Volumetric appliqués made of fabric. Fabric appliqué patterns for children and adults. How to make a fabric appliqué: step by step instructions

Application is one of the most accessible and interesting types of creativity for adults and children. It allows you to create paintings, ornaments, compositions. Applications can decorate household items, hide defects on them. An original fabric appliqué on children's clothes will help make clothes bright and cheerful, elegant leather appliqués will make your handbag the most stylish.

And what a huge benefit it brings interesting activity for child development! The application helps to learn colors and shapes, develops motor skills, artistic imagination and design thinking. She teaches precision and precision. Children really like the collective application with parents or other children, they learn to work in an organized manner, competently distribute responsibilities.

Regardless of the materials used, the process consists of the following steps:

  • choose a sketch;
  • determine the size and shape of the application;
  • select materials for work;
  • cut out the details;
  • we select the background, if it is not defined in advance;
  • put details on the background;
  • attach details;
  • dry if necessary.

How to sew on an appliqué or glue

Possible options:

  • hand seams;
  • machine stitch: choose desired view lines (most often it is a zigzag), step, stitch height and sew a line on a typewriter;
  • use of stigis - fabric: it is a special fabric for appliqué with a hot-melt adhesive layer. Stygis fabric does not require glue, threads or needles. Therefore, when children perform applications for stigis, there is simply no alternative - it is convenient, safe. Especially if a collective application is performed by children, because in this case the explanation of the process is greatly simplified. For stygis fabric, a general presentation for the lesson with step-by-step photos can be prepared. An example of a completed application - see photo;

  • gluing on the film: you will need cling film and two pieces of foil. On the ironing board we collect a sandwich - foil (its dimensions should be several cm larger than the glued motif), the basis for the application of faces. side up, cling film (we cut it out along the contour of the motif with a margin of 5 mm), application (this part of the sandwich can be chopped off with a pin for fixing), foil. Iron on low heat, leave to cool. This method is great for cotton fabrics. The finished item can be washed by hand without twisting.

patchwork appliqué

Such a simple fabric application can decorate an interior pillow with absolutely minimal time and money. For applique, you can use the remaining flaps from sewing.

We are preparing:

  • cardboard of a suitable size;
  • patches of fabric;
  • threads, needles, scissors.


We prepare patterns, having decided on the sizes. We cut out all the details from the patches with allowances for the seams.

Allowances are bent and ironed. We try on the blanks to the pillowcase, applying them inside out. We fasten for fixation or pin with pins.

Sew with the chosen seam. For tulip details, it is better to use a blind seam.

Below are some more application templates. Floral pattern is one of the most versatile and diverse.

Felt owl

This application of an owl is very easy. Felt is a very easy-to-use material, since it does not require overcasting.

For creativity you need to prepare:

  • felt of different colors;
  • threads of iris or floss;
  • needles, scissors, tailor's chalk or a special disappearing felt-tip pen;
  • thermal gun;
  • frame.

Description and master class

Let's draw a pattern of the picture.

The tree, except for the leaves, is cut out of brown felt material.

We draw and cut out stencils for applications.

We cut out all the details. For the owl, we also cut several strips with feathers of different colors.

Our felt appliqué will be assembled with glue.

We start by gluing the eyes.

Then we attach the nose.

Now alternately glue the rows of feathers.

We try on the wings of an owl.

Sew them on with an open stitch.

We pass this seam along the contour of the entire owl.

Now let's take a look at the leaves. We cut them from two colors of felt.

We sew the needle in pairs with a seam forward.

For flowers, cut out the petals of three colors and the core.

We glue the petals in pairs with a gun.

We collect flowers.

Glue on the center.

We cut out veins of arbitrary shape for the tree and overcast them.

We put them on the trunk with glue.

From the finished parts we make up the overall composition and glue it on the blue felt. Its dimensions should match the size of the prepared frame. We attach the frame. The picture is ready!

Hedgehog from seeds

Such an application will certainly interest the child, because it will be necessary to work with very unusual materials.

For such a hedgehog you need to prepare:

  • sunflower seeds, pumpkin, watermelon;
  • walnut shell;
  • dry leaves;
  • plasticine;
  • cardboard, colored paper for the base;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.


First, draw yourself or print finished pattern hedgehog.

Now we will create a prickly coat of seeds. We attach a plasticine ball to the thick end of each of them. Carefully, starting from the contour, we attach the "needles".

