At what time does the baby start to move? Fetal movement during pregnancy: the norm, for how long, frequent, strong If the baby is pushing

Future mothers are interested in the question: why does the baby push in the stomach? It is in vain to associate the excessive activity of the baby with pathologies. Most often, this is directly related to natural causes and periods of development, we will consider them in more detail.

The baby pushes in the stomach

When does the baby start pushing?

The first fetal tremors are felt from about the 17-18th week. At first, these are barely perceptible movements that a pregnant woman may not pay attention to. By themselves, they resemble the fluttering of a moth or a swimming fish.

From the 21st-22nd week, the tremors become more noticeable, women who have given birth feel them earlier, this is due to the fact that they have a more sensitive uterine wall. Experienced mothers already know when the baby began to push, and do not confuse the first movements with their peristalsis or gas formation.

Why is the baby pushing?

In the second trimester, the Baby pushes very actively in the stomach, he has enough space to move in the uterus - he rolls over and spins around his “house”. The reasons for the active movements of the baby are completely natural, individual for each child. Children, like adults, have their own temperament, they turn in the stomach, changing position.

According to ultrasound observations, the child drinks amniotic fluid, turns his head, moves his arms and legs, picks up the umbilical cord and sorts it out. Many babies start pushing after their mother eats sweet food. With jerks, the baby can react to external irritating factors:

A trip to the subway.

Another child pushes hard, feeling changes in mother's mood: when she calms down, the fetus behaves quietly, and when she is nervous, she kicks. Although some babies react to the mood of their mother in exactly the opposite way.

What to do if the baby pushes hard?

When the baby starts to push, talk to the baby. As a rule, mothers hear the pushing of crumbs better during a period of calm. When mom gets up and moves around, he slows down because he wobbles. amniotic fluid while walking he is lulled. Growing up, the baby often pushes, you can see how he rolls over, observing changes in the shape of the abdomen. During this period, mothers notice the first hiccups of the child. This phenomenon does not occur in all children and in both cases is the norm.

At what pace of movements of the baby should I contact the doctor?

Until the 26th week, movements may subside for a long time. During this period, his movements are rather weak and not always distinguishable. From the 26-28th week, 10 movements in 2-3 hours are considered normal. There is even a calendar of fetal movements, based on which a woman counts how many times the baby pushes, and detects every tenth push.

If it seems to a woman that the child has subsided for a longer time, she should get up and walk around or eat something sweet; if there is no reaction, contact your doctor. On the contrary, too active fetal movements can be directly related to the uncomfortable position of the mother. The vessels are compressed, the blood supply to the umbilical cord is reduced, and the baby can push hard, showing a lack of oxygen.

What activity of the baby should cause concern?

An indicator of a possible threat is a decrease or complete disappearance of fetal activity. This may be due to hypoxia - a lack of oxygen in the baby's body.

Depending on the gestational age, a woman is prescribed special procedures, medications which increase the oxygen content in the child's blood. The main thing for a woman expecting a baby is proper nutrition, walks on fresh air less stress and good mood.

The period of pregnancy is one of the happiest moments for every woman. But with her onset, the expectant mother has many different questions with which she turns to the doctor. One of them - how many months does the baby start moving in the stomach?

When should I expect fetal movement?

A woman in position can identify such violations on her own. To do this, she should use the "count to 10" technique. From the 28th week of pregnancy, count the movements of the fetus in the interval from 9 to 21 hours. The tenth is recorded in a special card. In the event that the fetus is inactive or in 12 hours the number of shocks is more than 15, you need to consult a doctor.

If for a while the child behaves quietly, do not panic, because such a lull may be temporary. The crumb can be stirred. To do this, you can use the following methods:

  • Lie on your back and lie still for a while. In most cases, after 5 minutes, the fetus will begin to push.
  • Lie on your side and stay in this position for 10-15 minutes. For the baby, this position is uncomfortable, so most often he will start to push.
  • While lying on your back, stroke your stomach, talk to your child, sing a song to him or read a fairy tale. This will not only get him to push, but it will also help you establish close contact with you.
  • Accept cold and hot shower with particular attention to the abdomen.
  • Go down or up the stairs, do some breathing or physical exercises.

If within 12 hours you do not feel the movements of the fetus, show yourself to a specialist observing you.

