Why is marriage called marriage? A good deed will not be called a marriage! so why all the same marriage? Sounds different but the meaning is the same

Words that denote events that are most long-awaited for some appeared in our speech so long ago that we cannot even imagine how they arose, and what meaning was originally laid in them.

But if you break the words into syllables, find out the history of each part of the word, then it becomes clear why a wedding is called a wedding, marriage is a marriage, etc.

We have already written about what words the word was formed from. "bride": unknown, unknown, who knows who, who knows where ... A young man brings a girl into his family that no one knows - unknown. It comes from nowhere.

With a word "groom" is also understandable. He brings a woman, which means - Groom.

And finally, "who knows who" and "bringing wives" perform a ritual, which means that they will be together - get married, become spouses from "who knows who" and "Groom" - play a wedding.

There are several versions of the origin of the word "wedding". According to the first version, "wedding" comes from the name of the ancient Roman goddess Svada. The Roman goddess Marriage was the patroness of fun and festivities. Wedding - fun - vyaselle - wedding.

According to another version, the word "wedding" comes from the verb "reduce", "connect".

If you believe the third version, then "wedding" comes from the word "saint". After all, the Slavs considered marriage a sacred union, that is, holy.

Another version says that the word "wedding" was based on the word "matchmaker". A matchmaker is a witness to a conspiracy between the families of the bride and groom.

A wedding is a ritual that results in a marriage.

Word "marriage", which means the union of two people, has nothing to do with the word "marriage" - a flaw, a flaw. The origin of these words is different.

The word "marriage", as a family union, came from the verb "to take." And the verb "to take" turns the suffix -k into a noun. Take + -k = marriage. Get married. And to take, therefore, means to marry. In Ukrainian, for example, the word "married" will be so - "got married."

And the word "take" from our ancestors meant "kidnap", "steal". But in the old days, this is exactly what they did with brides: for a braid, in a bag and on a horse. This is how brides were taken, that is, they were married.

Once upon a time, the word "marriage" meant both a wedding and a feast. But today we call marriage a matrimonial union - matrimony.

Dahl's dictionary explains that the word "matrimony" comes from the word "match". And the spouse (wife) is conjugated, conjugated by marriage. Also in the dictionary it is explained that the word "matrimony" comes from "conjugation", "couple", "yoke".

Yoke... Not the best word for marriage. However, the esteemed Mr. Dahl put this very word next to the word "marriage."

By the way, another "ancestor" of the word "marriage" is the word "marriage". Spouse - a pair harnessed together.

And this is what happens: they brought together, engaged (wedding) - got married (marriage) - and went in one team (matrimony).

Why is marriage called marriage?

Marriage, whatever it is
He is, in essence, a marriage!
Even if you twist it like that,
At least twist it like that. If the builder makes a mistake
And build a crooked house
Marriage is immediately obvious to everyone.
It will not be lived in later.
Why do we among the people
Call the wedding a marriage?
Marriage is something bad
Or is life wrong?
I speak frankly
I do not understand gentlemen:
A wedding is a good thing
But what about marriage then?
Very controversial marriage and wedding
Just to identify...
Maybe worth the marriage in the bride
Search casually?
After all, the bride is always in white,
She's like a white flag
Threw it away, here at the wedding,
And she surrenders herself.
And the groom, on the contrary, is in black.
Understands what's what...
After the wedding, you have to
Give him a puff...
Probably the wedding night
First, if so?
Make the bride and groom
Together, together this marriage ...
Until then, the bride is a virgin.
The night has passed and the maiden is gone.
The bride became a woman.
In this marriage, what is the secret?
Everything is logical, since the girl
Got married for the first time!
At least there is some damage...
And the meaning is clear to us.
And when the girl is married
Came out, like, for the sixth time?
You will excuse me
This is not a marriage, but hemorrhoids!
Explain for God's sake
Where then should she marry?
No matter how hard I tried,
But I couldn't understand...
Unfortunately, I didn't find an answer.
My question is simple.
Everything turned out like in life:
Wedding - marriage and ... hemorrhoids!
Vladimir Chartsev

Can a good deed be called marriage?

