July 12 is a pagan holiday. Slavic holidays, we are Russians!!! We are Slavs!!! November - Breast


04/06 Yarilo Wet is celebrated. In early June, nature pleases the eye with a riot of colors. Yarilo opens the sky, and green herbs are pouring magic power. Spring is leaving, Summer is coming. Before sunrise, they wash themselves with healing dew, go around the fields with bread, illuminate houses and gates. On this day, the Yarilo-Sun shows its strength. After Yarila, hot weather usually sets for seven days. Hence this holiday is also called

19/06 From June 19 to June 24, Rusal Days are held, in which an important cycle of rituals takes place, associated with the "seeing off the mermaids", "egg charm", "mermaid charm". Mermaid days pass after Semik (Yarilin Day)

24/06 the great holiday "God Kupala" is celebrated timed to coincide with the day of the summer solstice (solstice). The start date of the festival can also be June 21 and 22. The holiday of the Sun and Water, which give rise to all living things, is the time for the flowering of the forces of Mother Nature.

25/06 Day of friendship, unity of the Slavs

29/06 Summer Svarozhye is celebrated (). On this day, the celebration of the Heavenly (Svarog) Fire and the Sun is performed, as a rule, falling at the very height of the summer heat ... This is one of those rituals and festivities that in the bustle and fleetingness of everyday life often passes us by


03/07 Memorial Day of Prince Svyatoslav Day of glorification of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich (about 942-972). It was customary for the Slavs to hold ritual fights, military initiations and praise Perun on this day. In 964-66, Svyatoslav undertook the first independent major campaign: the liberation of the Vyatichi from the power of the Khazars and their subordination to Kyiv

05/07 Name Day of the Month is celebrated- a holiday dedicated to honoring the clear Moon and its highest patrons - Veles the Horned and Mary the Moon-faced.

12/07 Veles Sheaf Day is celebrated. The days are killing and the heat is coming. From this day on, they begin to mow and make hay.

20/07 the great military holiday is celebrated -; the great holy day of all the warriors-defenders of the native land, as well as all honest radar-plowmen. By folk beliefs, the rain on this day washes away evil spells - “dashing ghosts” (evil eyes and damage) and many diseases

27/07 Chura (Polykopne) holiday is celebrated- God of protection, protection of property, guardian of tribal customs, patron of borders, home. The Slavs remember their foolish ancestors to take care of our bread, to keep not only our sheaves, but also our Russia and centuries-old great culture. On this day, milk is brought to Churu, A hole is dug at the boundary stone and milk is poured into it. On this Chura holiday, one cannot work away from home. The owner must be in his yard, thereby honoring Chur

19/07 Summer Makoshya (Summer Mokrids) is celebrated- Holy Day of Mokosh-Mokrina. At the time of dual faith in Russia, Makrinin (Mokrinin) day was celebrated on this day. People noted: “If Mokrida is wet, then autumn is also, Mokrida is dry - and autumn is dry”, “If it’s wet on Mokrida, then it’s rainy suffering”, “A bucket on Mokrida is dry autumn”, “If it’s raining on Mokrida - all autumn it will be rainy, and there will be no nuts - everything will get wet. Summer Mokrid Day is also considered important for the next year: “If it rains on Mokrid, rye will be born next year.”

28/07 Eternal memory who died at the hands of Christian invaders - REMEMBER GROWING


25/12 from December 25 to January 6 are celebrated Big- twelve holy days symbolizing the twelve months of the year (six bright ones - a light half-year, and the other six dark ones - a dark half-year), starting from the eve of Kolyada (Kolyada itself is not among the holy days) and up to Turits (Vodocres)

31/12 is celebrated (Generous Evening)- the last day of Christmas time, which is famous for its lavenders and festive feast. At the time of dual faith in Russia, Christmas time was divided into two parts: lasting from Kolyada to Shchedrets, and Strshnye (Vorozhnye) evenings, which continued to Turits. Yuletide evenings (especially Terrible) were considered among the people as the time when the devil walks

☆ January 06
The holiday is dedicated to the Goddess Danya and Tur, the son of Veles and Mokosha, the patron of games, fun, fortune-telling, dance, violence and passion. On this day, they also carol

February - Lute


☆ February 02
"Gromnitsa" is the only day in winter when you can hear thunder and see lightning.

Veles day

☆ February 11
Midwinter. All nature is in an icy dream. And only the lonely Veles Korovich, playing his magic pipe, walks around the cities and villages, not letting him get sad

March - Berezen

Spring invocations (spring Stribog)

☆ 01 March
On this day, the rite of invocations of Spring is performed. Girls, standing on high places, hillocks or roofs, looking to the east, sing: Spring, Red Spring! Come...

Yarilin day, komoeditsa, carnival

☆ March 24
When the day becomes longer than the night when nature awakens and the Sun-child Horse becomes a young man Yarila, the Slavs celebrate Komoyeditsa

April - Kveten

Red hill

☆ April 22
Under this name, a number of spring holidays are held, starting with Lelnik and ending with Earth Day


☆ April 22
On this day, Lelnik is celebrated - a holiday dedicated to the Goddess of girlish love - Lele. Our, Slavic, "Women's Day". Girls on this day choose the most beautiful

Yarilo vernal

☆ April 23
On this day, an important ceremony is held - the Unlocking of the Earth. In addition, for the first time after winter, cattle are driven out on the grass before dawn.


☆ April 30
The last spring cold is coming to an end. With the sunset, the beginnings are opened. On this day, the ancestors are commemorated, calling them to visit the earth.

