Hair dye loreal casting creme gloss palette. Hair dye "Loreal Casting Cream Gloss": a palette of colors, reviews. How to choose a color from shades casting cream gloss

The chemical composition of Casting creme gloss is safe for the hair structure and follicles. This is due to the absence of ammonia and the content of useful trace elements of natural origin, which create protection from the effects of the external environment.

The dyeing process is accompanied by nourishing and moisturizing the hair, so after the procedure, many notice an improvement in the condition of the strands.

It is recommended to use a product for weakened hair and thin hair. The gentle action of the active ingredients and the effect of royal jelly leads to the strengthening and restoration of damaged areas.

The effectiveness of the pigment is proved by the high-quality coloring of gray hair. Resilience largely depends on individual features structures. Elastic strands after using Casting creme gloss play with new colors and shine, which will not leave others without attention.


Developing an assortment line of the palette, the developers adhere to the principle of creating products of natural tones. There are 28 shades in total, each of which gives a rich color and shine to the hair.

For convenient selection of tone, all shades are divided into groups that have their own names:

  • "Shining blondes";
  • "Ice Chocolate";
  • "Black silk".

Usually, the choice of cosmetics, clothing and paint is based on matching the palette and skin type. This factor was taken into account by the developers of Casting creme gloss. Each group of colors has cold and warm tones. This brings the result as close as possible to natural shades and harmoniously combines the hair color with the skin.


Periodically fashion trends change, as do the preferences for colors and shades. Following new directions, manufacturers regularly change the product line.

Among the popular tones this season:

  • light blond ash;
  • light blond sunny;
  • amber blond;
  • frosty beige;
  • chestnut honey;
  • almond;
  • chocolate;
  • red pomegranate;
  • black chestnut;
  • cocoa with ice;
  • black cherry, etc.

To obtain the desired result, you should follow the rules specified in the instructions for use:

  1. Cream paint should be applied to dry hair.
  2. Having prepared necessary tools and materials, you should combine the coloring pigment with the developer in the bottle from the kit. Shake the mixture thoroughly before use.
  3. Put a special dispenser on the neck of the bottle for easy application of the composition.
  4. Squeezing the paint through the dispenser, distribute it to the root part along the partings.
  5. Using a comb with fine teeth, paint over the strands along the entire length.
  6. Leave the creamy mixture on the head for the action of the pigment for 30 minutes.
  7. Rinse your hair well with warm water and treat it with a restorative balm.
  8. Drying should be done naturally.

Shade selection

For the correct selection of the shade, you should decide on the color type of the skin (warm or cold).

The hint can be found in front of the mirror:

  1. The cold type is characteristic of light skin and gray, blue or blue eyes. Also, this type corresponds to a combination of a pale matte face and almost black eyes.
  2. A honey or swarthy skin with brown or green eyes belong to the warm color type. Based on the information received, you can choose the right tones.

All names with mention of ice, nord, cold speak for themselves. Ashy, mother-of-pearl shades, very light and bright blonds are also suitable for a cold color type.

The warm type is characterized by sunny, honey, sand, caramel, amber, chestnut and chocolate shades. If the word “frosty” is added to these names, then the colors are more suitable for a cold flower-pot.

Cream paint is used not only for full coloring, but also for other purposes:

  1. Toning strands different ways- the duration of the dye is 20-40 minutes, depending on the desired result.
  2. Gray hair masking - the duration of the pigment is 30-50 minutes.
  3. Tinting the roots and to add shine - the duration of the dye is 15-25 minutes.
  4. Normal staining takes an average of 30-40 minutes.

Price, pros and cons

The cost of one package, including a pigment, a developer, a restorative agent and gloves, is 320-350 rubles. You can buy paint in specialized stores or on the website on the Internet.


  1. The tool has a gentle effect on the hair structure.
  2. The saturation of the shades is maintained even after 28 shampoos.
  3. The creamy consistency makes it easy to distribute the pigment on the strands, ensuring uniform coloring;
  4. During the action of the pigment, the cream does not spread, it fits snugly on the hairline.
  5. The composition included useful material, which have a restorative effect and nutrition, ammonia is not used.
  6. Leaves no chance gray hair keep the silver color.
  7. The cream does not have an unpleasant pungent odor, so the staining procedure takes place with pleasant sensations;
  8. The components of the composition do not cause allergic manifestations at all.
  9. The product is equally popular in salons and home use.
  10. A diverse palette of colors will allow you to choose the perfect option that emphasizes the natural beauty.