We fill the entire surface of the fur coat.

From pumpkin seed make an ear.

We make paws from watermelon seeds.

We attach mushrooms to the back of the hedgehog. We will make them from a walnut shell and yellow plasticine.

From red plasticine we blind an apple and attach it there too.

In order for the hedgehog applique to have a complete look, we make a frame along the contour of the seeds. Glue dry leaves along the bottom edge.

Teddy bear

Such appliqués made of felt or fabric on clothes are very popular with children. Teddy bears are one of the favorite children's toys. The child will not only be happy to help you make a felt appliqué with your own hands, but will also be happy to wear clothes with such decoration.

To make a bear you will need:

  • felt dark gray color, thickness 1 mm, for the body - 20 by 30 cm;
  • felt white color, thickness 1 mm, for the back of the application - 20 by 30 cm;
  • light gray felt, thickness 1 mm, for finishing the muzzle, heels and patches - small pieces;
  • felt blue color, thickness 1 mm, for the spout - a small piece;
  • threads to match the material;
  • tailor's chalk or a special marker;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • beads for eyes;
  • decor items - flowers, bows.


We start work on the applique on the dress with a pattern. Print it out in life size to size and cut out.

We mark the details on the material and cut them out.

The next step is to start building. Sew the heels on the paws. Sewing is done with a seam over the edge.

We sew the nose with a seam “needle forward” or “needle back”.

With a pin we pin the muzzle to the part of the head. We mark the seam on the forehead of the bear.

Sew beads - eyes. Attaching the payment. We mark the seams on the cheeks, make the ears and eyebrows.

We make a preliminary assembly of the bear.

We sew a patch and sew a seam along the tummy.

Let's start assembling Teddy based on white felt. We do this using a back stitch. We sew the details one by one, starting from the bottom. When sewing, watch the thread tension. It should not be too strong, the felt should not be stretched. When changing the thread, we hide the knot between the layers of felt. step by step photos- see below.

How to sew on the paws - see the following photos.

Similarly, having tried on and fixing with pins, we sew the paws and muzzle.

How the application looks at this stage from the front and back sides can be seen in the following photos.

Cut out the applique along the contour, leaving an allowance of up to 2 mm.

Sew the Bear onto a T-shirt. If desired, it can be decorated with a flower or a bow.

We offer you a few more options for applications of bears.

Fabric applications: how to do?

Schemes and sketches for work

Applique on fabric is a technique for creating a variety of ornaments and patterns by sewing fragments of fabric on clothes, bags, etc.

There are 2 ways to fix applique details: sewing and gluing. If paintings and panels are made, the pattern is glued onto the base, and if they want to decorate clothes, they are sewn by hand or with a sewing machine.

The application can use 1 or more colors, as well as combine different techniques.

What materials and tools are needed for the job?

For applications of varying complexity, the same set of materials is required.

Prepare natural as well synthetic fabrics different structure. Textured options are beautifully combined: fleecy, shiny, smooth. You can use natural and artificial fur, leather and silk. Applications made of velvet, velveteen, burlap and cloth look good. by the most comfortable material is felt, it is best to make pictures, panels, decorate bags and backpacks from it. The background or base material must be selected depending on what fabrics you plan to use for decoration. The base should be denser and harmonize well with the colors.

It is recommended to starch the bases for paintings so that the fabric keeps its shape, it is convenient to work with it. Also, starched matter will crumble less. Thick and synthetic fabrics do not need starching. This processing method is more suitable for natural thin materials such as chintz, satin, burlap, linen. Very thin fabrics, such as silk and lace, are recommended to be compacted with potato paste or gelatin. The material is dipped into a paste solution, and then ironed with a hot iron from the wrong side. Fabrics treated with gelatin cannot be ironed; it is recommended to simply dry them.

Required tools:

Large and small scissors may also require scissors with curved ends.

A set of needles of various lengths and thicknesses.


Embroidery hoops.

English sewing pins.

Carbon paper and tracing paper for transferring the image to the base fabric.

How to make a fabric appliqué: step-by-step instruction

The principle of making applications is the same, regardless of whether you are doing it on clothes or decorating some products.

Before starting work, you need to select a plot. You can come up with a drawing yourself or use ready-made schemes. The plot should match the style of clothing, and the materials blend well with each other. It is not recommended to make applications on clothes made of very thin fabrics.