Living day

☆ April 30
On the night of 30.04 to 01.05, a holiday begins - Zhivin's day. Women, taking brooms, perform a ritual dance around the fire, clearing the place of evil spirits. Glorify Zhiva, the Goddess of life

May - Traven

Earth Day (Mermaid Day)

☆ May 10
On this day, the Slavs celebrate the name day of the Earth. It is impossible to carry out any excavation work, it is impossible to plow, harrow and stick stakes into the ground, for the Earth is resting


☆ 31 May
From 31.05 to 06.06 Rusalie will take place. On these days, mermaids come to land and dance in the light of the Moon, celebrate their weddings, dance and sing

June - Cherven


☆ June 05
Feast of Fire. At the beginning of the worm, nature pleases the eye with a riot of colors. 5.06 Yarilo opens the sky, and green herbs are filled with magical power. Spring is leaving, summer is coming


☆ June 24
In the evening, June 23, when the setting Sun does not yet touch the edge of the forest, the holiday begins. All the action takes place in a clearing near the river bank. Prepare a bonfire in advance

July - Lipen

Perunov day

☆ July 20
On the 27th day after the Kupala holiday, a military holiday is celebrated - Perunov Day

August - Serpen


☆ 07 August
By this day, the harvest ends in most of Slavia, hence the name of the holiday - Spozhinki (dozhinki, swabs). The last sheaf ("reaper") is reaped in silence, so that ...


☆ August 18
The holiday "Khoroyar" is a day of honoring two brothers, Khors and Yarila, patrons of horses. They are Tausen and Usen, and the Lithuanians have Tenis and Usins, ...


☆ August 31
On this day, tonsures take place. When a boy turns 3 years old, his hair is cut as a sign of the transition to a new stage of life. The shorn one is given an adult Slavic name

September - Veresen

Women in labor

☆ 08 September
The holiday of the Family and Rozhanits, dedicated to the harvested crop and the family well-being associated with it. At the beginning, they pronounce glorifications to Rod, Lada and Lele


☆ September 24
With the onset autumn equinox, the Slavs celebrate a great holiday - Radogoshch. Sun-husband Dazhbog becomes the wise Sun-old man Svetovit

October - Yellow


☆ October 22
On Saturday, close to 22.10, the Ancestors are venerated. The day of the commemoration of their relatives, "Grandfathers" - the Spirits of the Ancestors who flew to Iriy.

Traditional Slavic pagan holidays are associated with nature and the events taking place in it, they contain and conceal a deep sacred essence and meaning.

January (prosinets).

1-6 - Hair days. Otherwise they are called wolf days. These days we must pray to the patron saint of cattle - the God of Hair and cattle. Protect the herd these days from the excesses of wolves, bring gratitude to your animals for feeding us from time immemorial.

3 - Memorial Day of the legendary Princess Olga. Today is a toast in honor of the great pagan Olga. She glorified her name through the ages with her deeds worthy of memory and glory - she avenged the Drevlyans for her murdered husband, gave birth to the Great Prince Svyatoslav and united Russia.

6- Turists. Feast of Yar-Tur, a bull symbolizing fertility and vitality. On this day, people put on bull masks and dance. Youth plays turkey - funny Games. This day is the end of the New Year holidays.

8 - Babi Kashi. Day of midwives - midwives. In Russia, it was customary to go to midwives on this holiday, treat them to vodka, pancakes, and give gifts. It was believed that if a young woman makes a gift to a midwife, then she (the girl) will have a healthy and strong child.

18 - Day of Intra (lord of snakes). Intra by Slavic mythology is the god of clouds, snakes, wells, springs. Identified with Naviu (spirit of the dead). At night, the sorcerers were supposed to speak chimneys - pipes through which Nav could enter the house. Intra is a dungeon dweller, so it was necessary to say: “If the Sun is in the sky, then Intra is in Navi.” Intra patronizes warriors, personifying courage, strength and valor.

21 - Prosinets. The middle of winter, the return of the sun's warmth to the earth. Prosinets was celebrated with water blessing. The Slavs bathed in cold reservoirs, laid rich tables. Among other foods, dairy products - milk, cottage cheese, curdled milk, cheeses and others - must have been on the table.

30 - Day of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden's fun. Symbolic end of winter. On this day, it is customary to tell stories about Santa Claus and his daughter, the Snow Maiden.

February (section)

10 - Kudesy, Velesichi. Brownie Day. Domovoi in the most important holidays Slavs this day you need to make offerings to appease him. A pot of porridge was left behind the stove, after wrapping it up and overlaying it with hot coals so that the food would not cool down by the time the brownie arrived. “Grandfather neighbor! Help yourself, eat porridge, and save our hut from evil! Eat pies, but take care of the master's house! The brownie helps the family, where he is valued. This is a good spirit, sometimes a little harmful. On the contrary, if you do not feed your "master", he begins to run amok and causes a lot of trouble to the residents.

15 - Candlemas. Border between winter and spring. If it gets warmer at the Meeting, wait for early spring. On the contrary, a cold day - to a cold spring. At the Candlemas, commoners set fire to each other's hair on their heads, believing that this good remedy against headaches. Hair should be set on fire crosswise, using Sretensky candles. On this day, they bake round golden pancakes, symbolizing the sun, make fires, dance and have fun.

18 - Winter Troyan. Day of Military Glory. On this day, something heroic is done, fraught with danger, but for the benefit of the Motherland or for the family. They remember the fallen soldiers at the table.

29 - Day of Kashchei Chernobog. Kashchei is the lord of Navi (the dead), Hell and Darkness. God of death, destruction, hatred and cold. The embodiment of everything black, crazy and evil. The world of the Slavs is divided into two halves, good and bad.

