When will the retirement age be raised? Latest news about raising the retirement age in Russia. All other pensioners

Economist. Experience in leadership positions in the manufacturing industry. Date: September 13, 2018. Reading time 6 min.

For 1,000 rubles. increase payments non-working pensioners since January 2019, which exceeds the forecast inflation rate. Such dynamics will continue until 2024, i.e., the income level of pensioners will grow every year.

The increase in labor pensions is regulated annually by legislative acts, which are signed in parallel with the adoption of the budget. The fact that the indexation scheme would change dramatically became known in 2018, when in the “May Decrees” No. 204 of 05/07/2018, President Putin V.V. gave a guideline for ensuring sustainable income growth for pensioners until 2024.

The government announced in June the first steps to implement the presidential decree, announcing about., as reported by Tatyana Golikova - Deputy Prime Minister - at a meeting of the tripartite commission.

Quote : "... all the funds that will be received from the increase retirement age, … will be aimed at providing pension system and to increase the pension provision of our citizens”, - T. Golikova.

For the first time, pension reform was justified as a tool to ensure the growth of pensioners' income. Subsequently, this position was confirmed during the changes in the pension legislation by the Minister of Labor and social protection Maxim Topilin. The official confirmed that the corresponding changes will be made to the next federal budget and the PFR budget, which will be linked to the new pension bill.

Indexation of pensions

For ordinary citizens, the wording of officials did not reveal the essence of the increase. Questions remained unclear: For 1,000 rubles. Will all pensioners receive an increase in pension from January 2019? Will it be a fixed amount? For what period will the promised thousand be paid?

In fact, the Government had in mind the annual indexation of insurance pensions, which was traditionally held in February. But unlike the recalculations that were made before, the promised increase will not be tied to the actual rate of inflation. Until 2018, inclusive, payments to non-working pensioners were increased twice: in February by the planned indicator and in April, based on the results of the past year, namely, by the level of actual inflation.

Indexation in a new way will be carried out, regardless of inflation set at the end of 2018, since the planned increase factor initially exceeds it. This will allow not only to increase insurance payments at a higher rate, but also to postpone the indexation period to the beginning of the year.

Terms of increase

Application for an increase in payments by 1,000 rubles. per month or 12,000 rubles. per year, many pensioners were misled. Is it possible that payments in 2019 will increase monthly by 1,000 rubles, which will increase pensions by 12,000 rubles by the end of the year?

In fact, indexation will be carried out only once - at the beginning of 2019. From January 1, pensioners will receive an increase of 1,000 rubles. benefits throughout the year, which in total will give an increase of 12,000 rubles. by year. The increased pension level, taking into account growth, will remain throughout 2019 until the next indexation, which will be held in January 2020.

The very same 1,000 rubles. was designated by the government as the average amount. Pensions will be indexed by 7.05%, which, based on the size of the average pension, is one thousand.

That is the average size pension payments, amounting to 14.4 thousand rubles, will be increased in January 2019 to 15.4 thousand rubles. Throughout the year, the average pensioner will receive 15.4 thousand rubles. monthly (1 thousand rubles more than in 2018). During the year, his income will increase by the promised 12 thousand rubles.

Such indexations are planned to be carried out annually in January until 2024 inclusive, that is, over 6 years, payments will increase by 1,000 rubles, which will eventually increase pensions from 14 thousand rubles. up to 20 thousand rubles

How much will payouts increase?

The amount of 1,000 rubles. has been designated by the Government as a guideline. Conditionally, the increase was tied to the average pension in Russia.

Note! Before the reform, the average pension increased by 500 rubles.

But the increase will be carried out not in the form of adding a fixed amount, but according to the indexation scheme. That is, a coefficient will be used to calculate the increase.

The promised "increase of 1,000 rubles." - this is 7.05% of the average pension of 14,141 rubles.

This means that pensioners who receive higher payments can expect a substantial increase. For example, those who receive 25,000 rubles will receive an allowance of 1,762.5 rubles, and a security of 40,000 rubles. will increase, respectively, to 42,820 rubles.