  1. High cost, especially if you need several servings for long curls.
  2. With frequent washing of the head, it is quickly washed off.

Cream-paint Loreal casting allows you to perform high-quality coloring. Due to the absence of ammonia, the procedure is absolutely safe. Rich cosmetics allows you to choose the color that suits you.

Advantages and disadvantages of paint

The benefits of paint include:

  • The dye works perfectly with gray hair problem.
  • The palette includes attractive colors with which you can get a natural shade. After the procedure, the hair will be obedient and shiny.
  • The paint is based on a special formula without ammonia, which reduces the negative impact on curls and scalp. Due to this, the composition does not have an unpleasant odor.
  • The paint contains a caring complex, so coloring will be considered another useful procedure for hair and scalp. The complex helps to strengthen the hair. The basis includes royal jelly, known for its healing properties.
  • Products suitable for dyeing brittle hair, which are constantly dried with a hairdryer, curl. With the help of a caring complex, the hair is saturated with vitamins, and therefore they become obedient.
  • The staining result lasts up to 8 weeks. If you use care products after staining, then the color will be saturated for a long time.
  • Cosmetics can be used with and feeding.

The disadvantages include:

  • If the instructions are not followed, a negative result may result.
  • Higher cost compared to similar products.
  • Not all shades look the same as after dyeing.

Palette of colors

Now naturalness is highly valued in everything: makeup, hair color. You can use bright colors, they are not so popular. The palette includes various natural shades. The composition of the paint includes 30 bright tones, from which you can choose the original to your color.

To choose the right tone, you need to ask the sellers for a book with colored strands. With this example, one can choose best color, because it is much more convenient than color schemes on the package.

With natural black hair, you can perfectly update the color, make it brighter and shiny. The palette includes 5 different tones. For representatives blonde hair There are 7 original shades. With them, it will be possible to perform clarification by 1 or more tones. After the procedure, unpleasant yellowness does not appear.

The palette includes beautiful chestnut tones, which can be dark and light. Variety allows you to get natural shades. The paint allows you to get a wonderful shine and rich color.


Casting has been using Loreal paint for a long time. During the procedure, there is no unpleasant odor, as is the case with other products. The formula is easy to apply and rinse off. With paint, you can completely eliminate gray hair. Recommend everyone to try!

I was pleasantly surprised by the excellent results. It turns out a rich color. You just need to follow the instructions. Compared to other paints, this one performs gentle staining. I strongly advise you to change the color with this particular dye.

Using Loreal paint, I was pleased with the result of staining. The composition does not burn the scalp and hair, and also has a pleasant aroma and is easy to apply. The procedure with paint is absolutely safe.

Staining procedure

To get a great result, you must complete all the steps of the procedure:

  • First you need to carry out testing paint for allergies.
  • Need to follow instructions because everyone can have different features use
  • You need to wet your hair and wring it out. This is necessary for uniform staining to make the color attractive.
  • Before mixing, wear the protective gloves included in the kit. To mix the components, you do not need a brush and a container.
  • After applying the composition, you need to wait 20 minutes. Then you need warm water without shampoo.
  • Apply a balm to clean curls, and rinse after 2 minutes. At the end, the hair is dried.

The uniqueness of the chemical composition

  • Cream paint has a unique composition. Thanks to the original formula, the product provides care. The main component is royal jelly, which has a nourishing and caring effect. This helps to strengthen the structure. Under the influence of paint, the hair becomes silky.
  • The effect is enhanced by the use of a caring balm. The product makes hair shiny.
  • Ammonia-free paint contains an original fragrance with the aroma of wild berries. Therefore, the tool is perfect for those who can not stand the smell of ammonia.

Each package consists of developing milk, coloring mass, gloves, balm, instructions. The developing milk has a thick, pleasant texture. One package is enough for coloring even long hair.

With paint, it will be possible to hide the gray hair. Cosmetics will the best option and for those who do not want to radically change the color, because it allows you to transform the shade. The result lasts up to 30 shampoos.

Colored hair care

In order for the hair to be in order after dyeing, the following care rules must be followed:

  • No need more than 3 tones.
  • There must be at least 2 weeks between dyeing and perm., because the harmful effect procedures can adversely affect the condition of the curls.
  • Nessesary to use special means for colored curls.
  • Do not use a hair dryer, tongs. If, nevertheless, they are used to create hairstyles, then you need to use.
  • After staining, use a conditioner balm. A nourishing cream will help restore the structure of the curls.
  • To make hair easy to style, they need to be combed before going to bed.
  • Wet hair is usually brittle, so you need to use a comb for combing.

