On the issue of assessing appearance. How to love yourself? Appraisal of one's own appearance

A person in early youth forms an idea of ​​himself, determines the attitude towards his I - physical, social, etc. (R. Burns, E. Erickson). And first of all, young men and women determine the degree of their own attractiveness for others, and then mental and other individual characteristics. As in the Russian proverb: "They meet according to their clothes - they see them off according to their mind." The appearance of the body, and the image presented to society are one of the accentuated realities for today's youth.

Attitude to the physical Self as a new psychosocial parameter that appears in youth, at the positive pole appears in the form of ego-identity, at the negative pole - in the form of role confusion . The challenge young people face is to bring together all the knowledge they have about themselves up to this point and integrate these multiple self-images into a personal identity that represents the awareness of both the past and the future that follows logically from it. E. Erickson emphasizes the psychosocial essence of ego-identity, paying close attention not to conflicts between psychological structures, but rather to the conflict within the ego itself, i.e. on identity conflict and role confusion. In his theory, the main emphasis is on the "ego" and on the influence of society, especially the peer group. In life, young people often create idols and idols for themselves, from whom they borrow mainly their behavior and image.

K. Rogers defined "I" as a differentiated part of the phenomenal field, or field of perception of a person, which consists of conscious perception and values ​​\u200b\u200bof I. I-concept or image I means a person’s ideas about what he is, reflects those characteristics that a person perceives as part of himself. The image of the Self is associated with orientation in space and time, movement pattern, kinesthetic sensations and visual perception, it also includes mental historical aspects - our past experience, assessment of our appearance.

K. Rogers argued that it is important for any person to be loved and accepted by others. This need for positive attention, which is universal, develops as an awareness of the emergence of "self". Positive self-attention correlates with satisfaction with self-approval and dissatisfaction with disapproval of oneself. As if the structure of the Self has become for itself a "significant social other." Developing positive self-attention ensures that a person will strive to act in such a way that both others and himself speak favorably of his actions.

The importance of the interaction of the developing personality with other people is great. Self-awareness and value orientation of the individual mirror the reactions of the surrounding people to it. B.F. Zeigarnik wrote that “just as we see our face, figure, clothes in a mirror, so in our imagination we try to imagine how our appearance, manners, goals, actions, character, friends are reflected in the thoughts of other people ... - and it affects us in a certain way.” So in the process of socialization, a person forms his “I-concept”.

Modern girls tend to underestimate their appearance. Therefore, we consider the problem of perceiving one's body as an external appearance in a youthful environment, especially among girls, to be relevant.

In order to study the features of perception external image In comparison with the images of models among female students of the 1st and 3rd courses of the Faculty of Psychology, we conducted an empirical study, which was based on the following assumption: girls 17-18 years old are characterized by evaluative characteristics regarding the external image of the I, oriented towards compliance fashion style.

The study was conducted at the Faculty of Psychology of the PSPU. V. G. Belinsky (in 2005 and 2007). The study involved 55 girls, including: 17 first-year students in 2005, 22 third-year students in 2007, and 16 first-year students in 2007. Thus, we formed three groups of subjects:

Group 1 - girls who studied at the 1st year of the Faculty of Psychology in 2005;

Group 2 - the same girls, but already in 2007;

The 3rd group are girls studying at the 1st year of the Faculty of Psychology in 2007.

The subjects were offered 5 photographs of models, which had to be ranked according to the degree of decreasing attractiveness for the respondents, justifying their choice.

Then it was proposed to fill in the following table, evaluating the I-real and I-ideal according to the following 10 indicators: slim, tall, long legs, expressive facial features, well-groomed skin, well-groomed hair, well-groomed hands, big breasts, stylish clothes, suitable make-up

The subjects had to evaluate their visible self-image and present an ideal vision of the girl's external image on a ten-point scale.

To the question “what attracts you to the image of this girl (model)?” a wide variety of responses were given. The most common responses in 2005 were: “having an attractive style” (41.1%) and “good appearance"(41.1%). To the question “what repels you with the image of this girl?” the answers were approximately the same: “lack of style” (43.7%), “too thin” (18.7%).

From the above data, it can be seen that for the first group of girls two years ago it was important to have an attractive style, always look good, as evidenced by the answers. But the lack of style and excessive thinness were not welcomed by the subjects.

The second group, answering the question: “what attracts you to the image of this girl (model)?”, answered: “she is stylishly dressed” (31%) and “she has an attractive face” (31%). To the question: “what repels you the image of this girl”, the following answers were given: “her face is not visible” (53%) and “not attractive clothes, lack of style” (31.5%).

