Make a decoupage picture from napkins and a frame. Decoupage pictures from postcards and napkins (step-by-step process). What you need to know when working with other surfaces

To give the interior sophistication, spending money is not at all necessary, you can do the decoupage of the picture yourself. And since you will do the decoupage of the picture completely with your own hands, then as a result you will get a home-made panel, which will become not only an interior item, but also nice gift relatives.


The origins of decoupage go back to the Middle Ages. Back in the 15th century in Germany, furniture was decorated with carved pictures, and then the surface was covered with several layers of varnish. With the help of such an application, furniture makers imitated expensive attributes and sold them at a high price, such products are still expensive today.

About materials

The basis for decoupage can be a wooden or ceramic, metal or glass, fabric or plastic item. For example, you can decorate photos, paintings, a tray, a vase, etc. An important condition is the smooth surface of the starting material.

Consumables are:

  • Professional glue may be required only when working with a thermal gun. In other cases, you can use the usual PVA.
  • Paints are better to choose acrylic. They do not smell, dry quickly, do not give yellowness and are easily corrected in the "raw" state.
  • In this technique, it is desirable to use decoupage varnishes (matte or semi-gloss), which protect the image from mechanical stress.
  • Colored paper, pebbles and rhinestones adorn the canvas.
  • Borrow images you can directly from paper napkins, clippings from books, magazines, postcards.

Decoupage pictures with napkins

This technique can work in two ways. The first- attach the top layer of the napkin to the prepared canvas and cover it with a mixture of glue and water. This method requires precision and is not suitable for beginners. Therefore, it is better to act on a simplified technique.


Before starting work, you need to prepare the frame, or rather artificially age it. You can make decoupage with your own hands from a photo frame or order a base in any workshop. It is necessary to cover the surface of the frame with acrylic paint, wait until it dries and apply craquelure varnish. After it is absorbed, a gold-colored paint should be applied.

Building the Foundation

Next stage - creating a canvas from a light fabric. AT finished product the napkin will be transparent, and on a dark background the image may be muted. The material should be cut in the shape of a frame, that is, attach plastic glass and cut the fabric with a margin of one centimeter on each side. The resulting rectangle should be glued to the glass. In this case, the glue should be applied to the fabric and to the plastic. The canvas should be coated with several coats of acrylic primer and allowed to dry.

Important! Before starting work, any surface other than wood must be cleaned with your own hands, that is, wiped with acetone, alcohol or dishwashing detergent.

Transferring a picture

First you need to attach a napkin to the fabric and cut out the picture along the contours of the frame. Then the cut out image should be placed face down on the file and glue diluted with water should be applied to it with a flat brush. When wet, the napkin will begin to stretch. That's why brush movements should be from the center of the picture to the edges. It is very important at this stage to straighten the picture from the “wrinkles” with your own hands. Only after that you can attach the image file to the canvas and carefully remove the transparent film.

The edges of the napkin should be well saturated with glue. In this decoupage technique, the hanging ends of the napkin from the edges of the canvas are inevitable. Only wet, well-soaked ends can be cut off, otherwise the picture may be damaged.

When the glue dries, you should tint individual elements of the image or the entire picture with acrylic paints. Final stage - cover the canvas with decoupage varnish and insert the canvas with the image into the frame.

Decoupage pictures from postcards

Using this technique, you can create a three-dimensional picture with your own hands in just a few minutes.

This will require:

  • manicure and paper scissors;
  • white double-sided tape;
  • thick cardboard for the base.

For example, let's take two identical postcards depicting urban architecture. On the first one, you need to cut out the sky along the contour, and on the second - at home. Each of the cut out parts is a separate layer of the picture. The closer it is, the smaller the details should be. In this case, these are flower pots.

The ends of all cut parts should be made dark with a felt-tip pen.

Tape strips should be attached to the base of thick cardboard. On the reverse side of each cut out part, you should also stick a square of adhesive tape.

Decoupage cards from napkins

A homemade postcard can be a great present for family and friends. It is made in just a few minutes with your own hands using the decoupage technique using glue, cardboard, napkins and scissors.

Cardboard is better to choose dense and colored. On the finished product, the napkin will be transparent. So that later you do not have to finish the picture with paints, it is better to use a colored base.