For every woman, the day when her baby began to move in her stomach is a special event. After all, this is what allows you to truly feel what is developing inside new life. You now know how many weeks the fetal movement begins and how it happens. Baby pushing is a way to communicate with mom while still in the womb. Soon you will be able to understand how the child reacts to your voice and loved ones, different foods, time of day, your mood and much more. If you have any concerns about fetal movements, contact your doctor. No need to listen to the advice of friends, because the body of each woman is individual and the course of pregnancy for each woman proceeds differently. I wish you easy pregnancy and successful delivery!

Answers to popular questions from our pediatrician

Is it possible, because of the subcutaneous fat layer, not to hear the movements of the baby?

The movement of the fetus in each pregnant woman is perceived differently and depends on many factors: what kind of pregnancy, placenta attachment, external factors, nutrition, mother's emotions, daily routine, and physique. Each pregnant woman describes this phenomenon in her own way: someone compares it with the movement of a fish, someone with a gurgle, and someone seems to have something rolling inside. A baby's sensation of movement in utero may vary, as physical build and subcutaneous fat thickness may impair sensitivity, however cannot completely rule it out. The absence of movement is an alarming bell, let me remind you that in primiparous women, the first perception of intrauterine movement should occur at 20 obstetric weeks, in multiparous women at 16-18 weeks. If you do not feel fetal movement, you should consult a doctor. And also do not ignore scheduled inspections in order to determine in a timely manner possible complications gestation.

The expectant mother breathes a sigh of relief when the first trimester of pregnancy smoothly passes into the second phase: behind the “nerves” about the likely threat of miscarriage, debilitating toxicosis and weakness. The reward for the inconvenience suffered by a pregnant woman is the moment when the baby begins to move. This amazing feeling is so unique that it is difficult to compare with anything else. Let's discuss the normal movement rates for a baby and at the same time find out what to do if the baby has stopped moving.

Every woman in a position with bated breath is waiting for her little blood to make itself felt. Treasured tremors inside the abdomen do not lose their charm even for mothers who are pregnant again. If you are interested in what time the child begins to move in the womb, we note that this event cannot be tied to the exact date. The moment that takes your breath away and tears well up in your eyes, each expectant mother has her own and is largely determined by the specifics of the development of the fetus.

When does the baby move in the belly during pregnancy?

The ability to move develops in the baby long before the mother can feel it. In this regard, we will put the question of fetal movements as follows: at how many weeks does the mother feel how her child begins to move?

For the first time, the child begins to move 8 - 9 weeks after it appeared in the mother's body. If we shift this period to obstetric weeks, we get 10-11 weeks of pregnancy. Now the body of the embryo is “overgrown” with a tissue consisting of neurons and bundles of muscles. The work of the nervous system is still in its infancy, so the movements of the fetus are not oriented in space and look like convulsive shudders. Naturally, a woman cannot yet feel the movements of such a tiny organism inside. The uterus is filled amniotic fluid, in which the child calmly maneuvers, without touching the inner surface of his "refuge".

Relatively clear coordination of fetal movement is acquired by 11-15 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, when the baby already has a cerebellum and both hemispheres of the brain. Due to the presence of these most important organs, the child constantly “egoes” inside the uterus, namely, moves his legs and arms, tastes his fingers.

Especially impressionable expectant mothers are sure that they felt the baby moving in the stomach, already for a period of 13-14 weeks. However, any gynecologist will say that this is impossible. On the early dates pregnancy, a woman can be misled by the activity of her intestines.

At what time does the child move so that his mother feels it? For the first time, a pregnant woman feels the presence of a little man 16-24 obstetric weeks after the birth of a new life in her body. It is very important to remember the exact date when the baby clearly showed his character: based on this day, the doctor will determine the expected date of his birth. If a woman is preparing to become a mother for the first time, 20 weeks are counted from the date of the first movements of the child, for multiparous women - 22 weeks. This method does not claim to be unconditionally accurate, but if we take into account all the available data (the date of the first movements, the date of the beginning of the last menstruation and the results of ultrasound), the probability of a strong miscalculation is minimal.

When the baby moves during pregnancy: obstetric norms

To begin with, let's clarify that the timing of the first movements (16 - 24 weeks) is rather arbitrary. Mom feels the presence of a child inside subjectively, and this is largely influenced by her lifestyle. A woman, mobile in work and leisure, sometimes simply cannot focus on what is happening inside her. Another option for the absence of perceptible fetal movements is a specific way of attaching the placenta. The baby is not heard for a long time if the placenta has grown into the anterior wall of the uterus. However, if the volume of the abdomen is systematically increasing, and the doctor perfectly hears how the child's heart beats, there is nothing to worry about.

