To the day of laughter in the library. Day of laughter in rural houses of culture - Tyukalinsky centralized club system. "Day of laughter in the library"

Closing event for Children's Book Week in the family reading library. S. Marshak passed April 1 on April Fool's Day. Laughter time "Fun hour" conducted by bibliographer Natalya Zhilina. The competitive and game form of the event was not chosen by chance, because April Fool's Day is unthinkable without jokes, humor and practical jokes.
The most unusual, illogical, confusing and funny questions were asked at the holiday, and the guys (in the amount of 18 people) were invited to compete in resourcefulness, dexterity and ingenuity. In the "Smeshinka" game, the teams competed in the volume of laughter, in the "Patter" contest, the participants had to talk to each other, in the contests "Who is this?" and "Self-Portrait" the guys had to become real artists for a while.
The children really liked the outdoor games with the rope. The game "Figures" showed how close-knit and friendly the guys are.
And two unusual guests came to visit the guys, whom they had to guess, they turned out to be "Humor in short pants"and" Anecdote with a beard. "Then the guys competed in guessing the jokes they knew.
Laughter-time passed in a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere of humor, jokes, children's laughter and smiles.
All participants of the competitions received commemorative medals "April 1 - I do not trust anyone" and sweet prizes.

April 1 in BSC named after V. Davydov-Anatri took place KVN "Laughter is a serious matter". The guys gathered for a fun event to relax, have fun and discover talents. Subject - school life was chosen unanimously. The first competition "Greeting" showed that the participants were seriously preparing for the competition. The next task was to present a theatrical scene "A funny incident in the lesson." Then there was a competition of captains. Completed the competition "Funny stories" from funny children's writers. There were no gloomy faces at the event, the children's imagination was limitless. According to the sum of points, the team "Luchik" won, with which the team "Smeshinka" congratulated it. holiday atmosphere and Have a good mood was a reward for both teams.

April 1 at the Children's and Youth Library was held holiday-prankster "It's time for fun - April Fool's Day - April 1!". The head of the sector, Nadezhda Egorova, introduced the children to the history of the celebration of April 1 and traditions April fool's drawings.
And then games, contests began, comic poems and ditties sounded. Tests for quick-witted and attentive brought smiles from the participants. For example, how many "P's" will it take to stop a street from moving? (Answer: one hundred "p" - stop).
Children also got acquainted with a comic horoscope and "School funny encyclopedia" with pleasure. Everyone agreed that classroom teacher schools are sometimes a "tamer of tigers", a wardrobe is a "battle of Kulikovo", etc.
The children took an active part in the competitions. Then they themselves made riddles to each other, told jokes. There were a lot of jokes, laughter and practical jokes at the festival. Sweet surprises awaited all participants of the event.

"Laughter is a brush that sweeps cobwebs from the heart"
Mort Walker, American cartoonist

Humor is a lifeline on the waves of life
Wilhelm Rabe(Raabe), German writer

Day of laughter unofficial holiday many peoples of different countries, celebrated most often on April 1. The first of April is considered the most happy day of the year, because on this day everyone tries to play a trick on each other or deceive each other in all sorts of ways.
As soon as it is not called! In Scotland it is Cuckoo Day, in Japan it is Doll Day, in Spain it is Fools Day, in France it is Fish Day, in the USA it is Fools Day.
But its meaning is the same: on this day it is possible and even recommended to play a more cheerful neighbor and at the same time not to be played yourself.

Mark Twain once said that April 1 is the day that reminds us of who we really are for the other 364 days of the year, and he was right.
It is on this day that you can afford to play a trick on friends and colleagues without fear of being misunderstood.

"First, brother, April!"

Where did this holiday come from - April Fool's Day - a mystery shrouded in darkness.

In Russia, it was believed that in this case it was not without the participation of the brownie. The ancient Slavs believed that this mischievous and capricious old man wakes up in April and waking up is always out of sorts. And therefore, if they found scattered flour or soiled linen in the house, they were not particularly upset, they knew: this brownie is weird. Well, think about it, you messed up awake! The people did their best to cajole the grumbler, to cheer him up. And so that the old man would not be annoyed, our ancestors made fun of the household.

According to another version, the festival of laughter arose during noisy festivities on Easter, which often coincided with the day of the spring equinox. These days were always greeted with jokes and practical jokes. So people wanted to cheer up the spring, which did not always have time to come on time. Or maybe they just warmed up.
Another, also common version of the origin of April Fool's Day is associated with the transition to the Gregorian calendar in 1582. In the Middle Ages New Year It was celebrated not on January 1, but at the end of March, and therefore the New Year's week began on March 25 and ended on April 1. However, despite the changes in the calendar, many continued to celebrate New Year's week in the old style. Others laughed and made fun of them, gave them stupid gifts and called them April Fools.
This is how April Fool's Day was born.

