Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for July. Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring for July Dye hair according to the lunar calendar July

Dozens of generations of women have tried to learn how to manage the condition of their hair and nails, their health and growth rate. Starting with the Egyptian Cleopatra and ending with the Western Madonna, young and mature beauties experienced all kinds of masks, creams, baths and so on and so forth. At the same time, most of the experiments turned out to be completely useless and fruitless. And now science came to the aid of millions of desperate girls: medicine and cosmetology, which explained the basic biological processes, as well as astronomy, which contributed to solving a difficult problem. It turns out that not only nutrition, lifestyle and environment affect human hair and nails. A significant role is assigned to the action of the Earth's satellite in its various phases. Today the problem is practically solved: considering auspicious days in the lunar calendar, it is easy to choose the right moment for cutting and coloring hair, trimming and coloring nails and many other procedures. The lunar calendar of haircuts for July 2017, unlike a simple schedule of sessions with a cosmetologist, can not only protect against untimely interventions that entail karmic troubles, but also suggest the most lucky moments for self care.

Haircut lunar calendar for July 2017: favorable days for changing hairstyles and hair care

But how to explain such an acute intervention of the phases of the moon in the hidden process of hair and nail growth?

From a scientific point of view, the Earth's satellite is indirectly related to all terrestrial fluids. This means that it naturally regulates blood flow to the hair follicles during periods suitable for cutting, and vice versa. And from the zodiac side, the Moon, being in one sign or another, can affect not only the outcome of a cosmetic procedure, but also its consequences in personal life (financial stability, external attractiveness, business success, longevity). For example, in the days of Aries or Scorpio, it is generally not recommended to cut or dye your hair. At the same time, nail care during the period of Virgo, Libra and Taurus can improve the condition. nail plates, and the emotional mood of their mistress.

According to the lunar haircut calendar for July 2017, favorable days for changing hairstyles and hair care are July 3-7, 8, 10, 22-26, July 31. It is better to trim the tips on July 4-6, 8, 22-25. For curling, the most suitable days will be: July 4-6, 12-13, July 26-28.
Unfavorable periods for hair manipulations are July 1, 9, 15-23, 29-30.

Favorable and unfavorable days for cutting hair according to the lunar calendar for July 2017

Haircut lunar calendar for July 2017 with auspicious days for changing hairstyles and hair care is an indispensable tool for every woman and girl. With such a cheat sheet, it is easy to navigate the periods of the full moon, new moon and different quarters of the moon, plan a schedule for visiting your hairdresser, paint a sequence of home hair care procedures.

Do not forget: it is hair that is the source of strength and living energy of a person. So, everything that happens to them in one way or another is reflected in the course of life, moral and physical health.

The most accurate lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for July 2017

The hot month of July significantly dries out the hair. Therefore, when planning your next trip to the hairdresser, remember about the additional chemical effect of salon products on delicate curls. Even in very gentle doses, cosmetic varnishes, gels and sprays lead to dullness, brittleness and fading of hair. In July, you should not repaint dark strands in light colors, it is not recommended to do white highlighting or too contrasting coloring. This month, it is better to completely abandon the chemical attack on the curls and give them a little rest.

If the habit of dyeing your hair every 4-6 weeks has become established and leaves no choice, try using gentle paints and choose favorable days for the procedure according to the exact lunar calendar haircuts and dyeing for July 2017. The most suitable periods for changing or updating hair color are from July 15 to 18 and from July 24 to 31.

Lunar calendar for dyeing and curling hair for July 2017

Never before have paint manufacturers reached such a high level. Today you can choose a coloring composition of varying degrees of durability, any price category, the most unusual shades. Some products make the color more saturated, others slightly matte, others give the hair only a barely perceptible tone. But almost all paints, without exception, harm whole curls and each hair individually. Especially if the staining process is carried out on the wrong day of the lunar cycle. The same goes for perms. The most accurate lunar calendar for cutting and dyeing hair for July 2017 does not recommend any manipulations during the full moon (July 22). You should also not do a perm when the night luminary is in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius. After a haircut on a waning moon, the hair will grow back for a long time, and after dyeing it will instantly fade.

Lunar calendar for cutting nails for July 2017: favorable days for manicure and pedicure

Modern astrologers unanimously assert that the astrodynamics of the Moon can influence not only the future of a person and his psycho-emotional state, but also physical health, general well-being and appearance. This is probably why it is extremely important to perform all procedures for caring for your body in strictly defined periods. Especially when we are talking about the hottest month with the most aggressive solar activity. So, the lunar calendar for cutting nails for July 2017 with its favorable days for manicure and pedicure will help to preserve the good condition and aesthetic appearance of the fingers and toes. Listening to the advice of astrologers, you can not only get neat nails, but also correct your life. After all, even one nail cut off on the wrong day can lead to a series of troubles, financial and family problems.

Find out details about favorable and unfavorable days for manicure and pedicure in the nail care lunar calendar for July 2017.

