How can you unlock your abilities? How to discover psychic abilities in yourself? Development of the power of the gaze

Psychics are called people who have superpowers and are able to perceive the supernatural. The word "psychic" is translated from Latin as "super-receptive." It is believed that extrasensory perception is a gift that a person is endowed with from birth. But in fact, each person has similar abilities, but they are at different levels of development. This is the so-called "sixth sense", intuition, which in many cases our mind suppresses. People have different attitudes to extrasensory perception: from God's blessing to the machinations of dark forces. But this is just the ability to capture the vibrations of the bioenergetic field in a range inaccessible to most people.

This gift often manifests itself in childhood, when children begin to tell their parents things that they cannot know about. Anyone who wants to discover psychic abilities, can try to do this with the help of special training and exercises.

Perception of the aura with the hands.

You need to sit on a chair, your back remains straight. Relax completely and remove all thoughts. After a few minutes, spread your palms apart at a distance of 30 cm and begin to slowly bring them closer until they touch. Then return to the starting position. After a certain amount of exercise, there may be a feeling of warmth or firmness between the palms. This is how the boundaries of the biofield are captured.

The development of the power of sight.

The challenge is to learn to focus. A black circle with a diameter of 3 cm is drawn on a piece of paper. It is fixed on the wall 90 cm from the eyes. First, we look at the circle without stopping for a minute, then move it 90 cm to the left and right and repeat the procedure. With daily training, we bring the fixation time to 5 minutes. Having achieved this result, you can influence the look on others. In order to completely subjugate the will of a person, you will need the ability to fix your gaze for 15 minutes.

3. See the future in a dream.

The essence of this method is to go to bed, give yourself the installation to see tomorrow. This means trying to fall asleep with one thought - about what you want to know. In order for this to happen, it should take quite a long time - 1-2 months. Seeing the future is the most incredible!

4. Development of intuition.

The exercise will teach you to recognize the emotions of other people. To do this, you need to somehow reincarnate into him, imbued with the consciousness that you are this person, turning off all your inner judgments. So over time it will be possible to look at the world through his eyes.

5. See the aura.

To do this, you need to go through two stages. The first is to lie down with eyes closed and peer into the small lines inside the eyelids. The second is to put some object in the twilight against a neutral background that does not distract attention, and look at it as if casually. After a while, you can see a whitish haze along the contour of the object. Over time, it will acquire a color that depends on the color of the object itself. This is the aura.

In conclusion, one more piece of advice can be given. People who want to discover psychic abilities in themselves should spend more time in nature - walking, meditating, looking inside themselves.

Many of us would like to have psychic abilities. To predict the future, to have search abilities, to heal people, etc., but not many people are awarded with these abilities. Someone has such abilities since childhood, for someone they wake up already in adulthood, so how does a person open extrasensory abilities? Can you develop them yourself?

How does extrasensory perception work?

Psychics can charge different ways: from space, from the sun, trees, water and directly from other energy systems, it all depends on what individual abilities and personal preferences are.

If you do not possess the ability to restore your bioenergy, you are strictly forbidden to treat other people.

As for directly conjure, and various kinds of prayers, they are necessary for the magician for self-tuning, which directly allows him to concentrate on his thoughts. Only due to the concentration of one's own thought is the release of bioenergy, which, in turn, allows you to work miracles.

It should be remembered that a person accumulates energy well, in the case when his nervous system balanced and absolutely calm. When a person is irritated, he loses quite a lot of energy. In the case when a person experiences quite strong emotions of fear or envy, this also weakens his energy. In order for the energy to be in order, only kindness should be developed in oneself.

It is worth considering the fact that when gaining energy, one of the most important components in any way of accumulating energy by the body is precisely the figurative representation of the process of accumulating energy.

Gaining energy, you should feel how it will flow into the body, into every organ, into every cell of the body. The brighter and more figurative this representation is, the more effective its set will be.

Tuning exercises

As for the development of your intuition and, accordingly, the sixth sense, for this you can use some tuning exercises.

For the development of the sixth sense, it is necessary to conduct physical exercises as often as possible, they will not take much time, but it is necessary to do this. You should ask yourself a problem, take a deep breath and focus on your inner self. Each psychic is configured differently, but as for beginners, they are advised to mentally concentrate on a point in the middle of the forehead, above the eyes, it is there, according to Eastern wisdom, that the third eye is located . It is also recommended that by developing your intuition, it is very important to enjoy it.

