No one to meet the new one. Nowhere and no one to celebrate the new year. Go to the yard with neighbors

with no one or no one or no one

How to spell correctly?

In Russian, the word "no one" is written only separately - with no one .
Depending on the context of the sentence the right option maybe a phrase with no one, which is also written only separately - with no one .

Word spelling rule

The composition of this phrase includes the preposition "with", which determines the separate spelling of the phrase. If it were not there, then the expression would lose its semantic meaning. In our case, the phrase with no one" means " there is no one with whom ...". Without a preposition, it would just be a negative pronoun " no one". Expression " with no one" also contains the preposition "with", so it is written separately. However, the meaning of this phrase is different from the first one. It denotes the abstract concept of the absence of anyone at all. The difference between the two expressions can be seen in the following example: Yulia didn't go to the cinema with anyone today. Yulia has no one to go to the cinema with today.


  • The worst thing about being alone is that with no one even talk heart to heart.
  • At the new place of residence, little Sashenka, not to be friends, with no one I even had to walk.
  • The fact that Tatyana Ivanovna with no one It was to go to the cinema, it did not upset her at all.

The famous oriental poet Omar Khayyam wisely remarked: "And it's better to be alone than with just anyone." Therefore, if the circumstances are such that New Year you are left without company, do not be upset.
First, think about how you can benefit from the current situation.

First of all, you get the opportunity to celebrate the New Year the way you want. Agree, there is a certain charm in this - there is no need to rush anywhere and wait for anyone, you can be alone with yourself and quietly enjoy the magic of New Year's Eve.
But for this you need to be in a good mood. Thoughts that everyone is having fun together, and I'm sitting here alone (alone) and I feel so lonely, sad, bored, sorry for myself ... (the list goes on!) is absolutely wrong! First, who are these "everyone"? Majority?

But we can say for sure that even on your street, not one or two people do not know with whom to celebrate the holiday, and whether it is necessary to celebrate it with someone at all. The Internet on New Year's Eve is just seething: someone plays games, someone writes to someone, someone just climbs sites, and this is right after midnight on January 1! This means that not all new year's eve enjoy the company of family or friends. And there are many more who, after the chimes, ended up in the wrong place at all - in a traffic jam, for example. What's a merry New Year? Add here people who made a mistake in choosing a New Year's circle of friends and now they are longingly thinking that it was better to stay at home alone (alone) than here and with them.

In a word, your situation is by no means the saddest. The main thing is your own good mood. If there is no one to expect gifts on New Year's Eve, please yourself - in any case, such a gift will definitely not bring disappointment, because your desires are best known to you yourself.

Do not neglect elegant clothes, they will certainly improve your mood. Let no one see your outfit, but the invisible owners of the coming year - the White Rabbit and the Cat - will definitely appreciate your preparation for their meeting and bring good luck next year. By the way, astrologers advise choosing clothes from shiny fabric, or spruce up your costume with glittery accessories. White, gold and yellow shades of clothing are ideal.

Even if on New Year's Eve you will be the only eater, it still makes sense to cover a small festive table. But abused alcoholic drinks at this hour it definitely shouldn’t be - alcohol will not improve your mood for a long time, rather, on the contrary, it will spoil the charm of the New Year's Eve hour. Before the chimes, mentally thank the outgoing year of the Tiger for everything good that it brought you and eat a symbolic piece of meat - a tribute to the striped predator. Well, after the chiming clock, it is better to limit meat dishes so as not to offend the Rabbit, it is better to add apples and greens to the table.

Don't forget to make a wish to the sound of the chiming clock, and it will surely come true! Well, then you can act according to your mood. If you do not feel like going out, then do not force yourself to participate in the general fun. Even if, after the traditional New Year's "light" on TV, you decide to lie down and fall asleep, this also has its advantages - on the morning of January 1, you will be able to remain cheerful, wake up earlier than others, go out onto a deserted street and admire the winter picture, or watch the city wake up after the holiday.

However, if you decide to leave the house on New Year's Eve, you may be in for a pleasant surprise, because people on a holiday are usually lively and friendly, everyone wants to communicate, so if you want to get to know someone, it will not be difficult for you. And then, perhaps, in the New Year you will have great new friends. Just do not forget the words of the poet with which this story began!