Loreal paint will allow you to renew your hair color, and proper care will help maintain their structure.

Hair is the main indicator of how a woman takes care of herself and monitors her health. Frequent staining adversely affects their condition, and if monthly staining cannot be abandoned for a number of reasons, the most important of which is gray hair, then you need to look for a paint that affects them less than others, but at the same time retains the resulting color for a long time. Under such a description of a miracle remedy, a paint palette from L'Oreal Paris with the name "CASTING Creme Gloss" (Casting Cream Gloss) falls. With it, you can give the curls the desired shade in the safest way.

Description paint Loreal CASTING Creme Gloss

The product belongs to ammonia-free paints, so it does not harm the skin and curls. This is one of them, it can be used by pregnant and lactating mothers, but, despite its mild effect, it completely masks gray hair. Her palette contains natural shades of curls, after dyeing which, the tone exactly hits the described color on the package.

Naturally, the final result will be influenced by the original color of the curls, the frequency of their staining and structure, therefore, for a radical change in color, it is better to seek the advice of a professional and choose the appropriate tone together with him.

The paint colors the curls only from the outside, without penetrating into their structure and affecting it, so the color fastness is estimated at four weeks, but during this time the roots will grow, and it will still need to be painted, so its use is fully justified. Refers to one of the .

On the video - Loreal Casting Cream Gloss:

Its main component is the royal jelly of bees, which has an excellent effect on the condition of the curls, it nourishes them with the necessary substances, protects them from the aggressive interference of other substances. The effect of this product is noticeable immediately. After the first application of the paint, the hair becomes soft, pleasant to the touch, easy to comb and style. They acquire elasticity and firmness, thicken without weighting. And you can find out about the Matrix hair dye palette.

The main advantages of Casting Gloss paint from are:

  • obtaining a natural shade, without the effect of artificial strands, since among the wide range of shades of the product you can choose the right tone;
  • coloring pigments perfectly color the hair, and in case of accidental contact with the skin, they are easily erased;
  • it paints over gray hair, when applied, it well paints over each strand that has lost its pigmentation from the very roots;
  • in the process of staining, the coloring agent does not cause discomfort, burning and itching during its use are excluded;
  • the creamy consistency of the paint makes it possible uniform distribution on the hair, while it does not spread;
  • after its use, a healthy shine appears on the strands;
  • the product should be used for thin and hair that has lost its strength, it protects them by wrapping them in an invisible film.

To prolong the durability of dyeing, the manufacturer recommends using detergents and fixatives for hair care after this process. They will be able to fix the result, and enhance the intensity of staining. And what frosty chocolate hair dye looks like can be found by.

Color palette from Loreal Casting Cream Gloss

Now on sale there are 32 shades of this series, but L'Oreal constantly replenishes it. Initially, it contained 28 tones. All of them are designed for effective coloring of different curls. The palette of this paint will help to make spectacular coloring -.

shades for blondes

Blondes will appreciate the unique ensemble of shades presented in the following variations:

1021 - mother-of-pearl tone of light light blond. It belongs to the cold series, gives curls a frosty sheen.

1013 - ultra light blond with a beige sheen. We can say that this is a natural warm shade of blond.

1010 - light-light blond ash. It has a gray-cream tint.

910 - very light blond ash. Gives an unobtrusive gray overflow.

834 - amber blond. Gives strands a warm sunny color.

810 - pearly blond. Provides a creamy sheen.

801-. Classic tone for light strands.

"Ice Chocolate"

The Ice Chocolate collection will become a treasure trove of colors for brown-haired women, she will be able to color them in any shades: red, brown, caramel and others:

400 - natural chestnut.

500 - light chestnut. Commonwealth of brown and gray-black, embodied in a soft overflow.

550 - mahogany. Combination of dark red and brown.

553 - almond praline. Reminds me of the color of tree bark.

565 - pomegranate. Dark shade of ripe fruit.

600 - dark blond. Interesting taupe combination.

613 - frosty glaze. He gives dark curls an ashy tint.

623 - latte. An extraordinary combination of natural color and unreality of shine.

645 - amber. Gives a copper-red color.

713 - frosty beige. Cool mix of gray and beige-brown.

