Crafts from vegetables how to make a bird. Do-it-yourself autumn crafts from fruits and vegetables. Crafts from vegetables and fruits - Master class "Vegetables from felt"

Crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands. See how to make children's crafts from vegetables and fruits for kindergarten and schools with photos.

With the onset of autumn, harvesting begins in gardens and fields throughout our country. It is at this time of the year that fruits and vegetables look insanely beautiful: they are already ripe, strong and bright enough. Now they, in addition to stimulating appetite, also seem to push to create something new. It is not surprising, because from the collected fruits and, accordingly, vegetables, you can make very beautiful and interesting children's crafts from vegetables and fruits - natural material, at the same time quite quickly and, by the way, quite simply. We will show you interesting beautiful crafts from vegetables and fruits handmade with photo instructions. By the way, check out the article, gardens and cottages, there are also a lot of interesting things.

In this article you will see a lot unusual crafts from vegetables and fruits and will be given. They are unusual due to the fact that we are used to using vegetables and fruits for their intended purpose - to eat. In addition, crafts made from vegetables and fruits with their own hands are not stored for a long time and quickly deteriorate. To make such crafts, the use of a sharp knife is required, so the child should work only under the guidance of an adult assistant.
We want to note in advance that in most crafts it is required to fasten together some parts of the product carved from vegetables or fruits. It is best to use ordinary toothpicks for this. Well, in extreme cases, matches.

1. Beautiful children's crafts from apples with their own hands - little men.

Simple and beautiful children's crafts from apples with their own hands for kindergarten - little men. Nice photo example.

In order to cook such unpretentious guys, you will need the following components:

  • 1. Big apples.
  • 2. Some apple seeds.
  • 3. Simple toothpicks.
  • 4. Knife.

The process of making this children's apple craft:

- you need to take two apples, one of which will be larger than the other, and put on top of each other. Accordingly, a small apple will be on a large one. Fasten them quite easily with an ordinary toothpick. These two apples will serve as the body of our future man.

- after that, four pieces must be cut off from the apple. Two pieces will serve as legs and need to be fixed at the bottom of the body. And accordingly, the other two pieces will be the hands of a person and they need to be fixed on the sides.

- you need to take a small apple and cut it into two equal parts. Each of the parts will serve as a little man's hat.

pumpkin seeds will be needed in order to make the eyes and, accordingly, the nose of a person. The mouth can be cut with a knife right on the apple. However, there is another way: you can cut off a separate piece and fix it with the same toothpicks.

2. Crafts from vegetables and fruits - a giraffe from carrots or potatoes.

Beautiful children's crafts from vegetables - a giraffe from carrots or potatoes.

In order to make a giraffe from vegetables with your own hands, you will need two potatoes of different sizes. Accordingly, the one that will be larger will act as the body of a giraffe, and the one that will be smaller in size will act as the head. In order to make a neck, carrots are perfect, from which you will need to cut off the tip. The torso with the neck will need to be fastened with toothpicks. Of course, any giraffe has ears and they can be made using small leaves or even seeds. In order to make legs, you can take small twigs from any trees, and the tail itself can be made from grass, which you can also look for dried for beauty. The easiest way to make eyes for a giraffe is with grits. Most often, buckwheat is used. You can also make a giraffe from a carrot, such as shown in the photo above.

3. Simple children's crafts of animals from fruits - a mouse from a pear.

What to make such an unusual mouse? From very simple ingredients like the pear itself, a couple of pumpkin seeds, a small piece of wire that has a plug and, of course, with a knife.

Crafts of animals from fruits with their own hands - a pear mouse with a photo example.

The process of making fruit crafts with your own hands:

First of all, we will make the ears of the mouse: First, using a knife, you need to make cuts in the pear in those places where the ears themselves will be. After that, you should slightly bend your ears, which you will get back.

The next step: we make the eyes of a mouse from a pear. Let's take the pumpkin seeds, which we wrote about earlier, and you need to draw black pupils on them with a felt-tip pen or a marker, respectively (whichever you prefer). After that, you need to make incisions where the eyes will end up and insert pumpkin seeds. There is nothing complicated about this fruit craft.

The last stage of this fruit crafts- mouse tail In order for the mouse to have a tail, you will need the wire that was mentioned at the very beginning. We stick it on the other side of the eyes with the plug outward.

4. How to make children's crafts from pears - funny little men.

If you suddenly feel sad in the fall, you can make such unpretentious little men. To prepare the second of them, you don’t even need any additional ingredients. It will be enough just to take a knife and cut out their eyes and a smile. If you want your little man to have legs and arms, then you can simply take ordinary toothpicks and insert them in place of the arms and legs, respectively.

Funny pear men. Here's how to make DIY fruit crafts.

To prepare the first little man, you may additionally need one more pear, lettuce and grapes and a banana. In order to make the eyes, you will need two circles, which we will cut off from a banana. On the circles themselves, we make pupils with a marker or a black felt-tip pen and, accordingly, attach them with toothpicks. The role of the nose of the little man's nose is performed by grapes, and the role of the hat is a circle cut from the second pear. A leaf of lettuce is just for beauty, and a smile can simply be cut out with a knife. By the way, if you want, you can also fix raspberries or blackberries with a toothpick at the tip of the pear.

5. Crafts from vegetables with your own hands - Larisa rat from radish.

An interesting enough rat will turn out for anyone who has a radish in the garden. You can’t distinguish it at all from the one that the well-known old woman Shapoklyak had. How to make yourself such a girlfriend? And it's very simple.

Beautiful crafts from vegetables - Larisa rat from radish. Photo example of the finished composition.

To make such a children's craft, you will need:

  1. - one large radish white color
  2. - a few lettuce leaves or, if none, cabbage
  3. - one radish
  4. - some olives to be stuffed with paprika
  5. - kitchen knife
  6. - five toothpicks.