On a note
The most famous April Fools' jokes have already been included in the list of 100 April Fools' jokes of all time, including the fall of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, a photo essay about flying penguins, a UFO landing in London, the transition to a decimal time measurement system, the change in pi from 3.14 to 3.0 and others. .
The most popular joke of this year: "Spring has finally come."
Really, where did you come from? What for? Where was she anyway?

April Fool's Pranks

April 1st - trust no one!
(or "The first of April - don't trust anyone!")

"The first of April - I don't trust anyone." A joke familiar to everyone since childhood. Indeed, the tradition of April Fool's pranks on friends, acquaintances, relatives, and sometimes entire cities, originates in antiquity.

Similar customs were known to the ancient Persians, Romans, Hindus and many other peoples. After the fall of the Holy Roman Empire, the practice of April Fools spread throughout Europe. The English call this day "the day of all fools", and the French tease the man they managed to deceive on April 1st, the fool who swallowed the "April fish".

In Russia, April Fools' jokes appeared at the beginning of the 18th century. In 1700, the owner of the buffoon troupe announced to the residents of Moscow that he would fit into an ordinary bottle. A lot of people gathered in the theater, and when the curtain rose, the audience saw a bottle on the stage with the inscription "April 1st". One of the old pranks, popular with the older generations, is "chasing the fool." The young man was handed an envelope with a sheet of paper on which was written, for example, "you must drive the fool, send three miles", and sent with the envelope to some address. The addressee, who received such a message, shifted it into another envelope, inscribed a different address and sent young man to a new address, and so on - until the meaning of the joke reached the last. Later, it became customary to send someone for "bird's milk", for the book "The Story of Evina's Mother", etc.

It is also known that during the reign of Peter I, a troupe of German actors deceived both the public and the sovereign on that day by placing a banner with the inscription "April 1st" on the stage instead of presenting the play. Peter did not get angry and only said: "The liberty of the comedians."

From the end of the 18th century, lines about April Fools' jokes began to appear in the works of many writers and poets.

For example, A. S. Pushkin wrote in a letter to A. A. Delvig(October-November 1825):

Eyebrows king frown
He said: "Yesterday
the storm came down
Monument to Peter.
He got scared:
“I didn’t know! .. Really?” -
The king laughed.
"First, brother, April!"

A. N. Apukhtin in the poem "The First of April"(1857) writes thus:

Happy day! for a long time
The custom is patriarchal
We have: and lie, and all sorts of nonsense
Today, flog everyone impudently.
Though a lie, however, has taken root
It's really good for us
That every day of the year we have
In part - the first of April.

By folk tradition, on this day it is customary to make fun of friends, family members, colleagues and acquaintances, schoolchildren, students and teachers. Jokes and/or humorous remarks work if the person has forgotten what day of the year it is. Traditional expressions of the day: “What’s wrong with your back” or “Your back is white”, “Something fell on you ...”, “Dirt on your face or food debris near your lips and / or nose”, someone calls you (bosses, parents, employees or classmates, classmates) or calls on the phone, etc. harmless pranks.
One of the most popular jokes on this day is "Your back is white."

Pranks in the media

Interesting Facts

The spaghetti tree is a fictional tree designed to play a prank on those who don't know how spaghetti is made.
On April 1, 1957, the BBC aired a report about the massive pasta harvest in Switzerland. as an April Fool's joke in the Panorama TV program. There was talk of an unusually rich spaghetti harvest in Ticino, Switzerland, due to a mild winter and the "virtually complete disappearance of spaghetti weevils". .Kadry demonstrated the work of peasants gathering boiled pasta in the fields.

Additional weight to the message was given by the off-screen voice of the authoritative announcer Richard Dimbleby.
In the 1950s pasta was not an everyday dish in the UK, and was known mainly as canned spaghetti in tomato sauce.
Part of the story was filmed at a (now closed) pasta factory on London Road, St Albans, Hertfordshire, and at a hotel in Switzerland.
The program, which aired on April 1st, was viewed by an estimated 8 million people, hundreds of whom called the next day asking about spaghetti farming and how they could grow their own spaghetti tree. The editorial office received many letters with a request to send seedlings. And only a few admitted with confusion that they previously thought that pasta was made from flour.

They are said to have been advised by the BBC to "put the spaghetti sprout in a jar of tomato sauce and hope for the best".
This is the first known example of the mockumentary genre (forgery, imitation of documentary, falsification, hoax).

