Common myths about bulk perfumery. IFRA standards and their impact on the perfume market The smell of perfume: what is it from a physical point of view

As expected, we began our research with the main thing - with the definition of the concept of "smell".

The smell of perfume: what is it from a physical point of view

Smell is nothing more than molecules of volatile fragrant substances captured by the olfactory receptors of our nose when we inhale.

Perfume, as you know, is a mixture of various fragrant substances that, volatilizing, fall on our olfactory receptors, as a result of which we smell these perfumes.

Another question is how they get there.

In particular, it is not clear how the molecules of a fragrant substance end up in our nose, if we do not specifically inhale them and, moreover, are at some distance from the source of the smell.

The answer to this question lies in the plane of physics.

How to explain the spread of the smell of perfume

On the school lessons physicists explain the process of spreading the smell of perfume to children by such a phenomenon as diffusion.

Diffusion is the process of mutual penetration of molecules of one substance into the free spaces between the molecules of another substance, leading to the equalization of the concentration of both substances in the entire occupied volume.

In the case of perfumes, volatilizing molecules of fragrant substances mix with air molecules, gradually filling the entire room with aroma.

However, everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Without going into detailed mathematical calculations, let's say that with the help of diffusion alone, the smell of perfume at a distance of 4-5 m from the source would spread for about a day.

However, we usually catch it on the other side of the room in less than a minute.

What's the matter?

How to explain such a rapid spread of aroma in the air

To understand this issue, we should pay attention to another physical phenomenon - convection.

Convection is a type of heat exchange between colder and warmer air, resulting in a constant movement of air mass flows. For example, in a room, the air near windows, external walls, and ventilation grilles is colder than in other parts of the room. Therefore, the air in the room is constantly in motion, although we do not see it.

In the context of our topic, this means that diffusing clouds of particles are picked up by migrating air currents and thus quickly spread throughout the room. In open spaces, the same process occurs: the aroma diffuses and spreads by convective air currents until its concentration in the air decreases so much that we cease to recognize it.

And what does this knowledge give us?

According to mathematical calculations, the spread of smell in a room by 4-5 m, taking into account convection, will occur in about 1 minute, which, in principle, is quite close to the data that we would have obtained empirically.

Thus, it is the phenomenon of convection that can explain such a rapid spread of aroma in the air. And it is convection, and not diffusion, as is commonly believed, that plays a major role in this process.

Well, well, now you know why the smell of perfume is felt from a distance.

As you can see, no magic, ordinary physics. What can not be said about - this is where the real miracles are, but that's a completely different story 🙂

To help dispel the cloud of fragrance myths and achieve crystal clarity, we've compiled a list of the most popular misconceptions about perfume.

The variety of perfume products on the market is so great that it has given rise to many myths that are not only passed on by word of mouth, but are also widely replicated by the media. What they don’t write and say about perfumes, colognes, toilet and perfumery waters, as well as their components, such as essential oils. The names alone are misleading to many. So, cologne is considered a product for men, and perfume - for women. Meanwhile, these terms characterize only the concentration of substances and do not correlate with gender.


Misconception: perfume should be stored in the bathroom.
Rebuttal: high humidity and warm air will help the aromatic substances that make up the composition deteriorate faster. This will affect the scent of the perfume. Strictly speaking, the first contact with environment changes the smell. And a perfume never smells exactly the way its creator intended.

Misconception: in order to choose a perfume, you need to splash it on a piece of paper and smell it.
Rebuttal: The smell will sound different on a strip of paper or fabric and on your skin, where it mixes with natural oils. It is impossible to predict how the smell will sound upon contact with the skin, sniffing a piece of paper. Moreover, it will also sound different on the skin of different people.

Application: part 1

Misconception: The best way applying perfume is to make a few clicks in the air and go through the formed fragrant cloud of the smallest particles.
Rebuttal: It is more effective to apply perfume directly to the skin in warm areas such as the neck or chest. This will allow the smell to evaporate evenly throughout the day. The main rule is not to apply too much.

