Why is discipline important in school? The problem of school discipline. What does the term "discipline" mean?

And how to develop it? These questions trouble the minds of many people.

Interesting thoughts have been and are being expressed about it by great and not-so-great personalities:

To act without rules is the most difficult and most tiring task in this world. Piero Manzoni.

Conscious discipline—isn't that true freedom? N. K. Roerich.

Lack of discipline implies the presence of irresponsibility. Leonid S. Sukhorukov.

Discipline is any dominance of long-term feelings over short-term ones. Evgeny Bagashov.

When the whip ceases to be used, the gingerbread begins to gradually seem unsweetened. Harun Agatsarsky.

Discipline and freedom 4 methods

Discipline is a tool and a way to achieve their goals, solving problems, which is associated with getting out of, is associated with unpleasant sensations, i.e. works in , .

If discipline becomes a habit, a natural behavior of a person, it allows you to enjoy the things done and completed.

It gives a feeling of real freedom when a person consciously chooses discipline as a constant companion in life. Discipline in this case acts as a defense against troubles, surprises, increases the feeling of self-worth of a person.

The main thing is that discipline should be a systematic phenomenon in your life, and not a one-time thing. Then there will be the desired results.

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Undisciplined student, undisciplined patient. undisciplined worker. undisciplined athlete. How difficult it is for a teacher, doctor, manager, coach to deal with them.

Let's look at the problem from the other side. To what extent does indiscipline affect the person himself? Does it make life easier or harder for him?

Let's figure it out.

Pseudo-facilitation of life

The motive for violations of discipline is the desire to evade difficulties, circumvent them, and avoid tension.

  • It's hard, let's say, for a person to get up early - he allowed himself to soak up a little longer in bed.
  • It seemed that he was tired - he quit work, went to rest.
  • I'm tired of following the regime - I began to do what and when I want ...

Yes, these are not the cases when violation of discipline, neglect of rules and instructions turn into an industrial injury, an accident, a car accident, causing direct damage to health. The situations seem to be harmless. But they, if we trace the entire chain of events, have a detrimental effect on the quality of life.

Being late somewhere, not fulfilling business and obligations by the due date, violating the established rules and instructions, a person inevitably creates inconvenience for others and difficulties for production as a whole.

Behavior according to the principle "as I want" cannot be conflict-free, cannot but create a zone of known alienation around the personality.

Even if it seems that the opinions of others are indifferent to him, this is not so. No matter how much he tries to seem indifferent to criticisms and remarks, to the discontent of his workmates, all this stung, deprives him of inner peace and creates a feeling of insecurity.

The Importance of Discipline

Discipline as a certain order of behavior, corresponding to the norms of law and morality that have developed in society, is necessary not only in the interests of society. It becomes an important condition for human well-being. Consistency of actions, their orderliness make it possible to achieve the highest results of labor, to receive those material values ​​that each member of the team uses. Following the generally accepted routine, a person feels more comfortable.

Discipline is the law of life, existing at all its levels. Nature itself teaches us a lesson in orderliness:

  • day and night;
  • sunrise and sunset;
  • ebb and flow;
  • the change of phases of the moon and the change of seasons are strictly cyclical.

And what is the vital activity of an organism, if not the constant bringing of disorder to order?

The organism steadfastly guards the constancy of its internal environment, every hour and every minute it puts into action dozens of its regulatory mechanisms, adjusting individual processes to the needs of a single system.

The internal rhythms of the body, of course, do not always correspond to the rhythms that life requires of us. But man has a unique ability of self-regulation. He can develop the necessary stereotype of behavior, adapting natural, involuntary rhythms to the necessary, arbitrary ones.

This applies, for example, to the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, the speed of reactions, the ability to concentrate attention.

Self-discipline allows a person to achieve optimal capabilities, to compensate for their natural shortcomings.

She is a great teacher and educator.

