How to make a paper snowflake template. New Year's Paper Cutout Snowflake Templates: Print out the best patterns for home decor. Say thanks to the artists

Everyone is happy about the new year, especially children. New Year holidays they are waiting impatiently, and the expectation can be brightened up - to occupy your hands with something interesting and useful, for example, to decorate windows or curtains in the form of beautiful snowflakes. But not always children's hands can cope with intricate patterns on snowflake patterns, such fingers need something simpler, and we have something. These are schemes simple snowflakes suitable for preschoolers, well, or first-graders. The most important thing is to meaningfully bend the workpiece, understanding where we will have the middle of the snowflake, and then it remains only to cut the edge in the right way.

To begin with, it is better for the child to practice on plain paper, it is more flexible. And when you learn, you can start making light and translucent snowflakes from paper napkins. It is not worth training on napkins, it is more difficult to bend the workpiece evenly, the edges move relative to each other and the child will not be satisfied with the craft, practice is important here.

Classic snowflake:

If you also cut off a sharp corner, you will get a hole in the center of the snowflake.

Ice Snowflake:

Also, as if from ice crystals, but with a hole in the center:

These are such simple and easy snowflakes to make. If it doesn't work out, try again and you will definitely succeed :)

Print paper snowflakes: cutting templates
In every kindergarten and in every school before the New Year, children cut out paper snowflakes, which , classes and corridors educational institutions. But not all guys get beautiful and delicate decorative elements. To create such snowflakes, you have to show maximum patience. And besides this, you need to arm yourself with good tools - sharp scissors and nail scissors, as well as prepare a lot of sheets of paper.

If earlier everyone cut out snowflakes solely by intuition, as it turned out, now you can simply print snowflakes from paper. Cutting templates are easy to find on the Internet. But you can improvise.

How to fold a sheet of paper?
Paper snowflakes that have six or eight rays look best.
In order to get a hexagonal snowflake, you need to take an A4 sheet and fold it diagonally so that you get a square. It will consist of identical triangles, and the rest of the sheet in the form of a rectangle must be cut off.

The square is assembled into a double triangle, then it is turned over so that the longest side is on top. Now the figure needs to be folded in half and straightened. And then the triangle must be bent along the diagonal lines. The resulting figure is folded again in the middle and a triangle with a double tail is obtained. It needs to be cut off - a hexagonal snowflake will be cut out of this small triangle.

It's much easier to fold the paper to make an octagonal snowflake. First you also need to bend the sheet diagonally and cut out a square. Then the figure is folded in half. The resulting rectangle must be folded in the middle to make a small square, which is then folded diagonally to form a triangle. An octagonal snowflake is cut out of this blank.

How to draw a pattern and cut a snowflake?
After the blanks for snowflakes are ready, you can proceed to drawing a picture - you can download the diagrams, print them and transfer the patterns to the blanks, or you can put triangles from which snowflakes will be cut with the tip up and draw with a simple pencil lines, circles, hearts, waves, drops and other shapes. The main thing is that the lines do not reach opposite sides of the workpiece, otherwise, instead of a snowflake, you will get several separate bizarre figures.

When the drawing is ready, you can cut off the extra edges with ordinary sharp scissors. And then you need to take manicure scissors and carefully cut out small details.
The finished snowflake needs to be straightened - to smooth the paper, you can use an iron or heavy books, under which you need to put snowflakes for a while.

Snowflake templates
For those who do not cut snowflakes so often, it is better to use the simplest templates - with large details and thick rays. You can practice on them, and then move on to more complex schemes.

Snowflakes can have sharp or round rays, a closed or open center - it all depends on the template model.
But it is not necessary to cut out only classic snowflakes, you can print them with floral motifs, or, for example, make snowflakes that have butterflies or even cats instead of sharp rays. Now it has become very popular to cut snowflakes depicting characters from cartoons or favorite films, for example, you can make a paper snowflake, where instead of rays there will be a portrait of Master Yoda - a hero from the movie star Wars.

If there is no talent for drawing, you can simply print paper snowflakes, there are templates for cutting out for every taste!

Home decoration with snowflakes
Most often, paper snowflakes are glued to the window. You can do this with soapy water. You need to take a small container, pour a glass of warm water into it and add a little liquid soap. Mix everything well, and then apply this solution with a regular dishwashing sponge on the glass. Then you need to carefully attach a snowflake, straighten the rays and remove excess moisture with a napkin.

For those who want to experiment, there is another way to decorate the window - for it you will need not only paper snowflakes, but also artificial snow. It is necessary to seal the window with snowflakes and gently sprinkle snow on them. You need to keep the can at a distance of about forty centimeters from the glass. When the snow dries, which will take about thirty minutes, it will be possible to peel off the snowflakes. Get real winter patterns.

You can cut snowflakes from any paper. You can, for example, decorate your house with magical winter stars made of silver or gold paper. Snowflakes from music sheets, newspapers or glossy magazines are also in fashion now. You can also use designer printed paper. It is quite dense, so, for example, you can make a garland out of such snowflakes.