However, far from everyone receives retirement pensions above the average level. Therefore, the allowance for many pensioners will not reach the promised 1,000 rubles. So, with payments of 10,000 rubles, only 705 rubles will be added. and a pension of 7,000 rubles. will grow by 493.5 rubles.

To whom in 2019 it is planned to increase the pension by 1000 rubles. per month

"The main beneficiaries of the reform" Labor Minister Topilin called non-working pensioners. This means that the funds received as a result of raising the retirement age will be used to increase payments to this particular category of Russians.

The promised additional payment from January 2019 will be given exclusively to non-working pensioners who receive insurance pension payments.

Russians of retirement age who continue to work will not receive an additional payment. Indexation for this category of pensioners was frozen back in 2016, and no changes are expected in the future. The only thing that working pensioners can count on is by increasing pension points. But the amount of such an additional payment will not exceed 250 rubles, since the amount cannot increase by more than 3 points per year.

In order to receive increased payments, taking into account all the missed indexations, including the recalculation planned for the beginning of 2019, a working pensioner can quit his job and go on a well-deserved rest.

Further increase in pensions

The standard indexing scheme will change completely from 2019. If the recalculation was carried out according to the old standards, in 2019 the surcharge amounted to an average of 570 rubles.

At the end of 2018, the projected inflation rate is about 4%. Despite such indicators, payments will increase by 7%, which will significantly exceed inflation. Therefore, the increase not only compensates for the depreciation of the pension, but also ensures the growth of real income.

2019 is one of the landmark years in the Russian pension system. After all, the retirement age is being raised, albeit smoothly, but by 5 years. But along with such an increase in age, an increase in the amount of pension maintenance should also be expected. We will figure out who the indexation will affect, how many times it will be done, and what kind of legal assistance in Moscow may be required.

Will the amount of pension content increase? Pension reform in Russia.

In 2018, the media constantly circulated information about the increase in pensions in 2019. Albeit with numerous clarifications, but many pointed to the increase. However, if we analyze all the regulatory legal acts that relate to the amounts of pensions for 2019, it becomes clear that there will be no increase.

We are talking exclusively about indexing, which is not technically an increase. The fact is that indexation is carried out according to plan and from year to year. And there will indeed be an increase in pensions in 2019 with the help of indexation, and not in February, as it usually happens, but from January 01. And pensioners will receive an additional amount that more than doubles the projected official inflation.

Thus, the January increase coefficient is 1.0705, which is 7.05% of the amount of the pension content relative to 2018. At the same time, those pensioners who, according to the schedule, receive a pension in the first 10 days of the month received an increased amount already in December 2018.

How many indexations are planned for 2019

Back in the summer of 2018, some officials pointed to a double indexation of pensions in 2019. And therefore, many are interested in what month of 2019 will increase pensions for the second time. To answer this question, let's break down all the pension increases planned by the authorities.

January 2019 - insurance old-age / seniority pensions for non-working pensioners. February 2019 - increase in the social support of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, that is, indexation of the UDV, burial allowances, NSU. April 2019 - social pensions.August 2019 - recalculation (correction) of pensions of the working category of pensioners.

As you can see from the list, there is no talk of double indexing. Let's analyze each of the indexing options in a little more detail.

January 2019 pension increase.

Pensions are indexed in accordance with the indexation schedule developed on transition period increase in the retirement age. Since the transition will take 5 years, then indexing will be carried out for all 5 years and, most likely, in January.

It turns out that from January 1, 2019, there is an increase in the amount of pension maintenance by 7.05%. But only those who:

received a pension assignment; completed labor activity at least 3 months before indexation (i.e. September 30 inclusive); at the time of indexation is not listed in the state (or out of state) of enterprises, does not conduct entrepreneurial activities and is not a self-employed citizen.

Many pensioners decided to take advantage of the loophole left by the state. So, some Muscovites quit in early autumn. Having received the required indexation of 7.05% (taking into account past increases), they plan to find a job again. Since the authorities will not be able to cancel indexation, they will be able to receive an increased pension, but at the same time continue to work.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019.

As in previous years, due to the difficult economic situation in the country, indexation for working pension recipients is not planned in 2019. But this became known back in the fall of 2018, but at the same time there was a rumor that, in principle, there would be no increase.