In general, the media were the perpetrators of such provocations already at the dawn of their existence, and the British were distinguished by their particular sophistication. For example, in 1698, one of the London newspapers published an announcement that lions would be washed in the Tower, and this attracted crowds of onlookers. In 1860, the advertisement was reprinted verbatim in another newspaper, with the same effect.

However, our compatriots, too, as they say, are not born with a bad eye. Not more than fifteen years have passed since the April Fool's issue of the Komsomolskaya Pravda saw the light of day with an article about a baby mammoth allegedly found frozen somewhere in Chukotka, which came to life in warmth and settled in the Moscow zoo. A certain teacher, who specially flew in from Siberia with a group of schoolchildren on an excursion, even made a terrible scandal to the zoo administration.
Large wikis also sometimes celebrate April Fool's Day, for example, April 1st in Lurkomorye (a Russian-language encyclopedia of Internet memes and network subcultures) in 2009 introduced a "matan captcha", and in the Russian section of Wikipedia in 2010 every word on the title page was wikified.

April 1 online— a code name for humorous changes on well-known Internet sites. Humorous changes on the sites noticed on April 1 in 2006-2011. see:

There are also known more large-scale April Fools' jokes and hoaxes, which were carried out through the media (media). April Fools' pranks through the media are regulated by law in many countries. For example, in the US, the media is now required to warn that they are joking.

Osipov, S. Our number thirteenth / Sergey Osipov // AiF. - 2013. - March 27 - April 2. (No. 13). - P. 12. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.
The title of the article in in electronic format: “Lenin's son on Sobchak's helicopter. How AiF played pranks on readers.

The weekly "Arguments and Facts" is a serious newspaper! But not April 1st
There has not yet been a year in nature in which there would be no day on April 1. In the same way, there was not a year in the 35-year history of AiF in which this date would not fall on the 13th issue. And in none of these issues was there a case where journalists did not play tricks on readers. Let's take a look at some of the best jokes...

Kostenko, O. Well, Happy Joke Day! :[ rating of the loudest pranks] / Olga Kostenko // AiF. - 2012. - March 28 - April 3. (No. 13). - P. 9. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.

Alkin, V. Yesterday the train went in the wrong direction in the metro: [about the tradition of funny pranks on the first April day] / Valentin Alkin // Russian newspaper. - 1996. - 2 Apr.

Laughter prolongs life for everyone without exception

Rice. Herluf Bidstrup, Danish cartoonist

Let's laugh!

A “laughing” body begins to produce the so-called happiness hormones or endorphins - chemicals responsible for a good and positive mood.

Interesting and funny facts about laughter:

Babies cannot laugh until they are three months old.

During laughter, air leaves the lungs at a speed of 100 km / h.

The life of a person who laughs 17 minutes a day is lengthened by one day.

80 muscles are trained to provide "mechanical support" for laughter.

At 10-20 mm Hg. Art. lower blood pressure 10 minutes of laughter.

During laughter, ventilation of the lungs improves, carbon dioxide accumulates in the vessels, which lowers blood pressure.

From 2 kg of fat per year can save daily 15 minutes of laughter.

The metabolism is accelerated by 20% under the influence of laughter.

10% increase in efficiency and performance with the help of laughter.

Hasya yoga is a relatively new branch of yoga in which classical exercises are accompanied by laughter.

1 minute of joyful, sincere laughter is equivalent to 45 minutes of deep relaxation.

The pain threshold of a laughing person increases by 30%.

Laughter improves immunity, after one minute of good laughter, the number of antibodies in our body increases, which protect us from various viruses and bacteria.

The average six-year-old laughs 300 times a day.

Adults laugh only 15 to 100 times a day.

Smiling waiters get one and a half times more tips than their unsmiling counterparts.

A good laugh can last an hour without stopping.

The most smiling people live in Brazil and Cuba. The Scandinavian nations, on the contrary, are the most unsmiling.

Happy people have a 40% lower risk of heart disease compared to pessimists.

Laughter heals the heart muscle! Many doctors claim that a good mood in people who have had a heart attack greatly reduces the likelihood of a second attack.

In 80-90% of cases, people laugh at phrases that do not contain anything funny.

In Malaysia, on the eve of the session, students are taught special breathing exercises that imitate laughter. Experience has shown that all participants in the experiment pass exams without excitement.

In the Arabian Peninsula and in Southwest Asia there is a plant that is called the "flower of laughter." Its pea-sized seed can cause a person to laugh for no reason for half an hour, after which the person calmly and serenely falls asleep.

If fun reigns at the table, the level of sugar in the blood rises noticeably less in both diabetics and healthy people.

men with good feeling humor seems to women smarter than the serious representatives of the stronger sex.

Laugh to your health!

Laughter in facts and figures // AiF - Health. - 2010. - No. 14 (March 31 - April 6). -
P. 13. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.
The title of the article in electronic form: "Men with a sense of humor seem smarter to women."

