Entertainment my favorite toys 1 junior group. Entertainment in the first junior group for children and parents “Favorite toys. The song "Snow is flying"

Natalia Otpuschennikova


1. Introduce children with toys located in group.

2. Learn to respond children to the questions of the teacher.

3. Develop cognitive activity, curiosity of pupils

4. Stimulate an emotional response to the game situation.

5. Cultivate a caring attitude and love for toys, courtesy, benevolence.

Entertainment progress:

The teacher plants children on the chairs in a semicircle, then draws the attention of the pupils to an unusual house (from screen and constructor).

Guys, what do you think, whose house is this? Who lives in it?

(Answers children) .

caregiver: I'll help you, but you have to guess riddle:

Walks without a road in summer

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a lair,

Hides the nose from the cold.


(Answers children) .

caregiver: That's right, guys, this is a bear, and in our house there is a teddy bear, his name is Mishutka, this is mine favorite toy I like taking care of him. My Mishutka can sing songs, let's listen.

(Listening to song).

caregiver: And also, I know about Mishutka poem:

bear cub loves honey,

Sugar, jam

Scoop with your paw - and into your mouth!

Just a meal!

caregiver: Guys, let's show Mishutka your favorite toys, which are in group. May each of you bring me one of the most favorite toy with which you love to play in a band.

Children get up and take toys, bring them to the teacher.

The teacher asks everyone: "What is this a toy do you have a name toys why are you her love

If the children do not know how to speak, they are silent, then the teacher helps the children to answer, for example: “This is a bunny ... he is so soft and fluffy, I even know about him poem:

We read with children the poems of A. L. Barto from the cycle « Toys»

“The hostess threw the bunny,

there was a bunny in the rain,

I couldn't get off the bench

wet to the skin."

Dropped the bear on the floor

Tore off the bear's paw,

I won't leave him anyway

Because he's good"

My cheerful sonorous ball,

where did you jump:

yellow, red, blue,

don't chase you.

caregiver: “Guys, my Mishutka lives with me for a long, long time, and all because I take care of him, I will tell you the secret of how to make your toys were in our group for as long as possible, did not break and did not get lost.

which are in group, accompanying the words with a display action:

Took toy, put it back after the game.

(The teacher takes toy and puts it on the shelf

Throw and throw on the floor toy - DO NOT.

Rip and break toys - DO NOT.

caregiver: "You guys understood me, how to deal with toys

Children: "Yes"

caregiver: "Well, now, each of you, in turn, will plant his big truck toy and together we will ride our toys by group».

Children plant toys in the truck, then each in turn rolls the car with favorite toys in the group room.

The song sounds "Song of Friends" to the verses of S. Mikhalkov.

The teacher leads the skating process toys by children.

caregiver: "Well done guys, you told me a lot about toys I found out what favorite toys you have in the group and now you can with your play with toys».

List of used literature:

1. Internet resources: littlhuman.ru: Poems about animals

2. Emotional child development. O. A. Eirikh. 2011

Bozhenko Natalya Alexandrovna
Entertainment "My favorite toys". First junior group


entertainment for children first junior group"My favorite toy in kindergarten» .


1. Introduce children to toys located in kindergarten group.

2. Learn to answer the teacher's questions.

3. Develop cognitive activity, curiosity of pupils.

4. Stimulate an emotional response to the game situation.

5. Cultivate a caring attitude and love for toys, courtesy, benevolence.

Entertainment progress:

The teacher puts the children on the chairs in a semicircle, then draws attention to the guest who came to the children - a hedgehog.

Guys, who do you think this is?

(children's answers).

- Educator: That's right guys, it's a hedgehog. That's mine favorite toy I love taking care of him.

My hedgehog can sing songs, let's listen.

(listen to song). And I still know a poem about a hedgehog.

All in needles

But not a tree

And in winter he sleeps soundly.

Gray little lump.

He curled up into a ball.

Our hedgehog sniffs sweetly.

caregiver: Guys, let's show your hedgehog favorite toys, which are in band and you like to play with it.

Children get up and take toys and carry to the teacher.