On which days of the lunar calendar for July 2017 you can and cannot cut your nails: recommendations by day

  • July 1 - a manicure or pedicure done on this day will cause problems in family relationships;
  • July 2 - to slow down metabolism and gain excess weight;
  • July 3 - nail care will help strengthen concentration and attention;
  • July 4 - to attract envious people and ill-wishers;
  • July 5 - a manicure on this day will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the nails on the fingers and toes;
  • July 6 - to the extension of life and the purification of karma;
  • July 7 - haircut for good luck, extension - for well-being;
  • July 8 - nail care on this day will help protect yourself from enemies, competitors and rivals;
  • July 9 - any wounds received during a haircut or cleaning will heal for a long time and painfully;
  • July 10 - cutting and coloring nails on this day will help you find love and strengthen feelings;
  • July 11 - to get rid of sorrows, longing and sadness;
  • July 12 is the best day for a pedicure if there are unresolved tasks that require a logical conclusion;
  • July 13 - to shorten life;
  • July 14 is a neutral day for manicure and pedicure procedures;
  • July 15 - nail care will lead to getting rid of obsessive loneliness;
  • July 16-17 are good days for pleasant procedures;
  • July 18 is the best time to cut your nails for those who are trying to unleash their creative potential;
  • July 19 - to the realization of talents and approval in society;
  • July 20 is a good day to cheer up in a manicure parlor;
  • July 21 is the worst day for cutting and coloring nails;
  • July 22 - wounds and cuts received during the manicure will heal for a long time;
  • July 23 - to a deterioration in mood and well-being;
  • July 24 - nail care on this day will help eliminate enemies and competitors;
  • July 25 - good time for the prevention of fungal infections;
  • July 26 - to the resolution of confusing life situations;
  • July 27 - neutral day;
  • July 28 - cutting nails on this day will accelerate the growth of the nail plate;
  • July 29 - do not carry out any manipulations with nails;
  • July 30 - to failures, debts and failures in business relationships;
  • July 31 - nail care on this day will lead to stability in relationships;

July is the middle of summer, when the sun warms to its fullest. Well, for our hair this is not the most best procedure. After all, curls under the influence of ultraviolet light become thin, brittle and dry from the roots. But in July, all women tend to get to their hairdresser to update their hair or make a fashionable haircut.

The lunar haircut calendar for July 2017 recommends being careful with hair coloring. Under the sun, their structure changes dramatically, alas, not for the better. Thanks to lunar advice, you can keep your curls beautiful and healthy. The new moon in June is observed from the 1st to the 8th, as well as from the 24th to the 31st. These are favorable days for hair manipulation - haircuts, coloring, curling and nourishing masks. The full moon in July is celebrated on the 9th and 23rd. The night star will decline from July 10 to July 22, when it is recommended to cut your hair to strengthen it from the roots. On July 9, you need to take care of your hair, that is, make moisturizing and firming masks. If the Moon is in Capricorn, then you can safely go to the salon and entrust your hair to an experienced master. The haircut will look great, and the hair will begin to grow intensively.

Lucky days for a haircut according to the lunar calendar for July 2017

If you want to grow long hair, then cut them on the New Moon. To strengthen the hair roots, choose the days when the moon is waning. The result is not only a flawless hairstyle, but the hair will remain healthy. The new moon in July is observed from 1 to 8 and from 24 to 31 July. The haircut lunar calendar for July 2017 recommends going to the hairdresser from the 10th to the 22nd. These days the moon is waning, which means that the haircut will turn out “perfectly”. You can also trim the tips, bangs and strengthen the roots with all kinds of masks. If you make a haircut on the days when the Moon is in the signs of Libra, Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn and Leo, then it will please you and those around you with its original and neat shape. Favorable days of July for cutting hair:

Moon in Libra: July 1, 2, 28 and 29;
- Moon in Capricorn: 8, 9;
- Moon in Leo: July 23 and 25;
- Moon in Taurus: 17th and 18th;
- Moon in Virgo: July 26 and 27

To attract success in work, health and finances into your life, you need to cut your hair on the following July days:

July 1, 30: intuition at the highest level, aspiration and self-confidence will appear;
- July 3: health will become stronger;
- July 5: attract positive energy and become more active;
- July 6: Get a cash profit;
- the lunar haircut calendar for July 2017 advises visiting the master on the 7th to strengthen intuition and solve material problems;
- July 11: drastic changes in life for the better;
- July, 12: the immune system it will become stronger, as well as get rid of diseases of the throat and lungs;
- July 14, 15, 19: get a charge of positive, cheerfulness and solve difficult issues;
- July 16, 17: your authority will grow, and your health will become strong;
- July 22: the image will become more attractive and sexier;
- July 23: add many years of life;
- July 24: become more confident, change your life for the better if you make a short haircut;
- July 25: Get rid of negativity and attract positive energy;
- July 26: financial gain;
- July 28th: Creative skills will grow and be realized;
- July 29: Get money and get cured of the disease

Even our ancestors believed that if you cut your hair, you will radically change your fate. So, you should especially listen to the lunar haircut calendar for July 2017. Hair is a "conductor" and energy storage, in addition, they store information about a person and can affect the body as a whole.

