Why burrs on the fingers. Burr. Treatment and causes, the best folk remedies. How to get rid of burrs in the cabin

When I went on maternity leave, I was faced with a lot of housework: endless dishwashing, washing with washing, mopping floors three times a day. Endless contact with water, lack of time for skin care and occasional being outdoors without gloves did their bad deed, and a month after the birth of the child, I looked at my hands with horror: the skin on my hands had dried up and became flabby, and all my fingers were frizzy burrs. Once my well-groomed and manicured fingers turned into the fingers of a laborer. But the hands of a woman are one of the main indicators of age and grooming. And then I realized that urgent measures must be taken, otherwise the house will soon start to get scared by the sight of my hands.

Why do I have burrs on my fingers? Understanding the reasons

The main reason for the appearance of such a nuisance is the lack of care and the aggressive impact of environmental factors:

  • frequent contact with water;
  • exposure to cold air outside and dry air at home;
  • lack of vitamins in the body.

It was impossible to remove all these factors, because no one canceled household chores, so I decided to start by taking vitamins and using hand cream during the day whenever possible.

How I got rid of the burr: my long way to perfection

In the fight against burrs, I had to gradually try different methods and means.

Let's talk a little about hangnails and vitamins

On the quick effect I didn’t count on vitamins, but I regularly took it every day Complivit as the most budget option. A package of 60 tablets cost 177 rubles.

Are expensive hand creams so effective for hangnails?

He slightly improved the situation, provided that I used it 5-8 times a day, lubricating not only the skin of the hands, but also massaging the nail holes, around which there were a lot of burrs. I used different hand creams: both expensive and the cheapest. The best effect was shown by the cream " Velvet hands. Nutritious" for 89 rubles. It contains shea butter and avocado, glycerin and panthenol, which provides a moisturizing and healing effect. The cream smells good and absorbs quickly. The old burrs healed a little and stopped peeling, but the problem was not solved.

In a cosmetics store, I was advised by SallyHansen "ProblemCuticleRemover" care cream , which is used to soften the cuticle during manicure. The consultant explained that this cream will moisturize well and soften the burrs, which after applying the product can be easily removed. The cream was not the best budget option, and its use gave an effect no more than from a regular hand cream.

Folk remedies - a real treatment or a panacea?

Turning to traditional medicine, I decided to try a simple olive oil. Having slightly warmed up the oil, I smeared my hands with it, wrapped it with cling film and put on mittens for 20 minutes. After the mask, the hands became soft, and the skin around the nail holes was noticeably smoothed and moisturized. But such a mask should be done regularly 1-2 times a week to get a visible result.

My choice in the treatment of hangnails is a remedy with a super effect!

The saving agent turned out to be Smart Enamel oil for 181 rubles. The product is sold in pharmacies and cosmetics stores and contains jojoba oil and vitamin A and E. The 11 ml bottle with a brush is similar to nail polish bottles. I didn’t expect a special miracle from the oil, so I just smeared the skin around the nails for the night, treating the burrs, and went to bed. In the morning, I saw that the burr wounds had noticeably healed and my hands had taken on a well-groomed appearance. After 3 days of evening applications, the burrs completely disappeared.

Manicure accessories against burr: do it yourself or consult a specialist?

Home manicure only for experienced ladies!

Before I started using various hangnail treatments, I cleaned my hands with nail clippers and scissors. It is best to do this procedure with a master, and if this is not possible, then at home, do a manicure with sharply sharpened tools. Since I am not a professional nail technician, the hands looked good on the first day, but the next day the skin cut was covered with new burrs. Saved the skin "Aevit" in the form of oil in capsules, which I opened and lubricated the wounds that appeared the next day. Therefore, the option home manicure suitable only for those who know how to do it correctly and accurately. With improper processing, you can not only not achieve the desired result, but also aggravate the situation and even bring the infection into micro-wounds.

Professional manicure to help

Having found time for going to a manicure session, I was pleased with the result. With burrs, it makes sense to do edged manicure, because hardware manicure will only get rid of rough skin, but will not cope with neglected skin and burrs. I added a paraffin treatment to the manicure: hands lubricated with cream are dipped into warm wax for a few seconds, and then wrapped in polyethylene and covered with a warm towel or special mittens. After 20 minutes, the wax is easily removed completely, and the skin on the hands becomes noticeably soft and moisturized. The warm wax also improves blood circulation in the hands, which helps the areas where the burrs have been cut off heal more quickly.

My results of using cosmetics in the fight against burrs

After trying several anti-burrs, I have come to conclusions about the effectiveness of various cosmetic products.

Name of the product, volume and rating on a 5-point scale price, rub. pros Minuses
Hand cream “Velvet hands. Nutritious", 80 ml


89 Smells good

Absorbs quickly without residue

Moisturizes the skin well

Short-term effect

Glysolud skin balm, 100 ml


123 Very well moisturizes the skin of the hands and smoothes the skin It has a thick texture and is absorbed for a long time.