In this example, consider a more complex decoupage technique, that is, applying glue directly to a napkin. Since the canvas is not large in size, even beginners can cope with this task.

At the first stage, you need to separate the top layer of the napkin and cut out the pattern of the desired size. Next, you need to gently smear a piece of napkin on the front side with glue so that it sticks tightly to the cardboard. After the drawing has dried, you can draw the outline of the image with acrylic paint in a contrasting color.

Foamiran and decoupage panels (2 videos)

I love decorating embroidered works in the frame with your own hands. Whatever you do with me - I love that's all :) Works decorated in a framing workshop, especially a good one, of course turn out to be very beautiful, but there is no part of your creative nature in them) In addition, some plots just ask to be designed as- then in a special way, more interesting than just inserting it into a frame with a passe-partout.

This is what happened with my house. Before the New Year 2013, I took it to the workshop, chose a baguette, a double mat, I was already ready to order, but ... something stopped me. I told the girl that I want to redo the inscription and left. And the House again went to the box, to wait for "his" hour.

And he has arrived! One have a great day I understood why I didn’t give it for registration in a regular frame. She made him lifeless, limited space, pinched from all sides. And he had to be given freedom, an endless sky and boundless expanses)) Then I thought about finishing the plot of the embroidery on the frame. I know that many embroiderers dream of such a design for their paintings (and I am no exception), but not everyone has artists “at hand” and not everyone knows how to draw beautifully. And how to make a frame with your own hands? I decided to “call for help” decoupage, why not an option? Moreover, there is already little experience.

And then the fun began - the selection of napkins. I took out all my supplies (thanks to the girls from the Krestika forum, they are already rather big) and started trying on outfits. I settled on a plot with houses and a lavender field, because the houses somehow vaguely resembled my House, besides, the color scheme was generally suitable (purple, yellow, a little green and red). And here I am finally convinced that I am on the right path)

I took the most common frame 20-30 cm in size as a basis (I had it idle for 3 years). Before decoupage, I decided to try decorating the frame with eggshells. It was in the spring and an article appeared on the "Cross", in particular, decoupage on eggshells, which interested me very much! Thank you Alevtina!!! And I got to work.

To begin with, I collected and dried eggshell(I took it from raw eggs, on the advice of the article), then I crushed it and started gluing it on PVA glue. It took very little shell (from 2-3 eggs), but there is a lot of time) For 2 days with interruptions, I glued it all, because I tried to distribute it evenly and accurately. The shell is glued, by the way, very quickly and very firmly!

Then, following the advice in the article above, I purchased white acrylic paint to cover the top of the frame. I had no idea what kind of paint to buy, so I bought the cheapest)

She took a sponge for washing dishes and began to cover the frame with paint.

I LOVED the paint! It's really odorless and dries in half an hour!

I covered it with two or even three layers of paint so that the wood did not shine through at all. I did all this in one day!

Next came the turn to distribute the decoupage napkin on the frame. I had 2 identical napkins with repeating motifs. I made a rough picture using both napkins. Napkins were sorely lacking for the blue sky!

I'm going to decoupage. I use the “file” method, which was taught to me by the owner of the needlework store and part-time avid decoupager)

The essence of this method is as follows. We take a wide flat container, in this case a tray, put a regular paper file on it, and a fragment of a napkin on top. In this case, a napkin should be put FRONT side WAY DOWN. Then carefully pour water into the tray (you can puff from a spray bottle) so that the napkin floats in the water. Gently straighten all the wrinkles and expel air bubbles.

Then we take the file and take it out of the water, the napkin remains on it. Excess water drains.

We carry the file to the surface to be decorated, put it on “its” place (that’s why we need to think over the composition in advance) and quietly remove the file. At the same time, the napkin lays down practically without any extra folds. I can't get it right with a brush...

This is how we decorate the entire surface. When it dries a little, you can walk over the entire surface with PVA glue and let it dry.

I'll stop in the sky for a bit. Initially, I wanted to decoupage the entire upper part of the frame with a blue napkin, but I didn’t have enough of it and in the process of gluing it also tore in places (I tried to stretch it so hard)) Then the idea came to me what can be done in the sky clouds! It's good that I painted the frame with white paint) So, in my opinion, the sky turned out to be even prettier and livelier. I did not varnish the frame.