724 - caramel. Completely transfers its unusual color to the hair.

734 - honey amber. Incorporated overflows of red and red.

743 - spicy honey. Warm natural tone.

Paint 645 - Amber honey

Collection "Silk"

The Silk collection contains dark shades for brunettes:

100 - vanilla. Black tone with deep gloss.

200 is a tree. Natural black.

210 - blue-black. It is also called the color of the raven wing.

262 - currant. Its dark red shade is taken.

323 - dark chocolate. Dark brown color.

353 - ginger. Light tone with an ash tint.

360 - black cherry. Gives a burgundy shade on dark curls.

403 - dark chocolate. Nice milk chocolate color.

412 - cocoa with ice. An intriguing shade of brown.

415 - frosty chestnut. Intense tone with a cold sheen.

"Chocolate glaze"

The Chocolate Icing collection contains lighter ones for brown-haired women and dark blond girls:

503- chocolate glaze. Soft overflow of cocoa color.

513 - frosty cappuccino. Intense dark brown tone.

515 - frosty chocolate. cold shade warm color.

535 - chocolate. Delightful tone with milk stains.

554 - spiced chocolate. A pleasant reminder of oriental spices.

Paint 513 - Frosty Cappuccino


It can be purchased at cosmetic stores and on numerous websites.

The starting price on the Internet starts from 320 rubles, on some resources it can be overpriced by 100 or more rubles, but you can find it cheaper if you try.

In stores, its cost is 400 rubles and more.

L'Oreal "Casting" paint is chosen for its caring properties, unusually pleasant shades, soft texture and easy application. This coloring agent is capable of caring for curls when staining, eliminating their dryness and brittleness.

Many girls, having tried to paint it once, can no longer switch to other means. And about the paint palette for Schwarzkopf hair Perfect Mousse can be recognized.

L'Oreal is a French cosmetics company that is one of the leaders in the global makeup and fashion industry.

This company was founded by a French chemist in 1909. He always dreamed of being the first in this industry, and created cosmetics only on the basis of scientific testing and research.

In contact with


On the this moment, cosmetics Loreal is distributed in two hundred and ten countries, and very successfully. Produced by this company more than two thousand types of products, which include products such as hair dyes, face and body care, and so on.

Hair dye loreal casting cream gloss- this is a real discovery for girls who care about their health and, of course, about beauty, as it is ammonia-free, which is its excellent advantage.

Hair dye Loreal Casting Cream Gloss - a palette of shades

Casting creme gloss is L'Oreal's first ammonia-free hair care cream. The first ammonia-free coloring agent takes care of your curls, making them beautiful, silky, giving a natural shine and iridescent color.

Thanks to the latest formula, the palette of coloring agents does not dry the scalp, and the hair looks fresh, bright and thick. The main goal of every girl is that she wants to achieve the desired color in an extremely safe way for herself, without harming her health and appearance.

The palette of coloring agents Loreal Casting creme gloss is presented in the amount of forty-three shades, starting with light brown (light) shades ending with burning black. You can also see quite unusual colors in this palette, such as purple, red and red.

Shade palette coloring agent Loreal Casting Creme Gloss:

Advantages of the coloring agent Casting Cream Gloss

Loreal uses one of the best coloring pigments. Casting creme gloss has natural ingredients and fully meets the main concept of its brand. To the advantages of this coloring agent Casting creme gloss can, of course, include the following points:

Composition of cream paint

The unique composition of the paint is patented and has no analogues on the market. Its unique and fundamental component is royal jelly. It is known for its healing properties, which has been used for centuries. Royal jelly begins its care already directly during staining, giving shine and rich color in the shortest possible time. Hair strengthening occurs not only at the outer stage, but also in the inner layers of your hair.

The second unique ingredient of the non-repeating cream gloss paint formulas can be called a non-standard fragrance with the smell of berries, which gives the paint a pleasant aroma.

And the last component is a balm. It perfectly moisturizes, fixes the effect obtained and seals the nutrients received in the curls.