What is Conscious Discipline

The more significant for a person his activity, the better he realizes the need to solve a particular problem, the easier it is for him to discipline himself. This is where the great creative power of conscious discipline lies. It is then that from necessity it turns into a need, into that lever by which a person improves himself.

The psychological effect of conscious discipline is that it removes the contradiction between "want" and "should". Man wants to do what he must.

What should be turned into what is desired for him. It - the main condition inner balance, mental well-being.

Discipline as a moral factor

The talented teacher A. S. Makarenko, the organizer and head of the colony for homeless children, conducted a psychological experiment. From teenagers crippled by years of homeless life, he created a commune - a friendly, close-knit team, the hallmark of which was the highest organization. The impact of the team, responsibility for each other, the conscious desire for the success of the commune created a miracle: the guys, it would seem, embodying anarchy, began to consider a five-minute delay to the line as a serious offense.

Direct observations of the life of the commune, of each of its members, convinced Makarenko that discipline is necessary not only for the team to achieve its goals better and faster, but also for each person to develop and develop the ability to overcome any obstacles.

Discipline has a protective effect. A person feels unity with his team. If he does not violate the accepted rules, if he is with everyone and for everyone, then - and everything is for him, then - he can count on support.

Numerous socio-psychological studies conducted at large enterprises have shown that the opinion of workmates can greatly influence the well-being and behavior of a person.

To the question: "How important is the evaluation of your work by your comrades to you?" the majority of the workers answered: "big," "important," "most important."

The desire not to let you down is one of the strongest incentives for cultivating self-discipline. Once in the atmosphere of a friendly, close-knit team, a person perceives the values ​​that exist here, strives not to violate the accepted rules. This is especially true for young workers.

The period of adaptation to new conditions and new requirements is faster if they fall into a disciplined team.

Why look for authority

O young man, a teenager is often told: “He does not listen to anyone! For him, there are no authorities at all! ”... It cannot be that there are no authorities for a person. If a teenager does not take into account his parents and teachers, his mentor or master, then he takes into account someone else. Try to find out who constitutes the "authority group" for him. Then, focusing on the circumstances, either take it under control, trying to change undesirable tendencies, or debunk it in the eyes of a teenager, find other guidelines for him.

The education of discipline in a person is an important task of the family. But her decision should not be reduced to drill, to the desire to make the child passively obedient. Conscious discipline is born as a result, aimed primarily at the formation of a sense of duty and responsibility, willpower and restraint, purposefulness and diligence, exactingness towards oneself and goodwill towards people.

Relationship between discipline and regime

Everyone knows the hygienic significance of the regimen. Its strict observance becomes both a universal method of prevention and the most important condition for the successful treatment of almost all diseases, and effective method health promotion.

If a person, say, always eats at the same time, the digestive organs are reflexively activated to the usual mode, and this regulates appetite and contributes to better absorption of food.

Going to bed and getting up on a schedule, you can adjust your nervous system, and then you will be able to quickly fall asleep without sleeping pills and wake up without an alarm clock.

When a person gets to work exactly at a certain time, then “buildup” is not required, things are going well from the first minutes.

The regime also has an important psychological, educational aspect. Its accuracy, certainty, and the avoidance of deviations without serious reasons already organize the behavior of not only children, but also all family members.

It is also important what instructions you give to others, how you give them and how you follow the execution. Orders should not be given with anger and irritation, but not in such a way that it looks like begging. Requirements must be reasonable, feasible for the child. Must not conflict with your other instructions. Having entrusted something, it is necessary to check whether it was done and how it was done: on time or late, neatly or somehow.



If the work is interesting, there is no need for self-coercion. However, one must accustom oneself to do what is uninteresting, but necessary. The joy of overcoming, the consciousness of duty done, the effect of achieving the goal, everything that makes up nice feeling moral satisfaction, will become compensation for stress and willpower.

Own unfulfillment depresses a person. From a young age, it is necessary to instill intolerance for the non-performance of other people, for manifestations of inaccuracy, slovenliness, and violations of social norms.

