How to quickly sew jeans. How to sew up jeans so that it is invisible: useful tips. Video: How to darn a hole? Master class from Irina Timofeeva

For many, jeans are an important part of the wardrobe. But no matter how much money you paid for them, sooner or later they will show signs of wear. Especially often jeans are rubbed between the legs. What to do, is it possible to immediately throw out such a pair? It is not at all necessary, because this trouble can be corrected and the life of jeans can be extended for several months, or even years.

Know the enemy by sight

It is much easier to keep track of the condition of jeans than trying to sew up tatters. For example, look at the photo below.

There are two troubles here:

  • The seam is starting to unravel.
  • Jeans are worn between the legs.

What to do with such problems? First, you need to fix the bad seam. Otherwise, you may be overtaken by a very awkward moment when your pants crack. This can be done by hand or by machine. Sewing shops sell special strong threads for sewing. denim, which are dyed in popular colors for denim stitching.

Secondly, you need to carefully darn those areas where the thread has worn out. To do this, select threads that not only match the color of the fabric, but have the same thickness.

Straighten the fabric and, making sure to secure the stitches in the still tight areas, start making horizontal stitches over the hole. Insert the needle into the opposite edge of the tear. Then make a vertical stitch down and only then go back. This is necessary so that the threads do not mow and tighten the fabric.

After completing the horizontal row, start working on the vertical one, passing the needle between the threads. In fact, you will be weaving a new fabric over the old.

Repair for emerging damage

This method can be applied to minor damage. For example, there is no hole yet, but already jeans are frayed between the legs. What to do? It is necessary to strengthen the fabric as soon as possible. To do this, you will need denim patches or hot-melt adhesive tape (“cobweb”).

Close the area with a bad fabric with tape, put a piece of denim on top and iron it with a heated iron. Such a patch is invisible, completely merges with the base, the glue penetrates the fabric structure and strengthens it. If you have a quality "cobweb", then it will last a long time. The frequency of washing also affects it. Of course, if you additionally stitch the patch area, it will last as long as you wear these jeans.

If you're lucky, you can find ready-made patches in sewing stores. They have one side made of denim, the other side is made of hot melt adhesive. They are also attached to the fabric with an iron.

But this method has a drawback - the patches should be small, because the fabric becomes harder, wrinkle worse and can cause discomfort if such an area takes up a large area.

Jeans were worn between the legs. What to do?

The photo below reflects a picture familiar to many.

It would seem that this pair can be safely sent to the trash. What to do if jeans are worn between the legs, how to sew up discreetly and neatly?

There are two ways:

  • Machine darning. Manually, this will be a long and painstaking process, while a special device will mend such a hole in 5 minutes. See photos before and after.

The machine literally recreated the structure of the fabric and strengthened the edges of the hole.

Of course, you will have to contact a sewing studio, and the sooner the better the repair will be.

  • Applying fabric patches. This is a more budgetary method, since you can handle it yourself (if you have a typewriter) or ask friends.

How to sew on a patch

So, your jeans are worn between your legs. What if the hole is big?

1. Trim the threads that stick out at the edges without touching the fabric itself.

2. Turn the jeans inside out and circle the hole, retreating from the edge of 2.5 cm. Ideally, the edges of the hole should be processed with an overlock, but then the patch will be more noticeable.

3. Cut the "cobwebs" or adhesive interlining of the desired area. Do the same with the repair denim. It is better to cut it diagonally from the weave of threads. So the fabric will not crumble and spread. Or use ready-made patches.

4. Glue the interlining and denim to the hole using an already heated iron. Lightly steam the patch, paying special attention to its edges. Wait for this area to cool down.

5. Then sew the edges of the patch on sewing machine.

Turn jeans inside out and front side Sew the new fabric diagonally. A zigzag stitch is perfect for this purpose.

6. Hide the ends of the threads and the repair is complete.

If you notice that the junction of the seams between the legs has begun to wear out, close it with a patch, as shown in the next photo.

What should I do to keep my jeans from rubbing between my legs?

Often a problem is easier to prevent than to solve. Protect your favorite jeans from misfortune by caring for them and wearing them properly to avoid premature wear on the inside of your leg.

If the jeans are too tight or, on the contrary, too loose in the hips, then this leads to excessive friction, and in the future - to holes. Also, the lower the fit, the greater the load on the fabric in the hips and the more often the jeans are rubbed between the legs. What can be done to avoid this annoying phenomenon? Buy models that are your size and fit well. Of course, denim stretches, but everything has its limits, so evaluate yours wisely. real size. Also check that there are no factory defects or scuffs on the pair you are about to buy.

