The reason for stuttering is at the level of karma. Psychology of diseases - stuttering. Possible Healing Solution

Today there is only one question, so there is an opportunity to dwell on it in more detail.

Please explain what causes stuttering and how to treat it in a child.

Just yesterday I said why I don't counsel children. Therefore, the answer to this question will be about stuttering as such. Or rather, not even about stuttering, but about the nervous system, the defeat of which stuttering, like many other nervous diseases, is caused. Well, and, where possible, some explanations will be given regarding children.

To make it clear why, from an Ayurvedic point of view, it makes no sense to talk about any specific diagnoses (in their modern expression), let's remember what Vata, Pitta and Kapha are responsible for.

Pitta, as you remember, is responsible for the processes of splitting complex substances into simple “bricks” and conveying them to all cells of the body.

Kapha is responsible for building the body from those simple “building blocks” that are prepared by Pitta.

Vata regulates these processes.

From this, the conclusion suggests itself that Pitta dosha corresponds to the digestive and cardiovascular systems. After all, it is digestion that allows complex food to be broken down into simpler components, and the blood carries these components through the vessels to the cells.

Kapha is the whole solid foundation of the body. It is Kapha that takes into circulation all the simple components brought by Pitta and builds its own cells and tissues from them. It is difficult to associate any specific systems and organs with Kapha, but to the greatest extent it corresponds to the connective tissue, which not only fills all the empty spaces in the body, but also gives rise to bones, joints, skin, hair, etc.

Vata, as the ruler of all these processes, is associated with the nervous system. That is the function nervous system- this is Vata. True, Ayurveda looks at the body more broadly, and also takes into account the subtle, energy-informational, part of a living being. And this is prana and subtle bodies.

In order to present a modern medical diagnosis in Ayurvedic terms, one must know which system is affected by a particular disease. As a rule, any patient owns this information.

For example, gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the stomach. The stomach is the digestive system. So, with gastritis, Pitta is in imbalance. Accordingly, to get rid of gastritis, you need to balance Pitta.

But the doshas are closely intertwined with each other. With the same gastritis, such an unpleasant phenomenon as reflux esophagitis often occurs - this is when the contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus and burn it with stomach acid. Vata is responsible for any movements in the body, because it is she who regulates everything. The return of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus is a movement. This means that Vata is already involved in this process. You can talk about the imbalance of Vata.

Gastritis develops, the gastric mucosa, in the end, does not stand up and begins to thin, disappear, doctors will say - to atrophy. That is, we are already talking about atrophic gastritis. In place of the disappeared mucosa, scars from the connective tissue are formed. And this already means that Kapha is involved in the process.

Thus, any medical diagnosis can be quite adequately stated in Ayurvedic terms. And when the Ayurvedic processes are clear, then there is clarity about which Ayurvedic techniques should be applied.

Along the way, I immediately turn to doctors with a request not to write angry letters to me about my primitive explanation of certain diseases. And then somehow there was a case when the topic of liver cleansing was discussed, one doctor wrote me a long letter claiming that I had incorrectly stated the biochemistry of bilirubin. And as proof of his correctness, he sent me calculations with biochemical formulas, pulling for publication in a serious scientific journal. The only pity is that the doctor did not notice that I did not talk about the biochemistry of bilirubin at all.

People hear medical diagnoses. Good or bad, but at least somehow they understand them. But it is difficult for most people to immediately understand what doshas are and how they interact with each other. It is necessary to find something in common between incomprehensible doshas and understandable diagnoses. This is the only purpose for which I mention diagnoses at all. And my task is to present the topic in such a way that any patient of the most seedy rural medical station understands how to personally explain his condition from an Ayurvedic point of view. So a big request to doctors is to be indulgent with a primitive explanation of medical terms. The main thing that ordinary people(not to doctors) these explanations were understandable.

After such introductory explanations about the interaction of doshas, ​​you can return to the essence of the issue and talk closely about stuttering and nervous disorders Oh.

Stuttering is caused by damage to the nervous system, a violation of its functions. Accordingly, in this condition, we can confidently talk about the imbalance of Vata dosha.

However, there are also types of stuttering that are associated with the consequences of injuries or organic brain damage. Everything that is connected with a physical change in the nervous tissue is already an imbalance of Kapha.

Kapha imbalances are difficult to treat. A doctor should deal with such imbalances, therefore, we will not analyze this particular case of stuttering, since in home practice, apart from the Kapha diet, there is little to offer. Fortunately, such cases are very rare.

But disorders of the nervous system with Vata imbalance may well be correctable, however, this does not mean that it will be possible to do without the help of a speech therapist, who plays an important role in the treatment of stuttering.

Ayurveda believes that the cause of nervous problems is a violation of the movement of prana through subtle energy (pranic) channels. Therefore, all treatment of nervous disorders is aimed at restoring the free flow of pranic energy.