In a box of Casting Creme Gloss should have the following elements:

Algorithm for coloring curls and strands

So that the result of staining does not disappoint you, you should follow the instructions, strictly follow the sequence of actions:

  1. To begin with, it is worth doing a test for an allergic reaction of your skin to the paint itself and its components.
  2. It is worth strictly following the instructions, since even for one manufacturer, the staining scheme can be fundamentally different.
  3. Moisturize your hair before applying Casting Creme Gloss. It is worth noting that it is not necessary to wash them with detergents. It will be enough to wet and dry the hair well. This stage is necessary so that the paint is applied more evenly over the entire height of your hair.
  4. Before mixing, it is worth putting on gloves on your hands, which protect against unnecessary consequences.
  5. When preparing the composition, you do not need to look for brushes and plates. All the necessary elements will already be included with the paint.
  6. There are two ways to apply paint. After applying the paint in a way convenient for you, you should wait about a third of an hour. Next, you need to bring your head under the shower, and carefully rinse the paint from your hair. BUT! Without the use of detergent.
  7. Already on clean hair it is necessary to distribute a moisturizing balm, which is kept for two to five minutes and washed off.
  8. The last step is to dry and style your hair in your typical way.

Different opinions about Casting creme gloss

According to reviews, it is known that any product, product, brand and manufacturer always has both lovers and haters. From the reviews you can often hear such a phrase as "marketing ploy". And this “move” is needed to attract buyers. That's what the haters think. But amateurs claim that this product is really of high quality, and all the promised guarantees are fulfilled by the manufacturer.

We can assume that whose reviews sound negative simply did not comply with all the rules of operation. For example, they overexposed the coloring agent on the hair or own will added other ingredients, which is strictly forbidden to do.

After reviewing many reviews, we can conclude that eighty percent paint Loreal Casting creme gloss suits and even likes. And the remaining reviews can be bought.

We cannot ignore the fact that loreal casting cream gloss really costs more than average statistical paint. We invite you to read some of the reviews below.

Paint casting cream gloss

The diversity of the Casting Creme Gloss color palette is a hallmark of the Loreal hair dye line. This allows you to experiment with shades and is suitable for both the first hair coloring and regular.

An important factor in Loreal paint is the absence of ammonia, due to which the structure of the hair is not disturbed, which is very important with constant dyeing. Casting Creme Gloss (Loreal), the palette of which consists of natural, high-quality components, contains royal jelly.

It prevents hair splitting, makes them smooth and shiny. Also, due to the absence of ammonia and the presence of natural ingredients, the hair retains a healthy look.


The Casting Creme Gloss line has a number of features that distinguish it from others:

  • a safe formula that provides health to the roots and the entire length of the hair;
  • great even for damaged, dry and weak hair;
  • variety of color palettes;
  • when spreading, the paint is easily removed from the surface of the skin with a lotion;
  • high-quality painting of gray hair;
  • slow flushing for 8 weeks;
  • the possibility of independent use at home;
  • nice smell.


Perhaps the only drawback that not every buyer can note is the cost. Thanks to natural composition the price of the paint is different from other brands. In addition, compared to budget Casting Creme Gloss Loreal paints, it may seem to wash off quickly, this side effect natural colors for hair.

Harm paint Loreal

There is no ammonia in the Casting Creme Gloss Loreal line of paints, so the harm is reduced to zero. The only inherent harm of any hair dye is that often after application, the hair becomes dry and requires moisture and more complex care.

Color Palette Casting Creme Gloss, Loreal

The Casting Creme Gloss line pleases with its abundance of shades, in a palette of 43 colors. This is an excellent choice for those who have not stopped in their choice of hair color and often experiment with it.


For blondes, 9 shades have been created, among which there are no defiant colors. In addition, the colors are bright and natural without yellowing.

The line of colors for blondes contains lemon extract and royal jelly, which affect the yellowness and moisturize the hair.

brown shades

All shades of brown give hair shine and shine, and the palette is quite diverse:

Casting Creme Gloss Loreal. brown palette

black shades

Casting Creme Gloss Loreal offers several dark palette options. Brunette is not only jet black.

Even with constant use dark shades hair does not lose its shine and smoothness.

In order to understand which hair color is suitable, you need to consider a few points:

  • shade and type of skin;
  • eye color;
  • face shape;
  • hair pigmentation;
  • age.

Modern information technology can also help with color selection. There are many applications and programs that automatically select the appropriate shades. It is enough to upload a photo and the program will select the color.

It should be borne in mind that the color obtained as a result of staining does not always match the one stated on the package.

It depends on the original color, on its saturation. But the most reliable information can be obtained from specialists: hairdressers or stylists. They will help not only to organically combine hair color with skin and eyes, but also to choose the right clothes and makeup for it, comfortable for every woman.