Moscow working pensioner Fyodor Zh. turned to a lawyer for help: his pension was not indexed. The man explained that he was afraid that the indexation would not affect him even if he quit his job. The lawyer explained that his pension would be raised 3 months after his dismissal, and all missed indexations would be taken into account.

Of course, many working pensioners fear that when they increase the pension of non-working pensioners in 2019, they will simply be “forgotten” about them and they won’t have to wait for an increase when they finally retire. But this is not so, and all the due amounts will be paid to them 3 months after the dismissal, and for 3 “missed” months too.

Who will receive a pension increase in February 2019.

The February increase in pensions will not affect all pensioners, but only those who receive the CED and NSU, and the payments themselves do not relate to the amount of the pension content. The recipients of lump-sum cash payments include veterans, disabled people, Heroes of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

The indexation coefficient is only 1.034, therefore, for disabled people of group I, the increase will be only 123.32 rubles. Some other categories will not have to count on this amount. For example, disabled people of group III will be “pleased” with only 70.49 rubles.

Will there be an increase in pensions for pensioners in April 2019.

The April increase applies only to recipients of social pensions and pensions that are based on the basic social pension rate. Of course, at the end of 2018, there were rumors that there would be no increase. And, alas, it really won't. However, indexation will still take place, so the question of whether the pension will be increased in 2019 for “social workers” can still be answered in the affirmative.

Another talk about the increase factor. It will be only 2.4%, which is lower compared to 2018 (2.9%), but higher compared to 2018 (1.5%). From April 2019, the basic rate of social pension will increase to the amount of 5,304.57 rubles. However, taking into account the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts, a pensioner cannot receive a monthly allowance less than the pensioner's subsistence level, which is set at the federal level in the amount of 8,846 rubles.

How much will the pension increase in August 2019

The August adjustment applies exclusively to working pensioners and does not affect the rights of non-working pension recipients. This is not a classic promotion and not even indexing. The amount of maintenance is adjusted taking into account:

the value of pension points, which in 2019 are regarded as 1 point = 87.24 rubles; the number of pension points earned per year, but not more than 3.

Consequently, the maximum possible increase in the pension content will be only 261.72 rubles. to the pension you receive.

Are you interested in what pensions will be increased in 2019 and by how much? Ask a question to the lawyer of the site for free by phone or online.

Remember the buzz about raising the retirement age? In addition, there are other features of the pension reform that are important to know about. The retirement age itself will not be raised immediately, but within 10 years, so we will start with those amendments that will affect pensioners in a few days.

It's about adding to your pension. Does this increase really exist and how much will the state add after January 1? Here we analyze only the laws and the current regulations, without rumors and speculations.

Ekaterina Miroshkina


The main thing about raising pensions

Here are the main conditions for indexing pensions:

  1. insurance pensions in 2019 will grow by 7.05%. One point now costs 87.24 rubles, the fixed part will be 5334 rubles.
  2. The average pension in Russia will increase by a thousand rubles a month and will amount to 15,400 rubles. But everyone will have their own gain. The increase depends on the previous size of the pension.
  3. Every year the pension will grow by about a thousand rubles. Again, average. Indexing is approved for five years in advance.
  4. The 7.05% pension increase applies only to non-working pensioners. Workers have indexation on other conditions and at other times.
  5. We took all this from federal law No. 350-FZ, and not from the media and public statements of officials.
  6. Pensions increase every year. Previously, the amount of the increase was about half that.

What increase are you talking about?

It's about the indexation of pensions. The state centrally increases payments to all pensioners by some percentage. This is how they compensate for inflation: food, utilities, travel and medicines become more expensive, and many older people have no other sources of income.

When discussing the law on pension reform, it was about an increase for current pensioners. They were promised to increase the amount of pensions by about a thousand rubles. With the amount of payments of 13-14 thousand rubles, the increase for many is very significant. The condition for the increase actually appeared in the law.

As it was before?

Typically, insurance pensions were indexed to a percentage that was slightly higher than official inflation. For example, with inflation of 2.5%, the indexation of labor pensions was 3.7%. In terms of the average pension in Russia, this is 500 rubles a month.

