 29th. Only such a union should be rich in mutual understanding. Many people consider May not a good month for marriage, as lovers will “toil” all their lives. This is a delusion, and the most favorable May numbers are the following: 20, 25 and 27.

Of course, any woman dreams of a summer wedding, since at this time you can realize almost any of your ideas. Favorable in June are - 15 and 25, in July - 15, 20, 23, and in August - 17, 24, 26. September is also not rich in the choice of lucky dates, in the first month of autumn, 16.21 and 23 are considered favorable numbers , in October - 14, 19, 21, and in November - 9, 14 and 18. In December, there are only 2 have a nice day are 14 and 21.

As we can see, in most cases, the second half of the month is a good day for celebrating. The first two weeks are undesirable for creating a family due to the waning moon. It is better to get married in 2018 during periods when the moon is growing.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2018 according to Feng Neck

Choosing a wedding date according to Feng Shui is much more difficult than according to the astrological calendar. It will be very difficult to make forecasts on your own, and therefore often young couples seek advice from experienced professionals. In this science, thanks to the data on the spouses, you can choose not only favorable days, but also good hours for the wedding. If a couple chooses a not very favorable date for the wedding ceremony, then by choosing a “good” time, you can make your day the happiest.

The optimal days for creating a family can be called the days of Success, Balance, Stability, Establishment, Discovery. There are very few days on these dates, and therefore, most often, according to Feng Shui, newlyweds marry exactly on time.

Lucky days for a wedding in 2018 according to the Christian calendar

Although many people no longer belong to the church life, there are many couples who want to assure their love by performing the ordinance of baptism. It is best to discuss the date of your wedding with the priest and look into orthodox calendar. good days for the wedding can be called Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The most successful date for a wedding is April 8 - Easter.

You will not be able to get married in 2018 on the following dates:

  • January 7-18, 29-31;
  • 1-3, 12-17, 19-28 February;
  • 1-7, 9-14 April;
  • May 17, 27, 28-31;
  • June 2, 4-30;
  • July 1-11;
  • August 14-27;
  • November 28-30;
  • December 1-31.

As we can see, it will not be possible to choose a date for the wedding quickly, since you can only get married in 2018 on some days. In March, September and October, you can choose any date you like; on the other days, you can’t get married, according to church customs.

Beautiful dates

Every year has beautiful wedding dates and 2018 is no exception. Of course, the most remarkable day can be called the 18th of any month. But hardly anyone wants to play a wedding at the beginning, in the middle of the week or on Sunday. Popular dates include:

  • 01/18/18 - Thursday;
  • 05/18/18 - Friday;
  • 08/18/18 - Saturday;
  • 10/18/18 - Thursday.

February 14 is a popular date every year, but in 2018 it will be Wednesday, so many couples are unlikely to want to register a relationship. Surely, many will want to seal their union on September 1 - Saturday, the day of knowledge and the first day of autumn.

The article described the dates and times when it is better to get married in 2018 from the point of view of different sciences. Do not believe the rumors that this year is doomed to failure and a man who marries next year will remain a widower for the rest of his life.

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On beautiful dates, the line for painting at the registry office is lined up half a year before the event, so if you are planning a wedding in 2018, then now is the time to start choosing which day your wedding will take place. What beautiful dates in 2018 for a wedding can you choose? Religious people pay attention that the wedding does not coincide with the Orthodox fast. Superstitious couples avoid warning signs. And someone just wants the number to look beautiful in the marriage certificate and passport.

Even those who do not believe in signs are interested in the patron animal of the coming year. The upcoming 2018 is the year of the Yellow Dog, this animal is distinguished by devotion and kindness, appreciates sincere feelings and fidelity.

Symbolism yellow color multifaceted - it is both the color of warmth and sunshine, and the brilliance of gold, which leads to associations with wealth. Also, it promotes intensive work of the brain, increases concentration, creates a joyful atmosphere.

A marriage concluded in the Year of the Dog will be long and devoid of sharp conflicts and drastic changes!

The Year of the Yellow or Earth Dog will be more than favorable for marriages and the development of relationships. A hardworking attitude to work will be rewarded, and relationships with employees will become loyal.

The cheerful Sun Dog promises a year marked by calm and stability both politically and financially. This year gives a great guarantee against separations and divorces.

Beautiful dates for a wedding

Harmony, beauty and impeccability are the main components of any wedding. The choice of date is no less reverent and an important event than marriage itself. After all, for the rest of your life, the number chosen by the bride and groom will show off in the certificate and passport.

It will be filled with associations and memories of the day of application and painting. Dates that have a symmetrical digital display are easy to remember.

These can be the following numbers:

  • 08/08/18 - a good combination of three eights, which promise a long and happy life.
  • 08/18/18 - the same three eights. In addition, such a date is easy to remember.
  • 11/18/18 - looks symmetrical and complete.

To celebrate the wedding in 2018, all dates where there is the number 18 or 8 will be successful and beautiful. Eight - the symbol of infinity should increase the well-being of this year's marriage.

The wedding day also plays a role, because it is easier for guests to congratulate the newlyweds on the wedding day, which will take place on a weekend.