- the first step is to properly wash and dry your large radish accordingly. After that, you need to remove all the leaves from it. You can leave only those that are in place of the tail of the future Lariska rat. You also need to remove all the roots, leaving them exclusively in place of the future antennae.

- after that, you should cut off the front part of the radish, and at the end, with the help of one of the toothpicks, you should fix the same radish big size. Immediately it is worth sticking a couple more toothpicks so that they later act like hair on a rat's beard.

- in order to make the ears, you will need to make two fairly large notches on the left and right, respectively. They will need to stick the same lettuce or cabbage leaves. There really is no difference. Maybe just the lettuce leaves are a little brighter.

- at the very end we will make eyes for the rat Lariska. We cut the olives into small circles and stick each one into the radish with a toothpick (as you can see, we would not have been able to do almost anything without toothpicks). But what is a rat without eyebrows? They can be made using the leftover piece of radish.

6. How to make a teapot and a cup from an apple and an orange.

Teapot and cup of apple and orange - a tea set and beautiful children's fruit crafts! Brief photo instruction.

With the help of apples and an orange, you can make a real tea pair or, if you want, a whole tea set. Here it will already be a matter of dexterity and accuracy, since the only tool that you will use is a knife. With it, it will be possible to make the base of the cups by removing the pulp from apples or, as in this example, use an orange for a cup.

7. Children's crafts from vegetables - eggplant penguin.

Making such a penguin is quite simple and you only need an eggplant and, accordingly, a knife. In order to make the eyes of a penguin, it will be possible to take beads and pins, with which they can then simply be fixed.

Children's crafts from vegetables with their own hands for the garden and school - an eggplant penguin in several photos.

First, you just need to cut the eggplant into two even parts. Each of their parts will become a separate penguin. After that, you need to take the beads and fix them in place of the eyes. However, what is a penguin without wings? They can be easily made with a knife. It is enough just to cut them in shape with a knife.

You can also try to make a slightly different penguin, for which, in addition to eggplant, other vegetables will be required. You will need to take a couple more carrots and one pepper. The carrot will be used for the penguin's legs and nose, and the pepper for the wings. That's all, then we will consider children's DIY fruit crafts, but for now, about eggplants.

8. How to make duck from cabbage and eggplant?

How can you make duck from cabbage and eggplant quickly, beautifully and simply?

If you take a curved eggplant and one head of cabbage, which is called Beijing, then you can easily make a duck. There is already a beak and, accordingly, her chest will be made of green sweet pepper.

9. Children's crafts from vegetables and flowers - a beautiful vase.

Children's beautiful crafts from vegetables and flowers with their own hands - a beautiful vase of flowers.

Also, with the help of eggplant, you can make a beautiful vase designed for flowers. Using a knife, you will need to remove all the eggplant pulp, and a beautiful pattern can be cut with a knife. By the way, the pattern can be absolutely anything and as varied as your imagination allows.

10. Shark from zucchini - vegetable crafts for kindergarten.

A shark can be made from a simple zucchini and sleight of hand.

Shark from zucchini - vegetable crafts for kindergarten and school with photo instructions.

It will be enough just to take a knife to cut out the fins and, accordingly, the tail. By the way, if you don’t have a zucchini, then a large cucumber can easily replace it.

11. Zucchini shoes - vegetable crafts for children.

Beautiful shoes can be made from all the same zucchini.

Zucchini shoes - vegetable crafts for children with a photo example of a composition.

This craft is most to the taste of girls. It is not surprising, because they are insanely similar to beautiful shoes that Cinderella dropped at the ball. Of course, shoes can also be made from cucumbers, but here you have to look for the right cucumber, since it must be really large.

12. Crafts from zucchini - a piglet.

In order to make such an interesting piglet, you will need the zucchini itself, a small cucumber, and a couple of rowan berries.

Crafts from zucchini with their own hands - a piglet.

The process of preparing crafts from vegetables:

  • 1. You need to clean the skin from the zucchini.
  • 2. Cut the cucumber into slices and take five of them
  • 3. One circle, cut into two equal parts, can be used as ears.
  • 4. The other two mugs will serve as the nose of the pig
  • 5. Rowan berries should be fixed in place of the eyes.
  • Everything. Piglet is ready.

13. Cucumber train.

A train made of natural material - cucumbers, for kindergarten and school.

With the help of cucumbers, you can also make a train. For this you will need four cucumbers. Two of them will serve as wagons. One will need to be fixed on the car of the first for beauty. And the remaining two cucumbers need to be cut into circles. They will act as train wheels in this craft, which will need to be fastened with toothpicks and pieces of cheese.

14. Crafts racing cars from natural material - cucumbers.

With the help of all the same cucumbers, you can make cars for racing.

Cars - crafts made from natural material - cucumbers. In the photo, the children happily craft themselves.

Additionally, you will need radishes, carrots and the most ordinary toothpicks. The radish in this craft will act as a helmet for the racer, and the carrots, cut into circles, will replace the wheels of the car. To attach the wheels, you will need a toothpick already familiar to everyone, which will connect the wheels, both to each other and to the body of the racing car.

15. Craft flowers from vegetables with your own hands - you need corn and carrots.

Without exception, all girls will like flowers that can be made for the holiday for mom with toothpicks and carrots.

DIY flower crafts from vegetables - you need corn and carrots.

With a knife, you need to cut out the desired shape of the flower and then string it on the toothpick itself. Carrots can also be safely replaced with corn. Then the core can be made brighter from beets or corn kernels. If you make about ten flowers, you will get a rather beautiful bouquet.

16. Cabbage and carrot ice cream for kindergarten and school.

Cabbage and carrot ice cream. Children's crafts from vegetables with their own hands beautiful photo example.