More often, experts advise doing the following:

  1. Wash off all makeup from your face.
  2. put on clothes neutral colors, white or beige is best.
  3. Go to a mirror in a well-lit area.
  4. Pay attention to skin tone, eye color, facial pigmentation. In addition, you need to take into account the lifestyle (active, business, sports).

If, against the background of white clothes, the face seems yellow, then the skin is of warm shades, and in this case the most suitable color hair is golden and blond. The same shades are suitable for brown-eyed girls. If the skin color appears greenish or blue in contrast with light-colored clothing, the skin tone is cold.

In this case fit ashy shades, they will hide imperfections on the face and emphasize the expressive features of the face. Be sure to take into account the color of the eyes. Brown eyes in combination with dark skin are suitable for a chocolate shade, caramel or hazelnut color.

For green-eyed girls, it is preferable to choose chestnut shades, otherwise a darker color will give a more adult look. Many shades are suitable for gray eyes - from blond to chocolate. But it is worth taking a closer look at the facial features. Dark hair emphasize the oval and give the face freshness.

If there is gray hair, the final color after dyeing is lighter than with a uniform hair color. If the hair is coarse enough, it is worth holding the dye on the hair a little longer than indicated in the instructions.

Kit contents

The set of one package of Casting Creme Gloss includes:

  • coloring cream without ammonia;
  • developing milk;
  • nozzle for easy application;
  • hair balm after dyeing with royal jelly;
  • disposable gloves;
  • coloring instructions.

Each item in the kit contains a description in several languages ​​and detailed description composition.

Instructions for use

Casting Creme Gloss (Loreal), which has a wider palette than other paints, contains in each package detailed instructions in several languages, which describes not only the staining process itself, but also gives recommendations for more convenient use of the paint.

Each paragraph of the instruction is divided into subparagraphs depending on the purpose of staining (first or second). Coloring should be done on clean hair.

The main sequence looks like this:

It is important to test for an allergic reaction before staining. To do this, you can apply a little paint on the back of the brush, if redness or itching appears, you should stop staining.

Contraindications for use

Casting Creme Gloss (Loreal), the palette of which has not only basic, but also bright colors, does not contain ammonia, so it has practically no contraindications. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as those whose hair has been repeatedly dyed before.

However, you should not apply paint to those whose hair has been subjected to perm or discoloration.

Can only be used after 2 weeks. It is also not recommended to use the paint in the presence of allergic reactions to the components, with individual intolerance and the presence of fresh abrasions on the skin.

Storage rules

The shelf life of Casting Creme Gloss Loreal is 3 years from the date of manufacture. The packaging should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of +5 to +45 ° C.

With any coloring, the structure of the hair changes and the color fades over time. Therefore, dyed hair requires special care, properly selected shampoo and balm. Proper Care will not only help restore the structure of the hair after dyeing, but also prevent premature washing off of the color.

An important step in staining is the use of a balm immediately after the procedure. This is necessary so that the raised scales of the hair are smoothed out. After dyeing, it is better to let the hair dry naturally without hot air. The paint is washed out under the influence of chlorine, so you should not visit the pool immediately after painting.

  • regularly cut the ends of the hair at least once a month in order to remove split ends in time;
  • use restorative and nourishing hair masks, but not more than once a week;
  • care is also needed for the scalp, you can do a massage;
  • you can take care of colored hair with folk remedies, the most suitable remedy would be egg yolk;
  • drying with a hair dryer should be avoided as much as possible, hot air dries out the hair;
  • after washing, the hair should not be rubbed with a towel, you need to gently blot;
  • it is better to comb dyed hair with a comb with rare teeth to avoid tangling and falling out;

  • exclude direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation, in summer you need to wear a hat so that the color does not fade in the sun;
  • it is not recommended to wash your hair in 2 sets, so the paint will stay on the hair longer;
  • it is not recommended to resort to staining too often, it is optimal to do this no more than 2 times a year.

L'oreal paint price

Stores regulate the price of paint on their own, but the range starts from 380 rubles. for packing. The cost depends not only on the initiative of the cosmetics store, but also on the shade.

The most popular shades have a high price.

In addition, L'Oreal's Casting Creme Gloss paint can be ordered from the L'Oreal brand's online store with delivery. In this case, the price of the palette can also range from 390 rubles. up to 450 rubles

Article formatting: Anna Vinnitskaya

Video review of L'Oréal dye

Overview and instructions for using Loreal paint: