Battle hairstyles of the Slavs. Slavic hairstyles for men. XIX century: ancient elegance and sophistication of romanticism

It cannot be said that in ancient times the length male hair was absolutely equal to the length of women's. Male Slavs regularly cut their hair, but nevertheless their hairstyles were never too short. Men's hair was cut so that the back of the head and ears were covered. The hair was combed from the crown in a circle or simply combed back. Until the 10th century, a straight parting remained popular among the princes, while the length of the hair reached the shoulders.

Our ancestors believed that it was through the hair that they acquire special power from the gods, the surrounding nature and their ancestors. No wonder hair is often compared to a wheat field. Long ears receive more life-giving moisture from Mother Raw Earth and more light from the Sun - Yaril. Yes, and the warning of the Slavic god Svarog said: “Do not cut your fair hair, your hair is different, but with gray hair, because you will not comprehend the Wisdom of God and lose your health.”

Long hair in Russia was associated not only with strength, but also with wisdom. It was believed that the longer their length, the wiser their owner. He receives this wisdom from above, as they would say now - from space. No wonder the word "cosmos" is so similar to "cosmos".

Why does a person need long hair?

In the daily bustle, few people think why a person needs long hair. But they are given to us not just for beauty. A person with long hair has better intuition. A woman with long hair carries a child WITHOUT toxicosis.

Thus, according to the apocryphal “Book of the Genesis of Heaven and Earth,” Samson, an Old Testament hero who became famous for his exploits in the fight against enemies, wore long braids that gave him heroic strength. When Samson broke his vow of celibacy given to the gods and fell in love with Delilah, he revealed to her a secret under the “drunk shop”: “If you cut my hair, then my strength will recede from me.”

The insidious lover waited until the man fell asleep and cut off seven braids from his head. Samson immediately weakened, and the enemies took advantage of this - they blinded him and forced him to work at the mill. But when Samson's hair grew back, the strength returned to him, and he destroyed the building where the enemies were.

I remember the story of my friend. She studied perfectly well, an athlete from the Komsomol, a braid to the waist. And then she managed to do it right before the exams fashionable haircut. And what do you think? She failed her exams. She just could not remember anything from what she knew yesterday at five. She cut off her memory.

Therefore, often a person who has experienced a very great grief is advised to get a haircut. To say so, the memory of the negative moments of life is gone.

And for the same reason, under no circumstances should you cut small children's hair. There is a belief that a child must be cut bald at the age of one. So I'll tell you that this is complete nonsense. A child actively learns the world, learns every second of his life, and you just take and cut off all his memory. He starts learning from the beginning. On the face of a lag in development.

Why do girls tend to develop faster? Because they are usually not trimmed. It has been proven that children who have not had their hair cut grow much faster.

Why did the Slavs wear long hair?

The commandment of God Svarog says: “Do not cut your fair hair, your hair is different, but with gray hair, for you will not comprehend the Wisdom of God and lose your health.”

We all know that in the old days, even Slavic men did not cut their hair. A woman with cropped hair was considered generally disgraced, and among all nations. It was customary for some peoples to cut men's hair, but note that haircuts were far from short.

Also, never dye your hair. We all studied physics at school. The color of objects arises mainly in the process of absorption of waves.

The red vessel looks red because it absorbs all other colors of the light beam and reflects only red. When we say "this cup is red", what we really mean is that the molecular composition of the surface of the cup is such that it absorbs all light rays except red ones.

So, your hair has a certain color, as we know, there are no pure colors, the shades of hair are varied and very complex. Based on the foregoing, hair absorbs energy flows from a certain wavelength. And exactly the energy that your body needs. What happens when you color your hair? Your body begins to receive energy alien to it.

In Russia, the Slavs wore long braids for a reason, the Slavs had their own hair. magical properties- after all, the scythe was located strictly along the spine, being a powerful amulet (now we know that the main chakras are located along the spine, read about them separately). Any WEAVING protected from evil and dark forces.

THOSE WHO SHAVED ARE EASIER TO MANAGE. Thus, the connection with the ancestors and free-thinking are broken, awareness is clouded.

The strength of this current depends on the length of the hair: for the initial stage of hair growth, the longer the hair, the stronger the current, and this happens until the hair grows to 10-15 cm, and then the current stabilizes with further hair growth (approximately within 20- 40cm) gradually drops to zero.