Proper washing

Turn your jeans inside out and wash them separately or with two or three more pairs of jeans. You do not need to resort to this procedure unnecessarily. But it’s also not worth neglecting (not only due to obvious factors), because particles of dirt and dust act as small abrasives when moving, tearing the threads of the fabric.

Wash your jeans on a gentle cycle with cold or lukewarm water, avoid using hot water or bleach, which will weaken the denim.

Machine drying also causes jeans to rub between the legs. What to do to minimize damage after washing? Instead of throwing your pants in the dryer, hang them up in the bathroom or on the balcony the old fashioned way and wait patiently for them to dry.

Now you know what to do so that your jeans do not rub between your legs, and you can significantly extend their life.

Sports and denim

The bicycle is the worst enemy of jeans. Frequent and monotonous up and down movements, accompanied by friction on the edge of the saddle, destroy the fabric very quickly. Therefore, cyclists constantly wipe their jeans between their legs. What to do in this case? If you regularly ride in jeans, then you will have to put up with future holes and immediately put patches on problem areas. Better yet, get yourself a pair of trousers designed for cycling. And it can also be jeans, but specially made for such use, for example, Levi's 505 Commuter or Cadence Raw Denim Jeans. They have double or padded fabric on the seat.

Nothing is eternal

If the jeans are worn between the legs, what to do with them - you already know. But there will come a time when they will have to be thrown away, no matter how hard you try to push it away.

True, the Dutchman Ari Vandenberg lovingly darned and patched his Levi's jeans for 8 years.

After that, they not only completely lost their resemblance to the original, but even attracted the attention of fashion publications and won the competition from the famous clothing store in Amsterdam. And for Ari, they became, to some extent, the embodiment of part of his life path. A fitting role for real jeans, isn't it?

Jeans are a part of the wardrobe that has firmly entered modern life and lives outside of fashion. This stylish and durable type of clothing is practical and comfortable.

How to sew up a hole in jeans? There is no reason to throw away jeans, even if a hole suddenly appears. Let's figure out how to give jeans new life.

How to darn on a typewriter

You need a piece of fabric the size of a hole, a square of interlining of the same size, threads that differ in color, or tone on tone.

On a typewriter, we make stitches in one direction, then in the opposite direction, and so on along the width of the hole. In place of the gap appears as if sewn on a dense piece of fabric made of threads. Contrast will add originality to the sewn section.


If you put patches with your hands, take plain threads. Patch the hole in such a way that the edges appear tattered. The work is delicate, put small stitches close to each other, imitating the connection of denim threads. Indistinguishable from machine work.

Choosing needles and threads to sew up a hole in jeans

The machine will require household standard coils. Consult the store where you will buy. And for manual darning, we take a denser household option. What size of threads is suitable, you will find out in the instructions on the packaging of the needles. Seamstresses recommend taking 11 (75) and 14 (90) for jeans. Holes between the legs require increased tightening, which means it is better to choose the appropriate numbers of cotton and synthetic coils.

patch or application

In sewing stores, the choice of applications is huge. It's trendy and original. The application sometimes even "in the subject" hides the hole. Only seamstresses recommend not just sticking a picture according to the instructions, but also stitching it for strength.

Denim damage can be repaired with any kind of material. Leather inserts, braid, decor elements, pockets look original. Even lace does not go out of fashion.

hole in butt

You can fix the problem on a typewriter or manually. To hide the hole that has appeared, take a patch - a piece of the same fabric from jeans. We sew from the inside out. Put a piece on the hole, press on top with an adhesive cloth and on top of a layer of denim to iron. Iron until the multi-layered place turns into a single flap. Sew on the front side with a wide large zigzag. Tie knots on the reverse side, cut off the excess piece.

hole in the knee

How to sew a hole in jeans around the knee? To make it more comfortable to sew in a conspicuous place, we rip the jeans along the side seams. On top of the hole, iron the adhesive fabric with an iron. You can stitch using the “thing” method on a typewriter. When we restore the semblance of attrition, we select the threads by shades. On children's jeans, hiding a hole is even easier: sew and decorate a patch.