The most family of all holidays - Christmas and New Year - for single people are a very difficult period. The absence of the second half is then felt most painfully. Many single people, voluntarily not in a permanent relationship, also feel not quite comfortable at this time. What can be done to make the holidays a success, no matter what? Where and how to celebrate the New Year and Christmas for a single person - a woman and a man?

lonely new year

The sight of happy couples making bulk purchases, cheerful calls, songs, carols, all this festive fuss is relentlessly reminding single people that the closeness of another person is something that is really very important.

The abundance of holiday-related information in the media, childhood memories and social patterns of behavior accepted in society make it so that unmet needs now make themselves felt most painfully. This applies not only to the turn of the year and Christmas, but also to other holidays that are usually celebrated in the family, in the company of loved ones.

This problem - there is no one to celebrate the New Year with - is faced mainly by people who have become lonely against their will: someone close has died or left (for example, a couple divorced). If there is still mourning, the sadness and despair are so great that even a house full of people cannot fill the void.

It is also difficult for those who do not yet have family life. Loneliness is painful for people living in love triangles. Some are lonely for years because they don't have anyone close to them. And this applies not only to the elderly and seriously ill people. But what can I say - many people without a partner, quite comfortable and even feeling great in everyday life, also feel lonely on holidays.

What to do on holidays alone?

Some take duty at work, others leave with the company to ski or to warm countries. Someone visits distant relatives because among closer relatives he feels completely alone in this world. Someone else is "sewn up" within their four walls. Basically, these are young people who do not have a couple by virtue of their own choice, who have concentrated their lives around a career. Holidays are a time for them when they can finally do something for themselves. They read books they didn't have time to read, make up for lack of sleep, do what they like. And since such people, as a rule, have many friends, after the family Christmas and the wishes of the "benevolent" aunts "finally arrange their personal lives," they arrange festive meetings with friends.

It is difficult to give universal advice on where and how to celebrate the New Year and Christmas for a single woman or man. One thing is clear: to make the holidays a success, you need to relax. And how exactly they will be carried out by a single person depends largely on them. It is important to understand that, despite the magical atmosphere of this period, it will not be possible to change your life situation in just a couple of days. We will not find a prince from a fairy tale under the tree, so we must make good use of what we have. According to the crisis theory used in psychology, each crisis can give rise to some kind of development. Let's start from this!

Don't pretend there's no holiday

  • If there is no one to celebrate the New Year with, do not think of the holiday as something bad, as a test that you have to go through. Stop telling yourself that these days will be painful, because without a partner you will feel like a fifth wheel at the table. After all, you are certainly not a weak-willed person - instead of feeling sorry for yourself, it’s better to try to “fit in” with the group you want to be with these days. Say openly that you have no one to spend the New Year, Christmas with, ask if you can come. Surely there will be friends who will gladly invite you to their place, they just cannot guess your secret expectations. And at the table, the hosts will already make sure that you do not feel lonely among the guests, that you have someone to talk to.
  • If you're in for a lonely new year, decorate your home with a Christmas tree - for yourself, not for anyone else. Invite friends or someone like you who doesn't have company. Even though this family holidays, you do not have to sit at the table without fail with your family, surrounded by a bunch of children and aunts. You can propose a celebratory meeting that does not correspond to traditions = stereotypes, for example, in sportswear during a long walk through the forest.
  • An alternative is also a trip to the recreation center in some a good place. Although there will be the same families, there is still hope to meet a kindred spirit and "brothers in loneliness." And you can look for special travel offers: now many companies organize the New Year especially for single people.
  • You can join in charity events help in the preparation of the holidays in orphanage or nursing home/disabled people, organize gift collection, make colorful bags and take them to the hospital. Or perhaps it is in these holidays in the most unexpected (and, it would seem, in the most unfavorable environment) something will happen that will change your life? And your holidays will no longer be lonely ...

They live next to us

It is worth looking around - maybe in your environment there is a lonely elderly person, sick, deprived of support. It is worth considering inviting him to your place for Christmas or New Year's table or go to him with festive treats and a symbolic gift.