There is an expression that a good deed cannot be called a marriage. Usually principled bachelors say this, hinting at the fact that officially formalized relationships are defective relationships, as even their name "marriage" indicates. In fact, if we trace the origin of some words, including the word marriage, we will see that there is a certain amount of logic in such an interpretation. In ancient times, a woman who had already reached puberty and was ready to have sexual relations and give birth to children was called vesta. And the one who is not ready for this yet, that is, still immature, was called the bride. However, there were circumstances in which people married brides. For example, if there were not enough mature women in the village, or if the young bride was dishonored and she is pregnant, and the like. Marrying a bride due to the fact that there were not enough full-fledged women was called marriage, which meant a shortage. For example, in the Ukrainian language, this root still performs this function "brakue" - it means not enough, and "marriage" in the context of "marriage of something" means a lack of something. Well, then, when centuries passed, the original meaning of the words was forgotten, and people began to attribute secondary functions to the word marriage, because all the same, marriage led to the creation of a family, and the bride later became a wife. So we now use these words "wrongly". Rather, it would be wrong if we spoke some kind of Old Slavonic dialect, but in Russian this is the correct meaning. There is an opinion that such a distortion of the language occurred when our culture was implanted with a perverse idea of ​​the idealization of innocence, since now we are being implanted with debauchery as a benefactor. In general, whatever the origin of this distortion, the fact remains - the saying in the title of this article, on the one hand, is true, and on the other hand, has nothing to do with the question of what is better - bachelor life or married life. In fact, the whole question is not marriage or not marriage. The most important thing is how young people will relate to a partner, to marriage and to themselves.

modern wedding bears little resemblance to the rites of the past, which secured the unification of two people into one whole - the family. But the essence remains the same - this is an event that becomes the beginning of the life of a new union, family, helps the bride and groom understand this and notifies others.

The wedding makes the couple's relationship legitimate, that is, legalized and recognized in the eyes of society. In the old days, it meant the entry of a new person - the bride into the family of her husband, but now it is the creation of a family by two people. At the same time, their parents and other relatives become related both to the son-in-law / daughter-in-law and to each other.

There are several theories regarding the origin of the word "wedding":

  1. This is a derivative from the name of the ancient Roman goddess of persuasion, the patroness of festivities and fun - Svada.
  2. It is formed from the verb "reduce" in the sense of uniting, uniting into one whole and symbolized the formation of a family from two separate people who were strangers to each other before.
  3. It was based on the word "holy", which emphasizes the sacredness and significance of the union.
  4. The word comes from the word "matchmaker" and indicates the important role of a person who acts as an intermediary between the families of the bride and groom, a witness to the agreement between them.
  5. It consists of several words that are significant for the ancient Slavs - "Sva" (sky), "Bo" (gods) and "De" (deed) and denotes the heavenly (important, beyond human control) act of the gods.

What is the origin of the word "marriage"?

Finding out what is a wedding What our ancestors invested in this word and contemporaries invest in, let's turn to the concept of marriage. If a wedding means a certain ritual, actions that symbolize the creation of a legal union, then marriage is a life together that follows after the celebrations have died down. Although originally it also meant a wedding feast.

According to the official version, the word "marriage" was formed during the use of the Old Slavonic language and comes from the verb "to take" by adding the suffix -k to the root of this word. The validity of this version is evidenced by the stable expression "to marry", as well as the Ukrainian word "married" - got married.

This symbolizes the wife's entry into a new family - the husband's clan and the fact that she is taken (taken away) from her parents. Our ancestors also used the word "take" in the meaning of "steal", "abduct". And in some historical periods, this is exactly what they did with the girls - they were forcibly taken to the house of their future husband.

There is also a playful version based on the use of the word "marriage" both in the meaning of marriage and in the meaning of a flaw, a lack. In connection with this, many have heard the expression "a good deed will not be called a marriage." According to this version, in ancient times, girls ready for marriage were called Vestas, that is, those who know (know) all the wisdom of housekeeping and caring for children, prudent and wise. And if a marital union was concluded by a girl not endowed with these qualities, then she was called the Bride, and her relationship with her husband was called marriage.

In fact, the word "marriage" in the sense of a flaw is borrowed from the German language and comes from the word brack (defect, flaw) and then, in turn, from brechen (break, break). So these words are homonyms - they are the same in spelling and sound, but have different meanings. There are also theories about the origin of the word "marriage" from a similar-sounding word in Arabic, which means twinning.

Origin of the word "marriage"

Having found out, one cannot help but recall the matrimony, which means life in marriage. According to Dahl's dictionary, it is formed from the word "match", that is, combine, combine. Vladimir Dal calls the words "harness", "yoke" and "pair" close in origin and meaning. The word "yoke" does not sound very pleasant in relation to married life, it is familiar to modern people in the sense of an unpleasant, heavy burden. But after all, joint, family life, in fact, is a long work of two people to improve relationships and life.