It should be noted that such a pattern is observed in people with a healthy, that is, quite pronounced energy, in people with a weakened life force there may be no current at all.

Long hair accumulates energy well and does not waste it in vain. They become additional energy protection and at the same time enhance the intuitive sensitivity of a person.

A person sensitive to energy is quite clearly convinced of the protective power of long hair: under unfavorable energy influences(of which there are many around - from the unfavorable days of the new moon to certain religious holidays and who knows what else) a person’s long hair begins to annoy him, they are somehow energetically dark, dirty, you want to get rid of them - but they take on the negativity coming from outside, if they didn’t have long hair, then all this darkness and dirt would be in the very head of a person and would cause in him mental states, of course, not the best.

Due to some minimal energy current remaining in long hair, this negative is then removed from the hair. Energy cleansing of hair is their usual combing.

Many women were convinced that hair is an accumulator of a person’s personal energy after changing long hair to a short haircut - immediately after cutting long hair, a state of enlightenment sets in, increased energy tone, it becomes easy and pleasant, so it seems that it has become so because they got rid of from an unnecessary hair, but, alas, this happens because the energy accumulated in long hair has been released and now it is spent on a short-term flash of tone.

And the fact that hair is generally an energy conductor, many people were even more clearly convinced in the event of a sudden danger or just a fright. At this point, the hair stands on end. That is why they stand on end - a sharp energy release passes through them, which plays a protective role, and it is precisely the energy passing through them that lifts them and disperses them. This effect is similar to the effect of electrification.

In men, the energy of mustaches and beards is no less significant. Many in practice have noticed that their energy helps to increase the intuitive sensitivity of a person, and mustaches are especially significant in this regard. And a lot suggests that this is not the only energy function of the mustache and beard.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the energy of hair, the Aryans formed certain types of haircuts, and these haircuts were different for each class. Brahmins, for example, who made up the priestly class, did not cut their hair in principle, for them it was unacceptable, since it reduced for some time their ability to interact with spiritual energies.


In the old days, not only women, but also men treated their hair with care. Only his wife or other close relative had the right to cut a man's hair. The cut hairs were thrown into a burning stove or buried under a fruit tree so that the man would not lose his vitality, and also so that no one could use his hair for evil purposes.

Slavic men from childhood were taught to keep their hair clean in order not to lose touch with the gods and ancestors. Men looked after their hair as carefully as women: they used various herbal infusions, sour milk and clay for washing. Well maintained and beautiful hair attracted the attention of females, as they spoke of the strength of their owner.

How long should women's hair be?

And what is the result? That's right, disease. So women, think a hundred times whether it is worth painting over gray hair, does it spoil you so much. By the way, French women, who are considered the ideal of style and taste, never painted over their gray hair. Do you know that the average hair length for a woman is to the buttocks? And what about a normal one, capable of providing her with the necessary supply of energy - up to her knees?

A woman with long hair has such a powerful energy that she is able to create a protective circle for her beloved man, to protect him with her energy from any troubles. By the way, a husband receives protection from his wife when he combs her hair.

The Slavs had such a tradition. A woman could let her hair down only at home or in nature. For the simple reason that loose hair (and even more cut) absorbs all the negative energy. Including the lustful thoughts of men.

Imagine a girl who has had short hair all her childhood. And why is everyone surprised when she grows up and hits fornication. And you imagine how much vulgarity she absorbed in her entire life, so why be surprised. So think about it, why didn’t girls cut their hair among the Slavs?

The braid flew into the girls, it was located along the spine and it was believed that all the light Universal forces pass through the hair into the spine and fill the body, Soul and Spirit of the girl with special vitality, preparing her for the future Sacred mission of motherhood.

She symbolized the unification of the vital forces of the Worlds of Reveal, Navi and Rule. A married woman braided 2 braids in order to receive energy for herself and for her unborn child. So that the braids do not interfere with work, they were collected in a bundle, or removed under a scarf.

By the way, the hair on the human body performs the same functions as on the head. Therefore, by doing the so-called epilation, women deprive themselves of an additional flow of energy that nourishes specific chakras.

Why do men have long hair?

Many men freeze with delight when they see loose lush hair that develop in the wind. The fact is that subconsciously this is perceived by men as a signal that the girl is ready to get acquainted, she is open for communication. But hair gathered in a ponytail or a strict perfect bun scares men a little, because for them such a hairstyle symbolizes a woman’s desire to make a career.