Comparing the frequency of occurrence of indicators of the first and second groups, we did not receive statistically significant differences - the same image (model No. 1). However, other images of the models received a different distribution. For girls, two years later, not only the “ability to dress”, but also the presence of a “beautiful hairstyle” and a “well-groomed face” became significant. In contrast to their initial answers, when first-year students considered “inability to dress” as the most unattractive parameter, two years later they focused on the attractiveness and well-groomed face, although style continues to occupy one of the first places in their choice.

The students of the third group to the question: “What attracts you to the image of this girl (model)?”, Answered: “beautifully dressed” (37%), “pretty” (26%). The following answers were given to the question “what repels you from the image of this girl”: “unattractive face” (37.5%) and “do not like the style” (37.5%).

Statistical analysis showed similarities between the choices of the first and third groups. Perhaps the lack of differences is due to the comparability of the age of the respondents in the first and third groups. Therefore, their own appearance, the presence of a fashionable style, the ability to make a pleasant first impression is important. Thus, for girls aged 17-18, the main thing is the external presentation of the physical image, which has an assessment in the dichotomous system "attractiveness (corresponding to fashionable style) - unattractiveness (non-conformity to fashionable style)".

After interpreting the second part of the task, in which the subjects had to evaluate their ideal and real vision of their own image, the following results were obtained (Fig. 1):

    girls of groups 1 and 3 have not yet formed a holistic picture of their image, they are quite critical of their appearance (the difference between the ideal and the real is large and averages 5-6 points);

    girls of the 2nd group tend to form an adequate assessment of their image (the shift between I-ideal and I-real averages 2-3 points).

The agreement of the shift of values ​​between the ideal and real images of I showed the presence of a connection between groups 1 and 3 (r=0.9), which proves the absence of differences between the distributions of assessments of one's own appearance. And moreover, it confirms the hypothesis that girls aged 17-18 are characterized by evaluative characteristics regarding the external image of the self, oriented towards compliance with the fashionable style. Therefore, the difference between the estimates of the real external image of the Self and the ideal external image of the Self is great.

Fig.1. Distribution of value shift between indicators
I am the ideal and I am the real

Thus, our hypothesis that there are differences between the self-perception of third- and first-year psychology students was confirmed. Third-year girls evaluate their image less critically, focusing on their merits. As our study showed, the majority of first-year students do not adequately evaluate their image by comparing themselves with the advertised model standards, and, accordingly, we can assume that there is a negative impact of the advertised images of models on the auto-attitude of modern girls 17-18 years old.

Thus, based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    The most attractive feature of modern girls is considered stylish clothes and appearance, because this category occupies a leading place in the assessments of most girls, both today and two years ago;

    Unattractive features include lack of style, unattractiveness of the face;

    Most girls aged 17-18 are critical of their appearance and consider their image to be far from ideal, since the difference between their own and ideal parameters is 4-7 points. But by the age of 20, these indicators change and the difference between the I-real and I-ideal does not exceed 3-4 points;

    All subjects focused on style and ability to dress.

The first thing we pay attention to is silhouette and proportions.
Perhaps this is the most important thing in building an image.
Each person has a different type of figure, and each type has its own silhouettes.
A silhouette is an outline of a figure with clothes.
Accordingly, knowing the advantages and disadvantages of his figure,
we can adjust it with the silhouette of clothes.
Inextricably linked with the silhouette and proportions -
this is the ratio of the lengths of horizontal divisions in clothes
to each other and to the overall growth.
The law of the "golden section" applies here, i.e. harmonious combinations perceived by our eyes.
"Golden section (golden proportion, division in the extreme and average ratio) -
division continuous value into two parts in such a way that
the smaller part is to the larger, as the larger is to the whole.

To make it clearer, let's look at an example.

In the left picture, the total length of the blouse to the length of the trousers is related as 1 to 1,
those. The length of the blouse is approximately equal to the length of the trousers.
In this example, this perception is smoothed out due to the same color of the blouse and
trousers. Visually, this is perceived by the eye as insufficient leg length.
How can this be fixed? Add a heel and accentuate the waist with a belt.
In the right picture, the proportions are harmonious.

So, back to the algorithm for assessing appearance.
The second is legs, or rather, its lower part: shoes, its color and shape.

The shape should be harmonious to the overall silhouette.
The color of the shoes should, as it were, “put an end” to the overall image,
to be its harmonious completion.
If it's summer outside, and the shoes open the legs,
then we will definitely pay attention to the well-groomed skin and nails.

The third is head, haircut, hair.

kare-bob haircut

Needless to say, the most best hairstyle is a clean head.
It is also important to note the length of the hair here.
It should be proportional to the overall height of the person, including the height of the heel. Why do so many people ignore this fact?
Here we return to the first point about proportions.