After you decide on the plot, proceed to the selection of fabrics and other materials. This is a very responsible step, because the wrong combination of color or structure can spoil the whole work.

It is impossible to glue decorative elements on clothes, they will not withstand washing and ironing. It is best to sew applications on sewing machine but you can do it manually.

Children's fabric appliqués will decorate a child's clothes and accessories; with the help of such a decor, you can make even the simplest thing elegant and beautiful.

Also old clothes You can not throw it away, but use it to decorate various products.

Fabric applications are divided into 2 main types: flat and voluminous. In order to get volumetric work, a small amount of cotton wool or foam rubber is placed under the fabric. Volumetric decoration looks beautiful and original, but it makes washing and cleaning clothes more difficult. Also, over time, volumetric images may lose their original shape, and they will need to be corrected.

To make an application, draw or print sketches of future work. First you need to adjust the dimensions finished scheme according to the size of the product you want to decorate. As a model for sketches, you can use drawings in newspapers and magazines, postcards, and other materials.

Most often, the drawing has to be enlarged or reduced, it is most convenient to do this in special programs on a computer.

Decor elements should not contain superfluous and very small details, otherwise the pattern will turn out to be somewhat blurry, and it will be difficult to sew it on. You need to immediately make a sketch in 2 copies.

One of them will serve to make a pattern, and the other is used to control the correct location of the elements on the fabric. The drawing for control can also be transferred to the base using carbon paper.

Attach the pattern to pieces of fabric, secure with pins and circle with chalk. The direction of the threads on the elements of the pattern and on the main fabric should match. This is especially important for large parts. Some patterns require an increase in those places where the parts overlap each other. For example, if you need to connect a skirt and a jacket, you will need to add 3-5 mm of fabric to the bottom edge of the jacket. If there are several identical parts in the application, cutting work can be accelerated and shortened. Fold the fabric in several layers and cut out all the elements at once.

Baste finished parts to the base with a classic basting seam. If the fabric is fraying a lot, make small stitches. The seam is best placed along the edge of the parts, stepping back 2-3 mm. It is recommended to make oblique stitches, then the threads that have come out of the fabric will be easier to grab. Sew on the decorative elements on the sewing machine with a special thick seam or manually with satin stitches, tambour or buttonhole stitches. You can finish the edges of the entire applique with a decorative cord that will decorate your work and emphasize it.

If a thin fabric such as silk or chiffon is taken as a base, it is recommended to sew an additional layer of material on the wrong side. It is best to take exactly the same fabric from which the product itself is sewn. The sketch must be transferred to the wrong side of the base and tucked into the hoop, securing it with sewing pins. Place the pins on the side where you will sew. Carefully cut the rest of the fabric with sharp scissors and stitch the appliqué with a double stitch or a special “roller” stitch. You can use a stitch for embroidery stitch.

Inside large elements, you can make embroidery, openwork nets and patterns. Decorating with beads, beads and sequins also looks beautiful.

If you plan to make a picture with an application, it is most convenient to use glue to fix the elements of the picture. The following types of glue are considered the best for such work: PVA, BF-2 and potato starch paste. Rubber and silicone glue is not recommended because they do not hold the fabric firmly and some elements may peel off over time. Also, these types of glue can deform applications made of thin materials. A convenient and interesting way to fix the elements on the base with an iron. To do this, you need to cut out the application from a film or a regular plastic bag and put it on the base. All the elements for decor are already placed on the film in the right order and smoothed with an iron. You do not need to heat up the iron much, it all depends on the type of fabric from which the parts are made.

There are many master classes on this subject, but I will show how I do it, share some secrets (although this secret was spied on the Internet, but I modernized it for myself). Yesterday I sewed a longsleeve for my youngest daughter (Ottobre 4/2012, model 16, size 116) and photographed the main points of the process.