Laughter in facts and figures // AiF - Health. - 2009. - No. 13. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.
The title of the article in electronic form: "17 minutes of laughter per day prolong life by a year."

Fedorov, A. Let's laugh! : Laughter in figures and facts / Alexey Fedorov // Health. - 2008. - No. 1. - P. 60.

Bykovskaya, G. Hormones of laughter [Electronic resource] / G. Bykovskaya // First of September. - 2000. - No. 25. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013

An optimistic view of the world and cheerful laughter are very useful for our mental and, consequently, physical health.

Let's laugh [Electronic resource] // Health Planet: Armenian Medical Portal. - Access mode:'s laugh.html. - 03/29/2013.

Resina, T. Healing laughter: a holiday of humor: April 1 should be made year-round [Electronic resource] / Tatyana Resina // Aif. - 2011 - March 31. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.

How to celebrate the funniest holiday of the year?

How to play a joke on colleagues and friends?

Of course, jokes, laughter and practical jokes.

There are also culinary...
Guests, friends or colleagues can be treated with "red caviar" from ... herring, beetroot ice cream, Raffaello candies from cheese, "Napoleon" with fish, oatmeal cutlets, etc. Or cook the most ordinary dishes, but give them interesting and funny names. For example, pies with the name "They can crush rocks or drive piles", goulash with the name - "Pile of muscles, pilaf with the name" Cement ", sprat in tomato and potatoes - "Common Grave", salad with mushrooms "Deadly Number". Names can be written on flags and inserted into dishes.

You can have fun with unusual dumplings. In the dough, along with the filling, wrap comic (fortune-telling) wishes written ballpoint pen on calque. In order for the inscription to be readable, the tracing paper must be very tightly rolled up with the inscription inside.

So enjoy this holiday!

Remember this day kind word the great Gogol, and with him the aircraft designer Yakovlev, the composer Rachmaninoff, the poet of the mysterious fate Francois Villon and the iron chancellor Bismarck, although they have nothing to do with humor. For what - of course, it's just their birthday.

And think how much happier we are, say, the Germans. They have the expression “Aprilgluck” (literally “April happiness”), the etymology of which, according to a number of sources, is also associated with this holiday, is a changeable, deceptive happiness.
And we have April 1 - just joy without borders. So be it.

Good Mood Recipe:

To be cheerful
200 grams of a big smile
Gotta take it right away
A small jar of laughter
Happiness kilogram,
Meter of joy, success,
You also need
a little pleasure
And we're all set.
Take a teaspoon
Every hour.

Don't forget to walk up to someone and say, "Your back is all white."
And what's the difference, believe or not believe? It's just a sign of attention.

When you think about how to make a joke in the most original way, do not forget that the best joke is the one that laughs the loudest at the one who was joked about.

Congratulations to everyone who was lucky enough to be born on this day!

And Yumorina is a recharge,
To make it to next spring...
Vladimir Ryvkin

On April 1, the annual festival "Humorina" takes place in Odessa.
In 2013 - the 40th anniversary! Under the slogan "Everything is invented in Odessa"!

This is the most cheerful, colorful, spring, one-of-a-kind, absolutely unique festival with a strong forty-year tradition.

"Merry Sailor" - the emblem of Humorina

The emblem very accurately expresses Odessa - a maritime, ever-smiling city, with the same cheerful and cheerful people.
The festival of satire and humor was invented by Odessa KVN players from the legendary team of the early 1970s, who remained “out of work” after the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful was “covered up” on Central Television.

Yumorina owes her very name to the writer Oleg Stashkevich (now he is the head of the literary part of the Mikhail Zhvanetsky Theater in Moscow). And the famous emblem of the holiday - a cheerful sailor in life buoy- came up with Arkady Tsykun from Odessa (cartoonist), now living in Israel.

Vladimir Ryvkin (Odessa-Erlangen)


Humorina! all hope for you
To your laughter and your sadness...
Submarine of laughter presses on the pier
And the ropes of humor are humming.

Humorina, the whole year flies by,
And the whole month of March is coming to an end
And the excitement of humor rages,
And for three days all the people rejoice.

Yumorina, it's good that you will fly in
In our life, like a chick in the window,
It's good that a lot of hearts
At least for a while, you'll be free.

Humorina, hello and goodbye!
Come back in a year
Bring the jolly boat
On the Odessa laughing berth.

Humorina! Humorina! Humorina! Humorina!
Bring the jolly boat
To the Odessa laughing berth!

A poem from Vladimir Ryvkin's book "What's in Odessa..." (Odessa, 1998).