Leaves a greasy feeling

Does not solve burr problem

Cuticle Care Cream Sally Hansen "Problem Cuticle Remover"


343 Suitable for preparing for trimming manicure in not too neglected cases Strange smell

Thick texture

Doesn't soften rough skin

Vitamins Aevit, 30 capsules


40 Heals wounds quickly

Moisturizes rough skin

For use, it is necessary to pierce the capsules, there is a risk of getting dirty
Healing oil "Smart enamel", 11 ml


181 The bottle is equipped with a brush for application

Moisturizes the skin around the nails

Heals wounds quickly

Prevents burrs with regular use

Absorbed for a long time

A few more time-tested folk remedies for getting rid of hangnails

In order to get rid of hangnails, there are a lot of inexpensive folk remedies that are easy to prepare at home:

  • Baths with sea salt and essential oils. Any sea salt and emollient oil will do: jojoba, bergamot, tea tree. The most important thing is not to make the water too hot, and keep your hands in the bath for 5-10 minutes. After the procedure, it is best to lubricate the hands with warm olive oil or any hand cream.
  • Kalanchoe leaf mask. Grind the leaves of the plant to a mushy state and apply to the skin around the nails, wrapping each finger with cling film. After 10-15 minutes, wash everything off and grease your hands with cream. Kalanchoe has a regenerating effect and will speed up the healing of the skin after deburring.

  • Tray from olive oil. Heat the oil and dip your hands in it for a few minutes. In the absence of open wounds, you can add a few drops lemon juice. After the procedure, lightly blot your hands with a paper towel and let the remaining olive oil soak in.

What else will help in the fight against burrs on the fingers?

The reason for the appearance of a hangnail can be not only insufficient care for the skin of the hands, but also a lack of vitamins and a weakened immune system. A lack of vitamin A in the body can reduce the regeneration of the skin, and a deficiency of vitamin E can cause dryness, which leads to the appearance of hangnails. In this case, it is necessary to add foods containing these vitamins to the daily diet and choose a vitamin complex.

  1. Food. Foods rich in vitamin A: liver, fish oil, eggs, butter, milk, cheese, cottage cheese. The following foods are rich in vitamin E: various oils (soybean, peanut, sunflower, olive, linseed), nuts, buckwheat, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, beans, peas.
  2. Vitamin complexes : Complivit Radiance (30 tablets for 394 rubles), Vitrum Beauty (30 tablets for 1024 rubles), Alfavit Cosmetic (60 tablets for 479 rubles).

H To prevent burrs from appearing on my fingers anymore, following a few simple rules helped me:

  • When in contact with water, use gloves if possible;
  • Wear gloves or mittens when going outside during the cold season;
  • After washing your hands, use any softening cream (you can even use baby cream);
  • From time to time do baths and hand masks;
  • Take vitamin complexes and eat foods rich in vitamins A and E;
  • from a professional master at least 1-2 times a month.

My burr problem was solved in a couple of months, spent on the selection of the maximum effective remedy and drawing up a set of measures to prevent this problem. In order to preserve the beauty and youth of the hands, it does not take much time and money. The most important thing is skin protection and regular care.

Sincerely, Sozykina Lyubov

Almost every one of us has encountered such a small nuisance as a burr near the nail. However, not everyone knows that they only seem harmless. In addition to the fact that burrs on the fingers create discomfort and look unaesthetic, they can become very inflamed and cause pain, and in the future they can abscess. In addition, epidemiological data confirm that a dangerous infection can enter the body even through a small wound.

Causes of burrs on the fingers

The reasons for the appearance of burrs on the fingers can be very different. Let's dwell on the most common.

While cleaning or washing dishes, it is very rare for someone to protect their hands with rubber gloves. And in vain. The skin is very dry due to the action household chemicals. And the main risk factor for the appearance of burrs is skin with coarsened nail folds.

Poorly done manicure can also provoke the appearance of burrs on the fingers. This happens when the master, who does not have enough experience, has injured the skin near the nail. Although if you do not do a manicure and do not care for your nails at all, you can find the same problem.

Very often you can notice burrs on the fingers of a child who has just been born. This is due to postpartum dryness of the epidermis.

Another of the most common causes of this pathology is bad habit bite your nails.

The reason is much more serious - burrs occur as a result of a dermatological disease, the focus of which is located near the nail roller.

A significant factor in the pathogenesis of the development of the disease, due to which the skin dries out badly, is atopic dermatitis, eczema and others.

The formation of hangnails can be associated with dysbacteriosis, with a malfunction of any organs, or with a deficiency of trace elements ( gland and calcium) and vitamins A, E, B2 and nicotinic acid.

Complications and consequences

The main mistake that many people make when a hangnail appears is its separation. Such actions are dangerous because this place will become inflamed and cause pain, a secondary infection may occur, which is fraught with serious consequences and complications: paronychia and panaritium.