The teacher asks everyone child: "What the a toy why are you her love.

If the children do not know how to speak, they are silent, then the teacher helps the children to answer. For example: “This is a bunny ... he is so soft and fluffy, I even know a poem about him.

I read a poem by A. Barto from the cycle « Toys» .

The hostess abandoned the bunny,

Bunny left in the rain

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin.

They dropped the bear on the floor, tore off the bear's paw

I won't leave him anyway

Because he's good."

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you jump:

Yellow, red, blue,

Don't chase after you.

Our Tanya is crying loudly

Dropped a ball into the river:

"Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,

the ball will not sink in the river.

caregiver: “Guys, my hedgehog lives with me for a long time, for a long time, and all because I take care of him. I will tell you the secret of how to make your toys were in our group for as long as possible, did not break and did not get lost.

Took toy, played, put it in its place.

(The teacher takes toy and puts it on the shelf.

Throw and throw on the floor toy - DO NOT.

Rip and break toys - DO NOT.

caregiver:" You guys understood how to deal with toys?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: And now, each of you will show your toy hedgehog and put it on the shelf.

caregiver: Well done guys, you showed me and the hedgehog your favorite toy. And now you can play.

List of used literature:

Internet resources.

A. Barto's book « Toys» .

Related publications:

"My Favorite Toys" Entertainment based on the poems of A. Barto"My Favorite Toys" Entertainment based on the verses of A. Barto The course of entertainment Educator: Children love toys So everyone says. Well, except toys.

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Entertainment scenario in the first junior group "Favorite toys"


Guys, today we can go to interesting walk. And let's not go on foot, but go by train. Only we need to make a train out of chairs.

Children put high chairs in a "train" and put a pipe on it.


There are a lot of chairs to put in.


Wheels knock, knock.
I don't want to stand still.
I turn my wheels, I turn.
Sit down soon - I'll ride.


Now, guys, sit down. Let's go. Is everyone ready? Go? They stomp their feet.


Steam locomotive, steam locomotive
Brand new shiny.
He took the kids
Like real.
(2 times)


Children, but we don't have a driver. Therefore, the beep does not buzz. Let's hum. Who will be our driver? The kids are all over the place. A red dog jumps out from behind a screen.

Take me wow wow. I will be a good driver. Do you know a poem about me?


Rides, rides steam locomotive
Two pipes and a hundred wheels.
The machinist will be a red dog.

They put him in as a driver.


Here is our Bobik red dog.
Red forehead - black nose.
Bobik, Bobik, give me a paw,
Do not bark loudly at us.

A horse appears above the screen.


Yoke-go, yoke-go
Are you going far?
(2 times)


Do you guys travel far? Do you know who is talking to you? Let's tell the horse a poem.


I love my horse.
I brush her hair smoothly.
I stroke the tail with a comb.
And I'll go on horseback to visit.


Do you know a song about me?

Song about a horse

I have a horse.
This horse is fire.
I ride it
On my horse.

The horse is invited to the locomotive. The steam locomotive moves on. A chicken appears from behind a screen.


I am a Corydalis at the shed ko-ko-ko.
I collect kids ko-ko-ko.
Oh, where are my chickens ko-ko-ko.
Ah, where are my boys.

Meow, I don't know.

The song "Snow is flying"


Children, tell the cat Vaska wanted to catch chickens? Come down to us chicken and Vaska play with us.

The game "Hen Corydalis"

The teacher depicts a chicken, the children - chickens. One child is chosen as a "cat", he sits on a chair away from the children and "dozes in the sun." The mother hen goes out with the chicks for a walk. The teacher says to the chickens:

The chicken came out
She has yellow chicks with her.
The chicken cackles: “Ko-ko,
Don't go far."

Approaching the sleeping cat, the teacher says to the chicken children:

On a bench by the path
The cat lay down and dozes.
The cat opens its eyes
And the chickens are chasing.

The cat slowly opens its eyes, meows and tries to catch up and catch the chickens, which run away with the chicken.

Crying is heard.


Who is crying?

A warmly dressed doll emerges from behind a screen.


Quiet, quiet, silence.
The doll is sleeping, she is sick.
Head hurt
She asks for help.