How to sew a hole in jeans between the legs

There are usually two problems: worn jeans between the legs or a sprawling seam. Both put a person in an awkward position, so it is advisable to correct it with jewelry. We choose a dense thread. Hands horizontally make stitches over the hole, first down, then back. When the hole is horizontally filled with stitches, we begin to move vertically on top, inserting the needle between the sewn threads. As if weaving a new fabric in place of the lost one.

Jeans repair: how to restore the bottom hem

In the same way, it is not difficult to remove a torn hem or a hole in the knee. We rip the damaged place, smooth it and apply doublerin in several layers. We choose threads in color. You need a hoop to secure the darning area. Turned inside out, we sew with a line in the forward and reverse direction closely to each other. So it turns out a dense area in place of the hole. And we complete the work by bending along a new line: we tuck, stitch, remove shaggy places.

How to fix a hole in your pocket

We will darn holes in the corners of the pockets. First, we will repel the overlay to the corner. From the inside, glue a piece of fabric onto the adhesive web. We darn in a familiar way. While the pocket is protruding, the lines can still be barely caught by the eye. When we sew along the previous line, the darned place will completely disappear. If the hole is small, cover it with appliqué or embroider. Would need:

  • A flap of fabric or lining, you can jeans
  • glue web
  • Threads of the same color
  • Safety pins for pinning
  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Patch

The patch is made from scraps of fabric, or the jeans themselves when shortened. It is cut out a little wider and longer than the size of the hole, so that there is something to grab with a needle. First, baste by hand, then go along the seam on a typewriter.

How to sew up a hole in jeans without a patch

This is the most unusual and creative way to bring your favorite thing back to a new life. Fantasize, because there are no rules in this method. Today, the stores are full of all kinds of items for creativity:


  • Lace
  • beads
  • Rhinestones
  • Thermal drawing
  • Acrylic paints
  • Application
  • Threads for embroidery


You can arrange rhinestones and beads around the hole in such a way as if it were intended in a factory. Today, scuffs and holes are in fashion, and the way they are designed is a matter of fantasy. Lace inserts or frills, self-adhesive pictures, buttons - will make the thing brighter and more feminine. Rhinestones are glued with an iron, beads are simply sewn on. A completely new way is to paint with acrylic on a stencil. Kits are sold in stores.

If you are a jack of all trades, come up with an original embroidery: a pattern in which the hole will simply not be visible or skillfully woven into the pattern.

Jeans can easily be turned into shorts

We determine the length of future shorts, leave another 5-7 centimeters of fabric for filing by eye and cut it off. Of course, it will be more accurate to put it on, draw a line and cut along it. Shorts can be flat, with a bevel up at the hips. It depends on the drawn pattern, on which you will work with scissors.

Classic - shorts above the knee by 12 centimeters

Beach shorts look stylish with guipure or fringed edges. It is better to do from narrow, figure-hugging pants.

Bermuda is called pants to the knee. For shortening, it is preferable to take wide jeans, or cut into capris, which is also fashionable.

Even not quite clear, measured and cut off lines can be corrected by decorating them with decorative elements.

For many of us, jeans are like a second skin. They are irreplaceable in the wardrobe of a woman, a man and even a child. But all things wear out, scuffs or holes appear on them, in the most noticeable place. But there is no reason to be upset, you can learn how to patch and darn in such a way that it will not be noticeable.

Patches put different ways, it all depends on the quality of the material, the place where the patch is placed, the design idea. You can mask a scuff or hole by hand or on a sewing machine. In preparation for work, prepare threads that are close in color to the tone of the fabric. The exception is the case if you want to decorate with colored threads. The thickness of the threads also matters, thin threads for denim will not work.

Choose a needle special for denim or number 100.

What patches can be made from:

  1. From the material of the product (if, after purchase, you cut off the bottom of the legs to fit, do not throw away the cut material). You can use fabric cut from another denim product.

2. From adhesive fabric (sold in sewing stores)

3. Textured patch

4. Thermal stickers (attached in a prominent place).

5. Fabric appliqué.

6. Application made by hand.

Flaps from old clothes- freedom for creativity.

Types of patches:

  • internal (from the inside)
  • external (from the front)
  • functional
  • decorative

To get a better line in places where there is a thickening (several layers of fabric), steam this place with an iron.


