Is it possible to wet a leather lace. What to buy for a cross: leather cord or gaitan? Suede care

Gaitan gaitan"ribbon, ribbon or cord on which a pectoral cross is worn; wick", folk. gavitan, govetan, gitan, gantan, gotyan, gostin, archang. (Podv.), other Russian. Gaitan (gram. 1503); see Korsh, AfslPh 9, 508 and Domostr. Zab. 178; Ukrainian gaitan "a belt with a bag upholstered with nails". Loans. from Greek. γαιετανόν (already in Galen) from Middle Lat. gaitanum "belt", possibly Gallic. origin; see Walde-Hofm. 1, 576. Cf. lately Ernstedt, Sat. Vinogradov 131 et seq. The former common explanation from the name of the city of Gaeta in Italy (see G. Mayer, Türk. Stud. 1, 91; Vasmer, Gr.-fl. 45 et seq.; Bernecker 1, 291) - lat. Cāiēta, Greek. Καιήτη (Appian, Diodorus), Καιάτα (Strabo) - obsolete; see also Kretschmer, "Glotta", 5, 293; Helmreich, Philologus 69, 569.

Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Progress. M. R. Vasmer. 1964-1973.


See what "gaitan" is in other dictionaries:

    - (Tatar) cord, ribbon. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. GAITAN (tur.). Generally lace; that's what our people are called. a cord on which a cross is worn. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Husband. gaitanchik, gaitashek · detracts. cord, braid, braid; Own. a cord on which they wear a body cross; southern silk cord. I'll give you the Gaitan from the neck, just hang yourself on it! At least tear the gaitan, but feed your wife. Gaitan, gaitanovy, from ... ... Dictionary Dalia

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    - (Gaitan) Jorge Elécer (January 23, 1898, Bogota, April 9, 1948, ibid.), Colombian politician. Since 1924 Doctor of Laws of the National University in Bogota. In 1929, he spoke in the Congress of Parliament condemning the mass executions ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Many owners of shamanic or ritual tambourines complain that this instrument needs care. The tambourine may change shape slightly over time, the skin may crack and “sag” a little. All this can happen from improper maintenance, transportation and use of the tambourine.
Let's start simple. If you want the tambourine not to be scratched, the drawing does not crumble and is protected from all sides, then order a frame case upholstered with a tarpaulin. This will protect the ritual instrument during transportation and it will be less susceptible to external stimuli and during storage. Also, the tarpaulin will protect against moisture, in which case. And moisture is the main enemy of tambourines.
If you have a rawhide tambourine, then sometimes pellets may appear on the back. They come into resonance with the beats and the result is not a pure sound. It is recommended to clean the tambourine from them when they appear. Then the sound will be clearer.
Store the tambourine at room temperature, preferably in a case, less correct option storage is on the wall. With temperature fluctuations, the tambourine may warp slightly, so do not store tambourines in unheated pantries and sheds.
When using a musical instrument during a kamlanie or a Slavic holiday, do not leave the tambourine near the fire or overnight, otherwise the heat from the fire or dew may temporarily render the tambourine unusable. Although, if it rained during the ceremony, then you can dry the tambourine near the fire. But the tambourine must receive the power of the fire from the back. Using this method, even practicing shamans charge the tambourine with energy before the ritual. The heat from the fire will stretch the skin and you will get a good sound.
There is also a recipe for protecting the skin from cracking and aging, Yes, and they say it protects from moisture. This is the old fashioned way. This requires two components - beeswax, 100 grams and a bottle of gum turpentine (it is non-toxic).
The method for preparing the solution is as follows. Melt the wax in a water bath and add turpentine to it. The resulting solution carefully lubricate the tambourine. Excellent protective agent it turns out! We recommend to everyone. But do not grease with burdock oil, it stinks and over time the tambourine then smells like rotten eggs.
To apply a pattern on a tambourine, use only acrylic paints, they are not afraid of moisture and vibration. It is best to lay down acrylic for fabrics.
Let the tambourine please you for a long time!
We hope our article will help you impose care on your favorite ethnic musical instrument!
remember, that timely care of the tambourine prolongs its service life, and this musical instrument is not cheap!

Cord for a cross

For small child as impossible better fit leather lace for a cross - it is soft and durable. Such cords have long been used in Russia for wearing crosses, pectorals, and reliquaries. Modern leather ropes for crosses are called the Greek word "gaitan". The ends of the gaitan are equipped with jewelry locks, sometimes made of gold or silver, sometimes from gilded metal. When choosing a gaitan, carefully consider the lock, it must be durable, open and close gently, and the metal must be well processed, not scratch the skin, and not damage clothes with sharp tips.

If possible, buy a cord with a silver lock. Silver is a neutral metal, it does not cause allergies and goes well with children's silver crosses. For daily wear, we recommend a simple cotton cord. Its color has a symbolic meaning: white - the Lord Jesus Christ, green - the color of the Holy Trinity, blue - the Most Holy Theotokos, red - the Resurrection of the Lord (Easter) and the holy martyrs, black - the renunciation of sin, yellow - the color of Truth

Types of Gaitan

Laces on the lock are not only leather. They are also made from rubber, silk and cotton yarn. Leather and rubber gaitans are the most durable. It is believed that the skin in the process of wearing becomes softer, it is pleasant to the body. There are whole, simple and wicker gaitans. The silk cord is also very durable. White silk gaitans with a silver clasp will perfectly harmonize with a white silver scapular or cross.