When the baby first “greets” you, his activity will increase every day, and soon you will get used to the presence of a pushing creature in your stomach. The peak of the greatest fetal mobility occurs at 24 - 32 obstetric weeks of pregnancy. By the 24th week of its existence, the baby develops its own regime: about 16 - 20 hours a day sleeps, and "walks" from 4 to 6 hours.

In terms of activity, a woman and her child complement each other: when the mother is busy with something, her movements lull the baby to sleep and he is probably sleeping at that time, but when the pregnant woman lies down to rest, the baby will immediately remind of herself with a series of tangible jolts. By late evening, fetal activity usually reaches its maximum. Moreover, the emotional connection between a woman and a child is absolutely obvious: often the baby pushes with force when his mother is scared, happy or upset.

When the gestational age exceeds 32 weeks, the baby grows so much that he can no longer spin in his stomach as he pleases. Now he just kicks the woman from the inside. Mom will definitely notice that the child has begun to move less and “fight” more, then she will have to get used to his new behavior. For example, the activity of the crumbs can become a significant obstacle to a quiet night's rest: his tremors, although they will become more rare, will noticeably gain strength and will be very painful for the pregnant woman. Now almost nothing depends on the expectant mother, except perhaps not to lie on her back, so as not to pinch the vena cava, through which oxygen enters the baby. This time before childbirth you just need to endure.

How many weeks does the second/third baby move?

The first intrauterine movements of the baby cannot be adjusted to the normative terms with an accuracy of one day or a week - these indicators are rather arbitrary and are determined by the constitutional characteristics of the woman, the thickness of the fat on her abdomen, and also the order of the child.

The movements of the firstborn appear at week 20 (according to obstetric terms), and graceful thin girls and women generally hear them 10 days earlier.

Regardless of the order of pregnancy, all babies begin to move in the uterus at about the same time. However, it has been noticed that if a woman already has a child, she will hear the movements of his brother or sister a little earlier than the first time. Moms "with experience" know how a child should move, so they are more sensitive to what is happening inside them. In addition, the physiology of a second pregnancy is somewhat different from the first: in multiparous women, the uterine muscles are more stretched and less susceptible to hypertonicity than in primiparas, so it is easier to feel the second / third baby than before. This usually happens at a period of 18 - 19 obstetric weeks.

On the other hand, multiparous women perceive their delicate position as something natural, in contrast to constantly worrying expectant mothers who are carrying their first heir. They are busy raising their first child, and do not always have free time to listen to the signals of the baby inside. Therefore, in most cases, multiparous mothers notice the baby's movements at the same time as primiparas, when the fetus is already noticeably pushing.

The nature of sensations when the child moves

Waiting for the first child is an exciting and exciting period for his mother. How I want to finally feel the real presence of the crumbs in order to respond to his pushes, gently stroking the rounded belly! But how not to confuse the first movements of the child with the normal internal activity of the body? To clarify the situation a little, we turn to experienced mothers for help. So, what do the first movements of the baby look like? Usually the answers are:

  • as if a fish is swimming inside;
  • the ball easily bounces in the stomach;
  • as if someone gently strokes the stomach from the inside;
  • a weightless butterfly flutters;
  • like being tickled with a feather;
  • light pushes.

It turns out that every woman perceives the movements of the crumbs in the stomach in her own way, and it depends not only on her romantic mood but also from the personal constitution. “Thin women” notice movements earlier than “chubby ones”, so they feel even the most weightless vibrations of the fetus.

Sometimes a pregnant woman finds it difficult to determine what caused the strange sensations inside - the activity of the baby or too violent intestinal motility. Indeed, overflows and rolling of a different nature can sometimes be justifiably attributed to the active work of the digestive system. To find out the true source of a specific movement inside, the expectant mother needs to be more attentive: soon she will learn to recognize the signals that the baby sends her. Don't worry if you still haven't felt your baby move. The longer the gestation period, the less shy and more active the “blazer” becomes.

How many times does a child move: average norms

There will come a time when a pregnant woman will get used to the movements of the fetus and begin to study their character. What should be taken into account first of all? Firstly, during the day it is useful to count how often and when the baby reminds of herself. This is necessary in order to determine whether everything is in order with him. Fix in memory or write down in a notebook the time of every tenth stirring of the crumbs.

