How to cut nails by day of the week: choose the most favorable. How and when to cut nails: favorable days and features of the procedure When you can do a manicure in August

Manicure - a nail care procedure - has been popular for many centuries. If earlier it was considered the privilege of the rich, now it is available to everyone. From ancient ancestors, many rituals have passed to us, including signs associated with cutting nails. Manicurists and clients notice that a manicure made on auspicious days ensures health and rapid growth of the nail plates. How to determine this magical time?

When to cut your nails: auspicious days of the week

According to the astrological chart, the first “male” day of the week, Monday, is considered the most suitable day for cutting nails. But do not wield scissors and wire cutters from Friday to Sunday.

Each of the 7 days of the week, according to astrologers, is under the auspices of a particular planet. Depending on this, you can plan specific activities, including manicure:

  1. Monday is under the influence of Selena. The manicure procedure on this day will help get rid of blues, depression, stress, bad mood, as well as provide a charge of positive mood and give strength.
  2. Tuesday is the day of the warlike planet Mars. Nail care improves well-being, promotes connection with space and improves well-being. If you want to improve your financial situation, look into the salon on Tuesday.
  3. Wednesday - middle working week, "transshipment" day, under the auspices of Mercury. Sawing and cutting nails will help streamline affairs and thoughts, strengthen immunity, achieve success in professional activity. Our ancestors believed that doing a manicure in the middle of the week is good news. A Wednesday nail trim is ideal for those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome: a simple visit to the manicure parlor will help replenish strength.
  4. Thursday is ruled by the powerful planet Jupiter. On this day, a manicure has a positive effect on the state of the whole organism, it strengthens health. Note to managers and businessmen: putting your nails in order will increase your authority in the eyes of subordinates and partners.
  5. Friday is under the influence of Venus - the planet responsible for beauty and attractiveness. Despite these factors, the day is considered unfavorable for a manicure. Due to the slowdown in metabolic processes in the human body, the procedure can adversely affect well-being. But you can do creative design or artistic painting nails.
  6. Saturday is ruled by Saturn, which will help you avoid debt and unnecessary obligations. Nail care on the first day off helps prevent chronic diseases of various organs. For bachelors and unmarried girls, a manicure will help you find your soul mate.
  7. Sunday is considered the most unsuitable time for cutting and filing nails. This weekend is considered the day of the Sun and is perceived as a holiday. According to ancient beliefs, wielding scissors and other cutting tools, you can bring trouble on yourself, attract evil spirits.

Astrologers say that a manicure performed on auspicious days according to the lunar calendar will help preserve and even replenish vitality person.

How to choose the best day for a manicure according to the lunar cycle

Exists general rules choosing the best day for a manicure, depending on the phase of the moon. From 1 to 15 lunar days, the month is growing, gaining strength. Nails trimmed during this period will grow at an enviable rate. From the 16th to the 30th lunar day, the month is waning. A manicure performed at this time will help strengthen the nail plate. It is also a good time to treat fungal diseases, remove burrs and cuticles.

auspicious days for manicure is also determined by what sign of the zodiac the moon is in. For example, the procedure will help to strengthen the nail plate, prevent its delamination and brittleness during the passage of the month through the constellation Aries, Virgo, Cancer or Libra. Nail care should be postponed during the period when the Moon is in Gemini.

There are also three groups of zodiac signs. When the night luminary passes through them, this affects the healing and restorative procedures with nails:

  • Group 1 - neutral (Pisces, Taurus, Aries). Cutting off rough skin, grinding the nail fold, removing burrs and cuticles must be done with great care. These days, the risk of infection increases, inflammation develops faster.
  • Group 2 - favorable for manicure procedures (Leo, Scorpio, Volodya, Capricorn, Libra, Sagittarius, Virgo).
  • Group 3 - unfavorable (Cancer, Gemini).

To maintain the optimal length and strength of nails, it is enough to trim the nail plate every 10-14 days. Lunar calendar (28 days, 30 lunar days) makes it easy to choose a favorable time for the procedure.

Is there a connection between a manicure and an increase in wealth

Astrologers say that there is a definite relationship between nail care and improved well-being. Moreover, this dependence applies both to the time of the procedure and to the method of decorating nails.

