Where to find silver. How much does technical silver cost and where is it used? Video - melting silver with a Chinese burner

Silver is a metal with good electrical and thermal conductivity. It lends itself very well to processing and, forged, rolled. It is these above qualities that are the reasons for its very wide application in radio engineering and electrical engineering.

AT more present directly in massive radio devices, silver-plated products. However, it is quite difficult to extract it from them. This process is quite labor intensive. If we talk about the possibility of mining it using chemistry, then it should be noted that this is a weakly reactive metal.

Nevertheless, it has long been a good source of income for people who understand this business. This article will talk about the extraction of precious metals, in particular silver, from radio components and the percentage of its content in them.

The main source of obtaining precious metal are electronic computers Soviet years, various control units, again Soviet, radio devices.

It should be borne in mind that most of all various precious metals are contained in Soviet civilian and military devices. If we take only silver, then it is contained in microscopic doses in radio products and electronics.

The largest percentage contains connector contacts, up to 60% silver. As a rule, silver in radio components is not in its pure form, but in an alloy.

Taken as a whole, there are few types, types of parts and elements containing this precious metal. Relay contacts, capacitors, diodes, transistors, resistance contacts and connectors - these are the radio products richest in this metal.

Extracting it from every detail is a rather time-consuming process, since silver is “smeared” on electronic scrap.

Therefore, its removal at home is possible only from certain types of radio parts.

We provide more specific information on the content of the precious metal in the fusible insert, capacitors, relays based on production in grams from one thousand pieces:

  • VP1-1 15.611g;
  • K15-5 29.901 gr;
  • K10-7V 13.652 gr;
  • RES6 - 157 gr;
  • RSCH52 - 688 gr;
  • RKMP1-132 gr;
  • RWM - 897.4 gr.

There are only two most common options for the presence of silver in radio components:

  1. In the form applied in a thin layer on the outer or inner part of the part.
  2. It is kept almost pure.

The first option is more laborious both in time and effort. A topic that requires a separate long conversation, since various acids are used here in a certain ratio and temperature regime: hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric.

Cupellation, electrical and chemical refining methods are used,

In the second case, the simplest and most accessible to any student, the case is removed from the parts and the silver contacts are simply cut off. This process is quite time consuming, but simpler than the first.

The highest silver content in radio components: connectors, contact relays, starters, ceramic capacitors, radio lamps. But most of all its content is in relays and Soviet microswitches.

In one relay, you can get 2-3 grams of pure 817 silver. In massive electrical contacts, it is bitten off with wire cutters or sawn off.

Usually found pure silver, but sometimes occurs in the form of alloys. In this case, it is silver from 400 to 900 samples. It is easier to remove it from large structures, but, as a rule, silver is low-grade there, there is a large percentage of impurities.

Small parts require more time and effort, but the metal there is clean or 999. Unlike large radio components, chemistry is again used here.

Where to get silver ore in The Witcher 2? It is not sold by merchants, I looked at everyone I found.

Where can you get silver ore? The blacksmith does not have enough - there is not enough for a sword, but there is nowhere to get it. How to be? witcher 2. Where can I get silver ore? The blacksmith does not have enough - there is not enough for a sword, but there is nowhere to get it. How to be?
witcher 2. For more details, see The Witcher 2: Secrets page. Excellent silver witcher sword.
Where can I get the yellow meteorite ore in 3 parts. [Reply] [Cancel reply].

(Minimum 2 characters). The Witcher 2 walkthrough: chapter 1, part 3 of the sword: diamond dust, piece of wood, iron ore, silver ore. So it's better to take the contract from the bulletin board and continue. Taken together!
After reviewing the Witcher 2 blog, I was surprised to find that it did not contain answers to frequently asked questions on the passage in one place.
Q. Where can I find silver ore to forge a silver sword? Hand wrestling is another mini-game in The Witcher 2, along with bones and fisticuffs. Where to get silver ore? Otherwise, two units are not enough for the sword, and the trogov doesn’t even have a mention of it on the square .. The creation of weapons in the first chapter of The Witcher 2 is done by Burnt and Cedric from Bindyuga, and a blacksmith from Flotsam (orders are taken by assistant Berthold Candeleria). You can get silver ore in the cave with nakers, where Malena will lead from Bindyuga..

