What materials are needed to make a kite. A technique for creating different types of flying kites with a guarantee of a successful launch. History of flying kites

According to an ancient Chinese belief, a kite soaring in the sky takes away all hardships, hardships and illnesses, and the person who launches it is freed from worries and finds peace of mind. Flying a kite is always an extraordinary and amazing sight. What could be better than the sincere delight reflected in the eyes of children and adults when they watch a bright and beautiful flying toy circling in the sky? "Daddy, can we make ourselves a snake too?" - offers a favorite child. And then, finally, a concerned father looks through a bunch of information on how to make a kite at home.

A bit of theory

Before you start building a toy, you should learn a couple of basic terms:

The bridle is several strong threads intertwined with each other, used to fasten the kite to the rail;

Leer is the main thread through which you can control the kite.

How to build a kite to fly

First of all, the surface should not be flat, but should bend under the pressure of the air flow. Therefore, when reading information on how to make a kite at home, pay attention to the fact that the material of the toy should not be stretched too much. Perhaps only the corners of the canvas should be fixed, and this will be quite enough.

But the leading edge of the kite should be properly glued and strengthened so that there are no turbulences. For beginners who do not yet know how to make a kite at home, it is better to give preference to models with long tail, which will improve the balance of the flying structure.

home workshop

The most simple model has a diamond shape. How to make a toy like a kite with your own hands?

1. We take two thin slats made of durable plastic 25 and 50 cm long. We step back from the end of a long bar 15 cm and fix a short one perpendicularly in this place to make a cross.

2. We make the frame from a strong thread. To do this, notches should be made at the ends of the rails and a thread should be pulled into them.

3. The resulting blank is covered with paper, cloth or oilcloth. When cutting out the canvas of the desired size, do not forget to add allowances for fastening.

4. The cut blank is attached to the frame, well lubricated with glue.

5. Now you should fasten the bridle. It should be pulled towards the nose of the kite, and from there - to the right corner, to determine the length of the bridle. Cut the thread and fasten the end on the right corner (it turns out a long thread from one edge to the other). Next, we again take the coil and fasten the fishing line in front of the structure. Having measured the distance to the left corner of the snake and adding another ten centimeters, cut off and tie to the middle of the first thread.

6. Then you need to make a tail out of a thin cord or a strong thread, decorating it with bows or paper hearts.

7. Having tied the leash to the bridle, you can start the long-awaited launch of the flying structure.

Kite: instructions for launching

First of all, you need to choose the right place to start. It should be an open area, without any barriers. Any buildings, as well as trees located nearby, can interfere and form unnecessary swirls of air currents. It is also better to stay away from highways, because children and adults who are carried away by the launch can run out onto the track and not notice the vehicles moving on them.

When the place is determined, you can proceed directly to the launch of the toy. Determine the direction of the wind (remember how you drooled your finger as a child?) and solemnly hand over your pride (created with my own hands snakes) to children, wife, friend, well, or to someone who falls under the arm. The assistant holds the kite above his head, perpendicular to outstretched arms. Holding the reel with the line in your hands, you become so that the wind blows at your back.

Moving away from your assistant at a distance of 20 meters, while unwinding the leash, you need to command: “Let go!”, And sharply pull the rail towards you. If the wind strength is sufficient, then the kite itself will soar above the ground, and you will only have to watch its unforgettable flight with delight. Otherwise, you will have to run a little across the field until the home-made flying structure "lies" on the air flow.

Now you know how to make a kite at home and how to fly it. It remains only to find everything necessary materials and take some time to assemble it. Believe me, the enthusiastic cries of the children and the feeling of excitement that accompanies this exciting game will fully pay off your efforts.

They say that this fun (flying kites) is almost three thousand years old. But even today the desire to fly a kite has not disappeared anywhere. Modern technologies, of course, are able to produce goods for every taste. In the store you can see the toy "Kite", made of many materials, any models and colors. Meanwhile, the snake can be made by hand at minimal cost. Both temporary and monetary.

Such a paper kite is made very quickly and has excellent aerodynamic qualities.

This snake is called "Monk" and is made in just five minutes.

We need a regular printer sheet of paper or any other size of 200-300 mm. It is advisable to take, of course, thicker paper.

The assembly algorithm is the following.