Comradely discipline belongs to the category of moral discipline. Without discipline, there is no creative disclosure of personality, there is no harmony, there is no complete agreement either with others or with oneself.

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. Grade 7 "> § 5. Why discipline is needed
  • What are the rules for the life of people in society?
  • Why is it important to follow these rules?
  • What are norms and sanctions?
  • Does everyone have to be disciplined?
  • What is external and internal discipline?

Discipline obligatory and special

Discipline is a necessary condition normal life society. Thanks to discipline, people's behavior takes on an orderly character, they get used to controlling their actions and feeling the line that separates them from offenses. Discipline is always aimed at following certain rules.

    Discipline is a certain order of behavior of people that meets the norms of law and morality that have developed in society or the requirements of an organization.

Often you can find the words "discipline" and "public order" side by side. In these cases, discipline is understood as the implementation of the rules established by the state. According to these rules, all government bodies, organizations, officials and citizens must fulfill the tasks and duties assigned to them. This discipline is compulsory.

Along with it, there is a special discipline that is obligatory only for members of a certain organization (labor, school, military, etc.) - V.I. Dal in his dictionary considers discipline as “military obedience, obedience, subordination, servility”. In the Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron, one of the meanings of the word "discipline" is "education, a set of binding rules at school".

What are the features of certain types of special discipline?

Military discipline is the most severe. And this is understandable: the combat readiness of the troops, the accuracy in managing them, their actions in a combat situation, and most importantly, the lives of many people depend on it.

Military discipline obliges each serviceman to strictly observe the laws, comply with the requirements of the Military Oath, military regulations, orders of superiors. It is necessary to keep military and state secrets, observe the rules of military courtesy, behave with honor and dignity outside the location of the unit, and prevent violations of public order.

In the feature film "Officers" there is an episode with the participation of Ivan Trofimov from Suvorov. The boy was from a family of hereditary military men. His grandfather is a military general, his father died at the front. Once, Vanya was late for school because of his dismissal and thus violated military discipline. The boy was at the zoo, stared at the hippopotamus and forgot about the time. The punishment was to dress out of turn.

    Compare the punishment that Ivan was subjected to, for example, with the one that awaits a latecomer to school. Which one is stronger and why?

Relations labor activity people are fixed by labor discipline. It provides for timely arrival at work, compliance with the established length of the working day, rational use of working time, accurate execution of orders from the administration. The requirements of labor discipline are enshrined in labor laws, labor regulations, discipline charters, collective agreements, job and technical instructions.

Violation of labor discipline is manifested in an unfair attitude to work, non-fulfillment by the employee of the labor duties assigned to him. It causes material damage not only to an individual enterprise, but also to the economy of the country as a whole.

    Journey into the past
    In June 1988, the city of Arzamas experienced a terrible tragedy. There was an explosion of monstrous force: three wagons of a freight train exploded. They contained about 120 tons of explosives intended for mining enterprises. A funnel was formed the size of a nine-story building. Almost 2,000 people suffered - dead, wounded, people left with disabilities, children who became orphans. A whole microdistrict was wiped off the face of the earth... Someone, contrary to the rules for the transport of dangerous goods, ordered to attach these cars immediately behind the locomotive, and the head of the train did not decide to restaff the train.
    Cargo IL-76 crashed and crashed into a residential building. The reason is that they took on board more cargo than is determined by the rules.
    An Aeroflot Il-86 aircraft with more than a hundred passengers on board landed without landing gear extended. Why? Some of the crew members were annoyed by the sound of a siren, reminiscent of the moment of their release. He turned off the siren, and without its sound, the commander forgot to release the landing gear. Fortunately, there were no tragic consequences.
    The Interstate Aviation Committee analyzed two thousand flights and identified a number of serious violations. Some pilots are arrogant about safety requirements, overestimate their capabilities, violate flight rules.

    What unites all of these facts? Have you ever experienced something similar in your life?