Paronychia is called purulent inflammation of the roller near the nail. In severe cases, inflammation can lead to nail deformity or detachment. If the disease is of mild severity, paronychia can be dealt with with the help of drug treatment and various procedures, and in advanced cases, surgical treatment cannot be avoided. Paronychia is characterized by infiltration or suppuration, a local increase in temperature. Then the patient may complain of jerking pain. Pus may ooze from the wound. When the process can be brought under control and the treatment will give results, you can notice the appearance of cavities or a violation of the shape of the nail.

Panaritium is a purulent inflammation of the fingers. Usually staphylococcal infection plays the main role in infection. Complications of this disease are extremely dangerous, up to sepsis. When panaritium appears severe pain, swelling, fever in the focus of inflammation. In the most difficult cases, there is a significant increase in body temperature and severe intoxication. In severe forms, the prognosis may be poor regarding further recovery functioning of the fingers.

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Diagnosis of burrs on the fingers

Usually there is no need for any specialized diagnostics. When, with proper care, burrs on the hands occur again and again, it is necessary to consult a specialist. An experienced dermatologist, armed with the results of additional tests (biochemical blood test, analysis for trace elements, analysis for dysbacteriosis) will be able to establish true reason development of this pathology.

Treatment for burrs on fingers

In case of vitamin deficiency, a complex therapy of hangnails is carried out, which will include physiotherapy procedures (most often, local darsonvalization) and taking vitamin preparations.

Treatment of burrs on the fingers at home

If you notice a burr on your finger, the best solution is to cover this place with a band-aid and cut it off at home. In extreme cases, you can carefully cut the skin with nail scissors, and then treat the wound with any antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide, chloramphenicol).

Soak your fingers in warm water for a few minutes before removing the burr. Then the skin will have time to steam out and it will be easier to remove the burr without consequences.

If, after removing the burr, the skin begins to become inflamed, you can resort to the use of deperzolon, oxycort, geocorton, or another similar topical antibiotic.

Alternative treatment

Undoubtedly, the most The best way struggle is prevention. If the burrs still appear, alternative treatment offers many recipes.

The simplest and most effective means of treating burrs on the hands are baths. Preparing the bath is very simple, besides, it perfectly cares for the skin of the hands and nails. For a bath, any warm vegetable oil but it is ideal to use olive. The bath can be done as often as you like, even every day. If the burrs have time to appear, you need to add ordinary soda to the bath. For prevention, you can make baths with sea salt and the addition of essential oils, for example, orange and tea tree. All baths - oil, soda, salt - will help in the fight against burrs. You can alternate different baths, but do them regularly.

If there is a slight inflammation, hot peppers will help. It is cleaned of legs and seeds, vodka is poured into the pepper itself. A finger with a burr is dipped in pepper so that a small amount of vodka remains in the pepper, and a bandage is made. It is better to leave the bandage on all night. If, nevertheless, the wound hurts a lot because of it, then the bandage must be kept as long as possible.

Heat cocoa butter and honey mixed in equal proportions in a water bath and apply on your hands.

You can make beer compresses: apply cotton wool previously soaked in warmed beer.

If you lubricate your fingers with sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil, then the wounds will heal quickly, and the skin near the nail plate will soften.

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Herbal treatment

In order for the burrs on the fingers to heal faster, a compress is made on the wound from crushed fresh chicory leaves twice a day. The compress is bandaged and left for a while.

Bandages are also made from crushed wheat. It is applied to wounds, covered with a cabbage leaf, and then bandaged. This bandage is done twice a day.

Indoor plants can also help to cope with burrs. For example, Kalanchoe juice is famous for its antiseptic properties and the ability to relieve inflammation. Thanks to the use of Kalanchoe, the burrs will heal quickly, and the hands will look much more attractive.


In women, whose skin vessels are located close to the surface, and male hormones are in excess, there is a rough cuticle. If you cut it deep, the cuticle will give a torn edge, which may cause burrs later. Then it is better to cut it not to the end.

Be careful with the tools that manicure is performed. If the tool becomes dull, the cuticle will not be cut, but come off - and, as a result, burrs will appear.

The best prevention is gentle and regular skin care:

  • minimize contact with aggressive chemicals.
  • do soothing herbal baths weekly;
  • regularly lubricate the cuticle with a specialized nutrient;
  • if the skin has been in contact with household chemicals, apply a nourishing cream;
  • dry your skin after washing your hands;
  • when cleaning or washing, wear rubber gloves;
  • pay extra attention to hand care in winter. During this period, the skin dries out and becomes weathered faster, so do not forget about hand cream.

The burr that appears not only spoils the impression of the appearance of the hands, but also interferes with the performance of everyday actions, clinging to everything that comes across - put on gloves, tights and other clothes. And if he tears the adjacent skin, then a big problem is within reach. However, in order to forget about burrs on your hands forever, it is enough to be patient and do not forget about regular skin care, proper nutrition and protecting your hands from contact with household chemicals.

preppy well-groomed hands create a favorable impression at the first meeting with a person, add confidence. At the same time, the torn, bleeding skin on the fingertips interferes with communication. In addition, open wounds pose a threat of tissue infection and other complications. The reasons for the appearance of burrs on the fingers are different: from household to pathological. To establish from what the problem arose, the doctor will help with the help of laboratory diagnostic methods.