1. We make a square out of a rectangle. Cut off the excess with scissors.

2. In the resulting square sheet tuck one side along the fold line.

3. Then the second.

4. Slightly bend the tucked edges.

5. We bend the upper corner in the opposite direction.

7. Immerse a thread of moderate strength about 300 mm long into a drop of glue, fix it on top with a piece of paper cut from the waste.

8. Coat the corner with glue, glue it to the sheet.

9. We perform the same manipulations with the second side. Let the structure dry.

10. A kite in flight needs stabilization. Therefore, he needs a tail. It can be made from 5-6 wool knitting threads with a length of 500 to 800 mm. We fasten the bundle with the usual sewing thread.

11. Cut out a triangle from the waste paper and use it to fix the tail on the front of the kite. Let the glue dry.

12. We press the bent edges and at a distance of 200 mm we tie two previously glued threads into a knot. The bridle is ready. Tie a spool of thread to the knot. That's it, you can fly a paper kite.

Launching is very easy. The thread from the reel is unwound to a length of about 1000 mm, the wind picks up the toy, and then we simply poison the thread to the desired length. If the kite is unstable in flight, the tail should be lengthened. In strong winds, it is not recommended to let the kite fly, it will turn around. You need to select weather with a slight moderate breeze.

Such a toy is made with known skills in five minutes (excluding the drying time of the glue), and the child will enjoy it immensely. By the way, you can go through the entire assembly process with it. Checked: a toy made by a child with his own hands will not be thrown into a corner by the evening of the next day. Get your son away from the computer, do some magic with him over a piece of paper, go out into the fresh air, fly a kite!

A basic do-it-yourself kite consists of three strips glued to a sheet of dense material. At the end is attached a tail with a small weight, which acts as a rudder. It is important to place the center of gravity in the middle of the hull, then the structure will be able to rise into the air. The lower the kite load, the higher the takeoff will occur. It is necessary to take into account the fact that with the increase in the rise of the kite, the thrust from the ground increases. The supporting structure is subjected to air pressure, so the material for manufacturing must be strong and rigid.

What is a kite

Initially, such aircraft were made in China in the form of a dragon - not a single traditional ceremony in the sky could do without this symbol. And although the manufacture of structures has long gone beyond the borders of China, the name has taken root. Various models of flying devices can be with a base, frameless, flat and multi-plane design. The finished apparatus is held by a long rope called a handrail. The aerodynamic shape contributes to a stable state, and a strong thread helps to keep the kite at the chosen angle of the air currents.


The design of a simple kite, from a flying frame with a stretched coating, can be assembled at home. It won't gain much height, but it will be a good start for getting basic building skills. A single principle works here, based on the aerodynamic, physical properties of objects. Straps are attached to the corners of the body and are combined into a bridle for stable control. Each model is decorated and stabilized by the tail. Maneuverability will improve with additional cargo or multiple tails.

Operating principle

The main condition for a high launch is wind speed (3-4 m/s). It is recommended to run the finished model in an open area where there are no trees and wires. A well-made construction will be lifted by air masses themselves. It is necessary to stand against the wind, letting go of the rope by 10-20 meters. In light winds, you can run to catch the moment when to send the flying machine into the air. It is better to cope with this task together. The smoothness of the flight depends on how correctly the tail and the length of the lines are adjusted to the size of the structure.


There is for your choice a large number of models: flat, three-dimensional, curved, frameless, triangular or consisting of several links. The latter differ from a flat kite in their high structural stability. Multi-cell form, with large quantity individual links, connected in the form of polyhedra. A group of interconnected flying devices looks impressive in the sky. The width of such a product is suitable for attaching a small camera for aerial photography from a height.

How to make a kite with your own hands

To make a flying kite at home, you need to choose a model that determines the shape of the frame and the surface material. Determine the number of carrier rails that support the web in tension . Sheets of paper, fabric, plastic bag, cardboard are used as canvases. You can fix the slings in one or two places of the base. It is possible to give a good aerodynamic force to both an uncontrolled (single-line) and a controlled (multi-line) model. The spool for winding the thread will eliminate tangles during start-up.

From paper

You can make a kite out of paper as follows:

  1. Fold out thick paper square.
  2. Designate the axis of symmetry.
  3. Fold the sides in half.
  4. Make the folds of the corners, forming an accordion.
  5. Pass a long thread through the center of the accordion.
  6. Attach the rail for adjustment.
  7. Connect the bundle of threads prepared in advance.
  8. Decorate the free end of the tail with bows or flaps.
  9. Pull the tail through the hole, secure with a rope.