External and internal discipline

What motivates people to be disciplined? On the one hand, those rules that exist, and the society itself, which controls the observance of these rules. “Coercion,” wrote the German philosopher I. Kant (1724-1804), “limiting and eventually eradicating a constant tendency to deviate from certain rules, is called discipline.”

If the rules are observed only due to external control, we can talk about external discipline. People in this case feel extraneous control, seek to receive material or any other encouragement or avoid punishment.

For example, your parents, and even more so grandparents, remember what kind of discipline existed in all schools at the time when they studied. The school administration strictly ensured that the boys had short haircut, for girls - not too much short skirts for everyone to wear school uniform. Some liked it, others didn't. Not everyone wanted to comply with such requirements, but they were afraid to violate them.

Sometimes external discipline is based on fear. For example, an employee is afraid of being reprimanded, losing wages, being fired from work. An even stronger incentive is the fear of criminal punishment, the loss of freedom.

On the other hand, demands on oneself can induce a person to fulfill certain rules. In this case, the person himself and the author of such requirements, and the controller. No stranger will remind him of them, will not straighten up, will not threaten. If a person observes the rules on his own inner impulse, without external sanctions and coercive measures, we can talk about internal discipline.

Internal discipline is the result of a clear understanding of what, how and why to do. In this case, a person experiences an internal need to follow accepted norms behavior, and in case of their non-compliance, feels remorse, a sense of guilt. Such discipline is based on the conscious decision of the person himself and self-control. Therefore, it is often called conscious discipline or self-discipline.

Speaking of internal discipline, one should single out the rules established by each person personally for himself. These rules underlie self-education.

Discipline, will and self-education

You probably already know about the possibilities of self-education. You probably thought that it would be nice to cultivate certain qualities and habits in yourself. Is there a connection between the realization of such desires and discipline? Let's figure it out.

First, evaluate whether you have managed to develop clear rules of behavior aimed at developing the desired quality or habit. Secondly, check if you managed to follow these rules. And not occasionally, but daily, rigorously. This is how discipline is developed. This is difficult: you need to win hard victories over yourself every day. And for this it is important to call all your will into allies.

Will helps to overcome weakness, the habit of not completing difficult things. Thanks to it, you can overcome the humiliating dependence on the desire to do nothing or do only something pleasant, do only what you want. The French writer O. de Balzac (1799-1850) said this about it this way: “A strong will is a victory every minute over the instincts, over the impulses that the will curbs and suppresses, over the whims and obstacles that it overpowers, over all sorts of difficulties that she heroically overcomes. The will helps in case of failure not to give up, but again to “gather” oneself and go towards the goal.

Internal discipline based on volitional efforts is both the guarantee and the result of successful self-education. After all, conscious discipline must also be cultivated in oneself. This must be done from childhood, striving for the expedient organization of one's studies, free time, mutual understanding with relatives and friends. And there is only one way - to set and solve specific tasks, the fulfillment of which depends not on external circumstances, but on your own efforts.

When for the first time you hear the rule “Ignorance of the law does not exempt from responsibility for its violation”, you become uneasy. What happens: to be law-abiding, you need to know absolutely all the laws? It is certainly useful to know the laws. But keeping them all in your head is beyond the power of even specialists. And this is where discipline comes in. The one who is accustomed to follow the rules, who knows how to feel the very nature of prohibitions and restrictions, will not become a violator of the law.

Let's check ourselves

  1. What is discipline? Why is she needed?
  2. What is discipline?
  3. What are the consequences of a breach of discipline?
  4. How do you understand the expression "discipline is lame"?
  5. What section of the paragraph is connected with the statement of Leo Tolstoy: “The battle is won by the one who firmly decided to win”?