To attract wealth to the house, it is recommended to do a manicure on the money days of the week - Tuesdays and Fridays. It is best to carry out a full-fledged hand care procedure: steam your fingers, shorten the length of your nails, cut off the burrs, push back the cuticle and cover the nail plates with medical or colored varnish. However, we must not forget about the phases of the night star. The days of the growing moon and the full moon are the most favorable for improving the financial situation.

If we talk about stylistic nuances that affect well-being, then in last years at the height of fashion, a manicure is kept, where one or more fingers are decorated. How to choose a treasured nail that can improve your financial situation? Feng Shui masters advise to perform graceful modeling or decorate the nail plate with fine artistic painting on the ring finger, where the Sun channel passes.

One more original way, which fully meets the requirements of Taoist practice of raising funds, is sticking pieces of a real bill on your nails. To do this, a banknote of a large denomination is crushed (the type of currency does not matter). It is best to make 10 pieces in advance, fitting them to the size of the nail plates, and leave 2-3 in reserve.

They do a regular manicure, remove cuticles and burrs, then cover the nails with a clear base polish. On top of it, carefully prepared pieces of bills are carefully glued with special glue. When the glue dries, a fixative is applied. As a result - "money goes to money", well-being will improve significantly after a short period of time.

Schedule of manicure-friendly days for 2017

  1. January. Numbers 1 and 2, as well as the period from 14 to 26, are ideal for putting nails in order. This will positively affect health, add vitality, and attract the attention of the opposite sex. The periods from January 7 to 13 and from January 27 to 29 are considered unfavorable. A manicure done these days will bring complications in professional activities, create conflict situations in family.
  2. February. Auspicious dates are days from 13 to 24. Manicure will bring success in the professional field, have a positive effect on career and personal relationships. Days from 5 to 9, from 25 to 28 are not suitable for nail care. Periods from 1 to 4, from February 10 to 12 are considered neutral, but the cut nail plate will grow much more slowly than on other days. During the whole month, it is recommended to be careful when working with a cutting tool.
  3. March. Suitable days for hand care and medical rehabilitation procedures are the period from 12 to 26. This will have a positive effect on well-being. A manicure made on March 9–10 will bring profit, help to relieve the burden of old obligations, and strengthen authority among others. Not auspicious days the period from the 5th to the 11th is considered. Neutral days of the month - from 26 to 31.
  4. April. Periods from 5 to 9, from 13 to 22 are ideal for manicure. Correction of the length of the nails will help you recharge with positive for a long time, improve your personal life. The unfavorable days of the month are from 1 to 4, from 10 to 12, from 23 to 24, as well as 28 and 30. There is an increased risk of harming not only the thin skin around the nails, but also health in general.
  5. May. The warmest spring month calls for a change of image. The period from May 11 to 18 is considered favorable. It’s worth giving up a manicure from 1 to 10, from 28 to 31, otherwise you won’t avoid frustration nervous system. In the interval from the 19th to the 27th, it is better to keep the length of the nails, to refuse to trim the cuticle.
  6. June. Favorable days: from 1 to 7, from 12 to 17, from 26 to 30 of the month. Bright, saturated and even slightly flashy shades, as well as rhinestones and glitter, will be popular. Periods from 8 to 11, from 22 to 25 are unfavorable. A manicure performed on these days can adversely affect health. From the 18th to the 20th, you can do an unedged manicure.
  7. July. Favorable days will be from 1 to 5, from 15 to 20, from 25 to 31. Nail care will bring good mood and positive news. From 6 to 10, from 21 to 24, it is not recommended to do nails, as this will bring failure in business and the collapse of plans. Procedures aimed at strengthening and improving nail plate, it is allowed to do from the 11th to the 14th.
  8. August. Suitable for manicure will be from 1 to 5, from 14 to 17, from 34 to 31. This will help to become sexier and more attractive to the opposite sex. Unfavorable periods of the month - from 6 to 9, from 18 to 23 August. Procedures with nails these days will work against their owner, deprive them of self-confidence.
  9. September. The first autumn month is a time of light sadness for the departing warmth, the sun, the past vacation. Another image change is coming. Nail care is recommended from the 14th to the 19th. Days from 1 to 5, from 20 to 30 are considered unfavorable periods. Manicure can adversely affect the state of finances.
  10. October. Favorable days for manicure are considered from 1 to 3, from 8 to 10, from 13 to 17, from 22 to 25, from October 29 to 31. This will increase the attractiveness, help to acquire useful connections. Days from 4 to 7, from 11 to 12, from 19 to 21 are unfavorable for nail care. The risk of family troubles and financial difficulties increases. Neutral days (from 26 to 28) can be devoted to the restoration of the nail plate.
  11. November. The number of favorable days this month is limited - it is better to do a manicure from November 8 to 17. At the beginning of the month, from 3 to 6, cuticle trimming must be abandoned. A manicure done on November 9 will entail misunderstanding, discord in relations with household members. The period from the 18th to the 25th is considered an unfavorable period.
  12. December. Days from 7 to 16, from 21 to 31 are suitable for performing a manicure. The nail care procedure will help strengthen the financial situation, find love. Days from 5 to 6, from 17 to 20 December are not suitable for manicure. At the beginning of the month, from the 1st to the 4th, procedures to strengthen the nail plate will be of great benefit.