Many successful women prefer short haircuts, but very often they find themselves lonely and suffer from a lack of affection and love.

ladies with long beautiful curls they look feminine, romantic and completely defenseless, causing a man to want to protect, protect and carry in his arms.

The stronger sex has long thick hair women are associated with good health, readiness for family, children.

In Europe, the first to organize hair cutting was the Roman Emperor Nero, who ordered the consul to cut all foreign legions bald.

When the consul, commander of the foreign legions, asked the emperor Nero why this was necessary, he replied: "I do not want them to think, it is enough for me that they only follow my orders and orders." Most likely this is why modern society and it is customary to cut men's hair so that they think less and be more submissive cogs in the system.

And in the Russian lands, hair cutting began to be practiced only with the advent of Christianity. No one can now explain why and for what they cut the followers of their teachings and their priests-priests, even if the Bible tells of Samson, who never cut his hair and was strong and invincible until his hair was cut off (The Book of Judges Chapter 17, verses 17-19).

Although religion is a very strange thing, and there obedience to the authorities and unwillingness to think with one’s own head is also often very useful, although of course there are other factors why men need long hair and their connection with religion and various rituals, but more on that in a separate article.

He completed the transition to cutting hair for men and the reason for forcibly shaving long beards at the beginning of the 18th century was the decree of Emperor Peter I "to shave beards and wear German dress." Since Peter did not grow a beard, and on this occasion he was very complex. The solution was found - to deprive everyone else of the beard.

LONG HAIR for our ancestors - WISDOM.

Have you ever wondered why in the army they HAVE SHAVED baldly, why everyone says that children under one year old SHOULD CUT their first hair, why in churches women are OBLIGED TO PUT ON A HANDKERCHIEF on their heads? And after all, why did the Indians scalp?

Hair gives a person MENTAL POWER, which is needed, for example, for thinking and awareness, it also gives a person those abilities that are called magical. THE LONGER THE HAIR, the more power a person gets.

Therefore, men in Russia wore elongated haircuts, and witches (Witch, who does not know, the mother in charge, and not the old evil grandmother) had long hair. Almost all paints contain strong chemicals that destroy the structure of the hair and they become dead, after which they cease to perform their functions of accumulating energy.

Hair is indeed a conductor of energy, but for this their length must be at least 7 cm. LONG HAIR for our ancestors has always symbolized - WISDOM.

From the history

In primitive society, women had long hair, which they warmed children and hid from prying eyes. At that time, men liked to woo women by dragging them by the hair into the cave.

In ancient Russia, almost all girls before marriage had a shock of long hair. blond hair, which were braided into a braid. After marriage, they covered their heads and no longer had the right to appear in public without a headscarf. When choosing a bride, very often the groom gave preference to a girl whose hair is longer and thicker.

If you recall ancient Greek mythology, then there was only one goddess with a short haircut - Athena, the goddess of war and justice. And her opposite - Aphrodite, the priestess of love, had lovely hair. The artist Botticelli in one of his famous paintings - "The Birth of Aphrodite" - depicted her with long wavy strands fluttering in the wind. Tenderness and love are on one side of the scale, and on the other - justice and militancy. It is easy to guess what the man will choose.

(among the Eastern Slavs) the hairstyles of girls and married women differed significantly from each other. The girls did not cover their hair with a headdress, while the married ones carefully hid them.

The oldest girl's hairstyle among the Eastern Slavs was loose hair. Girls in the Arkhangelsk province. in the 1880s, they usually walked with one scythe, lowered down the back, with woven into it bright ribbons, but when they put on a bandage or a bang on a holiday, then, in the old way, the hair was not braided, but loosened.

Girls were also crowned and buried with loose hair. During mourning, as well as when performing certain rituals, such as plowing, the girls let their hair down.
Related to this is a special type of girl's headdress in the form of a dressing made of fabric, a hoop made of bast or other material, a wreath, a crown, and the like, as if holding back loose hair. The top of the head was left open.

Braiding hair into one or two braids is a later East Slavic hairstyle. The Russians dominated girly hairstyle in one braid (that's why the girl was called "one-haired"). Weaving a braid in four or seven strands was the custom of the southern Great Russians.