For example, last year indexation was after February 1 and amounted to 3.7%. This means that pensioner Ivan Ivanovich received 14 thousand rubles of pension until February 1, and began to receive 14,500.

In fact, the increase turned out to be symbolic: it simply went to compensate for the price increase.

The increase in rubles depends on the size of the pension. If Ivan Ivanovich receives 14 thousand rubles, in 2018 he was given 500 rubles, and Petr Petrovich with a pension of 10 thousand - only 370 rubles.

How will it be from 2019?

In 2019, insurance pensions will be indexed by 7.05%. This is almost double what it was a year ago, much more than usual, and double the estimated official inflation. For all the time of indexation under the new rules, there has never really been such an increase. And this increase is no longer just a promise of officials, but a norm of federal law.

Finding her is not so easy. In the laws on pensions, you will not find mention of 7.05% and thousands of rubles. Therefore, we tell where the indexing condition is hidden:

  1. There is a federal law on changes to pensions. It was signed on October 3, 2018 and will be operational from January 1, 2019.
  2. This law outlines the main budget items of the PFR. Paragraph 7 of article 10 specifies a fixed cost pension point. This cost is multiplied by the number of points that each pensioner has accumulated. This is how pensions are considered in Russia.
  3. In 2018, one point costs 81.49 rubles, and in 2019 it will cost 87.24 rubles. Thus, the price of one point for the insurance pension increased by 7.05%.
  4. Points value for calculation labor pension added to the fixed payment. It also increased by about 7%. In 2018, it is 4982 rubles, and from 2019 it will be 5334 rubles - about this in paragraph 8 of article 10 of the same law.
  5. The fixed payout will increase equally for everyone. The total value of points depends on how many points you managed to accumulate during your work. But in general, the insurance pension will increase by 7%.

How much will pensions increase?

The increase depends on what kind of pension a particular person is being paid now. When they talk about a thousand rubles increase, they mean the average insurance pension in Russia - 14,414 rubles. If such a pension is increased by 7.05%, then the increase will be just a thousand. And a pensioner in 2019 will already receive 15,400 rubles.

If the pension is 12 thousand rubles, 850 rubles will be added, but 1400 will be added to the pension of 20 thousand.

How much will the insurance pension increase in 2019, R

Retirement in 2018Retirement in 2019How much will be added
10 000 10 705 + 705
11 000 11 775 + 775
12 000 12 846 + 846
13 000 13 916 + 916
14 414 15 430 + 1016
15 000 16 057 + 1057
16 000 17 128 + 1128
17 000 18 198 + 1198
18 000 19 269 + 1269
19 000 20 339 + 1339
20 000 21 410 + 1410

Retirement in 2018

Retirement in 2019

How much will be added

Does this apply in general to all pensioners who have already been assigned a pension?

No, this only applies to non-working pensioners. If a pensioner works, his pension is not indexed during this period. It is recalculated once a year, taking into account the insurance premiums accumulated during the work, and that's it.

But when the pensioner quits, the payments will be recalculated taking into account indexations for the entire time of work. And they will immediately pay an increased pension.

Who is considered a working pensioner?

A working pensioner is someone who works officially and is an insured person. That is, they pay mandatory insurance premiums for it.

Here are examples when a pensioner is considered to be working:

  1. He has an employment contract. Compulsory insurance premiums are paid by the employer.
  2. He entered into a service or contract agreement. That is civil law. Then the customer must pay the fees.
  3. The pensioner is registered as an individual entrepreneur on any taxation system. He pays mandatory contributions for himself.

How to get an increase in pension in 2019?

For this, two conditions must be met:

  1. You have been assigned an insurance pension. That is, you have earned the minimum length of service and points and have reached retirement age.
  2. You do not work and do not pay mandatory insurance premiums for you. Volunteers do not count.

You don't need to do anything special. The pension fund will calculate the supplement itself and pay it with the next pension for 2019.

Typically, the pension fund learns about the work of a pensioner from the information provided by employers. But if something was not taken into account, you can write a statement that the pensioner is no longer working - the pension will be indexed and they will pay an increase.

