Decorative clothespins with your own hands. What to do with a child: children's crafts from clothespins. Phone stand

Original and useful things can be made with your own hands from the most banal materials at first glance. Have you ever tried making clothespin crafts? We bring to your attention a selection interesting ideas and master classes on the transformation of these simple household appliances.

Simple clothespins turn into decorative clips

How often do you leave notes at home or temporarily post fresh photos in the interior? An interesting and affordable alternative to whiteboards is a clothespin organizer. The fastest and easiest version of this craft is a garland. Get some string or ribbon. Now is the time to do original crafts from clothespins - beautiful clips. Paint them with paint, decorate with paintings, you can glue ready-made decorative figures. Try to make decorations yourself, for example, using the appliqué technique from fabric or colored paper. We glue the finished clothespins with one part of the movable ear to the base. Once the resulting garland dries, you can attach it to the wall. Clothespins perform the role of holders in this design. With their help, you can fix printed photos, notes, children's drawings and other necessary papers. In a similar technique, you can make an organizer for paper trifles based on a board. Simply glue the clothespins in random order onto a pre-decorated piece of cardboard, chipboard or plastic panel. The base can be pasted over with wrapping paper, fabric, wallpaper or painted with paint. Hang the finished panel in a conspicuous place.

Boxes and pots

Interesting and unusual crafts from wooden clothespins you can do it yourself if you first disassemble them into halves. Paste the resulting blanks over a small cardboard box, and you will get an original wooden box or a box for small things. Tip: the height of the walls should be such that the halves of the clothespins completely cover the top edge. In the same technique, you can make original kegs-pots or pencil holders. Take a round blank: an old flower pot or a suitable jar. Glue it on the outside with halves from clothespins. Decorate extra beautiful ribbon or other decorative items.

Universal constructor

Many needlewomen like wooden clothespins because they are easy to disassemble. By removing the metal spring, you can get two bars of the same length with specific recesses. From these elements you can collect a wide variety of items. Try to make original crafts from clothespins with your child. Just disassemble the whole package of accessories necessary for the household into halves, and invite the baby to assemble one of them. Do not be surprised if the child asks not to glue anything at all, but to leave the resulting constructor in toys. It is convenient to assemble furniture for Barbie dolls and their analogues from halves of clothespins. Boys will surely like castles and entire cities made of this material. Some craftswomen make incredible crafts from clothespins with their own hands, first disassembling them into halves. These are openwork lampshades, candlesticks, decorative vases and frames.

Simple clothespin toys

From ordinary wooden clothespins you can make a whole table theater. For the manufacture of such crafts you will need paints, colored paper and cardboard. Place the clothespin sideways, we will decorate the end part of the product. Toys with a movable jaw look especially interesting. To make them, you need to paint or decorate with paper using the appliqué technique the tips of the clothespins, which are bred by pressing on the “ears”. In this technique, you can make absolutely any animal - a dog, a dinosaur, a fish or a bird. Parts for the upper and lower jaw are cut out separately. Glue the parts to the base so that they are connected when the clothespin is closed. Improve your craft - let your teeth or tongue stick out when you open your mouth, and maybe even some kind of food. By this principle, you can make other equally original crafts from wooden clothespins. Instead of an animal face, make an application in the form of an egg or a gift box. When you open the clothespin, let a chick or a bright gift be shown inside.

Useful crafts for the kitchen

Using clothespins as the main material, you can do not only funny toys but also useful things. In a matter of minutes, you can create an original hot plate. Break the pack of clothespins into halves. Fold the correct circle from the resulting parts, combining thinner tips (“ears”) in its center. Fasten the structure with transparent glue. Another craft made from halves of clothespins is an original napkin holder. Glue the parts in pairs so that the curly parts look to the sides, and the even ones adjoin each other. From the resulting blanks, assemble a fan and secure with glue. It is necessary to make two such blanks. For the base, join the 4 halves together in such a way that you get a plate with pointed ends, flat on one side. Now we proceed to the assembly, we glue two fans to the bottom of the stand symmetrically, leaving free space between them.

How to make crafts from clothespins with your own hands: photo decor for the holidays

By the New Year, together with the children, you can make original snowflakes. To do this, remove the springs from the clothespins and glue the halves in pairs in the same way as they were connected. Glue the resulting blanks five pieces together. The sharp edges of the rays should look out. Ready-made snowflakes can be painted with paint and decorated with sparkles. Don't forget to attach loops for hanging. Crafts from clothespins can be made at any time of the year. Children love to make colorful butterflies. Take clothespins and paper napkins. Straighten a sheet of paper and pull it in the middle with a thread. Place the paper blank in the clothespin under the spring. Straighten the side edges, they can be painted with paint or felt-tip pens. On the clothespin itself, draw the “face” of the butterfly. You can glue the antennae from wire or thin strips of black cardboard.

Let's start, as promised, with simple crafts for the little ones. We offer kids to make dragonflies, a chicken, a palm, gliders, a flock of sharks ... and not be limited to this list.

