Why do some women have small breasts. How to get rid of the complex due to small breasts. You can buy cute and beautiful bras

This old Soviet anecdote is perhaps the best illustration of the endless debate (which is most often done by women themselves) about what kind of breasts men really like more and what forms they find more attractive.

Girls with small breasts proudly say that anything larger than 3 sizes is an udder.. Curvaceous young ladies snort contemptuously and call girls with small breasts punts and “dds” - a name-calling familiar to many from school. When you hear such conversations, sometimes it seems that the arguers are about to grab each other's hair.

In fact, as always, in the question of which breast is better, everything is just as banal as in the discussion of tastes in general. Note that breast size is a parameter that does not always correlate with the figure in general. A lot of very obese ladies (owners of a type of figure called " pear"), having a wide pelvis and, possibly, extra pounds, cannot boast of breasts a la Anna Semenovich. And, on the contrary, nature has endowed many fragile young ladies very generously.

Recently, as it seems at first glance, completely thin young ladies with boyish figures who do not imply large breasts have been popular. On the other hand, in plastic surgery, breast augmentation surgery is almost ahead of liposuction in popularity, while there are practically no people who want to reduce its size.

Be that as it may, both are just extremes and stereotypes. Small breasts can look unprofitable in a neckline and in a swimsuit, but it does not cause any other inconvenience. Big breasts are hard to “wear” and find stylish and beautiful underwear, but if a girl puts on a dress with a deep neckline, she is guaranteed one hundred percent attention from men.

Nevertheless, the main purpose of the female breast is not at all aesthetic. When it's time for breastfeeding, size doesn't matter at all. does not affect the amount of milk.

Arguing about tastes, as you know, is the lot of fools and loafers. Moreover, if a man loves you only for your large or small breasts, this is a serious reason to think about his adequacy.

Elastic, beautiful and large breasts are considered one of the main advantages of its owner. But nature has not awarded all the fair sex with a luxurious bust. The reason for this lies in both heredity and other factors. For example, if during puberty a girl did not eat properly or was under the influence of other overwhelming factors (for example, she used cigarettes and alcohol), then her breasts will remain underdeveloped.

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    Stages of breast growth

    In order to understand the rate of breast growth, it is necessary to understand its stages.

    With the first menstruation in girls, the process of puberty begins, respectively, the mammary glands begin to grow.

    Some adolescents experience pain in the chest, this is due to the fact that the mammary glands grow, the skin on them stretches. If the pain is not severe, then there is no reason to worry.

    There are 4 main stages of growth mammary glands in girls:

    • The first stage occurs at the age of 10 to 12 years.. The glands are slightly enlarged, the nipples may be slightly swollen.
    • Second stage - 12-13 years old. The mammary glands acquire a cone-shaped shape, gradually increase in size. If during this period the girl's mammary glands do not grow, then it is necessary to contact specialists, a pediatric gynecologist and a mammologist.
    • The third stage is the main one; it occurs between 13 and 16 years of age. At this age, the breast grows most intensively. The conical shape is replaced by a rounded one. Girls need to wear bras at this stage, changing them as their breasts grow. During this period, other signs of puberty also appear: height and weight increase, hair growth appears in intimate places, sweating increases, transparent vaginal discharge appears. If at this stage the teenager’s breasts do not grow at all, This indicates violations in the body of the girl. It is necessary to contact specialists.f
    • Fourth stage - 16-19 years old. During this period, the mammary glands do not increase much. By the age of twenty, breast growth is completed.

    What determines the growth of the mammary glands

    The process of growth and formation of the mammary glands in each girl is individual.

    It depends on many factors.


    The size depends on the figure of its owner. If a girl is thin, then her bust will be small due to a lack of adipose tissue. The volume of adipose tissue increases during pregnancy and breastfeeding. During this period, the breast reaches its maximum size.


    If in a family along the female line - with a grandmother, mother, sister - the breast is not big size, then the girl, no matter how much she tries to fight it, her breasts will no longer grow.

    This is already in her genes, so this parameter of her body is unlikely to be changed naturally.

    Hormonal background

    The mammary glands begin to develop in puberty due to the action of gonadotropic hormones. These hormones affect the ovaries, in particular, the maturation of the follicles. They also activate estrogens, that is, they ensure the growth and development of the breast.

    If there is not enough estrogen in the body, then the mammary glands will grow slowly and may not reach their maximum dimensions. A lack of estrogen can be caused by problems with the thyroid gland, so you need to contact an endocrinologist to find out the reasons.

    External factors

    Bad habits, bad ecology and other overwhelming phenomena (for example, constant hypothermia) also have an impact. In such circumstances, significant forces of the body will be spent not on development and growth, but on neutralizing the impact.

    This also includes malnutrition. Proper, balanced nutrition is necessary for the normal development of a young organism. Otherwise, the body simply will not have enough "building material".


    The development of the mammary glands is also influenced by the type of sport that a teenage girl is engaged in. In the event that she is seriously passionate about swimming, then the muscles of the shoulders and chest will develop, as a result of which the proper development mammary glands.

    What is the smallest breast size

    WithThe smallest breast size is considered zero. Outwardly, it looks like underdeveloped mammary glands, not very prominent in the area. chest.

    To accurately know the size of the breast, you need to know 2 parameters:

    • The diameter of the chest under the mammary glands.
    • Girth in the most protruding part of the chest.

    Then the difference between the two indicators is calculated and substituted in the size table. Zero size is indicated by two letters - AA.

    Useless Breast Augmentation Methods

    The problem of breast growth is especially popular among young girls. Some of them try in every way to enhance breast growth: they eat raw cabbage, smear their breasts with iodine, take various drugs, and so on.

    These methods have no effect on the growth of the mammary glands.. In addition, they may cause side effects such as digestive and endocrine disorders. Against the background of these failures, adolescents develop an inferiority complex.

    What to eat so that the mammary glands begin to grow

    To begin with, it is necessary to dispel the myth that girls with miniature breasts have believed for many years: if you eat large quantity cabbage, then the breast will grow large.

    Cabbage has a lot useful properties such as strengthening immunity, treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers during remission, reducing body fatigue, positive influence on the liver, cardiovascular system and in diabetes mellitus.

    However, if a large amount of cabbage is contained in the diet, the opposite effect will be achieved more likely due to possible disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland, which is why cabbage should not be eaten during an exacerbation of an ulcer or gastritis. But it has no effect on breast growth.

    There are products containing phytoestrogens (plant compounds) that have a positive effect on the human body. They have a beneficial effect on the mammary glands, enhancing their growth. But this effect is purely individual and depends on the hormonal background of a particular woman.

    Phytoestrogens are found in apples, pomegranate, cereals, nuts.

    Benefits of small breasts

    A small bust has a number of advantages.

    These include:

    • The owners of small breasts do not have such a big load on the spine, as women with a large bust.
    • The size of the mammary glands does not affect the volume of milk and the feeding of the child.
    • Small breasts are less prone to sagging and stretch marks after breastfeeding.
    • Miniature breasts practically do not interfere with sports.
    • Many men consider a small bust to be very beautiful and sexy.
    • You can sleep on your stomach.

    Reliable breast augmentation methods

    Girls who cannot come to terms with the small size of the mammary glands are increasingly resorting to the help of plastic surgeons.

    This is the most effective and durable way to achieve the desired result. In addition to surgery, there are several other ways to increase breast size.

    These include:

    • Proper nutrition. The girl should include foods rich in phytoestrogens in her diet.
    • To improve blood flow and nutrition of the mammary glands, massage and exercise are necessary.

    Visual methods include:

    • Bra with push-up effect.
    • Tight clothes.

1. Problem from childhood

Everything starts with adolescence. Girlfriends have the first bras and after them - boyfriends. It’s embarrassing to change clothes at physical education, you persuade your parents to buy a bra for you too, but in response you hear: “Why?”

2. Stereotypes imposed by society

On the covers of magazines and in movies - beauties with a magnificent bust. Ideal parameters, calculated to the centimeter, to which for some reason all women need to strive.

3. Failed relationships

Your young man hinted or said openly that he likes bigger breasts and it would be nice for you to do something with yours.

What influences male preferences

There are several theories about the reasons for male interest in women's breasts, as well as possible factors that influence size preferences. And none of them gives women with a small bust reasons for complexes.