When choosing favorable days for manicure, people are guided by various criteria: some prefer “happy” days of the week, while others rely only on the lunar calendar. As feng shui experts say, the main thing is to do the procedure in a positive mood, as well as trust your intuition.

August 7, Moon in Libra, Growing- do not cut the cuticles, and do not trim the nails, otherwise there is a great risk of minor but unpleasant injuries.

August 8, Moon in Libra, Growing- You can do a manicure or make strengthening baths for nails.

On a note! seventh and eighth of august- time to take care of the health of nails and drive away everything negative and negative from yourself. It is during this period that everything bad likes to accumulate on the tips of the fingers.

August 9, Moon in Scorpio, Growing- you can devote this day to choosing a pattern for nails and sign up for a manicure with a master on a more favorable day.

August 10, Moon in Scorpio, Waxing- Manicure is not recommended. You may suffer from headache attacks later.

On a note! Ninth and tenth of August- nail care according to the lunar calendar involves “rest” these days and making plans for the future.

August 11, Moon in Scorpio, Waxing- it is not advisable to do a manicure, health can let you down.

August 12, Moon in Sagittarius, Growing Leave your nails alone, otherwise you will suffer from slight dizziness.

On a note! Eleventh - thirteenth of August Don't even think about nail extensions. Leave the shape of the nails in their usual form!

August 13, Moon in Sagittarius, Growing- do not even touch the nail and cuticles, you risk losing a thing that is very valuable to you.

August 14, Moon in Capricorn, Growing- the nails are “asking” you to do a moon manicure so that they look spectacular. Shorten them, "in revenge" and your life will be longer.

August 15, Moon in Capricorn, Growing- one of the most favorable days for a manicure. This procedure will help get rid of the negative, and the result will please you.

August 16, Moon in Capricorn, Growing– a neutral day to visit a manicurist.

On a note! Fourteenth and fifteenth of August- experts recommend moving away from stereotypes and starting to use new trends when building and coloring nails. Along with building, it would not be bad to take a closer look at shellac.

August 17, Moon in Aquarius, Growing- For those who are afraid to get better, it is better not to do nails at all today.

August 18, Moon in Aquarius, Full Moon- having completed a bright manicure, you will have a wonderful image that will distinguish you from others.

On a note! sixteenth - eighteenth of August- to raise your own energy field, perform all types of massage of the fingers, after that, cut them and cover them with a non-flashy, gentle varnish. Give your stressed nails a little rest.

August 19, Moon in Pisces, Waning- not the most best time to cut the nails and embellish them. You will experience a lot of bad things on yourself.

August 20, Moon in Pisces, Waning- a manicure is highly undesirable, you can feel tired and dry in the eyes, and the vision itself will fall a little.

On a note! Nineteenth, twentieth of August- going for a walk, put rings on your fingers, and bracelets on your hand and be ready for pleasant acquaintances.

August 22, Moon in Aries, Waning- luck along with new manicures will visit your house.

On a note! August twenty-first and twenty-second- do not drink and do not cut your nails, do not even paint them. The body will instantly weaken, it will cease to protect you from everything negative.