Bryzgalin, K. Anecdotes about Chapaev were composed by a special department of the KGB ...: by the World Laughter Day, Komsomolskaya Pravda found out where real folk heroes come from / Kirill Bryzgalin // Komsomolskaya Pravda. - 2013. - March 28 - April 4. - P. 47. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.

Veligzhanina, A . ... and jokes about Soviet leaders were invented using a computer: a former intelligence officer describes the moment of such creativity / Anna Veligzhanina // Komsomolskaya Pravda. - 2013. - March 28-April 4. - P. 47. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.
KGB counterintelligence officer and writer Igor Atamanenko studied the issue of jokes. According to him, they were often invented in the editorial offices of anti-Soviet publications in Paris and Munich, and then "they were parachuted into our kitchens by radio waves."

And your entire salary is white! : April Fool's jokes in different countries// TVNZ. - 2013. - March 28-April 4. - P. 46. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.

Mikhailov, I. Apologia for jesters and holy fools: in many countries April 1 is celebrated as Dupak Day / Igor Mikhailov // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. - 2010. - 1 Apr. - S. 8. - (Lifestyle). - Access mode: . - 03/29/2013.
What is a domestic fool? You cannot measure it with a common yardstick and you cannot weigh it with a steelyard. It has a special stature and its own wide semantic range. A brief description of the types of domestic stupidity (based on the interpretation of this concept from V.I. Dahl).

Mironova, V. S widely open mouth/ Veronika Mironova // AiF - Health. - 2010. - No. 14 (March 31 - April 6). - S. 20. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.
The title of the article in electronic form: "Peculiarities of national fun: what and who Americans laugh at."

Chaurina, R. A . First, brother, April ... ": [about the history of the appearance and celebration of April Fool's Day] / R. A. Chaurina // Biology.: [app. to the gas. "First of September"]. - 2009. - April 1-15 (No. 7) - P. 2-5 - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.

Shcherbakova, A. April 1 - April Fool's Day: (history of the holiday) / Alya Shcherbakova // Club. - 2007. - No. 4. - S. 42-43.

"First, brother, April ...": the history of the holiday // Time - Pskov. - 2007. - March 29. - S. 29.

Bezborodny, S. "First of April - do not trust anyone" or April Fool's Day - under the sign of Aries has become not so harmless / Sergey Bezborodny // Horoscope. - 2006. - No. 3. - S. 33-35.

Uspensky, M. G. White back: we celebrate April Fool's Day, but laughter itself has degraded and depreciated / Mikhail Uspensky // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. - 2005. - 1 April. - P. 24. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.

Gatina, E. Laugh scientifically / E. Gatina // Ogonyok. - 2004. - No. 13. - S. 64-65. - Access mode: . - 03/29/2013.
About the role of laughter in human life, about its impact on health.

Funny time: [conversation with Igor Shchekaturov - candidate of philological sciences, graduate of the Novosibirsk State University. University, a specialist in folklore of the 20th century, author of several dozen articles and a monograph “Anecdote and mass culture in Russia in the 1930s-1990s”] / Dmitry Bykov talked // Ogonyok. - 2004. - No. 13. - S. 56-58. - Access mode: . - 03/29/2013.

Who came up with the idea of ​​celebrating April 1 is no longer important. The important thing is that the forces of folk humor that have accumulated over the year come out on this spring day, bubbling and boiling. What are we laughing at these days? Is the era conducive to laughter? Is it possible today to laugh at the government and does it have such an important sign of political health as laughter at oneself? On modern political jokes: their essence and causes.

Lesin, E. April Fool's Day on the Ship of Fools: literature as a hoax and hoax / Evgeny Lesin // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. - 2004. - Apr. (No. 12). -
(NG Ex libris, p. 1: ill.).

Malakhov, A. Report card about jokes / Alexander Malakhov // Kommersant Money. - 2004. - March 29 (No. 12). - S. 77-82. - Access mode: . - 03/29/2013.

It is believed that laughter is one of the least manageable areas of human life. Actually this is not true. The authorities are not able to eradicate jokes about the first persons of the state, but they are able to put humor at the service of their own interests. Peter I was the first to do this, declaring April 1 a day of laughter and even on this day arranging false fire alarms for entertainment purposes. Since then, the authorities have not missed the opportunity to explain to citizens what can be laughed at and what not.

A general history of April Fools' Day // First of September. - 2003. - 1 April. - P. 3. - Access mode: . - 03/29/2013.

Suprunenko, Yu. P. Where is more fun? [Electronic resource]: [which people are the most cheerful and humorous] / Yu. P. Suprunenko // Biology: App. to gas. "First of September". - 2002. - April (No. 13). - Access mode: . - 03/29/2013.