It reveals the nature of matrimony and another word close to it - "spousal". This is a pair of horses or oxen harnessed together to work the field. Thus, marriage was understood by the Slavs as a difficult but necessary joint work of two people. Symbolically, they go through life in one team, plow the field (solve joint problems, improve life, raise children).

youth Why is marriage called marriage?

There are two versions of where the word "marriage" came from. One is official, the other is not. Consider each of them, and you yourself decide which one you like best. The word marriage (matrimony) comes from the Old Slavonic language, in which it meant marriage and is formed from the verb brati (to take) with the help of the suffix -k (similar to know-sign). The connection of the word marriage with this verb is confirmed by the expression to marry, and there is also a dialect of brothers - to marry, Ukrainian brat - got married. In those days, the word brother meant to carry. Based on this, it turns out that these words: marriage (matrimony) and marriage (failure) are homonyms and are not related to each other. Marriage in the meaning of a flaw comes from the German word brack - a flaw, a vice, which in turn is formed from the verb brechen - to break, to break. This borrowing took place in the time of Peter the Great, and since then there have been two different marriages in the Russian language and one more reason for a joke.

Why is marriage called marriage? marriage, hypothesis, wedding, word formation
The second version is much less scientific and difficult to verify, but much more interesting than the first.
According to the tribal traditions of the Slavs, Vesta is a girl trained in all the wisdom of marriage, i.e. knowing / knowing, caring mother in the future, good housewife, faithful, wise and loving wife. Only after the girl acquired such knowledge did she have a chance to become a wife. They did not marry brides, and if they did, then such a thing was called marriage. It is no secret that the integrity, atmosphere and happiness in the family is almost entirely dependent on the woman. Vesta cannot have a bad husband because she is wise. Most likely, the ancient Slavs did not even know what divorce was ...

MARRIAGE - among the ancient Slavs, this rite was called the sacred marital union ... Wedding stands for SVA - heaven, BO - gods, DE - act ... But in general, the Heavenly Act of the Gods ... Marriage was invented by Christians ... The Slavs interpret it in such a way that one of those entering into this union - with marriage - before the wedding he had "contact" with others ...
"Marriage" from ar. "CARB" - "twinning", when individuals of different sexes become relatives (akriba) through a joint fetus. Slavic "marriage" - from "take", i.e. take on a woman of a different kind. And at the same time, they say: “marriage will not be called a good thing .., why .., MARRIAGE” production from the Arabic “KHARAB” - “destroy, spoil” ..., And the German “marriage” means “a broken thing” ... all these troubles with a wedding, a veil, rings, etc. came from Judea, later, after the emergence of Christianity, this custom came to Russia. Before, everything was much simpler with us: whichever girl you catch in the forest, that one is yours. So, in Hebrew, "blessing" is bracha. Here is your marriage. There is another opinion: “to take”, as well as “scold” (initially - a campaign for prey, and one of the catchy “images” of prey in antiquity is girls, potential wives) is more natural to bring them closer to the word under discussion. By the way, the word "branca" once meant "captive". At the same time, I do not exclude that the term “marriage” is also associated with the word “burden”, and if so, then there is an analogy with Hebrew: “נישואים” (“nisuim”, Ar. ”, and the root here is the same as in the word “לשאת” (“laset”) - “carry” (“nose”, “נושא” - “carry, carry, carry”). Accordingly, married - “נשוי”, “nasuy” (zh. r. “נשוא”, “nesuA”), i.e., as it were, “burdened” .., well, since the burden and burdened, it means to bear both spouses owe it, with all the ensuing consequences ...
Many words that have served us as protection and certain taboos since ancient times have been distorted and turned inside out, replaced by alien ones. Therefore, perhaps our life has not been arranged for some time now and life is uncomfortable. We have lost harmony not only in understanding ourselves, but primarily in the definition of others, what is happening around us as a whole. Again, we will look for the guilty, causing confusion and becoming weaker, or, we will try to correct the situation on our own, live and speak as Our Ancestors bequeathed to us - the Laws and Rules of which are still impeccable, because they were guided by RIGHT and CONSCIENCE. And most importantly, with LOVE for His Mother Earth ...
And it is not surprising that today, according to statistics, almost every second family breaks up. After all, they enter into MARRIAGE with the bride ...

Today we will talk about the word "marriage".

How often, especially people with an unsuccessful family life, say: “A good deed will not be called “marriage”.
Indeed, why marriage is called marriage? Let's figure it out together!