In addition to clothespins, we will need:

  • glue;
  • popsicle sticks (a great reason to eat ice cream more often, isn't it?);
  • paper or cardboard;
  • brush and paints;
  • scissors;
  • threads, buttons and beads.

Clothespin dragonfly

1. Color the clothespin.

2. Thread 2 beads onto the thread, glue the thread to the “lip” of the clothespin so that it looks like eyes.

3. Take 2 popsicle sticks, fold them crosswise and secure with a clothespin clip. Dragonfly is ready!

Chicken Little

A bright chicken is a cute decoration for a pot of flowers. Especially if they haven't bloomed yet.

1. Color the clothespin with yellow paint.

2. Cut out wings and head from yellow paper, crest and beak from red paper.

3. Glue a comb and beak to the chicken's head, draw eyes.

4. Glue the body and wings to the clothespin. That's all, the chicken turned out.

Clothespin Crafts: Air Flotilla

And this craft will definitely be appreciated by the boys.

1. Paint the clothespin blue.

3. Paint 2 long popsicle sticks red, 2 short ones blue.

4. Glue short sticks to the tail of the glider, and make parallel wings from long sticks.

5. Cut out a screw from yellow paper and decorate it with a red button.

6. Glue the screw to the nose of the aircraft.

Do not limit yourself to a single plane, make a whole combat squad - firstly, it will be interesting for children to play with each other, and secondly, these toys allow you to master new spaces for games (bedspreads, tablecloths, curtains) that were previously inaccessible.

Clothespin palm

Palm is the most simple craft from clothespins: you just need to cut a circle-palm out of cardboard and attach clothespins-fingers to it.

flock of sharks

Scary toothy sharks - inventory for playing shipwreck and treasure.

1. Paint the clothespins blue.

2. Cut out triangular fins, paint or decorate with glitter, stick on.

3. Draw the teeth.

4. From a medicine blister, cardboard and beads, make shark eyes.

Ready! Rolling his eyes furiously, a predatory piece of clothespins rushes towards treasure seekers. And even bites if they swim too close!

Want to show how a shark hunts? Glue a small cardboard fish on one side. It will be visible when the shark opens its mouth.

We showed only a few crafts from clothespins - the possibilities of this simple improvised material are truly inexhaustible. Experiment with children, make toys and create entire worlds populated by clothespin characters.

What could be easier than clothespins? Everyone has them in large numbers at home and has been faithfully serving for many years, passing from generation to generation.

Today "Quartblog" offers to look at this familiar attribute household from a different angle. Misused, clothespins can be the basis for wonderful decor items and practical accessories that will brighten up your life.

What can be done from clothespins?

For crafts, we need wooden clothespins. Now plastic analogues have practically ousted them from store shelves, but if desired, wooden products can still be found, even if it takes more time. Perhaps someone also has clothespins at home, left over from grandmothers or mothers, already battered by time, but still functional.

Headphone holder

Everyone at least once in their life had to long and tediously, cursing to themselves, unravel the headphones, which, while lying in their pocket, turned into a terrible snake ball without end and without edge.

To solve this problem, you just need to take two wooden clothespins. They need to be glued together, as is done in the illustration, and decorate as you wish. You can apply a simple geometric pattern with paints or paste over the surface with decorative tape.

Flower pot

Here, in addition to clothespins, you will need a base for the pot. You need to choose its diameter based on the size of the flower: you can use plastic cover from the spray, cut off the bottom from plastic bottle or a tin can.

Clothespins should be attached around the circumference of the container, lightly lubricated from the inside with glue - this way the design will hold better. Another way is to break the clothespins into halves and paste over the base with them.

The pot can be painted or left in natural color, decorate with ribbons, twine and glitter glue. The pot can be used not only as a flower stand, but also as a candlestick or pencil holder.

mirror frame

Previously, it was already published in Quarblog. Another way to make a frame for it with your own hands is to use clothespins.

As a basis, you can take a square or round mirror. On a sheet of thick cardboard, circle the mirror itself with a pencil and outline its intended frame, on which the clothespins will be attached.

wall stand

If you want to decorate a stand with photos that will hang above your desk, you can't do without clothespins.

A stand can be made from an empty frame from a mirror or a picture by stretching ropes inside it with photographs, postcards and just pleasant little things hung with clothespins.

It can be either an organizer with important notes and plans for the day, or a nice themed corner dedicated to self-development, inspiration, or just a memorable date for you. Perhaps you adore some time of the year and really want to always see a part of it in front of you - and then, in addition to photographs, the stand can be decorated with snowflakes, dry leaves or smiling suns.

Gift wrapping

Clothespins will please not only you, but also your friends and relatives. With their help, you can arrange gift boxes, packages and postcards. Color them in bright colours and write on top with white paint warm regards and encouraging words.

Clothespins can be decorated in the theme of a particular holiday,whether New Year, Birthday or important anniversary,with the help of paints and paper applications.