Где найти серебряный меч (Р'едьмак 2)Рђ именно чертС'Р¶ серебряного меча, серебряную СЂСѓРґСѓ РЅР° кти PSPµ проблема, РѕРЅР° есть Сѓ РєСѓР·Рнецов, РІ ящиRєR°С…, домах..

05.04.2014 - 23:04

sbbsbs 05.04.2014 - 23:09

there is a section of precious metals on the reviewdetector
right now I looked at the first page for sale 112g of jewelry for 30r

Palitch 05.04.2014 - 23:11

Buy some spoons on Avito. By the way, if

jewelers break mercilessly for silver
and they are there some kind of technical alloy, they don’t make any electrical contacts? Can they still look out for the finished one?

Old Tramp 04/05/2014 - 23:13

At the opening day in Izmailovo. Not the fact that it will be much cheaper.

05.04.2014 - 23:15

I have never seen such weaving ready for sale. Yes, and I'm far away from Izmailovo, I'm from Tula.

Alexey Romanov 05.04.2014 - 23:15

announce the purchase of 1 usd dollar

Sherp 04/05/2014 - 23:17

The price of pre-war spoons starts from 40-50 rubles per 1 gram,
the sample is really not 925, but 830 + -, if European or 84th, if royal.

Scrap rubles from 30.

But this is in St. Petersburg.

04/05/2014 - 23:24

Gentlemen, I have long wanted to make a bracelet with fox tail weaving, to order, but jewelers are mercilessly aching for the silver from which the product will be. So I was puzzled by the search for scrap silver. Please tell me where to get it?
I needed to, I bought an ingot in a bank. Jewelers probably break not for silver, 30 rubles a gram to mine, but for work

Arlekin_2006 04/06/2014 - 12:01

Silver 999.9 is easier and cheaper to buy in a bank .. the price now for "purity" is about 21 rubles per gram .. The higher the dollar, the lower the price of silver ... I don’t understand this at all, ..

KREPKIY51 04/06/2014 - 12:12

I took 25 rubles per gram at the pawnshop

kkk8814 04/06/2014 - 12:19

Silver 999.9 is easier and cheaper to buy in a bank .. the price now for "purity" is about 21 rubles per gram .. The higher the dollar, the lower the price of silver ... I don’t understand this at all, ..
by the way, in the savings bank they announce 1800 rubles for an ingot of 50g ..

Nestor74 04/06/2014 - 12:54

why scrap?
All normal people now take a chistyak in the bank. The price is good. This is first.
Secondly, the jewelers themselves will make the correct ligature. They still have a problem with scrap, there is such a test, there is such and such. What if technical silver bring it, they can also fill the face 😊

Just Pooh 04/06/2014 - 08:18

Ask numismatists for killed 50 kopeck coins from the 1920s.

06.04.2014 - 10:38

Gentlemen, thank you for your participation. I'll go first to the jewelers to clarify the prices. And then to the bank

LPL 06.04.2014 - 11:11

And if you bring technical silver, they can also fill your face
Enlighten why? Low test? Or a lot of impurities?
There are such! I can sell, the state is true fairy tale!
How much are fairy coins? At the price of scrap I will buy immediately!

LPL 04/06/2014 - 11:14

I saw the photo. And indeed a beauty!

Nikolaich T4 04/06/2014 - 12:22

Strongly said!

skif67 04/06/2014 - 13:01

But in fact, what is technical silver and where, besides tinkering, can silver contacts be used?

Grandfather Vasily 06.04.2014 - 14:06

Silver itself is not difficult to find at the prices that the comrades indicated above, for the sake of this there is no need to spoil the spoons with coins.