March (dry). Popular spring pagan holidays of the Slavs

1-Navi day (weed). Day of the Dead among the ancient Slavs. Today the people invite their ancestors to festive table by making sacrifices. Vyunitsy - one of the four prayers to the ancestors.

3 - Memorial Day of Prince Igor. The pagan prince kept Byzantium - the center of Christianity - in fear, went to Constantinople. The Varangians helped him fight enemies and manage the principality. Their cruel and greedy actions killed Igor - he was killed by the Drevlyans during the polyud.

21 - Maslenitsa. Today people celebrate the Spring Equinox, the end of winter, the ancient Maslenitsa. On this day, you should have fun, feast, dress up. Pancakes, fritters and pryazets are baked on Maslenitsa, symbolizing the Sun.

24 - Komeditsy. One of the oldest pagan holidays. Today they pray to the Bear God and make sacrifices to the Big Honey Beast - the bear. It is believed that this day was a continuation of the Olive Week.

April (berezozol)

7th Day of Goddess Karna. The second day of prayer to the dead ancestors, the day of the goddess of lamentations and lamentations. At the gates of houses on this day it was customary to burn bonfires and burn rags, old things and so on on them. “... by that fire, the souls passing by are warmed ...”. There should be kutya and water for the dead on the table.

22 - Leli's holiday. Lelya was one of the main ancient Slavic goddesses. On this day, toasts are made in her honor.

May (grass)

1 - Rodonitsa. This day is named after the god Rod, the patron of the family and the universe. Day of remembrance and the third prayer to the ancestors. Today they give vodka, beer and food to the dead. The commemorators call their dead to the table - to drink, eat at the funeral feast.

20-30 - Dewy breast. These days they made sacrifices to the Family, praying for a good harvest.

June (Sunday) - summer pagan holidays of the Slavs

4 - Yarilin Day. Fertility Day, Yarila - the god of the Sun. On this day, the Slavs organized mass games and dances, which were accompanied by voluptuous body movements and a loud cry.

19-24 - Mermaid week. The deities of reservoirs and rivers are glorified - Mermaids. A lot of divination, legends and legends are associated with this week. It is customary to tell horror stories and fairy tales. It is believed that the spirits of drowned people can fly freely over lakes and fields at this time.

24 - Kupala. This day is marked as a holiday of the Summer Solstice and human sacrifice to the Lizard (Yashche) - the owner of the underwater world. It is customary to gather in a crowd at night, have fun, sing songs, guess, dance. Bonfires are kindled near the reservoirs, rituals are performed and Kupala is drowned in the river. The victim was later replaced with a doll made from straw.

July (worm)
3 - Day of the pagan prince - Great Svyatoslav

Prince Svyatoslav waged war with Byzantium. He was contemptuous of Christianity. Having seized the lands from the Volga to the Danube (from the Khazar Belaya Vezha to the Balkan lands), he threw back the Pechenegs and stopped the penetration of Christianity. However, during the siege of Constantinople, due to the presence of Christians in the army, he fails.

20 - Perunov Day

Warriors consecrate weapons, sing songs, glorifying Perun, the patron saint of knights. On this day, a sacrificial bull or a rooster is slaughtered (the plumage of the bird should be uniform, red). They commemorate the Slavic soldiers who fell in battle. They drink kvass, beer, red wine, eat beef, chicken, cereals.

August (serpen)
7 - Grain Harvest Festival

Backs. The harvesting and processing of grain crops is coming to an end. People feast, consecrate apples, honey, grain. There should be no beef dishes on the table.

21 - Day of Stribog - Lord of the Winds

According to legend, Stribog lives in the Okiyane Sea, on the island of Buyan. Every day he creates seventy-seven winds, which he blows in different directions. The Slavs were very wary of various manifestations of the air elements. For example, in order to prevent the formation of tornadoes, they called Perun for help, beat the wind with sticks, threw knives and stones at it. For the winds - the children of Stribog, names were invented that reflect their essence: Midnighter, Midday, Siverko, Posvist, Podaga. To appease Stribog, people scattered rags and bright ribbons, grain, cereals, flour, hoping for a rich harvest.

September (spring)
2-Day of memory of Prophetic Oleg

The history of Rus the Viking is mysterious and instructive. The Chud Magi predicted his death from their horse - which happened after Oleg's horse fell. Prophetic Oleg became famous for taking a large ransom from Byzantium, which he defeated, after which he hung his shield on the gates of Constantinople.

8 - Rod and Woman in Childbirth

On the 8th of September there is a holiday celebrating family well-being. It begins with the glorification of Lada, Rod and Lelya, proceeds to the rite of the “funeral of flies”. A fly is placed in a domina from carrots, in its absence a mosquito, wasp or cockroach, and in a solemn atmosphere it is carried away to a wasteland, where it burrows into a grave in order to numb the insect until the warm season.

After the funeral, it is time for the next ceremony - the hunt for the so-called "moose". Two young girls dressed as moose cows run away into the forest. Guys - hunters should catch them. One “moose cow” is left, the second one is brought to the temple, where they are scolded for running away, and released.

The holiday is completed by a birthday cake (food during the ceremony: beef, oatmeal, berry wine, cheese, cottage cheese, eggs) and games.

A round dance around the oldest woman begins the game. In the hands of a woman is oatmeal bread, which is then distributed for the healing of pets and people. After the end of the Slavic holiday, Indian summer comes.

8 - Holiday Lada

Lada and Lelya (her daughters) were asked for permission to invite holidays honored by the Slavs in spring.
The next time the goddess was disturbed about the beginning of summer work in the field.