The first clothespins appeared in the Stone Age and since then have served mainly household purposes. But if you have a handful of unnecessary (at least temporarily) clothespins, they will be useful not only for drying clothes - after all, you can create a lot of interesting gizmos with your children! Toys, home decor, various useful little things - and all this is simple, fast and literally from nothing.

We make toys

Let's start with them. Maybe not the most luxurious toys are made from clothespins, but it doesn’t matter - after all, the very process of their creation turns into a game.

We may need plastic and wooden clothespins, paints and felt-tip pens, colored paper and cardboard, glue and scissors, an egg tray, popsicle sticks, toy “running” eyes (they can be made from pills) and other little things that will be under time hands.

Clothespins only need to add a few details to make them look like some kind of animal or plane. And clothespins disassembled into halves can be used as designer parts, and assemble from them, say, doll furniture, a dinosaur skeleton or a whole fortress.

Little comical scenes depict how a chicken appears from an egg, and a gift from a box; while the toad is catching a fly, the shark is eating a fish for breakfast... You can come up with plots yourself - everything is very easy and will not take much time.

For work, we need pencils, cardboard and glue. We cut out any shape from cardboard at our discretion. You can even cut out a ready-made template from a book or magazine), then glue both parts on a clothespin - and have fun with the “theater” on clothespins

Make cute animals on "stilts" - paper-cut figures with paws from clothespins. Here you can draw, and paint, and rustle with scissors - and then help your drawings "stand firmly on their feet" in three-dimensional space. Simple and convenient!

Useful in business...

Stand for hot - the thing is always relevant and necessary in the house! For these purposes, it is better to use wooden clothespins, as the plastic can inadvertently blur under the “ardent” frying pan or pan. The manufacturing technique is elementary: help the child remove the springs from the clothespins, and he can easily glue them with a fan himself.

Such a napkin holder would look good in the company of a samovar: there is something strinno-Russian in it, which makes it related to carved wooden towers ... Just think - but quite recently it was clothespins!

A great idea for needlewomen: clothespins-coils. It is very convenient to clamp the end of the thread so that it does not unwind.

homemade watch

Enough interesting way plan the day: thanks to clothespins, you can easily change your “schedule”, rearrange items in places and use the main cards for a long time. We connect the clock mechanism from an old alarm clock with a plate, on the edges of which you can draw numbers or simply rely on the tips of clothespins.

collage frame

Before us is a universal design for pictures, notes, memorabilia, as well as a reusable frame for holiday decor. It is not difficult to make something like this: we take a set of wooden clothespins, as well as a couple of meters of tape and a future frame - a wooden hoop or a photo frame. We collect everything that will please the eye, and we begin to freely fasten it with clothespins to the base. The main thing is not to overdo it and endure color scheme. Now we pass a ribbon through our “wreath” and tie a large bow, and you can hang it - even on the wall, even on the door.

mirror frame

For decor in the "eco" style, in addition to the mirror itself, we need wooden clothespins. You can simply attach them around the edges, or you can complicate your life and, having removed the springs from the clothespins, thoroughly “blind” the frame with mirror glue, thick cardboard and acrylic paint.

Planters for greenery

It looks fresh and original: a flat tin can (from sardines, caviar, some kind of "whiskas") and ordinary clothespins turn into a pretty pot (or into a cup for pencils).

The tin must first be thoroughly washed and dried, and the paper label, if any, removed. Now we tightly plant wooden clothespins on the edges of the can (the plastic ones do not form an even wall, but will stick out to the sides). Inside, you can put small houseplants or cut flowers in a glass.

More light!

From wooden clothespins you can make stylish lamps. In the photo on the left, a piece of mesh twisted into a cylinder was used as a base. On the right is a large spiral of wire. Clothespins cling to any type of frame in a matter of minutes, and the craft is ready! The finished lamp gives beautiful and soft shadows on the floor and walls.

But these candlesticks are made in the same technique as plant pots: they will decorate the ceiling with bright spots of light in the form of stars.

Decorative clothespins

Why not just decorate your boring household clothespins? Here's some creative craftsman ennobled them stylish flowers from fabric ... If you don’t really like flowers or seem too troublesome, let your child simply decorate them with buttons and rhinestones. But painting clothespins with paints or felt-tip pens is not worth it - if you are still going to use them for linen, of course.

But you can also use such elegant clothespins for decoration, as well as pinch them gift wrapping or add to a postcard. In this case, the clothespin can be decorated with fabric, wrapping paper, strewn with beads - in a word, let your imagination run wild.

Colored (painted) clothespins with inscriptions with a marker can serve as bright and original “reminders”, complement the notes on the refrigerator and generally bring a little humor into our everyday life. In our photo, for example, multi-colored “motivators” advise you to make good decisions and the right ones, remind you of the need to be yourself and call your mother.

As you can see, clothespins can come in handy for a lot of things - and even if the man-made decor does not fit into the interior of your home, then in children's creativity Clothespins are always welcome!