Wise advice

If you are worried about headaches, haunted by troubles, nervous breakdowns and apathy, then you need to cut your hair short. In this case, the whole body will instantly rebuild, renew itself and there will be no trace of problems left. Unlucky days of July for a haircut according to the lunar calendar 2017

On July 21 and 22, it is not recommended to go to the hairdresser and cut your hair. These days the Moon is in such signs of the zodiac as Cancer and Pisces. It is advisable to refuse even masks, toning and hair styling. What days of July is it better to avoid visiting the salon and not cut your hair:

July 3, 31: draw to you negative people and bad energy;
- July 4: health will deteriorate sharply;
- July 8: depression and weakness will appear;
- July 10, 13: the immune system will weaken, which will attract diseases;
- July 18: quarrel with relatives, colleagues and little-known people;
- July 20 and 21: mental and physical condition will be at zero;
- July 27: haircut will not bring the desired effect and disappoint

We curl curls in July according to the lunar calendar 2017

If the Moon is in Virgo, then these are favorable days for a perm. Curls will frame the face in an original way and emphasize its dignity. Hair will not be affected at all by the chemicals that are in the perm product. So, for the romantic ladies on the 26th and 27th of the lunar calendar of haircuts for July 2017, it advises to do “chemistry”. If your curls do not perceive the perm in any way, then decide on it on July 23, 24 or 25. These days, when the Moon is in Leo, you will definitely get elastic and pretty curls. The main thing is that the "chemistry" will not disappear in a couple of weeks, but will stay on the hair for a long time. After all, the moon is growing, which means that the structure of the hair will not be disturbed. Owners of thin and brittle hair It is not advisable to do a perm on days when the Moon is in Leo. Otherwise, after the procedure, the curls will become even weaker and lifeless. Well, it will be quite difficult to “cure” hair after a perm. If the Moon is in such signs of the zodiac as Aquarius, Scorpio and Cancer, then it is better not to plan a trip to the salon for the purpose of "chemistry" at all. You will greatly damage the structure of the hair, which will begin to split at the ends and break after blow-drying. The lunar haircut calendar for July 2017 does not recommend perm on the following days:

Moon in Scorpio: July 3, 4, 13 and 31;
- Moon in Aquarius: 10th and 11th;
- Moon in Cancer: July 21 and 22

If you decide on a perm on July 1, 18 and 24, then you yourself will be amazed at the result you see. The hairstyle will look perfect, and the curls on the hair are akin to natural ones. You will attract positive energy to yourself and add mood.

wise advice

If, after a perm, the hair has lost its shine, then you should rinse it with water and vinegar. Our great-grandmothers knew about this method of hair care, so you will not be disappointed using it at least 2 times a week.

Many people try not to dye their hair in the summer season, but to “walk” with their natural shade. Well, what if early gray hair, or you want to change your image? Then, without staining, it is impossible. The fact is that in the sun the curls not only “suffer”, but the color becomes dull and not as we would like. Firstly, the paint after washing the hair takes on an eerie tone. Secondly, the structure of the hair under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and chemical additives changes for the worse. The haircut lunar calendar for July 2017 will give some valuable tips that you should listen to in the middle of summer. It is better to dye your hair on New Moon. Favorable days of July for coloring curls:

July 1 and 30: you will become even brighter outwardly and more self-confident;
- July 3: give your hair a natural shade, then the mood will improve dramatically;
- July 4th: Relationship with the boss will be much better if you dye your hair natural remedies;
- July 5th and 13th: work expected to be successful;
- July 6: make a big profit;
- July 9: if you give your hair a dark shade, you will avoid many problems in life;
- July 10: harmony in the soul after coloring is guaranteed;
- July 11: red and light colors will help you find mutual language with colleagues and relatives;
- the lunar calendar of haircuts for July 2017 advises to dye your hair on the 12th to improve your life in every way;
- July 16: meet influential people;
- July 17th: natural color hair will attract financial success;
- July 19: dye your hair dark, then you will find a decent job and build relationships with your boss;
- July 22: profit and improve your health;
- July 26 and 28: paint your curls with high-quality preparations, then you will not conflict with people, avoid problems and become more proactive in business;
- July 7, 13, 15, 20, 24 and 29: unfavorable days (lunar day) for hair coloring; negativity will “stick” to you, weakness and laziness will appear

Wise advice

So that after staining the curls do not suffer and acquire shine, you need to add 4-5 drops of pine oil (essential) to the shampoo.

The haircut lunar calendar for July 2017 advises to protect your hair from the sun's rays. After all, ultraviolet light only harms them. So, before going out, do not forget to put on a panama, hat, scarf or other headgear. After washing your hair, be sure to use a moisturizing balm or conditioner.

Now you yourself have seen that if you take care of the curls correctly, you can not only maintain their attractiveness, but also not aggravate your overall health. Do not be afraid to seek help from the mysterious and wise Moon, on which your life depends. external image, success in life and state of mind.

According to astrologers, the astrodynamics of the Moon affects not only our psychological condition and future, but also on health and appearance. Therefore, it is so important to carry out all procedures at a certain time, especially this month, when the sun is most aggressive. To save the effect of a successful haircut, or any other procedure, the haircut and beauty calendar for July 2017 will help you.

  • Favorable days for a haircut in July 2017 - 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27 July.
  • Auspicious days for hair coloring in July 2017 - 1, 2, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27 July.
  • Auspicious days for manicure, pedicure in July 2017 - 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 July.