To prepare such a craft, you will need:

  • 1. Cauliflower
  • 2. Carrot

The amount of carrots and cauliflower depends entirely on how many servings of ice cream you want to make. Carrots will need to be washed and put in cups. She will perform the role of a waffle cup. On top in the form of ice cream, you will need to fix the cauliflower. Looks very appetizing and very similar to real ice cream.

17. Craft sheep, from natural material - cabbage.

Craft sheep, from natural material - cabbage. Give children joy and do crafts together!

You can also make a pretty cute sheep from cauliflower, for the preparation of which you will also need currants and, accordingly, ordinary matches or toothpicks, with which you will actually need to fix your eyes. The figure of the lamb and its legs will need to be cut out with a knife.

18. Man and vegetable cheburashka for kindergarten and school.

Here's how to make crafts from human vegetables and cheburashka.

It is quite simple to make a hand-made craft of a person from vegetables with your own hands. For the body, a medium-sized carrot is perfect. Ideally, of course, it will be if during the harvest you can notice carrots that have a forked end. In this case, even the legs do not have to be additionally attached, since they will already be ready. For a human head, you can take a small potato or even an onion.

In order for a person to be like a real person, of course, he will need eyes. From it can be made either from black peas or from any grains at all. For the mouth, no additional vegetables are needed, since a smile can be cut out with a simple knife. It is only advisable for an adult to do this, since not all children will be able to cut it out neatly, and in the end I want to get the ideal figure, of course. What is a man without hair on his head? They can be made using threads that can be woven into absolutely any hairstyle, or even using straw or even grass. If you didn’t get a carrot with a forked end, then the legs can be made from carrots. Just in order to secure them, we will need toothpicks or matches, depending on your preference. For such a person, a child can come up with a name, and girls can even prepare clothes.

19. DIY fruit crafts - pear hedgehog.

Craft Ingredients:

  • 1. Large pear
  • 2. Almond spikes or the simplest toothpicks
  • 3. Cherry in sugar
  • 4. Some raisins.

How to make a beautiful hedgehog with a pear?

Here's how to make DIY fruit crafts for the garden and for school - a pear hedgehog.

- at your choice, the pear can be peeled or directly with the skin. However, you must understand that if you decide to leave the pear without the skin, you will need to sprinkle it with a little lemon juice, otherwise the “naked” pear will darken quite quickly.

- after that, you need to stick almond spikes into the pear (if they are not there, then the most ordinary toothpicks). It is they who will serve as needles on the body of the hedgehog.

- Of course, the hedgehog will need to make both the eyes and the nose. For the nose, we just took a cherry in sugar, and the eyes can be made very simply by fixing a raisin in their place.

20. Cucumber crocodile - beautiful children's crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands.

Simple and beautiful children's crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands, which you can then eat. :-)

In order to make a crocodile, it is best to take a sufficiently curved cucumber, which will act as a torso. On the cucumber you need to make small cuts. After that, another cucumber must be cut into two equal parts, one of which will act just like a head. In order for the crocodile to turn out with beautiful teeth that will be as similar as possible to real ones, you need to arrange it quite carefully, complete it by cutting them on both sides of the notch of the figure in the form of triangles. Crocodile legs are best made from the other half of the cucumber. They are also best attached with matches or toothpicks. For the eye, as well as for all other figures, you can use any berries that you like. You can even make pupils with peas or even a piece of carrot. Only at first it will be necessary to get rid of sulfur.

21. Vegetable dog - banana dachshund.

Banana fakes have also become very popular recently.

Beautiful children's DIY fruit crafts for the garden. A few photo examples, for a flight of fancy.

This banana craft is quite simple to make and even a small child can do it. For the body of the dog you will need a large banana. By the way, it’s better to take a couple of bananas for a fake, since at least one more will be needed to make a muzzle for a future dog. Using a knife, you can cut the dog's ears out of the banana peel, the main thing is to remove all the pulp first. The head with the body is simply fastened with simple matches, but the main thing: do not forget to attach eyes. For this, you can use, for example, raisins.

Beautiful children's crafts made from fruits and vegetables from natural material, actually make it possible to cook great amount a wide variety of objects and animals, and most importantly - it's your imagination. It is she who will allow you to decorate the dinner table with such beauty that you can then eat!

Read .

What natural materials do you like crafts from?

Autumn is a golden time for harvesting fruits and vegetables. This is room for children's imagination. Therefore, autumn crafts from vegetables are colorful and unusual. Get ready to create with your kids. This will help interesting ideas.

Autumn vegetable crafts for children

Do you want to prepare the most original craft for kindergarten or school? Then here is a list of ideas with step-by-step execution:

  • Chipmunk.

To create a wonderful animal you will need:

  • red onion - 2 pcs.;
  • green onions;
  • raisins or peppercorns;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • toothpicks;
  • threads;
  • plasticine.

Learn how to make a vegetable craft for kids:

  1. Peel the red bulbs. With a sharp knife or blade, pry off the skin of the onion to get white stripes.
  2. Trim the bottom of one onion so that a stable body comes out.
  3. Attach the head to the body with a toothpick.
  4. Bend the bunch of onion feathers so that the tail comes out. Tie with thread.
  5. Prepare sugar syrup. To do this, boil 3 tbsp. l. sugar with 1 tsp. water.
  6. When the crystals have dissolved, brush the syrup on the onion feathers, forming the curves of the tail.
  7. When the syrup has hardened, attach the tail to the body with a toothpick.
  8. Make paws by cutting the lower part of the torso. Stick them out by placing pieces of plasticine.
  9. Make ears from onion slices. Insert them into the incisions on the head.
  10. Attach raisins or peppers to form the eyes.

This is such a wonderful animal. You can make him a girlfriend for the company.

  • Pigs.

Potato crafts are easy to make and look very cute. To make a family of piglets, prepare:

  • potatoes (one large and three smaller);
  • plasticine.

To lay out the piglets, think over the basis in advance. It could be a piece of cardboard or plastic plate. A large potato will act as a sow, the rest will be piglets.