The rest of the rituals were devoted to prayers for rain, the feast of young greenery, the first shoots and the first ripened ears. On the red hill, the girls played the game "And we sowed millet, sowed."

The game was played on a hill called the red hill. Divided into two groups, the players sang songs.

One group sang songs about sowing millet, the other performed works about trampling it. Trampling meant threshing bread.

Often in the middle of summer and closer to the beginning of autumn, young people agreed to marry, but the wedding was played at the end field work.

The last Slavic holiday associated with Lada was the solstice. It fell on September 8-9 according to the old style (the 22nd in a new way).

9 - Autumn

These are Slavic harvest festivals dedicated to the completion of the harvest, which was supposed to provide for the family for the coming year. Autumn was met with a renewal of fire. The old fire was extinguished and a new one was mined with blows of flint.

During the "autumn" all activities were transferred from the fields to the garden or to the house, vegetables were harvested. On the day of the Nativity of the mother of the Blessed Virgin, a treat was arranged for all family members. The flour of the new crop was used to make a pie, beer was brewed, to which a sheep or ram was slaughtered. During the holiday, Mother-Cheese-Earth was glorified for the birth of bread and other gifts.

14 - Day of the Fiery Magus

Holidays of the SlavsIn the ancient Slavs, the Fiery Volkh is the courageous god of war, the husband of Lelya, born from the connection of the Mother-Damp-Earth and Indrik the beast.

Having matured, Volkh killed his father and gained his power over the dark forces. His plans included the conquest of the kingdom of heaven and the entire universe. He possessed not only incredible strength, but also cunning.

Volkh turned into a falcon, entered the heavenly garden in order to peck golden apples and thereby gain immortality and power over the world. But in the garden he listened to Lely's singing and, having forgotten about everything, became her secret lover.

Volkh belonged to the underworld and could not become Lely's husband. Lely's sisters, not wanting the Volkh-falcon to fly to her at night, pierced the window with needles. Volkh injured his wings and was forced to return to his kingdom.

Soon Lelya went in search of him. After trampling three pairs of iron shoes, breaking three cast-iron staffs, and chewing three loaves of granite stone, Lelya found Volkh. She delivered him from the power of the underworld, and the formidable power-hungry god became her husband and protector of the heavenly world.

14 - Closing of Svarga

The closure of Svarga falls on the period when the goddess Zhiva leaves the earth, and Winter and Frost gain their strength. At this time, the harvest season is coming to an end, people are turning to Zhiva with gratitude. It was she who sent fertility to the earth and did not let her die of hunger. From that day on, the spirits of the ancestors cease to descend to earth.

Birds fly south. The Slavs firmly believed that birds made their way to the upper world, where they met with the souls of the dead. Most people turn to the birds and ask them to send a message to the dead.

21 - Svarog Day

Upon completion of the closing rites of Svarga (the termination of communication between the Earth and Heaven), the Day of Svarog comes - the Great Feast of the Heavenly Forge. The bright gods are weakening, the earth is fettered by frost. Now Veles takes care of the Earth. Svarog gives people an ax and crafts so that they can survive a difficult time. All craftsmen are especially honored, chickens are slaughtered and the first of them are presented to Svarog as a sacrifice.

In a rented hut, the girls arrange a brotherhood. They invite guys to a party, where the bride is considered the mistress of the house. Kissing games, magical and scary tales reign at the evenings.

27 – Rodogoshch

When the whole crop is harvested, it shines, but not the holidays that are significant for the Slavs, the sun bakes, sheds leaves and trees prepare for winter sleep, the Slavs celebrate Rodogoshch. For the holiday, a huge cake is baked. In the old days, it was equal to human height, a priest hid behind it with the question: “Do you see me?”

In response to a positive answer, the priest wished that next year a more plentiful harvest was gathered, and even larger cakes could be baked.

After the conception and fortune-telling for the next year, the feast began with a mountain. The dishes on the table were set in a slide, which gradually decreased.

On this day, one could hear a fairy tale about a miracle hero and the underworld. The meaning of the tale was reduced to a reminder of the approaching winter and the fading sun.

To conduct the rite of purification with the onset of darkness, a fire was lit, through which it was necessary to jump. With the song "Yazhe, even trampling!" - the priests walked on hot coals with bare feet.
Merry games served as the ending of the holiday.

October (leaf fall)
14 - Cover

With the introduction of Christianity, this holiday was celebrated in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the people it is customary to consider the Pokrov as the day of the meeting of Autumn with Winter. The holiday owes its name to the first frost, which by this time had already completely covered the entire earth. The end of the field work and the Pokrov coincided. From that time on, they began to heat in the huts and weavers with spinners began their work.

The brownie went to bed that day, and the inhabitants of the hut performed the ritual "Baking Corners". To keep the spirit of the house full and warm, pancakes were baked. The first pancake was torn into four parts and carried as an offering to all corners of the hut. At this time, the girls turned to Lada with a request for marriage. And so the bachelorette party began.

28 - Mokosh-Friday Day

Makosh (Makosha) - the protector of girls and women, the goddess of marriages and childbirth, in her subordination is a craft - yarn. For a long time, she has been approached with a request for easy childbirth and healthy children.

The metal of the goddess is silver, the stone is pure rock crystal, and the animal is a cat. A ball of wool, yarn and spindle is a symbol of the goddess. Her servants are spiders, so a web that has flown in is a good omen. Amulet - a rope on the right wrist, also has a connection with Makosha.