Look very stylish

Paper for cutting snowflakes can be taken office, colored paper For children's creativity, origami paper.

It is convenient to cut out relatively large sections of the pattern with ordinary stationery scissors, for example, along the edge of a snowflake.

For cutting small details and complex patterns, it is better to use hairdressing scissors and nail scissors.

DIY snowflakes

So, paper and scissors are selected, now you can proceed to the first stage of making snowflakes - folding paper. To get a hexagonal blank from which a snowflake will subsequently be made, cut a square of the desired size from a sheet of paper.

How to get squares different sizes from an A4 sheet

1. Fold a sheet of paper in an arbitrary way, but so that one part is larger than the other, and then cut along the marked line.

2. Fold most of the sheet along the bisector.

3. Cut off the excess paper - you get a square.

4. The blank for the big snowflake is ready.

5. Repeat steps 2-3 with the smaller part of the sheet remaining after step 1.

6. The result is a blank for the average snowflake.

7. With the trim remaining after step 6, repeat steps 2-3.

8. It turned out a blank for a small snowflake. Thus, from one sheet of A4 format, you can make blanks for three snowflakes of different sizes.

Piece sizes may vary slightly. They depend on how the original sheet was folded in step 1. In addition, a large snowflake can be obtained by cutting a square from a whole A4 sheet.

How to fold a hexagonal blank from a square

Now we need to fold a regular triangle from the square (in expanded form - a hexagon), from which a snowflake will be cut.

Method number 1

1. Fold the square in half.

2. Then fold the sheet "by eye" so that the angles indicated in diagram 3 are equal.

3. Turn the workpiece over to the other side.

4. The fold should go along the edge of the workpiece folded in step 2 of the layer, and the top edge should coincide with the left fold.

5. Cut off the excess paper evenly.

Method number 2

1. Fold the square diagonally.

2. Mark the middle of the leg of the resulting triangle (side).

3. Connect the top (right angle) of the triangle with the intended midpoint of the leg. Mark the fold line and again expand the workpiece to a triangle.

4. Now mark the middle of the base of the triangle.

5. Connect the middle of the leg with a point lying on the marking line obtained in step 3. The fold line should pass through the middle of the base of the triangle.

6. Connect the base of the triangle to the fold line obtained in step 5.

7. Cut off excess paper along the indicated line.


Choose the size of the hexagonal blank (large, small or medium) yourself based on the paper you use for cutting, the complexity of the snowflake, and your scissor skills.

Cut out the snowflake

1. Fold the regular triangle (unfolded hexagon) obtained by one of the methods proposed above in half. Perform all actions very accurately so that later you do not cut through the layers of paper folded crookedly with scissors. Make sure that the top circled in a circle (see diagram) is in the center of the future snowflake.

2. Start cutting. In the diagrams, areas of paper that need to be removed are indicated in bright pink. First form the outer edge of the snowflake. To do this, cut out the pattern on the top side of the workpiece, as shown in the diagram.

3. Then cut out the pattern on both sides of the workpiece. The last to be cut small items inside the workpiece and near an acute angle.

4. The snowflake is ready, it remains only to carefully unfold it.

We will cut out all the presented snowflakes according to this description, starting from point 2, when the regular triangle is already folded in half. The fact is that all snowflakes are cut out in the same way, only the pattern changes, so we did not repeat the description of the work many times, but limited ourselves to exact diagrams.

The process of making each snowflake consists of 3-5 sequential schemes, on which the removed sections of paper are marked in black. The last diagram, which shows a snowflake fully cut out but not yet unfolded, is also a template. You can “by eye” draw a pattern from it onto your workpiece or transfer it using tracing paper and carbon paper.


The snowflake should look like a graphic image with a well-read pattern, so follow all stages of work very carefully and accurately.

Snowflakes. Scheme

Such snowflakes will be beautiful New Year's interior decoration .

More snowflake options

Snowflake. Step by step manufacturing process

Take a rectangular sheet of white paper and, following the instructions, cut out a snowflake from it. Fantasy, invent your own patterns, and you will get the most unusual and beautiful snowflake!

And hang them on the walls and windows. It's time to remember how to cut paper snowflakes with your own hands. We have collected easy schemes and templates for you. Christmas snowflakes to help you make these 1.

While we have nowhere to hurry, let's practice cutting snowflakes, starting with simple ones, and improving our skills to. Photo schemes, snowflake templates that you can download and print, and videos from step by step instructions how to do beautiful snowflakes from paper with your own hands.

How to cut beautiful snowflakes out of paper with your own hands: diagrams, photos and videos

Let's start from the very easy way cut snowflakes out of paper, which is suitable even for beginners and children. See carefully the diagram of how to fold paper for a snowflake, and where to make cuts.

Snowflake patterns for the New Year

Paper snowflake ballerina: cutting templates, diagram

You can download and print the snowflake ballerina template from paper for cutting. From several of these snowflake ballerinas, you can then make a New Year's garland.