From fabric

Design original scheme to make a flying wire kite using fabric:

  1. Wrap a piece of flexible wire with threads, fix them at the ends.
  2. Give the wire the desired shape.
  3. Circle a piece of fabric along the contour of the frame, leaving an allowance of one and a half centimeters.
  4. Glue the fabric to the wire blank.
  5. Perform surface decoration.
  6. Tie the rope in several places.
  7. Bring the ends of the ropes to one point, retreating 30 centimeters from the kite, fasten them together.
  8. Attach the rope.

Made of polyethylene

Do-it-yourself kite made of polyethylene:

  1. Prepare two planks, where one is twice as long as the other.
  2. Fold them back up from the top of the long plank.
  3. Secure the connection point with tape.
  4. Wrap the strips with tape, make small cuts.
  5. Pull a strong thread through the incisions, fasten it.
  6. Circle the outline of the finished frame on polyethylene, adding one centimeter.
  7. Cut out and tape the edges.
  8. Tie a thread 30 cm long to a short stick.
  9. Tie a piece of fishing line to the top of a long stick.
  10. Connect all three ends of the fishing line to each other and the thread of the lower corners, for which you will hold the snake, secure with tape.
  11. Decorate with ribbons.

dragon kite

Design big size, resembling a dragon with contours, is performed as follows:

  1. Select frame and cover materials.
  2. Make the supporting base of the desired form of the soaring dragon.
  3. Secure the connected structures with a thin rope.
  4. Make a drawing of the model on paper, use as a template.
  5. Cut out the outlines of the kite for aerodynamic coverage.
  6. Decorate the surface with homemade drawings or stickers.
  7. Attach the outer upholstery to the frame.
  8. Attach the slings, tie the handrail.

box kite

The box kite is a multi-plane kite. It is done like this:

  1. Make 4 long wooden slats and 6 half shorter slats.
  2. Fasten the short ones crosswise with a self-tapping screw.
  3. Attach the long slats to the small ones in the center and at the ends.
  4. Pull the large sides at the corners with wire or rope in a criss-cross pattern.
  5. Wind the rope around the slats, secure it with adhesive tape in the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped of the frame.
  6. Attach the polyethylene strips to the rails making a full circle around the object.
  7. Stretch a rope over the cellophane coating around the perimeter of the square, glue it tightly on the surface.
  8. Make loops of wire for tying the handrail.

Rhombic Serpent

You can assemble a kite with your own hands so that the design has improved aerodynamic characteristics. The description will help you:

  1. Make 6 long wooden slats and 4 slats half as long.
  2. Make from small crosses.
  3. Wrap the sides with wire, fix.
  4. Attach long slats to the sides of the cross pieces.
  5. Coat the wooden slats with drying oil.
  6. Wrap the frame with tape around each cross.
  7. Align the frame in the perpendicular position of the rails in the crosses.
  8. Wrap the body of the kite with tape in two layers, being careful not to damage the shape.
  9. Tie a strong thread to each rail, secure with a strip of tape.
  10. Attach the fishing line to the wide side of the diamond at both ends of the rail.


Making a paper kite is easier and faster than you might think. All you need is one sheet of paper and a few extra supplies that you probably already have at home. The best thing about flying a kite is that you get an unforgettable experience and enjoy the outdoor activities on fresh air. The kite projects proposed in this article are quite interesting and are perfect for children of any age.


Making a fast Schaeffer kite (or bumblebee kite)

    Gather all the necessary materials. It is best to immediately place all the necessary materials on the table or on the work surface on which you are going to make a snake. Below is a list of what you will need to get started:

    • a sheet of A4 paper (paper for printers or design paper);
    • light thread;
    • pencil;
    • stapler;
    • ruler;
    • scissors;
    • hole punch (optional);
    • pleasant breeze or light wind (speed 2.5–6.5 m/s).
  1. Start building the kite. Place a sheet of paper vertically in front of you with its long sides on the left and right. Then fold the paper in half so that the fold itself is on the bottom.

    Mark out the wings of the serpent. Take a pencil and make a point right on the fold of the paper about 5 cm from the left edge. Next, with the same pencil, put another point on the fold of the paper about 5 cm from the first point. In this place, the thread will then be attached.