  • When waiting at the bus stop or minibus, guess which number will arrive first.
  • Hearing a phone call, try to guess who it could be.
  • Before looking at the clock, try to determine the exact time yourself.
  • Waking up, try to catch what the news will be. To begin with, you should feel their mood: whether the news will be positive or negative.
With such small workouts and the like, you can develop your abilities.

According to psychics, each week of training will bring more success, you will be able to guess more and more daily little things. In these exercises, the main thing is that you will learn to distinguish psychic information from the thinking of logic.

In order to feel the power of intuition and feel self-confidence, it is quite important to keep a diary. To do this, you can get a notebook, which will not cause you much difficulty if you carry it with you. In this diary, you should record all the results of your training, noted cases of coincidence, etc. When writing down, therefore, it is not necessary to comprehend and edit the information received. You should write automatically, you can sketch pictures, etc. Most of all, people learn from their mistakes, and only with time you will be able to understand how right you were. It may even happen that the information that will be recorded with you as nonsense will somehow intersect with real life, since you still do not know how to decipher accurately and correctly the signals of the sixth sense. Including in the diary it is worth writing down dreams, pictures that you just wanted to portray. And do not forget that with each new entry it is worth putting a date.

Many people discover psychic abilities in themselves after such cases as clinical death, electric shock, lightning, etc. Most likely, this is due to the fact that after the stress experienced by the body, their right hemisphere begins to work much better, they listen to their sixth sense, and continue to develop it. It is easier for the body to rebuild, it seems to start working again, the process of rebooting takes place, and at this moment it is important to make a choice, rely on logic or intuition.

Every person has hidden abilities, just someone is engaged in their direct development, and someone simply lives according to the program of the majority, logically looking at various events, thereby dulling his intuition and sixth sense. If you want to develop extrasensory abilities in yourself or simply develop your intuition, then in this case, engage in your self-development and you will succeed, the main thing is to believe in this and strive to achieve your goal.

“How to reveal your own abilities?” is often asked by people who are exposed to strange events: prophetic dreams, deja vu, good intuition. It is known that a person uses his skills only by four percent, and the rest, unfortunately, is in "sleep mode". It turns out that most people live their lives without pleasure and joy, they do things that they don’t like and put off their favorite activities for “later”.

After reading the instructions below, a person will be able to discover certain super abilities in himself, and if not immediately, then over time. It is important to catch the moment when there is a feeling of something more. Moments like these make it clear that life has meaning. A person seeks to recognize this secret in himself and eventually opens up, begins to appreciate life and enjoy every day.

100% way to unlock creativity

Creative abilities are revealed in all seriously practicing the Turbo-Gopher system, and often even superpowers. Why and how does this system allow you to unlock your potential? The thing is that every person is endowed with abilities, but in the process of growing up, people acquire the so-called mental trash. Mental junk is:

  • negative emotions (fears, anxieties, jealousy, resentment, etc.)
  • complexes
  • limiting beliefs
  • dependencies, etc.

And all this leaves an imprint - the limitation of our capabilities and abilities. Turbo-Gopher eliminates the roots of problems, and does not mask them - and therefore eliminates them forever. But that's not all the beauty of the system. Also, the system uses the huge computing power of the subconscious, which explains the high speed of eliminating problems and releasing creativity and inherent abilities. You can get the original copy of the book.

How to find talent in yourself?

If a person is asked the question: “Who is in the understanding of “Talent”?”, The answer is immediately pronounced: “Actor, singer, musician, artist.” But it's not always creative people! Each person has their own unique talents. Athletes, hairdressers, designers and even mechanics can have them! So how did they find and develop their superpowers?

Childhood will help you understand and reveal your secret talents! First you need to remember the dreams that began with early childhood and continue to this day. You can keep a diary and take notes. After the dreams have been remembered, and there is no empty sheet left in the diary, they begin to analyze it:

  1. Phrases and words that are related to the type of activity are underlined. From the category "Who would you like to be in the future?".
  2. After reading slowly and with concentration, they remember whether such a situation has occurred: in the cinema, on TV, on the street, in a magazine or book. Perhaps certain actions prompted the idea that you want to do the same and be the same. Highlighted moments are recorded again.
  3. They remember their favorite activities, the things that brought joy and pleasure. Again write down in a notebook.

The results obtained are the treasures that were sought. Maybe now you will be able to find some Creative skills or sports talent.