August 23, Moon in Taurus, Waning- having done a manicure on this day, you may not even notice how all the men will turn around in your direction.

August 24, Moon in Taurus, Waning Do absolutely nothing to your nails, just clean them.

On a note! August twenty-third and twenty-fourth- a great time to visit any elite beauty salon, and separately a manicurist. A compliment about well-groomed nails is guaranteed to you.

August 25, Moon in Gemini, Waning- categorically do not drink and do not cut your nails, do not even paint them - you can bring trouble to the family.

August 26, Moon in Gemini, Waxing- working with nails, you will incur the wrath of relatives and friends.

August 27, Moon in Cancer, Waning- Manicure will definitely damage your health.

On a note! August twenty-eighth - thirtieth- preparatory part for beauty: massage your nails, baths, dipping them in a weak saline solution.

August 29-30, Moon in Leo, Waning- there is no need to go to the salon, you will feel very bad throughout the day.

August 31, Moon in Leo, Waning Don't do nails if you don't want to quarrel with anyone.

On a note! thirty first of august- on the very last day of your favorite summer, put aside all things related to nails. Nails will weaken, stop growing and please the eye.

Do not forget that the main components of an attractive image are considered - manicured nails, beautiful skin and healthy hair!

Health and beauty! TM "Placent Formula" and "Lanier"

The lunar calendar of nail beauty, favorable days for spa treatments, massage and health for August 2016 will tell you which days are better to cut your nails, do manicures and pedicures, build up and design your claws, how to attract good luck, love and money simply taking care of your nails. The lunar calendar for manicure and nail care will tell you which day to cut and build up your nails. The data is based on astrological and lunar cycles. Horoscope for today, tomorrow or any day of August 2016, the horoscope describes all favorable and unfavorable days for taking care of yourself, your body, massage, manicure ...

August 9- A good day to start a course of massage with aroma oils, spa treatments, yoga.

August 10- Cutting nails today will help you focus on your studies and the study of the exact sciences.

August 13- Manicure of love. Cutting your nails today will help you tune in to a new relationship.

August 16 Not a very good day for taking care of your body and trimming your nails. All this will make you weaker for offenders.

August 18- Full moon. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Unfavorable day for manicure, pedicure and nail extension.

August 22-Today you can cut and build up your nails, do a massage, all this will not affect your fate and karma in any way.

24 August- Manicure, pedicure, extensions will help to build relationships with old enemies.

Thanks to the channel Horoscope for the provided horoscopes for every day of July 2016. You can order individual horoscopes on the Horoscopo website, and if you want a professional astrologer's answer to an unusual question, then contact them on the website.

See also Lunar horoscope hairstyles for august 2016 and be great.

Beauty horoscope for the rest of the months and how to choose the perfect day for yourself in order to improve your karma and attractiveness, see here -

May, spring. Summer is coming, it's time to pass, I want to look good. First of all, for this you need to do beautiful manicure, pedicure, hair, skin treatments ... But all this must be done on favorable days dictated by the moon. On this page we will tell you when to cut your nails in accordance with the lunar manicure calendar in May, June 2019. But first, a few words about the influence of the eternal satellite of the Earth on health, beauty and karma.

Our ancestors were well aware of the magical power of the moon. They understood that it affects not only the ebb and flow of the oceans, but also health and destiny. And so they built their lives in accordance with the lunar calendar. It was intuitively clear to them when to sow, when to cut hair or nails .... This knowledge has never disappeared from the memory of mankind, just with the development of technology, the belief in something that could not be explained with the help of science was gone. But, today, we understand in June that traditions do not arise from scratch and therefore more and more people are trying to build their lives in accordance with the lunar calendar.

Nail and hair cutting, coloring, cosmetic procedures, surgical operations - everything must be done taking into account the phase of the moon and its position in the sky. Only in this way will you be able to maintain health without expensive, fashionable products, but simply by using the natural rhythms of nature. It's about not only about health, but also about success in life. For example, the inhabitants of Tibet have always known that cutting nails on an unfavorable day according to the lunar calendar will worsen karma, which means it will change fate.

Therefore, manicure and hair cutting in May and June 2019 should be done according to the lunar calendar. Sometimes they say - "manicure according to the horoscope or oracle." The main thing to remember is that cutting auspicious days will make your nails not only beautiful, but also improve your karma, which means fate and health.

