Poems on the day of the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Congratulations on Police Day - official, in prose Congratulations on the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Congratulations on the day of the police (militia) poems and prose for the professional holiday for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which is celebrated on November 10. Congratulations in verse on the day of the police of the Russian Federation, with beautiful wishes all the best in the family and success in the service, will be excellent parting words in rhyme for the holiday - the day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Congratulations in prose on the day of the police, with sincere wishes for all the best in the service, will be a wonderful speech spoken in your own words in professional holiday- Day of the police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. A fine celebratory toast to the police, spoken from the heart, will be sincere warm wishes for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on his professional holiday.

Congratulations on the phone
Happy Police Day

Congratulations on the day of the police on the phone - funny and original musical and voice wishes sent to a mobile or landline number. A congratulatory audio card on the day of the police will go to the phone in the form of an incoming call with a sound greeting of your choice for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, by answering which the recipient will listen to the congratulation.

My police protect me

My police take care of me
Protects from thieves, villains,
The whole country today, according to tradition,
Congratulations to the policemen!

You have been given great powers
Do not care about your connections and blat,
Work hard day and night
You need to raise your salary!

We thank you for your reliability,
Strength, honesty, methods of deduction,
And for conscientiousness, seriousness,
And for the fact that you are a thunderstorm of corruption.

We believe you will exterminate the infection,
Save society from problems
Maybe not tomorrow, and not immediately,
But heaven on earth will come, Eden!

The main thing is that there is happiness at home,
So that there is comfort and a reliable rear,
So that the family waits for you and loves,
Good health and strength to you!

Congratulations on Police Day!

I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Happy Police Day. You are always at the forefront of the fight against crime. Ignoring time, colossal physical and psychological stress, often sacrificing your health and even life itself, you protect the peace of citizens and ensure stability in society. Thank you for your effective law enforcement activities and professionalism. Wish you good health, successes in service, all the best.

Our own police

Our own police
You will always come to the rescue
You kill bandits like flies
And save our children.
You watch and guard the law,
And you won't hit your face in the dirt,
You stop evil at the root
And you have a strong command of words!

You have chrysanthemums in your soul,
Romance, even mystery
But there are more important problems -
Criminals hunt down nasty -
Disarm in an instant
You can smell bandits a mile away!
You serve your country so zealously,
What is on duty for days.

We heartily congratulate you
Happy big day!
Health, good luck,
Fight successfully with crooks.
We wish you a lift in your career,
Presentation of new shoulder straps,
Love and harmony - at home,
And let the law prevail!

For courage, courage and for new shoulder straps! - toast

Congratulations on the holiday - Happy Police Day! What is a holiday without a laid table and without a beautiful toast? I raise a glass to you, brave guardians of order, worthy sons of the country! Let there be light in the darkest corners of our society! Let criminals surrender, cases are revealed!.. You work not for fear or gold, but for honor and conscience! I wish you iron patience, health and not harden your soul! For justice, for courage, courage and for new shoulder straps!

native police

With brave faces
native police,
Bandits, killers to her -
Not at all scary.
huge capital,
deaf province,
To the very border
Huge country.
Suddenly something happens -
They are right there like a bird,
Letting go of ambition
They fly to help.
And the killers cry
In dreams: "I would have strangled myself!",
Seeing in the distance
Police Outfit!

Happy Police Day!

Fighting and serious-faced,
You are good at dangerous work,
Happy day - Police Day!
We congratulate you wholeheartedly.

May God grant you good luck, health, perseverance,
Understanding and love in the family,
So that there are as few sorrows as possible,
Evil and crimes on earth.

Take an example from a policeman!

Take an example from a policeman!
He is the first everywhere - look!
He will come to our aid in trouble!
He honestly carries out his service!

May a happy occasion be at hand,
Protect so that our peace is better!
Move forward through the years!
Be healthy and faithful to friendship, forever!

They call you now in a new way

They call you now in a new way,
Let there be a pay rise after that.
On shoulder straps appeared so that a star -
As if on order!
Let the criminals at least once a year
On this holiday, they will take a day off for themselves -
Everyone will surrender together!
Yes, police work is not easy,
But let it be your joy,
Dangers do not scare you, and evil -
Do not be afraid of obstacles!
Let Kamenskaya rest today
And Sharapov will quietly pour a cup -
Drink for shoulder straps.