Lunar calendar for haircuts, hair coloring and cosmetic procedures for July 2017

  • Haircut - trimmed today, they will become thicker, and they will grow many times slower.
  • Hair coloring - you can dye your hair with permanent dyes and bleach them.
  • Manicure, pedicure - to problems in love and relationships.
  • Facial care - make nourishing face masks.
  • Body care is the right time to start a course of herbal medicine.
  • Haircut - a visit to the hairdresser will bring joy and invigorate.
  • Hair coloring is a great day to dye your hair in dark colors.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, you slow down the metabolic processes in the body, which will lead to weight gain.
  • Facial care - the skin needs hydration, drink more fluids, eat fruits.
  • Body care - it is good to start a course of breathing exercises.
  • Haircut - can negatively affect your well-being.
  • Hair coloring - worth postponing.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today is for those who want to increase concentration and attention.
  • Facial care - cleansing masks and scrubs will help rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck.
  • Body care is one of the days when you can starve, cleanse the body with water.
  • A haircut is an unfavorable day, refrain from manipulating your hair.
  • Hair coloring - not recommended, hair may suffer.
  • Manicure, pedicure - will attract ill-wishers, enemies, make you touchy.
  • Facial care - acne treatment will be effective today.
  • Body care - the moon warns: no hard diets. You need to eat well today. Take care of your feet in the evening.
  • Haircut - a haircut made today will quickly lose its shape, and styling will not last long.
  • Hair Coloring - Do not bleach your hair today.
  • Manicures, pedicures - ruin your nails if you cut them today, yes, and start gaining weight.
  • Facial care - give your skin a rest.
  • Body care - lunar days are great for surgical removal of minor cosmetic imperfections.
  • A haircut is the perfect day to change your image. Therefore, you can do any haircut.
  • Hair coloring is a neutral day, don't expect amazing results.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today will prolong life, improve health and may even write off part of karmic debts.
  • Facial care - natural masks.
  • Body care - morning exercises or even jogging should not be neglected today.
  • Haircut - wait a little with a haircut: you risk ruining your eyesight.
  • Hair coloring - the day is not suitable for a radical hair change.
  • Manicure, pedicure - the best day for nail extensions in July. They will last a long time, and the risk of ruining your nails is minimal. And cutting your nails will bring good luck.
  • Facial care - today it is auspicious to do facial cleansing.
  • Body care - all attention today to the joints. Stretching exercises will also give good results.
  • Haircut - A haircut will make the hair grow much faster.
  • Hair coloring - chemical or biowave will be successful.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today if you want to protect yourself from evil tongues, gossips.
  • Facial care - made from natural ingredients the mask perfectly nourishes the scalp.
  • Body care is a great time to visit a massage therapist. You can take care of your feet. Lunar days are great for starting a diet.
  • Haircut - on the full moon, you should not cut your hair.
  • Manicure, pedicure - the day of the sensitivity of the body. It is better to postpone all operations for another day, the wounds received today take a long time to heal.
  • Facial care - indulge in the pleasure of applying a rejuvenating mask.
  • Body care is an auspicious day for contrasting water.
  • Haircut - you can do a haircut.
  • Hair coloring - dye your hair in red tones.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure of love. If you want to find true love, have an affair, cut your nails today.
  • Facial care - the moon advises today anti-aging masks, Botox, tightening facial massage.
  • Body care is a great time for martial arts and yoga. Try oriental breathing practices. Avoid meat and dairy whenever possible.
  • A haircut is a good day for a model fashionable haircut.
  • Hair coloring - but with coloring today it is better to wait.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails on this lunar day helps to get rid of protracted sadness, severe longing and unpleasant memories.
  • Facial care - anti-aging treatments are favorable.
  • Body care - go for a massage.
  • Haircut - after a haircut, luck will literally haunt you.
  • Hair coloring - only in dark and chestnut tones.
  • Manicure, pedicure - help with difficult situation or in the fight against unexpected troubles, cutting nails today can all give.
  • Facial care - do not use cosmetics today.
  • Body care is a very good day for hair removal.
  • Haircut - give up this idea.
  • Hair coloring is a wonderful day for bronze hair coloring.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, you shorten your life.
  • Facial care - anti-aging masks will help you lose a few years.
  • Body care - drink plenty of water (up to 2 liters) is recommended. Don't overwork.
  • A haircut is a wonderful day for a classic haircut.
  • Hair coloring - give preference to bronze shades.
  • Manicure, pedicure - today is a neutral day. Manicure and pedicure will not affect you in any way.
  • Facial care - nourishing masks.
  • Body care - water procedures.
  • A haircut - short haircuts will be successful.
  • Hair coloring - hair can be dyed natural dyes but you can't bleach them.
  • Manicure, pedicure - Manicure and pedicure today will save you from loneliness, if it bothers you.
  • Facial care - do not make various face masks, they are ineffective on this day.
  • Body care - massages on problem areas, body wraps, anti-cellulite products are welcome.
  • A haircut is an unfavorable day for cutting hair.
  • Hair coloring - only natural dyes.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a good day.
  • Facial care - you can get rid of age spots and freckles.