The fourth is face.

First of all, others notice the condition of the skin,
and then everything else. The main thing is the general impression of well-groomed,
and not the make-up itself and its subtleties.

And finally, we come to the fifth point in assessing appearance - this is arms.
Hands betray our age in the first place
and the condition of the skin is much more important here than trendy color varnish in our
manicure. Of course, their general well-groomedness and cleanliness are also important.
It should be noted that the optimal length of the regrown nail is 3-4 mm,
and the sexiest nail polish color is the one that matches the color of the clothes.
And remember that not only you evaluate others, but they also evaluate you.
And these five simple tips help you always look 100%.

The English say: “Hands are what distinguishes a true lady from a simple woman”

I suggest you do a "beauty test" , in order to help every woman to know her appearance. How is it done? Put on your bathing suit and stand in the daylight in front of a large, full-length mirror. Walk in front of him, look at yourself from all sides, from the side, from the back (using a hand mirror). Don't overlook any of the little things. However, do not be too picky about yourself, do not focus on minor minor flaws in your appearance. On the other hand, don't be too narcissistic.
Try to be objective. The following approach will help you with this. First, try to look at yourself through the eyes of an unfriendly rival (although this is not very pleasant!) Assess your appearance from this position. Now imagine that a man in love is looking at you, this will help you note your undoubted merits. After you have completed your observations, rate yourself on a five-point scale against each item in the list below.

Weight (fullness)
Proportions (proportionality of body parts)
Posture (slenderness, stateliness)
Hair color
Color of the skin
Skin quality

Hair (thickness, texture)
Face (as a whole)
Facial skin quality
Face oval
forehead shape
Profile line

Lateral line of the body (in front)
Front line of the body (in profile)
Back line of the body (in profile)
Leg length
Leg shape:
upper part (to the knee)
lower part (from the knee)
Leg straightness
upper part (to the elbow)
lower part (from elbow)

Ready? Excellent! And now we will move on to the next step.

Circle with a red pencil those appearance parameters for which you gave yourself the highest marks, that is, "five" (or "four" if you are too self-critical and you did not have "fives"). Pay attention, these elements are the "trump cards" of your appearance! You have the right to be proud of them and boldly put them on public display. Choose clothes, cosmetics and accessories that emphasize them as much as possible. The "trumps" of appearance are the weapons of your feminine irresistibility, and therefore it is simply ridiculous to hide them from others.
And now circle with a black pencil those elements of your appearance against which you have set yourself "twos" (or "threes" if you do not deserve "twos"). These are the problem areas of your appearance. You need to learn how to skillfully disguise them, hiding from the eyes of the viewer and in no case exposing them to the public. Choose clothes, cosmetics and accessories that hide your shortcomings as much as possible.
Keep in mind that not only and not so much those lucky women, whose external data are impeccable and perfect, become luxury women. Much more important is the ability of a woman to draw the attention of others to the merits of her appearance, and at the same time skillfully mask her shortcomings. Therefore, in an effort to look great, take care, first of all, that the “trump cards” of your appearance are presented as effectively and catchy as possible! At the same time, do not forget that you must always hide your shortcomings and not show your weaknesses to others. Follow these rules strictly. Learn to masterfully manipulate the attention of the viewer. Then those around you will always consider you beautiful woman and you will often hear compliments addressed to you!
Let me explain with examples. If you have a great chest, but a full waist, then wear thin, tight-fitting jumpers, chic necklaces, blouses with a deep neckline, and a straight, loose jacket on top. If you have too much Thin legs, and at the same time you have a thick mop of shiny hair, then do not wear short skirts and tight pants, but try to dress up your hair luxuriously. Give them the most trendy shade and make sure that your hairstyle always looks fresh and flawless. Do not neglect even the slightest "trumps" of your appearance. Having, for example, beautiful brushes hands, do not miss the opportunity to demonstrate them with spectacular manicure, bracelets, rings, cuffs of non-standard, interesting styles. Make sure that the beauty of your hands is impossible not to notice. If you have a long, slender neck and dainty ears, then draw attention to them with exquisite, unconventional jewelry. The main thing is to realize what the “trump cards” of your appearance are and do everything so that others simply cannot ignore them.
And here's something else. I advise you to do it at least once every two years. Why? Because during this time your appearance may change. For example, you can gain weight after childbirth or, conversely, lose weight as a result exercise or diet. You can make yourself beautiful teeth that will transform your face, giving it a particularly attractive, sleek look. There are no limits for improvement. To do this, you only need your desire and perseverance in achieving the goal!