So, we need:

  • flaps of fabrics from which the application will be made, in my case it is knitwear;
  • glue cobweb;
  • baking paper (you can buy it in any supermarket, it is sold in a roll, as well as in sheets, it comes in white and brown);
  • a sketch of a drawing (a magazine or on the Internet found and printed in a mirror image);
  • fabric stabilizer (non-woven fabric tear-off interlining that you have on hand);
  • felt-tip pen self-disappearing or washable with water;
  • pencil for transferring the pattern to the fabric (I have Prim);
  • sewing machine;
  • threads to match our project;
  • rep ribbons or ribbons (for my project);
  • and of course, the product itself (before) our future product
I’ll explain why we need baking paper, here it is, here lies a wide cobweb:

we need it so that the cobweb does not stick to the iron. Taking into account that the German flizofix for applications is very expensive, so I had to invent my own flizofix.
I'll tell you about two ways of making:

  • B you cut off the glue web that goes to the meter (wide 90 cm), cut off about A-4 format, also cut off the baking paper - two sheets, and make such a "sandwich" - a baking sheet, then a cobweb and again a baking sheet, that's it you iron it with an iron (the temperature of the iron should be small - somewhere at a value of 2).

And, voila, you get flesofix (double-sided paper for applications).
  • Find the picture, print it out (do not forget the picture should be in mirror image), I took it from the magazine:

  • Redraw with a simple pencil (you can’t use a pen, the fabric can smear) on this paper. A big plus of this paper is that it can be put on a drawing and redrawn.

  • Remove the bottom layer of paper - on the top layer of paper (with a pattern that) there should be an adhesive cobweb (if you have correctly maintained the temperature of the iron). And with a heated iron, glue this sheet (with a pattern) onto the fabric flaps necessary for the application:

In this case - on a pink interlock (knitwear).

2 way
  • You can use another way to make an appliqué - take a piece of fabric, cut off the cobweb and baking paper to the size of the fabric, transfer the pattern to paper. And again you make a "sandwich": fabric with the wrong side, gossamer and baking paper with a pattern and an iron glue (here you do not need to withstand the temperature). Cut along the contour and tear off the protective paper from the fabric

For my project, I need a ribbon for a horse's mane. I took three colors of grosgrain ribbon

Now we outline the location of the application on the shelf (the horse, for this we need the contour of the horse) - we apply it to the fabric and outline it with a special felt-tip pen.

On the wrong side, glue or bast a stabilizing material.

Now, along the marked line, we sew ribbons of different colors.

Then we glue our horse. And here we need a pencil for transferring to fabric - you can do without it and draw the necessary lines by hand, but it’s convenient with it. I can tell you how to use it, if you have it - on the same contour of the horse that we removed from the fabric, we apply it again to our drawing and circle the necessary lines (in bold) with this pencil. Then we heat the iron (value 3), put our outline with the drawn lines on our horse, and press the iron and iron well on top and the lines should be printed, like this

And now we sew our application along the contour.
Some nuances: I used a transparent foot and a needle for knitwear to sew applications:

I also have a knee lifter in my typewriter, I tried to take a picture, it turned out to be an unsuccessful photo, but you can consider

It is needed, there is one on industrial machines to raise the foot without hands. I can't do without it anymore. You quickly get used to good things. But even without it, of course, it is possible, but more skill is required.

According to my project, now I need to make a bridle - I used a decorative stitch and a triple stitch.

I glued and stitched along the contour the necessary details - rhombuses and a feather.
By application, perhaps, everything!

But I photographed the whole process, so I'll tell you a little and show you some of the sewing processes.
For example, about silicone tape - it turns out that it can be used not only to strengthen the shoulder seams from stretching, but also to assemble (in my case, sleeves)

When attaching the tape, it must be slightly stretched by hand in order to obtain a uniform assembly.
I'll tell you a little about the settings and the use of a tri-fold binder on a sewing machine when sewing this longsive and more.
Did you know that when sewing thin and medium-density knitwear, you also need to adjust the presser foot pressure, usually in the standard it costs 10-12 mm, but you need to set it like this

Appliqué is a decoration process that is made by sewing or gluing an image onto fabric or paper. With the help of various motifs, you can not only decorate things, but also hide small defects. In fact, the application plays a decorative function, decorating a particular product. Some needlewomen try not to complicate their work and buy ready-made motifs in the store, but most craftswomen make patterns on their own, cutting them out of fabric. After all, in this way, you can bring your ideas to life.

Let's take an example of how to make an appliqué out of fabric.

rainbow tree

If you do not know what material is best to take for work, then we recommend felt. It does not crumble, however, it is not suitable for summer clothes. Now we will tell you how the appliqué is performed on fabric, the diagrams for the work “Rainbow Tree” are attached.

So, prepare the following materials:

  • pieces of fabric of different colors;
  • cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • needles with threads;
  • web material.