So let's start building:

  1. Wash potatoes and dry.
  2. From black plasticine, form eyes for piglets, and from pink - ears, tails and nickels.
  3. For pigs, use red plasticine.

Install the family on your tablet and proudly take it to the exhibition.

  • Giraffe.

Original crafts are obtained from carrots. What is the figure of a giraffe worth. All you need to create it is:

  • carrots - 7 pcs.;
  • peppercorns;
  • matches;
  • toothpicks.

Here's how to create an autumn craft with your own hands:

  1. Peel the carrots, wash and dry.
  2. Choose the two longest vegetables for the torso and neck. The smaller ones are suitable for the legs and head.
  3. Position your torso lengthwise.
  4. From below, attach the legs to it with toothpicks. Pre-cut these carrots from the bottom for stability.
  5. Insert two matches into the head, forming horns.
  6. Make eyes out of peppers.

To complete the image, you can draw spots on the body with a black marker. The carrot giraffe is ready.

  • Turtle.


An unusual turtle will turn out from pumpkin fruits. It is difficult to find a more autumn vegetable, and its bright color will help create an original craft. Here's what you'll need:

  • small round pumpkin;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • toothpicks.

Learn how to make a pumpkin craft:

  1. Wash pumpkin, cut in half, remove seeds.
  2. Make a shell out of one half. To do this, cut a pattern on the peel with a knife that repeats the patterns of a real shell.
  3. On the sides, make two cuts in the shape of an arch. Do the same with the front.
  4. From the remaining pumpkin, cut out four paws (in the form of slices) and a head.
  5. Insert the blanks into the holes, secure with toothpicks.
  6. Make eyes out of sunflower seeds.
  7. Cut the toothpicks in half and decorate the paws with them. This stroke will make the paws look like flippers.

Now place the pumpkin turtle on the base. The craft is ready.

DIY fruit crafts

Autumn crafts kindergarten can be made not only from vegetables, but also from fruits. Do you want your creation to stand out from the rest? Then feel free to create crafts from vegetables and fruits. Here are ideas for exciting work:

  • Record player.

It turns out that autumn fantasies are not limited to animals and flower vases. Making a tape recorder is also real. Prepare these ingredients:

  • rectangular box;
  • green onions;
  • cucumber;
  • carrot;
  • lemon;
  • yellow and red bell peppers;
  • grapefruit;
  • toothpicks;
  • Double-sided tape.

So, the progress of work:

  1. Tape the box with double-sided tape, then cover the entire surface with onion feathers.
  2. Prepare the details. Cut the cucumber into thin strips, leave the tail from the pepper, and chop the rest into rings and strips. Cut the remaining vegetables and fruits into rings as well.
  3. Fasten the parts to the toothpicks, as shown in the photo.

Extraordinary work will definitely appeal to children and adults.

  • Hedgehog.

Take an oblong pear, grapes and toothpicks. Start assembly:

  1. Cut the pear in half.
  2. Put one piece on a plate.
  3. Cut long toothpicks in half, stringing grapes on them.
  4. Stick the spines into the back area, leaving room for the muzzle.
  5. Make the eyes and nose of the hedgehog out of peppercorns.

For entourage, you can cover the plate with lettuce leaves, and then install a fruit urchin.

  • Caterpillar.

The beauty of this fruit craft is that you can choose the variety and color of apples of your choice.

What will be required:

  • apples - 5–6 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Rowan;
  • grape;
  • toothpicks.
  1. Cut the carrots into rings (no more than 5 mm).
  2. For each apple, attach two rings from the bottom - these are the legs.
  3. Now fasten each apple together with toothpicks - this is the torso.
  4. Set one apple on top - this is the head.
  5. Make eyes from mountain ash, and a nose from grapes.
  6. Horns are also made from mountain ash, strung berries on toothpicks.

These colorful crafts allow you to create autumn fruits. Unusual creations will decorate any exhibition, and the child will have an interesting leisure time.

We want to note in advance that in most crafts it is required to fasten together some parts of the product carved from vegetables or fruits. It is best to use ordinary toothpicks for this. Well, in extreme cases - matches.

1. Beautiful children's crafts from apples with their own hands - little men

In order to prepare crafts in the form of such unpretentious guys, you will need the following components below:
  1. Big apples.
  2. Some apple seeds.
  3. Simple toothpicks.
  4. Knife.

The process of making this children's apple craft:

  • you need to take two apples, one of which will be larger than the other, and put on top of each other. Accordingly, a small apple will be on a large one. Fasten them quite easily with an ordinary toothpick. These two apples will serve as the body of our future man.
  • after that, four pieces must be cut off from the apple. Two pieces will serve as legs and need to be fixed at the bottom of the body. And accordingly, the other two pieces will be the hands of a person and they need to be fixed on the sides.
  • you need to take a small apple and cut it into two equal parts. Each of the parts will serve as a little man's hat.
  • pumpkin seeds will be needed in order to make the eyes and, accordingly, the nose of a person. The mouth can be cut with a knife right on the apple. However, there is another way: you can cut off a separate piece and fix it with the same toothpicks.

2. Crafts from vegetables and fruits - a giraffe from carrots or potatoes

To make a giraffe from vegetables with your own hands, you will need two potatoes of different sizes. Accordingly, the one that will be larger will act as the body of a giraffe, and the one that will be smaller in size will act as the head. In order to make a neck, carrots are perfect, from which you will need to cut off the tip. The torso with the neck will need to be fastened with toothpicks. Of course, any giraffe has ears and they can be made using small leaves or even seeds. In order to make legs, you can take small twigs from any trees, and the tail itself can be made from grass, which you can also look for dried for beauty. The easiest way to make eyes for a giraffe is with grits. Most often, buckwheat is used. You can also make a giraffe from a carrot, such as shown in the photo above.