The most important role in the release of prana is played by the purity of the mind and emotions. Adults can solve this problem themselves. But parents should do this for children, since a child before puberty is energetically directly connected with parents and, in fact, by his behavior only reflects the state of mind and emotions that his parents have.

Not so long ago, an article was published in the Listener Section “Are we treating our children right?” - that's just there it is clearly shown how energetically and emotionally children depend on their parents. And, most importantly, a direction has been given in which parents need to move in order to finally stop blaming their problems on their children, which is done all the time, albeit unconsciously.

By the way, according to official statistics, 50-80% of children by the age of maturity get rid of stuttering by themselves. Doesn't this mean anything to you? – Yes, it’s just that at this age the energy disconnection of the child from the parents takes place, and the parental karma leaves the children alone. It's a big question, really! In the case of children's stuttering, of course, it is necessary to take the child to a speech therapist. But it would not hurt for parents to take a close look at themselves, and think about what kind of emotions and fears they had so reflected on their child.

The Listener Section has a lot of information on this subject:

The second cause of nervous disorders is the accumulation of Ama at the level of the nerve fiber. For children, this is of little relevance. But adults need to focus on a three-day diet, or at least start practicing just a hungry day once a week. Hunger removes Ama well, including from the level of the nerve fiber.

The third direction in which one must move in case of nervous disorders is the restoration of the unhindered flow of prana. I am not talking now about such highly effective techniques as meditation, yoga and pranayama. Adults will decide these questions for themselves, and the use of these techniques for children is very limited. Now let's talk about herbs that have the ability to restore pranic flows.


Check with your pediatrician before using any of these herbs on children!

Well restores pranic flows of calamus. There is an article about the air here:

For students of the School who are interested in solving problems of nervous disorders, I also recommend re-reading the following seminars from the Section for Students:

Seminar "Man and Woman" - the creation of positive relationships between men and women in the family creates fertile ground not only for the elimination of any functional nervous disorders in adult family members, but also in their children. BUT simple tips education of children will help to avoid many childhood diseases.

Seminar "Rasayana - the Vedic art of rejuvenation." Old age is not only loose skin and a hunched back, but also an impressive list of diagnoses, including diagnoses from a neurologist. The simple techniques given in the seminar, available at home, will restore not only an attractive appearance, but also improve the functioning of the nervous system, give clarity of mind and calmness of emotions.

- one of the neuroses of childhood, arising during periods of rapid growth of the child (1-3 years, 7-8 years). The main symptom is a convulsive speech disorder. More often, the cause of stuttering is fear, in which the emotion of fear causes a nervous breakdown with local functional speech-motor disorders. Stuttering can occur with trauma, infections, endocrine disorders, and educational defects.

Etiology and pathogenesis. Very often, stuttering occurs in children aged 4-5 years, especially in boys. It usually occurs against the background of the normal development of the child, but still most doctors believe that the main condition for the occurrence of stuttering is an organic lesion of the child's brain (perhaps during pregnancy or childbirth, as well as in early infancy), which may not give any other symptoms and therefore goes unnoticed by both parents and doctors.

In about 17% of patients, stuttering is hereditary.

Also, the cause of temporary stuttering can be psychological trauma (for example, a strong fright, family conflicts). Such stuttering is called psychogenic, and in almost 90% of children it goes away to adolescence(subject to the termination of the psychotraumatic situation).

In addition to stuttering itself and in parallel with it, in children it is often possible to identify other disorders in mental state. For example, with stuttering caused by a traumatic situation, sleep disturbances, mood disturbances, fears, increased fatigue and irritability are possible, and as a result, behavioral or academic performance disorders. In older children, a decrease in academic performance can also occur due to the appearance of so-called social phobia - fear of public speaking. Such a child usually knows the material well, but when answering at the blackboard, he will not be able to express his thoughts, he will be confused and receive a low mark. Prolonged social phobia and traumatic situations can lead to a change in the character of the child - he will become unsociable, indecisive, withdrawn.

In stuttering caused by organic brain damage or heredity, it is usually not possible to identify psychotraumatic situations associated with the appearance of stuttering. When examining such a child, a neurologist usually finds slight deviations; there will also be changes on the electroencephalogram. When a stressful situation occurs, stuttering can intensify.

If stuttering occurs, you need to contact a specialist to prevent more serious problems in adapting the child to adult life in future. The doctor (usually a child neuropsychiatrist) carries out the treatment in close cooperation with the speech therapist.

Attempts to cope with the problem on your own are fraught with serious complications. It is difficult for parents to determine the type of stuttering, and treatment varies greatly for different forms of stuttering. In addition, speech disorders in a child are possible in the presence of more serious diseases (mental retardation, children's version schizophrenia, neurosis), which can only be reliably excluded by a specialist in the field of child psychiatry.