On Mokosh Day, women were forbidden to do housework, bathe children and bathe themselves. For disobedience, the goddess could punish - tear the canvas, tangle the threads on the spindle and even send diseases.

November (chest)
25 – Madder

On the day of November 25, the weather is disgusting: slush, piercing wind, cold rain with snow. On this day, health resorts are not pronounced, sacrifices are not made, fire is not kindled. People show Marena that they are not afraid of her. They come to the swamp and extinguish burning smuts in the water.

In food on this day are used: turnips, carrots, pancakes and jelly.

December (student)
3 - Memorial Day of the Russian knight Svyatogor

In the boyar mound Gulbishche, the Slavic holidays - the day of the Svyatogora, the great Russian hero Svyatogor, found their last refuge. His exploits date back to the time of the first military clashes with the Pechenegs. His armor and weapons reached truly enormous sizes. They are almost twice as large as usual.

In the epic about Ilya Muromets, the hero Svyatogor is described colorfully and vividly. Of course, his size in this work was exaggerated, but the indisputable fact is that this giant really walked on our Earth and fought for it.

22 – Karachun

Karachun (Chernobog) is celebrated on December 22. It is believed that this is the shortest day in the whole year and one of the worst days of winter. Karachun - the deity of death, commanding frost.

Bears-rods are servants of Karachun, snowstorms turn into them, and according to legend, blizzards turn into wolves. It was believed that Cold winter lasts as long as the bear sleeping in the den wishes. When the bear turned over on the other side, exactly half of the winter passed.

The concept of "karachun" in the sense of death among the people is alive today. The word "karachit" means to move backwards. Apparently, the "karachun" was nicknamed so because it seemed to make the daytime move back, give way to the night. In the end, in the minds of the people, Karachun approached frost and became the usual lord of the winter cold.

25 – Kolyada

AT winter holidays On the 25th of December they celebrated Kolyada. holidays of the ancient SlavsOnce Kolyada was an influential deity. Kolyada was dedicated to the days before the New Year. Games were arranged in her honor, which later turned into Christmas time. The ban on the worship of Kolyada came out on December 24, 1684.

On the eve of the New Year, children went out caroling under the windows of wealthy peasants. In the songs, the name of Kolyada was repeated, the owner of the house was magnified, at the end of the singing the children asked for money.

The remnants of the ancient holiday are manifested in holy games and fortune-telling. Some rituals have been preserved among the people, and are gaining popularity today.

31 - Shchedrets

On the last day of New Year's Eve, according to the old style, a holiday is celebrated - "Schedrets". It is famous for its birthday cake and bounty. On the table there are dishes of pork, which means fertility.

Before proceeding to the pie, the people amuse themselves with lavish treats. The mummers are present in the same composition as in Kolyada. Carolers go to houses or gatherings of people who sing: “Generous evening! Good evening!"

The carolers beg for gifts from the owners of the house, complaining that, they say, they came from afar and now the goat's legs hurt. The hosts laugh it off, and then the mummers perform generosity with comic threats. It is considered a great shame not to give gifts to carolers; a “curse” is sent to the greedy owners.

With a full bag of gifts, carolers rush home and prepare for the meeting of everyone's favorite holiday - the New Year.

October (Ryuen, Leaf fall)

October 1 - AUTUMN SVAROGO / POKROV - SVAROGO DAY / - the actual day of Svarga Closure for winter time. About this time, they praise and magnify Svarog - the Great Heavenly God, say the words:


From Pokrov, the peasants switched to winter living in huts, began to keep cattle at home - for winter feed. Same Cover - the beginning women's work in the hut. The day after the Intercession, on October 2, they turned to Veles and Mokosh with a request to protect them from evil spirits, witchcraft spells and evil obsessions. From the evil charm, the girls asked for Makosh, and the guys for Veles.

- departure of the last cranes. If the cranes flew away by that day, then the first frost was planned in two weeks, if they were delayed, then in a month.

October 1 - Svarog covers the Earth with a fallen leaf and calls the Light Gods to Heaven (to Svarga). On Earth - the end of autumn round dances, the beginning of winter gatherings. It's time when autumn "breaks" into winter.

- The people said: “It is autumn on the Pokrov before lunch, and winter in the afternoon”, “The Pokrov covers the Earth where with a leaf, and where with a snowball”, “Do not be surprised at the snow on the Pokrov”.

They noted: “What is the weather on Pokrov, such will be the winter”, “If the wind blows on Pokrov from the north or east, then the winter will be cold and snowy; if from the south - the winter is warm; if from the west - snowy.

The time of weddings began with the Intercession. "If snow covers the Earth for the Pokrov - a happy omen for the betrothed."

October 4 Seeing Leshy - farewell to the Forest Master until next spring and thanksgiving for all his gifts collected in the forest over the summer. According to legend, from this day on, the last Leshy (those that did not go underground to the Autumn Serpent) stop wandering through the forests. Sensing that their term is coming to an end, Goblin sometimes break trees in the forest, tear out seven spans of earth in the clearings, and drive all the animals into burrows. All this day the winds howl through the forests and the groans of Leshih are heard. With the first roosters, the Leshens fall through the ground, only to return again next spring.

Leshy is the personified soul of the forest. When winter comes, Leshy and the forest subject to him fall asleep. However, the belief that Leshy sleep all winter until spring was not widespread in Russia everywhere.

October 21-27 Autumn Grandfathers (NAVYA WEEK) - a series of Holy Days preceding the Autumn Makosh, a week of commemoration of the Ancestors, feasts and other funeral rites. Seeing the souls of the Ancestors to Iriy - until next spring.