There are special laces for babies. They are made from soft, bulky cotton yarn. These gaitans, voluminous and very soft, are small in length to fit a very tiny baby. Better if they were on a silver clasp. Silver is a soft, delicate, eco-friendly metal.

Even if this is the first time you are faced with the need to buy an infant lace for a cross and you have no idea what they look like, feel free to tell the seller that you are looking for a lace for infant. She will give you what you need. It is this - cotton, wide lace that all mothers choose.

What should be a baby lace

When choosing a cross and laces for a child, remember that he should be comfortable. The best cord is the one that is almost not felt on the body. Outwardly, it is desirable that it be simple, plain, not catchy. The cross is worn under clothing, so the colorful laces of flashy colors can be unpleasantly conspicuous in the neck of a shirt or dress.

An unpretentious, modest cord will teach a child to think that a cross is not an ornament, but a testament to his faith. It is better for small children not to buy thin laces, children are mobile, and when pulled, a thin rope can cut into the body. In addition, they break faster. You also need to keep in mind the length. Gaitans come in a variety of lengths, for a child it is better to choose one so that the cross is 2-3 cm below the collarbone. Excessive length will cause inconvenience to the child.

How to take care of leather cords

The main rule is that leather products should be protected from water. Bathing a child and washing in a leather cord is not recommended. A convenient clasp will help you quickly remove it. But if, for example, a child bathes in a river in the summer, it is certainly not worth removing the cross. After bathing, the lace should be thoroughly blotted in a towel; on a warm day, in the bright sun, it will dry quickly.

In other cases, wet lace should first be wrung out in soft tissue and then dry at room temperature. Never on a hot radiator or near a heat source. Dry skin becomes rough and cracked. If you follow these simple rules, a leather cord will serve you for a long time.

Gaitan is a democratic and, at the same time, traditional product: our ancestors wore such a cord around their neck to wear a cross or a scapular on it. It is cheaper and stronger than a chain, while it looks stylish and modern, suitable for almost any type of clothing and jewelry. The lace for the cross can be leather (both natural and eco-leather), suede, rubber, silicone or silk.

The jewelry lace has an elegant metal clasp - usually silver or cupronickel; there are options with a gold-plated lock. There are no canonical requirements or restrictions here, but many believers fell in love with orthodox-themed gaitans - with the appropriate design of the castle. A pattern can be applied to the clasp of a gaitan, which gives the product a special beauty and individuality, or the text of a prayer, thanks to which such a lace becomes, as it were, a continuation of a cross or icon.

Many believers like to wear several pendants at once: a cross, one or two icons... thin chain might break under that weight. Leather cord for pendants is a great solution to this problem. A rubber lace is also suitable, as well as one made from any other material. The main thing is that the gaitan is made with high quality and has a reliable lock.

Wearing features. How to choose the right gaitan?

Leather lace attracts with its naturalness and concise simplicity. It will appeal to both young people and older people. A thin leather cord is a worthy accessory that will suit both a man, a woman, and a child. It pairs especially well with folk or eco-inspired outfits, but will also work well with formal office attire.

Leather is a versatile material that, with a high-quality product, will serve you for many years, requiring almost no maintenance. The leather lace for the cross, created by Pokrovsky Workshops, is treated with a water-repellent coating that prevents moisture from penetrating inside the product, which is especially important for everyday wear. The material is resistant to direct sunbeams, is not afraid of heat and frost - so, wherever you live and in whatever conditions you are, leather gaytan will be your reliable companion. It is durable and wear resistant. Eco-leather laces will delight animal advocates.

Suede lace - almost identical in its characteristics to leather, but requires a little more delicate handling. This lace is perfect for those who prefer classic or romantic style, because suede is a soft and "warm" material that looks elegant and noble.

Rubber lace is a versatile product. Rubber - natural material, obtained from the juice of plants growing in South America, as well as Indonesia and Malaysia. Rubber lace looks emphatically modern, but will perfectly complement a business or classic outfit. It has a smooth matte surface, is hypoallergenic and has excellent strength properties: quite elastic, rubber gaitan stretches under load, but practically does not tear. It is important to remember that rubber hardens when it comes into contact with water - before taking it. water procedures it is better to remove rubber gaitans.

Silicone gaytans - approach rubber in their characteristics, and surpass them in some parameters: for example, they are not afraid of moisture. There are translucent and transparent cross laces made of silicone - they will especially appeal to those who prefer to dress in a modern style.

Textile (silk) lace - produced from high-quality materials and processed with resistant dyes that do not cause allergies, do not fade in the sun and are not washed off. Beautiful laces made of metallic textiles. You can pick up gaitans for clothes different colors and styles or, for example, for various church holidays (for Easter - red, for the Mother of God holidays - blue, etc.).

The best is for children!