Some of these people actually have families, but for various reasons end up in nursing homes or hospitals where they will be on holidays. It's not true that old people don't care anymore. The feeling of loneliness and moral suffering worsen their well-being and health. You need to remember this.

How to spend the holidays when someone close is gone?

New Year's Eve and other family holidays are especially difficult for single people who have lost someone close. How difficult - it depends on the strength of mutual feelings, relationships. Psychologists advise not to avoid meetings with relatives or friends. Sometimes people want to, but are embarrassed to invite a person in mourning, because they are afraid of rejection, some negative manifestations. Then it is worth making a proposal to organize joint holidays.

People in mourning often say that they will not spoil someone's celebration with their sadness. It is up to them what to do with this grief. It is difficult to “turn off” grief, but at the table you can not talk about these topics.

If lonely holidays stem from divorce, then the memories and emotions associated with it get in the way too. good mood. When someone is sad, you cannot order him to be comforted, and he cannot give such a command to himself. Some people prefer to be left alone with their grief and worries, and the people who invite them should respect this. But, without insisting, leave a "loophole", saying that the guest can come to them at any time. If you yourself are in the role of such a guest, then also do not refuse the invitation categorically and irrevocably: it is possible that at the last moment you still change your mind or in the midst of New Year's Eve or at another time you will feel an acute desire to be among other people.

Christmas and New Year - a time for reflection and reflection

During the holidays, we sum up. So it’s worth thinking about your existence - do we really lead a lifestyle that suits us internally. Are you a convinced loner who only experiences a little discomfort on holidays, or are you alone against your will? If you don't want to be alone, then why are you still alone? Maybe you have withdrawn from people, maybe you have difficulty making contacts, you are afraid of them or ashamed of them. Some people want to be alone - both on holidays and on weekdays, but this is unnatural when people do not strive for close relationships. Then, as a rule, there is a second bottom in the situation that needs to be looked for: bad relationships in the family, disappointment in friendship, love, low self-esteem. We need to change this so that the next holidays are no longer lonely, but completely different.
If you are in conflict with your family, consider how to resolve it. If you don't have friends - what can you do to find them. You are afraid of new relationships - how to open up to them. Women who spend the holidays alone because they have an affair with married man, you should think about what they expect from such a scenario. When there is no future, they themselves block their way to another, full-fledged, connection. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, seek the help of a psychologist. Sometimes it's easy enough frank conversation and sometimes therapy is needed.

A lonely New Year, birthday or other holiday does not have to turn into a test of nerves and longing for another - brighter, richer - life. The main thing is not to “get stuck” in your negativity and look at the situation from a broader perspective. Then the question of how and where to celebrate the New Year and Christmas for a single woman or man can be solved, albeit in a “non-standard”, but giving a sense of satisfaction way.

I am writing this note with a deep hangover. Hands shaking, fingers falling on the wrong keys on the keyboard. So sorry for the slips. And all not for the sake of hooliganism or chronic alcoholism, but only for the sake of the will of the editor who sent me on the assignment. After all, there is such a phenomenon - lonely Muscovites. New Year's Eve is just around the corner, and they don't even have anyone to drink with. But it turned out - the matter is fixable.

- Hello, Vyacheslav? I'm calling you from an ad. I am looking for a companion.

The last sentence was the hardest for me. Still, I am a non-drinker (in general), but in this moment generally sober. And the man specified the address. And in 40 minutes he was there. We immediately switched to you.

You have a good job, - I said on the way to the cafe.

He admitted that he began drinking companionship this winter. There are few clients so far.

We sat down near the window and ordered a beer. Vyacheslav drank from his glass, grunted contentedly and offered to switch to something stronger. The waiter nodded understandingly and a minute later was unloading vodka, sliced ​​lemon, orange juice and herring from the tray. I took out three and a half thousand rubles (yes, communication is not cheap these days) and handed them over to my drinking buddy.

- This, - I say, - you for work. And then we'll forget.

Slavka did not count and put the money in his pocket. At first, he acted like he was on an exam. He lowered his eyes, did not know where to put his hands. But after the third glass he grew bolder and said:

Babs are evil.

I hiccupped silently and demanded an explanation.