I wish the police on holiday ...

I wish the police on a holiday,
To be close to true friends.
From a bullet to take care of a friend's back,
So that you can always have a drink together.

I wish health and love to the police,
Your whole family be proud of you,
We must respect the dangerous work of the police,
So that she could protect us from troubles, misfortunes.

Dear police officer!

Dear police officer! Accept sincere congratulations with your professional holiday! Employees of internal affairs bodies have always occupied a worthy place in solving national problems. Your service is a model of courage and endurance. The state of the whole society depends on your professionalism and service to the law. This is a guarantee of order, peace and security of the inhabitants of the country. Thank you for your dedication to your duty, for your hard selfless work. We express our deep gratitude to you for maintaining a stable operational environment. You are doing your job of upholding the rule of law and ensuring public safety with integrity. You have the right to be proud of the results achieved. We wish you good health, new professional successes, clean hands, a kind heart, support for people who turn to you in difficult situations. Happiness to you, good luck, love and home warmth!

Happy Holidays
Police Day

Happy police day cards - colorful Greeting Cards to the professional holiday of the day of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Animated postcards with police day in gif animation. Postcards with congratulations on the day of the Russian police.

I am very happy to congratulate the police

The police have a holiday for the guys today.
I am very happy to congratulate the police.
Let the stars fall on your shoulder straps,
And they give a big bonus every day.

May you be awarded a brilliant order,
They will give permission not to go to the outfit.
May you be very lucky in life and work.
I wish you love, health, happiness and loot.

Police work is difficult, dangerous!

Our police have a lot of worries,
She keeps peace and order,
And always ready for the phone "zero two",
We trust if trouble happens.

And she protects any of us
From raids, thefts and hungry eyes,
That they are ready to encroach on our good,
Not ashamed of the unrighteous way.

Police work is difficult, dangerous, harsh -
These are sleepless nights, this is a battle of wits
These are bullets and explosions, and the severity of losses.
And with victory - a happy and joyful look.

So let us bow to her best sons,
For the service that gives peace to us.
And if there is an alarm barely -
We can always trust "zero two".

On Police Day, I wish ...

Something in the world is restless -
Bandyugans are plotting
The plan is criminal, the plan is insidious
The world is capable of shaking.

But the police are not in vain we
We trust our lives.
We believe that at the appointed hour
Can they save us!

On Police Day, I wish
Strength, valor, courage.
Safe to service
Yours was difficult.

To have your relatives at home
Waited and met
There was certainly happiness
And success in all matters!

Happy Police Day!

Congratulations on your professional holiday, Happy Police Day! Your service is aimed at protecting the most important values ​​of society - law and order, the human right to safety of life and the inviolability of property. You are true professionals, sparing no effort and life in the fight against crime, drug mafia, bribery and corruption. Thank you for your professionalism, dedication and dedication. I wish you success in your hard work, good health, fortitude, happiness, and the implementation of your plans!

Congratulations, guys, you accept!

Cop, don't rush
And put off work.
Accept congratulations
And get some rest.

What would you wish
Yes, first of all, do not get sick,
Cover another with your chest
Yes, do not get hit by bullets.

Congratulations, guys, you accept!
We believe that you will protect the world, peace.
If necessary, you are always a mountain
Protect us from troubles and evil!

Keepers of order

Congratulations today, Defenders!
Keepers of order!
We wish you happiness, joy.
Those whose courage, strength, grip
Lets live in peace
Helping adults and children
Protected from bandits
Crimes are exposed.

Congratulations on Police Day! - toast

Congratulations on Police Day! We wish you happiness, health and success in your hard work. A thief should be in prison, a crucian should be on a hook, and we should be in prison with you. festive table. We will celebrate Police Day with dignity and beauty. Once again, Happy Holidays, Happy Police Day!

Bow to all our police!

You serve the interests of the people
Efficient, reliable, open,
Disarm the hooligans
Crimes will be exposed.

Protecting our citizens' rights,
Stop terrorism,
Preventing riots.
Bow to all our police!

You are the shield and sword of the Fatherland,
Your mission is to protect us,
I wish to preserve the honor of the uniform,
It is also sacred to fulfill your duty.