3. Simple children's crafts of animals from fruits - a mouse from a pear

What to make such an unusual mouse? From very simple ingredients like the pear itself, a couple of pumpkin seeds, a small piece of wire that has a plug and, of course, with a knife.

The process of making fruit crafts with your own hands:

First of all, we will make the ears of the mouse: First, using a knife, you need to make cuts in the pear in those places where the ears themselves will be. After that, you should slightly bend your ears, which you will get back.

The next step: we make the eyes of a mouse from a pear. Let's take the pumpkin seeds, which we wrote about earlier, and you need to draw black pupils on them with a felt-tip pen or a marker, respectively (whichever you prefer). After that, you need to make incisions where the eyes will end up and insert pumpkin seeds. There is nothing complicated about this fruit craft.

The last step in this fruit craft is the tail of the mouse. In order for the mouse to have a tail, you will need the wire that was mentioned at the very beginning. We stick it on the other side of the eyes with the plug outward.

4. How to make children's crafts from pears - funny little men

If you suddenly feel sad in the fall, you can make such unpretentious little men. To prepare the second of them, you don’t even need any additional ingredients. It will be enough just to take a knife and cut out their eyes and a smile. If you want your little man to have legs and arms, then you can simply take ordinary toothpicks and insert them in place of the arms and legs, respectively.

For cooking the first little man, in addition, you may need another pear, a lettuce leaf and grapes and a banana. In order to make the eyes, you will need two circles, which we will cut off from a banana. On the circles themselves, we make pupils with a marker or a black felt-tip pen and, accordingly, attach them with toothpicks. The role of the nose of the little man's nose is performed by grapes, and the role of the hat is a circle cut from the second pear. A leaf of lettuce is just for beauty, and a smile can simply be cut out with a knife. By the way, if you want, you can also fix raspberries or blackberries with a toothpick at the tip of the pear.

5. Crafts from vegetables with their own hands - rat Larisa from radish

An interesting enough rat will turn out for anyone who has a radish in the garden. You can’t distinguish it at all from the one that the well-known old woman Shapoklyak had. How to make yourself such a girlfriend? And it's very simple.

To make such a children's craft, You will need :
  • one large white radish
  • a few lettuce leaves or, if none, cabbage
  • one radish
  • some olives to be stuffed with paprika
  • knife from the kitchen
  • five toothpicks.


  • the first step is to properly wash and dry your large radish accordingly. After that, you need to remove all the leaves from it. You can leave only those that are in place of the tail of the future Lariska rat. You also need to remove all the roots, leaving them exclusively in place of the future antennae.
  • after that, the front part of the radish should be cut off, and at the end, with the help of one of the toothpicks, the very large radish should be fixed. Immediately it is worth sticking a couple more toothpicks so that they later act like hair on a rat's beard.
  • in order to make the ears, you will need to make two fairly large notches on the left and right, respectively. They will need to stick the same lettuce or cabbage leaves. There really is no difference. Maybe just the lettuce leaves are a little brighter.
  • at the very end we will make eyes for the rat Lariska. We cut the olives into small circles and stick each one into the radish with a toothpick (as you can see, we would not have been able to do almost anything without toothpicks). But what is a rat without eyebrows? They can be made using the leftover piece of radish.

6. How to make an apple and orange teapot and cup

With the help of apples and an orange, you can make a real tea pair or, if you want, a whole tea set. Here it will already be a matter of dexterity and accuracy, since the only tool that you will use is a knife. With it, it will be possible to make the base of the cups by removing the pulp from apples or, as in this example, use an orange for a cup.

7. Children's crafts from vegetables - eggplant penguin

Making such a penguin is quite simple and you only need an eggplant and, accordingly, a knife. In order to make the eyes of a penguin, it will be possible to take beads and pins, with which they can then simply be fixed.

First, you just need to cut the eggplant into two even parts. Each of their parts will become a separate penguin. After that, you need to take the beads and fix them in place of the eyes. However, what is a penguin without wings? They can be easily made with a knife. It is enough just to cut them in shape with a knife.

You can also try to make a slightly different penguin, for which, in addition to eggplant, other vegetables will be required. You will need to take a couple more carrots and one pepper. The carrot will be used for the penguin's legs and nose, and the pepper for the wings. That's all, then we will consider children's DIY fruit crafts, but for now, about eggplants.

8. How to make duck from cabbage and eggplant?

If you take a curved eggplant and one head of cabbage, which is called Beijing, then you can easily make a duck. There is already a beak and, accordingly, her chest will be made of green sweet pepper.

9. Children's crafts from vegetables and flowers - a beautiful vase

Also, with the help of eggplant, you can make a beautiful vase designed for flowers. Using a knife, you will need to remove all the eggplant pulp, and a beautiful pattern can be cut with a knife. By the way, the pattern can be absolutely anything and as varied as your imagination allows.

10. Shark from zucchini - vegetable crafts for kindergarten

A shark can be made from a simple zucchini and sleight of hand.

It will be enough just to take a knife to cut out the fins and, accordingly, the tail. By the way, if you don’t have a zucchini, then a large cucumber can easily replace it.

11. Zucchini shoes - vegetable crafts for children

Beautiful shoes can be made from all the same zucchini.

This craft is most to the taste of girls. It is not surprising, because they are maddeningly similar to the beautiful shoes that Cinderella dropped at the ball. Of course, shoes can also be made from cucumbers, but here you have to look for the right cucumber, since it must be really large.

12. Crafts from zucchini - pig

In order to make such an interesting piglet, you will need the zucchini itself, a small cucumber, and a couple of rowan berries.

The process of preparing crafts from vegetables:
  1. You need to clean the skin from the zucchini.
  2. Cut cucumber into slices and take five of them
  3. One circle, cut into two equal parts, can be used as ears.
  4. The other two mugs will serve as the nose of the piglet.
  5. Rowan berries should be fixed in place of the eyes.
Everything. Piglet is ready.