Causes of burrs

Burrs, or ruptures of the periungual roller, are most often formed due to the characteristics of the skin. People with very dry or hypersensitive skin tend to exfoliate the epidermis. In adults, such defects can occur with age, when the dermis becomes thinner, loses elasticity under the influence of negative factors.

Violation of the integrity of the dermis without treatment can provoke serious complications. Before getting rid of the problem, you need to find out why burrs appear on the fingers. The reasons for this may be external or internal.

The condition can be caused by the following disorders in the body:

  • lack of vitamins and minerals (avitaminosis);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lack of fluid;
  • bacterial imbalance in the intestines;
  • diabetes;
  • fasting, mono-diets.

External provoking factors are:

  • constant presence of hands in a humid environment;
  • sometimes tears appear after a manicure if the procedure is not carried out correctly;
  • work with aggressive environments (including household chemicals) without protective equipment;
  • illiterate finger care;
  • exposure to cold or wind;
  • microtrauma of fingers;
  • the habit of biting the nail plates;
  • the use of low-quality materials for coloring, nail extensions (especially with methyl methacrylate in the composition);
  • walking barefoot;
  • wrong pedicure at home;
  • overgrowth of the cuticle.

The severity of the problem may vary.

Burr characteristic

Burrs on the fingers vary in size. They are also:

  • multiple;
  • single.
  • pain;
  • bleeding;

This is due to the fact that pieces of skin are constantly caught on clothing, hair. If there are a lot of burrs, the hands become repulsive, causing complexes, difficulties in communication.
You can permanently get rid of an unpleasant defect only after establishing its causes.


Diagnosis in this case is usually not difficult if any of the above external factors are present that contribute to the fact that a person often has burrs on his fingers.

It is possible to suspect any violations in the body if the defect appears for no apparent reason. That is, in a patient who carefully cares for his hands. In such a situation, the doctor will refer the person to laboratory tests. It can be:

  • "biochemistry" of blood;
  • if abscesses form around the nail, a purulent secret is taken to establish the pathogen;
  • examination of fecal masses for the presence of dysbacteriosis;
  • analysis for the content of vitamins in the blood;
  • study of hair to assess the sufficiency of trace elements.

Attention: an external sign of a lack of vitamins is cracking of the skin in the corners of the mouth.

If any of the internal causes is confirmed, the treatment will be directed, first of all, to the elimination of the underlying disease. Symptomatic therapy of the skin of the fingers can be done in a beauty salon.

The methods by which burrs on the fingers are treated in beauty salons are not too different from home ones. Their main advantage is that a professional master carries out the procedures using sterile special tools. This approach minimizes the risk of complications or infection.

Effective cosmetic procedures for skin care of hands and feet are:

  • peeling;
  • SPA manicure;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • SPA pedicure.

by the most effective method getting rid of burrs is considered a cut manicure (or pedicure). With this procedure, the cuticle, which grows on the nail plate, is completely removed.

Attention: contact only licensed beauty salons. Feel free to check the documents of the master and the institution itself.

These measures not only help to solve the problem that has already appeared, but also serve as an excellent means of prevention. If you carry out the procedures regularly, burrs are unlikely to appear. You can also take care of your hands at home, with the help of pharmaceutical preparations.


There are no special preparations for this defect. To cure burrs on the fingers, cosmetologists recommend using high-quality hand or cuticle creams.

Fatty creams should be chosen, with nourishing, softening, moisturizing properties. This group of cosmetics includes:

  • Cream for hands and nails with lemon juice and silk proteins (Green Mama);
  • Cuticle Therapy Creame (Orly);
  • Hand cream (Mavala).

They need to be applied every day, before going to bed or after contact with detergent chemicals, carefully rubbing into the periungual ridges of the fingers.

If the reason for the formation of hangnails is a lack of vitamins, the doctor may recommend VM complexes. Depending on what specific substance is missing, these can be:

  • Deakura;
  • calcium pantothenate;
  • Aevit;
  • Medobiotin;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Askorutin;
  • Kvadevit;
  • Volvit.

Topical application of fortified preparations, such as liquid vitamin E, will help to cope with burrs at home. It should be rubbed into the cuticle one drop every evening. The duration of the course is 14 days.

To remove burrs on the fingers at home, wellness procedures should be carried out regularly, after preparing the hands.

The deburring mechanism is as follows:

  • Hands (or legs) need to be steamed well.
  • Gently pat skin dry and let dry.
  • Carefully cut off the burr with tools treated with medical alcohol.
  • Apply an antiseptic preparation (hydrogen peroxide is suitable).
  • Lubricate with D-panthenol or its analogues. You can use the usual hand cream with a moisturizing, nourishing effect.
  • From injury, you need to protect your finger with a tissue-based patch.