Today in Russia, a holiday is celebrated, which is historically customarily called the Day of the Police. After the well-known reform carried out several years ago, both the police itself and the former name of the holiday officially ceased to exist. As a result, a construction with a rather cumbersome name "Day of an employee of the internal affairs bodies" appeared in the calendar of holidays of the power structures of our country. Russian Federation". However, the renaming did not change the essence of the celebration.

In 2017, the holiday has its own anniversary. The fact is that it has been celebrated as a professional event since 1962 - 55 years ago - on the basis of a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The date has a historical reference to November 10 ( a new style) in 1917, when the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Republic Alexei Rykov (the future chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR) put his signature on the decree "On the Workers' Police".

All law enforcement officers on this holiday were congratulated by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Police General Vladimir Kolokoltsev:

I heartily congratulate you on the Day of the employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation! This is a holiday for all those who have dedicated their lives to serving the people, the law and the Fatherland.

The profession of a police officer is one of the most important and necessary. The requirements for it have never depended on the time - it is always a high responsibility, honesty and courage.

Today personnel The Ministry adequately responds to new criminal challenges and threats, fights against organized crime, terrorism and extremism, and ensures the economic and migration security of the state.

Thanks to your effective work, the level of protection of citizens is increasing and, as a result, the prestige of the department is growing.

On this day, we pay deep respect to our comrades who died in the line of duty, bow our heads before their feat and cherish the bright memory of the heroes.

I express my sincere gratitude to the veterans for their support and assistance in training, education and civil development of the young generation of law enforcement officers. Your experience, fidelity to duty and careful attitude to traditions are priceless for us.

I am sure that in the future the personnel will successfully solve the tasks entrusted to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, strengthen the confidence of their compatriots with their work and high results.

With all my heart I wish you and your families good health, happiness and prosperity!

"Military Review" joins these words and, for its part, congratulates all employees and veterans of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and the USSR, who stand (stood) on guard of law and order and the rule of law, on their professional holiday!

    We would like to sincerely congratulate you on Police Day,
    We are ready to glorify your hard work every day.
    And we want to wish your boss not to be strict,
    It was less so that you have force majeure and anxiety in your service,
    In the country, crime began to actively decrease in order to decrease,
    And so that your dreams begin to come true all at once.

    Happy Police Day! I wish you luck
    May good luck visit you often.
    May the mood be good in the morning
    And every day and hour will be happy.

    Let our people respect the laws
    And every citizen will be exemplary.
    May it always be calm on the streets,
    And work will not add gray hair to you.

    According to a well-established tradition
    I want to congratulate you on Police Day.
    And wish that there was less stress,
    The shifts went without incident.
    So that the authorities remember and respect,
    And the title is another so as not to "clamp".

    Happy Police Day!
    I sincerely wish you today
    Only pleasant and bright moments
    And in the service of big promotions.

    Let there be a lot of money in your pockets
    So that you visit the desired countries.
    Let there be enough health and strength,
    May the coming days be sweet!

    Happy Police Day, I congratulate you!
    On this holiday, I sincerely wish you
    Service honestly, worthy to carry,
    Always be on the alert, ahead.

    Let there be order in business
    And let fear be unknown.
    And there is a reward for deeds.
    I want to have everything you need!

We consider Russian Police Day
The main holiday of the country
We openly declare to you
The Fatherland needs you.
Let the service inspire you
Let the mood always be excellent
Let the family wait impatiently at home,
All the best to you, joy, victories and kindness.

Happy day of the valiant Russian police,
Congratulations and honor traditions,
Good luck, good luck, inspiration,
Victory, endurance, patience.
Let your career grow rapidly
Let the authorities appreciate you, respect you,
Let everything go well
May God grant you good health and goodness.

Russian police officers - honor and praise,
You will always be the first to call,
You eradicate crime, you protect the law,
For this, thank you, and low bow.
May God give you health, perseverance,
Understanding is always in the family,
To have less sorrow
And crimes on earth.

Your service is both dangerous and difficult,
But it is so necessary and important,
After all, crime never sleeps,
Therefore, at any time of the day you are always on duty.
On the day of the Russian police, congratulations,
Let the service give you only inspiration,
Let sorrows disappear forever
May your path be illuminated by a lucky star.

Happy Russian police day guys
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
God bless you, health, happiness,
May cherished dreams come true.

Let the family live in abundance
May you be pleasantly surprised every day
May the Lord protect you from troubles.