Origin of the word "marriage"

There are several versions about the origin of the word "marriage".

1. Marriage (marriage). The school etymological dictionary of the Russian language explains the formation of the word "Marriage" from Old Slavonic the verb "brother"(to marry) with the help of the suffix -к. Everyone knows this expression - "marry".

Exactly according to the same principle, the word "sign" was formed - from the verb "to know".

2. Marriage (marriage). The second version, in my opinion, is more romantic :).

Before getting married, a man asks… what? Yes, that's right, HANDS to your beloved! That is, marriage this is a joint of hands to walk through life together. And no matter what happens - be together "both in sorrow and in joy."

In Italian: braccio (il braccio) - arm from hand to shoulder.

In French: le braccia (le braccia) - hands, le bra - hands.

Latin: brachium (brachium) - arm (shoulder).

And then the words "marrying" mean "taking each other's hands."

3. Marriage (poor-quality product). Borrowed in the 17th century. through the Polish language, from the German language, where Brack is “unusable goods”, that is, “scrap” is a derivative of the verb brechen - (brechen) - “to break”. School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. The origin of words - M .: Bustard N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova 2004.

It turns out that the words marriage (family) and marriage (defect) are homonyms and have nothing to do with each other!

What are homonyms?

It's like synonyms, just the other way around :). Homonyms are a random coincidence of words that have the same spelling and pronunciation, but different in meaning.
For example, a bow (a plant) and a bow (from which they shoot).

How about in other languages?

Marriage in Ukrainian shlyub.

We create families and get married in order to have a loved one in this world. To share your warmth and receive the warmth and care of another person. To give birth and raise children together, to live happily ever after! :). And I sincerely wish everyone to find their love, their soul mate, start a family and be happy!

Marriage. This word in the meaning of poor-quality product was borrowed in the 17th century. from German, where brack - "lack, worthless goods", derived from the verb brechen - "break". Let us also point to another relative of this word - the English verb break (to break).

Marriage. Two homonyms live in our language: "marriage" - "marriage" and "marriage" - "damage". They are completely different origins.

"Marriage" - "marriage" is associated with the verb "to take"; and now, after all, they still often say: “He took (married) a girl from a neighboring collective farm ...”

"Marriage" - "bad work" comes from the German language, where "brechen" - "spoil", "break", "Bruch" - "lack". We borrowed this word from the Poles.

I. "flaw", from the time of Peter I; see Smirnov 65; the rejector already in 1705; see Christiani 41. Through Polish. brak - the same (since the 16th century; see Smirnov, ibid.; Bruckner 38) brak "lack, flaw" (lit. "fracture"), see Bernecker 1, 80 et seq. Through the Polish through received, undoubtedly, Russian. to marry, Ukrainian marriage, blr. marriage - the same; cf. Polish brakować II. "marriage, matrimony", old. also "feast", Ukr. marriage, senior glory, marriage γάμος (Supr.), Bolg. marriage. The word is not popular either in Russian or in Ukrainian. (Bernecker 1, 81). Bolg. marriage, Serbohorv. marriage "marriage, wedding" are also considered as borrowings. from cslav. based on their history; see Lang, LF 43, 404 et seq., who, together with Sobolevsky (AfslPh 33, 611), suggests the same for the Eastern Slavs. They consider the original form praslav. *bork; cf. I take, like a sign: I know; see also Bernecker 1, in the same place where it is given to take "to marry". Similarly, Guyer (LF 40, 304), linking this word with the Greek. φέρω, lat. fero, is trying to reconstruct the ancient meaning. "snatching". On the contrary, Trautman (GGA, 1911, pp. 245 et seq.) suggests Proto-Slavic. *brakъ - zero step in relation to the reduction step *bыrati [See. more Trubachev, Term. kinship, 1959, p. 147. - T.]

Marriage(marriage). Loans. from st.-sl. lang., where it is suf. derivative (suff. -to) from take"to take" (marry).

Marriage(poor quality product). Loans. in the 17th century through the Polish Neighborhood from it. lang., where Brack"bad goods" brechen "to break".

Strange, right? marriage is and poorly made and union of man and woman simultaneously? How to explain it? I found a simple explanation quite recently. In ancient times, among the peoples who spoke the language from which the Russian language grew, a mature and trained girl was called Vesta. The education of the girl consisted in the skills of building relationships with a man (it was believed that relationships are the responsibility of a woman, and future men were trained to be earners and protectors). And the girls were taught by the "Witches" - the mothers in charge (this status was worn by elderly women who lived happily with their husbands and raised at least 12 children). So, back to marriage. If a trained girl got married ( Vesta), then it was called a union or family, and if the girl was untrained by that moment ( Bride), then it was called marriage.