What will happen to pensions after 2019?

How pensions will be raised until 2024

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
How much does a pension point cost87.24 R$93.0098.86 R$104.69$110.55116.63 R
Raise 7,05% 6,6% 6,3% 5,9% 5,2% 5,5%
Fixed part of the pension5334 R5686 R6044 R6401 R6759 R7131 R
Average pension15 430 R16 448 R17 484 Р18 516 Р19 478 R20 550 R
Average increase1000 R1000 R1000 R1000 R960 R1000 R


How much does a pension point cost

87.24 R


Fixed part of the pension

5334 R

Average pension

15 430 R

Average increase

1000 R


How much does a pension point cost



Fixed part of the pension

5686 R

Average pension

16 448 R

Average increase

1000 R


How much does a pension point cost

98.86 R


Fixed part of the pension

6044 R

Average pension

17 484 R

Average increase

Pension reform has started in Russia. On January 1, 2019, the law on changing the parameters of the pension system came into force, which for many pensioners brings good news about the increase in pensions in 2019.

Increase in pensions from January 1, 2019: to whom and by how much was the pension increased?

Pension reform has started in Russia. On January 1, 2019, the law on changing the parameters of the pension system came into force, which proposes a pension reform in the Russian Federation.

We are talking about a systematic increase by five years of the retirement age for citizens of the Russian Federation. For six years, the retirement age of citizens of the Russian Federation will grow annually year by year, until by 2024 it will reach 60 years for women and 65 years for men.

Such changes are necessary in order to ensure the growth of pension payments, the government explained earlier. Russian President Vladimir Putin called the same reasons for the inevitability of pension reform in his televised address to the citizens of the Russian Federation in August.

Simultaneously with the increase in the retirement age, a temporary indexation procedure (“adjustment”, as it is called in the law) of insurance pensions for non-working pensioners came into force - it will be valid until 2024.

As always, the rules for indexing pensions are not the same for everyone. Therefore, I propose to elaborate on the question of to whom and by how much the pension was increased in 2019.

1. Recipients of insurance pensions

Pensions, which in the recent past were called labor, and now - insurance, make up the lion's share compared to other pension payments that are assigned in our country.

Their main difference lies in the fact that they are provided to workers, i.e. those who have developed a certain length of service and a certain capital in the form of insurance premiums accrued to their personal account in the FIU.

Considering that the moratorium on the indexation of insurance pensions for working people has not been lifted, let's consider what increase non-working recipients of insurance pensions can expect from January 1, 2019:

A) Insurance old-age pensions increased by 7.05%

Accordingly, the amount of the fixed payment will be: 5,334.19 rubles. The right to an additional increase in this value will be received by:

  • Persons who are 80 years old or have been assigned 1 disability group - the amount of the payment is increased by 100% and will amount to 10,668.38 rubles;
  • Persons who have disabled family members as dependents - increase in payment by 1/3 for each dependent, i.e. 1,778.06 rubles each, but not more than 5,334.19 rubles;
  • Persons who have work experience in the regions Far North at least 15 years with a total insurance experience 25 and 20 years old (men and women, respectively) - 50% increase in the fixed payment, i.e. for 2,667.10 rubles;
  • Persons who have at least 20 years of work experience in areas equivalent to the regions of the Far North (with the same total length of service) - an increase in payment by 30%, the so-called. for 1600.26 rubles;
  • Persons who have worked in the agricultural sector for at least 30 years - the payment is increased by 25%, provided that they do not work and live in rural areas, i.e. for 1,333.55 rubles.

The cost of one pension point will be: 87.24 rubles.

For working pensioners insurance pensions will increase from August as a result of the adjustment, which is made taking into account newly received insurance premiums for a pensioner. In this case, the increase will be no more than 3 points. Their value will be determined as of the date from which indexation was suspended.

B) Insurance pensions for disability and survivors also increased by 7.05%

Fixed payment for retirement

  • with 1 disability group will amount to 10,668.38 rubles,
  • with group 2- 5 334.19 rubles,
  • with group 3- 2,667.10 rubles.

For the survivor's pension, the fixed payment increased to 2,667.10 rubles.