  • Body care - review today's menu and get rid of junk food.
  • Haircut - do not radically change your appearance.
  • Hair coloring - coloring will weaken not only your hair, but the whole body as a whole. Moreover, you may fall under the influence of hypocritical people who will take advantage of your kindness and your money.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a wonderful day for a manicure.
  • Facial care - pay special attention to moisturizing the skin of the face.
  • Body care - today your body needs vitamins more than ever.
  • Haircut - after a haircut today, the hair will stop falling out and split. Also, after a visit to the hairdresser, your life will change for the better.
  • Manicure, pedicure - nail care today will help you in your work and study, and will also help you unleash your creativity. If you do not have a creative profession, then you can realize yourself in a new nail design.
  • Face care - whitening masks.
  • Body care is an auspicious day for hair removal.
  • Haircut is one of the most better days for cutting hair this month. By cutting your hair today, you attract love into your life, new interesting people and life becomes full of events.
  • Hair coloring - light colors will add confidence to you.
  • Manicure, pedicure - manicure today will help you establish yourself in society, increase your authority and help realize your talent.
  • Facial care - today you can do a chin correction.
  • Body care - during sports, you can give a particularly serious load on the legs, hips and buttocks.
  • Haircut - negative trends are gaining momentum. Don't cut, color, or add hair extensions today.
  • Hair coloring - you will lose an attractive look.
  • Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today, you cheer yourself up, which will not go unnoticed by others.
  • Facial care - on this day, anti-aging masks should be used.
  • Body care - a visit to the pool will tone your body.
  • Haircut - do not cut or color your hair today. Especially if you are prone to depression. There is a risk of spoiling your mood.
  • Hair coloring - give up this idea.
  • Manicure, pedicure - it is forbidden to cut nails, as they will not only lose their strength and will exfoliate, but also cut nails on such a day to fail in the new year.
  • Facial care - give your skin a rest.
  • Body care - depilation is not recommended.
  • Haircut - cut your hair today to problems with money, people and difficulties in work and study.
  • Hair coloring - it is better not to do anything new, use only proven colors.
  • Manicure, pedicure - do not cut your nails today, as any wounds and cuts inflicted on this day heal for a long time.
  • Facial care - take care of facial cleansing.
  • Body care - when playing sports, you can increase the load on the heart muscle, since the cardiovascular system is the least vulnerable today.
  • Haircut - do not cut or dye your hair today if you do not want to incur problems in work, study, career.
  • Hair coloring - should be postponed.
  • Manicure, pedicure - do not cut your nails today, there is a chance that your mood will worsen, depression may even begin.
  • Facial care - soothing masks and baths will be useful.
  • Body care - relaxation.
  • A haircut is a good day to strengthen the hair roots, cutting your hair today or even trimming the ends is a bad idea. It will affect your promotion at work and attract the trust of others.
  • Hair coloring is an auspicious day for hair coloring.
  • Manicure, pedicure - an auspicious day, cutting nails will save you from enemies and envious people.
  • Facial care - use only proven cosmetics, there is a possibility of allergies.
  • Body care - aerobic exercise will be especially effective on this day.
  • Haircut - refrain from radical interventions in your appearance. Hold off with a haircut and hair coloring.
  • Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
  • Manicure, pedicure - take care of fungus prevention on this day.
  • Body care - relaxation.
  • A haircut is an auspicious day for cutting hair, it will bring you good luck.
  • Hair coloring is an auspicious day.
  • Manicure, pedicure - will help normalize relationships and can help find a solution to a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.
  • Facial care - it is good to make berry and fruit masks.
  • Body care - a relaxing massage and aromatherapy using mint, nutmeg, cinnamon aromas are useful.
  • Haircut - feel free to sign up to your master.
  • Hair coloring - on this day you can decide on any experiments.
  • Manicure, pedicure - do not forget about your nails, pay attention to them.
  • Facial care - give your face a rest today.
  • Body care - when to epilate hair? Of course today!
  • Haircut - do not cut your hair today, otherwise you can get into trouble.
  • Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
  • Manicure, pedicure - nails will grow back quickly.
  • Facial care - try not to use cosmetics today.
  • Body care is a good time to start losing weight.
  • Haircut - carries information of damage and loss.
  • Hair coloring is an unfavorable period.
  • Manicure, pedicure - you should refrain from any procedures with nails.
  • Facial care - use only proven products.
  • Body care - relaxation.
  • Haircut - if you don't want problems, stay away from hairdressers.
  • Hair coloring - give up today.
  • Manicure, pedicure - a bad day. A manicure done today will attract bad luck and evil, prudent people into your life. There is a possibility of making an enemy.
  • Facial care - give rest to the skin of the face.
  • Body care - a fasting day is useful, therapeutic fasting, do not forget about vitamins.
  • Haircut - cutting hair on this day can bring with it minor injuries and troubles.
  • Hair coloring - because of it, conflicts with others can occur.
  • Manicure, pedicure - nail cutting, pedicure and manicure today contribute to the normalization of relations with friends and relatives.
  • Facial care - today you can make various masks and light facial scrubs.
  • Body care - visiting a bath or sauna will benefit the body.