13. Cucumber Train

With the help of cucumbers, you can also make a train. For this you will need four cucumbers. Two of them will serve as wagons. One will need to be fixed on the car of the first for beauty. And the remaining two cucumbers need to be cut into circles. They will act as train wheels in this craft, which will need to be fastened with toothpicks and pieces of cheese.

14. Crafts racing cars from natural material - cucumbers

With the help of all the same cucumbers, you can make cars for racing.

Additionally, you will need radishes, carrots and the most ordinary toothpicks. The radish in this craft will act as a helmet for the racer, and the carrots, cut into circles, will replace the wheels of the car. To attach the wheels, you will need a toothpick already familiar to everyone, which will connect the wheels, both to each other and to the body of the racing car.

15. Craft flowers from vegetables with your own hands - you need corn and carrots

Without exception, all girls will like flowers that can be made for the holiday for mom with toothpicks and carrots.

With a knife, you need to cut out the desired shape of the flower and then string it on the toothpick itself. Carrots can also be safely replaced with corn. Then the core can be made brighter from beets or corn kernels. If you make about ten flowers, you will get a rather beautiful bouquet.

16. Cabbage and carrot ice cream for kindergarten and school

To prepare such a craft, you will need:
  1. Cauliflower
  2. Carrot
The amount of carrots and cauliflower depends entirely on how many servings of ice cream you want to make. Carrots will need to be washed and put in cups. She will perform the role of a waffle cup. On top in the form of ice cream, you will need to fix the cauliflower. Looks very appetizing and very similar to real ice cream.

17. Craft sheep, from natural material - cabbage

You can also make a pretty cute sheep from cauliflower, for the preparation of which you will also need currants and, accordingly, ordinary matches or toothpicks, with which you will actually need to fix your eyes. The figure of the lamb and its legs will need to be cut out with a knife.

18. Man and vegetable cheburashka for kindergarten and school

It is quite simple to make a hand-made craft of a person from vegetables with your own hands. For the body, a medium-sized carrot is perfect. Ideally, of course, it will be if during the harvest you can notice carrots that have a forked end. In this case, even the legs do not have to be additionally attached, since they will already be ready. For a human head, you can take a small potato or even an onion.

In order for a person to be like a real person, of course, he will need eyes. From it can be made either from black peas or from any grains at all. For the mouth, no additional vegetables are needed, since a smile can be cut out with a simple knife. It is only advisable for an adult to do this, since not all children will be able to cut it out neatly, and in the end I want to get the ideal figure, of course. What is a man without hair on his head? They can be made using threads that can be woven into absolutely any hairstyle, or even using straw or even grass. If you didn’t get a carrot with a forked end, then the legs can be made from carrots. Just in order to secure them, we will need toothpicks or matches, depending on your preference. For such a person, a child can come up with a name, and girls can even prepare clothes.

19. DIY fruit crafts - pear hedgehog

Craft Ingredients:
  1. Large pear
  2. Almond spikes or the simplest toothpicks
  3. Cherry in sugar
  4. Some raisins.
How to make a beautiful hedgehog with a pear?

- at your choice, the pear can be peeled or directly with the skin. However, you must understand that if you decide to leave the pear without the skin, you will need to sprinkle it with a little lemon juice, otherwise the “naked” pear will darken quite quickly.
- then you need to cut the pear into two parts exactly in half and reflect the very end of it.
- after that, you need to stick almond spikes into the pear (if they are not there, then the most ordinary toothpicks). It is they who will serve as needles on the body of the hedgehog.
- Of course, the hedgehog will need to make both the eyes and the nose. For the nose, we just took a cherry in sugar, and the eyes can be made very simply by fixing a raisin in their place.

20. Cucumber crocodile - beautiful children's crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands

In order to make a crocodile, it is best to take a sufficiently curved cucumber, which will act as a torso. On the cucumber you need to make small cuts. After that, another cucumber must be cut into two equal parts, one of which will act just like a head. In order for the crocodile to turn out with beautiful teeth that will be as similar as possible to real ones, you need to arrange it quite carefully, complete it by cutting them on both sides of the notch of the figure in the form of triangles. Crocodile legs are best made from the other half of the cucumber. They are also best attached with matches or toothpicks. For the eye, as well as for all other figures, you can use any berries that you like. You can even make pupils with peas or even a piece of carrot. Only at first it will be necessary to get rid of sulfur.

21. Vegetable Dog - Banana Dachshund

Banana fakes have also become very popular recently.

This banana craft is quite simple to make and even a small child can do it. For the body of the dog you will need a large banana. By the way, it’s better to take a couple of bananas for a fake, since at least one more will be needed to make a muzzle for a future dog. Using a knife, you can cut the dog's ears out of the banana peel, the main thing is to remove all the pulp first. The head with the body is simply fastened with simple matches, but the main thing: do not forget to attach eyes. For this, you can use, for example, raisins.

Beautiful children's crafts made from fruits and vegetables from natural materials, in fact, make it possible to cook a huge number of a wide variety of items and animals, and most importantly, this is your imagination. It is she who will allow you to decorate the dinner table with such beauty that you can then eat!

Using ordinary zucchini, you can create original crafts for school or kindergarten. To do this, you just need to show imagination, be patient and, of course, find suitable appearance and plant size.

For the manufacture of crafts, you need to choose even and intact zucchini

Autumn crafts from zucchini

squash ship

To make a ship, you can take both a large and a small zucchini, wash it and dry it. Then, without first removing the peel, cut off the upper part in the longitudinal direction. The remaining workpiece should be approximately 2/3 of the original volume.