Suprunenko, Yu. P. Secrets of the funny: [what is the secret of the nature of laughter?] / Yu. P. Suprunenko // Biology: App. to gas. "First of September". - 2002. - Apr. (No. 13). - C. 1, 5. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.

Jokes are jokes, but as they say, laughter is a serious matter.

Psychotherapists advise to preserve and develop in oneself laughter, self-irony, so as not to exaggerate one's feelings, not to fall into despair with or without reason.
Even the ancient Romans had a valuable admonition, an appeal: “Let three be your doctors: a cheerful character, peace and moderation in food.”
Without a "cheerful, sharp, jocular fold of mind" (Dal's definition of humor), it is not far from despondency and depression.

But not all laughter is good.
You can joke, tease, ironically, joke, laugh and laugh, or you can scoff, maliciously ridicule. Folk wisdom, as it were, warns about the careful handling of this sharpest weapon: “Some laughter responds with tears”, “It’s funny to him, but it came to my heart (and I feel sick)”, “Do not laugh at someone else’s misfortune, your own is on the ridge.”

Here is what the great connoisseur of the human soul wrote about laughterF. M. Dostoevsky:

“Laughter requires good-naturedness, and people most often laugh maliciously.
Sincere and good-natured laughter is gaiety, but where is gaiety in people in our age and do people know how to have fun? If you want to examine a person and know his soul, then look not into how he is silent, or how he speaks, or how he cries, or even how he is excited by the noblest ideals, but you look at him better when he laughs.
Laughter is the surest test of the soul.”

Yarkho, V. A. For fun: [on the tradition of April Fools' jokes] / V. A. Yarkho // Biology: App. to gas. "First of September". - 2002. - Apr. (No. 13). - P. 16. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.

Sanina, T. And you have a white back!!! : [on the celebration of the Day of Laughter in the countries of the world // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 2001. - March 30. - S. 31.

Makarova, N. April 1: [history of the holiday, April 1 in different countries, book exhibition "Parade of Great Liars", quiz] / N. Makarova // School Library. - 2001. - No. 1. - S. 58-62. - Bibliography: 8 titles. - Access mode: . - 03/29/2013.

Berezhkov, A. Laughing is really not a sin: [as noted in the USA on April 1] / Alexey Berezhkov // Echo of the Planet. - 2000. - March 31 - April 6 (No. 14). - S. 22-26.

Marohovsky, G. And what holiday is today? - Yes, April Fool's Day! : [about the traditions of celebrating April 1 in different countries, about the history of the holiday in Russia] / Georgy Marokhovsky // Club. - 2000. - No. 4. - S.34-35.

Kashirin, S. "Deceptive Day" in Russia or Where did April 1 come from / S. Kashirin // News of Pskov - 2000. - March 31. - S. 23.

Burda, B. The cry of a cockroach scares away cats, or APRIL 1: [about the April Fool's tradition of organizing practical jokes] / Boris Burda // Week. - 1998. - 6-12 April. - S. 26, 27.

Petrovsky, V.A. Is there life on Mars, or Laugh to your health! : April 1 - International Laughter Day / V. A. Petrovsky // Health. - 1997. - No. 4. - P. 26-29.

Suprunenko, Yu. P. Animals joke: [a sense of humor in different types animals] / Yu. P. // Biology: App. to gas. "First of September". - 2005. - April (No. 7). - S. 20-23: photo. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.

Electronic resources

The site of the holiday "April Day"

Features of celebrating April 1 in other countries

As noted in other countries

The funniest books: collective selection

humorous literature
Laughter is the treasure of optimists


Kololeeva, E. Smile more often! : [day of laughter at school] / E. Kololeeva // Classroom management and education of schoolchildren: [adj. to gas. "First of September"]. - 2009. - March 16-31 (No. 6). - S. 22-25. - Access mode: . - 03/29/2013.

Vladimirova , L. « Eliminate vices as soon as possible ": (April Fools' Day for students of grades IV-V) / L. Vladimirova // Education of schoolchildren. - 2007. - No. 2. - P. 72-78.

Eremina, V . We meet spring: we joke, dance, sing: (April Fools quiz for secondary school students school age, held in the form of a "Field of Miracles") / V. Eremina // Education of schoolchildren. - 2006. - No. 2. - S. 73-76.

Pashkova, S. P. "And a smile suddenly touches your eyes": a literary and humorous evening for grades 7-11, dedicated to April 1 - April Fool's Day / S. P. Pashkova // Reading, learning, playing: a collection of scripts for libraries . - 2006. - No. 2.- P. 93-97.

Volkova, E.KVN: (humorous quiz): for students in grades 5-6 / Evgenia Volkova // Children's health: app. to gas. "First of September". - 2005. - No. 10. - S. 41-43. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.