The lunar calendar for haircuts and beauty for July 2017 was compiled by astrologer Marina Aleksandrova especially for the Vedmochka website.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and beauty for July 2017: the most favorable days of the month for personal care. Favorable days for going to the hairdresser, beautician, massage therapist, as well as the best time for manicure, pedicure, hair removal and bathing are marked in the calendar - table.

Waxing and waning moon in July 2017

In July 2017, the moon grows from 1 to 9 and after July 23 until the end of the month. This is the most auspicious time for everyone cosmetic procedures, the purpose of which is hydration, nutrition and toning. All nourishing masks for skin and hair during this period will also bring the greatest benefit.

From July 9 to 23 - the waning moon. The days of the waning moon are most favorable for getting rid of everything superfluous: weight, unwanted hair, toxins, freckles, blackheads, acne, pigmentation, cellulite, stretch marks, etc. Haircut on the waning moon will have positive influence on the roots of the hair, strengthening them, but the hair will grow more slowly.

Explanations for the table: the table shows the most favorable days for various events to take care of your appearance, taking into account the phases of the moon, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, energy lunar days, Moon without a course and its planetary aspects. Moscow time.

Neutral days are also marked for visiting the hairdresser.

little green heart means that the day is especially favorable for the specified procedure.

Cross× means that the day is not very good for beauty and it is best to do other things on this day.

Day and day of the week Cosmetic procedures Moon in the sign of the zodiac Moon phase
1 Sat The hairdresser- haircut and hair coloring (especially in light colors). Hair will grow back faster.
from 13:07 First quarter 03:51
2 Sun The hairdresser until 14:17 - haircut and hair coloring (especially in light colors). Hair will grow back faster.
beautician until 14:17 - especially moisturizing, nourishing, strengthening the skin, masks. Coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes.
Manicure until 14:17.
from 14:17 Scorpion
3 Mon Bath from 15:25. from 15:25
4 Tue Bath until 16:32. from 16:32
5 Wed The hairdresser from 08:08 - neutral day.
Massage from 08:08 - especially anti-cellulite, body wraps. Face and body masks.
Manicure from 08:08.
from 17:36 Sagittarius 08:08 04:34-08:08
6 Thu The hairdresser- haircut and hair coloring (especially in red and red shades). Hair will grow back faster.
Massage- especially anti-cellulite, body wraps. Face and body masks.
Bath from 18:38.
from 18:38
7 Fri The hairdresser until 17:12 - haircut and hair coloring (especially in red and red shades). Hair will grow back faster.
Massage until 17:12 - especially anti-cellulite, body wraps. Face and body masks.
Manicure until 17:12.
Bath until 19:34.
from 19:34 Capricorn 20:45 17:12-20:45
8 Sat The hairdresser- cutting and coloring hair (especially in dark shades). Hair will grow back more slowly.
beautician- sparing peelings, masks, facial massage.
Mani Pedi.
from 20:24
9 Sun Massage- relaxing, lymphatic drainage. Relaxing water procedures, aroma baths. Nourishing, moisturizing face and body masks. from 21:07 Full moon
10 Mon The hairdresser- neutral day. The result may not be predictable. from 21:43 Aquarius 08:35 05:12-08:35
11 Tue The hairdresser- neutral day. The result may not be predictable.
from 22:13
12 Wed Bath. from 22:39 Fish 18:51 15:40-18:51
13 Thu Massage
from 23:01
14 Fri Massage- for feet. SPA procedures, aromatherapy.
from 23:22 20:00-24:00
15 Sat Light massage for face and head.
from 23:43 Aries 02:52 00:00-02:52
16 Sun Light massage for face and head. Last quarter 22:25
17 Mon The hairdresser- neutral day.
beautician from 08:04 - especially skin cleansing, face and body massage, masks.
Mani Pedi from 08:04.
from 00:05 Taurus 08:04 05:19-08:04
18 Tue The hairdresser- haircut and hair coloring (especially in dark shades). lamination, perm.. Hair will grow back more slowly.
beautician- especially skin cleansing, face and body massage, masks.
Mani Pedi.
from 00:29
19 Wed The hairdresser from 10:31 - haircut and hair coloring (especially in light colors), for light, airy styling. Hair will grow back more slowly.
Massage, especially for hands from 10:31.
from 00:58 Twins
20 Thu The hairdresser- haircut and hair coloring (especially in light colors), for light, air styling. Hair will grow back more slowly.
Massage especially for hands.
from 01:34
21 Fri SPA, water treatments from 11:09.
Epilation from 11:09.
from 02:19 Crayfish 11:09 08:41-11:09
22 Sat SPA, water procedures. Epilation. from 03:16
23 Sun × from 04:24 and from 12:45 a lion 11:34 New moon
24 Mon The hairdresser- cutting and coloring hair (especially in bright, golden and light brown shades). Hair will grow back faster.
Eyelash extensions, hair.
from 05:40
25 Tue The hairdresser until 12:22 - haircut and hair coloring (especially in bright, golden and light brown shades). Hair will grow back faster.
Eyelash extensions, hair extensions until 12:22.
Bath from 06:59.
from 06:59 Virgo 13:32 12:22-13:32
26 Wed The hairdresser- haircut and hair coloring (especially in dark shades). Hair will grow back faster. Perm.
beautician face and body massage. Coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes.
Mani Pedi.
Bath until 08:18.
from 08:18
27 Thu The hairdresser- haircut and hair coloring (especially in dark shades). Hair will grow back faster. Perm.
beautician- especially moisturizing, nourishing, firming the skin, masks, face and body massage. Coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes.
Mani Pedi.
Bath from 09:35.