  • The cost of a pension point is the same - 87.24 rubles.

2. Recipients of social pensions

These are pensions that are assigned in the event that the conditions for assigning an insurance pension are not met or it is so small that it is more profitable to receive a social one.

  • In the draft budget pension fund RF laid the indexation of social pensions.
  • As always, the indexation of social pensions is planned from April, the indexation coefficient will be 2.4%.
  • Let me remind you that in the current 2018, social pensions increased by 2.9%.

3. Recipients of minimum pensions

Those whose pension (together with all additional payments due) does not exceed the amount of the pensioner's subsistence minimum receive a social supplement:

  • at the expense of the federal budget (if the level of the subsistence minimum in the region does not exceed the federal value),
  • at the expense of the regional budget (if the regional value of the subsistence minimum is higher than the federal one).

Accordingly, an increase in the subsistence minimum for a pensioner entails an increase in his pension provision.

  • In the draft Law on the budget, the federal living wage for a pensioner for 2019 is stated in the amount of 8,846 rubles.
  • In 2018, this value is 8,726 rubles, i.e. minimum pension it is planned to increase by only 120 rubles.

The law on raising the retirement age from January 1, 2019 is still under consideration by deputies, but it is already causing heated debate and leaves no one indifferent. Read on to find out what changes await future pensioners.

Prerequisites for raising the retirement age

According to officials, improving the pension system of the Russian Federation is an urgent need, dictated by the negative demographic situation in the 90s of the last century, as well as an increase in the life of the working population.

In June 2018, legislators proposed new bill No. 489161-7, which proposes a set of measures to change the pension legislation in the Russian Federation. According to the authors of the project, the innovations will reduce the budget deficit of the Pension Fund and increase pension payments to current pensioners.

The text of the bill can be found here.

The changes will affect the following forms of pension provision:

  • old age;
  • social payments to disabled citizens;
  • "Northern" and preferential payments.

The project provides for a gradual increase in the standard age of leaving for a well-deserved rest until 2034: up to 63 years for the female half of the population of the Russian Federation and 65 years for the male half. Thus, if the innovations are legalized, the transition to the pension category for men will be shifted by 5 years, and for women - by 8 years (compared to the current terms).

Let's look at the proposed legislative adjustments in more detail.

At what age do people retire in other countries?

The growth of age standards for retirement, according to officials, is dictated by the increase in the average life expectancy of Russians. In the period from 2000 to 2017, according to Rosstat, life expectancy increased: for the female part of the population by 5.5 years (from 72.2 to 77.7), and for the male - by 8.5 years (from 59 to 67 ,5).

According to predictive statistics, life expectancy by 2024 will reach: 82 years for women and 72.3-72.5 for men. And by the time the pension reform is completed, life expectancy will approximately increase to 75 years for men and 85.2 for women.

Most countries have also increased the retirement age for their citizens. The table below shows comparative analysis life expectancy and the term for entering a well-deserved rest in our country and in other states:

Age of eligibility for retirement Lifespan Country
Men Women
63 58 70,5-71 Kazakhstan
60 55 70,5-71 Russia
60 60 82,5 France
65 65 80 Great Britain
65 65 83,7 Japan
67 67 81 Germany
65 65 79,3 USA
60 55 76,1 China
65 65 82,2 Canada
65 60 75 Brazil
65 60 77 Argentina

The data are from the WHO report.

Read also The Ministry of Labor will simplify the procedure for assigning and paying pensions: details

Table of old-age retirement in the Russian Federation

So, from 2019, 1 year will be added annually to the age pension standard approved in the Russian Federation at 55 and 60 years (for women and men, respectively).

Our table will help you determine the year of your well-deserved retirement:

Year of transition to state security under the current law in 2018 Men Women Year of retirement according to bill No. 489161-7
Year of birth Age Year of birth Age
2019 1959 61 1964 56 2020
2020 1960 62 1965 57 2022
2021 1961 63 1966 58 2024
2022 1962 64 1967 59 2026
2023 1963 65 1968 60 2028
2024 1964 and younger 1969 61 2030
2025 1970 62 2032
2026 1971 and younger 63 2034


Current pensioners and citizens who received the right to a pension in 2018 upon reaching the age of 55 and 60 (women / men, respectively), will not be affected by the reforms in the legislation. The reform under discussion covers persons who in 2018 have not yet reached the normative 55 and 60 years.