Application: part 2

Misconception: You need to rub perfume into your skin, for example by rubbing your wrists together.
Rebuttal: in this way, mechanical damage to the molecules of aromatic oils in the composition of the perfume occurs, which will allow the smell to evaporate faster. It is better to just leave the perfume on the surface of the skin and let it absorb naturally.

Sex segregation

Misconception: cologne is for men, perfume is for women.
Rebuttal: Perfumes are categorized according to the concentration of aromatic substances. In colognes, it is very weak: only about 3%. AT toilet water it reaches 10%, and in perfumed it fluctuates between 15% and 20%. In perfumes, the concentration of aromatic oils reaches 25%.


Misconception: All perfumes are equally strong.
Rebuttal: the strength of the fragrance depends only on how much essential oils in its composition, and not from the brand or the inscription on the bottle. The strongest scents last longer and require careful application.

Misconception: The higher the saturation, the better the smell.
Rebuttal: high saturation does not always mean good smell. There are substances that will give different flavors in different concentrations. And more doesn't always mean better.


Misconception: in the evening, the fragrance remains the same as it was in the morning when applied to the skin.
Rebuttal: Most perfume products change their scent throughout the day. Such flavors are called non-linear. Non-linearity is most often a sign of high quality perfumery.

Misconception: the more expensive the perfume, the better it is.
Rebuttal: here, as in everything, the highest price does not necessarily imply the most best quality. Sometimes inexpensive products perform much better than designer brands whose cost includes a hefty price to pay for a big name.

Perfume Lambre is far from the only type of product of this company, already known in many countries. Cosmetics Lambre . However, common to every instance of perfumes, creams and decorative cosmetics L "Ambre is the natural basis and the use of modern technological processes in the manufacturing process in combination with traditional recipes. L" Ambre products, with their appearance on the market, aroused unprecedented interest and incredible popularity, which is growing constantly. Today, L "Ambre perfume is not only the highest class products that can satisfy even the most eccentric preferences of the most demanding and spoiled customers, this is a luxurious gift to yourself and your loved one.

Of course, high-quality, natural raw materials Lambre products cannot have a low cost, and in order to make it more affordable as possible more potential customers, the company chooses one of the best options implementation - network marketing, work in which is not only available to everyone, but also makes it possible to build your own beautiful business, the basis of which will be the sale of perfumes.

Today, with respect to multi-level marketing, many respond in completely different ways - either they strongly scold or admire, taking advantage of the many benefits that have become possible thanks to this type of business. However, even now for many girls and boys, women and men, students and housewives, the distribution of cosmetics through a personally built network of clients, partner clients makes it possible to have a steady income. In fact, network marketing, which is offered by L "Ambre, is both income, the level and constancy of which you regulate yourself, and incredibly valuable experience in communicating with people (that's why network marketing is called the business of human relations), and the opportunity to build your own work schedule, selling perfume L "Ambre. For many, this type of business can even become a unique chance, the only possible option earnings, because selling perfume in this way will not require huge investments from you personally.

However, do not delude yourself into thinking that the distribution of cosmetics, which will personally bring you a certain income, will not require any effort at all. Network marketing is a job that should be learned, not ignoring any of the important factors. The most significant benefit of this type of business line is the training that the company kindly provides in order to keep your perfume sales on the rise. Professionals who have achieved excellent results by distributing Lambre perfumes thanks to a personally built network of clients will not only always be happy to share the secrets of their success, but also tell you where a mistake may have been made. And this is a reality, because all members of the multilevel marketing network are interested in your success. Finally, the distribution of L "Ambre cosmetics is also a great opportunity for newly minted consultants to purchase products at an incredible discount of up to 50%.

The best perfume in the company mlm. How to promote any business on the Internet.

I will lay out for you a complete step-by-step script

promotion of any business on the Internet

and on the example of the sale of perfumes in a network company.

We will now look at how online business is done,

without triple conversations, without objections and persuasion

How to choose a network marketing company and

a quality product? How to start building your network:

a team of partners and consumers without calls?