Guys, I know the doll is not sick. She's just hot. Let's take off her clothes and put on a light one.
(Children dress the doll).


And with what other toys do you like to play, who else do you want to invite to your toy train.
Children say who they want to ride on their train and tell poems about them. The ball pops up.


I am a cheerful sonorous ball,
Joyfully jumped off.
Red, yellow, blue.
We will play with you.

ball game

The teacher kicks the children with the ball, and they run away.

The song "The locomotive hummed"


And now it's time to return to the group and rest after a hard journey.

Synopsis of the final entertainment in the first junior group on the topic: "My favorite toys."


Contribute to the expansion of the children's active vocabulary on the topic: "Toys".

To consolidate the ability of children to recite poems together with a teacher without the help of a teacher.

Develop a sense of color perception, consolidating knowledge in the name of the primary colors (red, blue, yellow, green).

The development of the eye and fine motor skills hands

To evoke in children a sense of empathy, respect for toys.

Cultivate the ability to practice together, not interfere with each other.

Learn to move while keeping the direction. To develop attention, the ability to act in a team, coordinating actions with the rhythm of music.

Preliminary work:

    Reading, learning poems by A. Barto "Toys";

    Examination of illustrations, books on the topic "Toys";

    Listening to songs;

    Musical games "Find a toy", "Guess";

    Didactic exercises “Put it in place”, “Pick up the doll outside”, “Feed the Bear”, “Compare by color, shape”, “Name one word”;

    Word games “Who left?”, “Who is this?”, “What is gone?”;

    Examining toys;

    A conversation about your favorite toy;

    Preparing for the storyline role play"Family", "Toy Store", "Steam".

Equipment and materials:

    Toys: plane, bear, truck, horse, bunny;

    Pictures depicting toys;

    Model of a locomotive with multi-colored wagons;

    Shelf for toys.

Methods of reception and work with children:





    Action with toys;

    Compilation of descriptive stories by the teacher with the children.

GCD progress

Guys, Mishka came to visit us and brought picture books. But in order to look at them, you need to guess which toy is hidden in it.

Hidden in a green book is a toy that got wet in the rain. Who is it? (Bunny.)

Dance "Hare dance."

In the red book there is a toy whose paw was torn off. (Bear.)

In the yellow book there is a toy on which you will return to your mother. (Airplane.)

In the blue book - a toy on which you can go to visit. (Horse.)

Mobile game "I love my horse."

What should be done so that the toys are always beautiful? (play carefully, do not lose, do not tear, do not break)

Toys must be protected, you need to play with them carefully. Let toys, books be friends with us. We will not offend them. Let's play, and then we'll put everything in place.

Toys love to be played with. So our Bear is sad. Shall we play with him?

Mobile game "The bear walked in the forest."

The bear was walking in the forest
The bear was looking for children,

For a long, long time he searched
Sat down on the grass and dozed off.

The children came out to dance
They started banging their feet.

Bear, bear, get up
Catch up with our children .

Guys, Mishka asks us to help him put the books in their places. Let's help, we will take the picture books on the train to the bookshelves: put the books in the trailers so that the color of the book matches the color of the trailer.

What color is your book?(green)

So, in which trailer do we put the book?(to green)

Didactic game : "Find by color"

What a long beautiful steam locomotive. Do you think the books liked it? (Yes)

We will also take the train. I am a train, you are wagons, stand one behind the other.

Mobile game "Steam Train".

Choo-choo-choo! Choo-choo-choo!

The train is rushing at full speed.

I puff, puff, puff,

I haul a hundred wagons.

"Whoo!" We've arrived!

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

What do you carry in the wagons?

Balls!(children jump like balls)

Woo! The locomotive is calling everyone.(children get into wagons)

Choo-choo-choo! Go!

Choo-choo-choo! I'll go far!

Steam locomotive, steam locomotive,

What do you carry in trailers

Airplanes!(children fly like airplanes)

The locomotive hummed and the wagons were taken.

Choo-choo-choo! I'll go far!

We've arrived. Here are the bookshelves. Let's put the books on the shelves.