How to unlock abilities?

After analyzing the diary entries, they begin to work on abilities. It is better to be led by a teacher or mentor who will help you take your first steps in the development of super abilities and guide you on the right path. Like any other skill, talent must be developed. It requires labor and time. Undoubtedly, many talented people are born, but not many show themselves, do not try to find their talent. A mentor or teacher will teach many of the secrets of super skills.

Below is a small instruction on how you can open your abilities.

1. For any business use both hands with an equal load. They learn to write, eat, brush their teeth, wipe and take out something, comb with both hands. It will be especially difficult to work with the left hand with a computer mouse. This is necessary in order for both hemispheres of the brain to work. Thanks to such simple actions, they will be equally loaded. And yet, when a person works, the work is carried out by one hemisphere, and if both are involved, then new connections will appear in the brain.

2. To identify creative abilities and not only creative ones, the following actions will help:

  • Play "Blind Man's Bluff": the eyes are tied with a thick scarf or handkerchief, an object or object is searched for by means of sound signals.
  • Plug your ears. Some time is spent in this state.
  • Further, one can artificially turn off one of the senses.

The brain loses some sense organs for a while and looks for new ways of orientation in space. Abilities develop.

3. Long-term chewing of food will help sharpen your taste buds. They try to fully experience the taste of the product: chocolate, ice cream, nuts, and so on.

4. Get creative! Anyone that exists, in a word, a person tries to find himself with the help of: music, modeling, drawing, embroidery, sewing, scrapbooking, photography and so on.

5. Approach the development of a super ability with madness: turn the world upside down. Existing principles and rules of life are reversed. They dream without borders and frames, they fulfill all their old dreams.

6. Materialistic view of the world: they learn logic, study scientific methods of thinking, analyzes, synthesis, solve rebuses, crosswords, puzzles.

7. Go in for sports. A strong and slender body will help in the implementation of all your plans! A trained body quickly copes with stress and ailments. Good healthy sleep is important. When nothing hurts, and the body is full of strength, then spiritually a person is ready for accomplishments. This is necessary to develop another talent.

8. Develop a sense of humor. They try to look at the world through children's eyes.

9. Keep a diary and write down ideas and thoughts that come to mind. Thanks to this, some unrealistic plans are realized.

10. Develop a sense of time and space. They look at the time, close their eyes and start counting the seconds, after a minute they open their eyes and look at the time. They try to calculate the time interval by feeling.

11. Never stop there! Man is capable of doing seemingly impossible things.

With any development of the situation, the perception of the world changes completely, a person learns to develop not only creative abilities, but also sports ones. Acquires many skills, learns to think in a completely different way, at the same time enjoy every day of life. If a person wants to realize himself as a person in this world, add something new to his life, stop doing boring and monotonous activities, you should start developing your talent! To reach heights, you must first understand yourself, your emotions, your perception. This is the key to a successful career, success in personal life and a great sense of humor. Having found yourself now, in old age it will be possible to say that life was not lived in vain.

How to develop clairvoyance? Does this require some special gift or innate ability? In fact, it is inherent in everyone! Unleash your potential!

Some amazing clairvoyant powers!

Clairvoyance¹ is the extrasensory ability of a person to see what is hidden from us, what is not available in the usual range of perception; what we do not see, feel, hear.

  • Vision of the biofield.

All living beings and objects have their own energy field, aura. It also consists of matter, which is at a different frequency of vibration: therefore, the aura is invisible to ordinary vision. Psychics are able to see this subtle matter, determine the physiological and emotional condition person.

They can see through the body and observe the work internal organs; the aura itself, its colors and features, to see the character of a person, the causes of problems in his life.

Some people can develop clairvoyance to such an extent that they can read texts on sheets hidden in envelopes or observe objects in an adjacent closed room.

  • Vision at a distance.

Clairvoyance also manifests itself in space: a psychic can see people, objects, places and events at a great distance.

One of the means of clairvoyance in space is the "astral tube". It is like a telescope for which distance is not a hindrance. A person, thanks to the superpower of clairvoyance, creates a mental frame of a “pipe” through which he “clairvoyantly” sees the right place in another place: within the city, country and the entire planet.

Also, superpower allows you to look with a “pipe” into the past or future events.

In order to create an "astral tube" you need a developed willpower, thoughts and clairvoyance itself.