The frame is ready, you can decorate, but ... If someone remembers, my House initially looked a little different, namely with two large flowers at the bottom and without clouds.

But somehow I didn’t like these flowers so much that I decided to embroider a lavender bush in that place (it was necessary to somehow support the theme of lavender on the frame).

And when I put finished frame for embroidery, I realized that something was missing from above and embroidered more stylized clouds

As a result, the overall picture has changed a bit)

Here, in fact, that's all. The canvas was pulled over the back with threads. Between the embroidery and the backdrop I put a sheet of white paper so that the dark cardboard does not shine through and inserted the whole thing into a new frame)

Tomka gave me a lavender sachet, by the way, it is also embroidered according to the pattern from “I embroider with a cross”, like my lavender bush.

And if anyone is wondering what it looked like original circuit of this house, taken again from “I embroider with a cross”, see:

In principle, only the house remained from the original)) Embroider, fantasize and, of course, make frames with your own hands! By the way, not only embroidered paintings can be designed independently. DIY photo frames also look very interesting!

Creativity lies in every person. But sometimes, due to the lack of certain knowledge or opportunities, we limit ourselves. If you want to feel like a creator, the needlework technique - decoupage - comes to the rescue. Simple, cozy and atmospheric things give our interior style and variety, because. depending on the accessories, the look of the house completely changes. Decoupage panels in vintage style- a unique path in needlework.

How to create a panel or a picture from scratch? If you have an approximate frame blank, you can use it. Who does not have - we make a form.

To create a round frame, we will use two covers of different diameters. First, we outline the first one on thick cardboard. Then let's move on to the 2nd, note that the inner diameter of the frame should correspond to a standard napkin folded four.

Cut out both shapes with a utility knife. The second frame, which is inside, can be cut from thinner cardboard. If you have unnecessary burlap, then we will use it by gluing it to the inside of the frame.

Next, we attach the synthetic winterizer to the rim. He will give us the volume of the composition. When choosing an adhesive for work, you can take both silicone and water based. So that the synthetic winterizer does not chaotically scatter in different directions, we take an ordinary thread and knit the entire edge completely.

For the compatibility of the panel, we also take burlap, circle the rim of the base, but not close, but with ledges, one and a half centimeters from each edge. This is needed for volume allowance. Then add about a centimeter to the bend. Only then do we cut it out. A small life hack for those who want the base to lie exactly in a circle. To do this, we need to make cuts along the edge, and thus the fabric will lie on the base with the sun. We glue everything.

The wall, which we will have a drawing in itself, is painted with white paint for the substrate. To do this, use acrylic enamel. The number of layers depends on the desire, they can be either 2 or 3.

Next, the most interesting thing, take the necessary motive, separate the top, thinnest layer on a napkin, and try on how the picture should look. When you have decided on the location of the composition, we cut out the image. From the center to the edge, let's start applying the glue varnish. Glue can be used both for decoupage and ordinary PVA. Better application do with a fan brush, so the layer will lie more evenly.

For aesthetics, we also need to make the back wall. Take either paper, or unnecessary wallpaper, and glue it to the back of the cardboard. The notch is also formed with an overlap, about half a centimeter. We also need to finish drawing the picture so that the flowers on it look brighter. Optionally, select leaves and some petals. On the workpiece, it is also necessary to make holes for suspension. We make holes with scissors or a needle by inserting a thread into them for a loop.

Before connecting the elements, it is also necessary to walk a little white paint along the edge of the picture, and also spray on the sides of the frame.

We connect both parts together. For decoration, you can use lace and stick it asymmetrically on top, or make a pattern through a stencil. The stencil can be downloaded from the Internet, purchased, or cut out yourself. foam sponge, with absorbent movements, blot the decorative part with white paint. It remains to apply a little rubbing of silver on the drawing, and our magnificent picture is ready.

To give the interior a special sophistication, you can make a unique product with your own hands. Thus, you will receive an original and exclusive decorative item. This topic is dedicated to the decoupage of paintings and panels. After spending several hours to make them, you will become the owner of a beautiful little thing, which will not only become an amazing interior item, but also a pleasant surprise for relatives and friends.