Auspicious days for manicure and pedicure according to the oracle in May 2019, June 2019.

Nail cut in May 2019.

  • Good days for a manicure according to the lunar calendar in May 2019 are 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24, 29.
  • Bad days for nail care - 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 May 2019 .

Manicure in June 2019

  • Calendar of favorable days for manicure and pedicure in June 2019 - 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30 June 2019.
  • Do not cut nails 3, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 18, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 June 2019.

At the end of the article, we will tell you in more detail what you can do on a given day in June according to the lunar calendar.

You yourself can choose the right day when you can get a haircut. The basic rule is that nails and hair will become healthier if they are cut (at least a little) with the growing moon. But after a haircut with a decreasing one, their growth will slow down. But in fact, not everything is so simple - when calculating favorable days, one must also take into account the constellation in which the Moon is located. If you want your nails to become less brittle and your hair to be healthier, never cut them on a full moon or a new moon. As a rule, the days lying next to the new moon and full moon are also not suitable for haircuts. If you want to have beautiful strong nails, choose Leo days. Taurus days are also great for strengthening hair. Also, the days of Virgo, Libra and Leo are suitable for creating magnificent curls and manicure. And you need to twist and paint in Virgo. Also, the most durable color can be achieved when the eternal satellite of the Earth is in Taurus, Leo and Scorpio. Try to avoid manicures during Aries days.

The best time for manicure and pedicure is Friday after sunset. And well, if at the same time, if the Moon is in Capricorn. Because this sign guarantees resistant manicure. Processed these days, they will look beautiful and healthy for a long time.

On Saturday, manicures and pedicures are usually prohibited. It is also bad to take care of your nails on the days of Cancer, Pisces and Gemini. Treated these days, they will break and flake off, in addition, the varnish does not hold well.

If you are concerned about the health of your nails, try not to cut them when the moon is waning, it is better to do this when it is growing. But, if you need to completely remove the nail (for example, if it is sick with a fungus), then this should be done on the waning Moon, at any time, except for Pisces.

A few more simple tips

  • To make your nails hard, strong and stop breaking better, it is best to cut them on Friday after sunset.
  • The best position for a manicure is when Capricorn is above us.
  • A pedicure is not recommended in the sign of Gemini, Cancer or Pisces.
  • Saturday is not the best time for a manicure.
  • If you want your nails to not break, grow faster, cut them when the moon is waxing.
  • Sunday is a day of rest. Do not touch the scissors, otherwise there is a risk of forever losing the support of higher powers.

On what day of May 2019 can you do a manicure and pedicure according to the lunar calendar.

May 2019

moon day Zodiac sign Phase Is it possible to do a manicure on this day in May 2019
1st of May 5 lunar day Crayfish Waxing Crescent

Bad day for a manicure.

6 a lion R May 2 is not suitable for manicure
May 3 7 a lion R May 3 is an auspicious day for nail care.
8 Virgo R May 4 - yes to manicure
5 May 9 Virgo First quarter

Yes to manicure

10 Scales Waxing Crescent auspicious day
May 7 11 Scales R

Very bad day for nail care

12 lunar day Scales R May 8 is an auspicious day for nail care.
13 Scorpion R On May 9, we don’t touch our nails.
14 Scorpion R On May 10, your nails should rest.
15 Sagittarius Full moon May 11 - Full Moon . If you do not want to worsen karma on the full moon, do not touch your nails.
12 May 16 Sagittarius Waning moon

bad day

18 Sagittarius Waning moon May 13, the oracle does not recommend manicure
May 14 18 Capricorn At
19 Capricorn At On May 15, you can (even need to) visit a manicure parlor. Strengthening baths for nails will be beneficial for health.
16th of May 19 lunar day Aquarius At bad day
20 Aquarius At bad day
May 18 21 Aquarius At

bad day

22 Fishes Waning moon If you are planning to do nails, then it is better to do it today. The next three days will be unfavorable.
May 20 23 Fishes At No
24 lunar day Aries At No
22nd of May 25 Aries At bad day
26 calf At On May 23 we cut our nails. Manicure will positive influence to your karma.
May 24 27 calf At
28 Twins New moon May 25, 2019 - new moon. Manicure on the new moon will worsen karma.
26 of May 1
Twins Waxing Crescent Let's rest our nails today.
2 Crayfish Waxing Crescent May 27 is an unfavorable day.
May 28 3 Crayfish Waxing Crescent On May 28, we do not touch our nails.
4 a lion Waxing Crescent Want to get rid of negative energy, it's time to get a manicure. It is recommended to use bright colors.
May 30 5 a lion R Bad day for cutting nails
May 31 6 Virgo R 31 do pedicure and manicure