  • March 18, November 18, April 8, February 18, July 8 - Sundays.
  • August 18, September 8, December 8 - Saturdays in 2018.

Other date options that will also look harmonious in documents and help you remember this happy and joyful day:

  • 08/10/18, 10/10/18 - figures with round numbers are harmonious and beautiful. Zeros, along with eights, represent completeness.

The mathematical approach suggests that those dates in which numbers can be divided by 3 will look beautiful:

  • 18.03.18;
  • 18.06.18;
  • 18.09.18;
  • 6.12.18;
  • 18.12.18.

There are quite a few options for beautiful and convenient dates to choose a special one for yourself. But do not forget that the main thing in marriage is not only the harmony of numbers, but also the harmony of relationships based on trust, mutual understanding and care for each other.

Symbolic numbers of 2018

You can go the other way to determine not only beautiful, but also favorable dates for marriage in 2018. After all, the main thing is well-being in marriage, and not just a beautiful number in the passport.


To help the newlyweds, when choosing the date of the celebration, the meaning of the numbers will come. Numerology has attracted attention since ancient times and helps to determine the perfect option in choosing dates for important events.

To find out the number, you need to add all the numbers of the wedding date together. For example, the number 11/10/2017 in total will give 13, which also needs to be added as 1 + 3 and the result is 4. So the wedding date will be marked with this number.

  • Unit - Support and mutual understanding.
  • Two - A strong union in which spouses show attention and support to each other.
  • Three - A number that carries a conflict marriage.
  • Four - A happy marriage with many children.
  • Five - Marriage devoid of trust.
  • Six - Union in which the spouse receives the championship.
  • Seven - Family figure, carries mutual understanding and consent.
  • Eight - a sign of infinity for the family, full of love and mutual support.
  • Nine - the egocentrism of one of the spouses overshadows the interests of the other.

Moon calendar

January will please the young couple with such happy dates as January 1, 21 and 26. The entire third decade of this month is favorable for wedding celebrations.

February has only a few favorable numbers: 17; 18; 21 25 or 26.

IN March your choice should be stopped at 19; 23; 25.

Suitable days in April 20; 27 and 29.

For unsuspecting newlyweds May also saved some good dates: 20; 25 and 27.

June has several lucky dates: 15 and 25. And neutral numbers that do not carry as much positive energy as the first ones, but are also devoid of negativity: 17; 22 or 26-27.

IN July a set of numbers will please with such options: 15; 20 and 23.

August will provide the newlyweds with 17; 24 and 26.

IN September astrologers have identified such auspicious dates: 16; 21 and 23.

Auspicious days for marriages October the following: 14; 19 and 21.

November offers suitable dates: 9; 14 or 18.

In d December you can successfully marry, following the lunar calendar, in the following numbers: 14 and 21. Or choose a neutral number: 17; 19 and 20.

Feng Shui

Also, you can resort to the help of Feng Shui to determine the auspicious date for marriage.

But it's quite difficult. Therefore, in order to choose not only a day, but also a time, it is worth contacting professionals.

Sha days should be avoided, which can have a negative impact on a partner.

So, one of those entering into marriage under the influence of such days can become wasteful, quarrelsome and constantly late.


For the wedding ceremony, you need to take the choice of date very seriously. You can not get married on fasting days or on church holidays. Here, there are many factors to be aware of before setting a day for the sacrament.

  • You can't get married on Tuesday and Thursday. Because they are considered lean. It is impossible on Saturday - it precedes Sunday, which is considered "Little Easter".
  • It is impossible to hold a wedding on Easter - April 8, 2018.
  • They will not perform the ceremony on the twelfth holidays, such as the Nativity of Christ's Baptism, Ascension and others.
  • During the five holy weeks, weddings are also not held: January 7-18, January 29-February 3, February 12-17, April 9-14, May 28-June 2.

The final choice of the date for the sacrament must be agreed with the priest. Since, there may still be local church holidays on which the wedding is also not held.

Many couples try to match the ceremony with the painting in the registry office. But if you can’t pick up the numbers like that, you shouldn’t be upset, because you can arrange two holidays.

For example, to hold a wedding in a narrow circle of relatives, and to gather guests for painting and organize a more magnificent celebration.

Folk omens

Folk beliefs and rituals are filled with many signs, which also indicate a more favorable time for marriage. Signs for a wedding for 2018 will be able to suggest the most correct option to organize a celebration.

  • January - lose a spouse;
  • February - consent in the family;
  • March - life in a strange side;
  • April - constant change;
  • May - toil all my life;
  • June is a union full of love and understanding;
  • July - joys and problems in half;
  • August - love for life;
  • September - comfort and harmony;
  • October - constant difficulties;
  • November - prosperity and prosperity;
  • December - the warmth of love will warm stronger every year.

The bride and groom, preparing for the important step of marriage, are trying by all means to make the future union harmonious, joyful, filled with mutual understanding and support. Helping the newlyweds moon calendar, specialists in feng shui, numerology and folk omens.

But most importantly, do not forget that happiness depends not only on beliefs and the lunar cycle. And from the willingness to be patient, understanding and loving for a happy and prosperous marriage.