When choosing a lace for a cross for a child, it is important to make sure that the product is strong enough: then the baby will not tear it while playing or simply twisting it in his hands, and will not lose or swallow the pectoral cross. It is equally important that the child does not hurt himself. Based on these requirements, many parents purchase suede or rubber lace for their children - these materials are soft, reliable and natural. The kid learns the world: he pulls everything into his mouth, tries to feel and tear. Made from high-quality, hypoallergenic materials, gaitans from Pokrovsky Workshops are safe for a young discoverer and will become his companions for a long time.

Unity of style

It is no secret that often the pectoral cross is visible in the neckline of summer clothes. I would like the set: cross + gaitan to harmonize with the appearance of its owner. All laces are available in different colors (black, white, different shades brown). Well, silk lace can have any color at all. When purchasing a lace, it is important to keep in mind what kind of product will be worn on it, and who will be its owner. For a massive scapular or a cross, a voluminous braided gaitan made of leather or suede is suitable, for a miniature product - an elegant thin lace. When choosing a lace, it is worth determining what length of the product suits you best. If you want to buy gaitans as Orthodox gifts, the Pokrovsky Workshops website offers you all the existing options for your loved ones.

The size

We produce cross laces in all common sizes: 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 and 70 cm.

    As a rule, to choose a lace, adhere to the following rules:
  • The child is put on a gaitan 40-45 cm long;
  • Teenager - 50 - 55 cm;
  • Woman - 55 - 60 cm;
  • Man - 60 - 70 cm.
  • Certainly, this is only general recommendations: everything is decided by the taste of the owner of the gaitan, as well as with what clothes they will wear it. Some prefer to hide the pectoral cross under their clothes, while others do not mind having it visible. According to tradition, the cross or scapular should not be below the belt - this is also required by the convenience of wearing it. That seems to be all the advice. The choice is yours - more than 450 models of laces presented in our catalog will help you make it!

    Answer: Under the influence of a number of external factors (sunlight, heat, moisture, natural fats, foreign dyes, operating conditions), the skin of each type is subjected to mechanical, thermal and other influences. As a result, a number of problems arise that can be prevented by special means protection.

    The main problems inherent in the surface of the skin:

    • Surface contamination and penetration of dirt into the structure of the skin.
    • Absorption of fat and related change appearance products.
    • Exposure to foreign dyes (markers and ink).
    • Color loss.
    • Lacquer removal.

    The use of a protective cream () will help prevent all of the above problems. This cream contains in its composition natural waxes, which, after applying them to the product, perform the function of controlling the level of humidity, and also allow how to soften skin and give it softness and elasticity.

    After applying a protective cream (), a special barrier is formed on the skin. This protection is especially effective for uncoated leathers, which are highly absorbent.

    The first layer of applied protective cream () impregnates each individual fiber, the second and third layers form a repulsive barrier. This barrier reduces moisture exposure by keeping liquids on the surface, preventing them from being absorbed and damaging the skin. In addition, this barrier helps to reduce the absorption of dyes, as well as fat in those places with which the person most often comes into contact (headrest, armrests).

    In order to protect the leather product, you must do the following:

    1. Prepare the product by treating it with a cleaner ( Leather Ultra Clean ).
    2. Pour a small amount of protective cream () onto a cloth and rub it into the skin in a circular motion.
    3. Cover the entire surface with protective cream () and wait 10 minutes.
    4. Buff the leather with a dry cloth to restore its natural shine and fragrance.

    It is important to regularly clean and protect the surface of the skin with special products, even if external influences are not too noticeable.

    The procedure for cleaning and protecting leather products is recommended to be repeated every three months (as a rule, with the onset of a new season).

    Folk recipes how to soften the skin:

    As a rule, leather products are not afraid of water. They are treated with special water-repellent compounds. Light rain does not threaten the owner who fell under it. leather jacket or shoes, nor the things themselves. The situation will be much worse if the skin is wet to the inner layer, which often happens with shoes. In this case, the skin after drying tans, becomes brittle, hard and unsuitable for further use. What can be done and what should not be done?

    • First of all, if you have heard from someone or read on the Internet that you can try to soften the skin sunflower oil or glycerin - forget about it. The result of these actions will definitely not please you. In the case of glycerin, the skin will become softer, but at the same time it will lose much of its strength, but if you use sunflower oil, after a short time the skin will “harden” even more than it was, while acquiring a greasy, unpleasant, shiny look.
    • Castor oil can be used to soften the skin. This is a good and inexpensive way, in principle, available to almost everyone, since almost every pharmacy has this oil. Most importantly, do not forget to thoroughly clean the leather product before this. Application procedure castor oil very simple. Take a cotton pad, saturate it with oil and evenly saturate the entire outer surface of your boots, bag or leather jacket with it. Wait about an hour and a half, during which time the oil will have time to absorb well and re-treat the surface. The skin will become soft and silky.
    • The second option is a good shoe polish containing wax. It is better to use creams of European or American manufacturers. It will be easier to use a colorless cream, although you can try to pick up a colored cream to match. True, you will not be able to pass the pharmacy anyway. Need to buy a good one baby cream. Then mix both creams in a 50/50 ratio and apply a thick layer on the leather product.