  1. Choose a darning method.
  2. Cut off the protruding threads at the break.

3. Attach the patch to the fabric break, cut to size, one centimeter larger than the hole, along the contour.

4. If it is adhesive tape, iron it to the fabric.

5. Baste the selected piece of fabric manually with a needle.

6. Select the desired stitch - zigzag. In this case, number 5 will do.

7. Stitch the gap tightly, line by line.

8. In a conspicuous place, attach a thermal sticker or application.

This option is possible - a patch sewn on a typewriter on the front side.

How to sew a hole in jeans without a patch

The manual darning of jeans is suitable if the tear is in one line or at a right angle (other types of darning will work for other types of fabric damage). To do this, you need to choose the color of the threads, as close as possible to the color of the fabric.

  1. We lay the stitches from one side to the other.

2. Through the stitches that are sewn, we direct the needle and thread perpendicularly, passing through the already sewn threads from above and below.

3. This is what should happen

How to patch jeans between your legs

Near crotch Jeans are torn quite often. But do not send jeans to the landfill, they can be restored quite successfully.

Prepare your adhesive tape.

Jeans must be turned inside out

We cut out a piece that will completely close the hole, with a small margin.

We iron the adhesive tape with an iron.

To make the patch minimally noticeable, choose a fabric that matches the color and texture as much as possible.

With the help of your sewing machine, stitch up the gap.

For convenience, use the reverse function (reverse).

Wrong side of the patch.

To make the jeans look natural, make similar patches in other places.

Use thread different shades, so you will bring a "zest".

The effect that darned jeans produce is wear and tear. This has not gone out of fashion for many years.

Jeans knee patch

Decorating a hole on the knee is very simple. In the old days, such patches spoke of poverty, but today the situation has changed. A patch on the knee will give a special chic to your jeans. Moreover, it can be put both on a real hole and on new jeans. It will be an individual copy of haute couture. You won't see such a thing anywhere. Jeans can be "revived" and given originality to a woman, a man and a child. Of course it is possible. give jeans fashionable look by making holes in other places. But not everyone is happy with this look.

how to install manually, master class

Not all holes can be darned by hand. Horizontal cuts will do. To do this, sew with tight and small stitches. You can't rush into this. Try to make the stitches even, leaving a minimum distance between the stitches.

To darn jeans by hand on the knee, use the "Sashiko" technique.

To darn jeans by hand on the knee, use the "Sashiko" technique. This is a Japanese method, which is characterized by punctures in the fabric.

Prepare everything you need.

  1. A special thread for "sashiko" (if not available, use floss).
  2. Scraps from old clothes.
  3. Thimble or special ring.
  4. Pins, chalk, ruler, marker.

Select pieces of fabric, cut to size holes, adding 3 centimeters. Insert inside pants.

Make sure the patch is exactly under the hole. Keep in mind that the patch should sag a little so that you can bend the knee. Secure with pins and then baste. Use a ruler and marker if you want to stitch in a specific spot or pattern.

Use a needle with a wide eye, as the thread for embroidery will pass freely into it.

Make stitches short on the right side and long on the wrong side.

Gathering the fabric on the accordion needle, pull the fabric further.

The next line is reversed.

A thimble or a special ring will help push the needle through.

Make stitches on the other side of the patch.

For originality, you can sew a piece of fabric.

There are a lot of knee decor options. You just need to turn on the fantasy

Patches placed on the inside and sewn on by hand.

Lace patches are suitable for a young girl. They are superimposed from the inside, You can use adhesive tape. A seam is laid along the edge, with threads, to match the jeans.

how to put on a typewriter, master class

On a sewing machine, mending a hole in the knee is not so easy. To do this, you need to rip the leg along the seam (it is desirable that the seam is not trimmed with decorated stitching).

  1. On the machine, set the stitch to a straight line.
  2. Bring the two cut edges together, close together and sew.
  3. Steam with an iron (this will make the darning less noticeable).
  4. Overlay seams parallel, close to each other.
  5. Start sewing a line one centimeter from the hole.
  6. Lay the seams, back and forth, turning on the reverse or turning the product over.
  7. Lay the seams until the hole is closed.

Front side patches using adhesive cloth. To sew such a patch on the knees, we rip both legs on one side. We sew the edges on the typewriter from the front side.

Patch with "moss"

  1. Prepare a piece of denim, which should be two centimeters larger than the hole, on all sides. put on the place of tissue rupture (from above).
  2. Place an adhesive cloth on top, even more than the patch.
  3. Lay another piece of thin fabric on the adhesive cloth, spray with water and iron.
  4. Take the threads to match the jeans, sew in a zigzag on the front side.
  5. Cut off the rest of the protruding threads.