In class and at home

  1. Determine what kind of discipline we are talking about: a) strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by laws and military regulations; b) strict observance of the established order in production; c) compliance with the rules for students.
  2. Observe the people around you and make a conclusion which discipline is manifested more often: external or internal. Why do you think this is happening?
  3. Remember if there were times in your life when you decided to do something important. For example, he thought: “From tomorrow I will do my homework right after school” or “From tomorrow I will start writing down everything in detail in the lesson for the teacher.” Did you manage to carry out your plans? What helped or hindered?
  4. Think about which discipline more reliably protects against breaking the law - external or internal. To do this, remember the examples of violations of norms and rules known to you from books and films and draw a conclusion which discipline was lame in each case.
  5. Based on the facts of public life and life experience, give examples of non-compliance with discipline. What is the harm in each case? Turn to the resources of the Internet and pick up material related to the dangerous consequences of a violation of discipline. Explain the relationship between discipline and responsibility.
  6. Andrei claims that he personally does not need discipline, it even sometimes prevents him from showing creativity. Anna does not agree with him, she believes that discipline helps creative person do not waste extra effort and achieve success. Whose opinion do you support? Discuss the situation in class. Take part in the discussion.

Learning to be disciplined

  1. Get used to being in control of yourself. Ask yourself questions in the evening: what did I plan to do today? Which of these plans depended only on me? What is done and what is not? To what extent did internal discipline help the implementation of plans?
  2. Watch the people around you. Record individual, then minor violations of discipline. Note for yourself what violations occur most often, because of what they occur, what they can lead to.
  3. Try not to stand aside if discipline violations occur near you that threaten the life and health of people. Report it to an adult or call the police. This will also manifest your inner discipline, requirements for yourself.
  4. Watch yourself. You act a certain way when you know you're being followed when you're in the public eye. And when there is no one and no one knows what you are doing? Does your behavior always coincide with what others see in this case? What conclusions can be drawn from this?

Such children constantly start quarrels with classmates, become troublemakers in the classroom, and during an exam test they can look into a neighbor's notebook. In such a situation, teachers are forced to apply disciplinary measures to schoolchildren. Schools tend to impose strict discipline requirements on their students - in most cases, these requirements are set out in writing (for example, published in the school newspaper). It often seems to children and their parents that school discipline is a form of punishment for the guilty, but this point of view has nothing to do with reality. Discipline is good for the child, and compliance with certain rules and norms of behavior is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of the learning process.

Children should be clear about:

  • how they should behave at school;
  • what behavior is unacceptable, unacceptable within the walls of the school;
  • what punishment they can be subjected to if they violate the rules and norms of behavior established by the school.