The first braiding of the girl's braid meant her transition to a new age category. While her hair was cut, she was a "lady", and as soon as her braid was braided, she became a "divinka", a marriageable girl. The braiding of the first braid coincided with dressing in " women's clothing”, with putting on a wreath on her head upon reaching the girl marriageable age, i.e. 13 - 16 years old.

In some places, after the birth of a girl, a braid was woven from straw, a coin was put into it and hung on a tree in front of the house so that the girl would live happily to girlhood.
At the age of five, a girl's hair was braided "in a cross", taking strands in front, from the back of her head, then from the right and left ears, tied them in the middle, saying: "as the hair is tied, so the boys would knit."

The braid symbolizes the girl's readiness for marriage, the ribbon in the braid was a sign that the girl was marriageable. From the day of the wooing, the ribbon was woven only into strips, a sign of wooing was attached to it - a long wide ribbon. A long braid is a matter of pride and special care for a girl, her decoration. The hair was carefully looked after, believing that the longer the braid, the better the girl.

The usual hairstyle of Slavic married women (especially Russians) back in the 19th century, and in some places even at the beginning of the 20th century, were two braids, braided on the sides and laid on the head, and often this led to an elevation in front - horns. Among Belarusians and Ukrainians, there was often a custom to style their hair, winding it on a hoop, and not braiding it. The Eastern Slavs had a custom of cutting and even shaving their hair. married woman. The latter was practiced in ancient Novgorod, but was not approved by the church. In the western regions of Ukraine, from Volyn to the Carpathians, there was a custom to cut the hair of married women to the level of the ear hole.

Married women always carefully hid their hair under a headdress. Walking with an uncovered head and even "lighting up the hair" - that is, putting your hair out - was considered a shame for a married woman by all Eastern Slavs; "to cover up" it, i.e. to forcibly tear off a headdress was an insult and even a crime back in the second half of the 19th century. In this case, the woman could go to court, demanding monetary compensation for "disgrace".
Among the Russians (Tver province), it was forbidden for a woman to go out with a simple hair into the yard, to cattle, since there was a belief that "the yard would be angry" and the cattle "would not be found." “If the father-in-law sees that a young woman has come out without a collection,” the old women say, recalling the past, “he will whip him with a whip.” Ukrainians also had a belief that if a married woman went out into the hallway without covering her head with a scarf, then the brownie would "pull her to the attic." According to folk beliefs, a bare-haired married woman caused crop failures, diseases of people and livestock.

The fighting hairstyle of the Slavs changes the character of a man, makes him brave, courageous, fearless and causes panic among our enemies.

The well-being, standard of living and worldview of society are reflected in a person, including a hairstyle.

After the collapse Soviet Union the times of petty thieves or punks have come, which penetrated everywhere and saturated the aura of the whole country with respect for thieves, swindlers and scum, men began to cut their hair like criminals, i.e. bald. hairstyle displays public policy. Televisions filled not very pleasant faces, which sharpen infamously vulgar jokes throughout the country. And the corresponding programs and films. But not so long ago, jokes were sharpened, mainly in prison from idleness. And now in respect in our country - authorities, that is, criminals.

So many bald people still walk in the likeness of criminals, which confirms the direction of society. "But you can still change society with an ordinary male national hairstyle. The ancient Slavic and Cossack hairstyle, mustache and forelock (sedentary), is a warrior's military hairstyle and even a royal hairstyle. This hairstyle was worn by Tsar Svyatoslav, who died in Zaporozhye. defending Russia. The Great Prince Svyatoslav was a warrior and, accordingly, wore the battle hairstyle of the Slavs. Without such a hairstyle, a Slav is not a warrior, but a woman."

From here the Cossacks inherited the fighting and royal hairstyle and reigned for many centuries, and not only in Ukraine. And if all men in Russia wear military and royal hairstyles, mustaches and forelocks, then the Slavs will reign not only in their own country, but throughout the world. In addition, there is evidence that the formidable God, the thunderer, the defender of the Slavs - Perun had such a hairstyle. It's so easy to change life for the better, you just have to want our men to change their hair. Try it and see for yourself.

We now have such a time that every Slav must become a warrior because we are enslaved and we need to be freed. This combat hairstyle not only suits the Slavs, it makes them beautiful and courageous, and by this hairstyle it will be easy to recognize your own, by the way, if a foreigner does such a hairstyle, then it will not suit him, because he will look like a monkey.