At the time of dual faith in Russia, Saturday before Dmitry Solunsky (26 leaf fall / October) was called Dmitriev's Grandfathers and dedicated to the commemoration of deceased parents. According to legend, on this day Dmitry Donskoy decided to celebrate feasts for the soldiers who fell on the Kulikovo field.

October 28 Autumn Makoshya (AUTUMN MOKRIDS) - Holy Day, when Mother Earth Cheese and Empress Water “fall asleep” until next spring. From now on, they bring trebes and ask forgiveness from them for “everything that they have annoyed” them in the year that is ending. This Holy Day is also dedicated to Mother Mokosh - the Heavenly Spinner, the Lady of Fates, the Holder of the Coil Threads of all things. On this day, the priestesses of Mokosh wash and comb the Tows of Fates - straighten tangled threads, and also predict the future.

To do this, they throw boards with chirs depicted on them into a bowl with charmed water and look: how did the chirs lie down? According to them, fate is predicted.

On the Autumn Makoshya (Autumn Mokrids) they bring the requirements of the Earth and Water, ask them for forgiveness for all the possible insults inflicted on them over the past summer: “Sorry, what annoyed you! ..” On sacred tree, dedicated to the Great Mother, a large birch or linden (or an old mountain ash with a thick trunk), impose special nauzes with petitions and slander. The priestesses of Mokosh “create mokrids”: they comb the tow with combs (“unravel” the Loose Threads), having previously washed the tow with “silent” (that is, typed in silence - without any slander) water. The priest or sorcerer asks them three times in a row: “What are you doing?” They answer: "Needlewoman, father!" Then: "Flax-hemp yap - Red Makosh on an apron!" And, finally: “We create mokrids!” Then the priestesses bless all those gathered, bypassing the salting and sprinkling water from the tow. Everyone bows in response, thank Makosh for Her Gifts, after which they arrange a fraternal feast with a mountain.

Month names:
Lute - January
Komoyed - February
Taen - March
Traven - April
Listen - May
Rosten - June
Stozhen - July
Serpen - August
Leaf fall - September
Mokren - October
Studen - November
Snezhen - December

January - Prosinets, Roof

The first full moon is the holiday of Khorsa - the hearth
From January 6 to January 12, the week of the spirit Mokosh holidays - Friday, Until January 6 - Mokosh holiday (until Friday - Friday 12). Dances of the spirit and acceptance of new witches.
January 18-19 - brownie days. If on this day the wind sweeps with a broom, wait for blizzards at Maslen.
January 20 - Veles, they cleaned the cattle (Veles week). If there are frosts all week, then there will be frost even before the Feast of God.
January 25 - Perun, Voron Voronovich watered Perun with living water - brother's holiday. If the sun is bright on this day, then the spring will be red.

February - Sechen, bokogrey.

February 5 - the day of Stribog the windmill.
They asked for the wind to end.
February 3-8 - Veles days,
the days of the last hunts, everything is being prepared for motherhood, for the birth of spring, from 3 to 11 seven cool matinees.
The stars are calling for the birth of cattle.
February 10 - 14 -
the holidays of Moarena, Moarena was honored, but they were not allowed to go home, the heart was not cooled by anger and quarrels in the family, kindness and love were called to the family.
February 15 - 22-meeting (Gromnitsa),
- Feast of the Meeting. Spring - Lada - met. Spring was called. They poured love from their hearts into God's light. And the more love people give to the world, the faster and more friendly spring will come. The faster Lada will drive Moarena away. Everyone in the villages walked cheerfully, everyone congratulated each other and smiled. Gloomy snowballs were thrown.
“And today we have a meeting, a meeting,
Winter meets Spring, meets
Spring shoved Winter, shoved,
And the knife swirled, swirled,
Winter went cry, cry,
Spring has gone galloping, galloping!”
There is snow on the way - it rains all spring.
First Friday. On the same day, Perun's admirers celebrate the Tomb. They revere Perun Svarogovich (Svarozhich). Gromnitsa is the candle of Perun. Houses, barns, barns were surrounded with this candle, then all year they lit it in a thunderstorm, when someone in the house died or was born. Christians replaced this holiday with the "Meeting of the Lord" (1st Thursday among the Perunists).
February 25-Khorsa,
holiday merchants - daring.
February 28 - Veles day.
Wake the day warm - rye will be born, starry night - the harvest for peas and berries.

March - Protalnik, no water in March, no grass in April.

March 1 - the holiday of Stribog, flew to rest
If the full moon fell on the day of Stribog, there will be a harvest for milk mushrooms and cucumbers. If a month is a newcomer to be a summer hail. If the north wind blows - Zimnik, then the summer will be cold. If the Shelomnik wind is southwestern, then the summer is wet. If the afternoon wind is south, then the summer is warm.
March 9 - Svarozhy day -
since the rooks have arrived, a friendly spring is coming. Meet 40 matinees on Svarog Day.
March 19-24 - Frets, Went 7 days.
Earth awakening. chose the most beautiful girl- Dodola, they dressed her with green branches and doused her with water, 2nd Friday (in the south, near Kyiv). Earth awakening. Chapel lighting.
March 25 - Yarilin day -
if it rains this day - expect a rich face. Thunderstorm - to nuts and mushrooms.
The first full moon after the holiday of Lada is the holiday of Veles
The spring equinox is the festival of the goddess Swa, the festival of time. Feast of Rodogos.

April - Berezen, the earth is dying.