Do-it-yourself curly New Year's paper snowflakes: simple patterns for cutting

Snowflake schemes for the New Year from paper

DIY Christmas paper snowflake (video)

How to cut a beautiful snowflake out of paper (Schemes)

How to make a do-it-yourself 3D paper snowflake (Video)

Do you think that it is very difficult to make such a three-dimensional 3D snowflake with your own hands? Watch this video showing how to cut beautiful paper snowflakes step by step. This is not only for adults, but also for children. can be beautiful christmas decoration for wall or window.

How to cut beautiful snowflakes out of paper (Photo)

Schemes of beautiful snowflakes for cutting

Christmas paper snowflakes: cutting patterns

Do-it-yourself stencils of New Year's paper snowflakes

Snowflakes from the cartoon "Frozen"

You can also cut out New Year's snowflakes that you and your children cut with your own hands.

Until the mood appears, we will not feel the onset of the most magical holiday. How to get this mood? Start preparing an apartment or house for the celebration: make New Year's wreaths, paper crafts with children on a winter theme, look at decor information and stick openwork snowflakes on the windows.

There are craftsmen who have just folded a piece of paper and already see or draw an ornament on it, along the contour of which the product will be cut. I think that this does not require a hefty fantasy. We will do it easier and take the templates and diagrams that I will show in this article as the basis for snowflakes.


Simple and beautiful paper snowflakes with diagrams

There are very complex options for cutting, I didn’t even consider them, because it’s simply impossible to cut a sheet folded four or five times. Therefore, we take simpler schemes.

Of course, these can be taken as a basis, and not only paper, but also plywood, felt or cardboard can be used. But it’s easier for your child to cut out such an ornament from landscape sheet or copier sheets.

On the diagrams, the white part is cut off.

The paper is folded three times, then 6 corners are obtained.

For those who transfer the pattern by hand, there is a whole selection of all kinds of patterns.

Or here are some options.

You can experiment and take something that is not familiar to everyone White color, and buy blue, blue, red and yellow shades.

And craftsmen stick such beauty not only on windows or walls, but also make a real element of decor using beautiful ribbons and a photo frame like the photo below.

Interesting idea, right?

Patterns for cutting paper snowflakes

If you want to get a better look at the diagram, then you can zoom in on the monitor and only then circle it.

I have long noticed that a snowflake looks prettier if it has a little cut off the tip. Available in the shape of a heart, circle, rhombus or triangle.

If you cut the center at an angle, you get an asterisk in the middle.

Or like here.

Curls give delicacy to the finished version.

Use animal shapes, such as cats.

Or the shape of stars, Christmas trees.

Very simple circuit for cutting.

This pattern can be cut even by a small child.

Petals and rounded shapes will make the snowflake more rounded and full.

It is better to take a larger sheet of paper, then the lines will be thicker, and the pattern will look better.

Use well-known openwork shapes: heart, rhombus, curl.

Templates for cutting paper snowflakes for windows that can be printed

Here's a couple interesting patterns that are easy to print to a printer. Cut along the outline and attach to a folded sheet of paper to circle.

Most often, a sheet of paper is folded three or four times. And the more folding, the more delicate and fluffy the snowflake turns out, but it becomes more difficult to cut it.

The gray part is cut out here.

On the windows, my child and I glue paper figures and winter applications for toothpaste. Sticks well and washes off quickly.

Interesting options with the silhouettes of the Olaf snowman from the cartoon and the deer.

Another selection of beautiful patterns.

To cut out small details, use a clerical knife or blade.

Sharp corners look very nice.

You can make a completely round snowflake.

You will want to take a closer look at the snowflake with silhouettes of butterflies and flowers.

Do not try to stick them on PVA glue! It is very difficult to clean it from glass, sometimes you even have to scrape it off the glass, which leaves scratches on it. I have a couple of friends who thought of doing this. They were tormented in the spring to wash off the consequences.

Or you can take as a basis self-adhesive colored paper, it is sold in many stationery stores. It is quite dense and easily comes off the surface.

Paper snowflakes: cutting templates

I really like it when walking in the yard on a winter evening, you see interesting combinations of snowflakes and figurines on the windows of your neighbors. new year characters. A festive mood and a desire to invent and make something with your own hands are created. And not just buy something ready in the store. Nevertheless, in creativity we are realized.

And how happy the kids are! Our process was structured like this: I fold a sheet of paper and draw a pattern on it, the child cuts it out and, together with dad or grandmother, go to glue it on the window. Adults control the observance of the composition on the window and the consumption of toothpaste, and the child is fully responsible for the gluing process. In general, everyone is involved, the mood also appears in everyone.

You can use all of these patterns to decorate and wrap gifts.

To create a harmonious composition on the window, it is better to glue the largest snowflakes on top along the perimeter of the upper sash, and reduce the diameter of the decor to the bottom, so it will turn out interesting and tasteful.

Alternatively, you can glue them around the entire perimeter of the window without touching its middle. This pattern is often used on scarves. It turns out like a wreath, only at the edges there are large snowflakes, and towards the center they become smaller.