Attention: do not try to tear off or gnaw off the raised pieces of skin!

If there is no burr, but the skin near the nail has thickened and changed its structure, you can remove the coarsened layer by carefully removing it with a nail file and treat it with an antiseptic.

It is possible to remove the burr without cutting, for this you should first steam the skin before going to bed, apply a thick ointment with calendula, stick a patch. In the morning, the soaked defect will disappear by itself, but a small part of it may remain. Clinging to clothes, it will turn into another burr.

Good for skin cracking folk remedies.

natural oils

Means for cuticles oil based you can buy at the pharmacy, or you can cook it yourself. Here are some popular recipes:

  • in 2 tbsp. l. oil solution of vitamin E, add 10 drops of frankincense, myrrh, lemon oils. Vitamin E in this recipe can be replaced with jojoba or apricot oil (in the same proportions);
  • mix tea tree oil (10 drops) and almond oil (2 tablespoons). Instead of almond oil, it is better to include hemp oil in the mixture for healing wounds;
  • combine warmed vegetable oil with apple cider vinegar(half a glass);
  • take 1 teaspoon of grape seed oil and yogurt, add Coconut oil, vanilla extract, honey (half tsp), mix thoroughly.

The resulting mixtures should be stored in a dark glass container. Rub it well into cuticles and nail plates a couple of times a week.

Another way to use this ingredient is in baths. To prepare them, you need to heat the oil (preferably olive, but any vegetable will do) to a comfortable temperature. Immerse your hands in it for a quarter of an hour, rub the rest into the brushes with massage movements, put on gloves from cotton fabric, leave overnight.

soda bath

Baking soda helps with inflammation of burrs. To make a bath, you need to dissolve a couple of tablespoons of soda in water (per 1 liter of liquid).

Keep your hands in the solution daily for a quarter of an hour. Then the brushes should be washed, wiped, lubricated with a moisturizer. After seven days, thanks to such manipulations, the skin condition normalizes - with running burrs, it is around nail plate very rough.

Sea salt bath

Baths with sea salt help not only get rid of existing burrs, but also prevent relapses.

tablespoon sea ​​salt must be dissolved in a glass of warm water, add a few drops essential oil almonds. Dip your fingertips into the liquid. After 10 minutes, rinse your hands, grease well with a nourishing cream.

You can do the same for the legs. Sea salt, in addition to getting rid of skin problems, perfectly relieves fatigue.

Bath with chamomile

Chamomile bath is one of the most effective procedures during the development of the inflammatory process.

To cook it, you need:

  1. Pour into 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l. dry chamomile.
  2. Bring to a boil in a steam bath.
  3. Cool to a comfortable temperature.
  4. Keep hands in the resulting composition for 10 minutes

The first result is noticeable after one procedure, five trays are enough to eliminate the problem.

Aloe remedy

It helps to cure aloe burrs - a plant with pronounced anti-inflammatory, wound healing properties.

Fresh aloe leaves should be thoroughly washed, crushed to a consistency thick porridge. Apply the mixture to the wound, cover with cellophane. Keep the compress for at least 2 hours, it is better to leave it overnight. Do the procedures until the burrs disappear.


Remove burrs on the fingers will not work without correct mode nutrition. The emphasis should be on foods rich in retinol, vitamins C and B5, biotin, tocopherol, rutin.

These substances are found in large quantities in:

  • liver;
  • legumes;
  • beef;
  • grapes;
  • eggs;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • citrus;
  • caviar;
  • corn;
  • greens;
  • nuts;
  • fermented milk products;
  • currant;
  • cabbage of different varieties;
  • apples;
  • mushrooms;
  • garlic;
  • viburnum;
  • tomatoes;
  • kelp;
  • vegetable oil.

An excellent tool for stimulating the processes of moisturizing and skin renewal is carrots. For better absorption of vitamin A, it should be eaten with sour cream. Habitual drinks should be replaced with green tea or rosehip infusion.


Burrs on the fingers not only spoil appearance hands, because of them there is severe pain if touched. Defects can cause serious complications.

The most common of them:

  • infection with bacteria, viruses or fungi through damaged skin at the site of the hangnail;
  • paronychia (or panaritium) - inflammation of the periungual roller, provoked by the spread of infection deep into the soft tissues. Symptoms of complications are: swelling and redness of the finger, throbbing pain;
  • deformation of the nail plate occurs during the transition of paronychia into a chronic form. The nail becomes thicker, changes color, bends, the skin around the plate becomes very rough.

Attention: if tissues soften at the site of inflammation, the skin turns yellow, then the process has turned into a purulent one. An immediate visit to the doctor is required.

These complications often require surgical intervention. If an abscess has formed near the nail, it is opened by a doctor in the treatment room. Purulent inflammation of the tissues under the plate is eliminated by removing the nail completely or part of it.

Compliance with the rules for preventing the formation of burrs will help prevent the development of a problem.