This master class offers you a simple and fast way, with which you can do .

Work begins with the preparation of the frame. For a picture, you can take an ordinary wooden frame for a photo, order it in a workshop, or make it yourself.

Prepare acrylic based paint and cover the entire surface of the frame with it. After letting the item dry, apply a varnish designed for. Leave to dry again, then apply a layer of golden hue paint with your own hands with a brush.

As a result, you should get an aged picture frame, as in the photo.

Next, a suitable canvas is created for the picture from a two-thread fabric. This material must be cut to the size of the glass with a small margin. Apply a layer of PVA glue and glue glass to it. Also apply glue to the edges and bend them.

At the next stage of the master class, the canvas is turned over and covered with several layers of artistic acrylic primer. After that, leave the canvas to dry.

Now we go directly to the decoupage of the picture. Take a napkin with the image you like, stick it on the prepared surface, varnish it and dry it thoroughly.

It remains only to insert the pictures with decoupage into the frame, stick cardboard on top of it and fix it firmly.

Here is such a simple master class that will allow you to make an interesting picture using decoupage technique in the shortest possible time.

Decorative panel in vintage style

The next master class will show you how to create a delightful vintage-style panel. In order to repeat this decoupage, you need to prepare a fabric, a rice card and napkins.

This master class for work uses images of a female silhouette, a lush rose and a gentle angel.

It is best to use as a canvas for a panel natural materials, in the form of cotton or linen (the admixture of synthetic fibers should not exceed twenty percent).

Prepared images from a napkin and a rice card must be carefully cut along the contour lines. After you have cut out all the blanks, proceed to sticking the motifs. This is done in the same way as on any other plane. Take the image, put it on the canvas, apply glue to the brush and with gentle movements, moving from the middle to the borders, glue the picture. In the process of fixing the motif, do not spare the glue, for the reason that the fabric material has the ability to quickly absorb it. Therefore, if you do not apply enough glue, you can glue certain areas poorly.

Before applying glue, place a material under the fabric that does not get wet, such as a file.

Not everyone knows that decoupage with napkins or rice cards can be applied to fabrics. For example, this female silhouette is obtained from a rice map.

It is best to use special decoupage glue for work. As a result, after the glue dries, it should not leave characteristic marks on the material. After a few hours, you will need to iron the product on both sides. After that, wash the fabric (observe the washing temperature no more than forty degrees) by hand washing.

Artist and fashion designer from Poland. Anna was inspired to create the painting by childhood memories: an old attic, huge hanging cobwebs, old yellowed newspapers. This mood is successfully conveyed through the "aged photograph".

To repeat something similar with our own hands, we prepare the following materials: primed canvas (painted with several layers of white acrylic paint), beautiful motif on rice paper, old newspapers or newspaper magazines, glue (for decoupage or PVA), pencil, ruler, scissors, acrylic paints, patina, varnish, lighter or matches, sponge or dry cloth.

We take several pages of paper and knead very carefully with our hands so that many wrinkles appear to create an interesting effect. On the canvas with a pencil, mark the width of the frame, which we will seal with prepared paper. For this work, PVA glue is suitable.

We tear the crumpled paper into pieces and glue it along the edge of the canvas. We press the paper to the base, but do not smooth out the wrinkles. Leave until completely dry. Then we cover the surface with cream-colored paint.

After drying, cover the middle of the surface, where the rice paper motif will be placed, with golden acrylic. You can take gold powder and mix it with a small amount of decoupage glue. But until the golden acrylic is dry, remove excess paint with a rag or sponge. This will create a beige surface with a golden sheen.

We cut out the motif you like from rice paper and burn the edges with a lighter (you can just gently use a match). Glue the prepared motif to the canvas.

The next step is to patinate the image. For this purpose, we use a dark brown patina. We impose it with a sponge in some places, remove the excess.

Next, create a greenish coating. For this we use acrylic paint.
We select a color that would resemble a natural patina. We moisten the sponge in the resulting shade and draw it along the frame so that somewhere there is more paint, and somewhere the sponge is semi-dry.