So draw your own conclusions, my friends. It turns out that marriage is absolutely right now called marriage.

And here are the comments that users gave on another site:

I have been thinking about this since childhood, asking my mother, friends, laughing that no one knows why the family was called a marriage and did not even suspect that the answer could be so simple. This article amazed me! Now, indeed, ALL the girls without exception are Brides! There is no one to teach! In the country, you can probably count on the fingers of women who managed to raise 12 children in their lives and live happily with their husbands! Our parents and even grandparents have already lost the culture of building relationships.

In fairness, it must be said that guys are now not taught to be protectors and earners (fathers have weakened physically and morally, just as mothers have ceased to be women in the full sense of the word). So it turns out a double "marriage" for most people !!!

P.S.: It is necessary to make a training program "Marriage-2" - how to build love :)

Oh, where to find the "Witch" :)
I really don’t want to create a “Marriage”, maybe there are still “knowledgeable” mothers in distant villages? :)

Don't worry, we're all married now
Your future husband probably is also not trained in his craft, and you are already going to "learn" for him, to look for a witch in distant villages :)

You talk weird...

I don't know if you're a "guest" - a boy or a girl, but I don't understand what you're saying. If I am trained in at least some basics of building relationships in the family, I can create a happy family with any man, even if he is not very trained in his craft, as you say.

And there is another reason to learn - the principle "like attracts like" - this means that if I am trained in my "female" area, then I will meet a man who will be trained in his "male" area. For some reason I believe that this is exactly what will happen :)

From correspondence on this topic

In such an alliance, there are many more chances for failure (marriage) than for a successful project. And, only thanks to the work of each of the spouses on themselves, comes the wisdom that cements the family. And, if nothing helps, then it is better, having thanked for the experience, to "destroy" the marriage and give a chance to create two families.

What if the marriage already has children?

The best thing that parents can give their child is a space of love! But, if this is not between the parents, then, just for the sake of the child, it is a sin to play false roles! The way out is to calmly instill in the child respect for his parents and continue to follow the path of creation and development, harmony and search! Otherwise, we break ourselves and our children as individuals. After all, the main thing is to agree with yourself !!! It is quite possible that people converge for a short time only for the sake of the fact that it is from this couple that a beautiful child is planned from above to come to earth! Then, moreover, there is something to thank each other for. After all, our life is a lot of lessons and exams that need to be passed with dignity!!!

divorce is not an option!

divorce is better? You, dear Guest, are not right even on the tip of the nail. especially when there are children. The easiest thing to destroy is that it has already been built. The meaning of marriage is to learn to live in harmony with your half.

And love? you ask

Love is for children and youth. Love is in any case the notion of the near future! 2-3 years and nothing remains of the former feeling of falling in love! those couples who have understood that happiness is not in love, but in understanding and supporting each other, they live and raise offspring. And if we leave love as a reason to be together in modern times, this is at least stupid. it is necessary already in the initial stages of marriage (relationships) to look for more compelling reasons. For example, a child is one of the most compelling reasons not to get divorced. But even a fool understands that it is necessary not to endure each other with gnashing of teeth, but to beat softer to yield, obey, teach and learn, etc.

Family problems - solution (advice to men)

The main problem of people when they are looking for a future partner is that they do not know exactly who they need. You must first create this portrait in your soul with all the qualities and possible shortcomings that you may even like, or that you will be able to forgive, since there are no people without shortcomings.

Then, when choosing, it will be easier to realize “yes, I like this girl, she is attractive, and I see that she also likes me, but this is a “spring desire”, I like this state, but I see and feel her character or predisposition to actions, who will hurt me in the future and I will suffer from this, this relationship cannot be fixed for a long time, I need another woman.

You need to be observant.

I don’t argue, even when you find that person who fits the ideal of your partner for creating a family and love from you to each other is a fountain, scandals still arise. There are such scandals in any family, because this or that person is in a bad mood, or trouble has happened somewhere and he brings this negative feeling home or simply does not add up in life.

It is necessary to understand this and forgive each other, I repeat to each other once again, both must do this.

Scandals arise if spouses feel that they are not noticed, from intimate dissatisfaction.

My husband says that the best remedy for scandals is bed.