Nestor74 04/06/2014 - 15:18

Enlighten why? Low test? Or a lot of impurities?
a lot of impurities, do not want to poison once again. And casting can behave unpredictably.
Grandfather Vasily
I have a friend who is a jeweler. I was also going to make silver items for myself, but I abandoned this idea because the jewelers with whom I spoke take the same money for work on gold and silver.
Well, the work is the same.
Here they will order you a knife of a certain model from the material of the customer: X12MF, brass and apple trees, and they will order exactly the same from M390, silver and ebony. Works the same. Do you really ask for the first half as much as for the second? 😛

06.04.2014 - 15:44

I went to the jewelers, and they are off today.

Well, unless you really want to and do not pay attention to the cost.
that's it, I didn't see it on sale, what I want, so I'll pay for the work as much as they say

36and6 04/06/2014 - 22:06

I just don't know how

Ress75 07.04.2014 - 10:33

and I would pour the scrap of silver just from the contacts into the ingot
I just don't know how
There is cadmium in the contacts. One, two times you can take a chance, but for all the time ... You don’t want to work with mercury vapor? You need to do refining, and then work with purity.

gor200766 04/07/2014 - 10:44

and I would pour the scrap of silver just from the contacts into the ingot
I just don't know how
autogen to help you ... I melted the silver contacts with an autogen, then flattened the ingot with a hammer - it was a good lure! 😛

russian-hunter- 04/07/2014 - 11:15

And how to distinguish silver spoons and coins from, say, cupronickel (and similar, silver-white)?

chief 07.04.2014 - 11:36

It is very difficult to distinguish cupronickel from cupronickel, because cupronickel dishes are silvered ... True, MNC is usually written 😊

36and6 04/07/2014 - 11:52

autogen to help you ... I melted the silver contacts with an autogen, then flattened the ingot with a hammer - it was a good lure! 😛

the blowtorch will not take, no one has tried it?

gor200766 04/07/2014 - 13:33

autogen is cool, I don't have it.
the blowtorch will not take, no one has tried it?
I don’t have an autogen either, a blowtorch gives only 750%, and the melting point of silver is above a thousand ... Therefore, hands on feet, take contacts and go to a service station or construction site. By the way, I gave the silver melted by autogen to the jeweler, he said that the silver was almost pure, about 925 samples (at high temperatures, all additives in technical silver burn out and form a slag crust on top, which can be carefully removed with tweezers). The jeweler cast me such a medallion from an ingot (9 grams).

Alexander = - 04/07/2014 - 13:45

Grandfather Vasily
the jewelers with whom I spoke take the same money for work on gold and silver ...
... But the game is not worth the candle there.
I, too, was somehow puzzled, where to attach my silver crowbar. thought about making a print? talked to jewelers. everything, as Grandfather Vasily said.
figured that for the same money you can ready product take. and since the signet is not the goal itself, my scrap remained unclaimed, like a suitcase without a handle: it’s a pity to throw it away.

Anyone who "knows how I'll feel better" I put in my notebook on the "shoot first" list.

gor200766 04/07/2014 - 14:02

Anyone who "knows how I'll feel better" I put in my notebook on the "shoot first" list.
and write me down 😛, because silver scrap, which you don’t know where to put, will fit into bolsters...

36and6 07.04.2014 - 16:30

Therefore, hands to feet, take contacts and go to a service station or construction site.

talking with your feet in your hands.

07.04.2014 - 16:47

36and6 04/07/2014 - 21:45

if you want to pick up "heavy metals", then go ahead as you are advised.
Contacts happen - magnetic and not magnetic.
their sample is different from 500 to 800
and that only spectral analysis can show that it is reassuring.
The kind that forward, oncology your diagnosis.

Most do not have an autogenous plant and a construction site next to it, there is no muffle furnace and no desire to buy it, but many have an old microwave oven.
And many tons of such contacts have been accumulated by people around the country and no one knows what to do with them due to the economic inexpediency of working with home metal smelting.

The video is valuable because the person showed that there is a completely affordable way.
I personally meet this option of heating and melting metals for the first time.

vegra 07.04.2014 - 22:43

contact contact strife
eat from pure
there is a bimetallic base copper and a blotch of pure silver on top
there is an alloy, it seems with tungsten ... the inventor was awarded the state prize for this.
And they stick differently.
mechanically like rivets
and soldered ... in the solder, just any kind of poisonous crap can be

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