Nail horoscope for June 2019.

June 2019

moon day Zodiac Phase Favorable and unfavorable days for manicure
June 1, 2019 5 lunar day Moon in Aries Growing
6 Aries Waxing Crescent June 2 - unfavorable day for manicure
3 7 calf R

June 3 is the best day for a manicure according to the lunar calendar and horoscope. We take care of the cuticles.

8 calf First quarter On June 4, 2019, the oracle recommends getting a manicure. Recommended massage of the nail plate
5 9 lunar day Twins R

Bad day for a manicure.

10 Twins R June 6 - we definitely do a manicure, it's for the money. It's time to think about the health of nails - please them with fortified enamel.
June 7, 2019 11 Crayfish R
12 Crayfish R According to the lunar calendar, on June 8, it is useful to do a manicure and pedicure.
9 13 a lion R June 9 cut nails
14 lunar day Moon in Leo R An extremely unfavorable day for a manicure. But after epilation, the hair will not grow for a long time.
June 11, 2019 15 Virgo Full moon
16 Virgo Waning moon You can and should get a manicure. SPA procedures for the nail plate are recommended. For this day, the horoscope recommends choosing pastel colors.
13 18 Scales At
18 Scales At On June 14, the manicure will turn out beautiful and will have a positive effect on your karma.
15 19 lunar day Moon in Libra At

We do not do manicures.

20 Scorpion At Neutral day.
June 18, 2019 21 Scorpion At June 18 is the best day for nail and hair care. best color for manicure - shades of red. The Oracle recommends - burgundy, red, cherry.
22 Sagittarius Last quarter Neutral day.
June 19, 2019 23 Sagittarius At On June 19 we do manicure and pedicure. We cover the nails with special enamel - this will strengthen them.

20 , Mon

24 Moon in Sagittarius At June 20 is not suitable for nail care.
June 21, 2019 25 Capricorn At On June 21, nail care will benefit not only nails, but also health.
26 Capricorn At June 22 - cutting nails for money. The perfect color for this day is black.
June 23, 2019 27 Aquarius At On June 23, 2019, a manicure will bring you material well-being.

"... do not cut your nails at the festivities of the gods" (Hesiod).

First, we will introduce you to the most favorable days for cutting nails in May and June 2019. And we have placed a more detailed lunar manicure calendar for May 2019 at the end of the article.

Nail cutting calendar in May:

  • Here better days May 2019 for cutting nails according to the lunar calendar - 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 19, 23, 24, 29, 31.
  • Days categorically not suitable for nail care 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30 May 2019.

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure in June 2019:

  • In June 2019, we cut nails - 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30.
  • Do not cut nails 3, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, 18, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27June 2019.

Cutting nails and hair at all times and in all countries had a touch of mysticism. It was believed that for success in business, hair and nails should be cut on certain days according to the lunar calendar. Read about the lunar haircut calendar. In this article, we will tell you in detail about the lunar manicure calendar in May and June 2019.

Why at all times did people cut their hair and nails according to the lunar calendar?

The moon is the eternal satellite of the Earth and everything living on Earth. And it doesn't matter whether you believe in a lunar calendar for cutting hair and nails or not, but the Moon has always had and will have an impact on everyone living on Earth. The moon affects not only the seas (tides), but also the water in plants, animals, and humans. Human beings are known to be 80% water. The life cycles of man and animals are determined by the movement of the moon. Therefore, it is necessary to plant plants and harvest, cut nails and hair according to the lunar calendar.

The lunar month lasts from new moon to new moon. Its duration may vary, but on average it is 29 days.

Auspicious days of May 2019 for cutting nails.