(did game "Identify by color" ).

Guys, I really liked how you tried to help Mishka, how loudly you recited poetry. And what did you like?

For your efforts, Bear gives you new toy- Steam locomotive. Take care of him, play carefully, together.

Educational activities in regime moments:

productive activity

    Application "Toy tableware", "Cars for a steam locomotive", "Napkin for nesting dolls";

    Drawing "Scarf for a doll", "Elegant nesting dolls";

    Modeling "Tumbler", "Bunny", "Hedgehog";

    Collective work collage "Our favorite toys".

Working with parents:

    Information in parent's corner"Games, toys inIml group";

    Consultations "Influence of toys on the development of the emotional and moral sphere", "Variety of toys and their purpose";

    Questionnaire "Playing with a child in the life of your family";

    DIY toy contest.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten combined type No. 8

Physical entertainment

"My Favorite Toys"

in I younger group.

Instructor for physical culture

A.V. Pogodin


1. Create a joyful, cheerful atmosphere;

2. Increase physical activity;

3. Develop expressiveness of movements;

4. Cultivate respect for toys.

Preliminary work: reading poems by A. Barto "Toys", looking at illustrations, talking about what they read.

Material and equipment:








Ved.: Guys, do you like toys? Look how many toys are here. They are waiting for you guys. Can you tell me what toys are here? (horse, kitten, bunny, bear, ball).

The leader approaches the horse and reads a poem by A. Barto.

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

Ved.: Guys, ahow a horse jumps , Show? Let's put the leg forward, put the handles on the belt and jump. But! Forward horse. Click your tongue. We've arrived. Ah yes, well done. We swami came to the bunny.

The hostess abandoned the bunny -

A bunny was left in the rain.

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin.

Look how sad he is. Let's play with him.

The game "White Bunny is sitting."

Ved.: Oh what clever bunnies. Look, the bunny has become cheerful.

Ved.: And there is also a bear. I know a poem about him too. Do you guys know the poem about the bear?

Dropped the bear on the floor

They cut off the bear's paw.

I won't throw it away anyway.

Because he's good.

Ved.: Guys, how does the bear walk? The clumsy bear walks in a waddle, rolls from foot to foot and growls. Show how the bear walks. Oh, what wonderful teddy bears.

Ved.: And who else is here? Who are these guys? Well, of course it's a kitten.

kitten fiddling

With a ball:

It crawls up to him

Secretly,That on a ball

Will start throwing

Pushes him

Jumps to the side...


GuessThat this is not a mouse

And a ball.

What a mischievous kitten. Let's play. I'll be the mother of the cat, and you will be the kittens. Naughty kittens crawl away from mother kitty. They crawl like this. And when the mother cat calls her kittens, they again crawl to their mother cat.

Game "Cat and kittens"

Ved.: Here our kitten saw the ball. We thought it was balls and began to play with it. Guys, look how many balls are here. Let's play with them. We will throw them, and then catch up.

( Throwing the ball in a straight direction and run after him.

Ved.: Oh, guys, how great we played with our toys.

Children love toys

That's what everyone says.

Well, what about toys?

Don't like guys?

Guys, always take care of toys, do not offend them, do not break or scatter them. Let's say goodbye to our toys!

Presenter 1:

Children love toys

That's what everyone says.

Well, what about toys?

Don't like guys?

Of course they love. And today we will go with you to the toy store. We will tell poems to our favorite toys, and they will play with us.

001 "Little Country"

(the children go in a circle and sit down in their places, as soon as the children have passed the counter, the teacher goes behind the counter and pretends to be a store seller, shows toys to the music and beats them)

Salesman: Hello guys. So you came to a toy store called "Little Country".

Look, kids, how many toys there are in my shop! There are big and small toys here.

Host 2: Our children love toys very much and now they will tell you poems about them.

Salesman: I will listen to them with pleasure. Why am I there, let them and my two new big dolls listen.

You just need to revive them. One, two, three doll Olya revive.

Olya doll: Hello guys.

Children: Hello.

Salesman: One, two, three doll Yulia revive.

Julia doll: Hello guys.