Nobody knows what they want, - Vyacheslav developed the theme. - I'm forty-one years old. And I am a child compared to a woman. By the way, my wife is a teacher...

If Slava's speech is reduced to theses, then the general meaning is as follows. There is no love. It was invented by idle poets. But there is a chemistry that comes from women and that is stronger than any man. No wonder Mayakovsky fell in love with Lilya Brik.

I kept trying to figure out what Slavka does for a living. But he, despite alcohol intoxication, rested to the last. And he refused to elaborate. He only said that a couple of years ago he received a degree in psychology.

- What university? I asked.

And what's the difference, - Slavka answered me. - Why do you want to know? Imagine that we are just neighbors. We are going to Novy Urengoy.

I imagined.

Slavka laughed all the way and was in an extremely cheerful frame of mind. Most of all, he was amused by the fact that a year ago I got divorced.

I don’t understand why you need to get married, - said Slavka. - Here I live with my civil marriage and I'm not complaining. So don't rush into this. And take yourself not a Muscovite, but some rural woman. They are more modest.


How much money have we wasted

We drank the last one. I also had to pay the bill. And he came out quite big.

To be honest, I don't remember how much it cost and exactly how much we ate and drank. I am a liter of beer and a bottle of vodka. He - 0.5 beer and a bottle of vodka. Orange juice. Two servings of potatoes with herring. Lemon slice. Two servings of beef. Two servings of toast. Everything seems to be. And how from a bush 4000 rubles. Plus 3500 for the service. Total: 7500 - for a dubious conversation with a leavened psychologist and headache next morning. By the way, if you call a "drinking buddy" on New Year's Eve, you will have to pay three times more for the service - more than 10 thousand. After all, you don’t have anyone, but all the “drinking companions” have families.


Skating, sitting in the lotus position


My colleague Pavel Klokov was disappointed in the “drinking buddy” service. I offer singles more optimistic options for celebrating the New Year

In the life of any person, it can happen that, due to any circumstances, celebrate the New Year will not be with anyone. This is very insulting and annoying, but you should not hang your nose, because even in this case you can have a great and fun time.

If there is no opportunity to spend this wonderful holiday with close and dear people, do not despair. After all, obviously you have acquaintances and friends who may want to share these magical hours with you. You should not think that you will burden or put someone in an uncomfortable position with your proposal - people can always politely and delicately refer to any reasons and gently refuse. Therefore, if you are still invited to visit, then you are really welcome.

Every year, many entertainment establishments arrange New Year's Eve. This is a great opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and meet main holiday year in an atmosphere of unbridled fun and dizzying dances. Here you can make new friends and meet interesting people. And most importantly - no pre-New Year fuss, because there is no need to crumble "Olivier" and set the table.

It would seem - it is banal and boring, but no! After all, you can devote this time to yourself, fulfill your old dreams and desires, buy a bunch of goodies and please yourself with rare dishes. Be sure to buy yourself a gift that would be remembered for years to come. Engage in your favorite hobby or lie on the couch watching your favorite comedies - no matter what you do, the main thing is that it brings pleasure.

If, nevertheless, loneliness scares you, then you can go to listen to the chiming clock to the main Christmas tree of the country. Here you will definitely not be alone.

The New Year's atmosphere and the crowd of celebrating people will undoubtedly cheer you up, it is possible that new pleasant acquaintances will be made.

If you are a fan of winter entertainment, then open-air ice skating rinks will help you. Ice skating will not only set you in a positive mood, but will also have a positive effect on health. After all, it is so wonderful and unusual to describe circles and make curly elements to the sounds of New Year's fireworks.

If the distance prevents you from celebrating the New Year in the circle of people close to you, then there is the opportunity to go online using special applications via the Internet. This will allow not only to hear voices dear to the heart, but also to see faces. Thus, you will not be left alone, but share this magical moment with your family.

As a rule, after the chiming clock in many courtyards, one can observe crowds of neighbors launching fireworks and singing funny songs. This is a great opportunity to join the celebration of the celebration, or just watch the beautiful spectacle.

And it doesn’t matter which scenario of the New Year’s Eve you choose, the main thing is a positive attitude. And then you will remember this year as the most unusual in your life.