Clinical picture. There are two forms of stuttering: clonic - repetition of a syllable several times and tonic - convulsive pronunciation of the first letter of a syllable; in addition, stuttering is mixed.

When stuttering, there is tension in the muscles of the face, torso, involuntary movements of the limbs are observed, and peculiar postures arise. At rest, all these movements disappear. Excitement increases stuttering.

Treatment. Comprehensive, including classes with a speech therapist, general strengthening therapy and educational work. The task is to develop slow and smooth speech. Psychotherapy helps to develop a calm and confident behavior in a child, overcoming the “fear of speech”. Of the medications, calcium, bromine, and vitamins are prescribed.

Since the time of Plutarch, Demosthenes and Avicenna, it has been known that stuttering is psychological in nature and that people with certain mental characteristics suffer from it. Today system-vector psychology determined real reasons, psychological mechanisms, options for the development of stuttering and effective methods of its treatment.

Stuttering, logoneurosis, Sikorsky's neurosis is a speech disorder, which is characterized by either stretching of sounds, their frequent repetitions and distortions, or stops, breaks, inability to start a story.

Often people who stutter develop logophobia - the fear of speaking, especially in front of a large audience, in unfamiliar places or in a stressful situation.

Since the time of Plutarch, Demosthenes and Avicenna, it has been known that this disorder is of a psychological nature and that people with certain mental characteristics suffer from it.

Today, system-vector psychology determines the true causes, psychological mechanisms, options for the development of stuttering and effective ways to treat it.

According to statistics, stuttering is diagnosed for the first time between the ages of 2 and 6 years. This is exactly the age when there is an intensive development of all innate psychological qualities, comes first ranking among peers, the character is formed and the scenario of the whole life of the future personality is laid.

This period of development requires maximum stress on the child's psyche, changes occur that require psychological efforts, finding a way out of the situation, playing one's own specific role among peers. It is at this age that children are especially susceptible and immediately give out the result of any influence on the complex process of development of their vectors - both correct and erroneous.

Just stuttering is the result of such an erroneous influence, which forms an obstacle in the development of innate properties in children of a certain vector set.

Children with oral, anal and visual vectors, or a combination of them, are capable of responding with stuttering to incorrect parenting methods.

Listen, mom, a fairy tale ... "

Proofreader: Zifa Akhatova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

1. STUTTERING- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Unreliability. There is no possibility of self-expression. Forbidden to cry.

I am free to take care of myself. Now I can freely express whatever I want. I communicate only with the feeling of love.

2. STUTTERING- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

There is no sense of security. Lack of self-expression. They are not allowed to cry.

Possible Healing Solution

3. STUTTERING- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Stuttering is a speech impediment that occurs predominantly in childhood and often persists throughout life.

Emotional blocking

Zaika in his youth was very afraid to express his needs and desires. He was also afraid of those who represented power to him; it was especially scary at those moments when he needed to show or express something.

mental blocking

It's time for you to realize that you have the right to voice your desires, even if your head tells you that it is unreasonable, or if you are afraid that someone will consider your desires not entirely legitimate. You don't have to justify yourself to anyone. You can afford whatever you want, because in any case you will have to accept responsibility for the consequences of your choice. That's what all people do.

You consider other people to be powerful, but there is authority in yourself that is trying to manifest itself. Once you realize that this dominance is not connected with evil and can even help you assert yourself, it will reconcile you with those whom you consider to be powerful.

According to some psychologists, any illness is not an accident, there is a connection between the spiritual and the physical, between our thoughts and the state of our physical body. Having decided to do away with any disease, one should first of all identify the mental (mental) cause of its occurrence. The symptoms of the disease are just a reflection of internal deep processes. You will have to delve into yourself in order to discover and destroy the spiritual cause of the disease.

The list of mental stereotypes given by us was compiled by the American psychologist Louise Hay as a result of many years of research, based on her experience with patients. Also, we give an interpretation of the Russian psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev.

Behind the sign MINUS written psychological reason illness; behind the sign PLUS a new one is coming a stereotype of thinking that leads to recovery; sign SIMILARIES reveals what the organ is responsible for in a psychological sense.

  1. Find a mental reason. See if it suits you. If not, think about what thoughts could trigger the disease?
  2. Repeat the stereotype several times.
  3. Embrace the thought that you are on the path to recovery.
  4. This meditation should be repeated daily, because. it creates a healthy mind and, as a result, a healthy body.
Name of disease or organ

STuttering - found: 2

1. STUTTERING- (Louise Hay)

Unreliability. There is no possibility of self-expression. Forbidden to cry.

I am free to take care of myself. Now I can freely express whatever I want. I communicate only with the feeling of love.

2. STUTTERING- (V. Zhikarentsev)

There is no sense of security. Lack of self-expression. They are not allowed to cry.