Step 1. Any application begins with a blank cut out of cardboard.

Step 2. Attach the blanks to the fabric and cut them out, taking into account the seam allowance. Sweep the elements with a simple seam around the entire perimeter of the parts.

Step 3. Iron the details of the future composition along with the cardboard.

Step 4. As a result, you will get such well-smoothed blanks.

Step 5. Lay out the details in the right order on the thing where the motive will be created.

Step 6. Glue the details with a cobweb. This material allows you to glue the parts of the fabric together. It is sold in any haberdashery store.

Step 7. Cut out similar details of the appliqué from the gossamer, but smaller.

Step 8. Iron all the details together with the cobweb, and it will quickly fix the composition.

Step 9. Since the elements have become motionless, they can be safely stitched.

Step 10 The result is a very beautiful rainbow tree.

A dog is performed in a similar way.

Have a look at another application method.

Fabric applications. Schemes for work

We offer drawings for applications. Print them out and use them in your work.

Patchwork house

Conscientious needlewomen do not throw away scraps of fabric, but create real masterpieces from them. For such craftswomen, an ordinary hobby turns into a source of income. From scraps they make pictures that are framed. Using the example of a master class, we will tell you how to make a colorful picture that depicts a house.

The following materials are required for work:

  • linen fabric;
  • wooden hoops;
  • patches of felt;
  • thread with a needle;
  • pins;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Step 2. Draw a template for the future picture on cardboard. It is advisable to use geometric shapes.

Step 3. Attach the blanks to the prepared felt and cut out the details separately: a trapezoid - a roof, a large rectangle - a facade, two small rectangles - windows, two cone-shaped parts - a window in the attic.

Step 4. Pin the main workpiece in the center of the fabric and sew it with a simple seam.

Step 5. Do the same manipulation with other details. The order and location of the elements, see the proposed pictures. Choose colors according to your taste.

Now you need to make flowers and petals. They are performed as follows:

Step 1. Cut out small circles from different scraps of felt.

Step 2. Combine two colors with each other.

Step 3. Cut out petals from green felt.

Step 4. Arrange the details on the fabric as shown in the picture. But you can experiment and arrange at your discretion. In other words, create your composition.

Step 5. Sew all the elements with a small, neat stitch in the same way as you sewed on the house. The color of the threads must match the color of the fabric.

Step 6. Trim the edges of the fabric, leaving a small overlap to wrap inside the hoop and glue them.

Step 7. After the glue has dried, cut the fabric as close to the hoop as possible with scissors - “zigzag”.

Applique is one of the most versatile ways to decorate clothes. Our master class will show that even beginners can apply on fabric, and we will tell you how to make two types of appliqué using sewing machine.

Application: choose material and pattern

How to make an applique on fabric with your own hands? This is not difficult! We recommend choosing fabrics for appliqué that do not stretch and hold their shape - such materials will be easy to work with. Ideal for application natural cotton of various density. For back application, translucent and transparent fabrics, such as organza, are perfect.

You will need small scissors with sharp curved ends to carefully cut off the excess fabric.

If you plan to make applications often, we recommend purchasing special scissors with one blade - a "spatula", which allow you to perform this operation as easily and accurately as possible.

As for choosing a pattern, you can draw it yourself or choose from a variety of ready-made templates offered in magazines or on the Internet.

So, let's find out how to make an appliqué on fabric with a DIY sewing machine!

How to sew an appliqué

To ensure that the edge of the appliqué does not crumble, and the part is even, reinforce the fabric with adhesive interlining. Draw a motif on a piece of fabric, leave indents from the edge of the fabric to the pattern.

Lay a straight line along the contour of the motif. You can also transfer the outline immediately to the front side with a “disappearing” marker.

Baste the patch in place.

Sew along the outline with a tight zigzag. Try the stitching on a piece of fabric first to find the best size.

Trim excess fabric as close to the stitching as possible.

Sew the motif again, setting the stitch width a little more, completely covering the edge. If desired, you can put a thread under the line to make the outline more voluminous.

Reverse organza appliqué

In the same way, you can make an appliqué with tulle, lace or other finishing fabric. Draw the desired outline on front side fabrics.

Baste the organza on the wrong side.

Sew along the outline with a tight zigzag.

Cut the fabric inside the outlines as close to the stitching as possible. Don't damage the bottom layer!