Secondly, if the child is silent for a suspiciously long time, and you do not like it, eat something, and then lie down to rest after eating. A healthy baby will definitely “start up” when mom has breakfast or lunch. During rest, count how many times the child moved within two hours. If you feel during this time from 5 to 11 movements, there is nothing to be afraid of. If the baby continues to ignore you, get up, walk around the room, and then lie down again. As a rule, such actions help to wake up even the most notorious dormouse.

What to do if the baby is quiet

Sooner or later, every woman in an "interesting" position will study her baby's daily routine thoroughly. Now it is important to know the following: if the stomach is quiet and calm for about 3 hours in a row, it's time to get ready for an unscheduled examination at the hospital. A very alarming sign shortly before childbirth is the absence of any signs of life in the abdomen for 6 hours. This suggests that the child does not have enough oxygen and therefore he saves strength, being without movement. Only a gynecologist will be able to understand the situation: he will assess the nature of the baby's heart rate, conduct a CTG. Depending on the results of the examination, the expectant mother is either prescribed a specific treatment to make up for the lack of oxygen for the baby, or is sent for an emergency birth. The doctor makes a decision based on the individual indicators of the health of the mother and child.

Finding two lines on a pregnancy test is an exciting moment in every woman's life. But she begins to feel like a real mother only when the child begins to move in her stomach.

And this is where anxiety begins: it seems to the expectant mother that the baby is moving too much, or vice versa, for some reason, has subsided. Are there any rules governing how many times a day and how often a child should move?

At what week does the baby begin to move in the womb?

The movements of a woman's baby usually begin to feel in different time. On average, it is believed that this is approximately 19 weeks.

But in general, he has been actively moving for a long time. It's just that until then the baby is still too small and there is enough space for him in the womb. But by the second trimester, he grows up, gets stronger and can already “talk” in this way with his mother.

At first, while the baby is still small, women can only feel light touches from the inside. The first sensations at first look like too active intestinal motility, sorry for such a lack of romanticism.

It is possible that this is why it is believed that women who are expecting their first child feel movements for more late term than more experienced mothers. They just already know what to expect.

Thus, it turns out that with the second and subsequent children, mothers can feel how their child moves much earlier. In addition, there is a dependence on the physique of a woman - thin ones are likely to feel the baby earlier, and women “in the body” will feel movements a little later.

So if a woman is expecting her first child, it may be 21 weeks or later, there is nothing wrong with that.

In what area of ​​the abdomen are the first tremors felt?

The first movements of the crumbs are felt in the area from the navel to the pubic bone. It is here that the child is located for such a period. Everything that a woman feels above or on the side is, alas, not that. That's when the baby grows up a little more, then in his activity, the mother will be able to feel the very movements, pushes and “kicks” that everyone is talking about.

A lot or a little: how often should the baby kick?

Almost every pregnant woman is worried about the baby's movements. Either it seems to her that the baby is too active, then, on the contrary, for some reason it has subsided. In the early stages of regular activity should not be expected.

At first, these sensations are irregular. The thing is that the baby still has enough space in the stomach. In standard terms - on average, it is believed that this is week 20 - the child has a height of only 18-19 centimeters, so he has where to turn around.

So it's too early to talk about any kind of schedule. Maybe you will feel his movements 5-6 times a day, or maybe a little less often.

Here in the third trimester about the regularity of the movements of the baby in the tummy future mother the doctor will ask regularly. In order to determine whether everything is in order, domestic gynecologists offer women a fairly simple Pearson test, which is easily carried out at home.

How to perform the Pearson test?

During the day - from 9 am to 9 pm, it is necessary to record the time of every tenth movement. The last, 10th movement, must occur before 5 pm. If there were less than ten movements per day, you should consult a doctor.

We also add that sometimes mothers simply do not notice the movements of the child if they are actively moving or busy with something. The fact is that when a mother walks, moves, the child sways in her stomach like in a cradle. And sleeps. If it seems to you that the child has not moved for a long time, stop your activity. As a rule, from this the baby wakes up and makes itself felt.

For mothers, we repeat: it is reasonable to carry out such a test for the number of movements no earlier than the 28th week of pregnancy. Both the 22nd week and the 25th are still too early. About whether everything is in order, you can make sure at the doctor's appointment when he listens to the baby's heartbeat.

What to do with too frequent movements of the child?

Why can a baby push in the womb too often and actively?