Then you need to carefully remove all the pulp and grains. For the manufacture of the flag and anchor, it is advisable to use some bright vegetables, such as carrots, tomatoes, red peppers. The steering wheel and the porthole also need to try to make catchy.

beautiful ship

From the cut part of the zucchini, you can build a semblance of a ladder. All additional details well fixed with toothpicks. For decor, you can use grass, flowers - it all depends on the preferences of the child.

ship with scarlet sails made from cardboard

The most beautiful flag is made from white cabbage leaves. They can be pre-painted with gouache. If there is no cabbage at home, you can use a bright cloth attached to a wooden twig.

Zucchini penguin for school

When making a penguin, you will have to work a little more with a sharp knife, so Small child such crafts without the help of adults will not be able to do. To make it easier, it is advisable to take a plant whose walls have become a little soft due to the fact that it was cut a few days ago.

On the sides of the zucchini, you need to make cuts in the direction of the "tail" and bend the resulting ovals to the sides. They will act as wings. In the center, you can cut a small tummy. Then the penguin will be very cute.

The eyes of a sea bird can be made of plasticine or small buttons, the beak is made of pieces plastic bottle, carrots or beets - who will have something at home. There is no ideal scheme manufacturing. To make the craft unique, you must definitely bring something of your own to it, so feel free to experiment.

penguin family

Plane and helicopter from a small zucchini

If you need to make an autumn craft from a zucchini, you should think about creating air transport - an airplane or a helicopter. Both of them are very easy to make from this plant.

Do-it-yourself airplane

For an airplane, you will need two medium-sized zucchini. The first one will serve as the base, so you don't need to cut it. It is good if it has a thin tip bent upwards. The second must be divided into three parts. The middle one can be immediately put aside - it will not be needed. In the remaining two, deep oval cuts should be made in the center so that in the future they tightly fit the main part of the craft.

To keep the wings from falling, they can be propped up with skewers or toothpicks. The screw can be made from zucchini peel and carrots.

Helicopter from a zucchini

If you plan to make a helicopter, you can try to find a plant that resembles this type of transport in shape (as shown in the photo). Then it remains only to attach bright details from carrots to it and take the autumn crafts to an exhibition at a school or kindergarten.

If all the zucchini that are at home have round shape, you should not upset - you can also make funny helicopters out of them.

Funny helicopter do it yourself

You need to put the plant on its side, cut off the peel from the front to get a kind of glass in the cabin. Make cuts on the sides in the form of windows. Attach blades on top.

cartoon helicopter

Instead of the chassis, put small potatoes. If you decorate the helicopter with eyes and a nose from other vegetables, then it will immediately come to life.

Do-it-yourself green zucchini tractor

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time making autumn crafts for school, you can make a tractor. It will require a small vegetable of the correct elongated shape. From above, you need to attach a semblance of a cabin to it, on the sides - wheels. What additional elements will be made of - carrots, zucchini of a different color, cardboard, plasticine - it does not matter. In any case, the craft will turn out to be interesting.

This tractor is very easy to make.

Here's more difficult option production of this type of equipment:

Step-by-step instructions for making a tractor from zucchini

Other crafts from a zucchini on the theme "Autumn"

Within the framework of one article, it is impossible to talk about all the ways to transform a zucchini. Therefore, below we present photographs of interesting children's work. Study carefully, take note and be sure to create!



Figurine "Cat"

little man

Crocodile Gena

Many people love golden autumn because this is the time when the bins are already full. There is a lot of conservation in the pantry, and vegetables and fruits are harvested underground for the winter. And from all these natural resources, you can not only cook delicious, vitamin dishes, but also make them with children. interesting crafts personally. Next, we will dwell on how to make original products from ordinary zucchini.

In autumn there will be no such heat as in summer, and children will not be able to spend a long time outside. Yes, and the days become noticeably short, it gets dark earlier, but you don’t feel like sleeping yet. Therefore, on such evenings, to keep the child busy, make crafts with him from vegetables from the garden.

Look what a funny crocodile Gena turned out from cucumbers. And a cartoon green plane made of zucchini, beets and carrots.

And here is what a mustachioed cat was made from an oblong zucchini, again - carrots, corn hairs and leaves.

Crafts from zucchini for kindergarten

If in the kindergarten the teacher asked the kid to do crafts, then you can make such a Santa Claus on an all-terrain vehicle. To fasten the parts of the all-terrain vehicle, use toothpicks, plasticine. You can make inscriptions, decorate the work with paints, gel pens.

Look at these various works children. What a bright parrot came out of a white zucchini, orange, green pepper. And one of the preschoolers came up with the idea of ​​​​making an acorn with a hat from a green vegetable.

In autumn, for DIY crafts, you can find a lot of material in the forest for free (cones, acorns, branches, leaves). Then use them to create still lifes along with zucchini.

How to make crafts from zucchini?

Before starting work, discuss in detail with your child how the product should look like. Better yet, draw it so that later there are no disappointments. Then prepare your material. Choose vegetables in the right shape and do not forget about auxiliary tools. Let's, for example, make small shoes, as in the image below.

Tools, materials:

  • A spoon
  • flowers for jewelry
  • Two roughly identical zucchini


  1. Try to carefully and equally cut strips in the form of a fastener on both shoes.
  2. Peel off excess zucchini skins. Using a knife or a spoon, gradually, slowly, remove the pulp from the zucchini.
  3. You can also use a carving tool for these purposes. It is easier to choose the pulp with special blades than with a regular spoon.
  4. When the shoes take the correct shape, decorate them with flowers. Simply glue them to the sock. Or with carving knives, create a pattern on the front of the shoes if you are familiar with this art.

Autumn crafts from zucchini

What only interesting works do not come up with home craftsmen. Autumn is mushroom season. From long white zucchini, you can make a whole forest of mushrooms. Cut out hats for white legs from carrots, the same: zucchini, radish, potatoes. And from large zucchini make a ship, as in the picture.