  • use gloves when cleaning;
  • adhere to the principles of healthy eating;
  • entrust the care of nail plates and cuticles to professional masters;
  • protect hands from cold;
  • do not walk barefoot;
  • observe a competent drinking regimen (2 liters of water per day);
  • drink vitamin complexes;
  • use creams that moisturize, saturate the skin with useful substances;
  • disinfect the cuticle after a manicure (or pedicure) with antiseptics;
  • wash hands with soap for children.

For prevention, you need to do therapeutic baths once a week.

When burrs appear, it is usually enough to balance the diet, to provide competent care for the skin of the fingers. But, if there are no external causes of the defect, and burrs appear, what to do and how to be treated should be decided by the doctor. You may have to drink "vitamins", purchase medical cosmetics. If the skin dries out due to pathology internal organs, the emphasis should be on getting rid of it.

Surely each of you knows what burrs are. They seem completely harmless, but under certain circumstances they can turn into wounds and even fester. To avoid such consequences, you need to learn how to get rid of burrs and how to prevent their recurrence.

Why do burrs appear

The usual cause of burrs is drying out or contamination of the skin, which breaks its structure and causes a defect. However, this can be provoked by various factors and actions:

  • Regular dishwashing or laundry without using gloves. Water with chemicals corrodes the skin. A similar situation occurs with frequent contact with dirty water: the skin becomes rough, and burrs appear on the fingers.
  • Hormonal disorders can also lead to dry skin and the appearance of burrs.
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiencies have a similar effect.
  • Improper or irregular hand care. The skin needs to be moisturized with a nourishing cream and trimmed manicure should be done in time. Otherwise, the hands will soon become coarse and burrs will appear on the fingers.
  • The habit of biting nails also provokes the formation of defects, due to which burrs can form on the skin.
  • When the hands are in water for a long time, the skin gets wet and then dries out, and this contributes to the formation of surface cracks.
  • Sometimes burrs appear after cutting the cuticle, if the manicure was done by a non-professional (cuts and other microtraumas remained).
  • Frequent temperature changes are another common reason why burrs appear in adults or children. They occur when going outside without gloves: the hands dry out and freeze, the recovery processes slow down and burrs form.
  • Among the rarest, but unpleasant causes, one can single out diabetes mellitus and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The reasons why burrs appear on the fingers in adults and children are generally the same. The only difference is that children rarely have burrs due to constant dishwashing or laundry, but adults are less likely to bite their nails.

How to remove burrs?

When a burr is found on a finger, do not try to pull it, tear it off or bite it off. All this leads to the separation of the upper skin layer, and a painful wound will appear in this place. In addition, it can even lead to purulent processes, so learn how to properly and accurately remove burrs at home.

First you need to do the steaming of the skin around the nails, so that the procedure is painless. Make a hand soak by filling a small bowl of sea salt with warm water or adding a couple of drops of lemon or bergamot essential oil. In general, even the usual vegetable is suitable, if nothing else is available. Hold your hands for 15 minutes and then carefully cut off the burrs with scissors.

After that, use a nourishing cream to moisturize the skin and continue to use it in the following days. Moisturizing the skin, you will not let it rough. Even after steaming the skin, taking advantage of the moment, you can take care of the cuticle if it has coarsened. Use a nail file to file it down.

How to treat burrs

If burrs appear, you do not need any special cosmetics and medicines. Moisturizing creams and antiseptics are enough, but in any case, you must first remove the defect mechanically by cutting it off with scissors. Otherwise, it will grow in size and cause pain every time you cling to it.

An antiseptic will help disinfect damaged skin, and a cream will moisturize the skin and prevent future problems. You can also use cosmetics for more fast healing skin - most often it is a variety of creams sold in pharmacies.

Home remedies for burrs

You can use different hand care products to combat burrs. First of all, we recommend trying regular olive oil. It contains a lot of moisturizing substances and vitamins that are absorbed into the skin and additionally nourish the nail plate. With this tool, you can make baths before cutting off the burrs (as described above). Besides, regular use olive oil for baths will soften the skin and prevent burrs from appearing in the future.

To soften the nail roller and make it easier to remove the cuticle, you can use a bath with salt or soda. A liter of water will require a spoonful of soda. Stir and dip your fingers into the solution for 10-20 minutes, and then, if necessary, cut off the burrs and do not forget to moisten with cream.

When using sea salt per liter of warm water, 1-2 tablespoons of the mineral will be required. Soak your hands in the bath for 10 minutes, after which you can begin gentle deburring. After the procedure, you can treat the area with peach, sea buckthorn or other essential oils.

Excellent properties for the treatment of burrs on the fingers of an adult or a child is aloe. This houseplant is available in almost every home, but not everyone knows about its healing properties. You can make the simplest remedy by crushing the leaves and applying them to the affected area on the finger after removing the cuticle. You can even use this gruel to treat an abscess near the nail plate, repeating the procedure daily.