May 2019

moon day Zodiac sign Phase Is it possible to cut nails on this day in May 2019
1st of May 5 lunar day Crayfish Waxing Crescent

Bad day for a manicure.

6 a lion R May 2 is not suitable for manicure
May 3 7 a lion R On May 3, according to the horoscope, you can do a manicure
8 Virgo R May 4, 2019 is a great day for cutting and coloring.
5 May 9 Virgo First quarter
10 Scales Waxing Crescent May 6 is the day when the oracle recommends cutting nails.
May 7 11 Scales R

Very bad day for a haircut, nails.

12 lunar day Scales R Today, according to the lunar calendar, is the day when you can visit a manicure parlor.
13 Scorpion R May 9 is the best day for cutting nails according to the lunar calendar. Yes, manicures and pedicures.
14 Scorpion R Extremely unfavorable day for haircuts and nails
15 Sagittarius Full moon May 11 - Full Moon. On the full moon, we do not touch nails (and hair). The full moon is a bad day for nail care.
12 May 16 Sagittarius Waning moon
18 Sagittarius Waning moon
May 14 18 Capricorn At A great day for cutting and coloring nails. May 14 - we do a manicure for sure - this is for the money.
19 Capricorn At According to the lunar calendar, May 15 is useful to visit a nail salon.
16th of May 19 lunar day Aquarius At The day is not suitable for a manicure.
20 Aquarius At May 18 is an unfavorable day according to the lunar calendar for nail care.
May 18 21 Aquarius At

We don't cut our nails, we don't paint them.

22 Fishes Waning moon May 19 manicure will benefit both nails and your destiny.
May 20 23 Fishes At No
24 lunar day Aries At No
22nd of May 25 Aries At You can and should take care of your nails.
26 calf At On May 23, the manicure will turn out beautiful and will have a positive effect on your karma.
May 24 27 calf At A great day for cutting and coloring nails. May 24 - we do a manicure for sure - this is for the money.
28 Twins New moon May 25, 2019 - new moon. Manicures are not done on the new moon.
26 of May 1
Twins Waxing Crescent No
2 Crayfish Waxing Crescent On May 27 they don’t cut their hair - neither hair nor nails
May 28 3 Crayfish Waxing Crescent Bad day for cutting nails
4 a lion Waxing Crescent On May 29, according to the lunar calendar, you can cut your nails.
May 30 5 a lion R Bad day for cutting nails
May 31 6 Virgo R Yes

Nail horoscope for June 2019.

June 2019

moon day Zodiac Phase Lunar calendar for nail cutting in June 2019.
June 1, 2019 5 lunar day Moon in Gemini Growing
6 Crayfish Waxing Crescent June 2 - unfavorable day for manicure
3 7 Crayfish R


8 Crayfish First quarter No
5 9 lunar day a lion R
10 a lion R On June 6, let's say nail cuts - yes.
June 7, 2019 11 Virgo R


12 Virgo R Yes. Auspicious day for cutting nails.
9 13 Scales R June 9 cut nails
14 lunar day Scales R Can't be cut or dyed. The next auspicious day for a manicure is June 14th.
June 11, 2019 15 Scales Full moon

Bad day for a manicure.

16 Scorpion Waning moon No
13 18 Scorpion At


18 Sagittarius At On June 14, the Moon and the oracle recommend a manicure.
15 19 lunar day Sagittarius At

Auspicious June day for manicure

20 Sagittarius At Neutral day.
June 18, 2019 21 Capricorn At On June 18 we do manicure and pedicure. A haircut on this day is good for health and for the wallet.
22 Capricorn Last quarter June 18 is the best day for cutting nails.
June 19, 2019 23 Aquarius At No
24 Aquarius At No
June 21, 2019 25 A fish At No
26 A fish At You can cut your nails. June 22, 2019 manicure for money - cutting nails will bring you material well-being.
June 23, 2019 27 A fish At June 23, according to the lunar calendar, is the day when you can visit a nail salon.
28 Aries At No
25 29 lunar day Aries At


1 calf New moon No
27 2 calf R


28 3 Twins R
29 4 Crayfish R We cut and paint
30 5 Crayfish R You can get a haircut

Photo of fashionable manicure in 2019.