Thus the possibilities of this psychic ability are enormous:

  • see the past;
  • foresee the future;
  • reveal secret knowledge and information hidden from you;
  • receive reliable information about events and people;
  • see other worlds;
  • see auras and high frequency energies.

Everyone can develop clairvoyance, and now you have such an opportunity: on our website you can find many necessary techniques, and one of them is described below!

How to see an aura?

Exercise #1

Actually it's simple. In order to develop clairvoyance and the ability to see the aura of objects and people, practice looking closely at your eyelids and the outline of any object.

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable sitting or lying position, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of the body and face.

2. Soon this will introduce him into a meditative state of consciousness, and the person begins to look into the darkness before his eyes.

In fact, this is called "" or "psychic monitor" through which you can receive extrasensory information!

3. The practitioner observes what appears on the inner screen. He will see different figures, maybe in color; these can be well-known forms, or they can be completely fantastic!

So you need to watch for 10 minutes. It is best to exercise in the morning, immediately after waking up, or before going to bed. The main thing is to keep awareness and not fall asleep!

After 9 days of such classes, you can move on to the next exercise, with which you can develop clairvoyance.

Exercise #2

You have to work in the dark.

1. The person also relaxes with the mindset to see the aura.

2. Now he begins to look intently, slightly opening his eyes: so that he can see both the inner screen and reality.

3. In the semi-darkness, the practitioner concentrates on the contour of a small object that is nearby.

4. With regular practice, he will begin to see subtle outlines surrounding this object.

At first it will look like a transparent edging along the object's outline, it will gradually expand and become clearer, taking on a color tint.

You will be able to remember this state, which happens when examining the aura, and reproduce it easily. Later, you will begin to notice the energy shells of people, the colors of the aura and the characteristics of each person!

Using the search bar, you can find other articles and techniques on developing aura vision on our website.

It is known that a person uses a negligible part of his capabilities, only a few percent out of a hundred. So some are thinking - what are the rest for? There is an opinion that those 90-98% are the superpowers of a person, and you just need to learn how to discover and discover your extraordinary talents in yourself.

What are superpowers?

These are extraordinary intuition, telepathy and clairvoyance, super memory, super vision and super hearing, telekinesis and pyrokinesis, teleportation, levitation and the ability to make astral travel, make unique self-hypnosis and induce hypnosis and self-hypnosis. As well as:

  • taste supersensitivity, when a person feels a range of tastes much more strongly, especially bitterness;
  • tetrachromatism, an extremely rare phenomenon in which vision is sensitive to hundreds of millions of color shades;
  • echolocation, in which people determine the location, size and density of objects by reflected sounds;
  • synesthesia - the connected work of different channels for transmitting and processing information, when letters or numbers have their own colors, taste sounds, and dates or symbols are seen in a certain place of an imaginary plane;
  • ability to perform complex mental calculations.

There are different theories and approaches. Some teach how to acquire any superpowers; others object that it is impossible to open them at will, because everyone has their own from birth. And still others do not believe in any phenomena at all, considering everything to be quackery. What do you think? If discovering superpowers and developing your inner potential is important and interesting for you, let's look at the main recommendations and warnings that experienced mentors give.

This should be known!

Only irresponsible "teachers" who want to capitalize on your desire for self-development will promise you amazing results and will not take care of your safety in any way. After all, before you open something in yourself, you should find out why and how it was closed. You can unleash colossal power, but how will you manage it? You will have visions, insights or premonitions, but will you become happier, calmer and more harmonious with them?

To discover superpowers in oneself means to receive both God's gift and a mine that can destroy everything that was familiar and expensive, but was not appreciated before. Remember: people only get what they are willing to accept. It doesn't happen otherwise.

Ways to reveal superpowers

They are hard and unsafe or soft and natural. The first includes experienced shock or suffering, deprivation, pain or drug use. The second way is the discovery of superpowers through self-knowledge and spiritual development understanding of one's place in the world. If you feel what the soul is striving for, your intentions will be easily embodied. Any of your actions will not meet with resistance or it will be insignificant. And you will begin to show new, hidden abilities, because they will become tools for the realization of your destiny.

The main thing is to develop and strengthen not only the spirit, but also the will and body. healthy image life, including the type of thinking, proper nutrition and physical activity is the source of your strength. The will will help you overcome any difficulties and not give up on your goal.

Choose practices and exercises to your liking. You can use meditations, prayers, or mantras, mind-expanding techniques. Directly develop the desired skills - memory, thinking, will, concentration.