If you inadvertently cut, tore off or damaged the burrs, and inflammation appeared in their place, chamomile decoction will help heal the wounds. It will take a minimum of time to prepare the product, but you can quickly restore the skin of the hands near the fingers. To prepare a decoction per liter of water, you need two tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile. The herbal ingredient must be boiled and left to infuse, and then strain. In this decoction, you need to keep your hands until the warm water cools down. Repeat the procedure daily and you will be pleasantly surprised by the result!

Burr Prevention

Having dealt with the causes of burrs on the fingers and learned how to remove them, we can give recommendations for prevention that will avoid the problem.

First of all, you should choose from the variety of hand creams suitable for your skin and use it regularly. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin eliminates the effects of the aggressive environment with which you are in contact. Even after a short contact with chemicals ( washing powder, dishwashing detergent, etc.) it is advisable to wash your hands with soap that contains bactericidal and moisturizing substances. This soap does not dry the skin, but we still recommend not to forget about the use of creams.

Most effective method to prevent burrs - this is a trim manicure, but it should be done by a professional. During the procedure, special and sharp instruments are used, with the help of which the masters completely remove the cuticles. Regular manicure will allow you to forget about the problem if it bothers you. You can do a manicure at home, but do not overuse cosmetic compositions to soften the skin - they are not as good as advertisers say.

Pay special attention to the control of the sterility of the instruments used. They can be treated with ordinary hydrogen peroxide sold in all pharmacies. It is also better to fork out once for a professional set, each tool in which is made of special medical steel and sharpened with high quality.

Relationship between nutrition and hangnails

Among the reasons why burrs began to appear may be the wrong diet. Strangely enough, unhealthy food worsens the condition of the skin, drying it out and provoking the appearance of problems. The right diet will prevent them.

Try to include more sources of vitamin A or retinol (like carrots). It is this substance that provides good skin hydration and stimulation of regenerative processes. To replenish the reserves of vitamin A, you can take a pharmacy drug.

How to quickly restore leather after deburring

At the beginning of the article, some diseases were identified among the reasons why burrs appear on the fingers or even the soles of the feet. As you understand, in order to fix the problem in such cases, you need to improve your health, otherwise the fight against burrs will be endless and not effective enough.

To prevent the formation of burrs that hurt and lead to inflammation, or if you have already got rid of them and want to restore your skin faster, follow these basic recommendations:

  • Observe the drinking regime. Lack of fluid causes dry skin, which begins to crack and burrs appear near the nails.
  • A good antiseptic and moisturizer to treat hangnails is tea tree oil. It can be used by both adults and children.
  • Before leaving the house, do not apply cream to the skin of the hands or use the most oily one. Otherwise, you will get the opposite effect, causing the skin to dry out and develop burrs.
  • In springtime, our body and skin in honesty need a sufficient amount of vitamins. Pharmacies sell special complexes designed to improve the condition of hair, nails and skin - pay attention to them.

If you monitor your health and take care of the skin of your hands, you will never encounter the problem of nail burrs!

When a dense leathery roller near the nail plate is damaged and a gap appears on it, an unpleasant problem called “burrs” is born.

Most often they occur on the sides of the fingertips, since they are less protected from mechanical influences.

At first glance, burrs are safe, although they cause inconvenience. An infection can easily penetrate into them, and then they become inflamed, become painful, bleed, and often abscess.

Burrs can appear on the fingers of all limbs, although they are more common on the hands.

The appearance of burrs on the fingers: the main causes

Breaks of the nail roller do not adorn the fingers. Hands become untidy and unpleasant in appearance. A person (especially a woman) feels psychological discomfort and tries to constantly hide them.

Burrs create problems and complications in everyday life. It is impossible to fix clothes or hair, so as not to catch the gap and not wince in pain.

The appearance of burrs can be caused by simple and complex reasons. The rupture of the nail roller occurs as a result of:

  • Bad manicure. If you carelessly remove the cuticle, you can easily damage the skin. Microtraumas, small notches that can cause the formation of a burr will appear on it. Other manicure tools, including a nail file, can also injure the skin. If this happens regularly, the burrs will settle on the fingers for a long time.
  • Use of materials containing methyl methacrylate when building nails. They harm the nail plate and the skin around it, provoke burrs.
  • Nail biting and cuticle biting habits. This harmful weakness is closely related to nervous system. It often manifests itself under emotional stress. It is very easy to tear off a piece of the nail along with the cuticle. The skin will definitely suffer because it is tender and sensitive. Her gap will quickly turn into a painful hangnail.
  • Hand contact with various household chemicals, paints and varnishes, other harmful substances, hard water. Why not use protective gloves? Obviously, the reason is the usual carelessness, which leads to the appearance of not only hangnails, but also more serious damage to the skin on the hands. This fully applies to both women and men.
  • Refusal to wear warm gloves during the cold season.
  • Careless handling of stationery. Just cut your hands plain paper. Simple ball pen or a pencil can also cause injury. Thanks to them, burrs can appear on the index or middle finger of the hand.
  • Lack of quality and regular hand care. Burrs love dry and chapped skin, because it easily cracks and gets injured. To eliminate this cause, you should constantly use creams and do not disdain cosmetic procedures.
  • Use of unsuitable soap, frequent washing of hands without drying them afterwards.
  • Insufficient water intake. Fluid deficiency can lead to dehydration of the skin on the hands.