What technical and computer skills are needed

know and in any case use in order to

build a business on a semi-automatic? What subtleties

must be taken into account that your business partners

asked, seeing in you a professional and an expert? How

build a duplication system without wasting time

to help each partner in depth by demonstration

screen on skype?

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The best perfume business all year round. How to promote your business online.

So, you know perfectly well that perfumery uses

Demand 12 months a year, especially during holidays.

So, let's imagine that we found such a company

With good marketing, quality perfumes and

Prices for today's pocket.

The most important thing in business is the database. This is the one

A tool that brings you money. And our

The task is to turn cold contacts into warm ones. For

this, first of all, we are not talking about business

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The best perfume, where to start promoting a business.

First we select the keys, this is the beginning of the beginning

any appearance on the Internet: article, video,

keywords that search engines search for.

Keys. We write out on our subject about

100 pieces. You can choose for google.

And check our prepared list.

We give priority to the domain that is registered

for the first time on the internet. Because the domain

used once - this is a big risk.

Look for a completely clean domain.

Hosting. If you already have a blog, you can

Hang another domain on it, most importantly,

To allow the amount of disk space.

Personally, I have been using it for a long time and not only here

A lot of useful and necessary resources for business,

but the main thing is those. support that always works

promptly, efficiently and solves issues with

individual approach of the user.

So, we make a colorful capture page in 5 minutes,

Let's say beautiful women with perfume, happiness on the face

And we write, for example, “Quality Spanish perfumes with

unimaginable aroma that drives you crazy

surrounding, 46 times cheaper than Letoile, Rive Gauche

and Ile de Beaute!”

Well, you can also put it there to increase the conversion,

a beautiful avatar girl who talks about gifts and

big New Year's discounts for Her and for Him.

Cold to warm contacts occur in letters.

So here you need to be well prepared.

According to marketing laws in the first letters

We don’t talk about business, unless from that resource

Already specifically about this.

So, back to our business example

With perfume. In the first three letters we speak only

About the benefits of these perfumes, their composition, which

Better than a Russian barrel one for all, about how

The fragrance remains for a long time even after a shower, or remains

On clothes with a pleasant train after washing, because

Made on the latest technologies and it's just know-how...

Let's say brazilian shrub oil lambramore de

genuaria, $1000 per 100 ml, produced by natives

at the risk of life, which is why it is so rare and valuable. What

we have the newest and yet not hackneyed fragrances,

who fall in love from the first time, and not because it is

untwisted package, from Chanel which is poured

in the cellars of Lyublino), but the real desire of the company is to

you become their customers forever...

best perfume new smell and long lasting fragrance

The best perfume for women reviews of men. Subtleties of marketing business.

In the fourth letter, we begin to bring a person to that

that perfumery is a very profitable business, judge for yourself,

perfume most best gift for women of all ages

Regardless of the holidays ... Just love is enough) Yes, and

Men always use after shaving a different kind

Perfumes. And this is definitely a regular customer.

Our top leaders, how they changed the life of just something

For a couple of months of simple movements that he teaches you

The team at the weekly meetings in the webinar room.

Then be sure to send it to your subscribers

Broadcasts (a letter to the entire base at once) an invitation, and

You don’t need to conduct webinars yourself, especially since

If you are not strong in the conversational genre.

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The best perfume for women from Europe. Traffic and more traffic.

Traffic. The theme of perfumery, you can and should run

to Yandex direct. Spirits will seek. They are already looking for. All

start with a small amount until you get your hands on it.

For everyone who uses the platform, we have

video course on direct, which you need to study and act.

Videos traffic, first you create a channel, strictly according to perfume,

Like your blog, be sure to include keywords.

Making a simple video, let's say perfume pictures,

With colorful screaming text. And upload the video

To the channel, be sure to write keywords

and tags Full description(fast).

Article or blog post. Writing a unique post

Or retell a similar article in your own words.

We pull out unique pictures from the video, and in

The design of the pictures in the article must be filled

Titles (various similar keys), description, captions

Using keywords. An example is in the picture below.