April 1 - water day,
if the flood, yes ice drift - a lot of grass, early haymaking.
April 1 - brownie weddings!
April 3 - April 12 Svarog,
if the temperature rises, get the bees out of the alder.
April 16 - Dazhdbog Day,
this cabbage for seedlings, so that it is round like the sun.
April 22-Lyalnik (Lyali holiday), (Lyalnik). For a whole week, the “Red Hill” is celebrated, dances are danced, the birth of life on Earth is welcomed (3rd Friday). In the same week, the days of all the gods are celebrated, amulets are made for cattle, and weapons are spoken. The birds are released from the cages, the larks are called.
"Hey, you little birds,
You fly to us
You bring to us
Good flyer,
You bring Leleka,
You call Yarilka,
Fly larks,
Carry the summer on your wings."

They lead round dances, a symbol of solar movement, put amulets on cattle, put those who have been decapitated. The first Sunday of April 22 was the Rodunits holiday, now it is specifically tied to May 1.
23 - Veles day.
If Veles is a day with warmth and water, then winter is with good (with food). Rain, but heat - livestock and good. Kohl frost - dew cart. Clear morning - early sowing, clear evening with a bad day - late sowing.
April 25 - 30 Lelya went for a walk on the ground!

May - Bloom.

May 1 - Rodunitsy, Rozhenits.
12 fires were lit. Memorial day of the spirits of ancestors. They remembered their Favorite songs, jokes, ate, drank, told funny stories, arranged competitions (4th Friday). On the same day, the holiday of Perun was celebrated. If it's nicer, the harvesting of bread is nicer. Once upon a time on this day there was a willow holiday, they broke it, they beat the guys they met - the lads, fevers, sores, failures, drove the bad life from people. It was necessary to beat the willow twig from the leaves. But in fact, the girls watched which of the guys how they behave at the same time, whether they laugh, whether they get angry. Although it was impossible to yell, it was necessary to show their youth. Don't be embarrassed in front of the girls. Otherwise, shame cannot be avoided for a whole year, they will make fun.
"Willow whip,
Bay to tears.
Be healthy,
Be lucky
Be happy,
Be beautiful
Fast as a vine
Grow do not break
Worship your mother and father!"

Once upon a time, a white-colored bull was slaughtered on this Feast. The cattle were released into the field. On the fields began, appears, tops of rye (winter crops). The constellation of the Pleiades, Stozhary, rose.
Set up a hive of bees.
May 5-Khorsa, brownie day,
they cleaned huts and yards, burned all the garbage in the fire.
May 5 - 11 - Yarila holiday,
Yarila was called out, the bowls were placed. Holiday of grooms.
May 7 - the holiday of the Dawn of the Zarnitsa - the Red Mare. Horse Festival.
May 9 - the day of the snake Skoropea - sucker,
snakes woke up and crawled out to bask under the spring sun. The first full moon from the serpentine day of the night of Veles, mermaids and goblin woke up, the week of the forest. If it is foggy on this day, it will be wet all summer. And the sunrise is copper, crimson - the copper snake will send a thunderous summer.
May 10 - Dazhdbog Day.
Dazhdbog rejected Moarena and became engaged to Dennitsa. They read for love, they bind to their native threshold.
May 14 - Stribog Day,
the siver passed, the winds were cold, like chikhonny.
May 16 - Lyalnik,
children, small animals arranged a holiday. Lyalka came, brought warmth.
May 20-Veles,
They hung bells around their necks. If the crown of the oak is with an edge, you will measure the oats with a tub.
May 29 - holiday of Perun, Mokosh
they asked for water, but no hail. When it rained, they showed him the scythes, and sharpened the scythes and sickles.
May 30 - the day of Veles and Stribog,
baths, huts began to be installed.

June - Izyuk, Baptist, Solstice.

June 4 - Yarila,
They met Yarila, asked for a warm summer, a harvest. The sun was met in the fields. If the sun rose brightly in the morning, rye and barley will be good in the fields. If it made its way through the clouds, with a gloomy and rainy day, then only hemp is a freak.
June 5 - Stribog Day,
if Midday wind (southern) - to the harvest of spring crops, if Poberezhnik (northwestern) - to damp autumn, if Voskhodnik (eastern) - to fads.
The first full moon from Yarilin's day was Svyvka, now the specific date has become.
June 11 - Perun, the birth of Perun.
Festival of death and rebirth.
June 15 - mermaids (Vedim's week), Rusal's week, Svyvka -
weaved wreaths from birch branches, weaved our fate together with them. Round dances are led, on the last day of the mermaids of the week they go to the churchyard and cover the graves of loved ones with flowers. Sun for winter, summer for heat.
June 19-24 - Mokosh week,
Includes the Kupalo holiday - summer solstice. June 24 - snake day, in honor of the fact that Perun defeated the Scepter, pierced him with a spear and bathed in seven sacred waters. On this day they doused each other with water (6th Friday). But in general, these days everyone celebrates all the gods. The first full moon from the Kupava holiday is the Day of the Quiet Sun. It is necessary to meet the Sun, to draw strength from the first rays. The cone of power. (Horn of power) Before Kupalov's day, ask the children from the god of rain, but after that it is not necessary.
June 27 - Perunov day,
if it rains, it will pour for seven weeks. And Zarnitsa will break bread.

July - Cherven, Poleten.