These reasons are easy to eliminate. You need to make a little effort and make positive adjustments to your lifestyle and change your attitude towards your body.

Burrs and health problems

Infrequently, but burrs can be unpleasant symptoms of dangerous ailments. Among them:

  • Skin diseases: dermatitis, ichthyosis, eczema.
  • Dysbacteriosis is an imbalance in the natural intestinal microflora.
  • Gastrointestinal ailments and renal failure.
  • Disruptions in the endocrine system, and, as a result, the appearance diabetes and hypothyroidism.
  • Allergic ailments.
  • Vitamin deficiency, deficiency of trace elements such as iron, calcium and silicon.
  • Intoxication of the body with harmful substances that you have to contact in the workplace.
  • Lack of proteins as a result of mono-diets or unbalanced nutrition.

The root cause of the appearance of burrs may be a person in a state of constant stress. Skin tears are only a small part of the health problems that appear due to prolonged emotional overstrain.


It is impossible to confuse burrs with something else. A visual examination is sufficient to make a correct diagnosis.

Particular attention is needed in cases where burrs constantly appear, although hand care is regular and there are no provoking factors. Additional examinations are indispensable, since it is necessary to determine the main cause that gives rise to ruptures of the nail fold. They may be limited to:

  • Biochemical blood test.
  • Spectral study of hair for the content of trace elements.
  • A test for the presence of vitamins in the blood.
  • The study of feces in order to detect dysbacteriosis.

When complications arise and an abscess appears, a bacterial culture of purulent contents should be performed to determine the etiology of the pathogen and sensitivity to drugs.

How to get rid of burrs without leaving home

In no case should you tear off a burr, bite it off with your teeth. This will cause an additional rush of pain and bleeding. Healthy areas of the skin can be injured, an additional focus of inflammation will appear. But leaving burrs unattended is also unreasonable. They can contribute to inflammation of the soft tissues around the nail (paronychia) or the development of purulent processes on the entire finger (panaritium).

To remove burrs, you must:

  • Hold the hand in warm water so that the skin is well steamed and becomes less sensitive and more elastic. It will take at least a quarter of an hour. In the water you need to add a tablespoon (0.5 l) of soda or sea salt.
  • Wipe your hands dry with a towel.
  • Treat nail scissors or tweezers with medical alcohol. Carefully cut off the hangnail, and the entire cuticle along with it.
  • Treat the cut site with an antiseptic and apply a hand cream (moisturizing or nourishing).

In order not to accidentally injure the treated skin with clothes or hair, you need to stick a fixing patch with a gauze pad on your finger.

Those who are afraid to cut off the burrs can do this: shortly before sleep, carefully lubricate the skin at the site of the rupture with calendula ointment. Then loosely seal the finger with a band-aid. If the burrs do not fall off in the morning when washing hands, the procedure will have to be repeated.

Treatment of burrs in folk ways

The most effective way to treat hangnails is with hand and nail baths.

They are not only pleasant, but also beneficial for the skin. It is preferable to cook oil baths because they are highly efficient.

Such procedures do not take much time, so they can be carried out at least every day. Any vegetable oil is suitable for the bath. It needs to be slightly warmed up and dip the hands in a warm and viscous liquid. Twenty minutes is enough for the skin to soften and soak with vegetable fat.

After the procedure, you should not wash your hands. It is better to rub the remaining oil into the skin and put on cotton gloves. They should not be removed until the morning. It is advisable to repeat a similar procedure daily before a night's rest, until the skin on the hands, especially near the nail plate, becomes tender and smooth (without damage).

Aloe or Kalanchoe gruel is another effective tool. Freshly cut leaves of the plant must be washed and crushed as much as possible. The resulting porridge-like mixture should be applied to the skin near the nails and wrap the fingers with a film.

It is advisable to hold the compress for several hours or at least an hour. The frequency of repetition of the procedure is once or twice a week.

Helps and sea ​​buckthorn or rosehip oil. They can lubricate places where burrs appear, since similar means have a wound-healing effect.

Burrs: treatment and prevention

When burrs are one of the symptoms of a certain disease, then it is this that needs to be treated. At the same time, you should consult a specialist about eliminating dry skin and reducing its tendency to damage.

Prevention is as follows:

  • Spare no expense on quality hand creams and use them constantly.
  • Give up the habit of biting your nails and cuticles.
  • Don't forget to wear gloves before doing any housework.
  • Dry hands thoroughly after contact with water, do not leave them wet.
  • In the cold season, be sure to wear mittens or gloves.
  • Trust the manicure procedure only to a proven master.

It is also important to eat right and drink the recommended amount of fluid.

Burrs are an unpleasant phenomenon. But you can get rid of them if you properly care for your hands and protect them from negative and harmful environmental influences.