All employees of the Russian police - praise and honor,
Your merits before the fatherland cannot be counted,
You are our support and reliable stronghold,
We wish you a life without problems and worries.
Let life flow like a full river
May fortune always smile at you
May all your dreams come true
May all sorrows be forever forgotten.

It's like playing poker
You can't show feelings with an eyebrow,
You didn’t skate - just operas,
Find, catch up and detain.
We congratulate you, brave knight,
Sometimes life is a game
To be healthy in body and soul,
Opera ready for battle!

To all who serve in the police
I wish fortune on this day
Mutual, devoted friendship,
In general, colleagues and friends, congratulations!
Serve honestly and honorably
Fatherland only for good!
To be proud of calmly
People with your courage!

I want to be in good condition
Today is Police Day!
So you're in the police now...
Accept congratulations from your friends!
I want to be always healthy
Honest, noble and ready
Keep order day and night
And overcome all adversity!

It just so happened ... you became a cop:
Among the "citizens" you dissect in the form
But do not regret, friend, about
Serving a man is the norm!
Serve easily and cheerfully
But do not take bribes and bribes,
Yes, you deserve a position, a title,
And life will be all right!
Let the children have fun and the wife
(Be proud, admire only this one!)
Burned by love only for you,
Minutes give happiness and peace!
The happiness of life, dear friend, and that:
You can even be a "good cop" !!!

Today is the professional holiday of all those who guard our sleep and safety on our streets. Congratulations to all employees of the internal affairs bodies on the Day Russian Police and we wish them never to lose focus on fasting and faith in their work!

Congratulations on the Day of the police officer! I wish you less extreme and dangers in your profession and more health and success in life. May the stars that perform the most cherished desires, fall from heaven right on your shoulder straps.

If suddenly they call the duty officer,
With a cry of abuse and blasphemy,
And with threats to fire
At least don't put your pants on!

Hurry up and check
date on the calendar.
Forgot the day of the week?
Police Day already!

Congratulations on Police Day
This service is not easy.
We wish you health and happiness,
And of course, higher post.

Gratitude cannot be cured with flattery
And thank you doubly,
All who faithfully, with honor,
Serves the community in our country!

Strong, kind and brave
Internal affairs officer.
If trouble, where will it happen,
He will go there immediately.

Help and soothe
He will cover his back.
Hero of the former police
Now he has become a hero of the police.

Deftly fighting with bandits,
And acting beautifully in films,
Everywhere he is irresistible.

But one property is good
Our main protector and friend -
Next to him, the world brightens around.

So let it always be
No trouble will bend.
After all, how kind and brave he is,
Our internal affairs officer!

Today will sing and have fun
Large friendly coalition of the Law.
It is not good for them to lose heart for a long time -
To the sons of courage - the valiant Police.

Let the service require you to have nerves of steel,
And the risk is big, the work is not for the weak,
In their hearts they are kind, brave, and brave.
They are generally great guys!

I wish you, knights of order,
Good luck in life and in business.
In the service, let everything be quiet, smooth.
Prosperity to you - let there be yachts, summer cottages.

May your loved ones always surround you.
You are not forgotten. You are always respected.
I want to congratulate you on the Day of the Police Officer,
Say "thank you" to you from the Russian people!

Forgive the confusion of words
But the Russian tradition
Always for gender equality
Police with Police.

May this humble holiday be yours
You shine according to the law
Cognac, guitar and pita bread,
And stars on shoulder straps.

And may Archangel Michael
He believes you without looking back.
God bless you from dark forces,
From a bullet and from a bribe.

There are days and nights!
There are nights and days!
And you are always in the service -
You guys are from the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
Today is your holiday
Everything is possible today!
And on this special day
We wish you everything!
What's all? We don't know!
But we know only one thing -
What is special on this day
Still in service
Patrolman and traffic cop
And opera and tracker,
And that's why
In Russia, everything is “nishtyak”!

Who is in the internal affairs bodies,
Who often does not know rest,
We will proclaim a toast
And we invite everyone to the table!

We wish you a good day
Flowers, gifts, cool words.
So that there are many good things in life,
And true love!

Russian Police Day...
Or is it the police?
It doesn't matter
Congratulations to all the brave!
Be young, be beautiful
Don't lose your cues.
Let the villains be nice
Clumsy and weak.
So that you catch them instantly
Having knocked them famously on the foreheads!