Any place on jeans can be masked with an appliqué..

Do-it-yourself patch on jeans, step by step with explanation

We will need:

  1. A piece of suitable fabric.
  2. Adhesive tape (optional)
  3. Thread number 35.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Pins.
  6. Chalk or bar of soap.

Depending on the nature of the tissue rupture, the darning method is chosen. If you don't want to embellish your jeans with colorful appliqués or fabric, the "stitching" method is the way to go.

"Shtukovka" is a method of restoring damaged fabric, using the stitching method on a sewing machine.

For example, let's take gray jeans with fraying in different places.

Fraying at the bottom of the pocket

Hole near the pocket

Rubbing in the groin area

In total, there are four places on jeans where you need to put patches.

Patches on the places shown in the first two photos. We cut out circles, a little larger than the scuffs, and process them with an overlocker. The wrong side will be used.

We cut out one patch for attrition between the legs and also process it with an overlock.

We open patch pockets, the thing will pass under them.

We use a glue cobweb, glue it with an iron to the right places.

Since, as a rule, the color scheme of jeans has a heterogeneous structure, we select threads for each place.

The size of the screed is set small. Where there are scuffs, we make a “thing” not tight, with a zigzag stitch, trying to follow the inclination of the fabric hem in order to preserve the design.

The right pocket is not tight, the seam is not directed in the direction of the scar of the fabric, since, in this place, this method will be less noticeable.

Between the legs, the “thing” is made denser, in order to avoid chafing. Places, nearby, pass with a light “thing”, where the fabric is already thin, but has not yet been rubbed.

Making the “thing” dense, make the lines perpendicular to the gap. We impose a dense “thing”, only in places of rupture, without grabbing the fabric nearby, so that there is no thickening nearby.

Beautiful patches on jeans, ideas with photos

A patch on jeans on the pope, how to make it beautiful

Buttocks, this is the place that attracts attention. Several patches are put here, even in those places where there are no holes. Since one patch says that it was delivered specifically to close the hole. Use appliques or embroidery from thick threads. Place the patches randomly, so the jeans will look creative. Embroidery can be done on a sewing machine, if it has such a function, manually, but for this you need to have a skill, or you can embroider a piece of fabric, cut the embroidery along the contour and stick it on adhesive tape.

Jeans with patches for a man, photo

How to stick a patch on jeans, step by step with a photo

Thermal applications on clothes have become very popular. To fix such a sticker, you do not need special skills. On the reverse side, such a patch has an adhesive layer, which, under the influence of temperature, melts and provides adhesion to the material. Thermal stickers are sold in sewing stores. From a large assortment, you can choose any pattern that is suitable for children and adults. If there is a place on jeans that is about to tear, a sticker will save such material. It can imitate photo printing or embroidery, additionally decorated with rhinestones and beads. There are instances that reflect light.

Sticking instructions:

Put your jeans on flat surface you can use an ironing board. Heat the iron to maximum, test on an inconspicuous area to see if the fabric can withstand. Iron function - no steam.

Remove the protective film from the back.

Trim the sticker along the contour (if necessary). Straighten the fabric so that there are no wrinkles.

Heat the place where you will stick the sticker with an iron. Place the thermal sticker face up on the place to be glued and cover with a sheet of paper.

Press the sticker with a hot iron and hold for 10 seconds.

If the sticker is large and cannot be completely heated with the soleplate, do it in parts.

Remove the protective layer after 15 minutes.

  1. To make the line less noticeable, you need to choose the right thread. This can be done at a sewing store by taking your jeans with you.
  2. Threads choose the following numbers - from 35 to 45.
  3. To prevent the fabric from stretching when darning, do not stretch the fabric too much when sewing on a typewriter.
  4. If you can't find the right fabric for a patch, use the space under your pocket. To do this, open the pocket, cut out the desired size of the fabric and sew the pocket into place.
  5. If your machine does not have a reverse, after finishing the stitch, turn the fabric over in a circle.
  6. Choose the fabric for the patch, depending on the thickness of the fabric. On thin summer jeans, thick material will not work.
  7. Steam the patch with the iron function - cotton+steam.
  8. Do not throw away old jeans, they will be useful for patching your favorite things.
  9. Lace decor on women's jeans- black is suitable for dark pants, white for light ones.
  10. Style "Retro" will help to create patches of checkered fabric.