1. The desire for fatherhood

Some evolutionary biologists believe What Is It About Men and Breast Size? that men subconsciously associate a woman's breasts and, in particular, her size with procreation. Large breasts signal the health of the chosen one, the ability to bring and feed offspring. During the study Preferred female body proportions among child-free men. it turned out that men who are ready to have children prefer women with big breasted. And those who do not plan children are satisfied with the companion's small breasts and consider the impressive size less attractive.

2. Financial situation

Scientists, trying to find a scientific explanation for the preferences of men, conducted some more interesting studies. The first looks for a connection between a man's financial position and social status and his preferred breast size. It turned out that men with low earnings and social status chose big breasts, and those who were financially secure preferred the average size.

3. Feeling hungry

In the second part of the same study, hungry and full men were tested. Hungry participants found larger breasts attractive than full ones. The scientists concluded that the results of this and previous studies converge.

Men who feel a lack of any resources prefer larger size breasts than those who do not need anything.

4. Sexist views

And finally: men who hold sexist views prefer Men's Oppressive Beliefs Predict Their Breast Size Preferences in Women large breasts small or medium.

Why is it important to get rid of the complex

Any complex or reduces the quality of life. You are afraid that someone will notice your push-up. You don't buy open dress because you don't think you're sexy enough for him. Or you are embarrassed to approach the man you like because of low self-esteem.

But the chest is not you, but only a part of your body, on which you do not need to focus all attention.

A small chest complex can develop into serious self-doubt: at first you are unhappy with the size or shape, then you realize that your nose is not very good, and the little toe of your left foot could be prettier. And if you are 100% sure that implants (and only they) will make you truly happy, most likely it is not.

Beauty standards imposed by society are changing. Yesterday, triple volume eyelash extensions, silicone breasts with watermelons and lips resembling a butt of a baboon were the objects of many girls' dreams. Today, fortunately, natural beauty and health are in trend. And the breast that nature has awarded you is worthy of love and respect.

1. Remember that women's breasts are beautiful. And size doesn't matter.

2. Love and accept yourself. Confidence attracts much more than breasts (if we talk about a serious relationship, of course).

3. Stop worrying about what others are. You are not a million dollars for everyone to want. And that's okay.

4. Think about it, women with large breasts are as complex as you are because of this.

5. Treat yourself with irony.

6. Do not project your thoughts onto other people: it is you who think that at the first glance at you a person thinks: “How small she is!” And it didn't even cross his mind.

7. Know that many girls with small breasts are proud of this 9 women reveal why they're proud of their small boobs. Why are you worse?

8. If the complex prevents you from living normal life and nothing helps, contact a psychotherapist and sort out the problem.

9. Find the advantages of small breasts:

  • Men like it: many prefer breasts to simply fit in the palm of their hand. And if a young man broke up with you because of the size of his chest - exhale. You are very lucky, and now you can find someone who will truly love you.
  • You can.
  • Small breasts look neat and aristocratic.
  • You won't get back pain from a heavy bust.
  • It makes you look younger.
  • You can wear a dress with a plunging neckline and it won't make you look like a girl of easy virtue. You can actually wear whatever you want.
  • Your breasts will most likely not sag with age (or look less sad).
  • Sleeping on your stomach or sunbathing is comfortable.

Love yourself the way you are. This is the most valuable quality.

Option 1. Breast augmentation

There are quite a few articles about breast augmentation by various methods:

  • with the help of surgery: a very expensive operation, usually highly effective, but has disadvantages: artificial breasts cannot be fed to children, stitches can be visible, complications are possible, and the breast will not be as soft to the touch as natural;
  • folk methods: described in detail in the article:
  • with the help of creams, massage: you can read more in the article: "
  • by strengthening the muscles of the chest: video exercises + description in the article:

Option 2. Create the illusion of a large chest

At the same time, the concept of "big breasts" is different for everyone: if you have the 1st size, then the 2nd one is already large for you. Now push-up bras are very popular, which visually increase the chest by 1-2 sizes. The bra makes the chest uplifted, and therefore, more sexy.

Also, you can play in contrast: emphasize the chest with the help of clothes: horizontal lines, a two-tone top (light tones in the chest area, dark tones at the waist and below) visually enlarge the chest. Avoid very deep cuts. You can also use a corset: the harmonious difference between the waist and chest is 20-30 cm. If you make the waist even a couple of centimeters thinner (using a corset or corrective underwear), then against its background the chest will look larger.