The best perfume how to fill in the properties of the picture

If this company has a banner, put it up

Above and below the article, but its task is: when a person clicks

on this banner, it should still get into your mailing list.

We insert the video into the article, and the text of the article into the description

below the video. Share this post on all social media. networks

through the buttons on the blog. Don't forget to use

keywords in the description.

For spirits, tumblr groups on google+ will also work well

(perfumes, perfumes, loreal), Live Journal.

Blog sidebar. This is the sidebar of your site.

There should also be banners here, but it is desirable

Bright flashing, maybe with perfume girls

Alluring and bewitching:

subscribe only we make big gifts...

Best perfume trendy fragrances 2017-2018

The best perfume and fragrances. Business promotion in social networks.

Groups in social networks. Let's take Facebook as an example.

(on others the same principle). Create a group with keys

And we share articles directly in groups. In such groups

We collect only those who are interested in this topic

Perfumes and everything related to it. Here is the goal

Appear in Facebook searches for perfumes, perfumes.

Minor blogs. Rewriting in other words

6-10 times our main blog post in order to

Place articles on a blogger (6-10 we have created

Blogs on blogger via gmail). Making an article

Like the main blog. In every post in a keyword

Later, when there will be more of them, then 2-3 links are possible.

The best perfume Be special. Be a star

The best perfume, paid traffic from social networks.

Later, when the main work is done and there is advertising

We select women from 16 to 65 years. Interests - perfume, perfume,

Cosmetics ... and specifically we appear to them with what they love,

with big discounts, breathtaking perfumes better than Letuals

And only today it is 52 times cheaper (usually only 46)

Then, when the money has already gone, you can do the same with Facebook.

And then, when the money is pouring in, we cover everything at once:

Your people write blogs for you, make videos, mess around with a blogger, yule,

Collect subscribers in . A series of letters translates into warm ...

Then the partners - everything according to the created plan.

A few misconceptions about perfume

There is a great variety of products on the market of perfumery products, the myths about which have become commonplace for a simple consumer, moreover, they are widely replicated by the media.

For example, the names: cologne, perfume, perfume / toilet water mislead many. Cologne is considered a masculine product, perfume is used only by women. And no one guesses that these terms are not divided by gender, they only characterize the concentration of substances.

We decided to dispel the cloud of myths by compiling a list of popular misconceptions about perfumery.

  • Choice

In perfume shops, sellers often offer to choose products like this - sprinkle perfume on a strip of paper or a cap and smell it. Only experienced sellers know that on the skin, the fragrance mixes with natural fat, so it is not at all like the smell of perfume on paper. Moreover, on different people perfume/cologne/eau de toilette smell differently

  • Storage

Many housewives believe that perfume should be stored in the bathroom. Experts say that warm air and humidity harm the aromatic substances that make up any perfume composition. The aroma changes its structure after the first contact with the environment.

  • Application

Perfumers oppose two methods of application: scent the air and pass through it; the second - the composition is rubbed into the skin of the wrist. They advise applying a little perfume to the skin in warm places so that the smell evaporates evenly throughout the day.

  • Saturation

Another misconception is that all perfumes have the same strong saturated smells. Rebuttal: the strength of the fragrance depends not only on the amount (concentration) of essential oils, and even more so on the brand, but on the properties of the aromatic compositions themselves.

  • Sex segregation

Misconception: perfume for women, cologne for men, refutes the immutable rule - products are divided into types depending on the concentration of aromatic oils. For example, in toilet water they are 10%, in perfumed water - 15-20%, in colognes - 3%, in perfumes - 20-25%.

  • Aroma
  • Price

Another misconception - the quality of perfume depends on its price. Even the highest price does not guarantee high quality products - the cost of designer brands includes a fee for a big name. Inexpensive products can show themselves from a better side than expensive perfumes.

  • Duration

And the last delusion - perfume smells the same both in the evening and in the morning. Rebuttal - many non-linear perfume products change their sound throughout the day. Non-linearity is a sign of high quality.