Another type of patch for jeans is leather. They are very practical and look spectacular. As a material for a leather patch, old leather jackets, gloves and even boots. In this case, you can cut out any shape in the form of a flower or geometric figure. Eco-leather patches are sold in sewing stores and online stores. They have special holes so that it is convenient to sew them by hand. Use leather patches on your knees or other places, they are durable enough and will last a long time. The location of such a patch can be at your discretion, as long as it covers the hole and there is a margin of at least one centimeter. Prepare a thimble so that it is convenient to press on the needle. Lay your jeans on a flat surface and patch the gap with a leather patch. with suitable threads, sew in tone, sticking a needle into the holes.

Sometimes you don’t want to part with your favorite beautiful original jeans, despite the holes on the knees and scuffs between the legs. There are clothes in which you feel very comfortable and convenient, despite its age. And jeans, whether for men or women, are just such clothes.
But how to sew holes in jeans Or repair worn areas? Repairing jeans in an atelier will cost more than buying new ones. Put patches - where to get denim for a patch? Darn a hole - how to make a darn?
Here are all these questions, how to repair holes and repair your old jeans with your own hands, we will try to answer you.

1. Keep your jeans cut when you cut them

Put patches on jeans in worn places or holes - not the best and original solution. But, nevertheless, this method of repairing jeans is sometimes suitable, especially for children's things. The patch can be made curly, for example, in the form of a cat's face, by zigzag the edges and stitching a long mustache, and sewing a couple of buttons instead of eyes. This or that decision depends on your imagination, and the area where the jeans will be repaired. Sometimes patches can be put on both men's and women's jeans in the form of a decorative pocket or symmetrical stripes on both legs. But where can I get pieces of denim in exactly the same color and quality? unfortunately, there is only one way to solve this problem - when shortening jeans in an atelier or with your own hands, always keep trimmings, even small ones. They can still help you out when your jeans need to be repaired. But if there are no trimmings, but there are holes, you can and should use another method.

2. Instead of a patch, darn the torn areas

Actually the term darning is not entirely accurate in this case. Shtukovka will be more accurate, although darning, the so-called artistic darning, is also used in the repair of jeans. But we will not consider it yet and will focus on the contraption.
The most difficult area to repair jeans is the knees. Holes, abrasions occur here most often from the deterioration of the fabric and it is quite difficult to restore them. If these are children's jeans, then you can make all sorts of overlays or applications, but for men's, for example, "seals" jeans with buttons instead of eyes are no longer suitable. Only one way - contraption.
First, select the threads exactly to match the denim of the torn section, preferably even several shades, since in the store you are unlikely to be able to accurately guess their color. When you start to put on a thread with long lines, tightly to each other, then it will definitely turn out that they are either darker or lighter.
Torn places must first be glued on the back of the jeans with adhesive material. It will fix and connect the gap into one. However, it is still too early to darn. Apply a small patch of fabric, preferably the same color as the jeans, to the torn area on the back of the jeans over the adhesive fabric. Its size should be slightly larger than the torn area. To prevent it from moving, baste its edges, but it is better to glue this patch with the same glue, also putting it on top of the patch, since it will be difficult to remove the basting threads from the darning afterwards.

3. How to do jeans stuffing

In order to fulfill darning jeans using the shtuk method, it is not necessary to have some kind of special sewing machine. Almost any sewing machine suitable for this, although some have this type of stitching when the stitches fall forward, then back automatically without using the reverse lever. If your machine has such a line, then good. If not, switch the machine to a simple straight stitch, set average length stitch and, circling with chalk, a section of the thing, begin to fill in the marked section of the jeans with a line from edge to edge. When the stitching reaches the edge of the area in one direction, press the reverse lever and move the fabric slightly to sew in the reverse direction. It is not necessary to unfold the jeans, the reverse stitching must be done only with the help of the reverse lever. The sewing machine must be electrically driven, since both hands will be constantly busy with you.

4. Shtukova is usually performed in two stages

Shtukovka is usually performed in two stages. On the first you lay transverse stitches, and on the second longitudinal. And not just longitudinal, but preferably in the direction of weaving the denim, that is, at an angle, so that the lines are like a continuation of them. And if the threads match exactly the tone of the jeans, then after ironing they will practically not be visible. By the way, the lower threads must be the same color as the upper ones, and before repairing jeans in this way, adjust the thread tension. The top thread can even be slightly loosened. Stitches should lie close to each other to completely cover the untrapped areas. jeans patches the first transverse layer of threads. And speaking of threads, the more elastic they are, the better this kind of patch on jeans turns out. The optimal thread thickness is 35, but sometimes it can be a little thicker - 45. But not thicker, otherwise you will not have a patch on your jeans, but a "growth" of unknown origin.