Option 3. The most effective

And if these options do not suit you, and you still say to yourself: "I have small breasts, what should I do?" My advice is this: love yourself for who you are! After all, most likely, you not only have small breasts, but you are all miniature, slender. But many men love such girls.

Here are a couple of patterns identified by psychologists that you can remember when you are wondering what to do if your breasts are small:

  1. The ideal chest that serious men like is the one that fits in their hands;
  2. Men are more likely to choose girls with large breasts for fleeting romances, and with small ones for serious relationships;
  3. Many men first evaluate the legs in a girl, and only then the breasts (and they also choose well-groomed and self-confident girls)

And why does everyone want big breasts? Have you ever thought that small breasts have undeniable advantages:

  • Small breasts look very neat. It is unlikely that it will quickly sag, which often happens with large breasts;
  • There are no problems with the spine: but women with large breasts often suffer from back pain, because the chest is also kilograms to body weight;
  • No problem choosing underwear: an insane amount of variety, beautiful models, as a rule, with cups A, B, C. It is very difficult to find beautiful and comfortable underwear in size D, E and more;
  • A slender girl with small breasts looks more beautiful than big girl with big breasts. A miniature body with large breasts does not look proportional, and not beautiful.

Also, so that you understand that having small breasts is not at all bad, let me remind you of the famous beauties who do not complex and do not wonder what to do with small breasts: Keira Knightley, Mila Jovovich, Natalie Portman, Paris Hilton, and even socialite Ksenia Sobchak. None of them is shy to appear in glossy magazines. And despite their small breasts, they have a ton of fans!

So all you need is to love yourself, take care of your breasts (so that they are elastic and beautiful shape), and then they will love you!

With small breasts, you must have heard jokes a thousand times, like: “Did two mosquitoes bite you at once?” But do not pay attention to stupid people - throw push-up to hell and rejoice, because there are plenty of reasons for this ...

You can easily run on a treadmill

Or running in the woods, in the park, along the embankment... Even running up to a departing bus is much easier for you than for those with large breasts. And if you have small breasts, but you don’t run, then buy yourself running shoes tonight so that you can go for your first run tomorrow morning - you will like it!

Your back doesn't hurt

Some men like big breasts - it's true. But a woman has to carry a rather heavy load in front of her all the time, as a result of which all these back problems appear in young age. If you have small breasts, then most likely you have a beautiful posture and you simply do not know what a sharp backache is. Cool!

You don't have to wear a bra all the time

I put on a tight sweater or jacket - and that's it, you can safely go out to people, no one will notice anything. This is both convenient and saves money because you get by with fewer bras and need to renew them less often.

You fit more clothes

Girls with bulky busts are always puzzled by what outerwear buy it to look good in it. And for those who have small breasts, almost all things are suitable.

You know all the jokes about flat-chested women

And once you know, it means that you have preparations to wittily send pranksters as far as possible, after which they will never come back.

Don't you worry that with age your chest will sag

No boobs, no problem.

You can wear backless dresses

Because without a bra, the back looks super sexy.

Small breasts are the only way to pin you up

Because everything else about you is perfect. Just believe it...

You are as cool as Keira Knightley and other stars with small breasts

It is interesting that Keira Knightley is not shy about her practically absent breasts, always emphasizes this feature of her body with clothes and even forbids glossy magazines to photoshop her pictures. However, even though Keira Knightley looks like a boy, men go crazy for her.

You are not afraid to light up your chest

Busty girls sometimes cannot even bend over to tie their shoelaces, because if the neckline is deep, everything can fall out. They also cannot jump, dance vigorously and hang upside down on the bar in the gym. Can you! Because if your chest pops out, no one will notice anyway ...

You feel better with men

Because if a man is after you, you know for sure: it's not because he wants to touch your boobs.

You can buy cute and beautiful bras

A bra for large breasts looks like a parachute, and bras for small breasts often resemble works of art. And they are cheaper ... Because they are rarely bought.

you look natural

When men look at a busty beauty, they always argue fiercely: does she have her own or silicone ones? Regarding girls with small breasts, no controversy ever arises. And so it is clear that their ...

Small breasts won't get bigger with age

And that's great, because you never have to put up with the problem of having boobs - you will always enjoy the ease, comfort and other advantages of a small bust!