    Fix the wings of the serpent. Fold the top left corner of the paper to the first point. Don't skip the fold. Do the same with the bottom layer of paper so that both halves of the kite are symmetrical. Fix the corners of the paper brought together with a stapler (the paper clip should be where you marked the first point with a pencil).

    Tape over the thread attachment point where the second point is located with tape, while making sure that the piece of tape taken is enough to paste over both sides of the attachment. Using a hole punch, make a hole in the snake just above the pencil mark. This hole is for thread attachment.

    • If you don't have a hole puncher, you can carefully poke the hole with scissors.
    • The adhesive tape is designed to strengthen the paper in the area of ​​​​the hole so that it does not tear later.
  2. Attach the string to the kite. Thread the thread through the hole of the kite and tie it tightly in a secure knot. If you are especially good mood to create crafts, you can additionally make yourself a handle for a kite from a thick stick or tube, to which you will tie the second end of the thread. With such a handle, it will be easier for you to attract or release the snake; in addition, it will not let you accidentally miss it.

    • A kite-flying thread is also called a lifeline.
  3. Mark the position of the serpent's wings. Use a pencil to mark the top edge of the paper about 4-5 cm from the fold, depending on the desired size of the kite's wings. Place another dot on the bottom edge of the paper about 4-5 cm from the right side. Imagine or draw a line connecting two points.

    • Deltoid kites were first invented by Wilbur Greene in the 1940s, specifically designing their wings to fly well in light winds.
  4. Assemble and secure the wings. Bend the paper (its top layer) along an imaginary or drawn line. Turn the kite over and fold the other side in the same way. Make sure both sides of the kite are perfectly symmetrical. Using tape, attach the folded sides to a friend along the fold line. Already, your kite is starting to take shape.

    Strengthen the frame of the kite. Attach a thin wooden or bamboo stick horizontally to the widest part of the kite's wings (across its longitudinal axis). This part of the kite is also called the sail. Fix the wand in place with tape. Make sure the stick does not protrude beyond the edges of the kite. Otherwise, carefully shorten it with scissors.

  5. Prepare the place for attaching the thread. Mark the lengthwise spine of the kite about one-third from its nose and about an inch from the fold of the paper. Cover this area with duct tape. In this case, a piece of adhesive tape should be large enough to paste over the place where the thread is attached on both sides of the snake. Take a hole punch and punch a hole on the marked mark. A thread will be attached to the hole.

    • Please note that the hole should be located in the narrower part of the ridge of the snake, which is its nose.
    • If you don't have a hole puncher, you can carefully poke the hole with scissors.
    • Scotch tape is needed to strengthen the hole so that it does not tear later.
  6. Tie a thread. Thread the thread through the hole you made and carefully tie it in a secure knot. You can additionally make yourself a handle for a kite from a thick stick or tube, to which you will tie the second end of the thread. With such a handle, it will be easier for you to attract or release the snake, in addition, it will not let you accidentally miss it.

    • A thread for launching a kite is also called a lifeline.

Tatyana Lyashenko

Paper origami. Kite"Monk"

(preparatory group)

In our kindergarten recently reviewed "Mini weather museums", our educators presented to the court of the commission, a lot of various material from the card file of walks, demo material, all kinds of calendars of nature and, of course, crafts that our parents brought us. We educators also did not sit idle. I made for my mini museum paper kite. A little stories: The first kite took to the skies 25 centuries ago. Then no one could explain why it takes off kite, and what forces act on it in flight. At the beginning of the last century air kites were also widely used for meteorological research, with their help, scientists raised instruments to a height of more than 1000 m and measured wind speed, temperature and humidity air, Atmosphere pressure. So what is kite? Kite- tethered aircraft is heavier air. Supported in air wind pressure on a surface placed at a certain angle to the direction of wind movement and held by a lifeline from the ground. Second Sunday in October - World Day kites(World Kite Day, on this day lovers air kites all over the world are launching their flying "pets" And there is currently interest in by air kites are not lost - the creative thought of the inventors of many countries gives rise to more and more new designs of kites

To make the simplest air we need a snake.

We put the threads on the folds and glue them with tape

It turned out two bridles that need to be tied at a distance of 30 cm

The tail can be made from the same threads or taken thicker, or you can glue the ribbon.

This is what we got snake. You can take the kids for walks.