  1. Perhaps mom is not in the most comfortable position. If the child is cramped, uncomfortable, he tries to let you know about it. Follow, if after a change in position the baby calms down, then you just need to obey him.
  2. Sometimes the cause of excessive activity of the child is a lack of oxygen. Thus, he may be asked to "walk". Go outside - and listen, if the movements became calmer or disappeared altogether, it is possible that this was the reason.
  3. If the pregnant woman lies on her back, the vena cava is clamped, through which blood and oxygen enter the uterus. Roll over on your side - and, most likely, the baby will calm down.

However, if these methods do not help and the child is still moving too actively, tell your doctor about it. Such signs can sometimes indicate a threat. premature birth, polyhydramnios or hypoxia. The doctor will send you for additional examination and will be able to help.

What to do if the baby kicks too rarely?

What to do if the child shows too weak, in your opinion, activity in the womb?

  1. If your baby seems to be moving a little, try lying down. Perhaps you "sick" him with your activity - for example, you walked a lot. Small children sleep a lot.
  2. Try giving your baby some glucose to keep him active. Eat a piece of cake, drink sweet tea or a glass of milk, and then lie down in silence. It worked? You will definitely remember this method when your baby grows up and will be too active, in your opinion, to run on children's holiday eating candy.
  3. In addition, you can "wake up" the baby by pouring some water from the shower on his stomach or doing some breathing exercises.

However, if you are in the third trimester and do not feel any movement for 6 hours, you need to find an opportunity to see a doctor. He will prescribe an examination and, in case of trouble, will take action.

Well, do not forget about temperament. If the doctor said that everything is in order, then you will just have a fidget baby. Or vice versa - assiduous and sensible smart guy.

Many pregnant women are anxious about how the baby behaves in the stomach. Is the baby comfortable? Does he need oxygen? Why doesn't he push for a very long time? How to understand that the movements of the child are not associated with problems in his development? - To answer these questions, it is worth learning more about what is uterine tone, hypoxia and what expectant mothers should do to avoid these problems during pregnancy.

First movements

When the second trimester of pregnancy comes, women begin to listen to their stomach, looking forward to the first movements of the baby. The baby begins to move as early as 7-8 weeks, but its size is still so small that a woman cannot feel them. Most often, the first movements of the crumbs become noticeable at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy. The appearance of the first movements up to 23 weeks is considered the norm, during this period all pregnant women already feel a slight movement in the stomach, reminiscent of the swimming of a fish.

If a woman is thin, she will notice the first movements at 16 weeks, the rest - a little later. During this period, the child is still very small, and it is easy to confuse his movements with increased intestinal motility and not pay attention to them. Pregnant women for the second time and more are able to notice the subtle movements of the baby already at 16-18 weeks with any physique. As a rule, movements are rare at this time, 1-2 times a day, possibly 1-2 times in 2-3 days.

From the 20th to the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to grow rapidly, the abdomen noticeably increases in all women. This is the period of maximum motor activity of the fetus. The child has already grown enough, gained strength. When it turns over and spins, a pregnant woman feels gurgling movements, quite intense. After the 32nd week, the baby will already be so big that he will not be able to "arrange dances" in his mother's stomach. Floating movements will be replaced by sharp pushes with knees and elbows.

The influence of the environment on the behavior of the fetus

A child in the womb is able to respond to what is happening in the world around him. The most common external factors that change behavior are:

  • touches of mom, dad and other people,
  • noises, music,
  • smells.

From about 24 weeks, the baby's movements can already be felt by all family members if they try to put a hand on their stomach. Babies react differently to touch. If the baby is actively kicking, spinning, this can cause inconvenience to the mother. But if at this moment dad touches the stomach, the child very often calms down, calms down. It seems that the baby was frightened and hid. If you do not immediately remove your hand, then the child gets used to it and begins to actively push his father's hands. Some kids, on the contrary, are very fond of playing with everyone, intensifying tremors when they feel new people.

Often they protest in response to loud sharp sounds, unpleasant odors. If the baby is frightened by loud screams, music or the sounds of construction tools, he will definitely give a signal to his parents, he will start to push hard. Very often, children spin around until the unpleasant sounds are eliminated. Doctors and psychologists recommend that pregnant women avoid going to cinemas and nightclubs, replacing such rest with outdoor walks and listening to classical music.

The beneficial effect of classical music on the development of the baby before and after birth has been confirmed by a number of studies by scientists from the USA and Israel. They noticed that listening to classical music by premature babies boosted their metabolism, helping the babies gain weight. In addition, breastfeeding mothers who regularly listened to classical music were able to maintain lactation longer than women who preferred other music.