Also, the beard changes not only the character, but also the life of a man and society as a whole. If all the men of the country wore beards, then it would be a country of sages and saints. A person completely changes depending on his hairstyle. A beard gives wisdom and dignity, a mustache and forelock (sedentary) - courage and fearlessness. A beard for men is very useful in a free society where there is no internal enemy.

There is a law of feedback. Men will change their hairstyle - and our society will change. If it is impossible to change anything from the top, then the bottom must change itself, and the top will become consistent with the society they govern. Therefore, if someone wants to become a warrior and then live like a king, then cut your hair under the forelock and leave your mustache. And you will know that the most powerful God-Perun, Tsar Svyatoslav, the glorious heroes of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks and you wore such a hairstyle. You will feel the difference between who you were and who you have become. And no one else will be able to fool and exploit you. (The correct forelock should not be behind, but in front, three or four fingers wide from the crown to the forehead)

Be happy!

With respect to all Mikhail Levadny
P.S. Distribute this article to all sites.

Slavic hairstyles were distinguished by their simplicity and practicality. The girls wore long braids, decorating with ribbons, original head sets. A long thick braid was considered a symbol of beauty; Russian folk hairstyles were based on three-strand weaving. Modern fashionistas also use traditional styling, giving a touch of individuality.

Style Description

The hairstyles of ancient Russia were not original. The common people and the nobility wore the same models, differed only in the decoration of head sets and clothes. Women's styling was regulated by church laws, girls wore one braid, and married women braided two. Traditional three-strand weaving symbolized beauty, health, vitality. The thicker and longer the braid was, the more beautiful the girl was considered.

Ribbons woven into a spikelet meant engagement and imminent marriage. After marriage, a woman could not appear in public with her head uncovered, and 2 braids were considered a traditional hairstyle. One filled life energy the keeper of the hearth, the second guarded her children. Hair was of particular importance, during illnesses it was loosened and carefully combed for a quick recovery. A real disgrace for a girl was the cutting of her braid, just like for a married woman to appear in public without a headscarf or kokoshnik.

Everything changed in the 18th century, the peasants continued to wear traditional weaving. Influenced the high society french fashion, bulky wig designs were popular. Worn by both men and women, they preferred the voluminous versions "Poodle", "Mane". Such products were very expensive and only representatives of high society could decorate their heads with magnificent wigs. The barbers were replaced by hairdressers who not only created artificial hairpieces, but also applied makeup. Appearance was given great importance, whole images were created, hairdressers were considered people close to art.

In the 19th century, bulky wigs were replaced by antique hairstyles. Men no longer wore complex designs, but cut their hair short. For beauties, models were offered on average length, strands curled into a variety of curls, which were laid on the crown, crown, at the temples. Symmetrical styling came into fashion, which was decorated with lace, beads, ribbons.

In the 20th century, influenced historical events there were practical haircuts, androgenic forms. The new era has also affected hairdressing, women of fashion chose page, bob, bob, "Garcon", "Cesson", "Pixie". Long hair was no longer associated with femininity and beauty; traditional pigtails were braided only by schoolgirls. In the 21st century, long hair returned to fashion, thanks to the influence of many cultures, new variations of weaving appeared. Only the Russian braid has remained unchanged, on the basis of which complex, modern styling is being created today.

Characteristics of the Russian style:

  • the main features of the hairstyle are symmetry, braided hair, neatly styled in a tight braid, bangs were rarely used in folk hairstyles, which allowed to focus on facial features;
  • the make-up was distinguished by bright colors, the girls highlighted their eyes, eyebrows with black coals, they used beetroot juice for lips and cheeks, the more blushing the beauty, the more beautiful she was considered;
  • quality of fabric, embroidery, painting, colorful, flower drawings were valued in clothes, the National costume included a white shirt and a sundress on the floor with thin straps, a headdress - a kokoshnik or a scarf - was a mandatory attribute.

Characteristic features of hairstyles

Slavic traditions made it possible to grow long braids, they looked after curls in Russia no less carefully than today. Girls could spend hours combing strands with wooden combs, talking hair to add beauty. The first rinses were infusions of herbs, and so that the braid does not fluff, retains a neat shape, the mop was moistened with salt water.