5. Patches on jeans between the legs

And finally, the most difficult case - how to fix rips on jeans between the legs. Indeed, it is very difficult to restore the wiped fate on jeans between the legs. Firstly, you will need a sewing machine capable of sewing thick denim seams, since this "knot" will have to be disassembled and not darned as shown in the photo, but patched. Of course, you can also plaster, as well as holes in the knees or pockets, but not always. Often there is simply nothing to darn - solid holes, which can be restored only by putting patches on jeans in this place. That's when the leftovers from shortening jeans would come in handy. And nothing that they are with traces of "cooking" and finishing seams. In this section of the jeans, they will not be particularly visible, but the patches will be of the same tone and quality as the jeans themselves.
First, disassemble the connecting seams in this area. Iron properly, straightening the seams. Chalk mark straight line sections that need to be cut off and replaced with new ones. The patches on both legs of the jeans should be symmetrical. Before cutting off, make sure you have enough pieces of fabric for patches, especially since they will be double-welded at the junction.
Attach patches on jeans with a regular connecting seam, process it with an overlock or zigzag. And you can even make a finishing line, with the same threads as on jeans, for a fortress.
That's all, now collect the jeans, do finishing stitches and you can wear them for a few more years.

In one of the articles, we already discussed the topic, but then the hole was between the legs. A very piquant place, but as it turned out, patching a hole there is not very difficult. And today we will deepen this topic and mend a hole in the most visible place, on the knee. I think each of us knows how insulting it is when a hole appears in this place. You can't cover it with a sweater. In addition, not everyone likes the broken style with noticeable patches or even more holes on the knees. But, fortunately for us, there is an Internet where you can find detailed wizard a class on how to fix a hole in the knee of jeans so that the most keen eye does not see it. This is a real skill for a needlewoman! And today we will study it. We have a video at our disposal, after watching which you will quickly understand the process, and a small photo abstract for this video.

It cannot be said that it is very simple. But we, girls, are such a people, if we have already decided that we need to destroy the traces of a hole on our knee, then we will definitely do it.

So, in order not to revise the video every time, save yourself a photo abstract.

Here is our guinea pig hole.

To perform the ritual of the disappearance of the hole, you will need:

  • a set of threads of different shades, matching in color and tone with each area that needs to be patched;
  • a piece of special fabric with glue applied (but if there is none, use any piece of fabric), you need a rectangular piece, slightly longer than the hole, about 1 cm on each side;
  • if you are using a regular fabric, then you will need fabric adhesive tape;
  • nail scissors;
  • iron;
  • sewing machine.

Let's get started!

To mend a hole in your jeans, turn them inside out and choose a side seam to rip open.

In this case, we take a simpler seam from the outside of the thigh, since it will be much more difficult to restore a seam with colored threads.

Measure about 10 cm from each side of the hole and carefully remove the factory seam with scissors. Then remove the overlay.

Now turn the jeans inside out.

We take our piece of fabric. If you have a fabric with glue applied in your hands, then simply apply it from the inside under the damaged fabric. If you have a regular piece of fabric and adhesive tape, then carefully place the tape along the edges of the piece of fabric and place the fabric with ribbons under the hole. Now we carefully combine the edges of the hole so that they fit as tightly as possible to each other and cut off the loose threads along the edges of the hole, if any.

Now let's heat this place with an iron so that the fabric sticks better.

Next, we take a sewing machine, thread it with a thread that matches the color of the edge of the hole, we wind the upper part of the fabric under the foot of the machine and, moving the fabric back and forth, we lay neat lines that fit snugly against each other. Throughout the work, we will change the thread so that it is similar in shade to the treated area of ​​the hole.

When the work is finished, we turn the leg inside out, and with the help of pins we chop off its halves together.

Then, on a sewing machine, we lay a line where it was originally and overlock the product. If there is no overlock, use a zigzag stitch, which is usually found on modern machines. This is necessary so that the threads at the edges of the seam do not fall out.

And that's it! Now you know how to mend a knee hole in jeans and your favorite pants will look like new.

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