Proved that classical music has a therapeutic effect on nervous system person, which is especially useful for pregnant women who often experience negative impact hormonal surges, manifested in mood swings, tearfulness, nervousness. Undoubtedly, a child, while still in the womb, is able to calm down with his mother, listening to the calm melodies of great composers. If the baby moves very much, you can try turning on Vivaldi's The Four Seasons or Mozart's Music of the Angels.

American neuroscientists have proven the special influence of Mozart's music on intrauterine development. Children whose mothers listened to Mozart's works were ahead of other children in their development and had a good memory.

Influence of smells

Prolonged exposure of a pregnant woman to certain odors also leads to an increase in the motor activity of the fetus. The strong smell of chlorine, acetone, paint can irritate him. The child begins to spin, trying to turn away from the unpleasant smell.

The greatest harm to the health of a pregnant woman and fetus is caused by smoking and the smell of tobacco smoke. Numerous studies of this problem have proven the negative impact of tobacco smoke on the intrauterine development of the child. If a pregnant woman smokes, it is extremely important to stop this habit as soon as possible. But the smell of smoke in the room can negatively affect the child.

When tobacco smoke enters the mother's body, the child may begin to move very strongly. At this point, he experiences oxygen starvation (hypoxia) and tries to cope with it. As soon as the mother leaves the smoky room for fresh air, the baby will calm down. Constant exposure to tobacco smoke, chlorine, and other harmful odors can lead to chronic hypoxia, developmental delays, oligohydramnios, and poor weight gain in the baby.

How to know that hypoxia has begun?

If the baby moves very strongly in the stomach, this is an occasion to think about why this happens, what kind of lifestyle a pregnant woman leads. For the normal development of the child in the womb, a sufficient supply of oxygen is very important. It nourishes all the cells of the body, helping the child grow. To control proper development crumbs, the following methods are used:

  • listening to the heartbeat with an obstetric stethoscope,
  • ultrasound screening,
  • dopplerometry,
  • dopplerography,
  • cardiotocography (CTG).

Each of these methods is designed to check and assess the condition of the baby so that you can take care of him in time. Why the baby moves strongly or, conversely, does not move for more than a day will help determine the examination of the obstetrician-gynecologist. The first thing the doctor will do is listen to the heartbeat with a stethoscope. After making sure that everything is in order with the child, the doctor will suggest that the pregnant woman walk more, not sit for a long time in an uncomfortable position in front of the TV or computer, and eat right. To clarify the condition of the baby, the doctor may prescribe an additional ultrasound.

Ultrasound screening provides information about the size of the fetus, the correct formation internal organs and parts of the body, the amount of amniotic fluid and the condition of the placenta. If hypoxia is suspected, the doctor pays special attention to indicators of the thickness of the placenta, the amount of water, the position of the umbilical cord, and the size of the baby.

To monitor the state of blood flow in the mother-child system, Doppler and Doppler sonography are used. These two methods differ only in that, with Doppler sonography, information from the sensor is additionally recorded on a medium (disk or tape). This method allows you to see how blood flows from the placenta to the baby, it will be especially useful in case of entanglement with the umbilical cord.

CTG is done to all pregnant women from the 33rd week. Special sensors connected to the abdomen monitor the baby's heartbeat, breathing and movements. The woman lies on the couch from 30 to 60 minutes. The results are displayed on tape, similar to ECG data. During the study, it is possible to assess how the increase in uterine tone affects the baby if it occurs in a woman.

With an increase in tone, the uterus begins to contract, the woman feels like her stomach is on a short time becomes stone, pulling pains appear. Such cramping movements of the muscles of the uterus, if they occur frequently, can lead to hypoxia and placental insufficiency. During an increase in tone, a woman feels anxiety, and the child becomes especially active, he is cramped in a shrinking uterus. To get rid of this condition, doctors prescribe a certain treatment aimed at preventing hypoxia. As a rule, after the treatment, the baby becomes calmer.

Not always the activity of the child is a manifestation of his struggle with oxygen starvation. Each baby develops its own sleep and wakefulness regimen, and each mother knows when and how he moves. With significant changes in motor activity, you should consult a doctor. To prevent problems with oxygen supply, it is recommended to walk a lot in the fresh air, enjoy every day and tune in to a calm, easy birth. Good luck!