Distinctive features of hairstyles in the Russian style:

  • hair is not cut off, the maximum length is valued;
  • curls are not stained, natural shine and radiance is achieved through careful care;
  • differ in symmetry, are performed mainly without bangs, options with straight bangs are possible;
  • the main hairstyle is a three-strand braid, spikelets were also worn around the head, hair was collected in a bun;
  • hair was tied tightly, a hairstyle with broken strands or protruding “cocks” was considered unsuccessful;
  • hats, multi-colored ribbons were often used.

Who suits hairstyles in the Russian style:

  • will decorate the hairstyle not only for owners of Slavic appearance, it will suit young ladies of contrasting types with expressive facial features, curly and curly curls;
  • recommended for young girls, traditional weaving will emphasize the tenderness, beauty of youth;
  • mature women should choose hairstyles with correction properties, a voluminous crown, strands framing the face;
  • vintage hairstyles emphasize a graceful silhouette, collected hair suits slender tall and petite young ladies.

Important point! Traditional styling should be combined with modern stylistic directions of boho, grunge, casual, romantic, pajama style.

You can perform hairstyles in the Russian style at any length. An ethno image is created not only thanks to a special styling. It is worth paying attention to details, accessories. For many, a braid will be a great option for every day. It is recommended to choose for a solemn event, complementing the appropriate outfit:

  • it is better to create assembled models on the second day after washing your hair or use styling products so that the strands do not get out of the general mop;
  • to add volume to a rare braid, it is recommended to wind the main part of the hair, you can also use false hair to increase the length, the material is selected to match the color of the curls;
  • there are no bouffants, strands near the face, bangs of a straight shape are allowed, the hairstyle is quite simple, notes of originality are created with the help of details;
  • symmetry of the styling is given by a vertical central parting and three-strand weaving, you can also collect curls in a spikelet, a bunch, smoothly combing the curls back.

To create a hairstyle in the Russian style, you need to choose the right accessories. Scarves, ribbons, kokoshniks will look stylish, modern, combined not only with outfits a la lady, but also with actual casual, grunge, glamorous chic.

Is it possible to do the styling yourself

Vintage hairstyles are easy to create with your own hands. To perform hairstyles based on the Russian braid, you can see the video of Lilith Moon, the step-by-step technique will provide the desired result. Different arrangement of braids will allow you to choose a hairstyle for different types of appearance.

Tools for styling in the Russian style:

  • a brush for combing the entire shock, choose depending on the type of hair, so that the curls are well separated and not fluffy;
  • a flat comb will be required to perform the parting, creating a smooth styling, straight combing the weave;
  • gel, wax, varnish or fondant are used to create a neat styling;
  • invisible, hairpins, elastic bands will allow you to fix the braid, keeping its shape for as long as possible;
  • hair accessories - kokoshnik, scarf, hoop, ribbons, lace.

Hairstyles with braids for every day quickly and easily.

Options for haircuts, hairstyles, styling for different hair lengths

Laying for folk dances is distinguished not by the complexity of execution, but by luxurious headdresses. Performed on long curls, a thick, thick braid is a must-have hairstyle. The curls are combed back, focusing on the face. Suitable for young girls with regular, expressive features, elongated, triangular shape oval.

The braid around the head is performed at medium and below the shoulders. Suitable for young ladies with chiseled features, the correct shape of the oval. A convenient, practical styling option, also used for special occasions. Ribbons can be woven to give characteristic ethnic notes, or combined with a Russian-style outfit.

For long curls, it is recommended to choose models with one or two braids. Simple styling emphasizes girlish beauty, tenderness. Suitable for young ladies who prefer natural beauty. Symmetrical hairstyles emphasize the face, long braids emphasize a slender, fragile silhouette. A comfortable hairstyle for every day allows you to maintain a neat shape, prevent tangling of long strands. With the help of accessories of ribbons, wreaths, headbands, it is easy to create a festive look.

Hairstyles with kokoshniks look stylish and modern. They are combined with weaving on medium and long curls, but can also be performed on short strands. The headdress focuses all attention on itself, hides the absence of a luxurious mop. It is recommended to choose an accessory for the main outfit, you can create an image not only for photo shoots, but also for solemn events. Suitable for slender, tall girls, petite young ladies, you need to choose neat, small models of Russian attire.