Favorable days for a haircut in July 2017 are July 1, 2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27 July.
Favorable days for hair coloring in July 2017 are July 1, 2, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 24, 26, 27 July.
Auspicious days for manicure, pedicure in July 2017 - 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31 July.

Lunar calendar for haircuts, hair coloring and cosmetic procedures for July 2017

Haircut - trimmed today, they will become thicker, and will grow many times slower.
Hair coloring - you can dye your hair with permanent dyes and bleach them.
Manicure, pedicure - to problems in love and relationships.
Facial care - make nourishing face masks.
Body care is a good time to start a course of herbal medicine.

Haircut - a visit to the hairdresser will bring joy and invigorate.
Hair coloring is a great day to dye your hair in dark colors.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, you slow down the metabolic processes in the body, which will lead to weight gain.
Facial care - the skin needs moisture, drink more fluids, eat fruits.
Body care - it is good to start a course of breathing exercises.

Haircut - can negatively affect your well-being.
Hair coloring - it is worth postponing.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today is for those who want to increase concentration and attention.
Facials - Cleansing masks and scrubs will help rejuvenate the skin of the face and neck.
Body care is one of the days when you can starve, cleanse the body with water.

A haircut is an unfavorable day, refrain from manipulating your hair.
Hair coloring is not recommended as it may damage the hair.
Manicure, pedicure - will attract ill-wishers, enemies, make you touchy.
Facial care - today the treatment of acne will be effective.
Body care - the moon warns: no hard diets. You need to eat well today. Take care of your feet in the evening.

Haircut - a haircut made today will quickly lose shape, and styling will not last long.
Hair coloring - do not bleach your hair today.
Manicures, pedicures - ruin your nails if you cut them today, yes, and start gaining weight.
Facial - give your skin a rest.
Body care - lunar days are great for surgical removal of minor cosmetic imperfections.

A haircut is the perfect day for a makeover. Therefore, you can do any haircut.
Hair coloring is a neutral day, don't expect amazing results.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails today will extend life, improve health, and may even write off part of karmic debts.
Facial care - natural masks.
Body care - morning exercises or even jogging should not be neglected today.

Haircut - wait a little with a haircut: you risk ruining your eyesight.
Hair coloring - the day is not suitable for a radical hair change.
Manicure, pedicure - the best day for nail extensions in July. They will last a long time, and the risk of ruining your nails is minimal. And cutting your nails will bring good luck.
Facial care - today it is auspicious to do facial cleansing.
Body care - all attention today to the joints. Stretching exercises will also give good results.

Haircut – Haircut will make the hair grow much faster.
Hair coloring - chemical or biowave will be successful.
Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today if you want to protect yourself from evil tongues, gossips.
Facial care - a mask made from natural ingredients perfectly nourishes the scalp.
Body care is a great time to visit a massage therapist. You can take care of your feet. Lunar days are great for starting a diet.

Haircut - Do not cut your hair during the full moon.

Manicure, pedicure - the day of the sensitivity of the body. It is better to postpone all operations for another day, the wounds received today take a long time to heal.
Facial care - indulge in the pleasure of applying a rejuvenating mask.
Body care is an auspicious day for contrasting water.

Haircut - You can have a haircut.
Hair coloring - dye your hair in red tones.
Manicure, pedicure - manicure of love. If you want to find true love, have a romance, cut your nails today.
Facial care - the moon advises today anti-aging masks, Botox, tightening facial massage.
Body care is a great time for martial arts and yoga. Try oriental breathing practices. Avoid meat and dairy whenever possible.

A haircut is a good day for a model fashionable haircut.
Hair coloring - but with coloring today it is better to wait.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails on this lunar day helps to get rid of protracted sadness, severe longing and unpleasant memories.
Facial care - anti-aging treatments are favorable.
Body care - go for a massage.

Haircut - after a haircut, luck will literally haunt you.
Hair coloring - only in dark and chestnut tones.
Manicure, pedicure - help in a difficult situation or in the fight against unexpected troubles, all this can be given by cutting nails today.
Facial care - do not use cosmetics today.
Body care is a very good day for hair removal.

Haircut - give up this idea.
Hair coloring is a wonderful day for bronze hair coloring.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting your nails today, you shorten your life.
Facial care - anti-aging masks will help you lose a few years.
Body care - drinking plenty of water (up to 2 liters) is recommended. Don't overwork.

A haircut is a great day for a classic haircut.
Hair coloring - give preference to bronze shades.
Manicure, pedicure - today is a neutral day. Manicure and pedicure will not affect you in any way.
Facial care - nourishing masks.
Body care - water procedures.

Haircut - short haircuts will be successful.
Hair coloring - hair can be dyed with natural dyes, but it should not be bleached.
Manicure, pedicure - Manicure and pedicure today will save you from loneliness, if it bothers you.
Facial care - do not make various face masks, they are ineffective on this day.
Body care - massages on problem areas, body wraps, anti-cellulite products are welcome.