The problem may be that it is more difficult for a woman to realize her desire, that she is furious precisely because she lacks this, her hormones are sausage and subconsciously she understands that there is a person nearby who could satisfy her, and this bastard of this does not. And when you say directly, let's do it - you don't have to say no.

Conclusion: a prelude is needed. The main thing with words is not even to hint at what you are achieving, but to show with actions, gently touch your hand by chance, gently look into your eyes, speak in a slight whisper (you can just tell the events of your day).

It is necessary, like a cat to tease, so that the desire comes to realization, then everything will work out.

Another tip every day to each other say "I love you." Then even after living for several years, you will feel as if you met yesterday. “I love you” is not only a declaration of love, it is a recognition that you believe in your partner, support and that he does not forgive him, you emphasize emotional reliability for each other. Any free time should be spent together, your spouse is not for show in your passport, but to go through life together.

In the film Let's Dance, the wife of the protagonist says that they are getting married so that there is a witness to our life nearby.

When you see that your wife is starting to have some kind of crisis, she is gloomy for an unknown reason, tell her that you are glad and happy that you have the best woman in the world, women around cannot even compare with her.

Every couple has a turning point.

Each couple has some kind of turning point when the heart begins to
knocking in a different rhythm, everyone feels that something has changed, and what,
it's hard to say, suspiciousness begins, winding oneself up, scandals.
It's just that the couple is moving to another stage of life and it is necessary to accept it,
learn to live in a new way, take it for granted, as it won’t be before, but
will be different and maybe even better.

Why is marriage called marriage?

Marriage, whatever it is
He is, in essence, a marriage!
Even if you twist it like that,
At least twist it like that. If the builder makes a mistake
And build a crooked house
Marriage is immediately obvious to everyone.
It will not be lived in later.
Why do we among the people
Call the wedding a marriage?
Marriage is something bad
Or is life wrong?
I speak frankly
I do not understand gentlemen:
A wedding is a good thing
But what about marriage then?
Very controversial marriage and wedding
Just to identify...
Maybe worth the marriage in the bride
Search casually?
After all, the bride is always in white,
She's like a white flag
Threw it away, here at the wedding,
And she surrenders herself.
And the groom, on the contrary, is in black.
Understands what's what...
After the wedding, you have to
Give him a puff...
Probably the wedding night
First, if so?
Make the bride and groom
Together, together this marriage ...
Until then, the bride is a virgin.
The night has passed and the maiden is gone.
The bride became a woman.
In this marriage, what is the secret?
Everything is logical, since the girl
Got married for the first time!
At least there is some damage...
And the meaning is clear to us.
And when the girl is married
Came out, like, for the sixth time?
You will excuse me
This is not a marriage, but hemorrhoids!
Explain for God's sake
Where then should she marry?
No matter how hard I tried,
But I couldn't understand...
Unfortunately, I didn't find an answer.
My question is simple.
Everything turned out like in life:
Wedding - marriage and ... hemorrhoids!
Vladimir Chartsev

Can a good deed be called marriage?

There is an expression that a good deed cannot be called a marriage. Usually principled bachelors say this, hinting at the fact that officially formalized relationships are defective relationships, as even their name "marriage" indicates. In fact, if we trace the origin of some words, including the word marriage, we will see that there is a certain amount of logic in such an interpretation. In ancient times, a woman who had already reached puberty and was ready to have sexual relations and give birth to children was called vesta. And the one who is not ready for this yet, that is, still immature, was called the bride. However, there were circumstances in which people married brides. For example, if there were not enough mature women in the village, or if the young bride was dishonored and she is pregnant, and the like. Marrying a bride due to the fact that there were not enough full-fledged women was called marriage, which meant a shortage. For example, in the Ukrainian language, this root still performs this function "brakue" - it means not enough, and "marriage" in the context of "marriage of something" means a lack of something. Well, then, when centuries passed, the original meaning of the words was forgotten, and people began to attribute secondary functions to the word marriage, because all the same, marriage led to the creation of a family, and the bride later became a wife. So we now use these words "wrongly". Rather, it would be wrong if we spoke some kind of Old Slavonic dialect, but in Russian this is the correct meaning. There is an opinion that such a distortion of the language occurred when our culture was implanted with a perverse idea of ​​the idealization of innocence, since now we are being implanted with debauchery as a benefactor. In general, whatever the origin of this distortion, the fact remains - the saying in the title of this article, on the one hand, is true, and on the other hand, has nothing to do with the question of what is better - bachelor life or married life. In fact, the whole question is not marriage or not marriage. The most important thing is how young people will relate to a partner, to marriage and to themselves.