The American Academy of Pediatrics takes the following view. Children who violate the rules and norms of behavior established by the school, of course, should be subjected to appropriate punishment, but teachers should take into account individual characteristics each child (temperament, cognitive abilities, mental properties). For example, a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) finds it difficult to sit in one place for hours at a time. Teachers should take this circumstance into account and not make too severe demands on discipline for such a child.
In any situation, the teacher must show respect for the child. Even if he has to be punished, the measure of punishment for the offender should always be chosen taking into account the individual characteristics of his personality. If a child has realized his mistake, if he sincerely strives to improve, do not punish him too severely. As a punishment, for example, you can give the child an additional task in mathematics. In no case, under no circumstances should physical measures be applied to children. And one more inviolable rule: you can not humiliate a child in the presence of peers.
If your child is having discipline problems, you should find out the cause of these problems as soon as possible and correct his behavior accordingly. Your child should be clear about what the school demands of him in terms of discipline.
Sometimes the requirements of the school administration regarding discipline seem to parents not quite justified. In such a situation, you should talk to the teachers or the principal of the school. In the presence of the child, refrain from any critical remarks about the school and its administration. The child tends to imitate his parents in literally everything, so if you show disrespect for the school and its teachers, your child will probably do the same.
If, for example, your child was left in the classroom during the break as punishment for some misconduct, you may have some bewilderment about this form of punishment - after all, the child needs to be on the break during the break. fresh air, play with peers, throw out the excess of accumulated energy. Refrain from any comments - in the presence of the child, you should not discuss the policy of the school administration. Talk to the teacher, suggest that he use other forms of punishment, taking into account the individual characteristics of your child. Parents and teachers should come to some common denominator: both at home and at school, the child must comply with certain, once and for all, established norms and rules of behavior.
If the child has not completed one or another task of the teacher, he should not be detained in the classroom during the break. Depriving the child of the opportunity to play with peers, the teacher will form a negative attitude towards his subject and towards learning in general. In addition, during the break, the child, as a rule, is completely absorbed in the events that take place on the playground, so he cannot concentrate, his attention is scattered. At breaks, the child needs to be in the fresh air, move, play with peers.
Ask teachers and the school principal to immediately inform you of any misconduct by your child. In most cases, *school principals call parents immediately if their child has committed any sufficiently serious misconduct. Some directors, however, believe that younger students can already be fully responsible for their actions, so they try to help the child solve the problem on their own, without the participation of parents.
Thus, if your child has committed some minor misconduct that is not more than a normal childish prank, the teachers may not inform you about it. If your child tells you that he or she was called to see the principal today, call the principal immediately and find out what's wrong. In most cases, teachers and school administration will be able to solve the problem themselves, without your participation, and there is no need to punish the child twice for the same offense.
And finally, one last note: the child's inappropriate behavior at school is often a wake-up call for parents. Think about it: maybe your child is under stress or he just lacks you, your attention, care, affection? Thus, first of all, try to find out what is the main cause of your child's problems. By eliminating it, you will help him cope with all the difficulties that have arisen in his path.

Is corporal punishment used in school?

You probably still have memories of your school years. Probably, you still remember about the slaps on the back of the head that the director of your school handed out to overly naughty students? Or maybe in your school the guilty were beaten with a ruler?
Unfortunately, corporal punishment is still practiced in many schools (in 23 states, corporal punishment of children is legal). According to statistics, during 1993/1994 school year at least 470,000 schoolchildren were subjected to corporal punishment.
Studies conducted by educators and psychologists clearly show that corporal punishment does not bring any tangible benefit to the child. The American Academy of Pediatrics believes that corporal punishment robs a child of self-respect and is detrimental to their academic performance. Punishment in this case loses its educational value: a child subjected to corporal punishment becomes cruel and aggressive. In contrast, children who have never been subjected to corporal punishment are not prone to antisocial, antisocial behavior.
The school principal and teachers can apply physical measures to schoolchildren only in the most exceptional cases (for example, if a situation has arisen that threatens the life and health of the child). The American Academy of Pediatrics advocates total abolition corporal punishment in schools in every state without exception. We believe that educators will be able to find other, much more effective ways manage the child's behavior. We appeal to legislators at all levels (including school councils) with a request to support our initiative.

Publisher: Enlightenment 2015.

Type of: Textbook

At the age of fourteen, a student receives a passport, which means that he becomes an adult, able-bodied resident of his state. Therefore, at this age, the student can independently sign various contracts. But before you take any action, you still need to know your powers and responsibilities well. During this period, a person is already fully responsible for his actions, so it is very important to follow the laws, know and respect them, and be able to protect your rights. Bogolyubov's textbook "Social science for grade 7" will provide the main topics, having studied them, the student will become a full-fledged and sought-after citizen of his society. He will have to make rational decisions, learn the secrets of professional success, have the ability to predict the prosperity of his business, only then can he create his own business. The child will understand that to preserve and protect nature means to save his life. This is what will be discussed in the lessons. this direction in the seventh year of study.

When faced with difficulties during homework, the student can apply GDZ on social studies author Bogolyubov L.N. 7th grade. Ready Answers, which are in the collection, will allow the seventh grader to understand all the intricacies of self-organization and legal consciousness, manage their mood, and teach them to perceive the behavior of other people around them accordingly. By using online solution book parents will be able to help their child sort out more difficult tasks for him, without wasting time searching for information.