A haircut is an unfavorable day for cutting hair.
Hair coloring - only natural dyes.
Manicure, pedicure - a good day.
Facial care - you can get rid of age spots and freckles.
Body care - review today's menu and get rid of junk food.

Haircut - do not radically change your appearance.
Hair coloring - coloring will weaken not only your hair, but the whole body as a whole. Moreover, you may fall under the influence of hypocritical people who will take advantage of your kindness and your money.
Manicure, pedicure - a wonderful day for a manicure.
Facial care - pay special attention to moisturizing the skin of the face.
Body care - today your body needs vitamins more than ever.

Haircut - after a haircut today, the hair will stop falling out and split. Also, after a visit to the hairdresser, your life will change for the better.

Manicure, pedicure - nail care today will help you in work and study, it will also help you unleash your creative potential. If you do not have a creative profession, then you can realize yourself in a new nail design.
Face care - whitening masks.
Body care is an auspicious day for hair removal.

Haircut is one of the best hair cutting days this month. By cutting your hair today, you attract love, new interesting people into your life, and life becomes full of events.
Hair coloring - light colors will add confidence to you.
Manicure, pedicure - manicure today will help you establish yourself in society, increase your authority and help realize your talent.
Facial care - today you can do a chin correction.
Body care - during sports, you can give a particularly serious load on the legs, hips and buttocks.

Haircut - negative trends are gaining momentum. Don't cut, color, or add hair extensions today.
Hair coloring - you will lose an attractive look.
Manicure, pedicure - cut your nails today, you cheer yourself up that will not go unnoticed by others.
Facial care - on this day, anti-aging masks should be used.
Body care - a visit to the pool will tone your body.

Haircut - Do not cut or color your hair today. Especially if you are prone to depression. There is a risk of spoiling your mood.
Hair coloring - give up this idea.
Manicure, pedicure - it is forbidden to cut nails, as they will not only lose their strength and will exfoliate, but also cut nails on such a day to fail in the new year.
Facial - give your skin a rest.
Body care - depilation is not recommended.

Haircut - cut your hair today to problems with money, people and difficulties in work and study.
Hair coloring - it’s better not to do anything new, use only proven colors.
Manicure, pedicure - do not cut your nails today, as any wounds and cuts inflicted on this day heal for a long time.
Facial - Cleanse your face.
Body care - when playing sports, you can increase the load on the heart muscle, since the cardiovascular system is the least vulnerable today.

Haircut - do not cut or color your hair today if you do not want to incur problems in work, study, career.
Hair coloring should be postponed.
Manicure, pedicure - do not cut your nails today, there is a chance that your mood will worsen, depression may even begin.
Facial care - soothing masks and baths will be useful.
Body care is relaxation.

A haircut is a good day to strengthen the hair roots, cutting your hair today or even trimming the ends is a bad idea. It will affect your promotion at work and attract the trust of others.
Hair coloring is an auspicious day for hair coloring.
Manicure, pedicure - an auspicious day, cutting nails will save you from enemies and envious people.
Facial care - use only proven cosmetics, there is a possibility of allergies.
Body care - aerobic exercise will be especially effective on this day.

Haircut - refrain from radical interventions in your appearance. Hold off with a haircut and hair coloring.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
Manicure, pedicure - take care of fungus prevention on this day.

Body care is relaxation.

A haircut is an auspicious day for cutting hair, it will bring you good luck.
Hair coloring is an auspicious day.
Manicure, pedicure - will help normalize relationships and can help find a solution to a problem that has been bothering you for a long time.
Facial care - it is good to make berry and fruit masks.
Body care - relaxing massage and aromatherapy using the aromas of mint, nutmeg, cinnamon are useful.

Haircut - feel free to sign up to your master.
Hair coloring - on this day you can decide on any experiments.
Manicure, pedicure - do not forget about your nails, pay attention to them.
Facial - give your face a rest today.
Body care - when to epilate hair? Of course today!

Haircut - do not cut your hair today, otherwise you can bring trouble.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable day.
Manicure, pedicure - nails will grow back quickly.
Facial care - try not to use cosmetics today.
Body care is a good time to start losing weight.

Haircut - carries information of damage and loss.
Hair coloring is an unfavorable period.
Manicure, pedicure - you should refrain from any procedures with nails.
Facial care - use only proven products.
Body care is relaxation.

Haircut - If you don't want problems, stay away from hairdressers.
Hair coloring - give up today.
Manicure, pedicure - a bad day. A manicure done today will attract bad luck and evil, prudent people into your life. There is a possibility of making an enemy.
Facial care - give rest to the skin of the face.
Body care - a fasting day is useful, therapeutic fasting, do not forget about vitamins.

Haircut - cutting hair on this day can bring with it minor injuries and troubles.
Hair coloring - because of it, conflicts with others can occur.
Manicure, pedicure - nail cutting, pedicure and manicure today contribute to the normalization of relations with friends and loved ones.
Facials - today you can make various masks and light facial scrubs.
Body care - visiting a bath or sauna will benefit the body.

Haircut and beauty calendar for July 2017

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