DIY zucchini crafts for school

  • To get a good mark on your work, you just need to devote an hour of free time to doing your homework.
  • To do this, pick up a knife, cut out five fins, as in the photo of a shark. And try to first clean the white zucchini, and then, cut out such a formidable fish.
  • Then use toothpicks to attach the fins to the body of the shark.
  • Make eyes out of allspice, sharp teeth out of toothpicks.

A very beautiful basket will come out of a round overgrown zucchini, and if you also fill it with vegetables, you get an original still life.

You can make such a machine with a sailboat with your own hands in a few hours. For the product you will need:

  • vegetable marrow
  • a few grapes
  • wheels and parts from an old broken car
  • plastic figurines and your skill, diligence

Craft from zucchini - ship

Boys are more fond of making cars, ships and other transport equipment.

To make a zucchini ship, you will need:

  • Large zucchini of the same thickness along the entire length
  • Toothpicks, colored paper
  • Scotch tape, scissors, knife, plasticine


  1. Cut off exactly part of the zucchini on one side;
  2. Clean out the pulp of the vegetable;
  3. Decorate the sides of the ship with windows;
  4. Make a sailboat;
  5. Place a steering wheel made of toothpicks and vegetables in front;
  6. The captain can be used ready-made or made, for example, from a carrot.

A small boat from a zucchini - craft

Small boats can be made from medium-sized vegetables. Take a look at the work of the masters below:

To make the ship look original, it was decorated with toothpicks and matches.

Zucchini whale - craft

Making a whale will not take you much time. The only thing you need is to find a zucchini approximately the same shape as in the picture. Make fins, tail from colored cardboard, simply cut eyes and mouth on the vegetable itself or make it from plasticine.

Look at this whale with a parsley fountain, it looks very cute. The tail, fins are made from green pea peel.

Crafts from a zucchini on the theme of autumn

It is advisable when you make crafts from zucchini, look after the children, because you will have to use a knife to work in any way. Also explain to the child that the product with berries and vegetables will not be stored for a long time. Next you will see the work autumn motifs. Cute, looks like a small hedgehog from a yellow-fruited zucchini with berries, apples on thorns-toothpicks.

A beautiful composition turned out from a yellow, round zucchini in the form of a carriage for Cinderella with autumn foliage and artificial stones.

Hedgehog from zucchini - craft

A small, cute hedgehog from a white pear-shaped zucchini is easy to make. It is enough to apply a little imagination and use everything that is at hand for work. In the first image, a cute hedgehog is made from a young zucchini, toothpicks, grapes. The nose is attached to the zucchini with a toothpick, molded from black plasticine.

This hedgehog came out big, kind, funny. He even thorns-seeds are not sharp.

Other zucchini crafts - pictures

Sometimes nature itself creates fairy tale characters. Check out this swan princess from the high-yielding Tsukesha squash. To make it, it was enough for the master to paint the beak with red paint, glue the eyes, cut wings from cabbage leaves and a crown from carrots.

From an ordinary zucchini, you can even make an all-terrain vehicle with a cabin (from a piece of zucchini).

Zucchini car - craft

To calm the fidget at least a little, invite the boy to start making cars from the early ripe rounded zucchini Ronde. Believe me, the rascal will not leave you for at least two hours until the car is ready.

Zucchini penguins - craft

Prepare a tool and material for crafting a penguin:

  • One zucchini
  • Carrot
  • Allspice
  • Knife, toothpicks


  1. Cut the zucchini into two pieces.
  2. Gently peel off the skin of the zucchini in the form of a small face and tummy figure, as in the image above.
  3. From an orange carrot, cut out a hat, legs, nose, a butterfly on the neck and a bow for a penguin girl.
  4. On the sides, make incisions-wings.
  5. Attach all other parts to the zucchini with toothpicks.

Turtle from zucchini - craft

Materials, tools:

  • Three zucchini, different shapes. Two are long, one is rounded.
  • Toothpicks, knife.
  • Plasticine.


  1. Cut a round vegetable in half;
  2. Divide one long zucchini into six parts (tortoise head, four legs and tail);
  3. Cut another long zucchini into rings;
  4. Then be patient and use toothpicks to connect all the details;
  5. It is better to fasten the tortoise shell with two toothpicks;
  6. Plasticine eyes are also attached to the muzzle with the same auxiliary material.

Zucchini pig - craft

To make a chubby white pig, you only need to cut out the ears and piglet from the cucumber. Then fasten them with toothpicks to the body of an oval white zucchini. Make eyes from black plasticine, tail from wire.

Craft vase from zucchini

A vase of green zucchini will look really festive. Such crafts can be presented for a birthday to mom, grandmother. If you decorate the finished vase with paints, the effect will be amazing.

Applying your carving talent beautiful patterns on vegetables and the creation of ikebana, your product will be highly appreciated by relatives.

Minion from zucchini - craft

Almost all children know the cartoon character Minion. But not everyone knows how to make it from zucchini on their own. It turns out it's simple. you need to take a yellow oval vegetable and paint it with ordinary paints, as in the photo below. Make legs out of zucchini. Attach them to the body with toothpicks.

Craft "Engine from a zucchini"

For a steam locomotive with one trailer, you will need:

  • one large cucumber
  • three dark green zucchini
  • carrot
  • plasticine, toothpicks


  1. Start with a trailer. Cut off the top of an oval vegetable, scoop out the flesh.
  2. Cut off half of another zucchini to make the driver's cab.
  3. Cover the roof with plasticine.
  4. Fasten all parts of the engine with sharp toothpicks.
  5. Then make wheels from cucumber, carrot.
  6. From plasticine, mold the front grille of a small composition and the horn to the roof.
  7. Make a pipe out of a carrot.

Zucchini house - craft

Any house should have windows, doors, a roof. See how fabulous the houses of round hybrid zucchini look in combination with Christmas tree branches, flowers, cones, mountain ash.

After the examples given, you yourself will be able to create your own crafts from zucchini, not like everyone else.

Video: Easy zucchini crafts