Pashkova, S. "Laughing, right, it's not a sin ...": April Fool's Day for high school students / S. Pashkova // Education of schoolchildren. - 2005. - No. 2. - P. 74-79.

Usoltseva, M. A prankster holiday, or from April 1: [holiday scenario] / Marina Usoltseva // elementary School: adj. to gas. "First of September". - 2004. - March (No. 9). - S. 27-29. - Access mode: - 03/29/2013.

Gudimov, V. For the April Fool's Day: a cheerful alphabet of names: (for primary school age) / V. Gudimov // Education of schoolchildren. - 2004.- No. 2. - S. 78-80.

Russkikh, V. School humor: (celebrating April Fool's Day) / V. Russkikh // Education of schoolchildren. - 2003. - No. 2. - S. 64-65.

Sulyaeva, A. April jokes, laughter, jokes / A. Sulyaeva, A. Viktorov // Education of schoolchildren. - 2002. - No. 2. - S.69-72.

Kotishvili, G. April 1 - April Fool's Day: [how to have fun lessons at school] /
G. Kotishvili // Primary school. - 2000. - No. 12 (March). - p. 3.

Tubelskaya, G. April Fool's Day - “today everything is the opposite”: [games for April 1] /
G. Tubelskaya // Hoop. - 2000. - No. 2.- P.13-15.

Kryuchkov, V. How many red, freckled, look! : (April fool script school holiday) / V. Kryuchkov // Education of schoolchildren.- 1999 .- No. 1.- P. 52-55.

Kryuchkov, V. A gloomy day is brighter from a smile: The first of April is April Fool's Day / V. Kryuchkov // Education of schoolchildren. - 1998 .- No. 1.- S. 57-60.

Peshkun, L. Cool humor / L. Peshkun // Education of schoolchildren. - 1999 .- No. 1.- S. 62-64.

Kudeiko, M. Day of fun pranks, or Three ways to prank friends and loved ones on the first of April: [surprise crafts] / Mikhail Kudeyko // Preschool education: [adj. to gas. "First of September"]. - 2009. - March 16-31 (No. 6). - P. 21. - Access mode: . - 03/29/2013.

Albul-Glebova, V. They celebrate the holiday of laughter: [poem] / V. Albul-Glebova // Primary school: app. to gas. "First of September". - 2003. - Feb. (No. 7). - P. 18. Poem in electronic form, see: - 03/29/2013.

Albul-Glebova V.
Celebrate the feast of laughter

Celebrate the feast of laughter.
Well, fun! Here's the fun!
Like a whole white light
Ate a mix for lunch!
And crazy kids
Right from the morning
Signed an agreement:
Cheer up your favorite yard.
They knocked on Aunt Masha:
- Oh, your porridge has escaped!
And she told us: "Don't yawn!
Quickly catch up with porridge!!!"
Unraveled by Aunt Masha
Without difficulty I will start ours!
We run to Aunt Sveta:
- Your carpet is blown away by the wind!
She rushed into the yard -
That's right: the carpet flew away!
It now hangs on the roof.
Uncle Misha helped us.
Regardless of the years
He is an entertainer - no matter where!
And angry aunt Mota
We said: "Mouse in compote!"
And she quickly to a neighbor:
Get a mouse cage
We took a sip of compote,
Sit down and rest
And left a message:
"It was delicious. Goodbye!"
So, forgetting about sadness and laziness,
We joked all day.
That would be ten times a week
It was the first of April!

Berestov, V.D. First of April: [poem] / V.D. Berestov // Children's reading for the heart and mind. - 2003. - No. 4. - S. 10: silt

Berestov V.
April first

Bird chirping.
The ticking of a drop.
Early morning rises
First of April.
Smiling on this day
Living without jokes is bad.
If you are touchy
irascible, forgetful,
Gloomy, unfriendly,
Beware of the trick!

The truth is indisputable: the world survived because it laughed!

The material was prepared by Subbotina S.N.

April 1 - a holiday of laughter and good mood - is celebrated all over the world. The libraries of the Kstovo Central Library Library did not stand aside either. The world of laughter is a special world. Who does not like to laugh sincerely, from the heart? And a good book is an indispensable assistant in this.

A presentation was held in the Druzhninsky rural library-branch No. 33 book fair"Journey for Laughter"

The first section of the exhibition "A Ridiculous Story" introduces readers to the classics of foreign humor. Among them are the comedies of Jean Baptiste Molière, Beaumarchais, Shakespeare, the novels The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha by Miguel de Cervantes Saaveda.

The next section, "Day of Laughter Therapy", presents the works of the classics of Russian literature: "The Twelve Chairs" by Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, the fables of Ivan Krylov, Sergei Mikhalkov.