July 4 - Great Veles holiday, Veles' birthday
(milk ripeness of the grain). Bilberry (bilberry) ripened, sickle rye.
5 - July Perynya,
they asked not to pour rain, they removed the dashing, they did it for the harvest.
July 6, 7 - Radunya holiday,
they collected dew in the meadows, brought beauty, children got along from frights, flashes. Gratitude was given.
July 6-15 - Mokoshi Rodunits (dew was collected in the meadows).
Great dews, if they are hefty wet, the suffering is bad.
July 12 - Veles holiday. Veles foot day. Grass in the meadows mowing. Honoring Veles.
July 14, victory over the serpent Indrik.
Forgiveness to all people of vain insults. Commemoration for the departed and dead warriors. I live the beginning.
July 15 - Yarila's Holiday.
Widow's holiday - to get married again. Mornings are cold.
July 20 - Perun, chief.
Sacrifices, veneration of all those who died for the Russian Land, a celebration of future and past victories of the Russians. All night burning 8 fires. Summer in the afternoon, autumn in the evening.
July 24 is the day of Simargl, Rod.
If the morning is cold and rainy, the winter is cold and cold. They asked that it would blow over and the frost would not hit, the hail would not beat.

August - Zarev

August 3 - Stribog Day, Stribog Vetrogon Day.
Whirlwinds for a harsh winter.
August 1-7 - Veles and Yarilin week,
mushroom picker - berry picker, grain and offspring. Start of winter sowing. The first full moon from Veles day, Khors holiday, is now timed to August 5th.
August 5-Khors,
The huts are cleaned, the envious spectators are driven out, the feast of the stove and the hut.
August 19 - Veles day,
the end of the harvest, Veles's beard was curled. Ospozhinki - obzhinki. Horse holiday.
Spica's star was rising in the sky.
August 28 - Mokoshi, Rodunits and Lada.
Honey was collected from beehives. If the cranberries are ripe, the oats are ripe.

September - Ovsen, a lot of acorns for a warm winter.

The first full moon was his feast. Now they made September 1 and renamed the oatmeal holiday into Semin's day. The first meeting of autumn.
September 9-Mokoshi,
They showered their heads with grain, burned 7 bonfires, the harvest festival (9th Friday). Fly end.
September 15 - the holiday of Svyatogor the hero.
Cabbage evenings.
September 16 - Lely,
children were celebrating a holiday, that cattle that was born in the spring was looked through, who would be left for generations, and who should be put under the knife or for sale. Sheep were sheared. If cranes and storks have flown, then frost will fall on the cover, and if not, then later.
September 20 - Night of good spirits,
they went to sacred groves, to churchyards, coaxed the spirits, asked for advice.
September 23 - Divos (Divons), - the autumnal equinox.
The first Sunday after the autumn equinox is the holiday of Dazhdbog (they said goodbye). The first full moon after the autumnal equinox is the night of Wii.
September 24 - the day of Veles fieldfare hop,
they started mash, beer, boil honey. Determine the bees for the winter. The ants began to close the huts.

October - Breast.

If a leaf from a birch has fallen cleanly, wait for an easy year, and if it is not clean, there will be a bad winter. The willow was covered with frost early - a long spring is expected.
October 4 - Veles and goblin.
Goblin, water, mermaids fall into hibernation. Wind Voskhodnik (Eastern) is blowing - the winter will be cold. Hunter's Day.
With the advent of the star Arcturus, the holiday of the Rodunits was celebrated in the sky, All their ancestors were remembered, thanked for the year.
The first full moon after the appearance of the star Arcturus is the Feast of the Dawn, now timed to coincide with a specific date.
October 14 - Morning Dawn,
she began to sew a veil for her brother, they sewed suitors to their hem. The powder lay down in the dirt on the roads.
October 28-31 - days of Mokosh,
Feast of Live Fire. The whole week of Mokosh (10th Friday). A holiday of good luck and good fortune. And also the night of all the spirits of the Earth ( main holiday- witchy!).
October 31-2 - the night of the elements and grandfather's nights,
holiday of fire, water, wind, earth. Rising of the star Antares, 7 days of the feast of Moarena and her 12 daughters,
They revered, they put a commemoration in the swamp and in the forests.
The first full moon from the rising of the star Antares, the feast of the Svarozhichs, the feast of the bowl, and abundance.

November - Breast

November 3-9 - Mokoshina week.
If the ice of the river has shackled, then the winter is fierce, and the spring is friendly.
November 10 - the day of the brownie,
The yard is frosty, the house keeps the stove. Furnace Festival.
The first full moon from Brownie Day is the night of Viy and the snake Skoropei. If the rain has passed, then wait for the thaw until the holidays of the Family.
November 15 -11 - Svarog day,
threw God's things on the ground.
November 28-Mokoshi spin.

December - Studen

December 5-Khorsa,
merchant's holiday, and at home. Frosts are cracking, take care of the cattle.
December 10 - Stribog the windmill.
If the winds cover the trail - there will be no road.
December 11 is the holiday of grandfather Karachun.
Kulebyaki baked pies, treated everyone (the more layers with different fillings in the kulebyaki, the better), they put a commemoration of the dead.
December 12 - Dazhdbog holiday.
Sun for summer, winter for frost. Fritters and pancakes were baked, chickens and roosters were beaten.
December 20 - 24 - Yarila (Yaruna) holidays
The week before Kolyada is the week of Veles and Viy.
December 25 - Dazhdboga.
A clear day for the harvest, the sky is starry for a large offspring of livestock.
December 26 - Mokosh holiday (Friday 11), Rod holiday (Monday 1).
If the paths are black to the harvest of buckwheat.
Feast of Perun - brother's cups. On the first full moon from Kolyada, Perunov Ovsen is celebrated. Admirers of Perun pour barley, oats, buckwheat into the corners of houses:
“Perun walks on Ovsen - day,
It's not too lazy to carry grain around the huts,
Where he waves, life grows.
In the field, the core - in the house is good.
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