Changes for Social Pension Recipients

Recipients of social pensions also expect some changes:

  • Citizens who have not worked out the length of service necessary for establishing a pension acquire the opportunity to take a well-deserved rest later for 5 years, counted from the new age limits. This means that after 2019 the opportunity to receive a social pension will come at the age of 68 and 70, respectively (for comparison, in 2018 it is 60 and 65 years).
  • In the event of the loss of a breadwinner, relatives will be able to apply for a pension at the general age of 63 and 65 years (in 2018, the transition period to such state maintenance is set at 55 and 60 years).
  • Parents of dead servicemen will be entitled to receive pension payments upon reaching the age of 58 and 60 (previously - 50 and 55 years), and their widows - after the age of 63.
  • The normative age has also been raised for the small ethnic groups of the North by 8 and 5 years - up to 58 and 60 years (women/men).

Will the pension reform affect people retiring early?

As legislators assure, the possibility of reaching a premature pension provision the population and workers from the regions of the Far North and equivalent regions, as well as teachers, doctors and other "beneficiaries" will continue. But the retirement age for these categories of citizens will also increase due to its general growth.

Thus, employees from the regions of the extreme northern part of our country and similar territories are expected to increase the age of access to state security by 5 and 8 years: the bill assumes a 60-year threshold for men and 58 years for women (the current standards are 55 and 50 years, respectively). ). And in the same way, a gradual increase in the standard years for applying for a pension will be applied in order to achieve new age limits.

Read also Sergei Sobyanin approved the minimum pension in Moscow for 2019

The state believes that for residents of northern areas, the reduction in the retirement age at one time was due to extremely difficult living conditions in the 50s of the last century. But the measures taken to improve the demographic situation significantly affected the life expectancy of the northerners.

Medical workers, citizens of creative professions and teachers are also waiting for the raising of the retirement age standards. But they will calculate the period of retirement for a well-deserved rest, starting from the period of developing special experience. According to the legislative norms in force in 2018, doctors and teachers receive the opportunity to go on premature rest if they have an experience of 25-30 years. People of creative specialties must have a special experience of 15 to 30 years, depending on the category.

Changing the exit algorithm to early retirement presented in the table:

We have considered who will be affected by the pension reform, but some categories of citizens will not feel it. Who exactly - read on.

Preferential categories of pensioners

Pension changes will not affect:

  1. Performing labor duties in unsafe (harmful) conditions:
  • employees servicing locomotives and trains, as well as employees who create conditions for the safe movement of railway transport and the subway;
  • truck drivers working in mines;
  • those who work in hot shops underground;
  • employed in textile production (women only);
  • members of expeditions, geological exploration, topographic, geodetic, forest management, prospecting workers;
  • employees of the crews of the river fleet and sea fleet, as well as the fishing industry;
  • flight personnel and engineers serving civil aircraft;
  • mountain rescue and rescue personnel;
  • those who extract natural resources in mining, build mines and mines;
  • workers executing criminal sanctions in the form of imprisonment;
  • employees working in timber rafting and logging;
  • tractor drivers of farmland, as well as drivers of road, construction and loading and unloading vehicles (women only);
  • those who drive passenger vehicles.
  1. Persons whose pension for health reasons or social reasons is established earlier than the generally approved time:
  • mothers who gave birth to 5 or more children and raised them up to the age of 8;
  • received military bodily injuries;
  • mother or father disabled from infancy, who raised him until the age of 8;
  • guardians of people with disabilities from childhood who raised them up to 8 years;
  • visually impaired people of the 1st group;
  • women who have the necessary insurance work experience in the areas of the extreme northern regions, who have given birth to 2 or more children;
  • midgets and dwarfs;
  • reindeer herders, hunters, fishermen permanently living in the regions belonging to the Far North.
  1. Victims in man-made or radiation tragedies, including those at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
  2. Pilots of test and serial parachute, aeronautical and aviation equipment.