Collected hairstyles with a scarf are used by modern young ladies, creating unique images. Suitable for the cold period of the year, girls of a model type of appearance choose. Thanks to the headdress, you can create a Russian style in modern interpretation. Hairstyles with a scarf are recommended for young ladies with impeccable external data.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many fashionistas eschew vintage styling, but the three-strand braid is the basis of many. modern models. Given the advantages and disadvantages of weaving, it is easy to create a bright, distinctive look.


  • retains a neat shape throughout the day;
  • simple weaving technology does not cause difficulty even for beginners;
  • it is possible to combine with modern stylistic trends;
  • Russian braid corresponds to current hairdressing trends;
  • performed on straight, curly, curly curls;
  • original accessories allow you to create individual images.


  • not suitable for mature, as well as overweight women;
  • the hairstyle does not have anti-aging, corrective properties, focuses on the shortcomings;
  • will not work on short strands.

Star examples

Ksenia Sobchak chooses traditional braids for social events.

Ulyana Sergeenko not only develops successful collections, inspired by the traditions of ancient Russia. The designer herself uses stylish images with collected curls for social events.

Gigi Hadid combines long braid to the waist with a red suit and a wide choker.

Natalya Vodyanova often appears with gathered hair, highlighting the unique appearance of the supermodel.

Useful video

Weaving a Russian braid.

In Russia, since pre-Christian times, it was believed that the style and shape of the Slavic male hairstyle is reflected in the spirituality of a person. The fashion for changing hairstyles was introduced by Peter I, after having visited Europe, he, having returned to Russia, subjected his confidants to forced cutting of their beards and hair. It is from the time of Peter the Great that the peoples of Western Europe have become trendsetters in hairdressing fashion.

Of course, men's Slavic hairstyles, up to the 17th century, did not differ in variety and originality.

In the pre-Petrine era, the goal of hairdressing in Russia was to make haircuts as practical as possible. Long hair should not obstruct the view of the hunter or warrior, and not interfere with the beekeeper or fisherman during their fishing. However, it has long been believed that short haircut deprives the representative of the strong half of humanity of his inner strength. At the same time, those falling on the shoulders also did not have much popularity, and their carrier could be classified as marginal - people who seek to move away from the original Russian traditions and therefore are able to betray their homeland.

If you take a closer look at the history of male Slavic hairstyles, you can see the difference in the haircuts of the southern and northern Slavs.

Here too, fashion was determined by practicality. Residents of Novgorod, Ryazan and Vladimir preferred to wear convict hairstyles "under the pot", complemented by a beard. This was mainly due to the harsh winter, which made the use of natural vegetation as an additional factor to prevent frostbite on the face. At the same time, the settled habit of the inhabitants of the Zaporozhian Sich, coupled with a mustache and the absence of a beard, made it easier to endure the summer heat.

The practicality and convenience of men's hairstyles of the northern Slavs was complemented by various hairdressing accessories, the simplest of which was a forehead strap. It was its use that prevented hair from falling into the eyes, facilitating the work of a blacksmith, carpenter, and plowman.

In warriors, long hair prevented the scalp from rubbing with a combat helmet or chain mail cap. If we take into account the continuity of wars in Russia, starting from the battle on the Kalka River and ending with the Time of Troubles, then it is easy to understand that long hair Slavic hairstyles also played a unitary role.

At the same time, it is not necessary to assume that the long hair of the Slavs was in disarray or had an untidy appearance.

For the Slavs, a bath is an invariable attribute, the attitude towards which was, if not semi-religious, at least mystical. It was in the bathhouse that the brownie most often hid, and the weekly bathing bath is still considered an original Slavic tradition.

From ancient times, washing with curdled milk, whey, egg yolk or bread kvass has entered into today's hair care practice.

If you compare it with the British hair care culture, here you can see the difference in the way they are washed. Until the beginning of the 20th century, it was customary in England to first wash your hands in a special basin, and then move on to washing your face and hair. Such a thing as dousing yourself with water from a bucket in Western Europe didn't exist.

You should not think that in ancient times and in more recent times, the most popular among the Slavs was the hairdressing style of the hairstyle “under the pot”.

On icons and ancient miniatures, one can see Slavic men's hairstyles with an Alice-like trimming of the hair contour. Besides, long strands curled slightly outwards. It should be remembered that the fashion for various wigs came to Russia during the time of Peter the Great's reforms, and in everyday life wigs became widespread among officers during the reign of Peter III and Paul I.