The Magicians of Laughter section presents the most popular prose and poetry works: fables, humoresques, pamphlets, stories, parodies, epigrams written by Russian and foreign pen artists from ancient times to the present day.

During the presentation, Natalya Shapoval, the head of the library, distributed among the readers informational booklets "Top Ten Funniest Books".

In the Zhdanovskaya children's library-branch No. 13d, a thematic holiday "Funny, cheerful, funny" was held.

Lyudmila Veniaminovna Mavrina, head of the department, held an advisory talk “Russian laughter in Kstovo land”.

During the event, there was a book exposition “Laughing is allowed”. The audience participated with particular enthusiasm in the bibliographic game “Cypher Contest”. Profound knowledge, ingenuity and outstanding abilities were shown by active readers of the library: Vika Tikhova, Zhenya Kulikova, Katya Volodina.

04/04/2016 "Day of laughter in the library"

In the rural model library-branch No. 6 with. Ira's Children's Book Day event took place exactly on April 1, April 1. The head of the library spent the hour of fun, and second-grade student Vika Lagutkina became an assistant in holding competitions, in the image of the gnome "Smeshinki" she gave children smiles cut out of paper, read poetry - gibberish. The competitive and game form of the event was not chosen by chance, because April Fool's Day is unthinkable without jokes, humor and practical jokes. The most unusual, confusing and funny questions sounded at the holiday. The children were invited to compete in resourcefulness, dexterity and ingenuity. In the game "Smeshinka" teams competed in who laughs the loudest. In the "Patter" contest, the participants had to talk to each other, and in the "Jumping Artist" contest, they had to draw a portrait of a cheerful person while jumping, the guys had to become real jumping artists for a while! Then the guys competed in guessing the comic riddles familiar to them, which the heroes of the cartoon "AH" and "OH" made to them. The children really liked the most important competition " Bubble”, which showed how close-knit and friendly the guys are. The hour of fun passed in a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere of humor, jokes, children's laughter and smiles. All participants of the competitions received emoticons-stickers and sweet prizes!

Beaming smiles and groovy laughter sounded on April 1 in the hall of the Sazhinsky KFOR during an entertainment program dedicated to World Day laughter. The program was hosted by Lyolya (T. Zhigunova) and Bonya (G. Klementsova) - two funny know-it-alls who not only delighted the audience with their jokes and pranks, but also told those present how their favorite holiday, April Fool's Day, is celebrated in other countries. They were playing funny Games with the hall. The guests sang, participated in a musical scene, in the Guess the Answer game, where they had to choose the correct answer to tricky questions, and took part in the comic competitions “Mom, I'm everything!”, “Hurricane”. These funny competitions, for participation in which the audience received no less funny prizes with a “surprise”, did not leave anyone indifferent in the audience. The festive disco ended the humorous event.

In Nikolsky KFOR on April 1 for teenagers and youth took place competitive program"Funny people", who, divided into two teams, competed in competitions such as "Draw an object", "Running on skis". The most memorable was the competition Best Suit”, during which the guys dressed up so that it was impossible to recognize them. On April 2, children gathered for the entertainment program "Funny tests and proverbs", who also divided into two teams and took part in the tasks "Repeat the proverb", "Drive the ball", "Guess the riddles". All participants received a charge of vivacity, good mood, as well as sweet prizes for participation.
April 1 in the Trinity KFOR was solemn, festive, fun, noisy, funny ... An entertainment and game program “April 1 - a day of laughter and fun” was held for the children, where the participants frolic famously in contests and games: “Mysterious hello”, “ Tie a scarf”, “Make Nesmeyan laugh”, “Dead eye”, “Dancing handkerchief”, “Riddles-jokes”, “We too”, “Artists”, “Inflate the balloon”. The event ended with the song "Smile" from the cartoon "Baby Raccoon". All participants were rewarded with sweet souvenirs. On the same day, the educational program "Spring songbirds" was held, from which the children learned that International Bird Day is held annually within the framework of the UNESCO "Man and the Biosphere" program and it is no coincidence that it is celebrated in April. On April 1, 1906, the International Convention for the Protection of Birds was signed. The guys learned that this is not only the anniversary of the Convention, but also the time of arrival of birds from wintering. In Russia, this holiday has a long tradition. The program ended with a drawing competition of the same name…
On April 1, employees of the Bekishevsky SDK for youth held entertainment. All evening jokes, humor and laughter did not leave the hall. Comic contests and parodies have passed. At the end of the event, the most cheerful spectator was determined. There was an entertainment program for children Fun party". The children participated in various competitions and relay races. It was funny, interesting, perky. Everyone received a boost of energy and sweet prizes.