Children: Hello.

Salesman: Dear dolls, the guys will now tell us poems about toys, and you listen, and then tell us who did the best.

Take a seat on the chairs. (dolls sit down)

Presenter 1:

____________ has a favorite toy BEAR and he will now tell a poem about him.

(the child takes a toy in the store and talks about it)

Child: (younger group)


Dropped the bear on the floor

They cut off the bear's paw.

I won't throw it away anyway.

Because he's good.

Host 2: ____________________ loves to play with the goat and she will tell about him now.

Child: ( middle group)


I have a goat

I will feed him myself.

I am a goat in a green garden

I'll take it early in the morning.

He gets lost in the garden

I will find it in the grass.

Presenter 1: And ____________________ loves to play with airplanes. And now he will tell about the plane.

Child: (younger group)


Let's build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests.

Let's fly over the forests

And then back to mom.

Salesman: Now I'll come up and start the planes. Let them fly.

002 "Airplanes"

Host 2:

And now he will tell his poem _________________________

Child: (child of the middle group)


kitten fiddling

With a ball:

It crawls up to him

Secretly,That on a ball

Will start throwing

Pushes him

Jumps to the side...


GuessThat this is not a mouse

And a ball.

Salesman: There are kittens in my shop. Look how funny they are.

003 "Dance of the Cats"

Presenter 1: What a sound, what a miracle, the truck is rushing here.

(at the signal of the car, the boy goes to the center of the hall, to tell a poem, in the hands of the steering wheel)

Child: (younger group)


No, in vain we decided

Ride a cat in a car:

The cat is not used to riding -

Overturned a truck.

Host 2:

A friend of mine bought a doll Andreika. Listen to how she played with the doll.

(a girl comes out with a stroller)

Child: (middle group)

The cold has come

Wind on the terrace

It's cold in the stroller!

Andrey is wearing quilted jackets,

Sweatshirts, mittens,

Striped scarf Andreyka

The sisters brought

He sits, barely breathing,

In a quilted jacket motley.

Like a pole, baby

Equipped sisters.

Get used to the cold! -

Light explains. -

And winter comes to us

And not just summer.

Salesman: Guys, I know a different story. Once they bought a hare in my store, went outside, put it on a bench and forgot about it. And that's what happened to him.

Child: (younger group)


The hostess abandoned the bunny -

A bunny was left in the rain.

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin.

Salesman: I found him on a bench, he was very wet, I dried him and treated him with a carrot.

Presenter 1: And our bunnies also love carrots.

004 "Hares with a carrot" (dance of the younger group)

Salesman: In my store there are toys for the little ones, take a look(shows rattle)

Toddlers love these toys. Listen to how they play with them.

Child: (middle group)

How big, Andryushka is sitting

On the carpet in front of the porch.

He has a toy in his hands -

Rattle with a bell.

The boy looks - what a miracle?

The boy is very surprised

He will not understand: well, where

Is this ringing?

Host 2: I suggest to see how children play with rattles.

005 "Rattle junior group

006 middle group

Salesman: you danced well, and for this I will give you a horse and a doll.

(children come up, take a horse and a doll, read poetry)

Child: (Younger group)


I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.


Rubber Zina

Bought in the store

rubber zine,

Rubber Zina

Brought in a basket.

She was loose

Rubber Zina,

Fell out of the basket

Soaked in mud.

We'll wash in gasoline

rubber zine,

We'll wash in gasoline

And wag a finger:

Don't be so sloppy

Rubber Zina,

And then we will send Zina

Back to the store.


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

He lay down in a box on a barrel.

Sleepy bear went to bed

Only the elephant does not want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head

He sends a bow to the elephant.

Presenter 1: The elephant falls asleep, and the other toys also go to bed. The salesperson is getting ready for bed too.

009 "Toy Store" (the presenter walks and sings, takes toys in turn and sings about them)

Host 2:

The store has closed. Buyers need to go home. But before we go home, we will ask the doll Olya and the doll Yulia who, after all, read his poem better.

Word to dolls:

Presenter 1:

Today we were buyers. Take care of toys, do not break them.